Role _______ is experienced when individuals have inadequate information concerning their roles.


Answer 1

Role ambiguity is experienced when individuals have inadequate information concerning their roles.

This occurs when individuals do not have enough clarity over their roles and responsibilities in a particular situation or organization.

Completion of the statement: Role ambiguity

Role ambiguity occurs when individuals are unclear on the expectations of them in a particular situation or organization. This can lead to confusion and reduced motivation and performance, as individuals may not be sure of what exactly they should be doing.

Role ambiguity can be addressed by providing clear job descriptions and expectations, as well as providing support and feedback to ensure that individuals understand their roles. Additionally, offering regular training and development programs can help to reinforce expectations and reduce ambiguity.

Learn more about Role ambiguity:


Related Questions

An effective way to break the cycle of depression is to explain stressful events in terms that are?


An effective way to break the cycle of depression is to explain stressful events in terms that are specific and temporary.

emotions of sadness, tearfulness, vacancy or hopelessness.irritated outbursts, irritability or frustration, even over small matters.lack of interest or satisfaction in most or all ordinary sports, which includes intercourse, interests or sports.

Sleep disturbances, such as insomnia or sound asleep an excessive amount of. despair is a not-unusual intellectual sickness. Globally, it is estimated that 5% of adults suffer from the sickness. it's miles characterized by continual disappointment and a loss of hobby or pride in previously profitable or enjoyable activities. it could also disturb sleep and appetite. Tiredness and bad awareness are not unusual.

Learn more about depression here:


What is the biggest difference in who makes the contributions to 401(k) and ira retirement plans? brainly.


the biggest difference in who makes the contributions to 401(k) and ira retirement plans is A 401(k) is controlled and monitored by an employer, and an IRA is controlled by the investing individual.

A 401(k) is sponsored and administered by your employer. Employers decide where to invest their money. Occasionally, an employer will adjust some of the employee's contributions. Employers can also take out loans or make hardship withdrawals from 401(k) funds.

An IRA account is held by a custodian, which is a bank or brokerage firm. 401k plans have a limited range of options unlike IRA plans which offer virtually unlimited investment options. Individuals have more control over IRA plans than 401k plans. A 401k plan has a plan trustee and a plan sponsor, whereas an IRA plan does not.

learn more about retirement plan at


What is the reason for subsidy?



Explanation: ummm.what is subsidy?

malik raises his eyebrows and whistles when a friend picks him up in a new car. which statement accurately describes this communication?


The statement accurately describes this communication is both his eyebrow movement and his whistle are nonverbal.

communication is commonly described because the transmission of statistics. The term may additionally talk to the message communicated thru such transmissions or the field of inquiry analyzing them. there are many disagreements about its precise definition.

communication is the act of giving, receiving, and sharing statistics -- in different words, speaking or writing, and listening or studying. correct communicators listen carefully, speak or write really, and recognize specific critiques. communication is all approximately getting data from one celebration to another. according to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, communique may be defined as the technique or act of replacing, expressing or conveying statistics and thoughts through writing, talking and gesturing.

Learn more about communication here:


the tendency to think that a syllogism is valid if its conclusion is believable is called the .


The tendency to think that a syllogism is valid if its conclusion is believable is called the Belief Bias.

A syllogism is a type of logical argument that relies on deductive reasoning to draw a conclusion from two assertions or presumptions.It occurs when two true premises legitimately suggest a conclusion, which is the fundamental idea the argument is trying to convey.Belief bias is the propensity to evaluate an argument's force based on how plausible its conclusion seems rather than how firmly it supports it.

To know more about Syllogism here


when she started relating to me in the way she related to her mother, it became clear that she perceived her mother as a rival for her father’s affection. In what type of psychotherapy?


Psychodynamic psychotherapy is a type of it.

The psychodynamic theory is what?

The psychodynamic theory, often known as psychoanalytic psychotherapy, helps patients understand their emotions and unconsciously recurring behavioral patterns. By talking with a social worker about these feelings and actions, clients gain a better understanding of themselves and discover how to make better decisions for themselves.

What is an effective instance of psychodynamics?

Several instances include: Some people may start chewing their nails as a result of early childhood experiences. A childhood trauma that formerly inspired terror could now cause anxiety in adults. Obsessive handwashing is one of the behaviours that has been related to childhood trauma in the past.

