Start at the origin, shift up 3 units


Answer 1
The answer would be (0, 3) or 0 x-axis and 3 y-axis. The origin is the middle of the graph or the 0 so if you go up it will be (0, 3) and since the x-axis goes first in a perpendicular line

Related Questions

What is the radius and center for 2+4+4+2=43?



im sorry

i still dont know the answer tho

Please help!! Math

What is the missing value of the missing angle?

A. 43*
B. 133*
C. 90*
D. 47*


The answer will be D 47

Click here What is the average rate of change for this exponential function for the interval from x=2 to x = 4? 15 10 -5 5 10 O A. -6 > O B. 12 O c. 6 O D.-12



c. 6

Step-by-step explanation:


See attachment for graph


Average rate of change

This is calculated as:

[tex]Rate = \frac{f(b) - f(a)}{b - a}[/tex]


[tex](a,b) = (2,4)[/tex]

So, we have:

[tex]Rate = \frac{f(4) - f(2)}{4 - 2}[/tex]

[tex]Rate = \frac{f(4) - f(2)}{2}[/tex]

Using the attached graph, we have:

[tex]f(2) = 4[/tex]

[tex]f(4) = 16[/tex]

So, we have:

[tex]Rate = \frac{16- 4}{2}[/tex]

[tex]Rate = \frac{12}{2}[/tex]

[tex]Rate = 6[/tex]

A nickel and a quarter are tossed once. What is the probability that both lands on tails? show work




Step-by-step explanation:

1/2 x 1/2 = 1/4

Solve for X.Enter the solutions from least to greatest.
Round to two decimal places.
(x + 7)^2– 11 = 0
lesser x =
greater x =



lesser x= -10.32

greater x= -3.68

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex] - 7 + \sqrt{11} = - 3.68[/tex]

[tex] - 7 - \sqrt{11} = - 10.32[/tex]


Lesser x: -10.31 Greater X:-3.68

Step-by-step explanation:

What are the answers?​



20.5 , 30.4 , 5.3

Step-by-step explanation:


sinθ = opposite / hypotenuse

cosθ = adjacent / hypotenuse

tanθ = opposite / adjacent

10. tan64° = 42 / x ; x = 42 / tan64° ; x = 20.48476872

12. sin54° = BD / 20 ; BD = 20 * sin54° ; BD = 16.18033989 ;

     tan28° = BD / DC ; DC = BD / tan28° ; DC = 30.43079344

13. tan51° = JL / 14 ; JL = 14 * tan51° ; JL = 17.28856019 ;

     cos72° = KL / JL ; KL = JL * cos72° ; KL = 5.342458907

In the diagram below of triangle PQR, S is the midpoint of PR and T is the
midpoint of QR. If ST = -32 + 9x, and PQ = -53 +28, what is the measure
of ST?

Answer: ST=?



ST = 4

Step-by-step explanation:

A segment joining the midpoints of 2 sides of a triangle is half the length of the third side.

ST = [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex] PQ substitute values

- 32 + 9x = [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex] (- 5x + 28) ← multiply both sides by 2 to clear the fraction

- 64 + 18x = - 5x + 28 (add 5x to both sides )

- 64 + 23x = 28 ( add 64 to both sides )

23x = 92 ( divide both sides by 23 )

x = 4


ST = - 32 + 9x = - 32 + 9(4) = - 32 + 36 = 4

Julio is ordering books from BestBooks for his reading club. The table shows Julio's total cost of the book order, Including the shipping fee for each order.



Shipping Fee = $ 6

Step-by-step explanation:

The complete question and the table is as follows :

Given - Julio is ordering books from Best Books for his reading club. The table shows Julio's total cost of the book order, Including the shipping fee for each order. Best Books charges the same shipping fee for every book order.

To find - How much is the shipping fee?

Proof -

We know that,

Total Cost = (Number of books buy)(Cost of 1 book) + Shipping Fee

Let us Assume that,

Cost of 1 book = x

Shipping Fee = y


From the table, we get

21 = 5x + y               ..........(1)

36 = 10x + y              ..........(2)

51 = 15x + y               ..........(3)

66 = 20x + y             ..........(4)

From equation (1), we get

y = 21 - 5x

Put the value of y in equation (2), we get

36 = 10x + 21 - 5x

⇒36 = 5x + 21

⇒5x = 36 - 21

⇒5x = 15

⇒x = [tex]\frac{15}{5}[/tex] = 3

∴ we get

x = 3

Put the value of x , we get

y = 21 - 5(3)

  = 21 - 15

  = 6

⇒y = 6

SO, we get

x = 3

y = 6

Verify the 4 Equations :

21 = 5x + y               ..........(1)

