Shays' Rebellion, an uprising of disgruntled farmers and Revolutionary War veterans in Massachusetts, was
a major factor leading to


Answer 1

The creation of a stronger central government that would better be able to handle military and  economic problems than the Articles of Confederation.

Related Questions

Who was the first woman (born on March 5th) to pass qualifying exams for astronaut training in 1959, but not allowed to train because of her gender?


lthe first woman born on and namfka skf


Geraldyn “Jerrie” Cobb

Farming in the South
Which of the following statements describes agriculture in the South in the early 1800s?
Farming was a minor part of the South's economy.
O Agriculture was based on cash crops grown for export.
o The South corfumed most of its own crops.



the south costumed most of it own crops


(B) Agriculture was based on cash crops grown for export.


culturally insensetive go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr






Name one provision of the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850


Answer: Passed on September 18, 1850 by Congress, The Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 was part of the Compromise of 1850. The act required that slaves be returned to their owners, even if they were in a free state. The act also made the federal government responsible for finding, returning, and trying escaped slaves

Because of the Crusades, Christians in Europe:

A. gained knowledge from Arabic texts.
B. lost influence over the Catholic Church.
C. won independence from powerful kings.
D. left for the Holy Land in huge numbers.


Answer: A


I got it right on ap3x

To what was the ancient Egyptian writer referring in this hymn?

The pharaoh

The Nile river

The sun God, Re

The Giza pyramid



The sun God, Re


hymn means song and or poem that is praised to God or a god.

What prompted President Franklin D. Roosevelt to order the internment of Japanese Americans during World War


Answer: Pearl Harbor



What they said

Pearl Harbor


Which part of the historian's argument is his claim?

A. In his opinion, it is morally wrong for any political movement to
use violence to achieve its goals.
B. He notes that, following the Revolution, a rash of violence swept
over France.
C. He refers to the execution of French royalty and the European
wars that revolutionaries launched following their victory to
support his argument.
D. Based on this information, he argues that the French Revolution
produced far more negative outcomes than positive ones.


B this is an obvious answer

Describe three types of U.S. national interests.



There are only five vital national interests: to prevent the threat of an attack of weapons of mass destruction on U.S. soil or its military abroad; to ensure U.S. allies' survival and cooperation to shape an international system in which we can thrive; to prevent the emergence of hostile powers on U.S. borders;


i listed five hope this helps :)

Which of the following examples of technical writing includes a
The modern automobile is becoming an adult, and it no longer needs you
to tell it what to do.
Soon the automobile will become less personal as cars begin thinking and
driving themselves.
O Computer-governed automobiles will soon be dropping passengers off at
the curb, parking themselves at some distant lot, and waiting to be
summoned by their owners.
A car without a steering wheel will seem peculiar for a while, but the
advantages will be clear as our roads get safer and our transportation
system becomes more efficient.


Answer: The first example

Explanation: “The modern automobile is becoming an adult” is an example of a metaphor. This is because the automobile is being compared to a human growing and becoming an adult and not needing any support because the automobile is evolving / growing into something more advanced than it used to be a while ago as new technologies arise.

It's a classic question not history. But please help

How did Theseus capture the bull of Marathon (Cretan Bull)? (Greek)

60 POINTS!!!



He found the bull drinking from a water spring, and snuck up behind the bull. Grabbing the bull by the horns, He wrestled the bull to the ground and tied the bull up so it could not escape. With the bull successfully subdue, He took the bull with him and sailed back to King Eurystheus.


Hope this helps!

Theseus snuck up behind the bull while it was drinking water and grabbed it by the horns. He then tied the bull up, making sure it could not escape, after wrestling with it.

The Fall of the Ottoman Empire and The Middle East



In essence, following the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, the Middle East fell into the hands of European powers like Great Britain and France. The decisions they would make surrounding the region would only serve to increase the likelihood of violent conflict, rather than alleviating it.


How did Catherine the great influence the nation ?



Catherine's major influences on her adopted country were in expanding Russia's borders and continuing the process of Westernisation begun by Peter the Great. During her reign she extended the Russian empire southwards and westwards, adding territories which included the Crimea, Belarus and Lithuania.

How did Maynard Jackson and Andrew Young help Atlanta develop economically?
A. They both helped bring the Olympic Games to the city.
O B. They both helped bring professional sports teams to the city.
OC. They both pushed for the expansion of the Port of Savannah.
D. They both pushed for the construction of an international airport.



The Answer is A.


Answer: C



What occurred at Fort Sumter in 1861?



1861 was the bombardment of Fort Sumter near Charleston, South Carolina by the South Carolina militia and the return gunfire and subsequent surrender by the United States Army, that started the American Civil War.


