Submit the analysis questions after reading "The Boarded Window."
1. Describe the physical setting of the story. Which words or descriptions contribute to the emotional setting
or mood? What is the mood that results from the author's use of description?
2. What is the theme? How do the final lines of the story influence the meaning or theme of the story?
3. What techniques does the author use to create a surprise ending?
4. Were you surprised by the twist? If so, why? If not, what should the author have done to make the ending
more surprising and effective?
5. What was your experience in reading this story? Did it evoke fear or physically have an effect on you? Why
or why not?


Answer 1


wanting to learn more and to know more.

Related Questions

Analyze the theme in the poem. Describe how the theme is developed over the course of the poem. Use examples from the poem to support your answer.
The Road Not Taken
by Robert Frost

And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.


Taste like candy sweet like fruit ooh
In the beginning of the poem, Frost, writes in an melancholy tone. This can be seen in the section where he says “and sorry I could not travel both”. As the poem continues it as if he is glad that he took the road less traveled because it proposed more opportunities and has made a better impact. This can be seen in the following section “I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference”. Overall, I believe that the theme of the poem is change and in this case, for the better.

Hope this helps! :)
You might want to change some stuff though (just a rough draft)

I'll give brainliest. no links... I need to get this done by 12pm today. I beg of u this is on the book "where the red Fern grows"​





European glass factories flourished after the Dark Ages.
adverb clause
adjective clause
adverb phrase
adjective phrase



a ad verb clause is the ans

Question 2(Multiple Choice Worth 5 points)
Read the following sentence
The poor abandoned puppy had a hungry and gaunt look about him.
What does gaunt mean?
Angry and dangerous
O Regal and valiant
Thin and hungry
O Happy and active


Well the definition of gaunt means: thin, lean, and skinny so the correct answer would be thin and hungry.

Answer: d


what is a quote from the book Caroline and the page number



"Coraline went through the door.  She wondered what the empty flat would be like – if that was where the corridor led." (3.35-6)


If you want a different quote please tell me

Which scenario shows an example of situational irony? Portia says she believes Brutus, when really, she thinks he is lying to her. Brutus lies to Portia about his health, knowing that he is fine. The audience knows that Brutus is actually ill even though Brutus does not. Brutus says that he is about to do something that will make him well, but his actions bring about his death.



Brutus says that he is about to do something that will make him well, but his actions bring about his death.


Situational irony is a type of irony when the expected outcome is the opposite of what is said. In other words, situational irony is when what one expects did not happen, or rather the opposite happens.

In William Shakespeare's "The Tragedy of Julius Caesar", the situational irony occurs when Brutus reveals that he is going to do something that will make him well. But the irony is that instead of making things well for him, the actions rather led to his death.

Thus, the correct answer is the last/ fourth option.

Answer: D



In analysis of literature, the literary perspective is based on (blank) and the historical perspective is based on (blank).


1.(style, grammar) 2.(eye witness accounts)

Please help me!!! DO NOT SEND ME LINK!


B because it is the main thing talked about through the text it


It's B


All three paragraphs are talking about how water is not evenly distributed, plus the other answers do not make sense and the paragraphs are not really about those topics.

If you have a singular subject, then you need a
O A. past tense
O B. present tense
O C. singular
O D. plural



B - present tense


PLEASE ANSWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1



the last option


Carrie is a shy or nervous person


The first and the fourth choices.


She was not described directly but from her actions and speech, you can tell she is shy. This is indirect.

Change into following sentences into passive.

a. Angela speaks English.
B. He is feeling a dog.
C. Johan has planted a tree.
D. Anu can speak Chinese. ​



b. Have you ever been bitten by a dog?


The ground rules to change active voice in passive voice are:

The places of subject and object are interchanged.

3rd form of the verb (past participle) is always used as the main verb in the passive voice. This applies to all tenses.

The word 'by' is generally used before the subject.

The given sentence is an example of the present perfect tense. The formula to convert a present perfect tense sentence in passive voice is an object of the active sentence + has/have +been + past participle form of the verb + by + subject of the active sentence.  

Thus, the passive voice for the given sentence - Have you ever been bitten by a dog?

Hence, option B is the correct answer according to the rules.

Can somebody help me please. Just give me an idea. I have to write an original narrative essay it can be fictional or nonfictional. The topic is "Can a person see himself as clearly as other people do". You don't have to write an whole eassay Im just asking for an idea



How about writing a conversation that you may have with your best friend.  Ask the friend questions about you.  There may be surprising things that your friend sees that you never really see about you.


hi, can you please help me with this one? please tell the true answer. thanks!

here is the question:
-How dogs are domesticated​


Here is the answer… Dogs may have become domesticated because of our ancestors had way more meat than they could eat. During the bad ice age, hunter-gatherers may have shared any surplus with wolves, which became their pets. Of corse genetic evidence suggests that dogs split from their wolf ancestors between 27,000 and 40,000 years ago. Hope this helps!

