Select all of the correct answers.
How does the dialogue between Tom and Ben impact the passage as a whole?
The dialogue reveals Tom's plan to get others to do his work.
The dialogue reveals that Tom really does prefer whitewashing to going swimming.
It foreshadows that Aunt Polly will find out about Tom's plan and discipline him.
It creates tension between Tom and Ben that will only be resolved when Tom hands Ben his brush.
It sets up a flashback to an earlier time when Tom was content.


Answer 1

Considering the entire text, how the conversation between Tom and Ben affects the paragraph as It causes friction between Tom and Ben, which won't be eased until Tom gives Ben his brush. Hence,  option D is correct.

What is the meaning of conversation?

Conversation is two or more persons engaging in interactive communication. Socialization is crucial for the growth of communication abilities and manners.

Language learning and teaching frequently centre on the improvement of conversational abilities in a second language.

Therefore, option D is correct.

Learn more about conversation from here:


Related Questions

What happened at the end of the Narrative of Frederick Douglass?


By end of Narrative, Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey had changed his identity to Douglass, relocated to Massachusetts, and married Anna Murray, free black lady he had become betrothed to while still slave in Baltimore.

Frederick Douglass describes his life as a simple American slave in his narrative. Its objectives were to increase understanding of the horror of slavery and to demonstrate that Black people may achieve success just as readily as White people. He argued that slavery must end & that Black people must enjoy the same human rights as everyone else. The Narrative of a Life of Frederick Douglass is an autobiographical book written by one of the most influential American abolitionists.

To know more about Frederick Douglass:


How do you manage risks performance as a cheerleader or a cheer dancer?


Use gymnastic mats whenever possible to ensure a softer landing after a fall or drop when doing a trick.

During sporting events or in competitions with other teams, cheerleaders direct the applause of the audience. They are typically members of teams that execute dance, acrobatic, and tumbling routines.

The majority of cheer leading practice spaces are built with incredibly hard surfaces. Falling athletes have the risk of suffering potentially dangerous injuries, especially to the knees, elbows, or head.

Joint damage, broken bones, and severe head and eye injuries are all examples of injuries.

The following safety measures should be followed by cheer dancers:

Warming up and stretching are essential before participating in any sport, but cheerleaders must especially do so.

Practice in a roomy place that is free from obstructions like walls, pillars, or large crowds.

To guarantee a gentler landing after a fall or drop when doing a trick, always utilize gymnastic mats.

Add more spotters.

To know more about cheerleader, visit:


an agent must keep confidential any information acquired through an agency during the term of the relationship, but can disclose it after the agency ends. True/False ?



A relationship of trust created by one person's agreement to act on behalf of and be under his control, and the others consent to do so. That is, one person (agent) agrees to do something for another party (principal) under the other party's control, and the other party (principal) agrees to that agreement. At the same time, the agent behaves as if the principal itself is there, which means that the principal is (usually) bound to what the agent is doing. It is a fiduciary and consensual relationship between two people in which one can act on behalf of the other and an agent can enter into legal relationships on behalf of the principal. It can be a business or personal relationship. This allows clients to be in multiple locations at once, increasing potential business opportunities.

Read more about this at



A relationship of trust created by one person's agreement to act on behalf of and be under his control, and the others consent to do so. That is, one person (agent) agrees to do something for another party (principal) under the other party's control, and the other party (principal) agrees to that agreement. At the same time, the agent behaves as if the principal itself is there, which means that the principal is (usually) bound to what the agent is doing. It is a fiduciary and consensual relationship between two people in which one can act on behalf of the other and an agent can enter into legal relationships on behalf of the principal. It can be a business or personal relationship. This allows clients to be in multiple locations at once, increasing potential business opportunities.

read more about this at


Is openness a good personality trait?


Higher levels of well-being, including general pleasure, are connected with openness. People who score highly on this feature feel happier and interact with others in a warm and caring way.

Openness and anxiety or other mood problems have not been proven to significantly correlate, according to research.

Openness is frequently regarded as a good quality. Open individuals are more intrinsically motivated to seek information for its own sake. They are interested in the world and desire to understand it better.

