sirius looks brighter than alpha centauri, but we know that alpha centauri is closer because its apparent position in the sky shifts by a larger amount as earth orbits the sun


Answer 1

This statment does not make sense.

What is statment?

something stated: such as. : a single declaration or remark : assertion. : a report of facts or opinions. : the act by the  or process of stating or presenting orally or on paper.

The parallax for Alpha by  Centauri is larger than that for Sirius because Alpha to  Centauri is closer to us. Sirius looks brighter than the  the  Alpha Centauri, but we know that Alpha Centauri is closer because its apparent position in the sky shifts by a larger amount as Earth orbits the Sun. This statement does not make sense.

To know more about statment click-


Related Questions

in the drake equation, a value of flife that is close to one and a value of fciv that is close to zero would imply .


In the drake equation, a value of flife that is close to one and a value of fciv that is close to zero would imply primitive life is common but intelligent life is rare.

What is the drake equation?

The Drake equation has been criticized, but not for the equation itself, rather for the fact that many of its estimated values are highly speculative, with the cumulative multiplicative effect being that the uncertainty associated with any derived value is so great that the equation cannot be used to make conclusive judgments.

The Drake equation is a probabilistic method for calculating the number of extraterrestrial civilizations in the Milky Way Galaxy that are currently active and capable of communication.

Frank Drake created the equation in 1961, not to count the number of civilizations but rather to encourage discussion among scientists at the inaugural conference on the hunt for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI). The equation encapsulates the key ideas that researchers must take into account while debating the possibility of other radio-communicative life. It is better to think of it as an estimation rather than a sincere endeavor to come up with a specific number.

To learn more about the drake equation the link is given below:


If you weigh 982 N on Earth, what would your weight be on the surface of Jupiter?

g = 9.8 m/s^2 on Earth's surface

g = 26.0 m/s^2 on Jupiter's surface

mass of the Earth is 6 x 1024 kg

mass of Jupiter is 1.9 x 1027 kg

radius of Earth is 6.4 x 106 m

radius of Jupiter is 7 x 107 m

Round your answer to the nearest whole number.


Mass is always the same. The magnitude of weight on the surface of Jupiter is 2605.3 N

What is Weight ?

Weight can simply be defined as a gravitational pull on an object in space. It is the product of mass and acceleration due to gravity.

Given that;

g = 9.8 m/s^2 on Earth's surface

g = 26.0 m/s^2 on Jupiter's surface

mass of the Earth is 6 x 1024 kg

mass of Jupiter is 1.9 x 1027 kg

radius of Earth is 6.4 x 106 m

radius of Jupiter is 7 x 107 m

If you weigh 982 N on Earth, your mass can be calculated by using weight formula. That is,

W = mg

982 = 9.8m

m = 982/9.8

m = 100.2 Kg

The mass is always constant. Your weight on the surface of Jupiter can be calculated in the same way where g = 26.0 m/s^2 on Jupiter's surface

W = mg

W = 100.2 × 26

W = 2605.3 N

Therefore, your weight will be 2605.3 N on the surface of Jupiter.

Learn more about Weight here:


when you drop an object from a height, does the energy transferred to its kinetic energy stores increase or decrease as it falls?





The potential energy of the object at a certain height converts to kinetic energy as the object falls.  Objects in free fall are accelerating, so the velocity is increasing every second that the object is falling.  KE = 1/2mv², so the greater the v, the greater the KE.

Find the magnitude of velocities vA and vB in the figure below, where,
= 24.0° and vtot = 5.96 m/s.


The magnitude of velocity A is 3.06 m/s and the magnitude of velocity B is 3.5 m/s.

What is the magnitude of velocity A and B?

The magnitude of velocity  A and B in the given figure is determined by applying parallelogram law of vector addition.

Vr² = Va² + Vb²  - 2(Va)(Vb) cosθ


Vr is the resultant velocity or total velocityVa is the velocity of AVb is the velocity of Bθ is the angle between velocity A and velocity B

The angle between the two velocities is calculated as follows;

θ = 180 - (23⁰ + 26.5⁰)

θ = 130.5⁰

Apply sine rule and determine the values of each of the velocities.

