select the factors you should consider to understand the threat in your environment


Answer 1

All are correct. Factors you should consider understanding the threat in your environment

The exercise of human rights, the rule of law, and democracy are all seriously threatened by terrorism. As a result, the Council of Europe's member states must combat it through prevention and repression. However, counterterrorism strategies that are poorly executed or unduly draconian may backfire. While counterterrorism efforts should not go beyond what is required to maintain peace and security or to undermine the rule of law and democracy in the name of trying to save it, law enforcement actions targeted against terrorists are necessary and appropriate.The Council of Europe is also working on ways to make fighting transnational organized crime more effective (see the White Paper on Transnational Organized Crime), as well as ways to share best practices and common strategies that are helpful in the fight against both organized crime and terrorist activity (see Malaga Conference).

The #NoHateNoFear campaign of the Council of Europe targeted online hate speech that encouraged terrorism and violent extremism.

Also available online in a number of official languages is the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights Issue Paper on Democratic and Effective Oversight of National Security Services.

To know more about environment visit:

Related Questions

There is a financial burden with substance abuse and addiction. How could this burden affect their life?​


Answer:-Economically, this manifests itself in prevention and treatment costs, health-care and hospital costs, increased morbidity and mortality. 5. e phenomenon of drug abuse requires societies to dedicate resources to evidence-based prevention, educa- tion and interventions, including treatment and rehabil- itation.

Certain factors can affect the likelihood and speed of developing an addiction:

Family history of addiction. Drug addiction is more common in some families and likely involves an increased risk based on genes. ...

Mental health disorder. ...

Peer pressure. ...

Lack of family involvement. ...

Early use. ...

Taking a highly addictive drug.

Besides personal and family distress, additional healthcare costs and loss of future productivity place burdens on the community. Mental health problems such as depression, developmental lags, apathy, withdrawal, and other psychosocial dysfunctions frequently are linked to substance abuse among adolescents.                                                                  There are certain factors that increase the risk of a person developing an addiction to drugs or alcohol. Genetics, family history, mental health, and the environment are some of the risk factors for addiction susceptibility.

which program pays medicare part a and b or medicare part c premiums, deductibles, coinsurance, and copayments?Part A premiums; Part B premiums, deductibles, coinsurance, and copayments (for services and items Medicare covers).


The program that pays medicare part a and b or medicare part c premiums, deductibles, coinsurance, and copayments is the Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB) Program.

What is Medicare?

Medicare is a government-run national health insurance program in the United States that began under the Social Security Administration in 1965 and is now managed by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

Medicare is a federal health insurance program for people aged 65 and up.

The Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB) Program is one of four Medicare Savings Programs that allow you to get help paying your Medicare premiums from your state. This program assists in the payment of Part A and Part B premiums, as well as deductibles, coinsurance, and copayments.

The Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB) program is a Medicaid program for people who already have Medicare benefits. The program's goal is to reduce the cost of medications as well as copays for doctors, hospitals, and medical procedures.

Learn more about Medicare on:


How many calories does 1 hour of swimming burn?


During swimming, When treading water with a moderate effort, your body burns 3.5 METs (223 calories per hour), 8.3 METs (528 calories per hour), a medium-speed, strenuous effort crawl, and 13.8 METs (878 calories per hour), a butterfly stroke. (These figures are for an adult weighing 140 pounds.)

Swimming can increase your mood and lower stress levels to improve your mental wellbeing in addition to your physical health. Compared to other workouts like running or football, exercising in the water puts less stress on your joints. In recreational and competitive swimming, the body is propelled through the water using a combination of arm and leg actions as well as its inherent buoyancy. Swimming is a well-liked all-around body builder that is especially beneficial in treatment and as exercise for people with physical disabilities. Burning calories effectively involves swimming. When swimming laps at a slow or moderate speed, a swimmer weighing 160 pounds burns about 423 calories per hour. At a faster rate, the same person may swim for an hour and burn up to 715 calories.