Openness is a person's capacity for being or becoming open-minded, innovative, creative, and perceptive.

People that are more open-minded typically appreciate diversity, look for new experiences, and are interested and aware to their surroundings. People with narrower minds typically resist change,

Learn more about to open-minded here;


How do runt and Bristle feel about gray



Runt whimpered and fluffed his tail over his snout, still asleep.


What are the 4 elements of satire?


harsh, aggressive words used to criticize someone or something. Who or what the satirist is mocking or aiming their satire towards, whether it be an individual, a group, an organization, or an idea.

An example of an antithesis is when satire two words or concepts are used in a figure of speech. Caricature: It's possible to make fun of someone's appearance.

What are the different satirical forms?

Horatian. Horatian satire is humorous and provides a little amount of societal critique. Juvenalian satire is not humorous; it is grim. ...Menippean. Menippean satire assigns moral judgment to a certain viewpoint, such as racism or homophobia.  Satire comes in three basic forms, each of which plays a specific function.

To learn more about satire please click on below link


What were the 3 programs of the New Deal?


Relief, Reform, and Recovery were together referred to as the "three "Rs" of the New Deal because Roosevelt thought they might bring about economic stability in the country.

Reform initiatives concentrated on ways to guarantee that the American people would never experience another downturn like the one that hit in the 1930s.

Although their alliance has since disintegrated, many of the New Deal initiatives that kept them united—such as Social Security, unemployment benefits, and government agriculture subsidies, for example—remain in place today.

1933: FDR was inaugurated. He started 15 First New Deal programs right away. This increased debt by $3 billion. As the economy only shrank by 1.2%, the depression began to fade.

Learn more about to   New Deal visit here;


If you change the reactants of a chemical reaction what happens to the product?


Answer: the atoms end up in different combinations in the products


What are the 4 elements personality?


However, the elements concepts of ancient Greece persisted in psychological philosophy.

Four fundamental personality traits—feeling, thinking, intuition, and sensation—echo the elements of water, air, fire, and earth in Carl Jung's Psychological Types, which was first published in 1921 The five elements of water, metal, earth, fire, and space are often used to depict how the globe and the larger elements cosmos are interconnected. These factors, in addition to their physical characteristics, can have an impact on our personalities and inner selves. Earth, air, fire, and water are the four defining characteristics of western civilisation. These four substances were thought to be necessary for life. The five elements of Taoism are wood, earth, water, fire, and metal, with each one being superior to the others in turn. Wood conquers the soil, metal conquers wood, and so on.

To learn more about elements please click on below link


speeches that you present will be either to inform, persuade, or entertain. this goal for your speech is known as its:


Your speeches will either be intended to enlighten, convince, or entertain. Your speech's General Purpose is this objective.

Is persuade the same as convince?

In most cases, the verb convince means "to induce (someone) to accept something as true." To "cause (someone) to perform a task by asking, persuading, or giving arguments" is the definition of persuade in most contexts. Although it can be used interchangeably, it is less frequent.

Why do we persuade?

Most essential, persuasion encourages people to act in ways that will truly benefit them, despite any mental obstacles they may encounter. The truth is that unless they are persuaded or convinced to do so, people won't purchase your good or service.

To know  more about Persuade visit:


levine’s argument about reconstruction in the excerpt differs from that of langguth in that levine argues


In contrast to Langguth's rebuilding approach, Levine contends that African Americans were denied their rights through local political manoeuvres.

How did the African American struggle for civil rights?The post-war era saw a surge in activism against the nation's widespread practise of treating African Americans like second-class citizens. Resistance to racial segregation was chronicled by newspaper, radio, and television reporters and cameramen as they covered the fight to end racial injustice and discrimination gained national attention through tactics like civil disobedience, nonviolent resistance, marches, protests, boycotts, "freedom rides," and rallies.The Brown decision in 1954, the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 helped put an end to the complex network of laws that kept blacks as second-class citizens, which was the crowning achievement of these efforts. Blacks and their white friends continued to fight for equal rights in every aspect of American society a century after the Civil War.