Va / sin(23) = V(tot) / sin(130.5)

Va / sin(23) = 5.96 / sin(130.5)

Va = 5.96 (sin 23 / sin 130.5)

Va = 3.06 m/s

Vb / sin(26.5) = V(tot) / sin(130.5)

Vb = 5.96 (sin 26.5 / sin 130.5)

Vb = 3.5 m/s

Learn more about resultant velocity here:


If the average hang time of a professional football kick is 4.4s, then determine the average maximum height.


The average highest height of a professional football kick is 189.728 m if the hang time is 4.4 seconds on average.

What is meant by hang time?

A person or an object's total duration in the air after leaving the ground is known as their "hang time." From the time anything leaves the ground until it returns, it is measured.

We know,

y= gt²


y = Average maximum height

g = acceleration due to gravity

t = Average hang time


Average hang time (t) = 4.4s

Acceleration due to gravity (g) = 9.8 m/s² (assuming)

Inserting these values in the given equation,

y = gt²

  = 9.8×4.4×4.4

  = 189.728 m.

Hence, the average maximum height of the football is 189.728 m.

To know more about acceleration due to gravity please click here


the mass of fuel in an airplane must be determined before takeoff. a jet contains 13821 l of fuel after it has been filled with fuel.


The mass of fuel in an airplane must be determined before takeoff is 15.5 * 10³ kg.

What is mass?

Inertia, a fundamental characteristic of all matter, is measured quantitatively. . The change caused by an applied force is proportional to the mass of the body.

What is fuel?

Any substance that can be manufactured to react with other compounds in order to release energy as thermal energy or for use in work is a fuel.

Volume of fuel = 19917 litre

since 1 litre = 1000cm³

so, 1991700 cm³

density of fuel = 0.778g/cm³

density = mass/volume

mass= density* volume

= 0.778g/cm³* 1991700 cm³

= 15495426g

= 15495426g/ 1000 *1000 g

= 15495426g/ 1000  kg

=  15495. 426 kg

= 15495. 426 *10³ kg

= 15.5 * 10³ kg.

Therefore, the mass of fuel in an airplane must be determined before takeoff is 15.5 * 10³ kg.

Learn more about mass from the given link.


refractive index of a material relation with temperature, wavelength of the incident light and optical density


Absolute Refractive Index = Speed of light in vacuum / speed of light in medium.

Absolute refractive index is the ratio of the speed of light in a vacuum to the speed of light in a given material. It is an important physical property of a material, and is used to calculate the refractive index of a medium relative to a vacuum.

As the temperature rises, the speed of light increases because the optical density of the light is decreasing. The refractive index varies simultaneously for incident light of different wavelengths.

Refractive index can be written as n = λv / λm , where λv is the wavelength in vacuum and λm is the wavelength of the medium.

The density and temperature of a material affect its absolute refractive index. The wavelength of the incident light also plays a role.

To learn more about absolute refractive index:


What happens to the salt crystals in the bottom of the tank


B. More of the salt dissolves because the additional water can hold more salt ions

AA1056317 avatar
13 hours ago
If you weigh 982 N on Earth, what would your weight be on the surface of Jupiter?
g = 9.8 m/s^2 on Earth's surface
g = 26.0 m/s^2 on Jupiter's surface
mass of the Earth is 6 x 1024 kg
mass of Jupiter is 1.9 x 1027 kg
radius of Earth is 6.4 x 106 m
radius of Jupiter is 7 x 107 m
Round your answer to the nearest whole number.


The magnitude of your weight on the surface of Jupiter is determined as 2,605.2 N.

What is your mass?

The magnitude of your mass which does not change on both Earth and Jupiter is calculated from your weight on Earth by applying Newton's second law of motion as follows;

W = mg


m is your massg is acceleration due to gravity on Earth

m = W / g

m = 982 N / ( 9.8 m/s²)

m = 100.2 kg

The magnitude of your weight on the surface of Jupiter is calculated as follows;

W = mg


m is your massg is acceleration due to gravity on Jupiter

W = 100.2 kg x 26 m/s²

W = 2,605.2 N

Thus, the weight of objects or individual changes with direction due to variation in acceleration due to gravity while the mass of objects or individuals remains constant.

