Stacy made a square tablecloth with a side length of 3.5 feet. She put lace along each side of the tablecloth.How much lace did Stacy need for the tablecloth?


Answer 1

The side of the square is 3.5 feet

The perimeter is


Stacy need 14 feet lace

Related Questions

-121+17:[(93:3+3):2]x50=? 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)


I couldn’t understand the 1) 2) 3) in your question

Hope this helped
Thank you

2. Calculate the distance MI for the length of the zipline cable. 3. Calculate the angle at which our zipliners will be descending toward the island . Safety regulations state that the angle at which a zipline cable meets the launching point cannot be smaller than 68 degrees . Please determine if we are in compliance with these regulations



[tex]\begin{gathered} AI)\text{ 400 ft} \\ MI)412.31\text{ f} \\ \text{angle = 76} \end{gathered}[/tex]


Step 1


we have a rigth triangle



[tex]\begin{gathered} AB=side1 \\ AI=side\text{ 2} \\ IB=\text{ hypotenuse} \end{gathered}[/tex]

we can use the pythagorean Thoerem to find the missing vale


[tex]\begin{gathered} (AB)^2+(AI)^2=(BI)^2 \\ \text{replace} \\ 300^2+(AI)^2=500^2 \\ so \\ (AI)^2=500^2-300^2 \\ AI=\sqrt[]{500^2-300^2}=\sqrt[]{160000}=400 \\ AI=400 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Step 2



[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{angle}=x \\ \text{opposite side=100 m} \\ \text{adjacent side=400 m} \end{gathered}[/tex]

so, we need a function that relates those 3 values

[tex]\tan \theta=\frac{opposite\text{ side}}{\text{adjacent side}}[/tex]


[tex]\begin{gathered} \tan \theta=\frac{opposite\text{ side}}{\text{adjacent side}} \\ \tan x=\frac{400}{100} \\ \tan x=4 \\ \text{hence} \\ x=\tan ^{-1}(4) \\ x=75.96 \\ \text{rounded} \\ x=76\text{ \degree} \end{gathered}[/tex]

As 76 is greater than 68, the zipline cable compliance with these regulations.

Also, the hypotenuse (zipline ) is

[tex]\begin{gathered} (MI)^2=(AI)^2+(AM)^2 \\ \text{replace} \\ (MI)^2=(400)^2+(100)^2 \\ (MI)^2=170000 \\ MI=\sqrt[]{17000} \\ MI=412.31\text{ ft} \end{gathered}[/tex]

I hope this helps you

A small town has two local high schools. High School A currently has 900 students and is projected to grow by 50 students each year. High School B currently has 500 students and is projected to grow by 100 students each year. Let AA represent the number of students in High School A in tt years, and let BB represent the number of students in High School B after tt years. Graph each function and determine which high school is projected to have more students in 4 years.



Red line: function A(t)

Blue line: function B(t)

High school A is projected to have more students in 4 years.


We have,

• A: number of students in school A after t years


• B: number of students in school B after t years

School A is projected to have 50 more students each year, while school B is projected to have 100 more students each year. Thus, both functions are linear.

High school A starts with 900 students and each year it will have 50 more,


On the other hand, high school B starts with 500 students and each year will have 100 more,


In 4 years each school will have,


The graphs of each function are lines. The graph of A is a line passing through points (0, 900) - which is the y-intercept, and (4, 1100).

The graph of B is a line passing through points (0, 500) and (4, 900).

From these calculations and from the graph, we can see that function A has a higher value than function B at t = 4. Hence High School A is projected to have more students in 4 years.

Rounding in the calculation of monthly interest rates is discouraged. Such rounding can lead to answers different from those presented here. For long-term loans, the differences may be pronounced. Assume that you take out a $3000 loan for 30 months at 9% APR. How much of the first month's payment is interest? (Round your answer to the nearest cent.)


Given parameters:

[tex]\begin{gathered} P=Loan\text{ amount=\$3000} \\ r=rate\text{ intersest per period=9\%=}\frac{9}{100\times12}=\frac{0.09}{12}=0.0075 \\ n=n\nu mber\text{ of payments=30 months} \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

We can now apply the formula below to calculate the payment amount per period


[tex]\begin{gathered} A=3000\times\frac{0.0075(1+0.0075)^{30}}{(1+0.0075)^{30}-1} \\ \\ A=3000\times\frac{0.0075(1.25127)}{(1.25127)-1}=\frac{28.1536}{0.25127}=112.05 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Thus his monthly payment will be $112.05

But since we have to get the interest on the first month's pay,

The interest is

[tex]r\times P=0.0075\times3000=\text{ \$22.5}[/tex]

Thus, $22.50 is the interest on the first month's payment

Yurly and his brother Anduray are each mailing a birthday gift to a friend. Yuriy's package weighs one lesspound than three times the weight of Anduray's package. The combined weight of both packages is 7pounds.Part 3: Yuriy and Anduray each graph the system that represents this situation. Who is correct? Explain why.




