Select the correct answer.
Which is the best definition of anabolic steroids?
O A.
a synthetic version of the hormone testosterone
• B.
a vitamin supplement that increases
muscle mass
a prescribed medicine that helps athletes recover from injuries


Answer 1



OA. a synthetic version of the hormone testosterone

Related Questions

How can a condom protect against STD's and Pregnancy?




Condoms prevent pregnancy by keeping semen (sperm-filled fluid) from entering the vagina and fertilizing the eggs.


Although condoms aren’t 100% effective, they decrease your chances of STDs and pregnancy. Condoms act as a barrier and keep semen contained.

Tropical seas have a high rate of evaporation because of the direct rays of the sun. Because of this high rate of evaporation, we would expect the water in tropical seas to have __________ than seas in colder climates.


Tropical seas have a high rate of evaporation because of the direct rays of the sun and because of this high rate of evaporation, we would expect the water in tropical seas to have higher salt concentrations than seas in colder climates.

The rate of evaporation is that the ratio of the time needed to evaporate a take a look at solvent to the time needed to evaporate the reference solvent beneath identical conditions. The results will be expressed either because the share gaseous inside bound time-frame, the time to evaporate a such quantity, or a relative rate.

Near the equator, the tropics receive the foremost rain on an even basis. As a result, the H2O falling into the ocean helps decrease the salinity of the surface water therein region. Joined move toward the poles, the region of rain decreases and with less rain and a lot of sun, evaporation will increase.

To learn more about Tropical seas  here


Sam wants to increase her resiliency. What strategy would you recommend?

A. Focus on healthy eating and getting more exercise.
B. Avoid sharing thoughts and feelings with others.
C. Work on developing communication and problem-solving skills.
D. Develop good personal hygiene practices


The answer should be C

Sam wants to increase her resiliency. He should work on developing communication and problem-solving skills. Hence option C is correct.

What is resiliency?

Resiliency is defined as the capacity to endure adversity and recover from challenging life experiences. People that are resilient are better able to emotionally withstand trauma, adversity, and hardship. People who are resilient make use of their assets, talents, and skills to overcome obstacles and recover from failures.

Discover your sense of direction. Your resilience will increase if your life has purpose, dedication, and organization. Create a plan for solving problems. Keep your self-awareness intact. Accept change. Become a lifelong student. Get adequate rest.

Thus, Sam wants to increase her resiliency. He should work on developing communication and problem-solving skills. Hence option C is correct.

To learn more about resiliency, refer to the link below:


Indicate whether each of the following would result in a more dilute urine or a more concentrated urine.
Drinking a large volume of water on a day when you rested and stayed inside Increasing the permeability of the collecting duct to water
Working outside on a hot day without access to drinking water.
Overexpression of aquaporins.
Overproduction of aldosterone
A blow to the head that severs the stalk of the pituitary gland
Overdosing on Losartan, a drug that blocks the action of angiotensin II

Would Result in a More Concentrated Urine
Working outside on a hot day without access to drinking water.
Overexpression of aquaporins
Increasing the permeability of the collecting duct to water

Would Result in a More Dilute Urine
Drinking a large volume of water on a day when you rested and stayed inside
Overdosing on Losartan, a drug that blocks the action of angiotensin II
Overproduction of aldosterone


The answers include the following:

More Concentrated UrineWorking outside on a hot day without access to drinking water.Overexpression of aquaporinsIncreasing the permeability of the collecting duct to waterMore Dilute UrineDrinking a large volume of water on a day when you rested and stayed insideOverdosing on Losartan, a drug that blocks the action of angiotensin IIOverproduction of aldosterone.

What is Urine?

This is referred to as the liquid by-product of metabolism and it is usually stored in the bladder and discharged through the urethra.

The body maintains homeostasis through different mechanisms. Water loss is more when the environment is hot through sweating etc. This is therefore the reason why working outside on a hot day without access to drinking water will lead to more concentrated urine production as there will be less water present in it to prevent dehydration.

Read more about Urine here


The main job of protein is to build working body tissue true or false.