21 = 5(3) + 6

    = 15 + 6

    = 21

⇒21 = 21


36 = 10x + y              ..........(2)

36 = 10(3) + 6

     = 30 + 6

     = 36

⇒36 = 36


51 = 15x + y               ..........(3)

51 = 15(3) + 6

    = 45 + 6

    = 51

⇒51 = 51


66 = 20x + y             ..........(4)

66 = 20(3) + 6

     = 60 + 6

     = 66

⇒66 = 66


So, we get

Cost of 1 book = x = $ 3

Shipping Fee = y = $ 6

Pleaseeeee need this quickly
50 points!


its CL i think im very sorry if im wrong

Hows your day doing this is not a thing for math but just wandering


it’s going bad honestly I’m having a headache with all this work and Brainly isn’t even helping lol but I’m fine :D how’s yours ?
It could be better:/

What's the output of a system modeled by the function ƒ(x) = x5 – x4 + 9 at x = 2?




if x=2,. f(2)= 2⁵-2⁴+9



f(2) =25

How many more barrels of gasoline then diesel were produced last year




Step-by-step explanation:

A salesperson at a furniture store earns a 3% commission on all sales. How much commission does the salesperson earn on a $1400 sale? A) $21 B) $42 C) $420 D) $1,420




Step-by-step explanation:

Write an expression without brackets that is equivalent to (2x)2



[tex]4 {x}^{2} [/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:


[tex] {(ax)}^{2} = a \times a \times x \times x[/tex]


[tex] {(2x)}^{2} [/tex]

= 2×2×x×x

[tex] = 4 {x}^{2} (ans)(without \: brackets)[/tex]

I think ???
But (2✖️)2 is no an expression because can’t calculator

Struggling with this one. Help please.


Answer: [tex]-\frac{3}{5}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Since x is 3 and y is -5



Step-by-step explanation:

What is a decimal that is equivalent to the fraction 82/100​




Step-by-step explanation:

100 has 2 zeros so you move the decimal 2 places to the left.






Step-by-step explanation:

Decimals are out of 100, this fraction, 82/100, is also out of one hundred; this makes the question much easier to solve.  Just take the numerator and put it as a decimal, so in this case, the numerator is 82. We take that numerator and make it a decimal: 0.82.

solve for x if 2(1+3x) =3​



x is 5

Step-by-step explanation:

The graph shows the number of books Rahul read, y, compared with the number of books Maggie read, x, over the summer.
Which equation represents the relationship between the number of books read by Rahul and Maggie?

A. y=x+2

B. y=x+1

C. y=3x

D. y=2x



D. y=2x(4×2)

Step-by-step explanation:

y=8 and x=4 and they are asking about the books that Maggie read how they the books re equal to the ones Rahul read. so y will be equal to x times 2 which is also x+x.

Hope I helped!

Helppp me quick !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Look at explanation

Step-by-step explanation:

For a) It is TRUE

For b) it is TRUE

For c) it is FALSE

Hope this helps!! :)


okay, the answer to this question is listed below;

for a it says that half pupils choose maths.

And as you can see the results in the circle that it is true.

for the question c it says most pupils choose science that PE, as you can see the the circle that PE is a little more than science, so this Answer is false






First option is correct



Model B. 3/8 = 0.375 = 37.5%


Model A is 2/6 = 0.33333 = 33%
Model C is 2/5 = 0.4 = 40%
Model D is 3/7 = 0.42857…= 42.9%

The table displays the amount of money Stephen has in his piggy bank.
Stephen's Piggy Bank
Types of Coins Amount ($)
Quarters 7.50
Dimes 6.00
Nickels 5.50
Pennies 3.00
Which answer choice does NOT accurately approximate a comparison between the value of
the dimes in the piggy bank and the total value of Stephen’s coins?

A. 6%
B. 3/11
D. 27%



A.6% Is the correct answer...

#:Carry on Learning... ^_^


A. 6%

Step-by-step explanation:

The is no step by step explanation sadly

Review the graph of function g(x).
For which value of a does lim g(x) not exist?
0 0



0-6 de correct answer okay.

At x→ -3 the value of the limit of function g(x) does not exist because the left-hand limit and right-hand limit are not equal an option second is correct.

What is the limit?

A limit is a value at which a function approaches the output for the given values in mathematics. Limits are used to determine integrals, derivatives, and continuity in calculus and mathematics.

We have a graph of function g(x)

[tex]\rm \lim_{x \to a}g(x)[/tex]

Let's check at x = -3

Finding the left-hand limit and right-hand limit.

[tex]\rm \lim_{x \to -3^{-1}}g(x) = -2[/tex]

[tex]\rm \lim_{x \to -3^{+1}}g(x) = -4[/tex]

Since the left-hand limit and right-hand limit are not equal then at x = -3 the limit does not exist.

