Supporters of social Darwinism would most likely agree with which of the following statements?

A. The wealthiest have a duty to care for the less fortunate
B. Socialists principles will lead to economic prosperity
C. Industrialization produced many benefits, but also had problems
D. Wealth is an indicator of a person's character and ability


Answer 1


D. Wealth is an indicator of a person's character and ability


Related Questions

Select the correct answer.

What statement is the best paraphrase of the text?


Camouflage is used by many military forces even today.


Artists developed the use of camouflage in France in 1914.


Artists developed the use of camouflage in response to the need to mask military operations in World War I.


Camouflage was first used in the military during World War I and was developed by an artist in France.



Artists developed the use of camouflage in response to the need to mask military operations in World War I.


Paraphrasing is rewriting an original text in your own words​. It preserves the original structure and meaning of the text.

- 2022 Edmentum

The statement that is the best phrase of the text is that the Artists developed the use of camouflage in response to the need to mask military operations in World War I.

What is camouflage in the military?

Military camouflage is a preventative measure used by the military to safeguard itself. Both the military soldiers and the military vehicle are protected by military camouflage.

It's also employed in the military to conceal, deceive, and mask enemies' presence or location.

As a result, both paragraphs suggest that camouflage is utilized to conceal or protect military troops and military vehicles.

Therefore, option C is correct.

Learn more about the text, refer to:


Due to growing financial problems in the newly formed Soviet Union, Vladimir Lenin decided to:
a. Permit some capitalism and private-ownership
b. Eliminate the need for shopkeepers
c. Limit the amount of grain one could harvest
d. imprison royalists who disagreed with the Bolsheviks


The answer for this is A.

The election of Abraham Lincoln led Southern states to secede because:

They hoped most northern states would secede with them.
They claimed that John Breckinridge had actually won the election
They believed Lincoln would not attempt to stop them.
They viewed Lincoln as a threat to slavery in their states.


Answer:  D

Explanation: i think is D

Why was Acadia's land in such an important position for trading?



Acadia's history as a French-speaking colony stretches as far back as the early 17th century. The French settlers who colonized the land and coexisted alongside Indigenous peoples became called Acadians. Acadia was also the target of numerous wars between the French and the English  


Identify two technologies developed during World War II, and explain how these technologies affected the war's outcome.



Two pieces of technology that stand out in the aviation history of World War II are Radar and Bombsights. Both technologies played a crucial role in the defensive and offensive strategies of all the countries involved.

Radar technology played a significant part in World War II and was of such importance that some historians have claimed that radar helped the Allies win the war more than any other piece of technology, including the atomic bomb.


the bombsights in World War II were implemented to help keep aircraft and crews safer by allowing them to bomb from higher altitudes. Modern guided and smart bombs provide a similar safety through their technology of “finding” a target, instead of just being dropped on one.

What is the Selective Service Act?


Some six weeks after the United States formally entered the First World War, the U.S Congress passes the Selective Service Act on May 18, 1917, giving the U.S. president the power to draft soldiers. ... The act required all men in the U.S. between the ages of 21 and 30 to register for military service.

Nearly every male US citizen and male immigrant between the ages of 18 and 25 must register with Selective Service. It's crucial to understand that a man won't necessarily be drafted into the military even when he has registered.

Why was the Selective Service Act passed?

However, the Selective Service Act was necessary because, after the United States declared war on Germany on April 6, 1917, a large enough number of American men had not enlisted or had not volunteered in sufficient numbers to promptly build, train, and deploy an army.

Congress created the Selective Service Act in order to do this, and Wilson signed it into law on May 18, 1917. All American men between the ages of 21 and 30 were compelled by the statute to register for military duty. In reaction to the military draft, about 10 million men nationwide enrolled within a short period of time.

Learn more about the Selective Service Act here:


The head of the Senate in Georgia is

The Chief Justice.

The Governor.

The Vice-Governor.

The Lieutenant Governor.


the answer:

the governor

WILL GIVE BRAINLY WITHIN 3-5 MINUTES OF ANSWER; pls explain the Berlin Crisis in simple-people terms.


In 1948, the Soviet Union sparked a crisis in the city by cutting off land access between West Germany and West Berlin, necessitating a year-long airlift of supplies to the stranded citizens before the Soviets reopened the passageways

When the reporter describes how fast the car that won the race was traveling, he is describing the __________ of that car.



When the reporter describes how fast the car that won the race was traveling, he is describing the speed of that car.

The car's speed is how fast the car was going.