Learn more about swimming here


john’s physician said that he might be suffering from chikungunya fever, an emerging disease that once was limited to asia, africa, and europe, but is now making appearances in the caribbean and the united states. how did john most likely get infected?


John may have chikungunya fever, thus it is possible that he contracted the disease through a mosquito bite.

What kind of fever is chikungunya?Chikungunya fever is an arthropod-borne alphavirus from the Togaviridae family that is endemic to Asia and spread by the Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus mosquitoes. It has caused significant international epidemics with a preference for tropical and subtropical regions.Through the bite of an infected mosquito, the chikungunya virus is transferred to humans. Fever and joint discomfort are the two most typical signs of infection. Headache, muscular soreness, joint swelling, or rash are examples of further symptoms.      

To learn more about Chikungunya fever refer to:


a normally functioning 65-year-old who cannot solve abstract logic puzzles as quickly as he did when he was younger is experiencing a


A normally functioning 65-year-old who cannot solve abstract logic puzzles as quickly as he did when he was younger is experiencing a decrease in his fluid intelligence.

Fluid intelligence is outlined as reasoning ability, and therefore the ability to get, transform, and manipulate differing types of novel data in real time. It refers to skills required for abstract reasoning and speeded performance.

General fluid intelligence, the vital part of human psychological ability, has been reportable beneath genetic management. Examples of fluid intelligence embrace ability solve puzzles, able to constructing ways to cope with new issues, seeing patterns in applied mathematics information, and fascinating in speculative philosophical reasoning

To learn more about  fluid intelligence here


physical, mental, and social well-being, not just the absence of disease or infirmity is the holistic view of health valued by nurses.


Health is the physical, mental, and social well-being, not just the absence of disease or infirmity is the holistic view of health valued by nurses.

Health consists of maintaining the body and taking preventive measures to cut back the likelihood of developing numerous diseases. Health is that the body's natural useful and metabolic potency to adapt to physical and mental changes the body is exposed to. For a healthy life cycle, you wish a healthy and diet, sensible hygiene habits, staying in a very correct shelter and obtaining enough sleep.

A holistic view of health suggests that to supply support that appears at the entire person, not simply their psychological state wants. The support ought to additionally think about their physical, emotional, social and non secular eudaimonia.

To learn more about Health here


john’s physician said that he might be suffering from chikungunya fever, an emerging disease that once was limited to asia, africa, and europe, but is now making appearances in the caribbean and the united states. how did john most likely get infected?


John's doctor suggested that he could have Chikungunya fever, an illness that was hitherto only found in Asia, Africa, and Europe. John most certainly contracted chikungunya fever from the bite of a mosquito carrying the disease.

What is chikungunya fever?

Infection John's doctor suggested that he might have Chikungunya fever, a new illness that was hitherto only found in Asia and Africa. The goal of this training is to give nurses an overview of these items so they can advise patients on how to use them safely and efficiently. grant from the American Society for Infectious Diseases. John most certainly contracted chikungunya fever from the bite of a mosquito carrying the disease. A virus causes chikungunya fever.

To learn more about Infectious Diseases from given link


when cooling food that is over 135°f, what temperature must it reach within 2 hours?


When cooling food that is over 135°F, 70°F temperature must it reach within 2 hours.

What is cooling food?

When food isn't properly cooled, bacteria might proliferate and lead to food poisoning. To stop germs from growing, food must swiftly pass through the temperature danger zone.

A crucial control point, or a point at which maintaining proper temperatures can help guarantee food is safe to eat, is the holding of cold or hot food. Food handlers are required to monitor the holding process, record food temperatures, and know the ideal temperature for holding food.

Food that falls under the category of TCS (Time/Temperature Control for Safety) requires precise time and temperature restrictions to be safe for eating. This kind of food must be cooled within six hours, from a temperature of 135°F to 41°F (57°C - 5°C) or lower.

Read more about cooling food:


Nutritionists express energy in calories, which are in fact 1000 real calories. one real calorie is equivalent to 4.18 joules, the universal energy unit. thus, one nutrition calorie is equivalent to?