To learn more about Civil Rights Act refer :


What is the tone of the passage?
D. sarcastic


Answer: I don't know what I am answering, because you didn't tell me the statement.


The tone of the passage is, reflective. The correct option is B.

What is reflective?

Reflective is characterizing to deep thoughts.

Because in the passage the writer is talking about going on a solo journey just to be with nature and gives a list of reason of travelling alone can help to gain and observe other things and just being with yourself, these are the reflective thoughts the writer express his tone with in this passage.

Hence the correct option is, B. reflective

To know more about reflective:


On pages 4 and 5, review the final paragraph of
the story.
Click or tap ONE underlined phrase on these
pages that shows how the author uses sarcasm
to convey the mood during this scene on top of
the roof.p


The sentence that uses sarcasm to convey the mood of the scene is "[...] which is as easy as quieting sugar-addled children."

What is sarcasm?It's a way of mocking something or someone.It's a way to tease someone indirectly.It's one way to promote humor in a review.

The mood presented in the scene on the roof is distracting mood. This is reinforced by the sentence that presents sarcasm, which in this case is not established as a joke, but as a kind of innocent and harmless mockery.

The sentence shows that the father's behavior highlighted an activity that was so easy to complete, that it became easier than activities that quickly fool children.

With that, the narrator makes fun of the activities promoted by the father, and his ability to do them fluidly, without presenting difficulties, as if he had full control of everything in his hands.

Learn more about sarcasm:






1. cumbersome

2. ceaseless

3. valid

4. bountiful

5. daunting

6. treacherous

7. brutal

8. blissful

9. bewildered

10. dormant

1. bride

2. waterfall

3. beginner

May I please have brainliest? Thank you!

Which word or phrase should replace "indisputably proves" to create an objective tone?suggestsabsurdly describesdemandsbrilliantly writes.


The word or phrase that should replace "indisputably proves" to create an objective tone is suggest.

The speaker's or author's attitude toward the audience, the topic, or even the characters in the book can be characterized as the text's tone. There are numerous different tones, such as objective, depressing, angry, and positive, negative, etc. The term "suggests" should be used instead of the phrase "indisputably proves," as it is more impartial language, to create an objective tone. The provided sample sentence serves as an example of a statement with a subjective tone since it is shaped by the author's point of view.It's vital to note that Swift created the speaker in the proposal in order to shock the readers with the unfairness and appalling conditions that existed in Ireland at the time. It is discernible that the author is sympathetic to Swift's ideas and that the tone is not impartial. To be objective, facts must be impartial and devoid of bias.

Thus the correct answer is Option A.

Refer here to learn more about objective tone:


What is the deficit ?


When expenditure within a specific time period is more than receipts, a budget deficit results.

Deficit expenditure, commonly known as just deficit or budget deficit, is the amount by which spending exceeds receipts during a specific period of time and is the polar opposite of budget surplus. The phrase can be used to describe a government budget, a business budget, or a personal budget.A deficit is the difference between what is necessary and what is expected, particularly the difference between total revenue and total expenditure. For instance, they are prepared to reduce the deficit in the federal budget for the upcoming fiscal year.When government spending exceeds its revenues from taxes, fees, and investments, a federal budget deficit results. The national debt, or federal government debt, is increased via deficits.

Thus this is the meaning of deficit.

Refer here to learn more about deficit:


In a ___ question, respondents are asked about more than one issue but are only allowed to give one answer.


Answer: double barreled


Mom got way to intense with the circus tricks this afternoon. what is the error in the sentence



The error in the sentence is the word "to" being used. I should actually be "too".

how the structure of the text helps reveal Anne’s different influences that drive her points of view and the text theme?


The structure of the text helps reveal Anne’s different influences that drive her points of view and the text theme. Anne uses an optimistic technique with a touch of aggression and humor.

Who is Anne Frank?

Anne Frank is a fifteen-year-old girl who started writing her diary when she and her family went underground to save their lives during the days of the Holocaust. It was a very crucial and difficult time for them.