Hᴇʏᴀᴀᴀ!! ᴍʏ ɴᴀᴍᴇ ɪꜱ ᴘɪɴᴋʏ ᴀɴᴅ ɪ ᴀᴍ ʜᴇʀᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴀɴꜱᴡᴇʀ ʏᴏᴜʀ Qᴜᴇꜱᴛɪᴏɴ!!ʕ ꈍᴥꈍʔ☆


I'm here to inform you that your answer is.....                    (^-^@)

♥*♡∞:。.。 ꜱᴘᴇᴇᴅ!! ♥*♡∞:。.。


                Have an Amazingly Good Evening  (◠‿◠✿)




                                                           (* ^-^)人(^-^ *)

From what influences did the culture of enslaved men and women in
the South draw upon? Do you think this culture was a source of hope
or relief for enslaved people?​



AP.USH: KC‑5.2.I.A (KC), SOC (Theme), Unit 5: Learning Objective F

During the nineteenth century, enslaved African Americans worked on large plantations in the US South under brutal conditions.

Sequestration of witnesses refers to the process of:

a. Keeping witnesses separated from other witnesses during testimony

b. Ensuring witnesses appear in court

c. Confronting witnesses who made allegations

d. Taking a formal statement of a witness​



D. taking a formal statement of a witness


What was an argument against immigration?
O A. Immigrants wanted to send money to their families.
O B. Immigrants took jobs from Americans.
O C. Immigrants supported democracy.
O D. Immigrants would not learn new job skills.



B. Immigrants took jobs from Americans.


The arguments about immigration is typically not about legal immigrants, but rather, about illegal immigrants. Illegal immigrants are forced not to comply with the law, as, if they are found out, will be deported, forcing them to have to accept jobs that are paid less. However, workplaces who do not need a certain skill set may actively seek out illegal immigrants, as they can be paid for less then the minimum wage, as well as allowing work conditions to be more lenient (which typically means under the federal safe levels). This creates a market where jobs that are typically filled out by native born or legal immigrants are taken away, forcing those who are in the country legally to be jobless and have to heavily rely on the government just to survive. Also, illegal immigrants

There are arguments about legal immigrants as well, that go along the same line of taking jobs, though they are much more fewer then illegal immigrants. Also, Illegal immigrants is the second highest group that commit crime, over the legal immigrant group. A. is also an argument, though rarely used, as illegal immigrants tend to send money away from the US, causing a leakage in the ordinary cash flow, leading to less money in the US overall.


B. Immigrants took jobs from Americans.


Just did test. Have a great day!

(PLEASE HELP!! AND NO LINKS OR I WILL REPORT YOU!) Describe the American policy at the beginning of World War I.



As World War I erupts in Europe, President Woodrow Wilson formally proclaims the neutrality of the United States, a position that a vast majority of Americans favored, on August 4, 1914.


Hope this helps you

why did castro wear military clothes


Castro wore military clothing to appear as a revolutionary and not a politic

I hope this helps ^^


hope this helps plz give brainliest!!!


After the war Fidel and Che were both keen on presenting the right image. They were called Barbudos, "the Bearded Ones," given the iconic beards of Castro, Guevara, and Camilo Cienfuegos (who would die shortly after the Revolution). They even named their baseball team after it (that's Fidel and Camilo). They appeared youthful and revolutionary, rather than dressing in suits and shaving their beards to look like every politician in the hemisphere.

The relationship between the Philippines and the US in the late 1930s can best be described by which of the following
A The Philippines was completely independent of the US
B. The Philippines was a colonial holding of the US and completely dependent on it.
The Philippines was autonomous but kept close economic and military ties to the US.
D The Philippines was an occupied territory of the US



I think the D but i I am not sure


Have a great day!

I hope it's help u

Samuel Adams formed a secret organization to protect the rights of the colonists. What was it called?​



Loyal Nine

Explanation: That same year, Adams was elected to the Massachusetts House of Representatives, an office he would hold for nine years. Around that time, he also joined a secretive group of activists called the Loyal Nine, which eventually evolved into a more radical organization called the Sons of Liberty.

Explain Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal.
What did it entail?



The New Deal included new constraints and safeguards on the banking industry and efforts to re-inflate the economy after prices had fallen sharply. ... New Deal programs included both laws passed by Congress as well as presidential executive orders during the first term of the presidency of Franklin D. Roosevelt.


Please help me ..

Place the following events in ancient Greek history in chronological order.

1. Persian Wars

2. Hellenization occurs throughout the Mediterranean World, Southwest Asia and South Asia.

3. Following Philip Ils assassination, Alexander the Great takes over the empire and expands it throughout Eurasia

4. Philip II of Macedon conquers and unites the Greek city-states

5. Peloponnesian War



1. Persian Wars

5. Peloponnesian War

4. Philip II of Macedon conquers and unites the Greek city-states

3. Following Philip Ils assassination, Alexander the Great takes over the empire and expands it throughout Eurasia

2. Hellenization occurs throughout the Mediterranean World, Southwest Asia and South Asia.


what was one result of the neolithic revolution



A transition from hunting and gathering to farming

What were two ways the north and the south differed by the mid 1800s



Differences between the North and the South, economic, social and political structures differed significantly between the two regions, as well as the institution of slavery. In the North, slavery was almost universally prohibited by the 1800s.

