slope is -5 and (2, 1) is on the line; standard form


Answer 1

We have to find the equation of the line in standard form, knowing that the slope is m = -5 and it passes through the point (2, 1).

The standard form is:


When we know the slope and one point, we can write the equation in slope-point form. Then, we can rearrange the terms in order to find the standard form.

The slope-point form is:

[tex]\begin{gathered} y-y_0=m(x-x_0) \\ y-1=-5(x-2) \end{gathered}[/tex]

We then can rearrange it as:

[tex]\begin{gathered} y-1=-5(x-2) \\ y=-5x-5\cdot(-2)+1 \\ y=-5x+10+1 \\ y+5x=11 \\ 5x+y=11 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Answer: the standard form of the line is 5x + y = 11.

Related Questions

Hello, I need some assistance with this homework question please for precalculusHW Q15



The remainder theorems state that when a polynomial a(x) is divided by a linear polynomial b(x) whose zero is x = k, the remainder is given by r = a(k).



since f(x) is divided by x - 2, the remainder is


Therefore, the remainder is 8

Suppose f(x) = x². Find the graph off(x+3).???


If f(x)=x^2

Then f(x+3)=(x+3)^2


Use geogebra to graph the function or calculate the vertex using the equation


From the equation we have that





The vertex is on x=-3

Calculate f(-3)=9-18+9=0

The vertex is (-3,0)

y axis cut off point f(0)=0+0+9=9

As "a" is a positive value, parabola open upwards, now you can draw the parabola

This is a sketch, let's use geogebra

Ravi had 119 dollars to begin with. He just spent b dollars.using. B, write expression for the number of dollars he has left



Total money Ravi has to begin with = 119 dollars.

He spent b dollars.

The number of dollars he has left is:

119 - b

Evan is going to the 50th state fair this weekend. It costs $10 to enterand each ride is $2. How much will it cost Evan to go to the fair and ride 5rides? **Don't forget the initial cost.**( hint: determine the equation first y =X + and then plug in 5 for x) *


From the question, we are given the following;

Cost of entering the state fair = $10

Amount of each ride = $2

For us to determine the amount it will cost Evan to go to the fair and ride 5 rides, the equation y = $10 + 2x will be used where;

x is the total ride taken = 5 rides

y is the amount it cost evan to enter the state fair and ride 5 rides

Substitute x = 5 into the equation and get y;

y = $10 + 2x

y = $10 + $2(5)

y = $10 + $10

y = $20

Hence it will cost Evans $20 to go to the fair and ride 5 rides

Solve for 3x/2 -4 = 16what does x equal??


The given equation is expressed as

3x/2 - 4 = 16

The first step is to multiply both sides of the equation by 2. It becomes

3x/2 * 2 - 4 * 2 = 16 * 2

3x - 8 = 32

3x = 32 + 8

3x = 40

x = 40/3

x = 13.33

Use the figures below. What is the ratio of AD to JM? A.2/3B.6/5C.3/2



Rectangle ABCD is similar to rectangle JKLM

From the first rectangle, we have:

AB = 15

DC = 6

From the second rectangle, we have:

JM = 10

ML = 5

We know that,



Thus, we have the ratio as:

[tex]\frac{AD}{JM}=\frac{DC}{ML}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{AD}{JM}=\frac{15}{10}=\frac{3}{2} \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore the ratio of AD to JM is:



[tex]C\text{. }\frac{3}{2}[/tex]

The length of a rectangle is 1m more than twice the width, the area of the rectangle is 45m^2


Let l and w be the length and width of the rectangle, respectively; therefore, according to the question

[tex]\begin{gathered} l=2w+1 \\ and \\ l*w=45 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Where l and w are in meters.

Substitute the first equation into the second one, as shown below

[tex]\begin{gathered} l=2w+1 \\ \Rightarrow(2w+1)*w=45 \\ \Rightarrow2w^2+w=45 \\ \Rightarrow2w^2+w-45=0 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Solve for w using the quadratic formula,

[tex]\begin{gathered} \Rightarrow w=\frac{-1\pm\sqrt{1+4*2*45}}{2*2}=\frac{-1\pm\sqrt{361}}{4}=\frac{-1\pm19}{4} \\ \Rightarrow w=\frac{9}{2},-5 \end{gathered}[/tex]

But w has to be positive since it is a measurement; therefore, w=9/2.

Finding l given the value of w=9/2,

[tex]\begin{gathered} w=\frac{9}{2} \\ \Rightarrow l=2(\frac{9}{2})+1=10 \\ \Rightarrow l=10 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Thus, the answers are length=10 m, width=4.5m

Find the cost for each pound of jelly beans and each pound of almonds


Let 'x' represent the cost for each pound of jelly beans.

Let 'y' represent the cost for each pound of almonds.

