Shasta's parents think she is unable to focus because they often see her checking her phone. Are they making a reasonable argument?

Yes, checking her phone proves she is not focused on anything else
Yes, teenagers are never able to focus on anything when they have their phones
No, they are just picking on her because she is a teenager
No, they do not have enough evidence to prove she is unable to focus


Answer 1
Answer: D, just because she is checking her phone it does not prove her inability to focus

Related Questions

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nose ingles :v

sorry...speak nou ingles

True or False: There were 160 nations there to adopt the new charter.


Answer :False
Explanation: thevfrv

The minimum age requirement for the U.S. Senate is


The framers of the Constitution set the minimum age for Senate service at 30 years.

What alliance later grew into the political, Populist Party, also known as the People’s Party?


Answer: The Farmers' Alliance, an agrarian coalition that championed economic intervention during the Gilded Age, and the Greenback Party, an earlier third party that supported fiat currency, were the forerunners of the Populist Party.

There were already colonists living west of the Appalachian Mountains prior (before) to the
French and Indian War?





disadvantage of economic system

*plz give me a few answer asap*​



Traditional Economy


1. This type of society is often very slow to change.

2. It does not take advantage of technological change.

3. There is relatively little promotion of intellectual and scientific development.

4. There is inefficient provision of goods and services.

5. There is inadequate use of skill in relation to the factors of production.

6. No upward movement of labor takes place.

Command Economies


1. No freedom of choice for consumers or producers

2. System is too rigid to adjust when changes occur, can result in shortages

3. Lack of incentive for workers results in low morale and efficiency. Managers

also are not motivated.

4. There are too many officials, and too much unnecessary procedure and

paperwork (red-tape or bureaucracy)

5. Conflicts of interests can arise because what the country needs may not be

what the people want.

6. There is wastage of manpower because large numbers of people are

required for central planning.

Free Market Economy


1. Since the making of profits is the dominant motive of the private sector, only goods

and services that yield the highest profit will be produced.

2. Since there is no government intervention in this type of system, consumer could be

exploited through the charging of high prices for essential goods and services.

3. This system leads to great inequalities as the few rich get richer and the many poor

get poorer.

4. There is much pollution associated with this system especially when industrialization

begins to develop.

5. There tends to be an over-consumption of demerit goods such as alcohol, cigarettes

and drugs

Mixed Economies


1. Too much government regulation may dampen the free enterprise spirit.

2. Some state-owned industries are allowed to operate inefficiently, thus wasting resources.

3. Where government intervenes in the market by setting maximum and minimum prices, this

may cause excess demand or supply, which may be difficult to regulate in the long-run.

4. Since the private sector helps to answer the economic questions, there can be the creation of


5. Inequitable distribution of wealth can also arise.

I hope this helps a little bit.

Research about the cultures of Southeast Asia would most likely include an examination of —



Language patterns


Trees are a natural resource in Arkansas. They are often harvested for lumber. How does Arkansas keep this natural resource from being depleted?

(1.7 Arkansas Geography Test Study Guide SS 7B)
also connexus (school) iykyk



Arkansas used in Arkansas Wildlife Action Plan, forests ensure that all natural resources are sustained in a manner to provide, maintain and enhance the economic benefits and values of trees and forests, Arkansas is an important wood producer, contributing 3.5 percent of the total


what problem still exist in enforcing title ix



Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 protects people from office for Civil Rights (OCR) enforces, among other statutes. Some key issue areas in which recipients have Title IX obligations


Explain what determines the shape of a mineral crystal?



Crystallized matter is based on a periodic arrangement of the atoms which is defined by the translation lattice. ... The properties of a mineral are determined by the kind and geometrical arrangement of atoms or molecules within the crystal structure.

The shapes of crystals are determined by a number of factors such as the size and length of their surfaces (known as 'faces') and edges, as well as the angles between these. These shapes are named after their geometry - for example, crystals based on cubes belong to the 'cubic or isometric' crystal group

A crystal is a solid geometric form of minerals produced by a repeating pattern that is present throughout the mineral. Also a crystal's shape is determined by the arrangement of the atoms within the crystal.

can you please help me i really need this grade




the awnser is a

Why might some people prefer to an assisted su*c*de over palliative care in a hospice?