One nutrition calorie is equivalent to 4.18 kilojoules.

A calorie is a unit of measurement but it doesn't measure weight or length. A calorie is a unit of energy. When you hear something contains 100 calories, it's a way of describing how much energy your body could get from eating or drinking it.

There are 4.14 kilojoules in a nutrition calorie because one real calorie has 4.18 joules of energy.

The amount of energy in an item of food or drink is measured in calories.

To learn more about calorie, click here:


How many calories does 1hr of cycling burn?


Just a 30-minute session of moderate cycling will burn 202 calories for the average woman* and 225 calories for the average man*. When this is increased to an hour, men will burn 450 calories and women will burn 404.

Cycling often burns less calories per hour than swimming does. Although swimming doesn't need you to bear your weight, it is a full-body workout. Additionally, as water better transfers heat, heat is lost faster. Your body is compelled to produce greater heat as a result, burning calories. The most calories seem to be burned while running, then cycling, and then swimming. In spite of this, the length and intensity of your activity have a significant impact on how many calories you burn. The METs rise to 9.8 if you swim freestyle laps rapidly and vigorously. A 150-pound person would burn about 410 calories an hour while swimming idly, but 682 calories an hour while swimming laps vigorously. A 150-lb person may burn 682 calories per hour while bicycling at a speed between 14 and 15.9 mph, and this number increases to 1,091 at 20 mph.

Learn more about Cycling here


The ________ effect describes the enhancement of long-term memory that comes from relating information to the self.a. self-consistencyb. self-enhancementc. self-justificationd. self-reference


Self-reference. The improvement in long-term memory that results from connecting knowledge to oneself is known as the self-reference effect.

What about self reference?The propensity for people to recall information better when it has been encoded in terms of themselves is known as the self-reference effect. Any circumstance in which someone or something refers to oneself is referred to as a self-reference. Self-referential objects are those that make references to themselves. A propensity to personalize experiences or information, as in focusing conversations on one's problems or viewpoints. The act of tying information to oneself is known as self-referencing, according to Sheila. This is a helpful technique for memory enhancement since you are more likely to recall knowledge if you process it in reference to yourself than if you relate it to someone else. When there are two logical levels—a level and a meta-level—self-reference is feasible.It is most frequently used in languages, computer programming, philosophy, and mathematics. Paradoxes can arise from statements that refer to themselves (but see antinomy for limits on the significance of these). In order to decide that next iterations of its reasoning system will be secure, an agent uses its own reasoning system.

Learn more about self reference here:


What benefits could we achieved on performing or engaging in a cheer dance routine?


The benefits which could be achieved on performing or engaging in a cheer dance routine are better flexibility, enhanced stamina and endurance.

Cheer dance routine is a form of acrobatics exercise which involves high strength dance steps and exercises. It is performed mainly during some sport event. Such routines helps the person to enhance their mood, increase their physical endurance of the body and acts as strength training for them. Thus in some way it helps to keep the body fit, healthy and agile. It also brings self confidence and helps the person to have control over their mental agitations. It also encourages good posture and stabilizes the body's trunk or vertebral column.

Learn more about cheer dance at:


ow often should people wash their hands to maintain good personal hygiene?

once per day
at least twice per week
whenever their hands are visibly dirty
whenever they touch unclean surfaces


At least twice per week

When is the most important time to sleep?


When it comes to going to bed, he asserts that there is a period of time—roughly between 8 PM and 12 AM—during which your brain and body may obtain all the non-REM and REM sleep they require to perform at their best.

According to research, 10 p.m. is when you should try to fall asleep. But when it comes to going to bed, you should concentrate more on maintaining a regular schedule and habit.

Side effects of not getting enough sleep

When you feel sleepy throughout the day, you probably didn't get enough sleep at night. Accidents, impatience, and forgetfulness may also occur.