For the first statement, the mathematical expression is

[tex]\begin{gathered} 9x+7y=37\ldots\ldots1 \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

For the second statement, the mathematical expression is,


Combining the two equations

[tex]\begin{gathered} 9x+7y=37\ldots\ldots\text{.}.1 \\ 3x+5y=17\ldots\ldots2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Applying the elimination method to resolve the systems of equation

Multiply the second equation by 3, in order to eliminate x

[tex]\begin{gathered} 9x+7y=37\ldots\ldots\ldots1 \\ 3x+5y=17\ldots\ldots\ldots2\times3 \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} 9x+7y=37\ldots\ldots\text{.}.1 \\ 9x+15y=51\ldots\ldots2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Subtract equation 1 from 2

[tex]\begin{gathered} 9x-9x+15y-7y=51-37 \\ 8y=14 \\ \frac{8y}{8}=\frac{14}{8} \\ y=\frac{7}{4}=1.75 \\ \therefore y=1.75 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Substitute y = 1.75 into equation 1 in order to solve for x

[tex]\begin{gathered} 9x+7y=37 \\ 9x+7(1.75)=37 \\ 9x+12.25=37 \\ 9x=37-12.25 \\ 9x=24.75 \\ \frac{9x}{9}=\frac{24.75}{9} \\ x=2.75 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, the cost for each pound of jelly beans = x = $2.75.

the cost for each pound of almonds = y = $1.75.

Write a coordinate proof of the following theorem:"If a quadrilateral is a kite, then its diagonals are perpendicular."(image attached)thank you ! :)



Given the following coordinate points from the kite

[tex]\begin{gathered} W=(a,4b) \\ X=(2a,b) \\ Y=(a,0) \\ Z=(0,b) \end{gathered}[/tex]

For the diagonals to be perpendicular the product of the distance WY and XZ must be zero that is;


Determine the coordinate point WY

[tex]\begin{gathered} \vec{WY}=[(a-a,4b-0)] \\ \vec{WY}=(0,4b) \end{gathered}[/tex]

Determine the coordinate point XZ

[tex]\begin{gathered} \vec{XZ}=[(2a-0),(b-b)] \\ \vec{XZ}=(2a,0) \end{gathered}[/tex]

Take the dot product of the coordinates

[tex]\begin{gathered} \vec{WY}\cdot\vec{XZ}=(0,4b)\cdot(2a,0) \\ \vec{WY}\cdot\vec{XZ}=[(0)(2a)+(4b)(0))] \\ \vec{WY}\cdot\vec{XZ}=(0,0)=\vec{0} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Since the dot product of the coordinates is a zero vector, hence its diagonals are perpendicular.

jenelle and hadiya went to lunch,the bill,before sales before sales tax and tip,was 37.50.a sales tax of 8% was added.they added an 18% tip on the amount after the tax was added.a)what was the amount,in dollars,of the sales tax.b)what was the total amount they paid,including tax and tip.



tax = 8%

tip = 18%

a) 37.5 ------------------ 100%

x ------------------- 8%

x = (8 x 37.5) / 100

x = 3

Tax = $3

b) Money of lunch plus tax = $40.5

40.5 -------------------- 100

x --------------------- 18

x = (18 x 40.5) / 100

x = 7.29

Total amount paid = 7.29 + 40.5

= $ 47.79

does this represent exponential growth or exponential decay and identify the percent rate of changedetermine whether y= 500(1.08)t represents exponential growth or exponential decay and identify the rate of change.




To determine whether it represents exponential growth or exponential decay:

Since, the general exponential growth formula is,


Hence, the given represents exponential growth.

Comparing we get,



That is, r=8%

Therefore, the percentage rate of change is 8%.

Which situation is best modeled by the graph? a.) the cost of buying muffinsb.) the distance between the train and the station as the train travels towards the stationc.) the amount of money left in the roll of quarters after paying a roll each dayd.) the distance a runner covers traveling at a steady paste


Notice that the graph plots points that as we move along the horizontal axis, go down in value. The Horizontal axis is most likely representing the time elapsed in each description.

Then, we DISCARD the first answer, since the cost of muffins don't go down as time goes by.

Answer b is a POSSIBLE answer, since the distance as the train approaches the station, is reducing (going down in value) as time goes by.

Answer C is not a good answer (we discard it) since after paying a roll each day, the number of quarters in each roll doesn't go down because we pay with the entire roll.

Answer d is also discarded, since the distance covered by the runner, should be going UP (increasing) as time goes by

Therefore, answer b) is the selected answer.

I need help with this question can you please help me ?



Given that,

The product of a number and 6 equals twice the result of the sum of the number and 6.