Can someone pls write a list of all the bad or controversial things Andrew Jackson did and why they were controversial?



his stance on slavery. Jackson and his family grew wealthy due to his slave ownership. Slaves grew his cotton, built and worked in his house, making him a more prominent figure in Southern society.


Answer:  Andrew Jackson was a slaver, ethnic cleanser, and tyrant.


On Wednesday, the Treasury Department announced that a portrait of Harriet Tubman will grace future $20 bills starting in 2030. It's a fitting, and long overdue tribute to a genuine hero of American history who helped end the gravest evil this nation ever perpetrated. But the department also announced that the man currently on the bill — perhaps America's worst president and the only one guilty of perpetrating a mass act of ethnic cleansing — will still be on there: Andrew Jackson. This is unacceptable. Jackson was a disaster of a human being on every possible level, and should not be commemorated positively by any branch of American government. And as a slave owner, putting him on the other side of Tubman's bill is particularly disgraceful. After generations of pro-Jackson historians left out Jackson's role in American Indian removal — the forced, bloody transfer of tens of thousands of Native Americans from the South — a recent reevaluation has rightfully put that crime at the core of his legacy. But Jackson is even worse than his horrifyingly brutal record with regard to Native Americans indicates. Indian removal was not just a crime against humanity, it was a crime against humanity intended to abet another crime against humanity: By clearing the Cherokee from the American South, Jackson hoped to open up more land for cultivation by slave plantations. He owned hundreds of slaves, and in 1835 worked with his postmaster general to censor anti-slavery mailings from northern abolitionists. The historian Daniel Walker Howe writes that Jackson, "expressed his loathing for the abolitionists vehemently, both in public and in private." Jackson's small-government fetishism and crank monetary policy views stunted the attempts of better leaders like John Quincy Adams to invest in American infrastructure, and led to the Panic of 1837, a financial crisis that touched off a recession lasting seven years. If that weren't enough, he was a war criminal who suspended habeas corpus and executed prisoners for minor infractions during his time as a general in the War of 1812. Andrew Jackson deserves a museum chronicling his crimes and dedicated to his victims, not commemoration on American currency.

How did contributions from the Scientific Revolution change people's view of the world
The began to challenge traditional beliefs
they rebelled against new discover
they became more religious
they began to rely more on the Ca
2 of 60
> >


Answer:The scientific revolution, which emphasized systematic experimentation as the most valid research method, resulted in developments in mathematics, physics, astronomy, biology, and chemistry. These developments transformed the views of society about nature.


Why would the Empress Dowager Cixi install a toddler on the throne?


Yes he would do this I’m sorry I just need points to ask a question.

How was the Union plan for victory more aggressive than the Confederate plan?



The Union needed to attack the south, while the south simply needed to outlive the north. What benefits did the south have? Better military initiative, the ownership of cotton crops, and the benefit of battling on home soil.

sorry if its not very clear i tried my best have a nice day <3

Which of the following best
describes the Homestead Act?
A. It was a grant of 160 acres given to settlers
that remained five years.
B. It redistributed the lands in the South after
the Civil War
C. It converted plantations into subdivisions and
small towns.
D. It was an interest free loan of $5,000 to all
new home owners.


The Homestead Act was that it converted plantations into subdivisions and  small towns. Thus option (C) is correct.

What is Plantation?

The term plantation arose as settlements in the southern United States, originally linked with colonial expansion, came to revolve around the production of agriculture.

The word plantation first appeared in English in the 15th century. Originally, the word meant to plant. However, what came to be known as plantations became the center of large-scale enslaved labor operations in the Western Hemisphere.

The plantation system developed in the American South as British colonists arrived in what became known as Virginia and divided the land into large areas suitable for farming.

Learn more about plantation here:


Which of the following would most likely be the target audience for a product
advertised on a top 100 music radio station during the evenings?
A. Adults between the ages of 50 and 60
B. People over the age of 70
C. Teenagers between the ages of 13 and 18
D. Children between the ages of 3 and 10


C. Teenagers Between 13 To 18
As Adults From 50 To 60 Don’t Like Modern Music As Much As Teenagers
And Even People Over 70’s Also
And Children Between 3 To 10 As They Don’t Even Know Modern Music As Much As Teenagers Know.
Hope It Helps U
Please Mark As Brainliest
it is C have a great rest of your day

Do you think consuming pop culture is a good way to learn history?





In the mid 1800's, the economy of the North was based primarily on


it was based on industry

please help me ASAP...
have a good day



1, word spreads like fire, people would have heard it and passed the knowledge or the local paper would have informed people. 2, I imagine the slaves would have been exited or felt that it was just another false rumor.


Which one of the following taxes goes toward 80 percent bid the money given to the federal government



Personal income tax goes toward 80 percent of the money given to the federal government.

Why did Europeans choose the African slave trade rather than enslaving natives who already lived there?



