Selecu le correct ariswer.
What message does Jefferson express in the opening paragraph of his second inaugural address?
He says in his first term that he stuck to the principles he laid out in his first inaugural address.
He sets out the principles by which he will conduct his second term in office.
He reassures the audience that his second term in office will be smoother than his first term.
He says that in his first term he acted upon the principles laid out in the Declaration of Independence.
Edmentum. All rights reserved


Answer 1


A is the right answer, i hope this helps :). have a wonderful day <3

p.s. the words in a and the words in d for the picture below are the same answer, so make sure to check which words are right before you click the letter choice :) <3

Selecu Le Correct Ariswer.What Message Does Jefferson Express In The Opening Paragraph Of His Second
Answer 2

Jefferson expresses a message in his second inaugural address that "he says in his first term that he stuck to the principles he laid out in his first inaugural address".

What do you mean by Inaugural message?

An inaugural message may be defined as the first speech someone delivers when initiating important new actions.

Jefferson is the idealistic writer who writes " the declaration of Independence". In this excerpt, he tries to deliver an inaugural address.

Therefore, the correct option for this question is A.

To learn more about Jefferson, refer to the link;


Related Questions




to rely on something.


for example, we are dependent on our phones, we need them or we rely on them.

The text describes some effects of the construction of the Panama Canal.
What is one of these effects?
It increased the travel time of cargo ships moving between the Atlantic
and Pacific Oceans.
It increased the expenses involved with moving cargo ships between the
Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.
It cut down the travel time of cargo ships moving between the Atlantic and
Pacific Oceans.
It decreased the number of people who moved from North America to
South America.


Answer: С . It cut down the travel time of cargo ships moving between the Atlantic and  Pacific Oceans.


Before the Panama canal was built, ships in the western hemisphere trying to get to the Pacific ocean either had to go around Argentina or South Africa, the latter of which would see them having to go through the Indian Ocean first.

The Panama canal changed all that by cutting a path across Panama in central America to the Pacific. This allowed for ships to be able to get to the Pacific faster and vice versa thereby cutting down the travel time for cargo ships moving between both oceans.

Which two words are the closest synonyms?
excavate and obscure
expose' and fabrication
bestow and lavish
harrowing and hilarious


Answer: Bestow and Lavish


which word describes something that you have a hard time believing but really did happen?


The answer is #1 I believe !

Why is the Biloxi - chitimacha - Choctaw tribe no longer able to subsist



Since 1955, they have lost their land due to encroaching waters, climate changes, and other natural disasters. They do no have any more ammunition to hunt, trap, or fish.


the authorities are chasing me on the roof and the next building is a 10 feet gap what should i do
A. make the jump
B. commit s-uicide
C. surrender
D. bribe the authorities
E. Fight the authorities
F. Breakdance B)
G. smoke until i die of cancer





please write TWO 7-14 line ORIGINAL poems about nature and about depression



i see the trees

they dance alongside the breeze

i can smell freshly bloomed daisies,

roses and their thorns

scratching like crazy

i feel so alive at the moment

i wish i could forever enjoy it.

How does Langston Hughes's use of dialect affect the readers of "Thank You, M'am"? Question 1 options: It makes readers think Hughes does not know how to write in standard English. It makes readers think the characters in this story sound funny. It makes readers think Hughes's characters are authentic and realistic. It makes readers think Hughes is trying to impress them.



It makes readers think the characters in this story sound funny.


This one makes the most sense




It makes readers think Hughes's characters are authentic and realistic. Took the test, above answer was wrong

Why does the narrator conclude Shakespeare's
plays had something for everyone?



"It would have been impossible," the narrator concludes from this thought-experiment, "completely and entirely, for any woman to have written the plays of Shakespeare in the age of Shakespeare." To illustrate this conclusion, she conjures the imaginary character of Judith Shakespeare.


In the essay of A Room of One's Own, the narrator talked about women empowerment, here she mentioned something about Shakespeare play related to woman.

What is A Room of One's Own?

It is an essay written by Ms Woolf. She says that a woman should have her own room and money.

She talked about the things which can be said as impossible to woman, but the man enjoyed them without any questions.

Thus, In the essay of A Room of One's Own, the narrator talked about women empowerment, here she mentioned something about Shakespeare play related to woman.

