Secondary Succession: An ecosystem is _____________________ and is __________________ by a new one.


Answer 1

Answer: LIKE IT


hydrosere, xerosere or derosere.

Related Questions

the____is the common name for the monotreme that lays eggs in a nest and the is the common name for the monotreme that hatches eggs in a pouch.


The Platypus is a one-of-a-kind Australian species. Platypuses, like echidnas, belong to a separate transaction of mammals recognised as monotremes, that are distinguished from other mammals by the fact that they lay eggs.

The duck-billed platypus, the short-billed echidna as well as the western long-billed echidna are the only extant species of monotremes. Monotremes, like other mammals, have a segmented jaw, three bones in the middle ear, are warm blooded, as well as lactate. However, those who have retained at least some therapsid reptile characteristics, such as egg laying and the presence of a cloaca.

Even though these animals are frequently referred to that as primitive as well as ancestral, they are not all mammals' ancestors. Instead, monotremes were a very early mammalian radiation that evolved from early synapsids, that are thought to have been reptile-like mammals.

To know more about the Monotreme, here


the allele for inflated pods (i) is dominant to that for constricted pods (i), and the allele for green pods (g) is dominant to that for yellow pods (g). a plant of unknown genotype with inflated green pods is crossed with a plant with constricted yellow pods. among the offspring are 49 plants with inflated green pods, and 53 plants with constricted green pods. what was the previously unknown genotype?


The genotype liGG is previously unidentified.

What genotype is it that is unknown?

The phenotypes of the children can be used to identify the unknown genotype. If mating the recessive phenotype individual with the unknown dominant phenotype (PP or Pp genotype) results in solely dominant phenotypes, the unidentified person is homozygous dominant (no recessive).

What is the name of the procedure used to identify an unknown's genotype?

The test cross is yet another crucial device Gregor Mendel invented. A test cross is a genetic experiment that involves crossing a homozygous recessive organism having a dominant phenotype with an unidentified genotype (and phenotype).

To know more abut genotype visit:-


What is an organism that uses energy to synthesize organic molecules from inorganic substances called?


An organism is referred to as an autotroph if it uses energy to create organic molecules from inorganic ones.

An creature that can produce its own food utilizing energy from sunlight or a chemical source, as well as inorganic components to create organic nutrition, is known as an autotroph. Autotroph is derived from the Greek words auto, which means "self," and troph, which means "feeding." Chemoautotrophs can produce organic compounds on their own by fixing carbon dioxide.

These species are capable of creating their own food or energy. The oxidation of inorganic substances like iron, sulfur, or magnesium provides the energy needed for this process. Using either light energy (photoautotrophs) or energy from reduced molecules in the environment, autotrophs are organisms that generate new biomass from inorganic resources (carbon dioxide and mineral nutrients) (chemoautotrophs).

Learn more about inorganic substances visit:


an ecologist is studying the interaction between the wolves in yellowstone national park and the deer and rabbits that they hunt. the ecologist also noticed that in the areas where the wolves hunt, there are more small predators such as weasel and coyote. what type of ecologist is this?


Community ecologist  type of ecologist is this . An ecological community is defined as a group of species that are commonly found together.

The term "ecological community" refers to a collection of species that are frequently found together. Ecological communities can be assemblages of animals or plants that have similar habitat needs and may interact with one another or depend on comparable environmental processes.

An ever-expanding and comprehensive area of ecology is community ecology. Ecologists look at the variables that affect species distribution, community structure, and biodiversity. Interactions with the abiotic environment and the wide variety of interactions that take place between species are two examples of these elements.

Learn more about  Community ecologist to visit this link


Endotoxins and exotoxins are both bacterial virulence factors that can affect the infected host. Sort the following descriptions as to whether they apply to endotoxins, exotoxins, or both.
Released by dead cells, Secreted by living cells, Are virulence factors, Produced by Gram-negative bacteria, Composed of protein, Harm the host by overstimulating the host's immune defense, Include hemolysins, Produced by Gram-positive bacteria, Component of lipopolysaccharide.


