Romeo and Juliet play questions
What are the key plot events and characters?

How would a Shakespearean audience have viewed the play?

What did you think about the play and why?


Answer 1


The charecters are Romeo ,Juilet ,Tybalt, Merccutio ,Count paris ,Frair lawrence , benvolio , Capulet , Juilets nurse , Rosaline , Lady capulet , prince escaluas , Lady montague , Montangue , Friar John , 1st musician , second musician , first guard, Anthony , poptan , page , Third gaurd and second gaurd .

And the plot is that romeo kills himself for real becuase juilet looks like she was dead but she wasn't so she killed himself properly.


Scared or mabye a vbit funny.

i liked the play becuase it was quit interesteing and it was a a change of an event.....

Hope this helps :) x

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How to wright a fully elaborate paragraph on the story out of the dust


Answer and Explanation:

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B. It seemed to excuse the speaker.
C. It seemed to blame the speaker.
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i think it would be B. srr if i was wrong

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C. We create a trail of information.
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C; we create a trail of information
c will be the right answer

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I need this and fast i will mark brainliest


since it is given estimate to nearest whole number ,51.286 will be rounded to 51 and 37.43 will be rounded add 51+36 which is equal to 87

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Look at what you failed at, and ask yourself what you can do to improve. Failing is a part of learning.  It's okay to fail, as long as you take responsibility for it and try to improve.


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Sorry PrettyPennny but your question doesn't make sense. In fact, there is no question.



1/4 of the package is berries


From what I could make out of the question, it states that in each package, there are 3 tablespoons of nuts and one tablespoons of berries.  If this is true, that means that there are 4 tablespoons in total, and given that there is only one tablespoon of berries, you can conclude that one out of the four tablespoons (or 1/4) of the package is made up of berries.

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i dont know what the underlined sentence fragment is, but there should be a comma after sentence 4 ends.


Answer: Connect the fragment to sentence 4.


wen was big ben made.


It was made May 31, 1859

B. You will need to create an argument that centers around your first reason.



please help me please will give brainliest ​



Honesty means to be open to others, it doesn't mean to never lie but it means to choose meaningful occasions to not lie.

Forgiveness is to be forgiving, to put yourself in that person's' shoes and think how hard to must be for them.

To apologies is to ask for forgiveness, when choosing to apology you admit your mistake and think of other person situation. To forgive is to maintain a relationship through all hardships. In situations where you have wronged someone, it is always important to think of the other person, not of yourself.

What is the answer to this





Shes going to distance herself from sad things so she's going to detach herself

In "Your Childhood IQ Does Not Define You," the author argues that there is an element of danger in the belief that one's intelligence is fixed at birth. What is this danger, and how would it be avoided by adopting the author's viewpoint in the essay? Explain.



the danger is that it becomes the thing that defines you. as if all you're worth is your smarts.

good luck :)

i hope this helps

have a great day !!

What type of figurative language is this? "This trick may chance to scathe you," from Romeo and Juliet.





Have u ever had love at first sight


yes, but when things like that happen, it’s not always the right even tho it feels right. falling in love is easy for some people so be careful.

Help me I’m confuse ???



I am also confusion.


You didn't give us the story to read.  Otherwise, I could've helped you.

identify the phrase in
a man lived near the school​



he live close to the school

use the words Sharecopper and Windswept together in a sentence



After a long day's work in the windswept fields, the exhausted sharecropper trudged home.


When Tom needed help tending the cotton fields, a landowner was looking to hire a sharecropper, after many hour's Tom felt Windswept.

Hope this helps tell me if I did anything wrong.

In a contraction, what do you put in place of the letters you take out?



an apostrophe



An apostrophe


the apostrophe goes where the letters were removed in a contraction like don't (do + not) remove the no and add an apostrophe.

which idea exists in both the poem and the painting


Brueghel's painting "Landscape with the Fall of Icarus" and Auden's poem "Musée des Beaux Arts" focus on the same part of the myth of Daedalus and Icarus. However, the painting and the poem are not

In Brueghel's painting, the fall of Icarus is happening in the back; no one is even noticing it. Brueghel's painting shows that how a tragedy may not even be noticed by those who are not directly affected by it.

Auden translates Brueghel's painting a little differently, however. To Auden, the fall of Icarus IS being noticed by the plowman and the sailor; Auden says that they are too busy to deal with the disaster and get on with their work. Auden says that Icarus falling is "not an important failure" to them.

Auden's interpretation of the painting is therefore much more negative than Brueghel's initial work

Answer: The speaker suggests that both poetry and paintings create images that are brought to life in the imaginations of the poet/painter and the audience. The most striking aspects of Hesketh’s poem are her use of imagery, metaphor and comparison to emphasise the similarities between poetry and painting.

