Stats To quality for a police academy, applicants are given a lest of physical Itness. Ihe scores are normallyDistributed with a mean of 64 and a standard deviation of 9. If only the top 20% of the applicants are selected,Find the cutoff score.


Answer 1

Since we want just the top 20% applicants and the data is normally distributed, we can use a z-score table to check the z-score that gives this percentage.

The z-score table usually shows the percentage for the values below a certain z-score, but since the whole distribution accounts to 100%, we can do the following.

We want a z* such that:


But, to use a value that is in a z-score table, we do the following:

[tex]\begin{gathered} P(zz^*)=1 \\ P(zz^*)=1-0.20=0.80 \end{gathered}[/tex]

So, we want a z-score that give a percentage of 80% for the value below it.

Using the z-score table or a z-score calculator, we can see that:

[tex]\begin{gathered} P(zNow that we have the z-score cutoff, we can convert it to the score cutoff by using:[tex]z=\frac{x-\mu}{\sigma}\Longrightarrow x=z\sigma+\mu[/tex]

Where z is the z-score we have, μ is the mean and σ is the standard deviation, so:

[tex]\begin{gathered} x=0.8416\cdot9+64 \\ x=7.5744.64 \\ x=71.5744\cong72 \end{gathered}[/tex]

so, the cutoff score is approximately 72.

Related Questions

Find the volume for the solid picture. ROUND TO THE NEAREST HUNDREDTH


The given picture is in the shape of the cuboid

The general expression for the voulme of cuboid is : Length x Breadth x Height

In the given picture of cuboid we have :

Length = 9.6 in

Breadth = 6.75 in

Height = 2 in

So, the volume of given picture is :

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{ Volume of Cuboid = Length}\times Breadth\times Height \\ \text{ Volume of Cuboid = 9.6}\times6.75\times2 \\ \text{Volume of Cuboid = }129.6in^3 \end{gathered}[/tex]

To round off to the nearest hunredth : 129.6 will become 129.60

So, the volume of given solid picture is 129.60 in³

Answer : The volume of given solid picture is 129.60 in³

Find the quotient. 1 5 – 2. + 3 1 55+3= 2 (Type a whole number, fraction, or mixed number.)


we have


Convert mixed number to an improper fraction

5 1/2=5+1/2=11/2



convert to mixed number

11/6=6/6+5/6=1+5/6=1 5/6

answer is

11/6 or 1 5/6

8 / 1/3 and 2 / 1/9 what's the generalizations can make about the equations


The generalization about the terms is that one is the cube root of the other

∛(8/9) = 2/3

What is generalizations in mathematics?

Generalization can be viewed as a statement that holds true for a broad category of objects or numbers, as the method by which we arrive at a general statement, or as a means of transferring information from one context to another in the mathematics.

The equation represented as 8 / 1/3 and 2 / 1/9

is made an equated to each other and rearranged as follows

8 / 1/3 ⇔ 2 / 1/9

cross multiplying

8 * 1/9 ⇔ 2 * 1/3

8/9 ⇔ 2/3

the equation only holds true when the cube root sign is there then we have

∛(8/9) = 2/3

Learn more about generalization in math here:


Roses are red, violets are blue. The order of colors, is your clue.
Directions: Solve each
equation. The green
and purple equations
are fractions. Once you
have the answer, find
the number that is on
the colored line, and
put it on the matching
line next to the code.
1.8-(-3.7) =
-7.2 +4.1=-
-1.5 x (-0.2) =
-2/7 ÷ (-1/4) =___/




1.8-(-3.7)= 5.5

-7.2+4.1= -3.1

-1.5*(-0.2)= 0.3

-2/7÷(-1/4)= 8/7

code: 5.5,(-3.1),0.3,8/7

solve the equations. 13x - 6y = 22x= y + 6x=y=


[tex]\begin{gathered} 13x-6y=22\ldots\ldots(1) \\ x=y+6\ldots.\mathrm{\cdot}.(2) \\ \text{Substitute equation (2) into equation (1).} \\ 13(y+6)-6y=22 \\ 13y+78-6y=22 \\ 7y+78=22 \\ 7y=22-78 \\ 7y=-56 \\ y=-8 \\ Now,\text{ from equation (2)} \\ x=-8+6 \\ x=-2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

does the mapping diagram represent a function


It is possible to show the relationship between input and output values using a mapping diagram. If there is only one output value associated with each input value, a mapping diagram illustrates a function.

