Someone please help me with this.

Someone Please Help Me With This.


Answer 1


fjf brotherhood handy urgency if it's by Griffith Jr it cuz if he by us if he my na na na hg hg hhbnnnnnñmmmmnnnnnnnn

Related Questions

The table shows the test scores of students who studied for a teat as a group (group a) and students who studied individually (group b).

Which would be the best measures of center and variation to use to compare the data?



Answer: B

Step-by-step explanation:

I didn't waste time looking at if the data was Symmetric or skewed, because A, C and D are all false statements:

A - If it's skewed Mean wouldn't be used

C - If it's Symmetric IQR wouldn't be used

D - If it's skewed Standard Deviation wouldn't be used

Henry is looking for the best deal on a tablet that regularly costs $829. Help him compare the price of the tablet at a stre
with the price on the store's website by completing the following.
The store's website is offering the tablet at a 80% discount off the regular price. Ignoring tax and shipping, how
much would he pay for the tablet on the store's website?
The store is having a sale, offering a 70% discount off the regular price of the tablet. Henry also has an
in-store-only coupon for an additional 10% off the sale price. Ignoring tax, how much would he pay for the tablet at
the store?
Select the true statement.
Henry would pay less for the tablet on the website.
Henry would pay less for the tablet at the store.
O Henry would pay the same amount at the store and on the website.



$165.8 ;

$223.83 ;

Henry would pay less for the tablet on the website.

Step-by-step explanation:

Given :

Regular price = $829

On website :

80% discount off the regular price :

(100 - 80)% * regular price

20% * 829

0.2 * $829 = $165.8

At store :

70% off regular price :

(100 - 70)% * 829

0.3 * 829

= $248.7

10% off sale price :

(100 - 10)% * $248.7

0.9 * 248.7

= $223.83

Henry would pay less for the tablet on the website.

Find the surface area of a square pyramid with side length 4 mi and slant height 5 mi.



SA = 56 sq mi

Step-by-step explanation:

SA = area of base + 1/2(perimeter of base)(slant height)

SA = 16 + 1/2(16)(5)

SA = 16 + 8(5)

SA = 16 + 40

Justin has a 2pound bag of Lima beans that he want to divide between many pound of Lima beans should each family's receives? A. 3/2 pound b.2/3 c.2 1/3 pound d.3 1/3 pounds



2/3 pounds of lima beans

Step-by-step explanation:

2 divided by 3 = 2/3 = 2/3

Hope this helps!


2/3 pounds (Option B)

Step-by-step explanation:

Using unitary method ,

3 families will receive = 2 pounds of lima beans.

(Dividing both the sides by 3)

⇒ [tex]\frac{3}{3}[/tex]  family will receive = [tex]\frac{2}{3}[/tex] pounds of lima beans

⇒ 1 family will receive = [tex]\frac{2}{3}[/tex] pounds of lima beans.

∴ Each family will receive 2/3 pounds of lima beans.

what does x=?



#1: x=8, #2: x=21, #3: x=9

Step-by-step explanation:

So, to solve each of these x's, we need to do two things:

Find the scale factor

Then scale for x.

So lets start off with the first one.

We have a side value fo 3.

In the scaled version, we have the same side with a value of 6.

To find the scale, divide the 6 by 3:




So our scale is 2.

Next, lets look at our value on the traingle we know, and solve for the unkown x. We know that on the orginal traingle, its 4. For the version thats 2 times bigger, its x

So to solve this, multiply the 4 by 2:




This is your x value for the first question.

Next we have the side value 12 for the trapezoid. For the one next to it, the trapezoid has the same side with a value of 18.

To find the scale, lets divide 18 by 12.




That is our scale factor.

In these trapezoids, the bottom value is orginally 14.

In the scaled version, which we know is 1.5 times bigger, we have x.

To solve for x, lets multiply the 14 by 1,5:




So we know our x is 21 for the second answer.