Regularly lacking sleep might potentially have longer-term negative effects on one's health. These consist of:

getting sick more oftenhigh blood pressure (hypertension)diabetesheart diseaseobesitydepression

Learn more about important time to sleep to visit this link


Which is normally not a sign that you are pregnant?

1. Missed Menstrual cycle
2. Constipation
3. Nausea
4. Increased energy level




your too hyper then

the ________ effect describes the enhancement of long-term memory that comes from relating information to the self


The self-reference effect is used to explain the improvement in long-term memory resulting from associating the information with oneself. Option d is the reasonable response, therefore.

Over the past thirty years, the self-reference effect, or the propensity for information to be remembered more effectively when it is encoded about the self, has emerged as a reliable encoding technique.

People could recall more people with the same initial name as their own than could be paired participants in the first trial, demonstrating a clear self-reference effect on memory for individuals. For instance, Simon was able to find more people with the name Simon than David, but David was able to find more people with the name David.

The self-reference effect, then, is a concept used to describe how connecting knowledge to oneself improves long-term memory. Option d is the proper response as a result.



Your question is incomplete. Please find the complete question below.

The ________ effect describes the enhancement of long-term memory that comes from relating information to the self.

a. self-consistency

b. self-enhancement

c. self-justification

d. self-reference

The main criticism of the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders is that it.


The main criticism of the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders is that it concerns the validity and reliability of its diagnoses.

The Diagnostic and statistical Manual of Mental Disorders is a publication by the American psychiatrical Association (APA) for the classification of mental disorders employing a common language and customary criteria and is that the main book for the designation and treatment of mental disorders within the U.S. and is taken into account one in all the "Bibles" of medicine in conjunction with the ICD, CCMD and also the Psychodynamic Diagnostic Manual.

Apart from wherever it deals with demonstrable brain injury, the DSM has concers for it's validity and reliability. The DSM could be a assortment of opinions.

To learn more about mental disorders here


Condition that involves a thickening of the lens of the eye, which causes vision to become cloudy, opaque, and distorted


Cataracts are patches of cloudiness that form in the front lens of the eye. Normally, the eye's lens is transparent, much like a viewfinder. The presence of cataracts prevents light from passing thru the lens and into

How soon should cataracts be removed?

Treatment for cataracts involves performing cataract surgery. Vision blurring and increased glare from lights are two effects of cataracts. Your doctor could advise cataract surgery if a cataracts makes it challenging for you to engage in your typical activities.

What age ranges are normal for cataract development?

Growing older is the main risk factor for cataracts. Cataracts brought on by aging may emerge between both the ages of 40 and 50. your residence Recent studies have shown that those who live at high altitudes are more prone to get cataracts.

To know more about cataracts visit:


Does cycling burn more calories?


The intensity and duration of either workout will affect how many calories you burn. Running employs more muscles than cycling, therefore it generally burns more calories. Cycling, on the other hand, is easier on the body, and you might be able to go farther or faster than you can run.

Cycling often burns less calories per hour than swimming does. Although swimming doesn't need you to bear your weight, it is a full-body workout. Additionally, as water better transfers heat, heat is lost faster. Your body is compelled to produce greater heat as a result, burning calories. The most calories seem to be burned while running, then cycling, and then swimming. In spite of this, the length and intensity of your activity have a significant impact on how many calories you burn. The METs rise to 9.8 if you swim freestyle laps rapidly and vigorously. A 150-pound person would burn about 410 calories an hour while swimming idly, but 682 calories an hour while swimming laps vigorously. A 150-lb person may burn 682 calories per hour while bicycling at a speed between 14 and 15.9 mph, and this number increases to 1,091 at 20 mph.

Learn more about Cycling here


We’re there any connection between your life events and decisions about your future career





your life depends on some of your actions at a younger age with planning to go too college or looking for a job.

Aome individuals experience pain in their left shoulder during a heart attack. this is an example of ______.


Some individuals experience pain in their left shoulder during a heart attack, this is an example of Lack of oxygen.