Released by dead cells: Endotoxins Secreted by living cells: Exotoxins Are virulence factors: Both Produced by Gram-negative bacteria: Endotoxins Composed of protein:

Exotoxins Harm the host by overstimulating the host's immune defense: Both Include hemolysins: Exotoxins Produced by Gram-positive bacteria: Exotoxins Component of lipopolysaccharide: Endotoxins Exotoxins are a group of soluble proteins that are secreted by bacteria, enter host cells, and catalyze the covalent modification of one or more host cell components to alter host cell physiology. Both Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria produce exotoxins.

To know more about Exotoxins  visit:


why might the cricket genome have eleven times as many base pairs as that of drosophila melanogaster?


There must be more non-coding DNA in crickets. They include the genetic code for an enzyme that builds DNA from an RNA template.

Why does the genome duplicate?

Gene duplications can develop as a result of various mistakes in the DNA replication and repair machinery as well as accidental capture by self-centered genetic components. Ectopic recombination, retrotransposition events, aneuploidy, polyploidy, and replication slippage are typical causes of gene duplications.

Specifically, Drosophila melanogaster's genome

We used a whole-genome shotgun sequencing approach supported by comprehensive clone-based sequence and a high-quality bacterial artificial chromosome physical map to determine the nucleotide sequence of virtually the whole 120 megabase euchromatic part of the Drosophila genome.

To know more about Genome



A group of freshwater green algae known as charophytes are the most closely related to _____ plants


A group of freshwater green algae known as charophytes is the most closely related to land plants.

Charophyta is a collection of freshwater green algae, known as charophytes, on occasion dealt with as a division, yet additionally as a superdivision or an unranked clade.

The charophytes, together with the chlorophytes, make up the inexperienced algae. As part of this algal group, the charophytes are greenish in coloration. that is because of the ample chlorophyll (inexperienced pigment) interior of their cellular. Their cellular wall is mainly made from cellulose. Like flora, charophytes have chlorophyll a and b, keep carbohydrates as starch, have cellular partitions including cellulose, and undergo comparable mobile-division strategies. Charophytes have unique reproductive organs that fluctuate significantly from that of other algae.

Learn more about charophytes here:


Which is the best description of a molecule?

A molecule of an element is composed of at least two types of atoms.
A molecule of a compound is composed of only one atom.
A molecule of a compound is composed of at least two atoms.
A molecule of an element is composed of exactly two types of atoms.



A molecule is composed of atleast two atoms.


Answer: A


A molecule of an element is composed of at least two types of atoms.

A liver is an organ that can regenerate, the hair on your head grows your entire life, your skin is constantly
replacing itself.
a. Using your knowledge of cell division, what do all of these have in common?
b. You keep the same nerve cells your whole life, how does this differ from the examples above?


Cell division is common in all these types of cells where the cells are continuously dividing and generating new cells. These have the property of regeneration  and they divide lifetime. The length of the telomers describe the life of the cells.

What type  of cells never divide ?

Permanent cells are the type of cells that are incapable of regeneration. Examples of such cells are neurons, heart cells along with  skeletal muscle cells  & red blood cells .

Some cells such as skin's  cells and blood cells are capable of  dividing all the time. When certain cells become damaged or gets death then the body creates new cells in order  to replace them. This process is called cell division.

Some of the nerve cells are present in the body before the birth even and then the duration of their life is persistent. In the process of post natal neurogenesis the new cells of neurons are formed.

Learn more about neurons at :


During times of relaxation, the ______ division of the autonomic nervous system utilizes discrete and localized innervation, stimulating only one or a few structures at the same time.


During times of relaxation, the parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system utilizes discrete and localized innervation, stimulating only one or a few structures at the same time.