Learn more about A Room of One's Own


Your dog has puppies, and you need to find adoptive families for them. You invite a few friends over to meet the puppies, secretly hoping they'll fall in love with them. Even though you're not using words, you're using a strategy for argumentation. Which one are you using? Explain your answer in a sentence or two.


you would be using expression. expression is a way of communicating without actually having to say anything such as facial expression and hand gestures.




The answer is B


He says in the article "Before you start firing off all those e-mails about money, love, health and so on, give these folks a chance to explain. They arrived at their conclusions partly by showing people pictures of nature."

Some people think these things will bring happiness,

4.Which sentence best summarizes the irony in the story?A.Jimmy Wells has turned the man from the West in for a crime that Wellscommitted twenty years ago.B.Jimmy Wells has gotten taller over the last twenty years, so the man from theWest does not know that he was the police officer from the beginning.C.The reader is aware that the police officer is Jimmy Wells from the beginning ofthe story, but the man from the West does not find out until the end.D.The reader and the man from the West learn that the friend he has been waitingfor, Jimmy Wells, is actually the police officer and has turned him in for crimeshe committed in Chicago.


Answer: D.The reader and the man from the West learn that the friend he has been waitingfor, Jimmy Wells, is actually the police officer and has turned him in for crimes he committed in Chicago.


The option that best summarizes the irony in the story is option D "The reader and the man from the West learn that the friend he has been waiting for, Jimmy Wells, is actually the police officer and has turned him in for crimes he committed in Chicago".

From the story, Jimmy Wells and Bob were friends and lived in New York City before their paths diverged. Jimmy stayed in New York while Bib moved to

the West but they promised that they'll meet twenty years later at a particular restaurant.

After twenty years, Bob waited at the restaurant. The irony was that a policeman then passed who asked Bob what he was doing and he explained to him but Bob didn't know that the policeman was his friend who he was waiting for which is Jimmy Wells.

Later, a plainclothed officer arrived who Bob thought was Jimmy Wells but wasn't him and he later realised that the first officer was indeed Jimmy Wells.

I feel angry because my brother steal my ice cream. I feel happy because my brother didn't steal my ice cream.

How to join the two sentences into one sentence only¿

Pls I need some answer even it is wrong. It doesn't matter! ​


Joining two simple sentences into another simple sentence

Sentence synthesis means combining two or more simple sentences into one new sentence. ...

By using infinitives.

We can combine these two sentences into one using a to-infinitive.

By using a noun or phrase in apposition.

By using a participle.

We can combine two simple sentences into one by using a present or past participle

describe your brother in a metaphor

plzz help


"The bond between a sister and brother is like the umbilical cord between a mother and a child invisible yet omnipresent."

Mateo is evaluating a brochure about water conservation. Which text feature best supports the purpose to inform?
D. subheading



Explanation:correct on plato

Mateo is evaluating a brochure about water conservation. The text feature best supports the purpose to inform the sidebar. Thus the correct answer is A.

What is the purpose?

The purpose is to refer to the objective of any course of action or literature work. An objective helps to know the intention of the writer towards writing the text. The main objective of any text is to persuade the reader.

A sidebar is a brief type of writing that appears side by side and enhances a longer article. Sidebars can appear in magazine articles, newspaper articles, websites, and blogs, among other places.

It is located on the right side of the article and is graphically distinguishable but connected to the basic theme.

Therefore, option A sidebar is appropriate to answer.

Learn more about the sidebar, here:


20 points plz help!!

Read the excerpt from "The Night the Bed Fell."

The situation was finally put together like a gigantic jigsaw puzzle. Father caught a cold from prowling around in his bare feet but there were no other bad results. “I’m glad,” said mother, who always looked on the bright side of things, “that your grandfather wasn’t here.”

Which word best describes the tone of this excerpt?





only answer if you know it!



the answer is: relieved  


i did the test myself here is the proof. and this is good luck mini neji he appears every ounce in a while i hope he makes your day and he also gives you good luck.

Answer: It's relieved because no other things have happened, and since she is glad she is relieved, and I checked other brainly sources to verify the answer is relieved.


Read this excerpt from Paragraph two of Poe's "The Black Cat" and answer the question.

