Someone please help me with this I dont know if this is correct

Someone Please Help Me With This I Dont Know If This Is Correct


Answer 1


Yes its correct


Protons + Nuetrons

Answer 2

Answer: Go with your gut cos


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Answer: Aspirin


Which type of reaction occurs in the following?

2HgO(s) Right arrow. 2Hg(l) + O2(g)
a decomposition reaction in which a metal is reduced
an acid-base neutralization reaction to produce oxygen gas
a displacement reaction involving two metals
a combustion reaction involving burning a metal in oxygen





the reactants turn into two different products, thus the reaction is decomposition.

AB -> A + B


A: a decomposition reaction in which a metal is reduced


HgO is actually the metal Mercury and in the equation Mercury is being decomposed into the elements Hg and O. (the element for Mercury and Oxygen) So the equation they give you is a decomposition.

an atom is the smallest unit of an element that retains the ___ of that element


an atom is the smallest unit of a pure substance or element that can exist and still retain the properties of the original substance or element

What are the reactants in the following equation; NaOH + HCI --> NaCl + H2O
a)NaOH and HCI
b)HCI and H20
c) NaOH and NaCl
d)HCI and water​


The reactants are a) NaOh and HCl because they are on the left side of the equation/arrow :)

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Which physical property allows liquid-liquid mixtures to be separated using filtration?
A. Melting point



flammability evaporation

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Okay ...................x

I’ll really appreciate it if you help me on this one .


I would observe lots of cool tones including gray and blue. There are thick and fluffy clouds and and the water looks clean and clear.


Beautiful, scary, a different experience, full of imaginations.

If Steve throws a football 57 meters in 3 seconds, what is the average speed of the football?​



19 m/s



4 Hydrogen has three naturally occurring isotopes. H.1, H-2, and H-3 The atomie mass of Hydrogen is 1.097 Which isotope is most abundant in nature? Explain​



The number following the name of the element is the number of subatomic particles inside the nucleus of the atom. This means that it is the mass number of the isotope. The average atomic mass of the element is the sum of the products of the percentage abundance and mass number of the naturally occurring isotopes.

Since, the average atomic mass of the hydrogen is nearest to 1 then, the most abundant isotope should be hydrogen-1.

Read the description of the centrioles. What is their function?



Typically found in eukaryotic cells, centrioles are cylindrical (tube-like) structures/organelles composed of microtubules. In the cell, centrioles aid in cell division by facilitating the separation of chromosomes. For this reason, they are located near the nucleus.

Our solar system formed from a
) a. huge disk of dust and gases
b.milky way and stars
c. sun and a moon


Our solar system formed about 4.5 billion years ago from a dense cloud of interstellar gas and dust. The cloud collapsed most likely due to a shockwave form a nearby exploding start called a supernova

b. What useful functions do oxidation numbers
b. How many molecules are in 1 mole of
c. What is the name given to the number of
molecules in 1 mole?
21. a. What is the molar mass of an element?
b. Write the molar mass rounded to two
decimal places of carbon, neon, iron and



b. What useful functions do oxidation numbers  serve?

It is used to show oxidation and reduction (loss and gain of electrons)

b. How many molecules are in 1 mole of  molecules?

1 mole = 6.022 * 10^23 molecules

c. What is the name given to the number of  molecules in 1 mole?

Avogadro's Number of molecules

21. a. What is the molar mass of an element?

This is the mass of an element divided by the number of moles.

Molar mass = Mass / Number of moles

b. Write the molar mass rounded to two  decimal places of carbon, neon, iron and  uranium.

amu = Atomic Mass Unit

Carbon = 12.01 amu

Neon = 20.18 amu

Iron = 55.85 amu

Uranium = 238.03 amu

what is in veins and artery



the veins and arteries are the things that distribute blood throughout your body. There was a lot more blood in the arteries, that's making them very important and should not be cut ever. Veins on the other hand can be cut but you should still not cut them to begin with as if to not lose any blood. They distribute blood throughout your body that comes from your heart and helps muscles skeletal another systems of your body work.

Blood? I’m not 100% though

What are the charges on ions of Group 1A, Group 3A (aluminum), and Group 5A?