In general, parasympathetic and sympathetic divisions are very similar to the preganglionic axons are myelinated, on the other hand  post- ganglionic axons are unmyelinated. When Parasympathetic nervous system (PSNS) is activated, this slows our heart and breathing rates, also lowers blood pressure .

Hence, parasympathetic part of your autonomic nervous system helps in balancing sympathetic nervous system. Sympathetic nervous system controls your body's fight or flight response, while  parasympathetic nervous system control body's response times of rest.

To learn more about parasympathetic  , here


what is the most essential natural resource necessary to produce america's biggest crop? (the resource without which the crop will fail). a. pesticides b. oil c. water d. muscle energy (human


All farming systems are based on land and water resources, and maintaining these resources is essential to sustaining and enhancing food production. Drought, flooding, pest infestation, or any other tragedy might cause crops to fail. Crop failure is not caused by infertility of the ground. Lower yields are the result.

Perrin pointed out that these fundamental resources include land, water, and other natural resources as well as important aspects like climate and ecological resilience. One of the most valuable natural resources that emerge from trees is water.Natural land regions benefit from the nutrients, water, oxygen, and heat provided by soil. The third essential resource for people, animals, plants, and all other living things in a natural setting is air.

To learn more about  Natural land regions follow the below link:


which structure or component of the small intestine is important to antimicrobial defense?


The epithelial surface of the intestine plays a critical role in the protection of antimicrobial defense.

Which intestinal cells produce antibacterial?

Paneth cells are the main producers of antimicrobial peptides in the intestinal tract. These cells secrete considerable quantities of α-defensin peptides, the amplest antimicrobial peptides in the human intestine.

there are no Paneth cells, which is a specialized intestinal epithelial cell type that produces antimicrobial.

So we can conclude that Small intestinal mucosa is lined by a simple circular epithelium which consists primarily of permeable cells (enterocytes), with separate goblet cells and occasional enteroendocrine cells.

Learn more about intestinal here:


Sort the items according to whether they may be found only in free virus particles, only in uninfected host cells, or in both viruses and host cells. a. Viruses only- Capsid, Capsomere (core protein), Envelope with glycoproteins
b. Host cell only- Ribosome
c. Both- Protein, RNA, DNA


Viruses only- Capsid, Capsomere (core protein), Envelope with glycoproteins

Host cell only- Ribosome

Both- Protein, RNA, DNA

A virus is a submicroscopic infectious agent that replicates only within an organism's living cells. Viruses infect all forms of life, including animals and plants, as well as microorganisms such as bacteria and archaea.

When infected, a host cell is frequently forced to produce thousands of copies of the original virus in a short period of time. These virus particles range in shape from simple helical and icosahedral structures to more complex structures. Most virus species have virions that are one-hundredth the size of most bacteria and are too small to be seen with an optical microscope.

To learn more about viruses and host cells, here


choose the combination of factors that would lead to the greatest oxygen unloading from hemoglobin.


The combination of factors that would lead to the greatest oxygen unloading from hemoglobin are Low pH, high temperature, high PCO2, high 2,3-DPG.

BPG produced by erythrocytes binds with hemoglobin, reducing its affinity for oxygen, which increases the unloading of oxygen into the tissues.

Leftward shifts indicate an increased affinity for the binding of hemoglobin, so that more oxygen binds to hemoglobin, but less oxygen is unloaded from it into the tissues. Causes of leftward shifts include increased blood pH, decreased temperature, and carbon monoxide exposure.

Both increased body temperature and increased 2,3-BPG. As temperature or 2,3-BPG increases, the affinity of hemoglobin for oxygen decreases. That is, higher concentrations should be used to occupy the Hb binding sites.

Learn more about hemoglobin here :


what is the expected functional consequence of movement of a transposable element within the genome?


The expected functional consequences of the movement of transposable elements in the genome:

Increases protein production.Decreased protein production.Abnormal gene transcription.

