Ron made a scale drawing of his bedroom. The scale in
the drawing is 2 inches represents 5 feet. The actual
length of his bedroom was 13 feet. What is the length of
the bedroom on the scale drawing?



Answer 1



Step-by-step explanation:

We can set up the following proportion and solve for length ([tex]\ell[/tex]):

[tex]\frac{2}{5}=\frac{\ell}{13},\\\\\ell=\frac{2\cdot 13}{5}=\frac{26}{5}=\boxed{5.2\:\mathrm{in}}[/tex]

Related Questions

Please help! Will give branliest for correct answer !
God Bless uu!!



solution given:

Area of triangle ABC=½b×h=½×18×21=189km²

Area of square DEFG=l²=9²=81km²

Area of rectangle DHIJ=l×b=4×13=52km²

Total area =189+81+52=322 square kilometers.


[tex] \rm\displaystyle A _{ \text{total}} = 322 {km}^{2} [/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

refer the attachment

we have a triangle,a rectangle and a square

in order to figure out the area of the total figure we need to figure out the area the attached figure first


the triangle has a base of 18 km and a height of 13+6+2=21km


the area of the triangle is

[tex] \displaystyle \frac{1}{2} \times 18 km\times 21km[/tex]

reduce fraction:

[tex] \displaystyle 9 km\times 21km[/tex]

simplify multiplication:

[tex] \displaystyle 189 km ^{2} [/tex]


the rectangle has a length of 13km and a width of 4km


the area of the rectangle is

[tex] \displaystyle 13km \times 4km[/tex]

simplify multiplication:

[tex] \displaystyle {52km}^{2} [/tex]


the length of every sides of the square is 9km


the area of the square is

[tex] \displaystyle {(9km)}^{2} [/tex]

simplify square:

[tex] \displaystyle {81km}^{2} [/tex]


[tex] \rm\displaystyle A _{ \text{total}} = A_{ \text{triangle}} + A_{ \text{rectangle}} + A_{ \text{square}}[/tex]


[tex] \rm\displaystyle A _{ \text{total}} = 189 {km}^{2} + 52 {km}^{2} + 81 {km}^{2} [/tex]

simplify addition:

[tex] \rm\displaystyle A _{ \text{total}} = 322 {km}^{2} [/tex]

What is the perimeter of this red
27 in
22 in
22 in
98 in
[ ? ] in



Entire perimeter = 169in

Step-by-step explanation:

add all the inches up

The perimeter of the polygon drawn is the sum of its entire sides , which is 169 inches.

Given the polygon with the measure of its exterior :

22 inches 98 inches 22 inches 27 inches

The perimeter of the polygon is the sum of the exterior sides of the figure given :

98 + 22 + 22 + 27 = 169 inches

Therefore, the perimeter of the polygon is 169 inches .

Learn more on perimeter :


Solve for the values of x and y.



We can’t solve for x and y

Step-by-step explanation:


Uhmm We can't do that

Step-by-step explanation:

A Taste Test ask people from Texas and California which pasta they prefer, brand A or brand B. This table shows the results.


Answer: Yes, they are independent because P(Texas) ≈0.45 and P(Texas/Brand A)≈0.45

6. Nuni Lal borrowed RS. 2400 as a Loan for 5 years at
the rate of 6% per annum. Then immedietly he Lent the
Same amount to Briju Lal for 4 years at the rate of 10 percent
annum. How much profit or loss did nuni lal
make in this transaction. find it?


Step-by-step explanation:

hope it is helpful to you

Ms Shepard cuts 1/2 of piece of construction paper. She uses 1/6 of piece of paper to make flower. This means that she used 1/12 of sheet of paper to make the flower. True or false




Step-by-step explanation:


solve the equation for y
1/2y - 21/4 = -35/4



[tex]1/2y - 21/4 = -35/4[/tex]

[tex]1/2y = 21/4 -35/4[/tex]

[tex]1/2y = - 7/4[/tex]

[tex]y = - \frac{7}{2} [/tex]

Which of the following would best be solved using completing the square?


Answer Second

Step by step exploration

x=-7 or x=3

Function g can be thought of as a translated (shifted) version of f(x) = 2?.
Write the equation for g(x).




Step-by-step explanation:

the account looks like this, because you invert the sign 5 is negative to the left, so for the result to be negative in the account it has to be positive






Good Studies!!!

If 7x + 3 = 24, what is the value of 5 - 4x?



Step-by-step explanation:

7x + 3= 24

7x= 24-3

7x= 21

x= 21/7

x= 3

Then we have that




Answer= -7

Help me pls it’s math TwT


I think its a buy i dont know

The system of equations below is consistents with infinity many solutions where a and b are constants.Find the values of a and b. 2x+y=6 ax+by=9



The values of [tex]a[/tex] and [tex]b[/tex] so that the two linear equations have infinite solutions are [tex]3[/tex] and [tex]\frac{3}{2}[/tex], respectively.