Let the number be x,

product of a number and 6 is 6x.

sum of the number and 6 is x+6.

we get,


a) The equation could be used to find the number is,


b) On solving the above equation we get,


The number is 3.

Answer is: 3

One equation from a system of two linear equations is graphed on the coordinate grid. 51 46 5 4 3 2 1 6 x -1 -21 The second equation in the system of linear equations has a slope of 3 and passes through the point (2,-5). What is the solution to the system of equations? th


First, we need to find the equation for the two equations.

The equation graphed has a y-intercept of 3 and a slope of


therefore, the equation of the line is


For the second equation, we know what it has a slope of 3; therefore it can be written as


Now, we also know that this equation passes through the point y = -5, x = 2; therefore,


which gives


Hence, the equation of the line is


Now we have the equations

[tex]\begin{gathered} y=-\frac{1}{2}x+3 \\ y=3x-11 \end{gathered}[/tex]

equating them gives


adding 11 to both sides gives


adding 1/2 x to both sides gives


Finally, dividing both sides by 7/2 gives


The corresponding value of y is found by substituting the above value into one of the equations


Hence, the solution to the system is


If x is perpendicular to a and X is perpendicular to b then____X is perpendicular to a A // BA is perpendicular to YX // Y


[tex]If\text{ x}\perp a\text{ and x}\perp b,\text{ then a}\parallel b[/tex]

Can u please help me with This am trying to study but can’t get it



Following Matrices are given.

[tex]A=\begin{bmatrix}{2} & {1} \\ {3} & {4}\end{bmatrix},B=[\text{ }5\text{ 4 \rbrack, C=}\begin{bmatrix}{4} & {1} & {6} \\ {} & {} & {} \\ {5} & {2} & {7}\end{bmatrix}[/tex]


we have to find which Matrix multiplication can be defined.


For Matrix multiplication, the number of columns of first Matrix should be equal to the number of rows of the second Matrix.

Therefore, the following Matrix multiplication can be defined

BC,Because number of columns of B is 2 and number of rows of C is 2.

AC,Because number of columns of A is 2 and number of rows of C is 2.

BA,Because number of columns of B is 2 and number of rows of A is 2.

Therefore, the multiplications BC,AC,BA can be defined.

3. Which expression is equivalent to 3(x-2) + Zx?A. -XB. 3xC. 5X-2D. 5X-6marios The cost of


Given an expression below :


The expression can be solved by :

Step 1: Opening the bracket

[tex]\begin{gathered} 3(x-2)+2x \\ 3x-6+2x \end{gathered}[/tex]

Step 2: Collect like terms

[tex]\begin{gathered} 3x-6+2x \\ 3x+2x-6 \\ 5x-6 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore the correct answer for the expression is 5x - 6

Hence the correct value is Option D

Find the volume of thetriangular prism.24 m7 m3.6 mThe volume of the triangular prism ism3


The volume of a triangle prism formula is shown below.

[tex]\text{Volume of a triangular prism = Base area x Lenght}[/tex]

From the figure,

The triangle of base 3.6m and height 24m is the base of the prism.

Therefore, the base area is the area of the triangle.

Area of the triangle = 1/2 x base x height

Area = 1/2 x 24 x 3.6

= 12 x 3.6

= 43.2

The volume = Base area x Length

Length = 7m

Base area = 43.2 meter square


The violume = 43.2 x 7

= 302.4

Final amswer

[tex]\text{Volume = 302.4 m}^3[/tex]

what is x^3 - 2x^2 - 4x - 1 divided by x + 1 ?


To answer this question we will use the long division.

Using long division we get:



Answer: Option A.

Lakshmi bought 7 books for a total of 56 rupees how much would see pay for just three books? 56 rupees Indian money


To find how much would be paid for 3 books, follow the steps below.

Step 01: Find the price of one book.

Let's say the price of one book is x.

Then, the price of 7 books is 7 times x, which is 56 rupes.


To find x, let's divide both sides by 7:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{7x}{7}=\frac{56}{7} \\ 1x=8 \\ x=8 \end{gathered}[/tex]

So, the price of one book is 8.

Step 02: Find the price of 3 books.

If the price of one book is 8, the price of 3 books (P) will be 3 times 8:

[tex]\begin{gathered} P=3\cdot8 \\ P=24 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Answer: It would be paid 24 rupees for 3 books.

What type of model does the data suggest?х01234y2.55102040A ConstantB ExponentialCLinearD) Quadratic


[tex]\begin{gathered} x=0,1,2,3,4 \\ y=2.5,5,10,20 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The function for this data can be represented as:


Therefore, it is exponential.

Mr.Ortiz has to successfully interview 90% of his assigned households. He was assigned 500 households. He has interviewed 430 households so far. Has he met his goal?


