Select all of the following that are equal to an impulse of 30 units.
A. Force = 30, time = 1.2
B. Force = 0.1, time = 300
I C. Force = 6, time = 4
D. Force = 10, time = 3


Answer 1


B and D


The impulse is the product of the force applied to an object and the amount of time the force is applied

[tex]\Delta p=F\cdot\Delta t[/tex]

Let's find the impulse with the information on each option.

A. F = 30, Δt = 1.2

[tex]\Delta p=30\cdot1.2=36[/tex]

B. F = 0.1, Δt = 300

[tex]\Delta p=0.1\cdot300=30[/tex]

C. F = 6, Δt = 4

[tex]\Delta p=6\cdot4=24[/tex]

D. F = 10, Δt = 3

[tex]\Delta p=10\cdot3=30[/tex]

The options that have an impulse equal to 30 are B and D

Related Questions

Two equal, but oppositely charged particles are attracted to each other electrically. The size of the force of attraction is 56.46 N when they are separated by 50.91 cm. What is the magnitude of the charges in microCoulombs?



q = 40.3 microCoulombs


The force of attraction between two charges is given by the formula:


The force of attraction. F = 56.46 N

The separation, r = 50.91 cm

r = 50.91/100

r = 0.5091 m

The electrostatic constant is:


Solve for the magnitude of charge q

[tex]\begin{gathered} F=\frac{kq^2}{r^2} \\ \\ 56.46=\frac{9\times10^9\times q^2}{0.5091^2} \\ \\ 56.46\times0.5091^2=9\times10^9\times q^2 \\ \\ q^2=\frac{56.46\times0.5091^2}{9\times10^9} \\ \\ q^2=1.63\times10^{-9} \\ \\ q=\sqrt{1.63\times10^{-9}} \\ \\ q=4.03\times10^{-5}C \\ \\ q=40.3\mu C \end{gathered}[/tex]

PLEASE HELP MEEEE!!!! ill give 50 points!!
an astronaut travels to the volcanic moon of Jupiter, lo. there she finds that her scale reading has decreased from 490N(Earth) to 90N(lo). what is the gravitational force constant (g) of lo?


The gravitational force constant (g) of lo is the scale reading has decreased from 490N(Earth) to 90N(lo) is 1.8 m / s²

F = m g

F = Force

m = Mass

g = Acceleration due to gravity

In Earth,

F = 490 N

g = 9.8 m / s²

m = F / g

m = 490 / 9.8

m = 50 kg

In Io,

F = 90 N

g = F / m

g = 90 / 50

g = 1.8 m / s²

Therefore, the gravitational force constant (g) of lo is 1.8 m / s²

To know more about gravitational force constant


You drop a rock down a well that is 11.5m deep. How long does it take the rock to hit the bottom of the well?
a. 2.3 s
b. 2.8 s
c. 1.5 s
d. 3.1 s


A 2.3 s have a good day

Water flows with a velocity of 1.50 m/s through a tube with an internal diameter of 1.10 cm. As it exits the tube, the fluid velocity through the nozzle increases to 10 m/s. What is the inside diameter of the nozzle? You can treat the tube as a long cylinder so that the cross-sectional area both in the interior of the tube and the nozzle is the area of a circle.Group of answer choices


In order to calculate the inside diameter, we can use the following relation, since the volumetric flow is constant for any part of the tube:

[tex]\begin{gathered} Q_1=Q_2 \\ A_1V_1=A_2V_2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Where A is the cross-section area and V is the velocity.

Using V1 = 1.5 m/s, A1 = π*1.1²/4 and V2 = 10 m/s, we have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{\pi\cdot1.1^2}{4}\cdot1.5=A_2\cdot10 \\ \frac{\pi\cdot1.1^2}{4}\cdot1.5=\frac{\pi\cdot d^2_2}{4}\cdot10 \\ 1.1^2\cdot1.5=d^2_2\cdot10 \\ 1.21\cdot1.5=d^2_2\cdot10 \\ 1.81=d^2_2\cdot10 \\ d^2_2=0.181 \\ d_2=0.42\text{ cm}=4.2\text{ mm} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore the correct option is the first one.