Finally we have the third question.

This one is opposite to the last ones, where the smaller value has the missing x value.

Here our top side value is 20.

On the scaled version it is 15.

Lets divide 15 by 20, instead of what we normally do. Which would have been 20 by 15:




Now, with this scale factor, our x will be smaller than the known value. Looking at the side length, the orginal value is 12.

On the scaled side length that is 0.75 times as big, its x

So lets multiply 12 by 0.75:




So this is your last x value, for your third answer!

This might seem long and tedious, but its actually a simple way of thinking about it, and you may find that you can quickly do this in your head, instead of a shorter, more complex way.

Hope this helps!

plz help plz no links



-4.2, -3.5, -2.1, -1.5, -1, -0.5, 0.5, 3.5, 4.8 (least to greatest)

Step-by-step explanation:

Simplify 150 -(0.4 x 150)+15


150-(0.4 x 150)+15= 105

For What value of x is ABC~DEF?​




Step-by-step explanation:

Since the triangles are congruent, you can use either B or D to solve for x.






In order to estimate the difference between the average hourly wages of employees of two branches of a department store, the following data have been gathered. Downtown StoreNorth Mall Store Sample size2520 Sample mean$12$6 Sample standard deviation$3$1 The point estimate for the difference between the two population means is 6. Find a 95% interval estimate for the difference between the two population means. 0.654 to 2.615 3.958 to 8.042 4.692 to 7.308 5.699 to 8.301



4.692 to 7.308

Step-by-step explanation:

Given :

n1 = 25 ; n2 = 20 ;

Mean x1 = $12 ; mean x2 = $6

Standard deviation, s1 = 3 ; s2 = 1

Confidence interval :

(x1 - x2) ± t*√(s1²/n1) + (s2²/n2)

x1 - x2 = (12 - 6) = 6

√(s1²/n1) + (s2²/n2) = √(3²/25) + (1²/20) = 0.640

Degree of freedom :

((s1²/n1) + (s2²/n2))² / (s1²/n1)²/n1-1 + (s2²/n2)²/n2-1

Numerator = 0.1681

Denominator = 0.0054 + 0.0001315 = 0.0055315

Degree of freedom = 0.1681 / 0.0055315 = 30.38 = 30

Tcritical at 0.05, df = 30 = 2.042272

Hence ;

6 ± 2.042272(0.640)

6 ± 1.30705408

Lower boundary = 6 - 1.30705408 = 4.69294592

Upper boundary = 6 + 1.30705408 = 7.30705408

(4.693 ; 7.307)

A box contains 83 coins, only dimes and nickels. The amount of money in the box is $5.80. How many dimes and how many nickels are in the box?



Step-by-step explanation:

n = nickels

d = dimes

q = quarters

1)  n + d + q = 39

n+d = q - 3

Translate to:  2)   n + d - q = -3

.05n + .1d + .25q = 6.7   amount of each coin times the number of coins must add to 6.7

Multiply both sides by 20...

3)  1n + 2d + 5q = 134

Combine 1) & 2)

n + d + q = 39

n + d  - q = -3

Add together

2n + 2d = 36

Divide by 2:

4)  n + d = 18

Combine 1) and 3)

n + d + q = 39         Multiply by -5 =>  -5n -5d -5q = -195

n + 2d + 5q = 134                              n + 2d + 5q = 134

Add together->                                 5)   -4n - 3d  = -61

Combine 4) and 5)

  n + d = 18   Multiply by 4 =>  4n + 4d = 72

-4n - 3d = 61                          -4n - 3d = -61

Add:                                               d = 11

11 dimes...

Plug that into 4)

n + 11 = 18

n = 18-11 = 7 nickels.

Plug that into 1.

n + d + q = 39

7 + 11 + q = 39

18 + q = 39

q = 39-18 = 21 quarters

21 quarters, 7 nickels, and 11 dimes.