Transposable is the event of moving the DNA sequence in the genome from one position to another. Elements that undergo displacement are called transposons. Humans have transverse elements that vary up to 44% of all human DNA. There are four basic types of transposable elements, namely LINEs (long interspersed nuclear elements), SINE's (short interspersed nuclear elements), retrovirus-like elements, and cut-and-paste transposons.

A transposable element (TE, transposon, or jumping gene) is a nucleic acid sequence in DNA that can change its position in the genome, sometimes creating or reversing mutations and changing the cell's genetic identity and genome size. Transposition often results in the duplication of the same genetic material.

Thus, transposable will cause increased protein production, decreased protein production, and abnormal gene transcription.

This question should be equipped with options

a) All of the listed responses are correctb) Increased production of a proteinc) Decreased production of a proteind) Abnormal transcription of a genee) None of the listed responses are correct

The true choice is A

Learn more about transposable elements at


Which mammals were found to have a vocal range of 7 octaves, nearly twice that of humans?WolvesHyenasBats


Wolves mammals were found to have a vocal range of 7 octaves, nearly twice that of humans.

Who has a seven-octave range?

The seventh octave is the interval between C7 and C8. It is easier for very high coloratura sopranos to sing in this octave, however certain bass singers (such as Adam Lopez, Virgo Degan, Nicola Sedda, or Dimash Kudaibergen) can achieve it.

According to the experts, a bat's natural voice range is seven octaves. "That is incredible. Most animals have three to four, and humans have roughly three "Professor Elemans said.

Only humans, songbirds, and some nonhuman mammals, such as dolphins, whales, elephants, seals, and bats, belong to the vocal-learning camp.

learn more about octave refer


What are the 3 types of games?



Party games.

Tabletop games.

Video games.

__________ is a highly conserved nucleotide sequence that has been found in developmental regulatory genes in many diverse organisms.


A homeobox is a highly conserved nucleotide sequence that has been found in developmental regulatory genes in many diverse organisms.

A homeobox is a 180-base pair-long DNA sequence that regulates large-scale anatomical features in the early stages of embryonic development.

Genes that are found in all organisms are the most highly conserved. These are primarily the ncRNAs as well as proteins needed for transcription and translation, which are thought to have been passed down from the last universal common ancestor of all life. The bacterium Haemophilus influenzae Rd Kw20's 1,830,138-base genome was published 15 years ago this year, making it the first cellular life form to have its entire genome sequenced.

For example, mutations in a homeobox may alter the full-grown organism's large-scale anatomical features.

To know more about the Genes, here


A forensic odontologist examines the teeth of a skull and finds no baby teeth, no wisdom teeth, scarring in the rear jawbone, no dental diseases or tooth degeneration, and a low d-aspartic acid to l-aspartic acid ratio in the dentin. Which age range fits this skull?.


The age range of the skull is less than 10 years old.

Forensic dentistry, also known as forensic odontology, is the handling, examination, and evaluation of dental evidence in the context of criminal justice. Forensic dentists help investigative agencies identify human remains, especially when identifying information is scarce or nonexistent—for example, identifying burn victims by consulting the victim's dental records. Forensic dentists may also be asked to assist in determining an unidentified person's age, race, occupation, previous dental history, and socioeconomic status.

Forensic dentists may use radiographs, ante- and post-mortem photographs, and DNA analysis to make their determinations. Bite marks, whether left on the victim (by the attacker), the perpetrator (from the victim of an attack), or on an object found at the crime scene, are another type of evidence that can be analyzed. However, this latter application of forensic dentistry has proven highly contentious, as no scientific studies or evidence substantiate that bite marks can demonstrate sufficient detail for positive identification, and there have been numerous instances where experts' evaluations of the same bite mark evidence have diverged widely.

To learn more about Forensic dentistry, here


30 pts Please help me

What is the end result of the cell cycle, compared to the original cell?



The cell cycle is a cycle of stages that cells pass through to allow them to divide and produce new cells.

What is cell cycle?

