Solve the equation.
q − 11 = 16


Answer 1


q = 27

Step-by-step explanation:

Answer 2

Answer: 27

Step-by-step explanation: 16+11=27

Related Questions

Determine whether the following sequence is geometric. If so, find the common ratio.
1, -5, 25, - 125, ...


Geometric sequence

-5 each term is multiplied by -5

-5is the answer I think

The Gable Construction Corporation has placed bids for installing electronic message boards on two different highways.
Because of competition from other companies, Gable Construction Corporation officials estimate that the probability that
they will be awarded the Macon Expressway contract is 0.65 and the probability that they will be awarded the Seaview
Expressway contract is 0.43. Furthermore, the probability that they will be awarded both contracts is 0.22. What is the
probability that they will be awarded the contract for either the Macon Expressway or the Seaview Expressway



0.64 = 64% probability that they will be awarded the contract for either the Macon Expressway or the Seaview Expressway

Step-by-step explanation:

We solve this question using these events as Venn sets.

I am going to say that:

Event A: Awarded the Macon Expressway.

Event B: Awarded the Seaview Expressway.

Probability that they will be awarded the Macon Expressway contract is 0.65

This means that [tex]P(A) = 0.65[/tex]

The probability that they will be awarded the Seaview Expressway contract is 0.43.

This means that [tex]P(B) = 0.43[/tex]

Furthermore, the probability that they will be awarded both contracts is 0.22.

This means that [tex]P(A \cap B) = 0.22[/tex]

What is the

Probability that they will be awarded the contract for either the Macon Expressway or the Seaview Expressway?

Only A:

[tex]P(A) - P(A \cap B) = 0.65 - 0.22 = 0.43[/tex]

Only B:

[tex]P(B) - P(A \cap B) = 0.43 - 0.22 = 0.21[/tex]


0.43 + 0.21 = 0.64

0.64 = 64% probability that they will be awarded the contract for either the Macon Expressway or the Seaview Expressway

The daily rainfall experienced by Soaking City has been recorded on 9 randomly selected days throughout the year. This process has been repeated for every possible combination of 9 days in a year. The standard error of the mean has been calculated and is equal to 0.39 inches. If the rainfall was recorded on 36 (instead of 9) randomly selected days throughout the year, the standard error of the mean would be equal to:____.
a. 0.078 inches.
b. 0.248 inches.
c. 0.045 inches.
d. 3.429 inches.


If the rainfall was recorded on 36 (instead of 9) randomly selected days throughout the year, the standard error of the mean would be equal to 0.195 inches.

The standard error measures the variability or uncertainty in an estimate or statistic based on a sample. It is often denoted as SE or SE(θ), where θ represents a population parameter of interest.

Given that

the standard error of the mean, SE = 0.39 (when sample size,n = 9).

Let s be the standard deviation around the mean, then

Since SE = [tex]\dfrac{s}{\sqrt n}[/tex]

In this sample,

0.39 = [tex]\dfrac{s}{\sqrt9}[/tex]

s = 0.39 × 3

s = 1.17.

If the sample size is increased from 9 to 36,

SE = [tex]\dfrac{1.17}{\sqrt36}[/tex]

SE = [tex]\frac{1.17}{6}[/tex]

SE = 0.195 inches.

Thus, the standard error of the mean changes from 0.39 inches to 0.195 inches.

Learn more about Standard Error here:


hehe pls help i nneed it



x = 32

Step-by-step explanation:

180 - 42 - 106 = x

x = 32

The answer is X=32 have a great day

Which number line shows the solution to the inequality 9x-4<5? I NEED IT ASAP PLSS free 15 points



B would be your answer I think Don't hold me to it!

Step-by-step explanation:

Answer:B -4-2 0 2 4

Step-by-step explanation:

For each ordered pair determine if it is a solution to 7x+5y=9



Because ik

Jim’s family is choosing whether to go to a restaurant for lunch or for dinner. The cost of a salad is $7 at lunch and $9 at dinner. The cost of a steak is $10 at lunch and $12 at dinner. Each person will choose either a salad or a steak regardless of the mealtime. Jim calculates the food bill to be $41 if they go during lunch and $51 if they go during dinner.

1.Write a system of equations that could be used to solve the problem. Define your variables.

2.Solve by any algebraic method (elimination/substitution). Work must be shown! How many people will choose a salad?




Step-by-step explanation:



C. 3


edge 2020

Answer this correctly with an explanation and I’ll give u brainalist + 10 points



A because when you add the angles up it has to equal 180

Step-by-step explanation:


A) ∠ABC and ∠DEF

Step-by-step explanation:

Supplementary angles add up to 180 degrees total. So if you take 180 and subtract 118 you get 62.