To know more about psychodynamic visit:


the rationale underlying the use of projective personality tests, such as the rorschach test and the thematic apperception test, is that they


Reveal the personalities of the subjects by eliciting responses to vague ambiguous stimuli.

Projection tests are designed to reveal emotions desires and conflicts that are hidden from conscious awareness. By interpreting responses to ambiguous cues, psychoanalysts hope to uncover unconscious emotions that may be causing problems in a person's life.

Projective tests such as the Rorschach inkblot test and thematic perception tests, ask test takers to respond to ambiguous stimuli. A projection test is a personality test designed to make a person respond to ambiguous stimuli, possibly revealing hidden emotions and internal conflicts that the person projects onto the test.

Learn more about The thematic apperception test here:-


mary and paul made a great deal of money recently by winning the lottery. they come from families of little education or money. they moved to a beautiful new home in a neighborhood well known for the wealth and high social status of its residents. the neighbors have been unfriendly to them, ignore their attempts to make friends, and talk badly to each other about the new family in the neighborhood. this is an example of _____ aggression.


Ignore their attempts to make friends, and talk badly to each other about the new family in the neighborhood. this is an example of relational aggression.

What is relational aggression?

Relational aggression is the term used to describe harm inflicted on relationships as a result of covert bullying or deceptive behavior. Examples include excluding a young person from their peers (social exclusion), threatening to cut off communication with a friend (the "silent treatment"), and sending rumors and gossip via email.

There are several typical forms of relational aggression:

Relational Reactive Aggression In response to a provocation that makes one feel hurt, angry, or upset.Relationship aggression that is proactive.Romantic relationship aggression. Peer-directed relationship aggression.

Thus Mary and Paul facing relational aggression.

Learn more about relational aggression refer


Creosote Inc. operates a plant—a "major source"—that emits hazardous air pollutants for which the Environmental Protection Agency has set maximum levels of emission. The plant does not use equipment to reduce its emissions. Under the Clean Air Act, this is most likely:________.
a. a violation.
b. not a violation because a "major source" is exempt.
c. not a violation because the plant does not use any equipment.
d. not a violation because the plant is not a mobile source.


The Environmental Protection Agency has established maximum emission levels for the harmful air pollutants that Creosote Inc.'s factory, a "major source," generates. The factory doesn't employ machinery to lower its emissions. There is a good chance that this violates the Clean Air Act. The right response in this case is option A.

The Clean Air Act gives the Environmental Protection Agency the equipment it needs to safeguard our families from a variety of dangerous contaminants that, particularly in youngsters, can lead to lung illness and asthma.

Weakening these requirements will increase air pollution and endanger the health of our children. The Clean Air Act keeps pollution levels low and safeguards the well-being of American families and employees.

Americans will live longer, have a higher quality of life, spend less money on medical bills, miss fewer days of school, and produce more at work if there are fewer early deaths and diseases.

To learn more about Clean Air Act


focusing on learning and the strategies needed to learn are characteristic of which orientation? multiple choice question.


Mastery orientation is characterized by a focus on learning and the learning techniques required.

McClelland suggested there are two sorts of achievement motivation in his theory of achievement motivation. One is focused on preventing failure, while the other is focused on the rewarding objective of success.

The Acquired Needs Theory is another name for the Achievement Motivation Theory. Students' attention is drawn to achievement based on intrapersonal standards of learning through mastery goals. Performance goals concentrate on success based on normative or comparative performance criteria.

The foundation of a good life is achievement motivation because those who are motivated by success enjoy life and feel in control.

focusing on learning and the strategies needed to learn are characteristic of which orientation? multiple choice question.

- Mastery

- Helplesness

- Performance

- Mastery & Performance

To learn more on learning:


Which do you think i a greater threat to our country-law limiting free peech, uch a the Sedition Act, or the tate' right theory upported by Jefferon and Madion?


Jefferson's Kentucky Resolutions were more forceful, claiming that the compact theory implied a state's rightful claim to nullify federal laws. He consented with Madison that its Constitution was a state-to-state agreement.

The Alien and Sedition Act were a set of laws signed by the Federalist Congress in 1798 and put into effect by President Adams. These laws included powers to deport foreign nationals,  limiting free speech as well as restrictions on new immigrants' ability to vote. Jefferson and Madison believed that they alone represented the nation's true interests, and that they were fighting to protect the people from a corrupt conspiracy by the Federalists.