Step-by-step explanation:

Two linear equations with two variables have infinite solution if and only if they are linearly dependent. That is, one linear equation is a multiple of the other one. Let be the following system of linear equations:

[tex]2\cdot x + y = 6[/tex] (1)

[tex]a\cdot x + b\cdot y = 9[/tex] (2)

The following condition must be observed:

[tex]r = \frac{a}{2} = \frac{b}{1} = \frac{9}{6}[/tex] (3)

After some quick operations, we find the following information:

[tex]r = \frac{3}{2}[/tex], [tex]a = 3[/tex], [tex]b = \frac{3}{2}[/tex]

The values of [tex]a[/tex] and [tex]b[/tex] so that the two linear equations have infinite solutions are [tex]3[/tex] and [tex]\frac{3}{2}[/tex], respectively.

The following figure shows \triangle ABC△ABCtriangle, A, B, C with side lengths to the nearest tenth. Triangle ABC. Side AC measures 8 units and side BC measures 15 units. Angle B is 28 degrees. Triangle ABC. Side AC measures 8 units and side BC measures 15 units. Angle B is 28 degrees. Find m\angle Am∠Am, angle, A. Note that m\angle Am∠Am, angle, A is acute. Round to the nearest degree.




Step-by-step explanation:

Khan Academy. I got this correct, so trust me :)

The measurement of the angle A for the considered triangle is found being of 62° approximately.

What is law of sines?

For any triangle ABC, with side measures |BC| = a. |AC| = b. |AB| = c,

we have, by law of sines,

[tex]\dfrac{sin\angle A}{a} = \dfrac{sin\angle B}{b} = \dfrac{sin\angle C}{c}[/tex]

Remember that we took

[tex]\dfrac{\sin(angle)}{\text{length of the side opposite to that angle}}[/tex]

For the considered triangle, we can use sine rule.

In triangle ABC, we're given that:

|AC| = 8 units|BC| = 15 unitsm∠B = 28°m∠A = ?° (to be found)

The side opposite to angle A is BC and the side opposite to angle B is AC. Thus, by sine law, we get:

[tex]\dfrac{\sin(m\angle A)}{|BC|} = \dfrac{sin(m\angle B)}{|AC|}\\\\\dfrac{\sin(m\angle A)}{15} = \dfrac{\sin(28^\circ)}{8}\\\\\sin(m\angle A ) \approx \dfrac{15 \times 0.46947}{8} \approx 0.88026\\\\m\angle A \approx \sin^{-1}(0.88026)\\\\m\angle A \approx 61.67^\circ, 118.32^\circ[/tex]

But since angle A is acute(angle with measure of less than 90 degrees), thus, m∠A ≈ 61.67° ≈ 62°

Thus, the measurement of the angle A for the considered triangle is found being of 62° approximately.

Learn more about law of sines here:

What digit is the most frequent between numbers 1 and 1,000(inclusive)?



Total appearances = 9+180+3 = 192. It is obvious that the most frequent digit is 1. Number of digits from 1 to 1000. Total = 2893.

In AGHI, h = 300 inches, G=30° and H=29º. Find the length of i, to the nearest



In triangle GHI, h = 300 inches, G=30° and H=29º.

To find:

The length of i.


We have, G=30° and H=29º.

Using angle sum property, we get

[tex]m\angle G+m\angle H+m\angle I=180^\circ[/tex]

[tex]30^\circ+29^\circ+m\angle I=180^\circ[/tex]

[tex]59^\circ+m\angle I=180^\circ[/tex]

[tex]m\angle I=180^\circ-59^\circ[/tex]

[tex]m\angle I=121^\circ[/tex]

According to Law of sines,

[tex]\dfrac{a}{\sin A}=\dfrac{b}{\sin B}=\dfrac{c}{\sin C}[/tex]

Using Law of sines, we get

[tex]\dfrac{h}{\sin H}=\dfrac{i}{\sin I}[/tex]

[tex]\dfrac{300}{\sin 29^\circ}=\dfrac{i}{\sin 121^\circ}[/tex]


Multiply both sides by 0.8572.

[tex]\dfrac{300}{0.4848}\times 0.8572=i[/tex]


[tex]i\approx 530[/tex]

Therefore, the length of i is about 530 inches.

The area of a triangular banner is 64 square feet. The base of the banner is 16 feet long. Write an equation you can use to find the height h of the banner. (Hint: A=1/2bxh)
Write it as an equation.