2.1 mm


I check it the 4.2mm answer is WRONG

A spring is compressed between two carts, one with a mass of 5kg and the other with a 15 kg. Which will move away with higher velocity? Assume the momentum of the first cart is equal to the momentum of the second cart. V1and V2are the velocities of cart 1 and cart 2 respectively



The mass of the cart 1, m₁=5 kg

The mass of the cart 2, m₂=15 kg

The velocity of cart 1 is V₁

The velocity of cart 2 is V₂

The momentum of both carts is the same.

The momentum of an object is the product of the mass of the object and its velocity.

As the momentum of both carts is the same we have,


On substituting the known values,

[tex]\begin{gathered} 5V_1=15V_2 \\ \Rightarrow V_1=3V_2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Thus the velocity of cart 1 is three times the velocity of cart 2.

Therefore, cart 1 will move away with a higher velocity.

The graph below shows the motion of an object. What is the velocity of the moving object between 8s and 18s


We have the next graph

As we can see in red we can see the velocity of the moving object between 8s and 18s , therefore the velocity is -5


Option A.

Can you please help me with #6 (the 6 was wrong in the question it meant #5 as you can see I tried to change it)


[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{Question 5)} \\ Q=52,000J \\ m=2kg \\ C=130\text{ J/Kg K} \\ \Delta T=\text{?} \\ Q=Cm\Delta T \\ \text{Solving }\Delta T \\ \Delta T=\frac{Q}{Cm} \\ \Delta T=\frac{52,000J}{(130\text{ J/Kg K)(}2kg\text{)}} \\ \Delta T=200K,\text{ but Kelving and }degree\text{ Celsius have the same change} \\ \text{Hence} \\ \Delta T=200\text{ \degree{}C} \\ \\ \text{Question 6} \\ T1=350\text{ K} \\ \Delta T=200\text{ K} \\ T2=\text{?} \\ \Delta T=T2-T1 \\ \text{Sol}v\text{ing T2} \\ T2=\Delta T+T1 \\ T2=200\text{ K}+350\text{ K} \\ T2=550\text{ K} \\ \text{The final temperature is }550\text{ K} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Technically, how would you know if any work was done on an object? Work referring to the physics Term



We want to know how to tell if work is done on an object.

Work is a result of a force acting on an object that thereby causes a displacement of the object. It is defined mathematically as:

[tex]W=F\cdot d[/tex]

where F = force; d = displacement

Therefore, we say that work is done on an object when a force is applied to the object and it causes the object to move a certain distance.

Negatively charged particles in the out most energy levels of the electron cloud ?


Electrons are negatively charged particles in the out most energy levels of the electron cloud

An atom is made up of 3 particles , which are electron , proton and neutron . Where electron is a negatively charged particle and revolves around the nucleus in definite orbits whereas protons and neutrons are positively charged particles and neutral respectively ., which resides inside the nucleus

Electrons are negatively charged subatomic particles found in the outermost regions of atoms .

To learn more about electrons here:


what is the theory E=MC^2?


E = M C ^2 is Albert Einstein's theory of special relativity.

It states that the mass multiplied by the speed of light squared equal to the kinetic energy of that body.

m= mass

C = speed of light

Lighting seeks the most direct path to the ground. True O False


Lighting is basically the discharge of electricity that does not care where it strikes. It basically seeks the shortest or the most direct path to the ground.

Therefore, the given statement is a true statement.




A race car traveling northward on a straight, level track at a constant speed travels 0.739 km in 18.0 s. The return trip over the same track is made in 23.0 s.What is the average velocity (in m/s) for the total trip?answer in : m/s


The average velocity of an object is given by:

[tex]\begin{gathered} v=\frac{\Delta x}{t} \\ \text{ where }\Delta x\text{ is the displacement and }t\text{ is the time } \end{gathered}[/tex]

In this case we know that the car travelled a track and the return on it; this means that the displacement of the car is zero and therefore, the average velocity is zero

A car speeds up uniformly while rounding a turn. The car's angular speed increases from 0.54 radians per second to 0.96 radians per second as it turns through 1.40 radians. What is the car's angular acceleration? Include units in your answer. Answer must be in 3 significant digits.