Answer: True

Explanation: My dad drinks protein shakes and tried to get me too so he explained what they do!

It’s true because protein has a great benefit and is good for working out

Discuss the types of monthly and yearly examinations that need to be assessed on males and females. In your discussion, describe why these exams need to be performed. Include in your discussion what factors influence how soon, and when these tests need to be performed?

Remember, your posting should move the discussion forward.


The types of monthly and yearly examinations that need to be assessed on males and females are given below.

The tests for yearly examinations include preventative care entails obtaining routine or annual workplace tests to find out a lot of regarding your health. for many adults, this includes an entire blood count (CBC), A1c test, and lipide panel. Your doctor might suggest extra workplace tests supported your case history and current style.

The tests for monthly examinations include complete blood count, comprehensive metabolic panel, thyroid panel, sexually transmitted infection tests, basic metabolic panel, coagulation panel, lipid panel, and cardiac biomarkers.

To learn more about Yearly examinations here


Eating good food is critical to good health because good food



Yes indeed it is Critical hahah??

How is public health policy created?


Public policies are typically created through a process of research, consultation, and deliberation involving multiple stakeholders including government officials, healthcare professionals, and members of the public. The exact process will vary depending on the country and the specific issue being addressed.

Most public health policies are created through legislation passed by Central Government or state legislatures, while others may be created through executive orders or agency regulations. In some cases, public health policy may also be created through voluntary agreements between private sector entities or through grassroots advocacy efforts.

The process by which public health policy is created can be divided into three stages: formulation, adoption, and implementation. The formulation is the stage at which policy options are generated and evaluated. Policy options may be generated by government agencies, interest groups, or by the general public.

Once policy options are formulated, they are scrutinized against a set of criteria, including their potential to improve public health, their feasibility, and their cost.

Adoption is the stage at which a policy is selected after scrutinizing by the decision-makers. The decision-makers are typically from the background of elected officials, although unelected officials, such as agency heads, may also be involved. Once a policy is selected, it must be implemented. Implementation is the stage at which a policy is put into effect or action. The implementation may involve a variety of activities, including public education, regulation, and funding.

To know more about health care services, click below:


Which is not a factor to growth of outpatient services?


That option that is not a factor to growth of outpatient services is regulatory; correctoption is D.

What are outpatient services?

Outpatient services are described as those services rendered  by a part of a hospital designed for the treatment of outpatients, people with health problems who visit the hospital for diagnosis or treatment, but do not at this time require a bed or to be admitted for overnight care.

There are some examples of outpatient services which might include :

An annual exam with your primary care physician is an example of outpatient care, but so are emergent cases where the patient leaves the emergency department the same day they arrive.

Learn more about outpatient services at:


What factors affected people's rankings? How? Think of factors such as personal experiences, culture, and societal acceptance.


The factors which affected people's rankings include the following below:

Lifestyle choices.Religious intolerance.Climatic conditions.

What is Ranking?

This is referred to as a position in a hierarchy and is used to depict the performances of individuals in various fields or sectors such as sports, education etc.

Ranking of individual are based on different types of factors which is based on the environment and an example is the issue of lifestyle choices. Making the wrong choices such as the use of illegal drugs or heavy alcohol intake can reduce the performance of an individual and also increases healthy risks.

Another factor is the issue of religious intolerance which may make the individual to be withdrawn  which thereby decreases the performance of the individual.

Read more about Rankings here


Keri eats seven hamburgers and five servings of French fries for lunch every single
day. She finishes her entire meal during the first 20 minutes of her lunch period and
uses the final 10 minutes to do jumping jacks which causes her to throw up what she
just ate. What does this scenario MOST LIKELY demonstrate?
anorexia nervosa
bulimia nervosa
binge eating





bulimia nervosa

Generally, ________ predispose(s) organisms to learn associations that ________.


Generally, preparedness predisposes organisms to learn associations that lead to instinctive drift.

What is instinctive drift?