Pain in the left arm or shoulder may be a common sign of an imminent heart attack. When plaque accumulation in the arteries blocks blood flow to the heart, a heart attack happens. A portion of the heart muscle may suffer damage when blood flow is disrupted, and depending on the severity, this damage may result in death.A heart attack happens when the heart muscle sustains damage from lack of oxygen or stops functioning entirely. The constriction of the coronary arteries is a common cause of heart attacks. Due to the buildup of cover, the veins became smaller.

To know more about oxygen check the below link:


Which three activities require you to use your skeletal and muscular systems to move?



playing an instrument, running, jumping,  walking, riding a bike


Without the skeletal system, you would be a limp mass of organs, muscles, and skin. Bones facilitate movement by serving as points of attachment for your muscles. Bones also protect internal organs from injury by covering or surrounding them.

The recipe for beef stew calls for 1/4 teaspoon of pepper for every 3 potatoes. If 9 potatoes are used, how much pepper is needed? which proportion represents this problem? startfraction one-fourth over 3 endfraction = startfraction 9 over p endfraction startfraction one-fourth over 3 endfraction = startfraction p over 9 endfraction startfraction one-fourth over 9 endfraction = startfraction 3 over p endfraction startfraction one-fourth over p endfraction = startfraction 9 over 3 endfraction.


3/4 Teaspoons of pepper is used for this recipe of beef stew that uses 9 potatoes. Start fraction one-fourth over 3 end fraction = start fraction p over 9 end fraction

1/4 teaspoons : 3 potatoes = p teaspoons : 9 potatoes

(1/4)/3 = p/9

3p = 9 * 1/4

p = 3 * 1/4

p = 3/4

Most fractions have a "start fraction" at the beginning, a "horizontal line" at the middle, and a "end fraction" at the end. A fraction is a portion of a whole or, more broadly, any amount of equal parts. In everyday English, a fraction characterizes the number of parts of a specific size, such as one-half, eight-fifths, or three-quarters. There are three kinds of fractions. proper fractions, improper fractions, and mixed fractions are the three types. Fractions are terms that have a numerator and a denominator. We describe its types based on the following two terms.

For more information on Fractions, visit :


Answer: the answer is the second one

1/4 over 3 = p over 9


Do injuries heal while awake?


In fact, according to recent studies, our bodies actually recover from wounds far more quickly when they occur during the day than when they do at night because circadian rhythms regulate how cells work.

Researchers have discovered that wounds received during the day heal twice as quickly as those received at night, as Andy Coghlan of New Scientist explains.

When you are hurt, fibroblasts, a specific type of skin cell, migrate to the area to clear the way for new cells to develop.

The stages of sleep where blood flow to the muscles is the greatest. Blood supplies nutrients and oxygen, which aids in the muscles' ability to repair. This increased blood flow frequently results in cell regeneration.

Learn more about to injuries heal visit here;


In the united states, the opportunistic infection most often seen in people with hiv infection is?


Answer: Among those with HIV, some of the most typical Opportunistic infection (OIs) are the herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1), a virus that can lead to mouth and lip sores. Salmonella infection is an intestinal bacterial infection.

Opportunistic infections include candidiasis, CMV, cryptococcosis, and hepatitis (B or C) [7,8,9, 11, 18].


Opportunistic infections: what are they?

Opportunistic infections (OIs) are illnesses that affect people with HIV more frequently and more severely. This is as a result of their compromised immune systems. OIs are now less frequent in HIV-positive individuals due to better HIV treatment.

What is the most prevalent opportunistic infection in HIV patients and the leading cause of death?

The most typical coinfected opportunistic diseases in HIV patients are pneumonia and TB, which is in line with many previous studies. Additionally, significant life-threatening opportunistic infections include candidiasis, CMV, cryptococcosis, and hepatitis (B or C) [7,8,9, 11, 18].

Describe HIV.

The virus known as HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) targets the immune system of the body. AIDS can develop from HIV if it is not treated (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome).

There isn’t a cure that works right now. People who contract HIV are permanently infected.

