Should the Electoral College be modified? How and why? Or why not?


Answer 1


i need to   talk  to you pls


Related Questions

What type of government emerged in Russia after Lenin came to power?


A communist state emerged in Russia

Why did some reformers turn to the issue of women’s rights?


They believed that a woman’s place was in the private world of home .

The improved iron smelting process made steel stronger for the building of this:
C.Coal Cars



B. Railroads


If they built stronger and better railroads then they could bring in more supplies that they might need.

Which of the following represents a high cost decision?
A) choosing between plaving soccer or playing video games
B) choosing benveen eating ice cream and eating broccoli
C) choosing benveen buying a car or buying a house
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the letter c is the most expensive of them all




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A.) libertarian
B.) green
C.) socialist
D.) communist



A.) libertarian


In what way does the Texas Constitution include the principle of federalism?

A.) Texas is able to have its own treasury and print its own currency

B.) Texas is able to decide on policies which are not covered in the US Constitution

C.) Texas is able to make treaties with other countries

D.) Texas is able to have representatives who serve in both the Texas House of Representatives as well as the US house of Representatives at the same time



I think your answer would be B.)


hope this helps

sorry if wrong

2. Why was the United States flying U-2s over the Soviet Union?



Alarmed over rapid developments in military technology by his Communist rivals in the USSR, President Dwight D. ... High-altitude U-2 spy planes began making reconnaissance flights over the USSR in 1956, giving the U.S. its first detailed look at Soviet military facilitie


The United States was worried about their power and if the Soviets had a bigger military force.


why do you think people found hitler's rhetoric so persuasive



This is just a sample answer, but you can change it in whatever way suits best. :)

It is believed that the audience was persuaded by his speech due to desperation and the need for a leader or role model. Hitler played that role in order to get what he wanted. In addition, Hitler knew to use his resources such as, propaganda, rhetoric, and false hope in order to get get what he wanted.

Adolf Hitler was successful in persuasion of people, as he was also able to influence people into bringing them to believe what he wanted the German society to achieve under his leadership.

What is the significance of Adolf Hitler?

Adolf Hitler is highly remembered as a famous dictator of the Germany who led Germany into the Second World War. He became an absolute dictator and made several extraordinary developments in the society under his leadership.

The speeches delivered by Adolf Hitler were influential enough to be able to persuade people, because the tone in which he spoke made the people to believe what he wanted to achieve along with them in Germany under his leadership.

Therefore, the significance of Adolf Hitler has been aforementioned.

Learn more about Adolf Hitler here:


1896-1920 How did Americans change over this period of
time? How were American the same?



The history of the United States from 1865 until 1918 covers the Reconstruction Era, the Gilded Age, and the Progressive Era, and includes the rise of industrialization and the resulting surge of immigration in the United States. This article focuses on political, economic, and diplomatic history.

This period of rapid economic growth and soaring prosperity in the North and the West (but not in the South) saw the U.S. become the world's dominant economic, industrial, and agricultural power. The average annual income (after inflation) of non-farm workers grew by 75% from 1865 to 1900, and then grew another 33% by 1918.[1]

With a decisive victory in 1865 over Southern secessionists in the Civil War, the United States became a united and powerful nation with a strong national government. Reconstruction brought the end of legalized slavery plus citizenship for the former slaves, but their new-found political power was rolled back within a decade, and they became second-class citizens under a "Jim Crow" system of deeply pervasive segregation that would stand for the next 80–90 years. Politically, during the Third Party System and Fourth Party System the nation was mostly dominated by Republicans (except for two Democratic presidents). After 1900 and the assassination of President William McKinley, the Progressive Era brought political, business, and social reforms (e.g., new roles for and government expansion of education, higher status for women, a curtailment of corporate excesses, and modernization of many areas of government and society). The Progressives worked through new middle-class organizations to fight against the corruption and behind-the-scenes power of entrenched, state political party organizations and big-city "machines"


Pick witch part u want hope it helps

10) What happened after Kennedy and Khrushchev met in Vienna in 1961?
The United States ordered the construction of the Berlin Wall.
Cold War tensions increased.
The United States agreed to give West Berlin to the Soviet Union.
O The United States installed a telephone 'hot line that reached MOSCOW


I think the answer would be the third opinion.


the answer is B) cold war tension increased


Hope this helps

Have a nice day :)

The French Revolution freed France from the traditional Monarchial System.



what are you asking?


In the spring of 1953,how many Americans returned home from Korea in coffins?


By Spring of 1953, nearly 50,000 Americans had returned home

How did Florence
become the beautiful
and important city
that it is today?


Answer: Florence is often named as the birthplace of the Renaissance. The early writers and artists of the period sprung from this city in the northern hills of Italy. As a center for the European wool trade, the political power of the city rested primarily in the hands of the wealthy merchants who dominated the industry.


Who led the fight against the Seleudd rule



The Maccabean Revolt (Hebrew: מרד החשמונאים ‎) was a Jewish rebellion, lasting from 167 to 160 BCE, led by the Maccabees against the Seleucid Empire and the Hellenistic influence on Jewish life.