∠ABC = 62

∠DEF = 118

180 - 118 = 62

180 - 62 = 118

118 + 62 = 180

find the value of s in rectangle



s + 1 = 2s

s = 1

need help pleaseeee !!!



A (0,8)

B (1,4)

C (2,2)

D (3,1)

Part A
In the boxes provided, write three equations that can be solved to
find h, the number of hours it takes James to mow each of the
three lawns. Use h and = in each equation.
Equation for Mrs. Chavez's lawn:
Equation for Mr. Ortiz's lawn:
Equation for Mrs. White's lawn:



Step-by-step explanation:

To find the number of hours for each, divide the amount of money he had received by the amount he would receive for 1 hour of work. (Answers are in the image below) I hope I wasn’t too late to help:)

What is (1.2 x 10^-5) / 4 in scientific notation??




Step-by-step explanation:

Hope it helps ;)



Step-by-step explanation:

Move the decimal so there is one non-zero digit to the left of the decimal point. The number of decimal places you move will be the exponent on the 10. The sign of the exponent will depend on the direction you are moving the decimal.

A particle moves along a horizontal line so that its position at time t, t ≥ 0, is given by
s(t) = 40 + te^−t/20.
Find the minimum velocity of the particle for 0 ≤ t ≤ 100.



The minimum velocity of the particle  = [tex]-e^{-2 }[/tex] units

Step-by-step explanation:

Given - A particle moves along a horizontal line so that its position at time t,

t ≥ 0, is given by  s(t) = 40 + te^−t/20.

To find - Find the minimum velocity of the particle for 0 ≤ t ≤ 100.

Proof -

Velocity, v(t)  = [tex]\frac{d}{dt}(40 + te^{-\frac{t}{20} } )[/tex]


[tex]\frac{d}{dt}(40 + te^{-\frac{t}{20} } )[/tex] =  [tex]\frac{d}{dt}(40 ) + \frac{d}{dt}(te^{-\frac{t}{20} } )[/tex]

                       = 0 + [tex]t\frac{d}{dt}(e^{-\frac{t}{20} } ) + e^{-\frac{t}{20} }\frac{d}{dt}(t )[/tex]

                       = [tex]t(-\frac{1}{20} )e^{-\frac{t}{20} } + e^{-\frac{t}{20} }[/tex]

⇒v(t) = [tex]-\frac{t}{20}e^{-\frac{t}{20} } + e^{-\frac{t}{20} }[/tex]


For minimum velocity, Put [tex]\frac{d}{dt}(v(t)) = 0[/tex]


[tex]\frac{d}{dt}[v(t)] = \frac{d}{dt} [ -\frac{t}{20}e^{-\frac{t}{20} } + e^{-\frac{t}{20} } ][/tex]

           = [tex]-\frac{2}{20} e^{-\frac{t}{20} } + \frac{t}{400} e^{-\frac{t}{20} }[/tex]


Put [tex]\frac{d}{dt}(v(t)) = 0[/tex], we get

[tex]-\frac{2}{20} = - \frac{t}{400}[/tex]

⇒t = 40


Check that the point is minimum or maximum

Calculate  [tex]\frac{d^{2} }{dt^{2} } [v(t)][/tex]


[tex]\frac{d^{2} }{dt^{2} } [v(t)][/tex] = [tex]\frac{d}{dt} [ -\frac{2}{20} e^{-\frac{t}{20} } + \frac{t}{400} e^{-\frac{t}{20} }][/tex]

            = [tex]\frac{1}{400}e^{- \frac{t}{20} } [ 3 - \frac{t}{20}][/tex]

⇒[tex]\frac{d^{2} }{dt^{2} } [v(t)][/tex]  = [tex]\frac{1}{400}e^{- \frac{t}{20} } [ 3 - \frac{t}{20}][/tex]  > 0

∴ we get

t = 40 is point of minimum


The minimum velocity be

v(40) = [tex]-\frac{40}{20}e^{-\frac{40}{20} } + e^{-\frac{40}{20} }[/tex]

      = [tex]-2e^{-2 } + e^{-2 }[/tex]

      = [tex]-e^{-2 }[/tex]

⇒v(40) = [tex]-e^{-2 }[/tex] units

∴ we get

The minimum velocity of the particle  = [tex]-e^{-2 }[/tex] units

Pierre found a new store where he hopes to save
money on his supplies. He bought 4 brushes and 7
tubes of paint for $32. He has another order for 6
brushes and 8 tubes of paint that will cost $43.
What is the cost of one brush? What is the cost of
one tube of paint?