For about 2-3 years they hid at a warehouse in Holland until they got caught. Throughout the diary, she describes how difficult her life was and what troubles her family had to face.

Therefore, The structure of the text helps reveal Anne’s different influences that drive her points of view and the text theme. Anne uses an optimistic technique with a touch of aggression and humor.

Learn more about Anne Frank on:


Which statement BEST describes this passage?
A an injured man on the run stopping a moment to appreciate nature’s beautyan injured man on the run stopping a moment to appreciate nature’s beauty
B a young man relaxing and celebrating the beauty of naturea young man relaxing and celebrating the beauty of nature
C a young man in love feels more deeply the beauty of naturea young man in love feels more deeply the beauty of nature
D a young scientist examining the complex biodiversity of the forest




You along with your class mates went
Delhi to meet President at Rashpati
Bhawan. Express your feeling and
expriences in the form of diary



i went to see the president it was both exciting and terrifiying I felt scared, i couldn't stop my heart from beating out of my chest.

Deep Earth Extraction, Inc., operates a facility near Estuary Bay. Discharging waste from the facility into the bay can result in a. penalties and damages. b. penalties only. c. damages only. d. none of the choices.


Deep earth extraction inc. operates a facility near Estuary Bay. Discharging waste from the facility into the bay can result in penalties and damages.

Thus, the correct answer is A.

How hazardous waste disposal affects the environment?

The term "hаzаrdous" wаste is vаriously аpplied in different countries, loosely defining non-household wаste thаt includes hаzаrdous chemicаls. In the seаrch literаture, it included the terms "hаzаrdous", "toxic", "industriаl" wаste, excluding the pаpers аbout municipаl lаndfills, which hаve no records of hаzаrdous mаteriаls, incinerаtors, e-wаste аnd rаdioаctive wаste disposаls.

The chemicаls thаt аre disposed of into the wаterwаys mаke streаms, rivers, lаkes аnd аquifers unsаfe to use for drinking or аgriculturаl purposes. Аnimаls аnd plаnts sicken аnd die when they drink from these wаters, аnd humаn heаlth in аreаs downstreаm mаy be аffected.

For more information about discharge waste refer to the link:


as a private institution, georgia southern university has no obligation to protect the free speech rights of students.


Because of its ambiguity, overreach, and bias against certain viewpoints, the court declared the code to be unconstitutional.

What Are speech codes unconstitutional?Although federal courts have repeatedly held that speech codes violate students' First Amendment rights to free expression, they are nonetheless prevalent on campuses of public U.S. schools and universities.The question of whether the desire of school administrators to shield students from hurtful remarks justifies limiting freedom of expression is at the center of discussions about the appropriateness and constitutionality of campus speech codes.Increasing diversity among institutions gives rise to campus speech codes.As a result of intensified recruiting efforts by colleges and universities and federal laws after the 1970s, the proportion of women and minority students on campuses considerably increased. There were also more instances of sexism, homophobia, and racism.Universities, starting with the University of Wisconsin, responded by enacting campus speech codes that forbade offensive or intolerable comments directed against individuals or groups based on their race, color, religion, ethnicity, handicap, sex, age, or sexual orientation.While speech rules restrict student expression, institutions defend these restrictions on one or more of the following three bases:education, the limited protections offered to some forms of expression, and the rights of the victim.

To Learn more About unconstitutional refer To:


What are the positive impact of massive open online course?


Massive Open Online Courses, or MOOCs, are online programs that let students take whatever course they choose with no fees or restrictions. In addition to providing a venue for interactive forums, MOOCs also include the traditional teaching methods including lectures, videos, and reading material.

The Advantages of MOOCs:

1. Courses are offered for free

2. Access to courses offered by professors at the top schools

3. Courses are available to a vast and diverse audience across the globe

4. Learners’ performance can be monitored easily using the data captured during the start of courses

5. Both professors and learners get world-wide exposure, thus improving pedagogical techniques and knowledge sharing

6. Can be used as a tool in a blended learning program, where students can access more information than what is provided in the class

learn more about massive open online course to visit this link


What is a global village in simple meaning?