What is a mapping diagram?A mapping diagram can be used to illustrate the connection between input and output values. A mapping diagram shows a function when each input value has a single related output value.Use the following test to determine whether a relation is a function given a mapping diagram for the relation: The outputs are a function of the inputs if each input has only one line attached to it. Every element of the domain is associated with exactly one element of the range in a function, which is a unique kind of relation. A mapping demonstrates the pairings of the elements. It displays the input and output values of a function, much like a flowchart would. The two parallel columns of a mapping diagram.

As it is given in the description itself, that mapping diagram shows a function when each input value has a single related output value.

Therefore, it is possible to show the relationship between input and output values using a mapping diagram. If there is only one output value associated with each input value, a mapping diagram illustrates a function.

Know more about mapping diagrams here:


Calculate the volume of the composite solid . 2 cm 3 cm 2 cm 4 cm 3 cm 4 cm 8 cm


Notice that the solid consists of an 8x4x4cm rectangular prism minus a 3x4x2cm rectangular prism (the gap shown in the image).

Therefore, the volume of the solid is

[tex]V_{solid}=(8*4*4)-(3*4*2)=128-24=104[/tex]The answer is 104cm^3

Using long division divide y cubed + 0y squared minus 1 by y +4




Given the expression:


Step 1:

Divide the leading term of the dividend by the leading term of the divisor. Multiply the result by the divisor and subtract the final result from the dividend as follows:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{y^3}{y}=y^2 \\ \\ \\ y^2(y+4)=y^3+4y^2 \\ \\ \\ (y^3-1)-(y^3+4y^2)=-4y^2-1 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Step 2: Divide the leading term of the obtained remainder by the leading term of the divisor, multiply it by the divisor, and subtract the remainder from the obtained result:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{-4y^2}{y}=-4y \\ \\ \\ -4y(y+4)=-4y^2-16y \\ \\ \\ (-4y^2-1)-(-4y^2-16y)=16y-1 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Step 3: Divide the leading term of the obtained remainder by the leading term of the divisor, multiply it by the divisor, and subtract the remainder from the obtained result:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{16y}{y}=16 \\ \\ \\ 16(y+4)=16y+64 \\ \\ \\ (16y-1)-(16y+64)=-65 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Since the degree of the remainder is less than the degree of the divisor, we would stop.

Therefore, the answer is:


A circle has a diameter of 300m. What is his circumference using pi?


To find the circumference using π = 3.14, we can proceed as follows:

1. The formula to find the circumference of a circle is:

[tex]C=2\pi r\Rightarrow D=2r\Rightarrow C=D\pi[/tex]

2. That is, given the diameter, we can use it directly into the answer, since twice the value of the radius is the diameter of the circle:


If we find the radius as:

[tex]D=2r\Rightarrow r=\frac{D}{2}=\frac{300m}{2}=150m[/tex]

And If we use the next formula:

[tex]C=2\pi r=2\cdot3.14\cdot150m=942m[/tex]

As we can see, in both cases, we found that the value for the circumference is equal to 942 meters (if we use π = 3.14).

In summary, the circumference of a circle that has a diameter of 300 meters is equal to 942 meters (C = 942m) (using π = 3.14).