Plz help I will give brainlest



I feel like some people would choose this as an option because of some sort of health condition that brings them pain, or something there is not cure for. Or, the obvious reason of not being happy. It would also mean they would be going peacefully when they want to. Not waiting for it to happen.


They don’t want to suffer. Or they don’t want to put themselves in the position where they can’t care for themselves so they pick palliative s**cide.

Hawaii is one of the states that comprise the United States. However, culturally Hawaii is considered part of Oceania. How might this be possible? um, I'm assuming it's because earth is globe but...I obviously can't just put that.



The Hawaiian Islands, in the middle of the Pacific Ocean on the Pacific Plate, are usually considered part of North America.


d. How can we make our country an ideal country?



less government


Because there is much government , the establishment eventually corrupts he people initially for the people .Stop career politicians.

Which country?

If your talking about the US then there’s a lot to do. You could say to get rid of or stop police brutality, racism, hate crimes against the LGBTQ+ community, the wage gap between men and women in the workplace, etc.

How did Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton actived their goal



Mott's stymied participation at the World Anti-Slavery Convention in London in 1840 brought her into contact with Elizabeth Cady Stanton with whom she formed a long and prolific collaboration. It also led Mott into the cause of women's rights. The latter fueled the launching of the woman suffrage movement.



How birds navigate differs by species. Birds sometimes use a landmark, such as a shoreline or a mountain range, to guide ___.



D makes the most sense to me.

Income and expense. Drag each item into the correct category:
Bonuses gas entertainment hourly wages tips food


Wait I know the answer but let me just make sure it is the right answer


Income - bonuses, hourly, tips.

Expense - gas, food, entertainment

LIKE AND COMMENT for season 5 of TOKYO GHOUL yessir!!






the supreme court case of Worcester vs. Georgia ruled that...

A ) The force act was unconstitutional.
B ) The Judiciary Act was unconstitutional.
C ) The Nullification Act was unconstitutional.
D ) The Indian removal act was unconstitutional.



C. The Nullification Act was unconstitutional.

On review of the case, the Supreme Court in Worcester v. Georgia ruled that because the Cherokee Nation was a separate political entity that could not be regulated by the state, Georgia's license law was unconstitutional and Worcester's conviction should be overturned.


can i get the crown

can i get the brainliest crown please

Throughout the years, the Supreme Court has ruled that students do have certain rights but do not possess the full range of rights as an adult. For example, there are rules that protect a school system's interests at times and places them at a higher value than that of a student's, given that the school has a higher obligation to ensure the health, discipline, and safety of every student within a building. Do you think a student's locker, bag, or other belongings should be searched without reasonable cause? What about cars driven on to school property? How do you, as a student, feel about these searches? What if you were a parent? What about if you were a principal or teacher? Why do you feel the way you do?



these acts are just


these acts are for the safety of not just students principles teachers and parents but therefore everyone who would be at the school or on the school grounds to make sure nobody has any harming weapons or devices used to harm people.

"A school officer must have a reason to suspect before searching you or your property (such as your backpack), as students often keep their personal items there."

What was Supreme Court?

The Supreme court is the highest judiciary body in the country which evaluates whether the laws are practiced properly or not. It helps to check the activities that are unconstitutional in the country and take strict actions against them.

Given that the school has a greater responsibility to guarantee the health, discipline, and safety of every student inside a building, there exist laws that occasionally safeguard the interests of the school system. 

This search is only permissible if a school official provides a legitimate reason, which is also true in the case of parents.A principals and teachers, We can conduct this search by notifying students in order to ensure their safety and well-being.

Learn more about the Supreme court, here:


On what level are voters most likely to know the candidate the best?
The city level.
The county level.
The federal level.
The state level.



I think that althought city and county will affect them strongest, people do the most research on federal level because they see it as "the most important election"



The federal level.


Candidates at the national level are better known by the voters than those at the local level. The lower down the electoral ladder a candidate is the more likely the votes will know little about them except their party, their gender and their ethnicity.

Plz, select me brainlIest.

factors that contribute to detrimental relationship ​



Too Many Secrets Can Spell Trouble.  


Financial Issues  

Parenting Disagreements Can Break Your Bond.  