The world is viewed as a community in which people are connected via computers, televisions, etc., and all depend on one another, according to the meaning of the noun "global village" in the Britannica Dictionary.

The internet is a simple illustration of the global village notion. Individuals may easily connect via social media or email to people all over the world since they have access to the internet on their phones and free internet in libraries and cafés. Purpose Global Village supports marginalised children's education and literacy in both developed and underdeveloped countries. PGV partners with local craftsmen through economic partnerships that transform families in addition to promoting education and economic opportunity through sustainable microenterprises. The notion of a global community suggests that even when people are not physically close to one another, they may nevertheless connect, Through tools like social media, people may interact, exchange experiences, and access the same information. People can express themselves and have an impact on any area of the world through these tools. International and local students can interact in the Global Village Community for the purposes of cultural exchange and the development of a global outlook.

To learn more about Individuals please click on below link


Why is infrared light important?


Numerous devices, such as thermal imaging cameras, remote controls, fiber optic cables, infrared astronomy, and weather forecasting, make use of infrared light.

The electromagnetic radiation known as infrared, also referred to as infrared light, has wavelengths that are longer than those of visible light. As a result, it is not apparent to the human eye.

Infrared light aids in cell regeneration or self-healing, in contrast to UV light, which harms the body's tissues and cells.

Additionally, infrared light enhances the flow of oxygen-rich blood throughout the body, accelerating deep tissue healing and reducing pain.

These red and near-infrared light wavelengths stimulate those cells and lessen oxidative stress, enabling our body to produce more useful energy for self-power.

This improves function, expedites healing, and reduces pain and inflammation, as shown in a large number of peer-reviewed studies.

To know more about infrared light, visit:


What is the impact of premarital sex in early adolescence?


The health effects of premarital sexual behaviour among teenagers include unplanned pregnancy, teen pregnancy, abortion, STIs, HIV/AIDS, regret, guilt, loss of self-respect, despair, loss of family support, dru-g ad-diction, and even sui-cide de-ath.

Premarital se-x can result in pregnancy, abortion, uterine injury, school dropout, and it can also have an impact on subsequent marriages. Po-rnog-raphy, peer pressure, dr-ug usage, dru-nkenness, and poverty were all mentioned as premarital se-x inducers in the report.

Indeed, prior research points to a nuanced relationship among premarital se-x partners & marriage quality. The study's respondents who had inte-rcourse with other individuals before getting married reported lower-quality partnerships than couples who slept only with each other, according to psychologists Galena K. Rhoades & Scott M. Stanley.

To know more about sexual behaviour:


How does the play-within-a-play in Act III of Hamlet represent Elizabethan drama?
• by teaching a spiritual lesson to the characters of the play
O by imparting historical detail about Shakespeare's England
O by criticizing the country's political policies of the day
O by offering a realistic portrayal of human behavior


The play-within-a-play in Act III of Hamlet represents Elizabethan drama is by teaching a spiritual lesson to the characters of the play. The correct option is A.

What is Hamlet?

This serves as a lesson for Claudius, who now knows that Hamlet has those suspicions, as well as Hamlet, who has now proven his suspicions.

The play within play tells the story of Gonzago, the Duke of Vienna, and Baptista, his wife, who weds his murderous nephew Lucianus. Hamlet believes that the play presents a chance to establish Claudius' guilt using evidence that is more reliable than the ghost's claims.

Therefore, the correct option is A, by teaching a spiritual lesson to the characters of the play

To learn more about Hamlet, refer to the below link:






What is least likely to be considered a part of the context that a speaker must consider before.


The least likely to be considered a part of the context that a speaker must consider before giving a speech about TV violence is the quality of the speaker's ideas.

What should speakers do before giving a speech?

Before giving а speech, the speаker needs to know very well the аudience he is going to be аddressing. This is а key point becаuse he needs to аdаpt his lаnguаge аnd vocаbulаry to the people who will be listening to him. He аlso needs to аdаpt to the time he will be given to speаk, so аs not to mаke it too short or too long. He will hаve to prаctice the speech аnd time himself, to be sure how much time he will need.