Learn more on free speech -


which person with depression would be the least likely to be diagnosed with a mental disorder because of the specific circumstances present


Someone whose community was destroyed by a tornado is the least likely to be diagnosed with a mental disorder because of the specific circumstances present.

Bipolar disorder is a mental illness that results in unusual swings in mood, energy, activity level, concentration, and the capacity to carry out daily tasks. It was formerly known as manic-depressive illness or manic depression.

Environmental influences, such as stress and trauma: A manic or depressive episode can be brought on by a stressful event, such as the death of a loved one, a significant illness, divorce, or money issues. As a result, trauma and stress may potentially contribute to the onset of bipolar disorder.

To know more about Bipolar disorder here


write an informational essay explaining how georgia steadily took control of land from the native americans.


The State of Georgia violently takes over the lands of the native Americans by treating them badly.

A large number of Europeans started exploring the Americas in search of fresh lands and opportunities. The inhabitants eventually established a new country known as the United States of America. New laws and a new government followed this.

People continue to immigrate to and become citizens of the US. The country got larger and more powerful. The population of the land increased. In an effort to acquire more land, Americans persisted in moving west.

Native Americans had long maintained settlements along the Mississippi and Georgia border. However, Andrew Jackson, the President of the United States, and other political figures wished to allow American farmers to settle here. Jackson put pressure on Congress, and in 1830 they approved the Indian Removal Act.

To know more about State of Georgia:


a friend shares a link to an article that seems to be making outrageous claims. what should you do to figure out whether you should trust it?


In order to trust Dig into where the article got its information from to ensure it is accurately presented.

If the abstract is overly intricate or technical, the article's body of work will likely follow suit. If you can grasp the majority of the abstract language, underline unfamiliar terms so you can look them up later. This could be a beneficial educational opportunity.In paid search advertising, sponsored adverts are displayed above organic results and to the side of search engine result pages to stand out more. Consider yourself a client seeking for a good or service online.

To know more about Information here


the rationale underlying the use of projective personality tests, such as the rorschach test and the thematic apperception test, is that they


The rationale underlying the use of projective personality tests, such as the rorschach test and the thematic apperception test, is that they confusing stimuli to expose the personalities of the respondents.

Projective personality tests, including the Rorschach test and the Thematic Apperception Test, are commonly used because they can shed light on a person's unconscious thoughts, feelings, and intentions. These tests ask the subject to describe what they see or conjure up a tale concerning hazy and ambiguous stimuli, including inkblots or images. It is thought that a person's reactions reveal their underlying personality qualities and internal conflicts.

According to the hypothesis, when presented with ambiguous cues, individuals extrapolate their own thoughts, emotions, and motivations, which exposes their unconscious cognitive processes.

To know more about Rorschach test visit:


Please check if these answers are correct. If the answer is wrong, please correct it


Answer: They are all correct


Paul is always the first one to object to any group proposal. what role is paul most likely playing?


Paul is dealing with representative Bias.

Bias is a belief that affects the ability to make a decision based on facts and evidence, more like a misconception. Representative bias occurs when similar events happen that confuse how a person thinks and how they have to get a result.

In other words, we jump to conclusions about something or someone based on how representative the particular case is. People in this do not listen to any kind of suggestions or opinions others give.

This can create a lot of problems in a company's decision-making. This makes people have many stereotypes which can cause prejudice, discrimination, etc.

To know more about the Bias,


How does the Department of Education work with States Departments of Education and local school districts?


Activities between regional school districts and between the federal government and local schools are coordinated by the state department of education.

The focus of state departments has switched from regulation compliance and oversight to technical support for school districts. There is a state board for vocational education in each state. Different states have different systems for organizing and managing vocational education. The state departments of education or public instruction are home to 36 state directors of career-technical education. According to Joanna Kister, seven are located with higher education boards, and seven either have their own unique boards or are situated with the state's workforce development board.

learn more about  state department   here:


How did american public opinion and legislation change in the wake of the attacks on the greer, kearny, and reuben james?


After the attacks on Greer, Kearny, and Reuben James, the public started demanding relaxing neutrality laws and motivating Americans to go to world war 2.

American sailors perished in the attack on the Kearny and the Reuben James' sinking; both events inspired Congress' interest in loosening or abolishing neutrality regulations and legislation. The sinking of US ships from German torpedoes. This caused increased tension between the two nations.