2 5 Evan mixed 2 pounds of nuts with 1 pounds of 3 6 7 raisins and 1 pounds of chocolate chips. How many 8 pounds did this mixture weigh? 1 3 24 B. © 6 6 3 6


Give that the nuts weigh 2 whole and a 2/3 pounds, raisins weigh 1 whole and a 5/6 ponds, and the chocolate chips weigh 1 whole 7/8 pounds.

All these ingredients are mixed to obtain the mixture.

Note that this mixture contains the above 3 things in the quantity mentioned. And there is no other stuff in the mixture.

So the weight of the individual ingredients would add up to get the weight of the mixture, therefore the weight of the mixture is calculated as,


Thus, the mixture weigh 6 whole and a 3/8 pounds.

Therefore, option (c) is the correct choice.

Let f(x) = -2x^2– 7 and g(x) = 4x – 7.(fog)(x) =(gof)(x) =(fog)(1) =


Part 1.

The compositon fog is given by

[tex](f\circ g)(x)=-2(4x-7)^2-7[/tex]

which gives

[tex]\begin{gathered} (f\circ g)(x)=-2(16x^2-56x+49)^{}-7 \\ (f\circ g)(x)=-32x^2+112x-98^{}-7 \\ (f\circ g)(x)=-32x^2+112x-105 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Then, the answer is:

[tex](f\circ g)(x)=-32x^2+112x-105[/tex]

Part 2.

The composition gof is given by

[tex](g\circ f)(x)=4(-2x^2-7)-7[/tex]

Then, the answer is:

[tex](g\circ f)(x)=-8x^2-35[/tex]

Part 3.

In this case, we need to substitute x=1 into the answer of Part 1, that is,

[tex]\begin{gathered} (f\circ g)(1)=-32(1)^2+112(1)-105 \\ (f\circ g)(1)=-32^{}+112-105 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the answer is:

[tex](f\circ g)(1)=-25[/tex]

Below, the function f(x) =3x-2 f(x)=3x-2 and the function f(x)= 3x+1f(x)=3x+1 are graphed. Compare and contrast the lines. What is similar about the equations and graphs? What is different?


You have the lines associated to the following functions:

f(x) = 3x - 2

f(x) = 3x + 1

The general equation of a line is given by:

y = mx + b

where m is the slope and b the y-intercept.

By comparing the given functions with the general form, you can notice that the slope of the lines are equal (m = 3) and the y-intercept are different, b=-2 and

b = 1.

Due to the slopes are the same you have two parallel lines.

Taylor wants four different pairs of sneakers, but can only afford to buy three of thepairs? How many sets of three pairs of sneakers can she possibly choose?


We have a set of four pairs of sneakers {A; B; C; D} and want to know how many sub-sets of three pairs of sneakers can be made with this.

To calculate that, we just need to have in mind that, for the first pair which Taylor will choose, there are four possibilities. After Taylor chooses the first pair, will be three possibilities for the second pair. And, for the third pair, we will have only the las two possibilities.

So, to gete the total number of sets of three pairs of sneakers that can be made, we just multiply the three correspondent possibilities for each choose: 4*3*2 = 24

need help with hw I'm stuck


The quadratic formula is:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{\text{ -}b\pm\sqrt[2]{b^2\text{ -4ac}}}{2a} \\ The\text{ }equation\text{ }is: \\ 2x^2+3x\text{ -}5=4 \\ 2x^2+3x\text{ -}5\text{ -4=0} \end{gathered}[/tex]

We need to equal to zero before using the formula.