The expression instinctive drift is used to explain the natural propensity in certain groups of trained animals to generate instinctive behavior which is associated with the evolution of the species and therefore they are biological intrinsic traits

Therefore, with this data, we can see that instinctive drift refers to the propensity to have a behavior acquired in the course of evolution in certain groups or species (trained animals), which is observed in genetic improvement and artificial selection.

Complete question:

Fill in the blank. Generally, ________ predispose(s) organisms to learn associations that ________.

Learn more about instinctive drift here:


If only I ___ that T-shirt we saw at the shopping center yesterday


If only I A. bought that T-shirt we saw at the shopping center yesterday.

What word fills in the blank ?

The sentence on the T - shirt that the person saw at the shopping mall on the previous day, needs to be completed and from the looks of it, it needs to be completed by a verb because the person is expressing regret for not doing something they wanted to do.

In this case, and from the options, the most likely verb missing is " bought ." The person is expressing regret that they were unable to buy the T - shirt they had seen yesterday.

Options for this question include:

Bought Left Seen Allowed

Find out more on verbs at



In this unit of the course, you learned about the different roles in the Healthcare industry, medical terminology, and the responsibilities and skills required for the workplace. Take a moment to review the skills and knowledge identified by the Health Science and Medical Technology Curriculum Standards to be prepared for the fundamentals of a career in the field of Patient Care.

Describe the various roles and responsibilities of health care workers as team members in an integrated health care delivery system.

1. Know relationship and use of an integrated health care delivery system.

2. Plan basic care procedures within the scope of practice to assist with patient comfort.

3. Know the definition, spelling, pronunciation, and use of appropriate terminology in the health care setting.

4. Use medical terminology in patient care appropriate to communicate information and observations.

5. Know the basic structure of medical terms.

Portfolio Assignment #1

In three or more paragraphs reflect on at least two of the topics you have completed in this unit. Describe each topic and explain which fundamental skills (listed above) you have met by completing this activity. In your concluding paragraph, reflect on how learning this material and completing the activities will help you in a career within the Healthcare industry.

Make sure your reflection assignment is typed (12-point font, Times New Roman) and saved somewhere you can easily access it for the final portfolio project at the end of Nursing Assistant 2.

See rubric on next page for how you will be evaluated for this assignment




When must you clean and sanitize
your knife and cutting board?
a. When switching between slicing lettuce
and melon
b. When switching between slicing pork
and strawberries
c. When switching between chopping
carrots and tomato


Answer: B

Explanation: It would be unsanitary to switch between meat and fruit without sanitizing. Also, it might make the strawberries taste weird.

B) it’s cross contamination, you don’t want to get sick off of that, in general you must clean your knife and cutting board every time you switch to a different food product. Especially when you’re cutting raw pork and switching to a fruit

Removing one from eleven makes it ten and removing one from nine makes it ten. How is this possible?



it is possible because of roman numerals.


9=IX 10=X, remove the 1 and youll be left with 10.

respond to the following in three to five sentences. describe the steps to active listening​



1. Pay attention, give the speaker your undivided attention, and acknowledge the message

2. Show that your listening, use your own body language and gestures to show that you are engaged

3. Provide

4. Defer Judgment

5. Respond Appropriately


I hope this helps! :) If it does could you please mark me brainliest?

Please help me :(

1. What are two examples of internal influences?
2. What are two examples of external influences?
3. What are two examples of positive influences?
4. What are two examples of negative influences?
5. How can you be a positive influence to a peer?


The two examples of internal influences are : desires, and personal values.

The two examples of External influences are : traditions, friends, and technology.

The two examples of positive influences are : Practice Meditation and

Encouraging Fitness.

The two examples of negative influences are : abusing of drugs, bad companion

I can be a positive influence to a peer by serving as good example in the society.

What are influences?

Influences can be described as the activities that can affect individuals in one way or the other.

For instance, there could be a Internal influences which could involves the desires, likes, dislikes, personal values that can affect the behavior as well as the way of life of the people from within.

Another thing is the negative influeunce which can be the influence that can change the behaviour of people from good to bad such as the influence that can be making someone to be abusing drugs.