The equation would be h=(2A)/b

What is the volume of the cone to the nearest cubic millimeter? (Use ​π = 3.14)

A) 52 mm3
B) 157 mm3
C) 209 mm3
D) 628 mm3





radius [r]=5mm


Volume of cone=1/3 πr²h=⅓×3.14×5²×8=209mm³

C) 209 mm³ is a required answer.

The volume of the dome is 209 mm3

having a hard time with this



the correct answer is D

Step-by-step explanation:

because the -9 5/8 is in absolute value marks.

To find the area of a triangle, you can use the expression b × h ÷ 2, where b is the base of the triangle and h is its height. What is the area of a triangle with a base of 8 and a height of 4?




Step-by-step explanation:

b x h is finding a square or rectangle, but since a triangle is half of a rectangle or square you can divide that by 2. So, 8 (b) x 4 (h) = 32, 32 / 2 = 16. Hope this helps! :D

find the your work.
intial velocity is 30.20 meter per second and time Is 32.8 second​




Step-by-step explanation:

because, Distance=velocity× time


The Extreme Rock Climbing Club planned a climbing expedition. The total cost was $3200, which was to be divided equally among the members going. Prior to the trip,10 members decided not to go. If the cost per person increased by $160, how many people went on the expedition?



x = 25.

Step-by-step explanation:

Original cost per person:: 2000/x

Changed cost per person:: 2000/(x-5)


Equation:: changed - original = 20

2000/(x-5) - 2000/x = 20

2000x - 2000x + 2000*5 = 20x(x-5)

10000 = 20x^2-100



500 = x^2 - 5x


x^2 - 5x - 500 = 0

(x+20)*(x-25) = 0


Only positive root makes sense ====> x = 25.

What would you have to show in order to prove that a quadrilateral is a rectangle?

A. Consecutive sides are congruent, but opposite sides are not.

B. All sides are congruent.

С. Opposite sides are parallel.

D. Consecutive sides have opposite reciprocal slopes.




Step-by-step explanation:

What is the surface area of this figure? Round to the nearest tenth if necessary.
10 ft
12 ft
6 ft
8 ft



336 ft ²

Step-by-step explanation:

Find the area of the two triangles

In this case, both triangles are the same, so we can modify the formula for area of triangle

In the formula, we divide by two, but because we multiply the area by two for the two triangles, we can just use base x height

Triangles = 6 x 8 = 48 ft²

top rectangle = 10x12 = 120 ft²

bottom rectangle = 8x12 = 96 ft²

back rectangle = 6x12 = 72 ft²

Total = 48 ft² + 120 ft² + 96 ft² + 72 ft² = 336 ft²

If my answer is incorrect, pls correct me!

If you like my answer and explanation, mark me as brainliest!

-Chetan K

(7 + 5) · 2 - 4² ÷ 8 + 3
what is the answer for this? show work too


Answer: 0.5

Step-by-step explanation:

You need to use







7 + 5 =12

12 - 16 = -4

-4 / 8 = -0.5

-0.5 + 3 = 2.5

2.5 - 2 = 0.5

Answer: 4

Step-by-step explanation: 7+5=12


24- (4×4)= 24-16=8



Confused bab in need ☹️



25 in^2

Step-by-step explanation:

So the area of a triangle is (Base * Height) / 2. The base, which is where the triangle "sits" is 10 in. The height is 5 in.

With this, these numbers can both be plugged in to get the answer:

(10 * 5) / 2


25 in^2

It is squared after the units since it is the area.

Which number is rational?
O √2
O π
O √10
O √16​


Answer: The only rational number in your list is "square 16" - I am assuming you mean square root of 16.
Explanation: Square root of 2 is irrational. This has been proven by the Pythagoreans (there is a simple proof of that).

10 points!! Can yo7 say the answer and explain it I will give brainleest



Can you add if you can add you have to add up every thing and the answer will be

Desmond measured a city park and made a scale drawing. The scale he used was 1 centimeter: 9 meters. The actual width of the soccer field is 54 meters. How wide is the field in the drawing?​



6 cm

Step-by-step explanation:

1 cm : 9 meters -->  1cm/9m

? cm : 54 meters -->  ?cm/54m

[tex]\frac{1}{9}=\frac{?}{54}; 54*\frac{1}{9}=?;6=?[/tex]

Answer:is 6cm

Step-by-step explanation:

hey! i’ll give brainliest please help! thanks



I think it might have been D, becoming a monarch, because he wanted to rule the world I guess.

Step-by-step explanation:

I recommend you put this under history instead of mathematics.

2x + y = 3
x = 3y + 5
subsitution method


Step-by-step explanation:


y=3-2x.....eqn (1)


substituting the value of y from eqn 1







substituting the value of x in eqn 1







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