Finаlly, the speаker needs to be completely proficient on the topic he hаs chosen. He hаs to hаve concise аnd exаct dаtа to provide to his listeners. Аnd he needs to investigаte further, to be аble to аnswer аny questions the аudience mаy hаve. However, even though the аmount of reseаrch done on the subject is quite importаnt, it would be the less likely pаrt to be tаken into аccount.

Your question is incomplete, but most probably your full question was

What is least likely to be considered a part of the context that a speaker must consider before giving a speech about tv violence?

A. The amount of research a speaker uses

B. The amount of time a speaker has to speak

C. The audience a speaker is presenting to

D. The topic that the speaker has chosen

Thus. the correct answer is A.

For more information about speech speakers refer to the link:


How does the structure of the article make the author's argument more
effective in “What makes good people do bad things”?


We can actually see here that the structure of the article that makes the author's argument more effective in “What makes good people do bad things” is the use of proposition/support organization.

What is text structure?

Text structure is actually known to be a description of how writers arrange information in their texts. Students may concentrate on important ideas and relationships, anticipate what will happen next, and keep track of their knowledge as they read by understanding the underlying structure of texts.

We see that in the mentioned article, the use of the structure reveals to us how the author stated his points showing how good people turn out bad.

Learn more about text structure on


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She not only has this headache, but her eyes have been bothering her and her right wrist has hurt constantly for about a week and she does not know why. She did She took some Tylenol and then spent the rest of the morning lying on her couch drinking several glasses of water (10 glasses altogether) until the physicians office opened that morning.She made an urgent appointment to see Dr. Nee. Physical Examination Vital Signs Age: 41 years old Weight: 120 lbs Height: 5 6 Temperature: 36.9C Pulse: 90 beats/minute Respirations: 16 breaths/minute Blood Pressure: 126/75 (systolic/diastolic) mmHg General Appearance Skin is warm and moist Looks fatigued Head and Neck Bitemporal hemianopsia (blindness in her lateral visual fields) Lungs Normal Cardiovascular Normal Abdomina No swelling or pain is present but patient mentions she has had diarrhea Musculoskeletal An X-ray reveals a small hairline fracture in the right scaphoid bonePhysician Comments There is a slight weight loss (10 lbs.) from her last appointment (10 months ago); however, the patient indicates that she has a good appetite and good nutritional habits. She indicates that she has been having re-occurring headaches this past month, which have led to problems sleeping. A blood chemistry, thyroid, and endocrine test are ordered. A follow-up appointment is arranged for the next week to review the blood lab results.Part IIThe Follow-up Visit Scenario Mary has been on "pins and needles " the past week waiting for her blood results. Finally, Dr. Nee knocked, entered the examination room, and pulled a stool over to Mary. He sat down next to her and opened the manila folder labeled "Keeper, MaryBlood Results." Blood Lab Results Abbreviated Blood Chemistry Osmolality: 240 mOsm/kg/water Urea nitrogen: value is within normal limits Calcium: value is above the normal limits Blood Thyroid T3-total: value is above the normal limits T4-total: value is above the normal limits TBG: value is below the normal limits TSH: value is below normal limits TSI: present and high Blood Endocrine ACTH: value is below the normal limitsPhysician Comments Additional hematology tests are ordered and a follow-up appointment is arranged for the following week.Part IIIHelp Dr. Nee Explain His Diagnosis Scenario Dr. Nee knocked on the examination room door and entered. Immediately, he told Mary that the additional blood work helped immensely with his diagnosis.Blood Lab Results TRH: value is below the normal limits PTH: value is above the normal limits LH: value is above the normal limits Estrogen: value is above the normal limits FSH: value is above the normal limits GHrH: value is above the normal limits GH: value is below the normal limits GnRH: value is below the normal limitsQuestions: Be sure to explain your answers. Be specific and give good rationales for your answers. 1. Dr. Nee decided that Mary was suffering from 3 different endocrine dysfunctions. Give the names of 3 possible conditions that you have decided are likely. 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