1. The number of foreign-born people living in
the U.S. was lowest in which year?
A 1850

B 1930

C 1970

D 2010
2. The foreign-born population in the U.S. was at
its lowest percentage in which year? A 1850 B 1930 C 1970
D 2010
3. What was the foreign-born population in 1970? A about 3 million C about 10 million B about 5 million D about 14 million

4. Since 1970, the number of foreign-born people
in the U.S. has ___. A increased B decreased gradually C decreased sharply D stayed about the same
5. About which percentage of the U.S. population
was foreign-born in 2017? A 6 percent C 14 percent B 11 percent D 44 percent

Article: America’s Foreign-Born Population




1 . A

2 . A

3. C

4. B

5 C.

anyone who needs an essay wrote for them i can do it if you need.



thanks, you're the best



Could you please write an essay about the history of eggplants? I need it for my AP Algebra class. Thanks :))))

how important is using correct pronoun antecedent agreement in daily conversation



Because it has to do with the gender or things that are being used in a sentence!


Do you think the narrator's relationship with Thelma changed when she
got married and became a mother? Give reasons for your answer.​



we need the story


The story is not there you need to post it

Read this excerpt from Stephen Crane’s The Blue Hote:

The Palace Hotel at Fort Romper was painted a light blue, a shade that is on the legs of a kind of heron, causing the bird to declare its position against any background. The Palace Hotel, then, was always screaming and howling in a way that made the dazzling winter landscape of Nebraska seem only a gray swampish hush.

Which type of narration is represented in this excerpt?
First person
Third person, objective
Third person, limited
Third person, omniscient





The light blue color of the hotel is described in the passage as being the type of light blue that stands out anywhere. Because the hotel stood alone not far from the rest of the smaller more nondescript buildings of the town, it made an even greater impression on the travellers.

The strategic combination of the location of the hotel and the winter scenery would not have been sufficient without the huge added bonuses the hotel's strikingly captivating color scheme.

To negate a sentence means to write it in the negative. (Hint: Look at
the first letters of the word - negate = negative.)
1. Change the following statements into negative sentences. Remember to look at
the tense of the verb.
a) Mary thought she did the right thing.
b) Patrick knew his wife had a violent side to her.
c) The absence of the murder weapon stuns the police.
d) You may ask questions if you like.
e) Sergeant Jones fails to capture the robber.



Mary doesn't think she did the right thing.

Patrick had no clue about the violent side of his wife.

There was a grotesque (disgusting) murder weapon on the floor.

You will not ask questions, whatsoever.

Sergeant Jones failed to capture the robber.


I hope these are correct, and I hope that they help! ^v^

Which one is not the type of essay? *
a. descriptive
b. narrative
c. argumentative
d. balance



D. balance is correct

Balance is not I type of essay

Please research the definition of success: Success is defined by how much you have grown.
Find examples of media that enforce this definition, can be any type of media. Please help.
Please include websites you found it on if any!
I will try to award for a good answer I'm not sure how though - I just need media examples.




Being successful means the achievement of desired visions and planned goals. Furthermore, success can be a certain social status that describes a prosperous person that could also have gained fame for its favorable outcome. The dictionary describes success as the following: “attaining wealth, prosperity and/or fame”

Answer: The definition of successful is accomplishing what you set out to do, or achieving a certain desired status. An example of successful is when you finally finish a puzzle correctly. An example of successful is when you have a great job, a happy marriage and a lot of money. YourDictionary definition and usage example. "Successful.".


"The team had won the championship last year and was determined to win it again."




"Since we bought our new wide-screen television, the prices have dropped






Both are compound sentences

3. When does King become the most emotional? What is his message at this moment?



please give more context.

What important background information does the author want readers to learn from this flashback?


From what flashback? We need more information. It’s most likely the moral or theme of the flashback

"Rather than counterattack, Lincoln feigned
bewilderment that the well-regarded Douglas would so
misstate his positions and so he had been blindsided by
the compliments Judge Douglas had heaped upon him."
(Paragraph 3)

What does feigned mean in the sentence?
1. announced
2. concealed
actics. A
st 21.
Doke, the
es" and
3. disregarded
4. pretended



1. announced


Lincoln feigned

bewilderment that the well-regarded Douglas would so

misstate his positions and so he had been blindsided by

the compliments Judge Douglas had heaped upon him."

feigned can also be an other word for announced

Which phrase describes the point of view in "A Sweetheart of a Deal"?

third-person limited

first-person unlimited

formal and conventional

completely omniscient



formal and conventional


1 point
True or false. When you copy something directly from a source and
include it in your paper, it must have quotation marks around it and also be
cited. *




true. this is true!!!!!!

peter found______ under the bed. which is the appropriate count noun​



Peter found a pen under the bed.

This question has two parts. First, answer Part A. Then, answer question 2 Part B.

Part A

Which sentence from the text uses persuasive language to create an appeal to emotion?

A. More than 100,000 people are currently waiting for an organ transplant to save their lives. (paragraph 1)
B. They wait day after day after day to hear that some unfortunate person has lost their life, but generously agreed to save theirs. (paragraph 1)
C. And the wait list to get them is ever-growing. (paragraph 1)
D. When someone dies, their remains are typically either cremated or put in a casket and buried. (paragraph 3)
Group of answer choices


Answer: B. They wait day after day after day to hear that some unfortunate person has lost their life, but generously agreed to save theirs. (paragraph 1).


Persuasive language aims to appeal to the emotions of people such that they feel a certain type of way about the subject in question.

In this scenario, the above uses persuasive language to get the reader to feel sad and sympathetic for people on the organ transplant waitlist by telling the reader that these people have to wait for other people to die so that they may get to live.

Who is the women dipected in the oval protrait ?( The Oval Protrait)​


The woman depicted in the oval portrait is the wife of a passionate painter who has painted this oval portrait.

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