Explanations:[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{Let the weight of Yuriy's package be w}_y \\ \text{Let the weight of Anduray's package be w}_a \end{gathered}[/tex]

Yuriy's package weighs one less pound than three times the weight of Anduray's package.


The combined weight of both packages is 7 pounds

[tex]w_y+\text{ }w_a=\text{ 7}[/tex]

The graph representing the two equations is:

Solve for r and s. 2r + 6s =6 and 6r +2s =2 what kid of line are they



r = 0, s = 1

The lines are neither parallel nor perpendicular


The given equations are:

2r + 6s = 6........(1)

6r + 2s = 2........(2)

Multiply equation (1) by 3

6r + 18s = 18........(3)

Subtract equation (2) from equation (3)

16s = 16

s = 16/16

s = 1

Substitute s = 1 into equation (2)

6r + 2(1) = 2

6r + 2 = 2

6r = 2 - 2

6r = 0

r = 0/6

r = 0

Make r the subject of the formula in equation (1)

2r = -6s + 6

r = -3s + 6

The slope of the line represented by equation (1) = -3

Make r the subject of the formula in equation (2)

6r = -2s + 2

r = (-2/6)s + (2/6)

r = (-1/3)s + 1/3

The slope of the line represented by equation (2) = -1/3

As seen above, the slope are not equal and are not negative inverses of each other. therefore, the lines are neither parallel nor perpendicular

Write an expression to represent the perimeter of the figure below: ​p=




Step-by-step explanation:

Using the formula for the perimeter of a rectangle,

[tex]P=2(x+4+2x-8) \\ \\ =2(3x-4) \\ \\ =6x-8[/tex]

Use the protractor to find the measure of ABC. Then classify the angle.


We are asked to find the measure of angle ABC and classify the angle.

As you can see from the figure, vertex A is at 30° and vertex C is at 155°

So, the angle ABC is

[tex]\angle ABC=155\degree-30\degree=125\degree[/tex]

So, the angle ABC is 125°

Now recall that an obtuse angle is greater than 90° and less than 180°

Since 125° is between 90° and 180°, therefore, the angle ABC is an obtuse angle.

[tex]m\angle ABC=125\degree,\quad obtuse[/tex]

how to solve this problem



x -----> number of students that preferred vanilla cupcakes

y ----> number of students that preferred chocolate

we know that

x+y=750 -----> equation A



x=(2/5)y ------> equation B

substitute equation B in equation A


solve for y




find the value of x




the answer is 214 students preferred vanilla cupcakes

A line has a slope of 2/3 and contains point A(-6,-4) and point B (a, 2) what is the value of a?


From the point-slope formula, we have:


where m is the slope, (x_0,y_0) are known points.

In this case, we have the slope and two points, we can substitute in the formula to get:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{if:} \\ (x,y)=(-6,-4) \\ \text{and} \\ (x_0,y_0)=(a,2) \\ \Rightarrow-4-2=\frac{2}{3}(-6-a) \\ \Rightarrow-6=-\frac{2\cdot6}{3}-\frac{2}{3}a \\ \Rightarrow-6=-4-\frac{2}{3}a \\ \Rightarrow-6+4=-\frac{2}{3}a \\ \Rightarrow-2=-\frac{2}{3}a\Rightarrow a=-\frac{2}{-\frac{2}{3}}=\frac{3\cdot2}{2}=\frac{6}{2}=3 \\ a=3 \end{gathered}[/tex]

therefore, a=3

Note: you can also find a if you use the slope formula.

Student Beyonce You decide to buy a Super Size Hamburger Combo at the Burger Princess for 5.95. much change would you receive from 10.00. division Subtraction multiplication addition


Answer: 4.05

Just subtract 10.00 by 5.95 to get 4.05

hope this helps :)

Interior angle sum of a polygon: Find all the variables


We can see that angle d is the supplement of 97°. So d = 180°-97°= 83°

We can see that angle c and 97° are corresponding. So c=97°

If we see the triangle we can deduce that it is isosceles. So, the angles of the triangle would be (26°, 77°, 77°)( Since the sum of all angles must be equal to 180° and two angles must be equal)

The angle a is the supplement of angle 77°, so a= 180°- 77° = 103°.