But HIV can be managed with the right medical attention. Effective HIV therapy enables people with HIV to enjoy long, healthy lives and safeguard their relationships.

To know more about HIV visit ;


most private health insurance plans require the patient to a pay a certain amount each year toward health care expenses before the plan benefits begin; this amount is the


Most private health insurance plans require the patient to a pay a certain amount each year toward health care expenses before the plan benefits begin; this amount is the deductible.

A type of insurance that covers all or a portion of the risk of a person needing medical care is known as health insurance or medical insurance (sometimes referred to as medical aid in South Africa). The risk is distributed among several people, just like with other kinds of insurance. An insurer can create a regular financial structure, such as a monthly premium or payroll tax, to provide the funds to pay for the medical benefits provided in the insurance agreement by assessing the overall risk of health risk and health system expenses over the risk pool. A central institution, such as a government agency, for-profit corporation, or private company, is in charge of administering the benefit.

To know more about health care visit:

Why are calorie counts standard on most American menus?
OA. Calories let you know how many vitamins are in food.
Because most Americans think that fast food is healthy,
People are more likely to order foods with more calories.
OD. It helps consumers make informed decisions about their diet.


According to the research, the correct answer is Option D. Calorie counts standard on most American menus because it helps consumers make informed decisions about their diet.

What are calories?

It is used as a unit of energy in the assessment of physical or biological systems, with special application to food intake and energy consumption of the organism.

In this sense, the number of calories present in a food must be specified on its label and this amount is responsible for reporting the energy value of the food.

Therefore, we can conclude that according to the research, Calories are counts standard on most American menus since its understanding is essential to direct our diet in a healthy direction.

Learn more about Calories here:


How does e. Mulsion, celebrity food scientist, define a physical change, and what examples does he give?.


However, I mistook you for referring to celebrity food scientist E. Mulson's remarks in the online animated video (Chemical and Physical Changes).

E. Mulson defines physical reaction in the video animation as "molecules in a substance staying the same, both before and after."

He used the juiced orange as an example to show how the molecules remain the same before and after juicing.

The fact that a physical change is reversible, especially if it involves a phase transition, identifies it. For example, if you freeze water into an ice cube, it will eventually melt back into water.

To rule out the idea of a chemical change is sometimes the simplest method to detect a physical change. There might be various signs that a chemical reaction has taken place.

Learn more about to e. Mulsion visit here;


our priority should be to help people see their ________ through their problem or pain.


Heart. Helping individualities see their heart through their issue or anguish should be our first thing.

What about priority?You should put yourself at the top of your list of precedences.But with tone- compassion and understanding, not in a selfish and tone- centered way.Making tone- care a precedence entails spending plutocrats on routines and behaviors that support the body and mind.In order to finish all that has to be done, precedences must be set.Prioritization is pivotal since it enables you to concentrate first on critical and vital chores before moving on to lower precedence bones .For example, eating healthy, getting enough sleep, and reducing stress as much as I can are all precedents in my hunt to break my health problem.While everyone's pretensions are different, in my opinion your well- being, connections, security, progress, and( of course) pleasure should be your top priority in life.The practice of categorizing your pretensions according to their applicability, value, and urgency is known as thing prioritizing.You must also allocate your coffers, time, and trouble where they're most needed during this process.

Learn more about priority here:


Suppose that 10% of adults belong to health clubs, and 40% of these health club members go to the club at least twice a week. Find the probability that a randomly selected adult belongs to a health club and goes there at least twice a week.


The probability that a randomly selected adult belongs to a health club and goes there twice a week at least is 4.0.

Using the general multiplication rule,

The probability that a randomly selected adult belongs to a health club and goes there twice a week at least can be given as follows:

Given that, 10% of adults belong to health clubs and 40% go the club at least twice a week.

P(go to health club at least twice a week)

=P(health club member)*P(go >= twice a week | health club member)

= 10% * 40%

= 4.0

To learn more about probability check the link below:


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