There is something in the unselfish and self-sacrificing love of a brute, which goes directly to the heart of him who has had frequent occasion to test the paltry friendship and gossamer fidelity of mere Man.

Which phrases from this excerpt support the narrator's distrust of human beings? Select all that apply.

A "unselfish and self-sacrificing"
B "love of a brute"
C "directly to the heart"
D "frequent occasion"
E "paltry friendship"
F "gossamer fidelity"





As we can see the question is basically asking for evidence that supports why the author has a distrust of human beings (Basically saying that the author cant trust humans, and can't rely on them for almost anything.)

So with that being said, we need to find text evidence that shows a negative perspective coming from the author. So we can go and cross off answer options  (A: "unselfish and self-sacrificing")  (D: "frequent occasion")  and (C: "directly to the heart") bc two of those are positive opinions on humans, and one isn't close to being negative nor positive opinions towards humans.

Now let's take a look at "B"

"Love of a  Brute"

Basically saying that somebody is showing love-(affection, caring for) a wild animal-(a violent human).

We can use context clues to find out if this is negative or positive

Before "Love of a Brute," it says "There is something in the unselfish and self-sacrificing" using this we can see that it means "For a person to love a wild animal type of person-( a violent human) is unselfish on their part, because of how abysmal-(horrible) that brute-(violent human) is.

Now let's look at E: "paltry friendship"

This is basically saying that a human shows inconsequential-(Little importance towards something) feelings towards friendship with someone else.

Lastly, we can look at F: "gossamer fidelity"

This means like a thin-(In this sentence it would mean "having little") loyalty-(being trust worthy, and faithful) towards someone.

With all this being said all answers that would apply to answering the

question would be "B "love of a brute", E "paltry friendship", and F "gossamer fidelity".


What did the battalion eat for a week



A total of 3,240,948 tons of food was sent from Britain to the soldiers fighting in France and Belgium during the First World War. The British Army employed 300,000 field workers to cook and supply the food. At the beginning of the war British soldiers were given 10 ounces of meat and 8 ounces of vegetables a day. As the size of the army grew and the German blockade became more effective, the army could not maintain these rations and by 1916 this had been cut to 6 ounces of meat a day. Later troops not in the front-line only received meat on nine out of every thirty days. The daily bread ration was also cut in April 1917. The British Army attempted to give the soldiers the 3,574 calories a day that dieticians said they needed. However, others argued that soldiers during wartime need much more than this.


I hope your refering to Mormon Battalion..

Anyway hope this helped!

Which page was when the theme of the Outsiders was loyalty and friendship? ​



Chapter 4,6,9


“Dally’s ok,” Johnny said defensively, and I nodded. You take up for your buddies no matter what they do. When you’re in a gang, you stick up for the members.

Ponyboy explains Johnny’s defense of Dally after Dally harasses Cherry and Marcia, two Socs, at the drive-in theater. Despite Dally being the aggressor in the situation, Johnny justifies his actions in coming to Dally’s defense. Ponyboy concludes that loyalty is paramount and expected when you are in a gang. The theme of loyalty recurs throughout the book: When characters do not show loyalty, chaos ensues.

Our one rule besides Stick together is Don’t get caught.

Two-Bit explains the logic of a fight between two greasers. Dally has slashed the tires of Tim Shepard, the leader of another greaser gang, so Shepard will have to fight Dally. Two-Bit justifies his involvement in the feud to Cherry and Marcia: Even though Dally deserves what’s coming to him, Two-Bit will fight alongside Dally because greasers stick together. The situation contrasts the greasers’ loyalty with the Socs’, who he later says will gang up on each other for sport. Loyalty is presented as a point of pride for the greasers throughout the novel.

I looked around, startled. I hadn’t realized Johnny was right behind me all the way.Ponyboy reflects on the surprise he felt when he realized Johnny followed him into the burning building to help save children who were trapped inside. Ponyboy uses the word “startled” to convey the significant change he has just understood. The time in the church has bonded Ponyboy and Johnny beyond their social class. Their loyalty as friends, above and beyond being greasers, has taken root. The decision to risk their lives for non-gang members reveals the humanity beneath their rough exteriors, the courage that extends deeper than what’s expected from a fellow gang member.

