short segments of newly synthesized dna are joined into a continuous strand by _____.


Answer 1

Short segments of newly synthesized DNA are joined into a continuous strand by DNA Ligase.

What is DNA ligase?

DNA ligase is a group of enzymes that catalyze the binding of two molecules, which are DNA; synthetase.

During DNA replication, DNA molecules are synthesized on the leading strand continuously, whereas on the lagging strand, DNA is synthesized in short stretches.

These short stretches of DNA are called okazaki fragments and are later joined together by an enzyme called DNA ligase.

Therefore, DNA ligase is responsible for joining newly synthesized DNA molecules.

Learn more about DNA ligase at:


Related Questions

SOMEONE HELP PLEASE Tina is getting ready to plan her science fair project. She is interested in doing something with tomato plants. Which of the following could be tested through scientific experimentation?
A. Which variety of tomato plant produces the tomatoes that taste the best?
B. Which variety of tomato plant will look the most attractive in her garden?
C. Which variety of tomato plant will produce the greatest yield in her garden?
D. Which type of fertilizer will produce the tastiest tomatoes?


Answer: A & D


Do gametes have a haploid or diploid number of chromosomes?


different kinds of cells (egg or sperm for example) are haploid, meaning that they have just one complete set of chromosomes.

Hope this helps:)

What is ATP and why does it have stored chemical energy? What important polymer will you find adenosine monophosphate in (take note of what is attached to carbon #2)


ATP is an adenosine triphosphate, the energy-carrying molecule found in the cells of all living things. ATP works as a shuttle, capturing energy from the breakdown of food and transferring it to the parts of the cell that require energy to run their processes.

ATP has stored chemical energy in the pyrophosphate bond, which lies between the last two phosphate groups of ATP. When the cells need energy to do any work, ATP cleaves the third phosphate group, releasing a large amount of energy stored in the bond between the third and second phosphate group. Energy is required for all the cell’s activities. This includes visible activities, such as muscle movement when running or talking, as well as those that cannot be seen by the human eye, such as the nerve impulses involved in thinking or feeling. ATP provides energy for all these processes.

The important polymer where adenosine monophosphate is found is RNA. Adenosine monophosphate (AMP) is one of the components of RNA.

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A lipid looks like a head with tails like jellyfish. Among the options given, it can be (A) since a lipid bilayer will look like beads stringed together as seen below.

Wich of the following processes does not occur in the dark reaction of photosynthesis?a. Water is broken apart and oxygen releasedb. RDP picks up 6CO2 moleculesc. Unstable sugar formedd. PGAL splits into water, glucose and RDP (to be recycled)


The light reaction of photosynthesis is when the light provided activates the chlorophyll, which will split the water molecule, releasing H+ ions and oxygen. So, as this process occurs in the light process, it does not occur in the dark reaction. Therefore, the correct answer is a. Water is broken apart and oxygen released.

Genes A, D, and E are on the same chromosome. The crossover frequency between D and E is 0.30, between A and E is 0.17, and between D and A is 0.13. Which two genes are farthest apart?


Genes D and E are farthest apart on the same chromosome.

The value of crossover frequency between genes D and E is the highest, therefore, these two genes lie furthest apart on the same chromosome. As a general principle, the probability of a crossover between two particular genes is directly proportional to the distance between them. In other words, it can be said that the larger the value of the crossover frequency between two genes, the greater is the distance between them.

The unit centimorgan (cM) is generally used to estimate the distance between genes. One centimorgan is equal to hundred times the crossover frequency.

To learn more about crossover frequency here


How does a plant cell differ from an animal cell?A. A plant cell contains chloroplasts instead of mitochondria.B. A plant cell does not have a permeable cell membrane.OC. A plant cell is surrounded by a cell wall.OD. A plant cell contains no nucleus or complex structures.



Cells are basic structural units of all living things. Thus, they are cells that have characteristics in common, such as the presence of a nucleus and cellular organelles. All cells have a plasma membrane.