Thus, at x→ -3 the value of the limit of function g(x) does not exist because the left-hand limit and right-hand limit are not equal an option second is correct.

Learn more about the limit here:


Can someone help me find x




Step-by-step explanation:

4x-12 = 108

4x = 120


4(30)-12 = 108 (Just to check)

120-12 =108


In 2016, there were approximately 4.46 x 10 people in Asia. On average, a person takes
8.4 x 10 breaths per year. Using this data, what was the number of breaths of all the people
in Asia in 2016? Expressing your answer in scientific notation in the form a < 10', what are
the values of a and b?



The answer for A is A- 3.75

And the answer for B is B- 16

if the sum of any two number is 20 and difference is 10 find the numbers​


"The sum of two numbers is 20" can be translated mathematically into the equation:

x + y = 20.

"... and their difference is 10" can be translated mathematically as:

x - y = 10

We can now find the two unknown numbers, x and y, because we now have a system of two equations in two unknowns, x and y. We'll use the Addition-Subtraction Method, also know as the Elimination Method, to solve this system of equations for x and y by first eliminating one of the variables, y, by adding the second equation to the first equation to get a third equation in just one unknown, x, as follows:

Adding the two equations will eliminate the variable y:

x + y = 20

x - y = 10


2x + 0 = 30

2x = 30

(2x)/2 = 30/2

(2/2)x = 15

(1)x = 15

x = 15

Now, substitute x = 15 back into one of the two original equations. Let's use the equation showing the sum of x and y as follows (Note: We could have used the other equation instead):

x + y = 20

15 + y = 20

15 - 15 + y = 20 - 15

0 + y = 5

y = 5


In order for x = 15 and y = 5 to be the solution to our original system of two linear equations in two unknowns, x and y, this pair of numbers must satisfy BOTH equations as follows:

x + y = 20 x - y = 10

15 + 5 = 20 15 - 5 = 10

20 = 20 10 = 10

Therefore, x = 15 and y = 5 is indeed the solution to our original system of two linear equations in two unknowns, x and y, and the product of the two numbers x = 15 and y = 5 is:

xy = 15(5)

xy = 75

Write a definition of area that includes all the information
that you think is important.



In geometry, the area can be defined as the space occupied by a flat shape or the surface of an object. The area of a figure is the number of unit squares that cover the surface of a closed figure. Area is measured in square units such as square centimteres, square feet, square inches, etc.

surface area and volume word problem above show work pls



Whereas the basic formula for the area of a rectangular shape is length × width, the basic formula for volume is length × width × height.

Step-by-step explanation:


SA = 2(Area of Trapezoid) + 2(Area of Rectangle) + Area of Base + Area of Top

SA = 2 ( 10cm + 6cm)(7cm) + 2(16cm x 8cm) + (16cm x 10cm) + (16cm x 8cm)


SA = 112 cm2 + 256 cm2 + 160 cm2 + 128 cm2

SA = 656 cm2 wrapping paper you need

Please answer this question needed ASAP !!


Angle F should be 46 degrees

Over the past year, the vice president of human resources at a large medical center conducted a series of three-month workshops aimed at increasing worker motivation and performance. As a check of effectiveness, she selected 7 employees from the personnel files and recorded their most recent annual performance ratings along with the ratings attained prior to attending the workshops. At a 5% level of significance, before after. is there evidence that the workshops increased performance ratings?
Take the differences =
Before After
72 59
74 72
62 89
74 67
78 81
88 92
71 81
Take the differences before-after. Order the data smallest to largest, ignoring the negative signs. Rank the data from 1 to 7
Observation 5 had the values Before = 81 and After 78. What is the difference before - after of these values?
What rank will observation 5 receive?
Add up all the ranks that have a negative difference, T . What is the value of T?
Add up all the ranks that have a positive difference,, T+. What is the value of T+?
What is the test statistic, T?



Kindly check explanation

Step-by-step explanation:

Given the data:

Before _After_ diff ___rank

72 ______ 59 __13 __ 2

74 _______ 72 _ 2 __ 7

62 _____ 89 __ - 27 _ 1

74 _______ 67 __ 7 __4

78 ______ 81 __ - 3 __ 6

88 ______ 92 __ - 4 __5

71 _______ 81 __ - 10 __3

Ranking the data:

27, 13, 10, 7, 4, 3, 2

Observation 5 :

Before = 78 ; After = 81

Difference ; 78 - 81 - 3

Observation 5 = Rank 6

Ranks with negative difference, T = 6 + 5 + 3 + 1 = 12

Ranks with negative difference T+ = (2 + 7 + 4) = 13

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