Given data:

* The initial angular speed of the car is,

[tex]\omega_i=0.54\text{ rad/s}[/tex]

* The final angular speed of the car is,

[tex]\omega_f=0.96\text{ rad/s}[/tex]

* The angular displacement of the car is,

[tex]\theta=1.4\text{ radians}[/tex]


By the kinematics equation, the angular acceleration of the car in terms of the angular displacement is,



[tex]\alpha\text{ is the angular acceleration,}[/tex]

Substituting the known values,

[tex]\begin{gathered} 0.96^2-0.54^2=2\times\alpha\times1.4 \\ \alpha=\frac{0.96^2-0.54^2}{2\times1.4} \\ \alpha=\frac{0.9216-0.2916}{2.8} \\ \alpha=\frac{0.63}{2.8} \end{gathered}[/tex]

By simplifying,


Thus, the angular acceleration of the car is 0.225 radians per second squared.

I need help with all these all in da bottomA bike moves 50 m in 5 seconds. calculate the speed



Step 1

S = ?

ΔD = 50 m

ΔT = 5 s

Step 2


Step 3


Step 4

S = (50 m)/(5 s)

Step 5

S = 10 m/s


Step 1. variables.

The variables are the speed S, the distance traveled ΔD, and the time ΔT. Taking into account the given information, the speed is unknown, the distance traveled is 50 m and the time is 5 s. so:

S = ?

ΔD = 50 m

ΔT = 5 s

Step 2. Formula

We will use the following formula


Step 3. Solve for the unknown variable

Since the unknown variable is S, the equation is the same, so


Step 4. Plug in number

Now, we need to replace ΔD = 50 m and ΔT = 5 s on the equation

S = (50 m) /(5s)

Step 5. Calculate the answer

Then, the speed is equal to

S = 10 m/s

Therefore, the answer is:

10 m/s

What is the wavelength of a photon of EMR with a frequency of 3.24x10¹3 Hz?9.26x1020 m9.72x1021 m1.08x105 Hz9.26x10-6 m


The wavelength is given by:


where v is the velocity and f is the frequency. In this case the velocity is that of light since this is an electromagnetic radiation and the frequency is given, then we have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \lambda=\frac{3\times10^8\text{ m/s}}{3.24\times10^{13}\text{ Hz}} \\ \lambda=9.26\times10^{-6}\text{ m} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the wavelength is:


An object has a kinetic energy of 12,000 J and a mass of 48.7 kg. Find the velocity of the object.I need help with this problem pls



The kinetic energy of the object is K = 12000 J.

The mass of the object is m = 48.7 kg

To find the velocity of the object.


The velocity of the object will be

[tex]\begin{gathered} K=\frac{1}{2}mv^2 \\ v=\sqrt{\frac{2K}{m}} \\ =\sqrt{\frac{2\times12000}{48.7}} \\ =22.199\text{ m/s} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Thus, the velocity of the object is 22.199 m/s.

So I have these kinematics questions and I’m having a hard time answering it. It says:While riding a hot air balloon, which is steadily descending at a speed of 2.52 m/s, you accidentally drop your cell phone.(a) After 4.00 s, what is the speed of the cell phone?(b) How far is the cell phone below the balloon after this time?(c) What are your answers to part (a) and (b) if the balloon id rising steadily at 2.52 m/s?



Objects moving under free fall have a constant acceleration g, which is the gravitational acceleration, directed downwards:


Since the balloon is descending at a speed of 2.52 m/s, the initial speed of the phone is 2.52 m/s. To find the speed after 4.00 seconds, use the formula that comes from the definition of acceleration:


Substitute the value for each parameter:

[tex]\begin{gathered} v_f=2.52\frac{m}{s}+(9.81\frac{m}{s^2})(4.00s) \\ =2.52\frac{m}{s^2}+39.24\frac{m}{s} \\ =41.76\frac{m}{s} \end{gathered}[/tex]


From the reference frame of the balloon, the cellphone starts falling from rest, and accelerates with a constant acceleration g.