21(.25) + 7(.05) + 11(.1) = 5.25 + .35 + 1.1 = 5.6 + 1.1 = 6.7   Check.



9514 1404 393


  4) -ln(2)/3

  5) x = 9

  6) x = 2

  7) x = -6

Step-by-step explanation:

4) e^(-3x) = 2 . . . . given

  -3x = ln(2) . . . . . take the natural log

  x = -ln(2)/3 . . . . divide by the coefficient of x


5) ln(3x -5) = ln(11) +ln(2)

  3x -5 = 11·2 . . . . . take antilogs

  3x = 27 . . . . . . . . add 5

  x = 9 . . . . . . . . . . divide by 3


6) log4(x -1) +log4(x +2) = 1

  (x -1)(x +2) = 4 . . . . . take antilogs

  x^2 +x -2 = 4 . . . . . . eliminate parentheses

  x^2 +x +1/4 = 6 1/4 . . . add 2 1/4 to complete the square

  (x +0.5)^2 = 6.25 . . . . write as a square

  x +0.5 = ±2.5 . . . . . . . take the square root

  x = -0.5 ± 2.5 = {-3, +2} . . . . . . x = -3 is an extraneous solution

  x = 2


7) 8^x = 4^(x -3)

  2^(3x) = 2^(2(x -3)) . . . . write using a common base of 2

  3x = 2(x -3) . . . . . . . . . . take logarithms base 2

  x = -6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .subtract 2x

Which direction would the graph of y=-|X|+ 9 open?





Step-by-step explanation:

The "parent function" is  y = |x|, which opens up.

Changing the sign to y = -|x| flips (reflects) the graph over the x-axis, so the new graph opens down.  Adding 9 shifts the graph up 9 units, but that does not change the way the graph opens.

See the attached image.

y = |x| purple

y = -|x| black

y = -|x| + 9 red

Find the value of x UREGENT HELP PLEASE




Step-by-step explanation:

Cos 32 = x/18

Cos 32 = 0.848048096

x/18 = 0.848048096

x = 15.3 (rounded)

A billboard is 5.0 m by 2.5 m. A scale diagram of the billboard is 0.25 m by
0.125 m.
Calculate the scale.
b. Calculate the scale factor (k).
Is this a reduction or enlargement? Justify your thinking.
Pls help



A the answer is a because i was just working on that rn

Step-by-step explanation:

A football quarterback has 2 more chances to throw a touchdown before his team is forced to punt the ball. He misses the receiver on the first throw 40% of the time. When his first throw is incomplete, he misses the receiver on the second throw 5% of the time. What is the probability of not throwing the ball to a receiver on the second try given he missed on the first try?




Step-by-step explanation:


For Limit of StartFraction x squared minus 4 x minus 12 Over x minus 2 EndFraction as x approaches 2 minus =
✔ infinity
and Limit of StartFraction x squared minus 4 x minus 12 Over x minus 2 EndFraction as x approaches 2 plus=
✔ negative infinity
. These limits indicate there is an asymptote of




Step-by-step explanation:

Just did the assignment

The given rational function, that is, (x² - 4 · x - 12) / (x-2), has no horizontal asymptotes but one vertical asymptotes at x = 2.

How to determine the asymptotes of a rational function

A rational function has a horizontal asymptote if and only if the limit exists for x tending to ±∞. Rational functions have a limit if and only if the grade of the denominator is equal to or greater than the grade of the numerator. A vertical asymptote exists for all values of x such that the denominator equals 0.

Based on these facts, we conclude that the given rational function has no horizontal asymptotes but one vertical asymptotes at x = 2.