Lack of Communication


Plz help!!! I need it right now


star spangled banner

Compare the dependency, modernization and center-periphery theory, help pleaseee



The answer is below


Dependency theory is the theory that explains the outflow of resources from poor and underdeveloped nations to wealthy and developed countries, thereby making the wealthy nations wealthier.

Modernization theory on the other hand is the theory that explains the social change in which underdeveloped and developing countries continue to develop as they adopt modern practices similar to more developed societies.

Also, the Centre-Periphery theory is the theory that defines the structural connection between the developed states (center) and the underdeveloped states (periphery) usually within a country.

Read the claim.

"The Columbian Exchange harmed indigenous peoples because it brought diseases.”

Which evidence is the most relevant to support this claim?

Historians believe that smallpox killed many indigenous peoples because they had no immunity.
European diseases like smallpox came to indigenous peoples through contact with explorers and settlers.
Between 8 and 115 million indigenous peoples lived in the Americas when Europeans first arrived in the 15th century.
Although European doctors tried to treat diseases, they sometimes harmed indigenous peoples more than they helped.





That evidence directly proves that harm occured versus the other ones which just add additional information.

The evidence is most relevant to support this claim is that European diseases like smallpox came to indigenous peoples through contact with explorers and settlers. Thus the correct option is B.

What is the Claim?

An argument without supporting data is referred to as a claim. This argument is built on popular beliefs and presumptions. Giving proof of any event does not support the evidence.

After the voyages of Columbus, people from the old and new worlds brought new ideas, food, and diseases to the United States, a phenomenon known as the Columbian Exchange.

Native Americans first experienced European diseases like smallpox through interaction with explorers and settlers. Native Americans suffered and were negatively impacted by the migration of settlers from the old world.

Therefore, option B is appropriate.

Learn more about the Columbian Exchange, here:


Lumber Expansion
Why is there an increase in demand for lumber?
How is demand met?

Why are they bad? How do they hurt people?

Why do companies create trusts?

Progressive Era
What types of issues are people facing during this era?

Texas Railroad Commission
Intrastate v Interstate

The Grange (farmers alliances)
Why do farmers unite?
Cooperatives→ Why do farmers form cooperatives?

Give an example

What does it outlaw?

Galveston Hurricane
What is a commission form of government?
How did the government protect Texas after the hurricane?

Women’s Suffrage
What (#) amendment gives women the right to vote?

What caused business to be deregulated?
Why would people want the government to stay out of business?



how do I know this

How do courtroom participants work to support those not familiar with courtroom proceedings?



I'm not sure but i hope this kinda helps


The professionals use their education and professionalism to support the evidence and remain true to the justice system to have a fair trial. The nonprofessional participants are there to either fight for justice for themselves or loved one and on the other side defend themselves.

1. Describe the South during the Antebellum Period. Pay special attention to slavery, available jobs and the economy.
2. Describe the North during this same time period. Pay special attention to slavery, industrialization, and the economy.
3. If the two parts of the country, the North and the South, cannot come to an agreement about how to handle slavery, what do
you think will happen?
4. If the North and South end up in war, who do you think will have the advantage (would most likely win) and why do you think
this. Give evidence from class discussion and the PowerPoint!



1. The South was heavily reliant on slave labor, since their ecomony was built around farming and plantations. Since the demand for cotton has so big, the South reverted to using lots of slave labor.

2. During this same, the North was being industrialized. They had more jobs in industries than the south did, which is why there economies were so different. The northern soil and climate favored smaller farmsteads rather than large plantations. Industry flourished, fueled by more abundant natural resources than in the South, and many large cities were established

3. Since the North did not need slavery since there were industrialized , they were obviously against it. Since the South completely relied on these slaves, they were obvious for it. This disagreement already starts a conflict.

4. Because the North were more industrialized, had more equipment, manpower, and ability to fight, they were favorities to win the war.


Brainylest would be nice for my efforts :)

Which statement about ethnic groups and religious groups is correct?

People who share an ethnicity never follow the same religion.

People who share an ethnicity always follow the same religion.

A person's religion is determined by that person's ethnicity.

A person's religion does not determine that person's ethnicity.



D the answer is


i believe


The Answer is D


A religion will never determine your ethnicity!

I hope this helps! :)

Can someone please write a short paragraph about karma? (8 points)
I need this done today!





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