However, the animal cell has some differences when compared to the plant cell, for example:

• The plant cell has a ,cell wall, that is responsible for supporting the cell;


• The presence of ,chloroplasts ,that are important in the process of photosynthesis;

Analyzing the exercise, we can conclude that the answer is alternative "C"

Both DNA and RNA are made up of sugar but what is the difference



DNA uses deoxyribose, but RNA uses ribose, which has an extra hydroxyl group (OH−) tacked on.

A sterile mule is produced by mating a horse and a donkey. From this observation you could concludeA. that horses and donkeys are the same species. B. that horses and donkeys are different species. C. that mules are a result of macroevolution. D. increasing the number of mules in a population will affect the allele frequency in the next generation. E. the DNA sequences of horses and donkeys are more than 97% identical.


Horses and donkeys are different species. They belong to similar family and genus. Their chromosomes are different from each other. When these species mate, they will produce an offspring called mule. The mule produced is considered as sterile because it cannot produce an offspring.

Answer - Option B - that horses and donkeys are different species.

The purpose of endocrine system is to?A. Send nerve impulses through the body.B. Aid in digestion.C. Release chemical signals into the body as to regulate function?D. Act as a primary defense against foreign invaders.


The correct answer is the letter C. Release chemical signals into the body as to regulate function. - Endocrine system

*Send nerve impulses through the body.- Nervous system

*Aid in digestion- Digestive system

*Act as a primary defense against foreign invaders- Immune system

Describe the strongest theoretical perspective to frame social problems of institutions across work education family and medicine including why you feel it’s the overall strongest perspective. First describe details of theoretical perspective as it relates to social institutions then explain why it’s the strongest three perspectives.


Social life is not complete without social difficulties. The term "social problem" refers to social circumstances, procedures, societal norms, or behaviors that are typically regarded as undesirable, detrimental, or endangering a number of values or interests, including social cohesion, the upholding of law and order, morality, the stability of social institutions, economic prosperity, or individual liberties. A social issue can also be perceived as a sense of collective guilt brought on by a failure to eliminate or improve certain unfavorable social situations that have a detrimental impact on particular segments of society.

Therefore, there is no presumption of value- or attitudinal neutrality in perception, interpretation, or intervention in this description of social issues. This specific characteristic distinguishes social phenomena that are seen to be social issues from other social or physical phenomena or situations that are thought to be difficulties tout court and that are possibly considered as not quite desirable or pleasant but without an element of threat.

To know more about social problem visit:

Janet and Wade Smith are members of a two-income family. Together they make enough money to afford a house in a low-crime neighborhood with good schools. According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, the Smiths have fulfilled their need for



physical satiety.



The Smiths have satisfied their need for safety in accordance with Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs.

Human motivation can be explained with the help of various psychological theories. Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs is one such theory which tries to define human behavior on the basis of several needs which can be organized in a hierarchical order. The need for safety comes after the physiological needs in the hierarchy.

The need for safety arises only when the basic physiological needs ( air, thirst, hunger, etc.) are fulfilled. The need for safety translates a person's need to be free from any kind of threat or danger in their surrounding environment.

To learn more about physiological here


Which of the following would most likely NOT be part of the curriculum for someone studying to be a plant physiologist?

Environmental Law

Field Genetics

Grassland Ecology

Natural Biochemistry


Answer: Field Genetics


Answer:  The correct answer is Natural Biochemistry

Explanation:  This answer has been confirmed correct.

Is this a E. coli from a EMB media? I’m not sure


Answer: Does not appear so.


EMB agar is generally a dark red color. E. coli will grow with a green sheen on EMB. The colonies appear as if they may be slightly green but it is hard to tell with the condensation and lighting. It does not appear that it was grown on EMB though.

Refer to the picture below to visualize what E. coli growth looks like on EMB agar.

How the covid-19 and omicron viruses affects the peripheral nervous system .


Coronaviruses have been shown to spread back along the nerve from the peripheral nerve endings, across the synapses, and thus enter the brain, in several small animal studies. This is facilitated by the presence of a pathway for endocytosis or exocytosis between neurons of the motor cortex, and another secretory vesicular pathway between neurons and satellite cells.