Group 1A: 1+

Group 3A: 3+

Group 5A: 3+ or 5+


Select the chemical formula that contains 10 atoms of hydrogen.


2C4H10 is your answer and you can verify this by looking at the H that has 10 after it

The faster rate of reaction was caused by using a higher temperature. Explain, in terms of particles, why a higher temperature causes a faster rate of reaction.



Increasing the temperature a reaction takes place at increases the rate of reaction. At higher temperatures, particles can collide more often and with more energy, which makes the reaction take place more quickly.


Can someone pls help me with this its due in 20 minutes.



15. The velocity of a sound wave is affected by two properties of matter: the elastic properties and density.

16. The greater the density of a medium, the slower the speed of sound. This observation is analogous to the fact that the frequency of a simple harmonic motion is inversely proportional to m, the mass of the oscillating object.

17. Temp °C 0 m/s2 m/s

50 360.51 361.62

18. Molecules at higher temperatures have more energy, thus they can vibrate faster. Since the molecules vibrate faster, sound waves can travel more quickly. The speed of sound in room temperature air is 346 meters per second. ... The speed of sound is also affected by other factors such as humidity and air pressure.

What does the 2 mean in the formula of calcium nitrate? What does the 3



Calcium nitrate is an inorganic compound with the chemical formula Ca(NO3)2. ... It is a nitrate salt of Calcium which contains calcium and nitrogen and oxygen. Calcium nitrate is a white or whitish-grey coloured granular solid which absorbs moisture from the air and is usually found as a tetrahydrate compound Ca(NO3)2.


For the reaction 2h2+o2>h20, how many grams of water are produced from 70 grams of hydrogen




firstly the equation has to be balanced. 2H2+o2>2H2o.

finding the mole of hydrogen?

mole = 70/2 which is equal to 35 mole of hydrogen.

35 mole of hydrogen is equal to the mole of water.

finding the mass of water=?


mass= 35*18=630g of water

CH4 and CO₂ are the chemical formulas for:



CH4 = Methane

CO2 = Carbon dioxide

Hope this Helps!!Hope this Helps!!:)

There are two types of chemical compound one is covalent compound and another is ionic compound in chemistry. In ionic bonds, electrons are completely transferred. Therefore, the name of CH[tex]_4[/tex]  and CO[tex]_2[/tex]  are Methane and Carbon dioxide respectively.

What is chemical Compound?

Chemical Compound is a combination of molecule, Molecule forms by combination of element and element forms by combination of atoms in fixed proportion.

Covalent compounds are formed by covalent bond and ionic compounds are formed by ionic bond. Covalent bond is formed by sharing of electron and ionic bond are formed by complete transfer of electron. Ionic bonds are stronger than covalent bonds. The melting and boiling points are higher in ionic compounds.

chemical formula                                      Chemical name

CH[tex]_4[/tex]                                                           Methane

CO[tex]_2[/tex]                                                      Carbon dioxide

Therefore, the name of CH[tex]_4[/tex]  and CO[tex]_2[/tex]  are Methane and  Carbon dioxide respectively.

To learn more about chemical compound, here:


determine the volume in liters of metal sample weighting 352.2g and has a density of 7.10gmL.



V = 0.0496 L


Given that,

The mass of a sample, m = 352.2 g

The density pf sample, d = 7.10 g/mL

We need to find the volume of the sample. We know that the density of an object is given by :

[tex]d=\dfrac{m}{V}\\\\V=\dfrac{m}{d}\\\\V=\dfrac{352.2}{7.1}\\\\V=49.6\ mL[/tex]


V = 0.0496 L

So, the volume of the sample is 0.0496 L.

Which blocks will move under these conditions and explain



Correct: B


The first block wont move because:


The second block will move because:

Σf:5-3=2N (direction to the right).

The third block will move because:

Σf=3N (direction to the right).

What do u mean by electronic configuration? What are basic requirements while writing electronic configuration of an element (atom) ?


Yes that is right I look it up thanks for the points

The basic requirement while writing the electronic configuration of an element (atom) is its atomic number.