Hope this help's

Hesketh's peom: Hesketh's deeply felt conviction that modern man, his life "caged with steel" and "moulded into rods by the machine," has betrayed and desecrated his natural heritage is conveyed with telling impact through poems like "Born between the Wheels," "The Invading Spring," and "No Pause for Death," and her bleak vision of the future in "The Dark Side of the Moon."

Raw celery has a slight sparkle, a zingy taste that you don't get in cooked celery. When Mrs. Gleason came around with the relish tray, we each took another stalk of celery, except my brother. He took two.What does the word stalk mean in this sentence?
walk away angrily
salty taste
cooked quickly
piece of a plant


Piece of a plant. :)


piece of a plant


a stalk in this case is a stalk of celery/ a piece of celery.

You are starting a small business. You need to decide on what type of business it is and how much you would need as a start-up.


Answer: around 1000 or 600

Explanation: Depends what business it is and plus you need supplies such as packaging and the stuff to make something if you are doing a homemade store such as necklaces or rings

How should a reader find the central idea of a piece of writing?

A) Write to the author for clarification.
B) Identify and organize the key points.
C) Read other authors' works on the topic.
D) Take time off from reading to do other things.



Identify and organize the key points.

Which is a challenge of the digital news era? immediate access to news ability to share news more unreliable news sources more news published



more unreliable news sources.


An information source can be defined as a system or medium through which informations, knowledge and ideas may be gotten and used by an individual. An information source can either be a primary or secondary source of information. The source options for informations are television, radio, web, newspapers, journals, magazines etc.

The four criteria used to evaluate source options are;

1. Accuracy: the user of this source of information should check if the data presented are accurate and credible. At this point, you should ensure that the informations provided are well researched and cited for verification.

2. Authority: you should endeavor to know who the author and publisher of the information source is. Also, it is important to know their qualifications.

3. Currency: it is necessary to know when the information source was created or produced by the author. Also, the user of this data should verify when it was published (in the case of a book) or if it requires an update (in the case of a website). Hence, the information source should be timely.

4. Objectivity: ensure that the source of information is unbiased, reliable, and should not only contain opinions but facts.

In conclusion, any source option that meets or satisfies the aforementioned criteria is credible, factual and reliable for use.

Digital news era refers to the modern information sources that relies on the use of internet and technology for the dissemination of information to the readers or audience. Some examples are blogs, forums, social media platforms, etc.

However, a challenge of the digital news era is simply the creation or availabilty of more unreliable news sources due to easy access to the internet and smartphones or other communication gadgets.


There are more unreliable news sources.


what is the phrasal verb of asked out​



Grammar Points

Ask someone out → “He finally asked Maria out.”

Commonly used with for → “She asked me out for a coffee.”

Commonly used with to → “She asked me out to a coffee shop.”

Common Collocations

To/for dinner, to/for lunch, for coffee, for a drink, to the movies (US), to the cinema (UK)


Explanation:   TO ASK OUT

Hope it will help you! Please give brainiest if its correct!!!!

is the majority of the piece and the support that backs up the thesis.

the data
The claim
The evidence​


Answer: the evidence


what is the best explamation for why the hubble space telescopes needed cameras



to take pictures of things in space so NASA can examine what is in the picture for any important info


what are some satire short story ideas?


How To Flunk Your Exams While Having Fun Doing It.

No Need For A Best Friend When You Can Have A Pet.

Social Media Platforms Are The Better Option For Making Friends.

How To Avoid Doing Your Chores And Get Away With It.

Reasons Why School Is A Complete Waste Of Tim

I hope that helps, maybe

Hey! I have a few ideas...
- A cowboy using a smartphone for the first time.
- The roles of parents and children are reversed in an alternate detention
- A doctor that is supposed to be giving the vaccine to a patient accidentally gives a shot that turns the patient into a werewolf.
- Rich, rude aliens

I hope you liked my ideas! When you are finished with your short story, please tell me what it was about! Have a great day!

How to be positive, confident and care less about the world?​


try to look at the brighter side. if you’re in a situation (for example) where you are waiting for test results, don’t think about the bad possibilities that could happen but more of what good could happen. try to keep an open mind and but don’t ignore the truth.

stop looking back at your past!! you can’t do anything about it and you never will! it’s in the past for a reason. all you can do is keep living in the present and live your life.

it’s gonna take some time to care less about the world but eventually you’ll get there. you just have to understand how special you are and how most things that you are insecure or worried about don’t matter. you also have to let go of letting everything be perfect and your job IS NOT to please everyone except yourself. and try to find yourself and who you really are :)
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