Fast axonal transport occurs by employing axonal microtubules, allowing the virus to reach the neuronal cell body by a retrograde version of this mechanism.

Possible olfactory route spread is signaled by the occurrence of isolated anosmia and ageusia. In such a case, the virus could cross the cribriform plate to enter the central nervous system (CNS) from the nose. However, newer unpublished research suggests that olfactory neurons lack ACE2, while cells in the olfactory epithelium do. This could mean that viral injury to the olfactory epithelium, and not to the olfactory neurons, is responsible for anosmia, but further studies will be required to confirm this.

which alternate energy source is nonrenewable and provides energy by splitting atoms of uranium?A. nuclear power B. solar power C. geothermal power D. wind power


Analyzing all the options:

A. Nuclear power: energy obtained by splitting atoms, and it is nonrenewable.

B. Solar power: it is energy provided by sunlight, hence it is renewable.

C. Geothermal power: this kind of energy is obtained by the heat inside of the Earth, hence it is renewable.

D. Wind power: energy obtained by the kinetic energy of the wind, and it is renewable.

I need to know which one fits the Vern diagram in the picture please


Answer: Criminal Case

Explanation: In a criminal case, the prosecution bears the burden of proving that the defendant is guilty beyond all reasonable doubt. This means that the prosecution must convince the jury that there is no other reasonable explanation that can come from the evidence presented at trial

Which type of limiting factor tends to more frequently cause abrupt shifts in a population? Question 12 options:density-dependent limiting factordensity-independent limiting factor


To answer this question we need to remember how each type of limiting factor works. In the case of Density-dependent limiting factors, we have that generate that the individual growth rate change with population size (logistic growth), these factors affect the growth rate per capita, and decreases as population increase, some examples are predation or parasites. Meanwhile, Density-independent limiting factors, affect the individual growth rate regardless of the population size, that is to say, the population size is not regulated by these mechanisms, in consequence, they can cause abrupt and erratic shifts in population size, some examples are earthquakes, floods, etc. Therefore we can say that the correct answer is density-independent factors.

Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism are disorders related to the Thyroid gland


Hyperthyroidism is an over production of the thyroid hormone and hypothyroidism is an underproduction of th ethyroid hormone.

Hyper means overproduction or more than necessary amounts of thyroid hormones are produced

Hypo means the is underproduction or less amounts of the thyroid hormone are produced.

Which of the following is not part of the first line of defense of human’s immune system A. Skin B. White blood cellsC. Saliva D. Sweat


The first line of defense of the human's immune system is referred to as unspecific barriers whose main function is to block and prevent the entry of pathogens. It is composed of the skin, mucous and secretion such as saliva and sweat. Therefore, the correct answer to this question is option B, white blood cells, which have a more specific .

The information in DNA is coded in its sequence. Which of the following correctly describes the relationship between a change in the sequence of a cell's DNA, the proteins produced by that cell, and the function of the body tissue that the cell is part of? A. A change in the sequence of a cell's DNA can change the structure and function of the proteins produced, which can affect the proper functioning of the body tissue. B. A change in the sequence of a cell's DNA will always change the structure and function of the proteins produced, and will cause the function of the body tissue to improve. C. A change in the sequence of a cell's DNA does not change the structure or function of proteins, but will cause the body tissue to stop functioning. D. A change in the sequence of a cell's DNA can alter the structure and function of proteins, but does not have an effect on the function of the body tissue.


A mistake in DNA sequence is called missence mutation that results in an incorrect amino acid fused into a protein. Due to such changes which the ribosome will know will result in a peculiar amino acid codon. It will cause the protein to be deficient in its function.

Answer - Option A




Option A correctly describes the relationship between a change in the sequence of a cell's DNA, the proteins produced, and the function of the body tissue. DNA carries the genetic information that determines the sequence of amino acids in proteins. When there is a change or mutation in the DNA sequence, it can alter the structure and function of the proteins produced by the cell. Since proteins play crucial roles in various cellular processes and functions, any change in their structure can have significant effects on the proper functioning of the body tissue.