To learn more on rational functions, we kindly invite to check this verified question:

How many 1/7 cup servings are in 9 cups of pecans (in fraction form)



Have a nice day!!

help me please help. ........................​


Answer: the third option (3/6 > 5/12)

Step-by-step explanation:

process of elimination:

option one is incorrect because 1/2 = 3/6 (not 1/2 > 3/6)

option two is incorrect because again, 1/2 = 3/6

option four is incorrect because 3/6 > 5/12

You are making a pyramid-shaped trophy.
The trophy has a square base with side lengths of 9 inches and a slant height of 11 inches.
The paint needed costs $0.15 per square inch.
How much will it cost to paint the faces of the trophy?

Show your work


Answer: [tex]\$29.7[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:


The trophy has a side of [tex]a=9\ in.[/tex]

Slant height [tex]l=11\ in.[/tex]

Rate  of painting [tex]r=\$\ 0.15/in.^2[/tex]

Lateral surface area of square pyramid is [tex]2al[/tex]

Insert the values

[tex]\Rightarrow 2\times 9\times 11\\\Rightarrow 198\ in.^2[/tex]

Cost of painting

[tex]\Rightarrow 198\times 0.15=\$29.7[/tex]

If the ratio football players two basketball players at your school is 7:5 then how many basketball players are there if they are 21 football players



I think that there are 15 basketball players.

Step-by-step explanation:

If there is a ratio of football to basketball players of 7:5, and there are 21 football players. i just divide 21 by 7 and get 3. so if we multiply the 5 in the ratio by 3 we get 15. so I think the answer is 15. if not then ignore my answer. if so the brainliest please?

When you sunbathe nine feet from the swimming pool, your distance to a point of
tangency with the pool is twelve feet. Find the radius of the pool.



[tex]9.5 \sqrt{?} [/tex]

What is the product
2 1/3 times 3 1/4




Step-by-step explanation:

Before a high-school football game the footballs were inflated to p = 13 psi (pounds per square inch). After the game the mean inflation was 12.5 psi.

Select the null hypothesis H0.

Group of answer choices







The null hypothesis is [tex]H_0: \mu = 13[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Before a high-school football game the footballs were inflated to p = 13 psi (pounds per square inch).

This means that, as we are going to test the inflation levels before and after the game, we test at the null hypothesis that it is of 13 psi, that is:

[tex]H_0: \mu = 13[/tex]

Describe the overall shape of this distribution. Explain your answer in complete sentences.


Answer: The histogram is skewered to the right (right-skewered)

Step-by-step explanation:

The peak veers to the left and the tail is towards the right.

The histogram given is right-skewed.

What is a histogram?

A histogram is a representation of the distribution of data with intervals.

We have,

Right-skewed and left-skewed are terms used to describe the shape of a data distribution.

A right-skewed (or positively skewed) distribution is one in which the tail on the right-hand side of the graph is longer or fatter than the tail on the left-hand side.

A left-skewed (or negatively skewed) distribution is the opposite of a right-skewed distribution.

In this case, the tail on the left-hand side of the graph is longer or fatter than the tail on the right-hand side.


We see that the histogram given is right-skewed because the tail on the right-hand side of the graph is longer or fatter than the tail on the left-hand side.


The histogram given is right-skewed.

Learn more about histograms here:


What is the solution of -21 = n – 8?
a. n = -168
b. n = -29
c. n = -13
d. n = 168


The answer to this equation is n= -13

In triangle UVW, the measure of angle W is 90 degrees, UV is 4.7 feet, and WU is 2.2feet. Find the measure of angle u to the nearest degree



Step-by-step explanation:

The FBI wants to determine the effectiveness of their 1010 Most Wanted list. To do so, they need to find out the fraction of people who appear on the list that are actually caught. Step 1 of 2: Suppose a sample of 517517 suspected criminals is drawn. Of these people, 211211 were captured. Using the data, estimate the proportion of people who were caught after being on the 1010 Most Wanted list. Enter your answer as a fraction or a decimal number rounded to three decimal places.



The proportion of people who were caught after being on the 1010 Most Wanted list would be 40.81%.