The angle b is the supplement of angle 77°, so b= 180°- 77° = 103°.

Finally, we can find the angle e formulating the following equation:

540° - a - b - c- d = e (Since the sum of the angles of a pentagon must be equal to 540°)

540° - 103° - 103° - 97° - 83° = e (Replacing)

154° = e (Subtracting)

Suzy was reading Aniya's math notebook. Aniya wrote forty-six thousand three hundredfifteen > 46, 350. Suzy replied, "I think there is an errorExplain why Suzy said this using numbers, words, or another method to representyour thinking


it is an error because the number is


b. expanded form

[tex]\begin{gathered} 40,000+ \\ 6,000 \\ 300 \\ 50 \\ 0 \\ ------ \\ 46,350 \end{gathered}[/tex]

c. 46,350 to the nearest thousand


use the diagrams to answer the following questions Number 7


To solve this we going to need the Tangent-Secant Interior Angle Theorem

Works in the following way

Using that formula we get

[tex]\begin{gathered} \beta=\frac{x}{2} \\ \\ 2\beta=x \\ \\ x=2*35\degree \\ x=70\degree \end{gathered}[/tex]

Answer: x=70°

-2v + 9 = 25 what is it?


-2v + 9 = 25





Find the center and the radius of the circle whose equation is x^2+y^2+8x-10y-23=0


Finding the equation of the standard form:

[tex]\begin{gathered} x^2+y^2+8x-10y-23=0 \\ x^2+y^2+8x-10y=23 \\ x^2+8x+16+y^2-10y+25=23+16+25 \\ \\ \\ (x+4)^2+(y-5)^2=64 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Based on the image, h = -4, k = 5 and r = 8, then...


Center: ( -4, 5)

Radius: 8

Answer:the center would be (-4 -5)

Hope this helps

The points U, V, W and X all lie on the same line segment, in that order, such that the ratio of UV : VW:W X is equal to 1:3 : 4. If U X = 8, find VX.


The points U, V, W and X all lie on the same line segment, in that order, such that the ratio of UV : VW:W X is equal to 1:3 : 4. If U X = 8, find VX.​

In this problem we have that

UV+VW+WX=UX -----> by addition segment postulate

we have

UX=8 units


UV+VW+WX=8 -------> equation A

UV/VW=1/3 ------> equation B

UV/WX=1/4 -----> equation C

Solve the system of equations

In equation B isolate the variable VW



VW=3UV -------> equation D

In equation C isolate the variable WX


WX=4UV ------> equation E

Substitute equation D and equation E in equation A


solve for UV



Find VW


VW=3(1)=3 units



WX=4(1)=4 units

Find out the value of VX

we have that



VX=3+4=7 units



A coordinate map of the local grocery store is shown below. ice cream is located at the point (-8,0) sprinkles. are located at the point (-8,6)


The points (-8,0) & (-8,6)

To find the distance between then

Apply the distance formulae for coordinates:

[tex]\text{ Distance=}\sqrt[]{(y_2-y_1)^2+(x_2-x_1)^2}[/tex]

Substitute the coordinates:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{ Distance=}\sqrt[]{(y_2-y_1)^2+(x_2-x_1)^2} \\ \text{ Distance=}\sqrt[]{(6-0)^2+(-8-(-8))^2} \\ \text{ Distance=}\sqrt[]{6^2+0} \\ \text{Distance =6 units} \end{gathered}[/tex]

So, Icecream is 6 units away from the sprinkles

Answer : 6 unit

Suppose 225 trout are seeded into a lake. Absent constraint, their population will grow by 25% a year. If the lake can sustain a maximum of 3500 trout, use a logistic growth model to estimate the number of trout after 5 years. trout


It is known that the population growth model is given by:


Initial population is 225 so P0=225 so it follows:


Each year the population will increase by 25% so it follows:

[tex]\begin{gathered} P_0+0.25P_0=225e^k \\ e^k=\frac{5}{4} \\ k\ln e=\ln (\frac{5}{4}) \\ k\approx0.2231 \end{gathered}[/tex]

So the population function is:


The population in 5 years is given by:


Hence the population of trout will be 686.4960025 after 5 years which can be rounded to 687.