Read more about Influence here:


Who can you report any concerns about the individual care to?


Answer: You can report it to an adult or someone that you trust.


Consider the principles underlying Aristotle's theory of dramatic construction. According to M. H. Abrams, which type of theory is dramatic construction? mimetic rhetorical expressive formal


By considering the principles underlying Aristotle's theory of dramatic construction, according to M. H. Abrams, the type of theory which is dramatic construction is rhetorical.

Rhetorical theory is essentially involved with composition, forms, functions, means, venues, producers, audiences, effects, and criticism of discourse. Rhetorical theories take issue from each other relying upon the definition of “rhetoric” that is their start line.

Dramatic Construction is what goes into a play or a bit of literature to create it successful. Philosopher saw drama and poetry as a way to an finish (audience happiness), and created basic tips for authors to follow so as to realize bound objectives.

To learn more about M. H. Abrams here


sue is 17 years old and believe she is overweight . Which would be the best strategy for maintaining her health?


Answer:she should start a diet and eat better food, also do exercise. as a begginer she can start by walking with weights.


Medical assistant, how would you proceed





what is your stance on the subject physical education being undervalued


My stance on the subject physical education being undervalued is explained below.

Physical education, typically abbreviated to Phys Ed. or P.E., could be a subject instructed in faculties round the world. It's typically instructed throughout primary and teaching, and encourages content learning by employing a play and movement exploration setting to push health and condition.

The results indicated that the subject physical education is undervalued due to low wages, precarious infrastructure and lack of materials. It's education is debased, the area allotted is insufficient, and it's treated as mere recreation. academics criticized the shortage of commitment of some colleagues who work while not designing.

To learn more about Physical education here


Go to a local poison control website and find an example of the harm exposure to cleaning products can do and what should be done if a person is exposed. Share your findings. Be sure to include a link to the website on which you found the information.


By going o to a local poison control website we find that the harm exposure to which cleaning products can do and what should be done if a person is exposed are described below.

Cleaning products  and different chemicals free once exploitation cleanup provides contribute to chronic metabolic process issues, sensitivity and headaches. Studies are current to assess however these chemicals have an effect on those who have respiratory disorder and different metabolic process diseases.

If you are exposed to them than get medical attention promptly. If this chemical contacts the skin, flush the contaminated skin with water promptly. If this chemical penetrates the article of clothing, forthwith take away the article of clothing and flush the skin with water promptly. If irritation persists when laundry, get medical attention.

Some poison control websites are,,, etc.

To learn more about Cleaning products here


An endo
is a tool used to perform an endo
procedure to look at the gastrointestinal system.


An endoscope is a toll used to perform an endoscopy procedure to look at the gastrointestinal system.

Endoscope is a medical device which is basically a camera attached to a long thin tube. Thus tube is passed inside the mouth through which the visuals of the gastrointestinal tract are captured. According to the location where the camera will be used, endoscopes can be if different types. For example: Bronchoscope, Colonoscope, Cystoscope, etc.

Gastrointestinal system is the pathways of the digestive system. It comprises of the mouth, throat, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum, and anus. Its functions are similar to that of the digestive system.

To know more about gastrointestinal system, here


Chloe is a 6-year-old female who is brought to the ER by her mother with concerns that
her daughter began suddenly feeling tired and reported blurry vision. Patient's mother
states that the patient had an unquenchable thirst and suddenly began wetting the bed
again. Blood test reveals a BG of 554 mg/dL.
What is your initial diagnosis?
What key terms led you this dx?
What body system does this condition belong to?


Ketone testing provides the initial diagnosis. This disorder is related to the hepatic system of the body and is typically detected with a "spot test" of urine ketones.

How is diabetic ketoacidosis diagnosed?

Most frequently, a urine sample or a blood sample is used for the ketone test. When diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is suspected, urine testing is typically conducted first, followed by ketone testing. The most common ketone tested in the blood when ketones are detected in the urine is beta-hydroxybutyrate.

What takes place when blood sugar levels exceed 500?