Learn more about weight here:


If you drive west at 40 mph for 25 hours how far would you travel?







If you drive west at 40 miles per hour for 25 hours, you would travel 1000 miles.


This is determined by multiplying the speed you are traveling (40 miles per hour) by the amount of time you are traveling (25 hours), which gives you 1000 miles. It's important to note that this is only an estimate, as various factors such as traffic and road conditions can affect your actual travel distance. Additionally, driving for extended periods of time can be dangerous, so it's important to take regular breaks and make sure you're well rested before getting behind the wheel.

a lens which is thicker in the middle than at the edges is a group of answer choices diverging lens. achromatic lens. antireflection lens. converging lens.


A converging lens is one that is thicker in the centre than it is at the edges.

Converging Lens

Light is directed to a point at the optical centre or axis of a convergent lens. a lens that creates a true image by converting parallel light beams to convergent light rays. The image is actual and inverted as long as the object is outside of the focal point. The image becomes virtual and upright when the object is inside the focal point. A lens is a transmissive optical tool that refracts light to change how sharply it focuses. The lens in this instance is referred to as a positive or converging lens.

To learn more about Converging Lens:


Environmental science includes elements of other related sciences. Give 2 examples of related sciences




Biology, Geology, Geography, chemistry, etc.


An object falls from aight of 12.6 m. How long does it take to fall and hit the ground below!​



1.60 s


t² = (2h)/g

t = √(2h)/g

t = [tex]\sqrt{2(12.6m)/9.80 m/s2}[/tex]

t = 1.60 s

Consider the four quantum numbers of an electron in a single-electron atom, n, l, ml , and ms . The energy of an electron in an isolated atom depends on Consider the four quantum numbers of an electron in a single-electron atom, n, l, ml , and ms . The energy of an electron in an isolated atom depends on
l, ml , and ms only.
n only.
n and l only.
n, l, and ml only.
all four quantum numbers.


According to the Quantum numbers, The energy of an electron in an isolated atom depends on b. n only.

What is a Quantum number?

Only specific integral or half-integral values can be assigned to the number that appears in the theoretical formulation for the value of a particular quantized feature of a subatomic particle, atom, or molecule.

The proportional total energy of each orbital is represented by the quantum number n, also referred to as the primary quantum number.

In an isolated atom, each electron in a subshell has exactly the same amount of energy. Electron shells are groups of orbitals with the same n value.

The Schrödinger wave equation's solution yields the primary quantum number, which describes the energy in eigenstates. In the instance of a hydrogen atom, this yields:

En= -(13.6/n^2)eV

Thus for each value of n, we can describe the orbital and the energy corresponding to each electron on such orbital.

To learn more about quantum no. the link is given below:


Read the following scenario and answer the question(s) below. A military base a few miles from a medium-sized city is being decommissioned. The base is a large one, sited along a coastline, and include some small is, pristine woodlands and wetlands, streams, a river, and a small lake. There is a railroad spur that connects the base with the nearby city, as well as a four-lane highway. The base contains housing schools, a hospital, shops, and recreational areas for a population of 10.000. The city's options for using, selling or leasing the land are numerous, and many groups come forward with proposals As an ecological resource manager, your preliminary environmental studies should include inquiry into whether a new housing development just outside the city limits may increase traffic on the connecting highway the city needs to obtain a great deal of revenue from the final choice the wetlands include oyster beds and shallow ostuaries that are habitats for shrimp, crabs, and fish which are supporting many local industries the lake should be provided with docks and a marina for sport fishermen the financial situation of some potential investors is shaky


As an ecological resource manager, your initial environmental studies should include investigating whether wetlands include oyster beds and shallow estuaries which are habitats for shrimp, crabs, and fish that support many local industries.

When viewed from an ecological perspective, the main factors to consider are the state of the environment and the living things that live in it.