Why are ferns different to mosses? Write a short paragraph listing these differences.


Mosses have a predominantly haploid life, while ferns are diploid. The spores of ferns are formed on the inside of their leaves while those of mosses are in capsules. Ferns have an underground stem and mosses are above ground.

Read the scenario.Sarah is trying to decide what type of stretching would be most beneficial for her. She wants to find some stretching she can do at the end of a workout that will help cool down her body.What type of stretching would be best suited to her?


The best type of stretching for cooling down her body is static stretching.

When did humans stop evolving?


Evolution is any modification or change in the organism's characteristics over many generations. The most recent evolution within Homo sapiens populations is about 50,000 years ago. This refers to evolutionary adaptation, sexual and natural selection, and genetic drift.

Humans are still undergoing evolution. Changes to adapt to environment is a genetic change and therefore considered as evolution. Blue eyes is considered as an evolutionary trait of humans recently. It came from a mutation from an ancestor 6,000-10,000 years ago. This just means that humans will continue to evolve because evolution is considered as a slow process that will take many generations.

Which type of mutation do you hypothesize led to the delta variant of SARS-CoV-2? generic combinations through meiosis B. Errors occurring during the replication processC.mutations caused by environmental factors Which answer is correct ?


Viruses are likely to get mutations due to the fast reproduction cycle, this can lead to different replication mutations. the rate of mutations induced by the DNA polymerase is 1/100,000, it is low, but due to the fast spread of the viruses, it could induce some changes.

But one of the main characteristics of the Delta variant is its ability to evade the immune system, so I would say that the mutations that led to this variable were the environmental factors, because it adapted to be more contagious and also to be able to spread easily.

But to give the right answer it is necessary to look into the specific mutations this variable has in regard to the ones that come before.

Describe ONE way in which a factor other than reproductive behaviors may impact the survivorship curve of Dall Sheep.


Dall Sheep  have Type I survivorship.

In general survivorship curve, is a graphical depiction of the number of individuals in a population that can be expected to survive to any specific age.

Their are three types of survivorship curves. Type I curves depict species  that have a high chances of surviving upto adulthood. Type II curves depict species whose chances of existence is not dependent on the age. Type III curves depict individuals that mostly likely to die in the early stages of their life. Reproductive strategies can also be explained by the survivorship curves.

To learn more about survivorship curves , here


What are 3 processes that plants and/or animals undergo that lead to energy released as heat?



Cell repair, photosynthesis and chemical reactions


Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells contain a gel-like substance filling the cell. It cannot be seen under the microscope but it is the location of chemical reactions.Which organelle represents this part of the cell?chloroplastgolgi bodiesnucleuscytoplasm


The cytoplasm organelle represents this part of the cell.

The cytoplasm in prokaryotes, which are cells without nuclei, is the entirety of the plasma membrane. The water-based gel-like cytosol, which contains ions, small molecules, and macromolecules, is a key component of the cytoplasm in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes.

The cytoplasm is the name for the gelatinous liquid that makes up a cell's inside. It is composed of salts, water, and other chemical substances. Membranes separate the cytoplasm from some internal organelles, such as the nucleus and mitochondria.

The jelly-like material inside cells called cytosol supplies the fluid medium required for metabolic reactions. All animal cells, which are eukaryotic cells, also contain different cellular organelles.

To learn more about Cytoplasm visit:


Why do you think scalawags were received so negatively?


They hated carpetbaggers for making a profit off the southerners misfortunes. Scalawags, who were southerners, were hated for working with free blacks to form governments in an era when the "respectable people" who had supported confederacy couldn't.

What are some structural similarities between most viruses and what are the functions of these parts?


The basic structure of a viruses is constituted by genetic material, which could be DNA or RNA, surrounded a protein structure called capsid. The genetic material, as in not viral life forms, carries the information necessary for the virus reproduction inside an infected cell.

Enveloped viruses: some viruses have a lipid coat with protein spikes (glucoproteins) to recognize possible hostage cells.

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