The equation that describes the distance traveled by an object that starts from rest and moves with constant acceleration g is:


Substitute the values of g and t to find how far is the cell phone below the balloon after 4 seconds:

[tex]\begin{gathered} d=\frac{1}{2}(9.81\frac{m}{s^2})(4.00s)^2 \\ =78.48m \end{gathered}[/tex]


If the balloon is rising steadly at 2.52 m/s instead of descending, then the acceleration of the cellphone will be directed in the opposite direction of its initial speed. Then, the initial speed and the acceleration must have opposite signs. Considering the upward direction as positive, we have that the initial speed of the phone is 2.52 m/s and its acceleration is -g. Then:

[tex]\begin{gathered} v_f=(2.52\frac{m}{s})-(9.81\frac{m}{s})(4.00s) \\ =2.52\frac{m}{s}-39.24\frac{m}{s} \\ =-36.72\frac{m}{s} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The speed is the modulus of the velocity. Then, the speed of the phone after 4 seconds in this situation, would be 36.72 m/s.

On the other hand, in the reference frame of the rising balloon, the phone still starts moving at rest and accelerating uniformly towards the floor. The answer will be the same, and the phone will be 78.48 m below the balloon after 4 seconds.

Therefore, the answers with the correct amount of significant figures, are:






[tex]\begin{gathered} a) \\ 36.7\frac{m}{s} \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} b) \\ 78.5m \end{gathered}[/tex]

Do you know the answer for these? [ showing the work] I'm trying to figure out the answers to the bullet points under your mission section.




• Orbital Radius,:

We are already told that the altitude of the satellite is 300,000 meters. Having this information in hand, it is easy to find the radius of orbit using the following relation:


where A is the altitude.

Now we know that A = 300,000 m and earth radius = 6.37 * 10^6 m; therefore, the orbital radius of the satellite is



which is our answer!

• Velocity:

We are told that the velocity of the satellite is given by


where G is the gravitational constant and m_E is the mass of the earth.

Substituting the numerical values for these constants gives


Using a calculator we evaluate the above to be:


which is around 6.5 km per second!

• Orbital Period:

The orbital period T of the satellite is given by


putting in the numerical values for the constants gives


Hence, the period of satellites orbit is only 2.5 hours! This means that we can see the same satellite multiple times in the night sky if it is observable!

• Orbital Path:

The problem with satellites is that since they are travelling so fast, they don't get to observe one location on earth for a long time. One solution to this is to place the satellites into something called the geosynchronous orbit. In such an orbit, the period of the satellite matches the earth's period of rotation. This way, when observed from the earth, the satellite looks stationary, but in fact, it is travelling with the earth in the same orbital period. Such a satellite can be launched to observe locations along the arctic and the antarctic circles to obtain substantial data.

True or False ?7. When two spheres with equal masses collide centrally and elastically, the spheres exchange their kinetic energies. 8. In each impact, the momentum of the colliding body system is marginally the same before and immediately after the impact, but varies during the impact. 



When two spheres with equal masses collide centrally and elastically, the spheres exchange their kinetic energies. This statement is a false statement.

Determine Force. 589J of work was accomplished over a distance of 1100m, how much force was exerted? Include the correct units.





A = 589 J

D = 1 100 m


F - ?

A = F·D

F = A / D = 589 / 1100 ≈ 0.54 N

using the ladder method, what is 480 cm = ________m


We have

480 cm

In order to know how many meters are 480 cm, we need to move the point two units to the left because the prefix centi represents 0.01 of the unit


480 cm = 4.8m

If you have to face south east to see a star, which is the azimuth?A.90 degreesB.135 degreesC.180 degreesD.195 degrees


The azimuth is the angle measured in clockwise from the north.

The given system can be represented as,

From the diagram,

The angle 90 degree from the north point towards the east.

The angle 180 degree from the north point towards the south.

The angle 195 degree from the north point towards south west.

The angle 135 degree from the north is in between the east and the south.

Thus, the azimuth to see the star in the south east is 135 degrees.

Hence, option B is the correct answer.

Sound travels with an average speed of 340m/s. Lightning from a distant storm cloud is seen almost immediately. If the sound reaches our ear 2s later. how far is the storm​



To calculate its distance we apply the following data.


V = 340m/sT = 2sD = ?