Step-by-step explanation:

Since the FBI wants to determine the effectiveness of their 1010 Most Wanted list, and to do so, they need to find out the fraction of people who appear on the list that are actually caught, supposing a sample of 517517 suspected criminals is drawn, and of these people, 211211 were captured, to estimate the proportion of people who were caught after being on the 1010 Most Wanted list using this data, the following calculation must be performed:

517,517 = 100

211,211 = X

211,211 x 100 / 517,517 = X

21,121,100 / 517,517 = X

40.81 = X

Therefore, the proportion of people who were caught after being on the 1010 Most Wanted list would be 40.81%.



Answer: 2*5^2-12

5 to the 2nd power is 25




the answer is C 38

hope this helps

please help me i dont understand thank you!!



32 units squared

Step-by-step explanation:

Split up the figure into easy to find area parts. So, theres 2 triangles, and in the middle of those, you can make a square. And that would make the top part a large triangle! Now find the area of these

Large triangle: 1/2 (4)(10) = 20

Smallest triangle: 1/2(2)(2) = 2

Medium triangle: 1/2(6)(2) = 6

Square: 2*2 = 4

Now add them all up! 20+2+6+4 = 32 units squared!

In the table, x and y are in a proportional relationship. у 3 -5.4 5 -9.0 9 -16.2 12 -21.6 Let x be the independent variable. What is the value of the constant of proportionality? А -1.8 B -1.4 C 1.4 D 1.8​



A. -1.8

Step-by-step explanation:

If x is the independent variable and y is the dependent variable, therefore constant of proportionality would be:

k = y/x

Using any pair of values from the table, we can find k. Let's use (3, -5.4):