Noah's mistake was that he stated c=-5 when c= -9

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{\text{ -}b\pm\sqrt{b^2\text{ -4ac}}}{2a} \\ =\frac{-3\pm\sqrt{(\text{ -3\rparen}^2\text{ -4\lparen2\rparen\lparen-9\rparen}}}{2(2)} \\ =\frac{-3\pm\sqrt{9\text{ +72}}}{4} \\ =\frac{-3\pm\sqrt{81}}{4} \\ =\frac{-3\pm9}{4} \\ \\ x1=\frac{-3+9}{4} \\ =\frac{6}{4}=\frac{3}{2}=1.5 \\ \\ x2=\frac{-3-9}{4} \\ =\frac{-12}{4} \\ =\text{ -3} \end{gathered}[/tex]

x = 1.5 or x = -3

2 4/7 divided by 2 3/5
Find the quotient. If possible, rename the quotient as a mixed number or a whole number. Write your answer in simplest form, using only the blanks needed.



1 17/28

Step-by-step explanation:

2 4/7=18/17

2 3/5=8/5

18/17÷8/5=90/56=45/28=1 17/28

The first bar is what percent as long as the second bar?


To find the how much the first bar represents from the second bar, we need to calculate the ratio between them.


To convert this ratio to a percentage, we just need to convert the denominator to 100, and the numerator will be the percentual value. We can convert by multiplying both the numerator and denominator by 20.


The first bar is 40% as long as the second bar.

Can I please get some help on this Graph y=1


the given expression is,

y = 1

the given expression is the equation of the line,

that is passing through y = 1 and parallel to x- axis,

so, the graph will be,

I need some help with this I don’t understand how I would do it can I have some help


from the graph shown in the question,

we could deduce that:

x = -3,

which means x + 3 = y,

we can also deduce that x = 4,

which means that, x - 4 = y

so, the eqaution of the graph could be

y = (x - 2) (x + 3) (x - 4)

since the graph is a cubic graph

therefore the correct option is B

Suppose that f is a one-to-one function, and f^-1 is its inverse. Suppose also that h(x) = 4 and g(x) = x^2 +xsecx. Then which of the following do we NOT know to be true?



The functions are,

h(x) = 4,

g(x) = x²+xsecx

The objective is to find which of the following is not known to be true.

Let's consider option (A).

[tex]\begin{gathered} (f\circ f^{-1}\circ h)(x)=(f(f^{-1})\circ h)(x) \\ =h(x) \\ =4 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Thus, option (A) is true.

Let's consider option (B).

[tex]\begin{gathered} (g\circ h\circ f^{-1})(x)=(g(h(x))f^{-1})(x) \\ =(g(4))f^{-1})(x) \\ =((4^2+4\sec 4)f^{-1})(x) \\ =((16+4\sec 4)f^{-1}(x)) \end{gathered}[/tex]

Since, the obtiaed answe doesn't matches with the given options.

Hence, option (B) is not true.

Question 4 (5 points)
In Brock's class of 24 students, 10 students report that math is their favorite class, 25% of the students report that science is
their favorite, and 1/3 prefer reading.. Show your work and/or explain your answer: Which subject is favored by the greatest
number of students? (5 points)


Mathi is favored by the greatest i.e 10 students, using percentage

What is percentage?

A percentage that represents a tenth of a quantity. One percent, denoted by the symbol 1%, is equal to one-hundredth of something; hence, 100 percent denotes the full thing, and 200 percent designates twice the amount specified. A portion per hundred is what the percentage denotes. Percentage refers to one in a hundred. The % sign is used to denote it.

There are 24 students in Brock's class

10 students say math is their favorite class , 25% say that science is their favorite class and 1/3 prefer reading.

Now you have to find out if more students prefer math or science. Well since the information tells you that 10 students prefer math, you need to find out that 25% of students prefer science and 1/3 prefer reading.

For 1st case, math favorite have 10 students,

For 2nd case, 25% of 24 is 24*25/100



And for 3rd case, who prefer reading is 1/3rd of students which is 24*1/3


So Most students like math.

Hence,  Mathi is favored by the greatest i.e 10 students.

Learn more about Percentage, by the following link.


which of the following number is rationalA


A rational number is any number that can be expressed as a ratio of two integers, in the form p/q.