Cell cycle is defined as a series of events that take place in a cell, resulting in the duplication of DNA and division of cytoplasm and organelles to produce two daughter cells.

cell cycle was discovered by Prevost and Dumas (1824) while studying the cleavage of zygote of Frog. It is a series of stages a cell passes through, to divide and produce new cells.

For more details regarding cell cycle, visit


Biologists have discovered that the beluga whales of canada’s st. lawrence river have the highest rates of cancer among animals. what is most likely the reason for this high incidence of cancer in these whales?


The most likely reason for this high incidence of cancer in these whales is chemical and pollutant runoff into the ocean.

In the waters north of Canada's St. Lawrence River, biologists have found beluga whales with the highest cancer rates of any wildlife surveyed. Dozens of chemicals have been found in the bodies of these beluga whales. Fish die from a lack of oxygen.

Toxic substances accumulate in high concentrations as they move up the food chain. Killer whales are the largest predators in the ocean, and because they are at the top of various food chains in their environment, they tend to be more susceptible to pollutants than other sea creatures. POPs become more concentrated as they move up the food chain.

Learn more about Biologists here:-


the trait of bipedalism is a shared, derived trait of which group? the trait of bipedalism is a shared, derived trait of which group? family hominidae primates subfamily homininae australopithecus tribe hominini eutherian mammals bonobos rodents and primates the genus homo


The trait of bipedalism is a shared and derived trait of Bipedal African great apes, who belong to family Hominidae, subfamily Australopithecus.  

Bipedal African great apes belong to the tribe Hominini. Present day Homo sapiens are fully bipedal, with large brain capacity, larger body mass, less prominent jaw, and characterize the features which allows the manipulation of objects, long-distance terrestrial movement, use of teeth for chewing/ biting/ cutting a nutrient rich diet. Bipedal refers to the locomotion which is reflected by walking upright, using only two legs without any other support. This ability to walk straight upright is the defining attribute of the hominin lineage. This feature of early man was first observed in the fossils collected from African continent and they must have been probably the Australopithecus.

Learn more about bipedalism at:


under normal renal physiology, the osmolarity of the fluid flowing in the early distal tubule in the region near the macula densa is?


The afferent arteriole contracts in response to increased salt levels, lowering blood flow to the glomerulus and the rate of glomerular filtration. To adjust blood volume and bring blood pressure back to normal, macula densa cells that sense variations in sodium chloride levels will initiate an autoregulatory response that will increase or reduce the reabsorption of ions and water to the blood (as needed).

The primary cells of the kidney are known as macula densa (MD) cells, which have important sensory and regulatory roles in the regulation of blood pressure, electrolyte homeostasis, and bodily fluids.The afferent arteriole is dilated by the macula densa cells in response to reduced sodium chloride, increasing GFR. The concentration of sodium chloride will rise in response to an increase in GFR.

To learn more about primary cells, follow the below link:


Viruses which typically have a lipid covering called an envelope are released from the host cell through _____________.

viral budding



viral budding


hope this helps you

Answer: viral budding

Explanation: the reason it’s Viral budding bc it’s the only one make sense if u say them all with the sentence u hear it and once u say viral budding in that spot it would sound right- take them all and say it u would hear it! I hope this helps!!!

darwin developed and proposed the theory of evolution during the 1800s. since that time, due in part to advances in technology, scientists have expanded their knowledge and ideas about biological systems. which statement describes an example of evidence acquired in the past 100 years and its relationship to the theory of evolution? group of answer choices a. new evidence from molecular biology provides overwhelming support that all life evolved from a single ancestor. b. new evidence from molecular biology provides evidence that life evolved from many ancestors, not a single ancestor. c. new evidence from fossils provides evidence that one species does not descend from another. d. new evidence from biogeography provides evidence that one species does not descend from another.


Option (a) : New evidence from molecular biology provides overwhelming support that all life evolved from a single ancestor.