Please help me please I need this Identify Cause and Effect As European power spread, so did European ideas. Reread the
paragraph under "Political Changes." What European ideas led to colonial resistance?


The causes of the spread of the European power were economic, political, and religious motives. European ideas led to colonial resistance through the need to protect the tradition arose.

What are the outcomes of European imperialism?

Imperialism had a negative impact on the colonies. Native culture and industries were decimated under alien domination. Local artisan industries were wiped out by imported items. Colonial powers prevented colonies from building industries by exploiting them as suppliers of raw resources and consumers for manufactured goods.

Three major elements drove Europe's imperialist thrust into Africa: economic, political, and social. It arose in the nineteenth century in response to the collapse of the slave trade's profitability, its prohibition and repression, and the rise of the European capitalist Industrial Revolution.

As a result, Economic, political, and religious factors all contributed to the development of European influence. The impulse to safeguard the tradition led to colonial resistance as a result of European notions.

Learn more about European here:


WWI was the first time in history that happened​





theres only one ww1

This poem was a literary contribution from the
A Great Awakening
B Great Migration
C South Side Renaissance
D Harlem Renaissance



the great migration....,..............

After the war, what was the South's most valuable asset?

A. Land
B. Slaves
C. Factories
D. Railroads



A. Land



A. Land


After the war, the land was the South's most valuable asset, and arguments raged over who should control it. Hope this helped :)

what is something you could study that might help others?


you could study first aid or something health related so if a medical emergency should happen, you could know what to do to help them out.

hope this helped!

Choose the answer that fits with the statement below.
Amazon River: Argentina
sydney please help



Sydney : Antarctica


Both the Amazon River and Argentina are in the Western Hemisphere. (Along with Peru and Brazil) And, Sydney and Antartica are both in the Eastern Hemisphere. This analogy deals with location :)




1. Maurya Empire

3. Alexandrian Empire

4. Chandragupta Maurya

Stalinism (Communism)

Who has control of the government?


If I remember correctly the Dictator would have control over the government.

How should we interpret who had status during the time of the constitution?



"EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW"-These words, written above the main entrance to the Supreme Court Building, express the ultimate responsibility of the Supreme Court of the United States. The Court is the highest tribunal in the Nation for all cases and controversies arising under the Constitution or the laws of the United States. As the final arbiter of the law, the Court is charged with ensuring the American people the promise of equal justice under law and, thereby, also functions as guardian and interpreter of the Constitution.

The Supreme Court is "distinctly American in concept and function," as Chief Justice Charles Evans Hughes observed. Few other courts in the world have the same authority of constitutional interpretation and none have exercised it for as long or with as much influence. A century and a half ago, the French political observer Alexis de Tocqueville noted the unique position of the Supreme Court in the history of nations and of jurisprudence. "The representative system of government has been adopted in several states of Europe," he remarked, "but I am unaware that any nation of the globe has hitherto organized a judicial power in the same manner as the Americans. . . . A more imposing judicial power was never constituted by any people."

The unique position of the Supreme Court stems, in large part, from the deep commitment of the American people to the Rule of Law and to constitutional government. The United States has demonstrated an unprecedented determination to preserve and protect its written Constitution, thereby providing the American "experiment in democracy" with the oldest written Constitution still in force.

The Constitution of the United States is a carefully balanced document. It is designed to provide for a national government sufficiently strong and flexible to meet the needs of the republic, yet sufficiently limited and just to protect the guaranteed rights of citizens; it permits a balance between society’s need for order and the individual’s right to freedom. To assure these ends, the Framers of the Constitution created three independent and coequal branches of government. That this Constitution has provided continuous democratic government through the periodic stresses of more than two centuries illustrates the genius of the American system of government.

The complex role of the Supreme Court in this system derives from its authority to invalidate legislation or executive actions which, in the Court’s considered judgment, conflict with the Constitution. This power of "judicial review" has given the Court a crucial responsibility in assuring individual rights, as well as in maintaining a "living Constitution" whose broad provisions are continually applied to complicated new situations.

While the function of judicial review is not explicitly provided in the Constitution, it had been anticipated before the adoption of that document. Prior to 1789, state courts had already overturned legislative acts which conflicted with state constitutions. Moreover, many of the Founding Fathers expected the Supreme Court to assume this role in regard to the Constitution; Alexander Hamilton and James Madison, for example, had underlined the importance of judicial review in the Federalist Papers, which urged adoption of the Constitution.

Hamilton had written that through the practice of judicial review the Court ensured that the will of the whole people, as expressed in their Constitution, would be supreme over the will of a legislature, whose statutes might express only the temporary will of part of the people. And Madison had written that constitutional interpretation must be left to the reasoned judgment of independent judges, rather than to the tumult and conflict of the political process. If every constitutional question were to be decided by public political bargaining, Madison argued, the Constitution would be reduced to a battleground of competing factions, political passion and partisan spirit.