The relationship between the environment and sustainable development is one indicator of sustainable development which is to minimize environmental damage as a result of development.

Environmentally sound development is a conscious and planned effort to use and manage resources wisely in planned and irrational development to improve the quality of human life.

This question is not written neatly, and this question is a multiple choice

As an ecological resource manager, your preliminary environmental studies should include inquiry into whether                        

a) a new housing development just outside the city limits may increase traffic on the connecting highway b) the city needs to obtain a great deal of revenue from the final choice c) the wetlands include oyster beds and shallow ostuaries that are habitats for shrimp, crabs, and fish which are supporting many local industries d) the lake should be provided with docks and a marina for sport fishermen e) the financial situation of some potential investors is shaky

The true choice is C

Learn more about the ecological perspective on sustainability at


the grounding electrode(s) is connected to the equipment ground conductor at the service or separately derived system with the


It is utilized to link the grounded conductor of the derived system to the grounding electrode as outlined in 250.30(A) (4).

What is ground conductor ?

One who intentionally connects a wire or conductor to the earth is said to be a grounding conductor. The term "ground conductor" or "case ground" are terms used to describe the grounding conductor. The ground wire is typically attached to an appliance, tool, or case that is part of the electrical box or its exterior.

What is  grounding electrode ?

A conductive object known as a grounding electrode creates a direct connection to the earth or ground. A grounding electrode must make direct contact with the ground; this is crucial. Although there are many conductive items in a structure, not all of them directly link to ground.

A grounding electrode conductor must be sized in line with 250.66 for the derived ungrounded conductors for each individually deriving system. It is utilized to link the grounded conductor of the derived system to the grounding electrode as outlined in 250.30(A) (4).

Therefore, it is utilized to link the grounded conductor of the derived system to the grounding electrode as outlined in 250.30(A) (4).

Learn more about grounding electrode from the given link.


a perfectly circular mirror in radius is placed in the path of a plane electromagnetic wave with an intensity of g



what the question?


Is the force applied by the string cable of accelerating the box up the incline?


Is the force applied by the string cable of accelerating the box up the incline. The molecular weight of water is 18 g/mol and the latent heat of vaporization is 2260 J/g.  

What is the parameters?

Let's state the parameters given.

Given that:

mass (m) = 117 gram

specific latent heat of vaporization (L) = 2260 J/g

Pressure (P) = 1 atm or 101325 Pa

Temperature (T) = 373.15 K

molecular weight = 18 g/mol

i.e we are to find the heat energy which is denoted by Q = mL

Q = 117g × 2260 J/g

= 264420 J

= 264.42 KJ

and the water vapor takes up some final volume

If we assume that the vapor is an ideal gas.

We can represent the parameters using the equation of an ideal gas:



P =  1 atm or 101325 Pa

n = no of moles of the water

n = mass/molecular weight

 = 117/18

= 6.5 mole

R = 8.314

T = 373.15

= 0.199 m³

At Constant Pressure, the work done  by the vapour in pushing on the piston can be calculated as:

W =(ΔV)

= 101.325 × (0.199 - 0)

= 101.325 × 0.199

= 20.16KJ

Let ΔU = water internal energy change

Q = Heat Energy

W = work done  by the vapour in pushing on the piston

Q = ΔU + W

ΔU = - Q + W   (by multiplying the left hand side with minus (-))

ΔU = Q - W

ΔU = 264.42 - 20.16

ΔU = 244.26KJ

Therefore, Is the force applied by the string cable of accelerating the box up the incline. The molecular weight of water is 18 g/mol and the latent heat of vaporization is 2260 J/g.  

Learn more about molecular weight on:


As light from a star spreads out and weakens, do gaps form between the photons?


Answer: if you look at photons as waves, spatial gaps never form in light as it travels through free space, no matter how dim it gets. The light from a distance star indeed spreads out and weakens as it travels, but this just reduces the wave strength and does not introduce gaps.