“You’re a traitor to your own kind and not loyal to us.”

Ponyboy lashes out at Cherry after she refuses to visit Johnny in the hospital. Cherry finds herself caught between the two gangs: She’s been spying on the Socs for the greasers, but she can’t show solidarity with the greasers by visiting Johnny. Ponyboy’s condemnation of her hits hard, and even he knows it. Ponyboy’s sense of loyalty is challenged by Cherry, a person who has mixed loyalties, but to whom he’s bonded as a friend.But then, Darry’s gone through a lot in his twenty years, grown up too fast.

Ponyboy reflects on his older brother Darry’s life circumstances. After their parents were killed in a car accident, Darry took on the role of primary caregiver, and works two jobs just to provide for Ponyboy and Sodapop. Ponyboy understands the importance of loyalty within their family: If the three brothers don’t work together, they are in threat of being separated. The story portrays the loyalty of the Curtis family and the greasers as being part of a strict code of honor that goes beyond social class.

All great examples!!!

You're a wealthy landowning peasant. How might you react to Stalin's collectivization policy?



In response to this, many peasants began to resist, often arming themselves against the activists sent from the towns. As a form of protest, many peasants preferred to slaughter their animals for food rather than give them over to collective farms, which produced a major reduction in livestock.


Which of the following pieces of evidence BEST supports the inference Jane felt protective of her friends? Group of answer choices




ok she wanted her friends to protect her

1. How does Starr behave when she and her mother have to drive through the
police blockade to get back into Garden Heights? How is this significant? I



Starr sometimes feels like she is two different people: the version who lives in her community of Garden Heights and the modified, more "appropriate" version needed for Williamson Prep.

More often than not, Starr believes she has been two separate people—one who resides in her neighbourhood of Garden Heights and another who has been altered to be more "suitable" for Williamson Prep.

What is Hate U Give?

An adolescent girl that struggles with discrimination, excessive use of force, and advocacy after seeing her Black classmate shot to death by police seems to be the subject of the novel The Hate U Give.

Khalil requests to understand the purpose of something like the stop because a police officer requests for documentation. Starr recalls Maverick's orders to jot down the officer's physical description and badge number. He still goes by the figure one with his badge, according to Starr.

Starr informs the authorities that what transpired to Khalil is unacceptable and that she along with others comparable to herself will continue protesting unless the rules modify their tactics.

Learn more about Hate U Give, here:




1. Rudimentary

2. Emulate


1 c 2 a or b



Which subordinate conjunction could be used to best combine the following two sentences?

I drank some water. I was thirsty.

A) before
B) or
C) because
D) so


It’s c. Hope that helps

Which dark solar feature is shown in the picture above?

Solar flare



Sunspot is going to be the correct answer.


There are some dark spots in the sun as shown in the picture above. The definition of sunspot is, dark spots appearing from time to time on the sun's surface. As you see in the picture, there are multiple areas in the sun where there are black spots. Therefore the answer to this question is Sunspots.  

Which of these details is NOT an example of foreshadowing in the story?

" 'Don't hurt me, Brother,' he warned."

"The oriole nest...rocked back and forth like an empty cradle."

"One day I took him up to the barn loft and showed him his casket..."

"Keeping a nice secret is very hard to do..."


Answer: D


Hope this helṕed

Can someone help me use these following words as a sentence I’ll give the brainliest a brainly :)



discern - We must discern between the truth and lies.

disparage - He made some remarks to disparage the women's game in the past.

preposterous - The idea was so preposterous it was unlikely to have been invented.

precipitate - The precipitate is washed, collected, and dried at a very moderate heat.

proficient - The singer was also proficient in music keyboard skills

Hope it helps

Please mark me as the brainliest

Thank you

How does Reed create mystery, tension, or surprise in this poem?



Wheres the poem?





yay nicee :))


hope u have a great dayy <33


glad you're happy!


some people really like school, and that's okay.

Knowledge beyond horizons
A Course in Science
Book 5
Dr Sanaya Nariman
Indiannica Learning Private Limited,
a subsidiary of Navneet Education Limited.
New Delhi, India kiya aap log ke pas yeh book hai​



thank u very much for this

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