90 % of 500 is found by

0.9 * 500 = 450

430 < 450

so he has not met his goal

Let c(t) be the number of customers in a restaurant t hours after 8 a.m. Explain the meaning of each statement.c(3)=c(3)



Here, c(t) be the number of customers in a restaurant t hours after 8 a.m.

The statement is,


To find:

The meaning of the given statement.


Since c(t) is the number of customers in a restaurant t hours after 8 a.m.

So, c(3) be the number of customers in a restaurant 3 hours after 8 a.m.

That is,

The number of customers in a restaurant 3 hours after 8 a.m is equal to the number of customers in a restaurant 3 hours after 8 a.m.

Final answer:

The number of customers in a restaurant 3 hours after 8 a.m is equal to the number of customers in a restaurant 3 hours after 8 a.m.

There are two buildings beside a park.
The first building is 165 3/4 ft tall, and
the second building is 114 1/4 ft tall.
By rounding to the nearest whole number,
estimate the difference between the
heights of the buildings.


The difference of the height of the buildings is 51.5 for the first building is 165 3/4 feet tall, and the second building is 114 1/4 feet tall.

Given that,

There are two building side of a park.

The first building is 165 3/4 feet tall, and the second building is 114 1/4 feet tall.

We have to find the difference of the height of the buildings.

We have to subtract the first building is 165 3/4 feet tall, and the second building is 114 1/4 feet tall.

165 3/4- 114 1/4

660+3/4- 456+1/4




Therefore, The difference of the height of the buildings is 51.5 for the first building is 165 3/4 feet tall, and the second building is 114 1/4 feet tall.

To learn more about height visit:


Three points are shown on the coordinate plane.What is the distance from point A to point B?



The distance from point A to point B is;

[tex]5\text{ units}[/tex]


Given the points A and B with coordinates as shown on the graph;

[tex]\begin{gathered} A(0,5) \\ B(3,1) \end{gathered}[/tex]

Recall that the distance between two points can be calculated using the formula;


substituting the coordinates of point A and B. we have;

[tex]\begin{gathered} d=\sqrt[]{(3-0)^2+(1-5)^2} \\ d=\sqrt[]{3^2+4^2} \\ d=\sqrt[]{9+16} \\ d=\sqrt[]{25} \\ d=5 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the distance from point A to point B is;

[tex]5\text{ units}[/tex]

The figure below was made with a scale of 1 unit = 9 cm.Draw the figure with a new scale of 1 unit = 3 cm.You can place your figure anywhere on the grid on the right.9 cmCurrent scale1 unit = 9 cmExplanationCheck3 cmNew scale1 unit = 3 cmI need help with this math problem


We will draw the figure

In a new scale, the new scale is

[tex]1\text{ unit= 3 cm}[/tex]

Note that the draw above is a square of side 18cm, therefore in the new scale the side of the square have to be drawn using

[tex]\frac{18cm}{3cm}=6\text{ }units[/tex]

That is, if we change the units our new square have a side of 6 units as follows

the point M 6,-4 is reflected over the y-axis. what are the cordnates of the resulting point, M?


A reflection over the Y-axis is given by:


Substitute for (x,y)=(6,-4):


Therefore, the new coordinates of the point after a reflection over the Y-axis, are:


Which answers describe the shape below? Check all that apply.A. SquareB. RhombusC. QuadrilateralD. TrapezoidE. RectangleF. Parallelogram


Recall the following definitions:

A square is a shape that has 4 sides. All of them with the same length. It has 2 pairs of parallel sides and has 4 right angles. Based on this definition, the given shape is a square.

A rhombus is a shape that has 4 sides. It has two pairs of parallel sides and each par has the same length. Based on this definition, it is also a rhombus.

A quadrilateral is closed shape that has 4 sides. Based on this definition, this shape is also a quadrilateral.

A trapezoid is a quadrilateral that has exactly one pair of parallel sides. As in this case we have two pairs of parallel sides, it is not a trapezoid.

A rectangle is a quadrilateral that has a pair of parallel sides of equal length and has 4 right angles. Based on this definition, this shape is also a rectangle.

A parallelogram is a quadrilateral that has two pairs of parallel sides with the same length. Based on this definition, this shape is also a parallelogram

Find the length of side x in simplest radical form with a rational denominator.30°х60°12


Ok, to find the lenght of side x we are going to use the sine function:

[tex]\sin (30)=\frac{12}{x}[/tex]

Clearing x:

[tex]x=\frac{12}{\sin (30)}=\frac{12}{1/2}=24[/tex]

Finally we get that x is equal to 24.

how do I multeply Fractions


Multiplying simultaneously numerator by numerator and denominator by denominator.

You can multiply fractions, multiplying simultaneously numerator by numerator and denominator by denominator.

2) Notice that whenever possible, we must simplify it to the lowest possible fraction.

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