Explanation: it’s only fare if I return the favor ! Hope this helps <3

what happens to the force when one mass is doubled and the other mass is tripled


If the mass of one of the objects is tripled, then the force of gravity between them is tripled. If the mass of both of the objects is doubled, then the force of gravity between them is quadrupled; and so on. What happens to the acceleration of an object when mass is increased? If you increase the mass at a given force the rate of acceleration slows.

A car moving at a speed of 23 m/s travels around a curve with a circular curvature 42.1 m in diameter. Determine the acceleration (in m/s/s) of the car


The acceleration of the car moving with a velocity of 23 m/s is 25.13 m/s².

What is acceleration?

Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity.

To calculate the acceleration of the car, we use the formula below.


a = v²/r..................Equation 1


a = Acceleration of the carv = Velocity of the carr = Radius of the curve

From the question,


v = 23 m/sr = 42.1 m = 21.05 m

Substitute these values into equation 1

a = (23²)/21.05a = 25.13 m/s²

Hence, the acceleration of the car is 25.13 m/s².

Learn more about acceleration here:


Many elite runners will train with a speed chute. Explain how wearing a speed chute will change the net forces acting on the runner. What can be said about the force the runner is applying if they run at the same sped with the speed chute as they did without the speed chute.


Elite runners follow a rigid training schedule that gradually increases their capacity for the longer distances. Additionally, they run regularly (often 5 to 6 times per week). On the other hand, the typical runner might run significantly more when the weather is favorable or when they have more time.

What are the elite runners will train with a speed chute?

Running speed is influenced by stride cadence and stride length. The number of steps made in a second is referred to as the stride cadence, and the distance covered by each step is referred to as the stride length.

Therefore, running speed can be mathematically described using the product of these variables.

Learn more about elite runners here:


Please see the attached image


The period of oscillation is 4.44 s

What is the period of oscillation?

The period of oscillation is the time it takes the spring to complete one cycle of motion.

How to find the period of oscillation of the spring using energy?

Using the law of conservation of energy, the total mechanical energy at the origin (x = 0) equals the total mechanical energy at maximum displacement (x = A).


the potential energy of the mass is U = kx⁴ and the kinetic energy  of the mass K =  1/2mω(A² - x²) where k = positive constant = 1, m = mass of object = 1ω = angular speed of object = 2π/T where T = period of oscillationA = maximum displacement of mass = 1 and x = displacement of mass

So, U₁ + K₁ = U₂ + K₂ where

U₁ = potential energy at (x = 0) = 0 (since there is no displacement, K₁ = kinetic energy at (x = 0) = 1/2mω(A² - x²) =  1/2mω(A² - 0²) =  1/2mω²A² = 1/2m(2π/T)²A² = 2m(π/T)²A² ,U₂ = potential energy at (x = A) = kA⁴ and K₂ = kinetic energy at (x = A) = 0 J (since it is stationary here)

So, substituting the values of the variables into the equation, we have

U₁ + K₁ = U₂ + K₂

0  + 2m(π/T)²A² = kA⁴ + 0

2m(π/T)²A² = kA⁴

2m(π/T)² = kA²

Making T subject of the formula, we have

T² = 2mπ²/kA²

T = π/A√(2m/k)

Since m = k = A = 1, we have that the period of oscillation is

T = π/A√(2m/k)

T = π/1√(2 × 1/1)

T = π√2

T = 1.4142π

T = 4.443 s

T ≅ 4.44 s

So, the period is 4.44 s

Learn more about period of oscillation here:


Which physical adaptation increases an organism's chances of finding a mate?
O the wax-producing glands of bees
O the venom resistance of clown fish
Othe quills of a porcupine
O the mimicry of wasp beetles


Physical adaptation increases an organism's chances of finding a mate such as the quills of a porcupine. Thus, the correct option is C.

What is Physical adaptation?

An adaptation is defined as a physical, physiological, or behavioral feature of an animal that helps them to survive better in their environment in which they are living. An adaptation is some change on their body or something they do or behavior with their bodies that help them to find food, water, mates, and shelter which helps in increasing their chances of survival and produce offspring.

The quills of a porcupine is an example of physical adaptation which increases an organism's chances of finding a mate.