The number of Navy enlistments actually decreased following the Kearny incident and the sinking of the Reuben James, reflecting the disagreement that arose in the wake of the attack as more Americans grew to advocate further involvement in the war but many were opposed to the formal entry. This incident further entrenched the isolationism of America.

To learn about Germany's attack on Neutral countries, follow the below link:


after spending 15 minutes talking with a client, the client leaves the interaction feeling defensive. this is evidence that the communication can be described as what?


a client or group that seeks the legal, accounting, advertising, or architectural services of a   professional;    a person who utilizes the product

or services of a social welfare organization; a government agency; etc. a client. anybody who is dependent on another else; a patron. a client, business, etc. who seeks the counsel of a qualified man or womana person who uses a computer application or workstation that requests data or information from a server is referred to as a customer. A client is also a person who has registered with or is getting services or financial help from a welfare agency.

learn more about client here:


your friend confides that her coworker is always making sexually explicit comments to her and telling lewd jokes. you explain to her that this is


Your acquaintance confides that she believes her coworker constantly makes filthy jokes and comments about her that are sexual harassment. You convey to her that this is inappropriate behavior.

From verbal indiscretions to sexual abuse or assault, sexual harassment covers a wide spectrum of behaviours. Harassment can happen in a variety of social contexts, including the workplace, the family, schools, and places of worship. Any sex or gender might be a victim or a harasser.

My buddy confides because her coworker constantly makes vulgar or offensive comments to her as well as cracks jokes, which is regarded to be sexual harassment. It would be a wide term that covers a variety of unwanted verbal as well as physical forms of attention.

To know more about sexual harassment, click below-


During his past two vacations, stan received offers for freelance work. If stan continues to go on vacation he will receive more offers for work. Which logical fallacy do these sentences demonstrate?.


During his past two vacations, stan received offers for freelance work. If stan continues to go on vacation he will receive more offers for work.  These sentences demonstrate  fallacy of the single cause. the correct answer is D.

What is Logical Fallacy?

It refers to the wrong conclusion reached using false fallacies in a particular sentence or situation that does not follow the correct logical path.

A flawed, dishonest, or inaccurate argument is called a logical fallacy and can be refuted by logic. Errors can be classified into his two categories:

Arguments that have both premises and conclusions that stand up to scrutiny are called procedural errors. Inaccuracies in the structure, content, or setting of arguments are called unofficial errors.

What is the  Fallacy of the Single Cause?

The single-cause fallacy is considered to be a type of dubious-cause fallacy that occurs when an accident is assumed to have a single cause.

your question is incomplete but most probably your full question was

During his past two vacations, Stan received offers for freelance work. If Stan continues to go on vacation he will receive more offers for work. Which logical fallacy do these sentences demonstrate?

a. reversing causal direction

b. genetic fallacy

c. correlation proves causation

d. fallacy of the single cause

To know more about Logical Fallacies here


Use the words pharaoh and reign in a paragraph explaining the role of Egypt's leader.


The Egyptians thought that their pharaoh served as a liaison between the world of the gods and the world of mortals.

Who was the leader of the Pharaohs?

Hopkins portrayed Joe Young, the leader of the Pharaohs, in "American Graffiti," who persuades Curt, the film's hero, to attach a chain to a police car in order to rip out the vehicle's rear axle. Over the course of his career, Hopkins accrued more than 100 film and television credits.

Pharaohs in ancient Egypt served as both the nation's political and spiritual heads of state. The word "pharaoh" refers to the palace where the pharaoh resides and has the meaning "Great House." Early Egyptian kings were referred to as "kings," but over time the term "pharaoh" became more prevalent.

Learn more about pharaoh here:


Place these major moments in the history of American foreign relations in chronological order from earliest to most recent.
- George Washington gives his Farewell Address.
- President Monroe issues his Monroe Doctrine.
- The United States enters World War II.
- The United States and the Soviet Union engage in the Cold War.
- The September 11 terrorist attacks occur


The events in chronological order from earliest to most recent-

George Washington gives his Farewell Address 1796President Monroe issues his Monroe Doctrine 1823

What is Monroe Doctrine?

The most well-known American approach to the Western Hemisphere is the Monroe Doctrine. The doctrine, which President James Monroe hid in a regular yearly address to Congress in December 1823, alerts European countries that the U.s would not allow future colonization or puppet monarchies.