You can get diabetic ketoacidosis, a dangerous condition. People with Type 1 diabetes and those whose blood glucose levels are over 500 are more likely to experience this. Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) happens when the body begins breaking down fat at a rate that is far too rapid, causing the body to produce a lot of acids called ketones. The fat is converted by the liver into a fuel called ketones, which makes the blood acidic. You may become seriously ill as a result of the acid and high blood sugar.

To learn more about diabetic ketoacidosis visit:


Which of these exercises involves Bess's muscles overcoming resistance with greater force?

Question 8 options:

climbing stairs to the top floor

throwing a ball against a wall

touching her toes in a held position

doing pull-ups on her bedroom door


Answer: doing pull-ups on her bedroom door

Pulling up on the door to her bedroom Bess's muscles have to exert more force to overcome resistance during these exercises. By working for a muscle or muscle group against external resistance, resistance training is a type of exercise meant to increase muscular fitness.

Adaptation is the physiological response of your body to exercise. The term "adaptation" refers to the process through which the body adjusts over time to a particular exercise regimen or training plan. All of our organs, including our hearts, lungs, tendons, bones, and muscles, may adapt to stress. This means that if you work out in a physically demanding manner, your body will adapt to the stress and make the same action feel slightly less challenging in the future. The advantages and drawbacks of this adaptive process are both presented.

As a result, when Bess performs pull-ups against her bedroom door, her muscles must use more energy to overcome the barrier.



Which of the following statements supports egoism? a.) All actions should be aimed at the greater good of society. b.) If everyone gets a reward, society is more just. c.) The rule of law motivates actions for individuals. d.) Society benefits when individuals succeed.


Individual entrepreneurs often benefit society. This statements supports egoism. According to psychological egoism, all actions are driven by self-interest.

The idea that one's own interests should drive all of one's actions is known as egoism in philosophy. There are two types of egoism: normative and descriptive. The positive or descriptory version views egoism as a factual account of human affairs.

According to psychological egoism, all actions are driven by self-interest. In all other words, it implies that everyone's behavior, actions, and decisions are driven by self-interest.

Learn more on egoism on:


Why might a person who is being abused need to ask for help


Support them by listening to them and asking questions about how they are doing.

Stockholm Syndrome is a coping mechanism for confined or abusive situations. Over time people develop positive feelings about kidnappers and abusers. This condition applies to situations such as child abuse, coach abuse, relationship abuse, and sex trafficking. Emotional and psychological abuse can have serious short-term and long-term consequences.

This kind of abuse can affect both physical and mental health. Emotional abuse as a form of abuse is rarely discussed and is not given the same recognition as physical abuse. It has been a constant source of misery in many people's lives and therefore deserves more awareness and more sunlight. there is a possibility.

Learn more about Abused here:-


Sofia is a first-time mom, and her doctor told her about Braxton Hicks contractions, but she doesn’t remember how they differ from true labor contractions. How would Sofia distinguish Braxton Hicks contractions from true labor contractions?

Braxton Hicks are usually painful while true labor contractions are less painful due to the hormones that “protect” a woman in labor from feeling pain.

Braxton Hicks will increase in intensity indefinitely but true labor contractions will only become more painful if the mother is dehydrated.

Braxton Hicks are the first types of contractions in labor, and true labor contractions are the contractions that occur during the pushing stage of labor.

Braxton Hicks will dissipate with rest or hydration while true labor contractions will increase in length and frequency and will become more painful as they continue.


Sofia would be able to distinguish Braxton Hicks contractions from true labor contractions because Braxton Hicks will dissipate with rest or hydration while true labor contractions will increase in length and frequency and will become more painful as they continue. That is option D.

What are Braxton Hicks contractions?

The Braxton Hicks contractions are the type of contractions that occurs usually during the second and third trimester of gestation and are also called false labor.

The true labor contractions are the main contractions that comes with an intense pain which is experienced during labor as the cervix is dialating.

Therefore, the increase in length and frequency of the pain distinguishes true labor contractions from Braxton Hicks contractions.

Learn more about pain here:


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