Therefore, the correct option is C.

Learn more about Physical adaptations here:


which of the following is a consequence of the discovery of hot jupiters for understanding our own solar system?



The explanation is given below:


It shows that we do not fully understand the formation of our Solar System.

It has been modified to allow for planets to migrate inwards or outwards due to gravitational interactions.

PLS HELP The moon orbits the Earth every 27 days. The distance between the Earth and the moon is 3.84 x 10^8 m. What is the tangential velocity of the moon?

Round your answer to the nearest whole number. Your answer should be in units of m/s.


The tangential speed of the moon as it leaves the orbit of the earth to the nearest whole number is 9 * 10^7 m/s.

What is the tangential velocity?

We know that the tangential velocity has to do with the velocity of the moon when it leaves the circular orbit of the earth. For this we have to call to mind some of the basics of the circular motion. We have to use the formula that says;

V = 2πr/T

We now have to define each and every one of the terms that we have in the equation so that we can be able to apply them to be able to solve the problem meaningfully and we have;

V = velocity

r = Distance covered

T = Period

Where we have from the question;

V = ?

r = 3.84 x 10^8 m

T =  27 days

V = 2 * 3.142 * 3.84 x 10^8/27

V = 8.9 * 10^7 m/s

Learn more about tangential speed:


Should a scientist correct genetic codes if they find abnormalities?


The abnormalities in the genetic code must be found and corrected on time as it could lead to inherited disorders which could be life-threatening.

What are the abnormalities in genetic code?

Genetic abnormalities are the conditions which are caused by changes to the genes or chromosomes. Genetic disorders are also known as inherited disorders which are caused by mutations in the genetic code. Genetic disorders include disorders such as cystic fibrosis, sickle cell disease, and Tay-Sachs disease.

Cells become diseased because certain genes work incorrectly or does not work at all. Replacing the defective genes in the diseased organisms may help treat certain diseases. For instance, a gene called p53 prevents tumor growth. Several types of cancer which have been linked to problems with the p53 gene.

Learn more about Genetic codes here:


(5%) Problem 13: Three uniform spheres are rolling without slipping Sphere A hat mau M and tadius R Sphere Bhas mass 2M and radius 28. Sphere C has maus Mind radius 2R 25% Part() The spheres are placed at the top of an incline and released from rest. Which one is first to reach the bottom of the incline? Choose the best answer Grade 5mmary OB Deduction 09 ΟΑ. Pot 1009 QC All three reach the bottom at the same time Salons Attempting per po 25% Part (6) The spheres are rolling on a flat surface with the same linear speed. Which one has the largest angular speed? Choose the best answer Grade Summary O A and Deductions Bande Potential 10095 All three spheres have the same angular speed ОА Submissions Attempts remaining per attempt detalii 25% Part() The spheres are rolling on a flat surface with the same angular speed. Which one has the largest linear speed? Choose the best answer Grade Summary O A and COAOA, B and C OB and Potes 100% Deduction 09 Submissions Attraps e top of an incline and released from rest. Which one is first to reach the bottom of the incline? Choose the best answer A 25% Part (b) The spheres are rolling on a flat surface with the same linear speed. Which one has the largest angular speed? Choose the best answer A 25% Part() The spheres are rolling on a flat surface with the same angular speed. Which one has the largest linear speed? Choose the best answer 4 239 Part (d) Which of the spheres has the largest moment of inertia? Choose the best answer OC Grade Summary Dedactice 09 ОА Potential All three spheres have the same moment of mettia Submit Attempt 100% OB


Based on the given question, A has highest angular speed, B and C has highest linear speed and B has highest moment of Inertia.

What are spheres?

A sphere is a geometrical object that is a three-dimensional analog to a two-dimensional circle. A sphere is a set of points that are all at the same distance r from a given point in three-dimensional space. That given point is the center of the sphere, and r is the sphere's radius.