We can say that root(16) is a rational number:


Hello, I am having difficulty with this problem, thanks. Find the smallest numberFind the largest rational numberFind the smallest irrational number


In order to determine which of them is the smallest number, let's convert each number into a decimal number.


Upon converting, we can easily that the smallest number is the fourth number which is (-5)^-2.

On the other hand, between the 4 numbers, there are only two rational numbers and these are the 3rd and the 4th number. Between the two, the largest rational number is the 3rd number which is √(1/4) equivalent to 0.5.

Lastly, between the 4 numbers, there are only two irrational numbers and these are the first and the second number. Between the two, the smallest irrational number is √3 which is equivalent to 1.73.

23.35 in.43 in.36 in.A.1505 in.2B.142 in.2C. 71 in.2D. 1260 in.2



This parallelogram

The area of a parallelogram =BH

The area of a parallelogram

[tex]\begin{gathered} =35\text{ in }\times36in \\ =1,260in^2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The final answer is the last option

option D

What is the first step to solving the following equation?5x – 11 = 42



add  11 on both sides

Step-by-step explanation:

to solve this, you want x alone on one side. To achieve this, you first add 11 on both sides, so you only have the 5x alone.
Second step then is something to get only one x on the left side ;-)
(divide both sides by 5)


the first step is to get the x term by itself on one side

Liza hired a cleaning service to clean her house. To find C, the total cost of cleaning her house, she used the following formulaC=7.5x +25What is the dependent variable of the formula


The dependent variable of the formula


is x

Identify the points in figure 1 that correspond to the points Q and S . Label them B and D . What is the distance between b and d


what is the distance between P and R?

Step 1

the easiest way to find the distance is by using the grid, just count the division, one division in an unit, so

between P and R, there are six units, so the distance is 6

What is the equation of a circle with center (2,-3) and radius 3?O -A. (x - 2)2 +(y +37- 3B. (x + 2)2 + (y - 3y - 9O C. (x - 2)2 +(y +3j? = 9x 2 2D. (x - 2) - (+31° - 9


The Equation of a Circle

Given a circle of radius r and centered at the point (h, k), the equation of the circle is:


Please, note the value of the coordinates of the center appear with its signs changed.

We have to find the equation of this circle by substituting the values of r = 3 and (h, k) = (2, -3). Substituting:

[tex]\begin{gathered} (x-2)^2+(y+3)^2=3^2 \\ \text{Operating:} \\ (x-2)^2+(y+3)^2=9 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Choice C.

26. Find the perimeter of the polygon.3 ina. 15 inb. 21 inc. 9 in


To find the perimeter of the regular polygon, that in this case is a pentagon, multiply 5 by the sidelength of the pentagon, it means 5 times 3.

[tex]\begin{gathered} P=5\cdot3 \\ P=15 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The perimeter of the polygon is 15in

The perimeter of a square is (4x - 44). What is the length of each side?


The perimeter of square is given as,


Let length of side is denoted as S.

The formula for the perimeter of square is,

[tex]P=4\times S[/tex]

To calculate the side of square , substitute the value of perimeter in the above formula.

[tex](4x-44)=4\times S\text{.}[/tex]

Solving the equation we get,

[tex]4(x-11)=4\times S\text{.}[/tex][tex](x-11)=S.[/tex]

The length of the square obtained is ,


I need to know the system of equation in the photo



The graph has a solution (4,-1);

That is, the system of equation must satisfy x=4 as y=-1.

LINE 1 has its y-intercept;

[tex]\begin{gathered} (0,1) \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

LINE 2 has its y-intercept as;

[tex](0,-5)[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} x+2y=2 \\ 2y=-x+2 \\ y=-\frac{1}{2}x+\frac{2}{2} \\ y=-\frac{1}{2}x+1 \\ \\ x-y=5 \\ y=x-5 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Thus, the system of equation that satisfy the graph is;

[tex]\begin{gathered} x-y=5 \\ x+2y=2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

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