Because tehy were fighting Native Americans and they Gave the Africans lies so would come with them


meeting code - hwrdjcuaut​



meeting code to what


How was life for Joseph Stalin as a child


Answer: Stalin was born Ioseb Jughashvili on 18 December [O.S. 6 December] 1879[1][a] in the town of Gori, in what is today the country of Georgia. He was baptised on 29 December [O.S. 17 December] 1878[2] and christened Ioseb, and known by the diminutive "Soso"[3][b][4] His parents were Ekaterine (Keke) and Besarion Jughashvili (Beso). He was their third child; the first two, Mikheil and Giorgi had died in infancy in 1876 and 1878 respectively [5]

Stalin's father, Besarion, was a shoemaker and owned a workshop that at one point employed as many as ten people,[6] but which slid into ruin as Stalin grew up.[7] Beso had specialised in producing traditional Georgian footwear and did not produce the European-style shoes that were becoming increasingly fashionable.[2] This, combined with the deaths of his previous two infant sons, precipitated his decline into alcoholism. The family found themselves living in poverty.[8] The couple had to leave their home and moved into nine different rented rooms over ten years.[9]

Besarion also became violent towards his family.[10] To escape the abusive relationship, Keke took Stalin and moved into the house of a family friend, Father Christopher Charkviani.[11] She worked as a house cleaner and launderer for several local families who were sympathetic to her plight.[12] Keke was a strict but affectionate mother to Stalin.[13] She was a devout Christian,[14] and both she and her son regularly attended church services.[15] In 1884, Stalin contracted smallpox, which left him with facial pock scars for the rest of his life.[16] Charkviani's teenaged sons taught Stalin the Russian language.[12] Keke was determined to send her son to school, something that none of the family had previously achieved.[17] In late 1888, when Stalin was ten, he enrolled at the Gori Church School.[18] This was normally reserved for the children of clergy, but Charkviani ensured that Stalin received a place by claiming that the boy was the son of a deacon.[19] This may be the reason why—in 1934—Stalin claimed to have been the son of a priest.[20] There were many local rumours that Beso was not Stalin's real father,[21] which in later life Stalin himself encouraged.[20] Stalin biographer Simon Sebag Montefiore nonetheless thought it likely that Beso was the father, in part due to the strong physical resemblance that they shared.[20] Beso eventually attacked a policeman while drunk which resulted in the authorities ejecting him from Gori.[22] He moved to Tiflis, where he worked at the Adelkhanov shoe factory.[23]

Although Keke was poor, she ensured that her son was well dressed when he went to school, likely through the financial support of family friends.[24] As a child, Stalin exhibited a number of idiosyncrasies; when happy, he would for instance jump around on one leg while clicking his fingers and yelling aloud.[25] He excelled academically,[26] and also displayed talent in painting and drama classes.[27] He began writing poetry,[28] and was a fan of the work of Georgian nationalist writer Raphael Eristavi.[29] He was also a choirboy, singing both in church and at local weddings.[30] A childhood friend of Stalin's later recalled that he "was the best but also the naughtiest pupil" in the class.[31] He and his friends formed a gang,[32] and often fought with other local children.[33] He caused mischief; in one incident, he ignited explosive cartridges in a shop,[34] and in another he tied a pan to the tail of a woman's pet cat.[32

When Stalin was twelve, he was seriously injured after having been hit by a phaeton. He was hospitalised in Tiflis for several months, and sustained a lifelong disability to his left arm.[35] His father subsequently kidnapped him and enrolled him as an apprentice cobbler in the factory; this would be Stalin's only experience as a worker.[36] According to Stalin's biographer Robert Service, this was Stalin's "first experience with capitalism", and it was "raw, harsh and dispiriting".[37] Several priests from Gori retrieved the boy, after which Beso cut all contact with his wife and son.[38] In February 1892, Stalin's school teachers took him and the other pupils to witness the public hanging of several peasant bandits; Stalin and his friends sympathised with the condemned.[39] The event left a deep and lasting impression on him.[40] Stalin had decided that he wanted to become a local administrator so that he could deal with the problems of poverty that affected the population around Gori.[29] Despite his Christian upbringing, he had become an atheist after contemplating the problem of evil and learning about evolution through Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species.[29]

In what year did the Western Roman Empire fall?



395 A. D

End date:September 4th, 476 AD


It falls start in 395 AD and the Western Roman Empire collapsed in 476, and the Western imperial court in Ravenna was formally dissolved by Justinian in 554. The Eastern imperial court survived until the decline of Constantinople in 1453.

Hope this helps you. Do mark me as brainliest.

i only need 8, 11, 13, 14 the answer choices for each is corinth, rhodes, argos, delphi, thebes...if you just jot down a random answer ill report.





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