From the given question,

[tex]m_{A} = M\\ m_{B} = 2M\\m_{C} = M\\R_{A} = M\\R_{B} = 2R\\R_{C} = 2R\\\\[/tex]

a) The acceleration of a body along an inclined for rolling without slipping is given by -

[tex]a = \frac{ g sin \theta}{1 + \frac{I}{mR^{2} } }[/tex]

For Spheres, I = 2/5 mR²

[tex]a_{A} = \frac{ g sin \theta}{1 + \frac{2}{5}mR^{2} } } =\frac{5g sin \theta}{7}[/tex]

[tex]a_{B} = \frac{g sin \theta}{1 + \frac{\frac{2}{5}(2m)(2R^{2} ) }{(2m)(2R^{2} )} } = \frac{5g sin \theta}{7}[/tex]

[tex]a_{C} = \frac{g sin \theta}{1 + \frac{\frac{2}{5}(m)(2R^{2} ) }{(m)(2R^{2} )} } = \frac{5g sin \theta}{7}[/tex]

Since all three above values are same so they reach at same time.

b) Let the linear speed be V

We have angular speed ω  = V/R

ωA = V/R, ωB = V/2R, ωC = V/2R

A has highest angular speed

c) Let the angular speed be ω

VA =  ωR,

VB =  ω(2R)

VC =  ω(2R)

B and C has highest linear speed

D) Moment of Inertia for solid sphere = I = 2/5 mR²

⇒ IA = 2/5 mR²

IB = 2/5 (2m)(2R)² = 16/5 mR²

Ic = 2/5 (m)(2R)² = 8/5 mR²

B has highest moment of Inertia

To learn more about the sphere the link is given below:


The (Figure 1) shows two thin beams joined at right angles. The verticalbeam is 12.0kg and 1.00 m long and the horizontal beam is 26.0kg and 2.00 m long. Neglect the lateral dimensions of the beams.1)Find the center of gravity of the two joined beams. Express your answer in the form x,y, taking the origin at the corner where the beams join.2)Calculate the gravitational torque on the joined beams about an axis through the corner


A) The center of the gravity of the two joined beams is;

(x, y) = (25/44), (19/88)

B) The gravitational torque on joined beams about an axis through the corner is;

τ = 245 N.m

How to calculate the gravitational torque on the joined beams about an axis through the corner?

We have;

Mass of the vertical beam; m₂ = 19 kg

Mass of the horizontal beam, m₁ = 25 kg

Length of the horizontal beam; L₁ = 2 m

Length of the vertical beam; L₂ = 1 m

A) The formula for the center of gravity of the two joined beams is;

(x, y) = [(m₁x₁ + m₂x₂)/(m₁ + m₂)],  [(m₁y₁ + m₂y₂)/(m₁ + m₂)]


(x₁, y₁) is the center of gravity on horizontal beam

(x₂, y₂) is the center of gravity on vertical beam

(x₁, y₁) = (L₁/2, 0)

Putting in the relevant values gives;

(x₁, y₁) = (2/2, 0)

(x₁, y₁) = (1, 0)

(x₂, y₂) = (0, L₂/2)

Putting in the relevant values gives;

(x₂, y₂) = (0, 1/2)

(x₂, y₂) = (0, 0.5)

Thus, the center of gravity of the 2 joined beams is;

(x, y) = [((25 × 1) + (19 × 0))/(25 + 19)],  [((25 × 0)  + (19 × 0.5)))/(25 + 19)]

(x, y) = (25/44), (19/88)

B) The formula for the gravitational torque on the joined beams about an axis through the corner is given as;

τ = (m₁g)x₁ + (m₂g)x₂

Putting in the relevant values;

τ = (25 × 9.8)1 + (19 × 9.8)0

τ = 245 N.m

To learn more about gravitational torque visit:


A force of 5.0N moves a 6.0kg object along the floor at a constant speed of 2.5 m/s. How much work is done in 25s? What power is being used?​



W = 312.5 J

P = 12.5 W


W = Fd

First find d:

d = vt = (2.5 m/s)(25 s) = 62.5 m

Now find W;

W = (5.0 N)(62.5 m) = 312.5 J

Power = P = W/t = 312.5 J / 25 s = 12.5 Watts

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