Then, we apply the formula that is.


D = V • T

Finally we develop the problem.


D = (340m/s) • (2s)D = 680m

The storm is at a distance of 680 meters



D = V • T


D = (340m/s) • (2s)D = 680m

Hope this helped

According to Bernoulli's principle, what type of relationship exists between a fluid's velocity and its pressure?O an inverse relationshipO a direct relationshipO a balanced relationshipO an unbalanced relationship


To find:

The relation between the pressure and the velocity of the fluid.


The Bernoulli's principle states that the increase in the velocity of the fluid occurs simultaneously with the decrease in the static pressure of the fluid.

That is, the velocity of the fluid is inversely proportioinal to the pressure of the fluid.

Final answer:

Thus the relationship between a fluid's velocity and its pressure is an inverse relationship.

Therefore, the correct answer is option A.

A beam of microwaves has a frequency of 3.0*10^ 11Hz. Radio waves have a frequency of 3.0*10^9 Hz. Calculate the wavelength of each. Which type of radiation has the longer wavelength?


We will have the following:

Assuming both are traveling in vacuum we will have the following:





So, radio waves have a longer wavelength.

A model rocket is launched with an initial upward velocity of 215 ft/s. The rockets height h in feet) after t seconds is given by the following.h=215t-16t^2Find all values for t for which the rockets height is 97 feet.Round your answer(s) to the nearest hundredth.



The initial velocity of the rocket, u=215 ft/s

The equation which gives the height of the rocket at any given instant of time,


The height of the rocket, h=97 ft.

The given equation is a quadratic equation. On rearranging the above equation and substituting the value of h,

[tex]\begin{gathered} 16t^2-215t+h=0 \\ 16t^2-t+97=0 \end{gathered}[/tex]

A quadratic equation is written as,


Comparing the two equations,

x=t, a=16, b=-215, c=97.

The solution of a quadratic equation is given by,


On substituting the known values in the above equation,

[tex]\begin{gathered} t=\frac{-(-215)\pm\sqrt[]{(-215)^2-4\times16\times97}}{2\times16} \\ =\frac{215\pm\sqrt[]{40017}}{32} \\ =12.97\text{ or}\pm0.47\text{ } \end{gathered}[/tex]

Thus, the values of t are 12.97 s or 0.47 s.

That is, the rocket will be at a height of 97 feet at t=12.97 s or t=0.47 s

Hey I need help with my homework not understanding the problem can someone please help



a. 4 g/mL


First, we need to find the volume of the object. The volume is equal to the volume of the water displaced. So, it can be calculated as the difference in the volumes

75 mL - 50 mL = 25 mL

Then, the volume of the object is 25 mL and the mass is 100 g. Now, we can calculate the density as follows

density = mass/volume

density = 100 g/25 mL

density = 4 g/mL

Therefore, the answer is

a. 4 g/mL

What is the wavelength range of electromagnetic radiation thehuman eye can detect?a 4 x 10-7 m to 8 x 10-7 mb 9 x 10-8 m to 11 x 10-9 mC 1x 10-4 m to 3 x 10-5 md 6 x 10-5 m to 7 x 10-5 m


The wavelength range of electromagnetic radiation the human eye can detect is:

a 4 x 10-7 m to 8 x 10-7 m

i) How many grams of CO₂ is formed when 73.9g of propane is burnt? C3H8+ O2 CO2 + H₂O​


73.9g CO₂ is formed when 73.9g  or 1 mole of propane is burnt

C₃H₈+ 5O₂ ⇄ 3CO₂ + 4H₂O​

1 mole C₃H₈ gives 3 moles of CO₂

44 g C₃H₈ gives 44 g CO₂

73.9g  C₃H₈ gives 73.9g CO₂

Quantifying the amount of a substance is made easier with the help of the mole concept. It is understood that even a single gram of a pure element has a sizable number of atoms when dealing with particles at the atomic (or molecular) level. In this regard, the mole notion is frequently used. The "mole," which is a count of a large number of particles, is the most commonly used unit of measurement.

The letter NA is typically used to indicate the value 6.02214076*1023, also known as the Avogadro constant. Atoms, molecules, monoatomic and polyatomic ions, as well as other particles, are among the elementary entities that can be represented in moles (such as electrons).