The electronic configuration of an element is the distribution of its electrons in different energy levels around the atomic nucleus.It only requires an atomic number of an element to write its electronic configuration.The atomic number is equal to the number of protons in an atom and that is equal to the number of electrons.And the filling of electrons is done according to the Aufbau principle, the electrons will be first filled in the atomic orbitals with lower orbital energy before filling the atomic orbital with higher energy.The sequence of the atomic orbitals from lower energy to higher energy is:

    [tex]1s, 2s, 2p, 3s, 3p, 4s, 3d, 4p, 5s, 4d, 5p, 6s, 4f, 5d, 6p, 7s, 5f, 6d...[/tex]

For example:

  The atomic number of gallium is 31, its electronic configuration will be:

   [tex][Ga]=1s^2 2s^2 2p^63s^2 3p^6 4s^2 3d^{10} 4p^1[/tex]

Learn more about an electronic configuration of an atom here:

Project: Modeling potential and kinetic energy
Assignment Summary
For this assignment, you will develop a model that shows a roller coaster cart in four different positions on a track. You will then use this model to discuss the changes in potential and kinetic energy of the cart as it moves along the track.
Background Information
The two most common forms of energy are potential energy and kinetic energy. Potential energy is the stored energy an object has due to its position. Kinetic energy is the energy an object has due to its motion. An object’s kinetic energy changes with its motion, while its potential energy changes with its position, but the total energy stays the same. If potential energy increases, then kinetic energy decreases. If potential energy decreases, then kinetic energy increases.
Potential energy related to the height of an object is called gravitational potential energy. Gravitational potential energy is directly related to an object’s mass, the acceleration due to gravity, and an object’s height.
 One poster board per student  Drawing utensils
Assignment Instructions
Step 1: Prepare for the project.
a) Read the entire Student Guide before you begin this project.
b) If anything is unclear, be sure to ask your teacher for assistance before you begin.
c) Gather the materials you will need to complete this project.
Step 2: Create your poster.
a) On the poster board, draw a roller coaster track that starts with one large hill, then is followed by a valley and another, smaller hill.
b) Draw a cart in four positions on the track as outlined below.
i. Draw the first cart at the top of the first hill. Label it A.
ii. Draw the second cart going down the first hill into the valley. Label it B.
iii. Draw the third cart at the bottom of the valley. Assume that the height of the cart in this position is zero. Label it C.
iv. Draw the last cart at the top of the second, smaller hill. Label it D.
c) Make sure that your name is on the poster. Step 3: Type one to two paragraphs that describe the energy of the cart.
a) Type one to two paragraphs describing the changes in potential and kinetic energy of the cart. Be sure to discuss how the potential and kinetic energy of the cart changes at each of the four positions along the track, and explain why these changes occur.
b) Make sure your name is on the document.
c) Later, you will submit this document through the virtual classroom.
Step 4: Evaluate your project using this checklist.
If you can check each criterion below, you are ready to submit your project.
 Did you draw a model of a roller coaster track with one large hill, a valley, and a smaller hill?
 Did you draw a cart on the track in the four required positions A–D? Did you label the cart at each of the four positions?
 Did you type a paragraph describing the changes in potential and kinetic energy of the cart at each of the four positions on the roller coaster track? Did you explain why the changes in potential and kinetic energy occur?
Step 5: Revise and submit your project.
a) If you were unable to check off all of the requirements on the checklist, go back and make sure that your project is complete.
b) When you have completed your project, submit your poster to your teacher for grading. Be sure that your name is on it.
c) Submit the typewritten document through the virtual classroom. Be sure that your name is on it.
Step 6: Clean up your work space.
a) Clean up your work space. Return any reusable materials to your teacher and throw away any trash.
b) Congratulations! You have completed your project.



Assignment Summary

For this assignment, you will develop a model that shows a roller coaster cart in four different positions on a track. You will then use this model to discuss the changes in potential and kinetic energy of the cart as it moves along the track.

Background Information

The two most common forms of energy are potential energy and kinetic energy. Potential energy is the stored energy an object has due to its position. Kinetic energy is the energy an object has due to its motion. An object’s kinetic energy changes with its motion, while its potential energy changes with its position, but the total energy stays the same. If potential energy increases, then kinetic energy decreases. If potential energy decreases, then kinetic energy increases.

Potential energy related to the height of an object is called gravitational potential energy. Gravitational potential energy is directly related to an object’s mass, the acceleration due to gravity, and an object’s height.