1. World War I: What were the reasons for U.S. involvement? ​



Germany sank a unitedstates ship that had American passengers on board. and the Zimmermann telegram.


The Zimmermann Telegram (or Zimmermann Note or Zimmerman Cable) was a secret diplomatic communication issued from the German Foreign Office in January 1917 that proposed a military alliance between Germany and Mexico if the United States entered World War I against Germany.

Why is it more difficult to end de facto segregation than de jure segregation?



Because jure segregation can be prevented with laws, but to prevent the facto segregation it is necessary to modify people's thinking and this is very difficult to achieve.


The jure segregation is the one that defines the segregation of groups due to legislation that determines that these groups should be separated and not be able to frequent the same places or use the same objects. As this segregation is created by law, it can be easily ended, with another law that determines its end.

The facto segregation happens due to the prejudice and the social intolerance between groups of people that present some difference. This type of segregation is very difficult to end, because there needs to be a change in thinking in relation to prejudiced concepts that are very well established and rooted in the population.

Name two (2) critics of the New Deal and what changes they proposed?



Herman Talmadge


I don't know the other one but...

herman Talmadge was a man who strongly opposed civil right as well as the new deal programs. He thought that the new deal programs had no right to decide things about the government. He felt as if it should be up to the state to decide how to run their economy.

I don't know if this was one you were looking for buti hope it helped a little! Sorry I couldn't find the other person though :(.

Please help me out with this question!!

How did many white settlers obtain land under the Dawes Act?

A. Land races, such as the ones in Oklahoma

B. They rented land on credit

C. They needed to agree to build an agricultural college on their land


A.) land races such as the ones in Oklahoma
The letter choice would be S

True or false?
5. Hitler declared war several days later after the attack on Pearl Harbor





False The United States did

How does this Communist Red Guard quote reflect the political repression that Mao’s political opponents faced during the Cultural Revolution? "...Mao Tse-tung's thought is our lifeline. Those who oppose Mao Tse-tung's thought, no matter when they do so and what kind of ‘authorities’ they are, will be publicly declared as ‘evil’ by the entire Party and the whole nation."


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options attached we can say the following.

This Communist Red Guard quote reflects the political repression that Mao’s political opponents faced during the Cultural Revolution in that it clearly expresses the authoritative ways of Communist Chinese leader Mao Zedong. The quote also indicates the reprehension and dictatorial ways of Mao Zedong and his people.

Let's read it again: "Those who oppose Mao Tse-tung's thought, no matter when they do so and what kind of ‘authorities’ they are, will be publicly declared as ‘evil’ by the entire Party and the whole nation."

Mao Zedong was the ultimate dictator and he exerted his power and control all over China.

Let's have in mind that programs like the Chinese Cultural Revolution of the 1960s aimed to eliminate the opposition to Mao Zedong.

When Mao Zedong thought that the leaders of the Communist represented a threat to him, he launched the Cultural Revolution in China. In 1966, Mao called the Young People of the Communist Party to take a stand and actively participate and get rid of the negative elements that "had taken China in the opposite direction" of the Communist ideal. Mao formed paramilitary groups with the young people called the "Red Guards."

Now that the war is over, what do you think will happen to the African Americans who fought for the British?


Answer:  The Revolution had contradictory effects on slavery. The northern states either abolished the institution outright or adopted gradual emancipation schemes. ... The Revolution also inspired African-American resistance against slavery. During the Revolution, thousands of slaves obtained their freedom by running away.


"At which point did the United States “Vietnam policy” fail the worse, prior to sending U.S. troops to Vietnam? Explain and support your answer with reasons."


People who never develop symptoms or are not yet showing symptoms (pre-symptomatic) might not know that they are infected but can still spread rona to others. Masks also offer protection to the wearer.


Explain massive retaliation?


Massive retaliation, also known as a massive response or massive deterrence, is a military doctrine and nuclear strategy in which a state commits itself to retaliate in much greater force in the event of an attack.

Which organization best represents a sole proprietorship? A. A chef who owns and operates a food truck by herself B. A group of volunteers who work at a local food bank C. A software firm that raises funds by selling stock to investors D. A pair of friends who co-own a barbershop they founded​



Retail Trading Activities. Retail activities such as selling of grocery, household goods, merchandise, electric goods, etc. ...

Small Scale Gruh Udhyog. ...

Catering Business. ...

Software Consultancy. ...

Learning Assistance (Tutor) ...

Freelance Writers. ...

Tax and Legal Consultancy. ...

Clinic & Healthcare.


Answer: is d

Explanation doin test

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