The study of molecular biology, which includes biomolecular synthesis, modification, processes, and interactions, aims to comprehend the molecular underpinnings of biological activity within and between cells. Molecular biology is the study of the physical and chemical composition of biological macromolecules.

The study of biological molecules and their interactions is only one aspect of molecular biology; it also encompasses a variety of methods created since the field's inception that have helped researchers understand how molecules function. In this sense, it has advanced and complemented earlier approaches to understanding nature, such as biochemistry and genetics.

To learn more molecular biology visit:


Apply If South America were not there
explain how the direction of the South
Equatorial current would be different.


The direction of South America were not there.

What is direction?

Direction is defined as the  path os something takes, the path that is must be taken by  to the reach of  a specific place, the way in this  which something by  starting to develop or to the  way you are facing the problem. An example of direction is when you are going right instead of left.

The direction of the Southern Equatorial currently changes. The main reason is the continental  deflection. If South America is not there,we have to explain how the direction of to the South Equatorial is  currently would not be different. If the continental was not there, then this is the direction would not be  change. The current would continue moving to the West.

To know more about direction click-


Select the part whose main job is to store nutrients, water, and waste in the plant cell.
a. Vacuole
b. Chloroplasts
c. Cell wall


Answer: Vacuoles


deep earth extraction inc. operates a facility near estuary bay. discharging waste from the facility into the bay can result in


Deep Earth Extraction, Inc., operates a facility near Estuary Bay. Discharging waste from the facility into the bay can result in penalties and damages.

Waste disposal is the removal, disposal, recycling, or destruction of unwanted materials such as waste produced by agriculture, domestic use, or industrial products. Following proper waste disposal methods will result in less pollution and environmental hazards.

Proper waste disposal improves air and water quality while also lowering greenhouse gas emissions. It aids in reducing resource extraction as well as pollution and energy consumption associated with the production of new materials. According to the largest ever report on the industry for the UK government, recycling is almost always the best way to get rid of waste, even when it is exported abroad.

To learn more about waste disposal, here


Work out the potential difference if 11,500j of energy are transferred by 50c of charge.


The potential difference if 11,500j of energy are transferred by 50c of charge IS 450V.

The following data were obtained from the question:

Energy (E) = 11500J

Charge (Q) = 50C

Potential difference (V) =.?

The energy, E stored in a capacitor is related to the charge, Q and potential difference, V by the following equation

E = ½QV

With the above equation, we can easily calculate the potential difference as follow:

E = ½QV

11500 = ½ × 50 × V

11500 = 25 × V

Divide both side by 25

V = 11500/25

V = 460V.

Therefore, the potential difference is 460V when 11,500j of energy are transferred by 50c of charge.

To know more about energy check the below link:


Aquarium a contains warm water and several fish; b contains cold water, several fish, and aquatic algae; c contains warm water and several frogs; and d contains warm water and sedentary animals. which aquarium should have a large amount of air bubbled into it to maintain good oxygenation of the water?


Right answer is A.  a large amount of air bubbled into it to maintain good oxygenation of the water.

A: A lot of air, as warm water has a poor capability for carrying oxygen.

B: Not much air is needed because cold water has a better capacity to carry oxygen and because algae add oxygen to the water through photosynthesis.

C: A small amount of air, as stationary animals only need a small amount of oxygen.

Which water type contains the greatest dissolved oxygen? Temperature, dissolved oxygen, and aquatic life In comparison to warm water, cold water can hold more dissolved oxygen. The concentration of dissolved oxygen is highest in the winter and early spring when the water temperature is low. The concentration of dissolved oxygen is frequently lower in the summer and fall when the water temperature is high.

Why is dissolved oxygen higher in cold water?

The amount of oxygen that water can store depends on its temperature and salinity. Because warm water molecules move more quickly than those in cold water and hence allow oxygen to escape from the water, warm water holds less dissolved oxygen than cold water.

To know more about Dissolved oxygen visit:


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