k = y/x = -5.4/3

k = -1.8

Other Questions
Answer the questions in the picture. ONLY ANSWER IF YOU KNOW FRENCH!!! Will report bots. Two similar shapes have a pair of corresponding sides which are easily measurable.The smaller shape's side has a length of 4m, and the larger shape has a side length of5m. If the area of the smaller shape is 80m, what is the area of the larger shape? Here is the distribution of blood types from a groupof randomly selected people:BloodType:oBABProbability:0.490.270.200.04Joe can safely receive blood transformations frompeople with blood types O and B. What is theprobability that a randomly chosen person candonate blood to Joe? What is the value of x in the equation x = 3 4x + 6? 9 3 3 9 Corporation was organized on January 1, 2021. The firm was authorized to issue 100,000 shares of $5 par common stock. During 2021, QWN had the following transactions relating to shareholders' equity:Issued 10,400 shares of common stock at $5.80 per share.Issued 19,600 shares of common stock at $9.30 per share.Reported a net income of $106,000.Paid dividends of $53,000.Purchased 2,600 shares of treasury stock at $11.30 (part of the 19,600 shares issued at $9.30).Required:What is total shareholders' equity at the end of 2021? Who led the independence that caused the changes shown in this table Consumers must eat other organismsfor energy. Which organismsare consumers in this food chain? The dividend irrelevance theory, proposed by Miller and Modigliani, says that provided a firm pays at least some dividends, how much it pays does not affect either its cost of capital or its stock price.a) trueb) false The word "vegan" (,begin bold,vee,end bold, gun) can refer to a particular kind of diet or the person who follows that diet. Vegans typically do not consume animal products, so their diets avoid meat, fish, poultry, eggs, or dairy products. There are various reasons that people decide to become vegans; one reason is for the perceived health benefits of a vegan diet.Many experts say that a well-planned vegan diet is healthy, but vegans must choose their foods wisely. The animal and dairy products in a non-vegan diet provide important nutrients such as vitamin B12, calcium, and vitamin D. Vegans must find plant-based sources for these nutrients. For example, vegans can get vitamin B12 from fortified,superscript,1,baseline, breakfast cereals or foods made from soybeans. Many dark-green vegetables contain calcium; so do red beans and calcium-fortified fruit juices. Vegans can get vitamin D from fortified soy milk or rice milk. A healthy vegan diet includes a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, and beans.People who want to switch to a vegan diet should start slowly. They should learn everything they can about being vegan and discuss their plan with a doctor or a dietician.,superscript,2,baseline, They should read food labels to see which foods contain animal products and look through a vegan cookbook. Then they might try a few popular vegan foods, such as veggie burgers. Many of the foods they ate before can remain part of a vegan diet. Vegans can still enjoy a crisp salad and a shiny, red apple!QuestionWhich pair of statements, best expresses two main ideas in the passage?1. Most people who become vegan make the switch because a vegan diet is healthier than other diets. Vegans can get all essential nutrients by including a variety of vegetables and fruits in their daily diet.2. The term "vegan" refers to people whose diets do not include meat, fish, poultry, eggs, or dairy products. People should not switch to a vegan diet without first learning how to prepare vegan foods.3. A vegan diet may lack nutrients such as vitamin B12, calcium, and vitamin D that meat-based diets provide. People who become vegan discover that their new diet includes many of the same foods they ate before.4. Vegans must make sure that their diets include a balance of proper nutrients from plant-based sources. People who want to become vegan should educate themselves about the diet and make gradual changes. I needd help pleaseeeee Formulate the indicated conclusion in nontechnical terms. Be sure to address the original claim.The owner of a football team claims that the average attendance at games is over 642, and he is therefore justified in moving the team to a city with a larger stadium. Assuming that a hypothesis test of the claim has been conducted and that the conclusion is failure to reject the null hypothesis, state the conclusion in nontechnical terms.a) There is not sufficient evidence to support the claim that the mean attendance is greater than 642.b) There is sufficient evidence to support the claim that the mean attendance is less than 642.c) There is sufficient evidence to support the claim that the mean attendance is greater than 642.d) There is not sufficient evidence to support the claim that the mean attendance is less than 642. Which of the following has a slope of -2 and a y-intercept of 4? y= -2x + 4 y= -2x - 4 y= 2x + 4 y= 2x - 4 short descriptions of each steps of atheroma formation What is the converse of the statement below?If today is Friday, then tomorrow is Saturday." Question 6The grasshopper inthis food web isconsidered asnakefrogMawkshrew A. Producer B. Herbivore C. Omnivore D. Carnivorecricketmarsh grasscattaGrasshopper 40,000 mm = ? M plsssssssss help plsss plsss plss please i really need help with this Errrr I'm confused... help?Jane and Shane are debating the answer to the equation 1/4 x = 6.Jane says m = 1.75Shane says m = 24Who is correct? Please give reasons why Pls helpPart A: Which statement accurately describes two themes of The Giver?People should be kind to each other. People can choose between security and individualism.Family loves and supports you. Determination and courage give you success.Honesty is the best policy. Most journeys lead back to home.People learn from memories and gain wisdom. People can make their own choice.Part B: Which excerpts create the theme?Group of answer choicesThere are so many more. I received all of those, when I was selected. And here in this room, all alone, I re-experienced them again and again. It is how wisdom comes. And how we shape our future. And They were satisfied with their lives which had none of the vibrance his own was taking on. And Jonas was angry at himself, that he could not change that for them.The next morning, for the first time, Jonas did not take his pill. Something within him, something that had grown there through the memories, told him to throw the pill away. And For a contributing citizen to be released from the community was a final decision, a terrible punishment, an overwhelming statement of failure.There was just a moment when things werent quite the same, werent quite as they had always been through the long friendship. And He liked the feeling of safety here in this warm and quiet room; he liked the expression of trust on the womans face as she lay in the water unprotected, exposed, and free.No one mentioned such things it was not a rule but was considered rude to call attention to things that were unsettling or different about individuals. And The daily training continued, and now it always included pain and agony. What types of food molecules make up chicken? (Carbs, Proteins, and/or Fats?)no links!!but its fats right??