To know more about  moles visit :


What is the total mechanical energy of a 3 kg object traveling at 7 m/s if its potential energy is 42 J?


The mechanical energy of the a 3kg object at 7m/s and having a potential energy of 42J is 115.5 J.

What is the mechanical energy of the object?

Mechanical energy is simply energy accumulated due to performing some particular work. It is the sum of the potential energy and kinetic energy of an object. It is expressed as;

Mechanical energy = Potential energy + Kinetic energy

Given the data in the question;

Mass of the object m = 3kgVelocity of the object v = 7m/sPotential energy of the object = 42J

First, we determine the kinetic energy of the object.

Kinetic energy = 1/2 × mass × ( velocity )²

Plug in the given values

Kinetic energy = 1/2 × 3kg × ( 7m/s)²

Kinetic energy = 1/2 × 3kg × 49m²/s²

Kinetic energy = 73.5kgm²/s²

Kinetic energy = 73.5J

Now, the mechanical energy of the object will be;

Mechanical energy = Potential energy + Kinetic energy

Plug in the values

Mechanical energy = 42J + 73.5J

Mechanical energy = 115.5 J

Therefore, the mechanical energy is 115.5 Joules.

Learn more about kinetic energy here:



The answer is 115.5 guyssss


Other Questions
This week we discuss injuries to the head, neck and spine. There are so many long term affects of so many different head injuries. One of the biggest changes to head injuries that we have seen in the last decade is the implementation of concussion protocol. No matter the age or activity, the medical world has a recommended protocol for possible concussions and any head injury. This weeks assignment. Research concussion protocol and submit the following in a written paper format. -What is a concussion?-Why do we need to have a concussion protocol?-Who needs a concussion protocol? This is in regards to caring for injuries, not the injured person itself,-Is there a standard concussion protocol should you follow? What is it?-At a minimum, concussion protocol steps should include the what people in the process?-Have you or anyone you know had to follow concussion protocol for a head injury? Tell me about it.This is due Sunday I want to get started on it please someone help me ? Select the expression equivalent to:(4x + 3) + (-2x + 4)A: 2x + 7B: -2x + 12C: -8x + 12D: 6x + 7 Someone help how do I find if its a function Person A went to the store and bought some books at $12 each and some DVDs at $15 each. The bill (before tax) was less than $120. Which inequality represents the situation if x=books and y=DVDs?A) 12x+15y = 120B) 12x+15y < 120C) 12x+15y >-D) none of the above which figure can we transformee into figure k by a reflection across the x-axis and dilation of 1/2. x Michael uses synthetic division to divide f(x) by g(x), his last line of work 0/3is shown. How would he write his answer of f(x) divided by g(x). *7 0 24 0 07x^2+24 Gamma rays require _____ to be stopped.1) paper2) glass3) aluminum4) lead Consider the equation, x2 3x + 4, where x represents a real number.a. Are the expressions x2 and 3x + 4 algebraically equivalent?b. The following table shows how we might "sift through various values to assign to the variable symbol x in the hunt for values that would make the equation true. From an evolutionary standpoint, why is sexual reproduction considered an advantage over asexual reproduction? why is boiling point of vegetable oil higher than boiling point of maple syrup? Line f passes through 4, 0) and is parallel to a line that passes through (7, -3) and (-10. -2) free Brainliest to whoever tells me how the invasion of Poland happened step by step Brainliest may be late bc i gotta switch classes Most of the weather of the world is based upon changes in the moisture, pressure, and/or temperature of the. 5. In a 45-45-90 right triangle if the hypotenuse have length "x V 2", the leg 2 pointshas length IOO 2xO x 2XV3 _________ ____________ allows us to derive new facts quickly from those we know. (spelling counts) can you plsss help me due now . Find the value of the variables in the rhombus below. B A 0 Write 3 equivalent ratios for 5:8 The government of saudi arabia can be classified as an autocratic monarchy. This means that when citizens of saudi arabia vote. List the muscular organs in the muscular system (nothing to do with other organ systems).HOMEWORK DUE TOMMOROW!