801/4 is 5% of what number


5% could be express as 0.05

a number coul be express as x



solving for a number (x)



Help me question 20 please find the domain and range


[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{Domain: (-}\infty,\infty) \\ \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\text{Range: \lbrack}8,\infty)[/tex][tex]undefined[/tex]

In the coordinate plane the vertices of angle RST are R(6,-1) S(1,-4) and T(-5,6). Prove that angle RST is a right triangle. State the coordinates of point P such that quadrilateral RSTP is a rectangle. Prove that your quadrilateral RSTP is a rectangle.


We are given coordinates of three points RST and are asked to prove that it forms a Right Triangle.

We kn

write the number 9,700,000 in scientific notation




All numbers in scientific notation or standard form are written in the form


where a is a number between 1 and 10, and b is a integer positive or negative

Step 1

Move the decimal 6 times to left in the number so that the resulting number, a= 9.7, is greater than or equal to 1 but less than 10


Write a rule for the nth term of the geometric sequence given a_7=58, a_11=94


We are told the sequence is arithmetic. This means that the difference between one therm and the next is a constant.

We are also given two terms of the sequence. Let's see what their difference is


This means that, in general


With this, we can deduce that the difference between any two cnsecutive terms will be 9, for example




Now we should find the first term of the sequence, a₀, in order to find the rule for the nth term.


In general, the rule for the nth term of an arithmetic sequence is given by


where d is the difference between two consecutive term. In this case we have

[tex]a_n=-5+9\cdot n[/tex]

with n=0,1,2,....

What is the measure in degrees of an angle that is
54/ 360
of a turn through a circle?


The measure of the angle through a circle will be 54°.

We are given that:

The measure in degrees of an angle = 54 / 360 of a turn through a circle.

This means that:

An arc should be proportional to the angle.

The circle have the angle as 360 degrees.

So, the angle will become:

54 / 360 × 360° = 54°

Therefore, we get that, the measure of the angle through a circle will be 54°.

Learn more about circle here:


Can you please help me out with a question


We have the following diagram

We are told that the arc NOL has an angle measure of 300°. Recall that the angle measure of the whole circle is 360°. Since the whole circle is the sum of the measures of arcs LMN and NOL we have that the measure of the arc LMN is


By subtracting 300 on both sides, we get


so arc LMN has a measure of 60°. However, note that measure of the arc LMN is the sum of the measures of arcs LM and MN. So


Now, note since lines MX and LM are perpendicular, we can do the following drawing

We can take a look at triangles LDX and NDX. Since the angles NDX and XDL are perpendicular, we can think of line MX as an axis of symmetry. That is, the left side of the circle with respect line MX is an exact copy of what is on the right. This means that the measure of the arc LM is the same as the measure of the arc MN. So we have that

[tex]LM\text{ + MN = MN+MN=2MN=60}[/tex]

So, dividing both sides by 2, we get

[tex]MN\text{ =}\frac{60}{2}=30[/tex]

So the measure of the arc MN is 30°.

3a) Find length between A(-3,8) and B(5,-4) in simplest radical form:


Find length between A(-3,8) and B(5,-4) in simplest radical form:

we know that

The distance between two points is equal to

[tex]d=\sqrt[]{(y2-y1)^2\text{ +(x2-x1)\textasciicircum{}2}}[/tex]

we have



substitute in the formula

Cindy read a total of 8 books over 2 months. If Cindy has read 20 books so far, how many
months has she been with her book club? Solve using unit rates.


2.5 because, because 2x8=16+4 (which is half of 8) is 20

The population of a village increases by 25% every year. The District Assemblygrants the village GH¢ 150.00 per head at the beginning of every year. If thepopulation of the village was 5.000 in the year 2005, calculate the Assembly'stotal grant from 2005 to 2010.



We are given the following information:

• The population of a village increases by 25% every year.


• The District Assembly grants the village GH¢ 150.00 per head at the beginning of every year.


• The population of the village at the beginning of the year 2005 is 5,000.

We are required to determine the total grant from 2005 to 2010.

This is achieved th

Jamie is cutting for a craft project.she has a ribbon that is 2 1/4 inches long. How many pieces of ribbon can she cut that are 3/8inches long


Total Lenght = 2 1/4

Lenght of each piece = 3/8

Divide the total lenght by the lenght of each piece:

Total lenght = 2 1/4 = (2*4+1)/4 = 9/4

Total lenght / lenght of each piece = (9/4 ) / (3/8)

To divide 2 fractions we can multiply by the inverse of the second fraction:


Simplify by 12:


Answer: 6 pieces

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