 One poster board per student  Drawing utensils

Assignment Instructions

Step 1: Prepare for the project.

a) Read the entire Student Guide before you begin this project.

b) If anything is unclear, be sure to ask your teacher for assistance before you begin.

c) Gather the materials you will need to complete this project.

Step 2: Create your poster.

a) On the poster board, draw a roller coaster track that starts with one large hill, then is followed by a valley and another, smaller hill.

b) Draw a cart in four positions on the track as outlined below.

i. Draw the first cart at the top of the first hill. Label it A.

ii. Draw the second cart going down the first hill into the valley. Label it B.

iii. Draw the third cart at the bottom of the valley. Assume that the height of the cart in this position is zero. Label it C.

iv. Draw the last cart at the top of the second, smaller hill. Label it D.

c) Make sure that your name is on the poster. Step 3: Type one to two paragraphs that describe the energy of the cart.

a) Type one to two paragraphs describing the changes in potential and kinetic energy of the cart. Be sure to discuss how the potential and kinetic energy of the cart changes at each of the four positions along the track, and explain why these changes occur.

b) Make sure your name is on the document.

c) Later, you will submit this document through the virtual classroom.

Step 4: Evaluate your project using this checklist.

If you can check each criterion below, you are ready to submit your project.

 Did you draw a model of a roller coaster track with one large hill, a valley, and a smaller hill?

 Did you draw a cart on the track in the four required positions A–D? Did you label the cart at each of the four positions?

 Did you type a paragraph describing the changes in potential and kinetic energy of the cart at each of the four positions on the roller coaster track? Did you explain why the changes in potential and kinetic energy occur?

Step 5: Revise and submit your project.

a) If you were unable to check off all of the requirements on the checklist, go back and make sure that your project is complete.

b) When you have completed your project, submit your poster to your teacher for grading. Be sure that your name is on it.

c) Submit the typewritten document through the virtual classroom. Be sure that your name is on it.

Step 6: Clean up your work space.

a) Clean up your work space. Return any reusable materials to your teacher and throw away any trash.

b) Congratulations! You have completed your project.


Pleade help me! (If you guys unfortunately I am going to report you) Thank you



answer 3


the symbol between two reactants in a chemical equation?


It’s an addition sign since two things reacting means to add them up (mix them together)

Hope this helps!!

If the volume of an ideal gas is 22.5 L when it is at a temperature of 365 K, what will the volume be when the gas cools to 338K? Be sure to show your work and proper units.



20.8L = Final volume of the gas


Based on Charles's law, the volume of a gas is directly proportional to the temperature of the gas under pressure constant. The equation is:

[tex]\frac{V_1}{T_1} =\frac{V_2}{T_2}[/tex]

where V is volume and T absolute temperature of 1, initial state and 2, final state.

If initial volume is 22.5L, initial T = 365K and final temperature 338K:

22.5L / 365K = V₂ / 338K

20.8L = Final volume of the gas

Name the type of light interaction feeling hotter in a black shirt than a white shirt
1. Reflected
2. Absorbed
3. Transmittied ​


It’s absorbed The outer layer of fabric does get hotter because the black color absorbs more heat. And that heat doesn't get transmitted to the skin because of the thick fabric. But thin black clothing transmits that heat to the skin, making a person hotter

An ideal gas occupies a volume V at an absolute temperature T. If the volume is halved and the pressure kept constant, what will happen to it's temperature?

a. It will halve to T/2.

b. It will increase to 3T.

c. It will increase to 2T.

d. It will remain the same.



It will be halve of T


V1 = V

T1 = T

V2 = ½V

T2 = x

V1/T1 = V2/T2

V/T = ½V/x

Vx = ½VT

2Vx = VT

2x = T

x = ½T

As the moon orbits the ______________, its gravitational pull is______________ on the side of the earth closest to the ______________.This ______________ force pulls on the water facing the moon,creating a ______________. The moon also ______________ on the solidearth, causing the water on the far side of earth to ______________as well. These bulges in the water are the ______________.The areas in between the close and far side of the earth which are not in ______________ with the moon experience ______________.

pls help i give brainlyest












Low Tide

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