Despite this background the Court’s power of judicial review was not confirmed until 1803, when it was invoked by Chief Justice John Marshall in Marbury v. Madison. In this decision, the Chief Justice asserted that the Supreme Court's responsibility to overturn unconstitutional legislation was a necessary consequence of its sworn duty to uphold the Constitution. That oath could not be fulfilled any other way. "It is emphatically the province of  

Name one modern day country that used to be part of the British Empire in Asia.
a. China
b. Japan
c. India​



The British Indian Empire included the regions of present-day India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh, and, in addition, at various times, Aden (from 1858 to 1937), Lower Burma (from 1858 to 1937), Upper Burma (from 1886 to 1937) (Burma was detached from British India in 1937), British Somaliland (briefly from 1884 to 1898),


The British Indian Empire included the regions of present-day India,

Which steps to organizing a nonviolent campaign does King describe? Check all that apply. deciding whether laws are unfair talking with local officials refusing to be jailed or imprisoned holding peaceful protests for change fighting back against white resistance learning how to protest in a nonviolent way


Answer:  Which steps to organizing a nonviolent campaign does King describe? Check all that apply. A, B, D, F

A. deciding whether laws are unfair

B. talking with local officials

C. refusing to be jailed or imprisoned

D. holding peaceful protests for change

E. fighting back against white resistance

F. learning how to protest in a nonviolent way


In any nonviolent campaign there are four basic steps: (1) Collection of the facts to determine whether injustices are alive, (2) Negotiation, (3) Self-purification and (4) Direct Action. We have gone through all of these steps in Birmingham. There can be no gainsaying of the fact that racial injustice engulfs this community. Birmingham is probably the most thoroughly segregated city in the United States. Its ugly record of police brutality is known in every section of this country. Its unjust treatment of Negroes in the courts is a notorious reality. There have been more unsolved bombings of Negro homes and churches in Birmingham than any other city in this nation. These are the hard, brutal and unbelievable facts. On the basis of these conditions Negro leaders sought to negotiate with the city fathers. But the political leaders consistently refused to engage in good faith negotiation.

–“Letter from Birmingham Jail,”

Martin Luther King Jr.

The steps to organizing a nonviolent campaign does King describe are:

deciding whether laws are unfairtalking with local officialsholding peaceful protests for changelearning how to protest in a nonviolent way. Thus, option (a), (b) (d) and (f) is correct. What is campaign?

The campaign goal, aim, or purpose specifies what has to change and to what extent in order to address the campaign's problem. The goal should ideally fit into a simple, brief line and be planned in such a manner that all campaign participants fully understand it.

There was a nonviolent movement focusing on determining whether laws are discriminatory, holding peaceful rallies for reform, learning how to protest nonviolently, and meeting with local leaders. This is based on a nonviolent campaign.

Therefore, option (a), (b) (d) and (f) is correct.

Learn more about on campaign, here:


Your question is incomplete, but most probably the full question was.

A. deciding whether laws are unfair

B. talking with local officials

C. refusing to be jailed or imprisoned

D. holding peaceful protests for change

E. fighting back against white resistance

F. learning how to protest in a nonviolent way

What is meant by the phrase "whitewashed" when used in terms of the



in the media "whitewashed" means to make a darker skined person lighter or a darker skined person acting like a white person

Answer: Most of the people portrayed in the media are white

Explanation: got it right on the quiz have a good day! c:

Which group stood to benefit the most from gaining independence from Mexico? Question 6 options: Tejanos Enslaved People Native Americans Texians


The group that benefited the most from gaining independence from Mexico are the Tejanos who were the former Americans and has now become the American citizens and had claimed for the American rights and privileges.

Essay about George Washington


George Washington

George Washington was the first person of the United States of America to hold the office of president. George Washington was an American by blood and by heart. Being a leader of such a country is not easy, as it requires hard work and confidence. Washington had to endure many hardships but he met many challenges. With no one to follow as a role model, George Washington served this country for many years. George Washington was born a leader and grew up good-mannered and for this he became the first ever president of the United States of America.

George Washington was born on February 22, 1732, in Westmoreland County, Virginia to Augustine and Mary Bell Washington. George Washington did not become the president in one day. He grew up with discipline and became a part of the militia. There was a story written -historians aren't sure if the tale is valid or not- about when George Washington, as a young boy chopped down a tree, specifically a cherry tree. In the tale, young George Washington told the truth about why the cherry tree had fallen. Mainly, the story was written to show how George Washington was truthful. As George Washington grew up he copied over 100 rules to follow. These rules helped develop George Washington's astonishing behavior and it helped him to calm his nerves. In George Washington's free time he hunted animals and acted as if he was a soldier similar to his half-brother, Lawrence. George Washington was also very built making him an excellent wrestler. His childhood and his character affected the life he would live greatly

What gave america the right to intervene in Cuban affairs

A. Monroe doctrine

B. Platt amendment

C. Square deal



B. Platt amendment


Plzzz help me out this is due soon in like 15 mins





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