Your first equation is 4x + 7y= 32, the x’s representing the brushes and the y’s the tubes of paint. Our second equation is 6x+8y=43. What I did is I multiplied the first equation by 1.5 so that it turns into 6x+10.5y=48. Then I subtracted the second equation from the first, canceling out the x’s and leaving us with 2.5y=5. Then divided and got y=2. We then go back to any of the original equations and plug it in to get the x’s.
6x+8(2)=43. We get 6x+16=43. We subtract and are left with 6x=27 and then x=4.5. Then plug both of them in to a different equation to double check. You could also use substitution by isolating one of the variables in one equation and then plugging it in to the other one.

If the fractions are 1/6 1/3 1/2 and 2/3 what is the rule for the sequence




Step-by-step explanation:

dolars per hour

Can someone please help



take 121 subtract it from 180 and you get 59 so angle d is 59°. and angle b is 154°

If y=x+4 and y=3x+2, what must be true about x + 4 and 3x+2?



x=1 must satisfy both equations.

Step-by-step explanation:



IT Means x+4=3x+2


2x=2 ;  x=1 must satisfy both equations

c) 20 blank CD-Roms cost £3.20
How much do 75 CD-Roms cost?



the cost of 75 CD Roms is £12

Step-by-step explanation:

The computation of the 75 CD roms cost is shown below:

Since it is mentioned that

for 20 blank CD roms it cost £3.20

So for 75 CD Roms, the cost would be

= £3.20 × 75 ÷ 20

= £12

Hence, the cost of 75 CD Roms is £12

What is the answer?




Step-by-step explanation:



Step-by-step explanation:

because you take 3 pulse 2

When a button is pressed, a computer program outputs a random odd number greater than 1 and less than 9.  You press the button 4 times. How many possible outcomes are there?​



Well if it is 1 to 9 and you press it 4 times you will have 9 possible outcomes

Step-by-step explanation:

The number of possible outcomes when the button is pressed 4 times is; 81 outcomes

Number of possible outcomesWhen the button is pressed first, the possible choices of random odd number are; 3, 5 and 7.

This is because the sample space includes odd numbers between 1 and 9 excluding 1 and 9.

Since number of possible choices for one press is 3,then for four presses, we will have;

3⁴ = 81 possible outcomes

Read more on probability outcomes at;

The numbers of beads on 500 handcrafted bead necklaces follow a normal distribution whose mean is 24 beads and standard deviation is 4 beads. Which sentence most closely summarizes the data?



About 80 necklaces have more than 28 beads.

Step-by-step explanation:

Which angles are vertical angles and, therefore, congruent?

A and D
A and G
A and E
A and F​



A and F

Step-by-step explanation:

During a guided tour of Sindrow Castle, a group of tourists climbed to the top of Fineview Tower.
At the top, the guide asked the six children in the group to guess how many steps they had
climbed. Their guesses were 155, 157, 167, 168, 179 and 183.
The guide revealed that the closest guess was only 3 more or less than the correct number and
that two of the other guesses were no more than 10 away.
How many steps had they climbed?
A 160
B 164
C 171
D 176




Step-by-step explanation:

What is 7 / 2 0 to 5


7/20 to 5 is 1 3/4 or 7/4.

What if the bag did not tell us how many total servings and only told us how many total cups?
If the bag of dry fruit has 5 cups and each serving is ¼ of a cup, how many servings would the bag have?



20 servings

Step-by-step explanation:

To find how many servings the bag would have, divide 5 by 0.25:


= 20

So, the bag would have 20 servings

The movement of the progress bar may be uneven because questions can be worth more or less (including zero) depending on
Solve and graph the following inequality: 4x + 5 > 13



Option (1)

Step-by-step explanation:

Given inequality is.

4x + 5 ≥ 13

We will further solve this inequality,

(4x + 5) - 5 ≥ 13 - 5

4x ≥ 8

[tex]\frac{4x}{4}\geq \frac{8}{4}[/tex]

x ≥ 2

Therefore, on a number line solution of x will be all values of x greater than equal to 2.

Which will be represented by and arrow starting with a solid point from x = 2 directing towards numbers greater than 2.

Option (1) will be the answer.

what is the area of a semicircle with a diameter of 8



We'll use 3.14 as an approximation of pi. So, now we plug the values into the equation. A = 3.14 * 8^2/2.

Step-by-step explanation:


Step-by-step explanation:

What is -3/4x + 1/2y - 9/4x - 11/2y in simplest form?


Answer: -3x-5y

Step-by-step explanation:

In ΔEFG, e = 4.7 inches, f = 4.8 inches and g=3.6 inches. Find the measure of ∠E to the nearest 10th of a degree.



Step-by-step explanation:

Can someone try to help me please??



1) 180 degrees; straight angle

2) (5x-18)+(4x+45)=108

3) x=17

4) 90 degrees; right angle

5) (3x+6)+(5x+4)=90


Step-by-step explanation:

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