In 1823, the Monroe Doctrine was primarily intended to stop future British colonization of areas in the Western Hemisphere. This theory was developed by James Monroe in a speech to Congress in 1823.

3. The United States enters World War II 1941

4. The United States and the Soviet Union 1947

5. The September 11 terrorist attacks 2001

To learn more about Monroe Doctrine


why did karl rove encourage activists to place antigay initiatives on the ballot in some states during the 2004 election season?


Rove hoped to draw conservative voters to the polls in key states.

Nov. 5, 2004 -- A national uproar erupted when the mayor of San Francisco began issuing marriage licenses to gay couples and the Massachusetts highest court legalized same-sex marriage.

At the time, some Democrats were concerned that such actions might lead to a backlash against the Democratic Party during the election of 2004. Many Democrats today assert that those concerns were realized.
To know more about Karl Rove act of 2004 visit

a country's political system does not usually affect human resource management. group startstrue or false


The correct answer is false. A country's political system does usually affect human resource management.

Complex and challenging to examine are the political developments in human resource management. They affect both the economic and social surroundings and influence the type of working interactions.

The political environment in which a company operates has a direct impact on the political environment or atmosphere in which that company's human resource management operates. The severity of external restrictions, the type of employment agreements, numerous labor laws, and case law are only a few examples of the important factors that influence the political environment. These variables continue to alter, and as a result, the political climate of human resource management is constantly shifting.

Learn more about political system here


priscilla is 23 years old and usually has a fairly high sex drive. recently she has experienced an unexpected drop in sex drive, although she doesnt have any new medical problems. what would be an important question to ask her before recommending psychotherapy


An important question to ask her before recommending psychotherapy will be  Have you recently started taking birth control pills.

Psychotherapy is the application of psychological techniques, particularly when based on routine one-on-one contact, to assist a person in altering behavior, enhancing pleasure, and resolving issues.

The emphasis could be on learning specific tactics for dealing with or avoiding trouble regions or on problem solving. Additionally, counseling is typically more transient than therapy. Contrary to counseling, psychotherapy lasts longer and concentrates on a wider range of problems.

The majority of mental health issues can be helped by psychotherapy, including anxiety disorders including obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), phobias, panic disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) Depression and bipolar illness are two examples of mood disorders.

To know more about Psychotherapy here


Marking as brainiest



The Hindu-majority West Bengal became a state of India, and the Muslim-majority East Bengal (now Bangladesh) became a province of Pakistan.

Did the British really privilege Muslims over Hindus during the Crown Rule in India?

The British during the Raj were still deeply religious on the whole and committed to their Christianity - attendance at Church on Sundays was almost obligatory in every cantonment.

So naturally the British found a common friend in the Muslims who most closely aligned with their monotheistic values. Generally they found Hinduism confusing and repulsive and couldn’t (and wouldn’t) understand the mindset of the Hindus. Some of them, a tiny minority were very enchanted by Hinduism and sometimes “went native” - something which was severely condemned.

The other factor endearing the Muslims to the British was the fact that they were able to meet with the Muslims on a level playing field (as it were), treating the British as equals socializing and dinning with them, whereas the upper caste Hindus would have nothing to do with the British, and in fact treated them with contempt. The only Hindus the British had a greater degree of “intimacy” with, were their sweepers and servants.

So the British developed a greater degree of trust and commonality of faith with the Muslims and did privilege them above the Hindus.

The situation was not helped by the Missionaries who persistently railed against the evils of Hinduism and the wickedness and debauchery of the Hindus – but never accorded the same treatment to Islam and the Muslims.

There was one British officer who was said to have been the first white convert to Hinduism — Charles Stuart (East India Company officer) - Wikipedia

He was a gallant defender of Hindus and Hinduism and wrote a very interesting pamphlet defending the Hindus — this pamphlet is worth reading both for the malicious aspersions of the Reverend and for the defense by Charles (Hindoo) Stuart.




Multiple Choice: A Hindu and Muslim sections.

Written Answer: Bengal was divided based on belief and speech. Lord Curzon gave the order to divide Bengal on October 16, 1915. According to Lord Curzon, the meaning of division was to obtain administrative efficiency in administration.


Hope it helped:)

the perception that our fate is determined by circumstances beyond our control is most closely associated with:


The perception that our fate is determined by circumstances beyond our control is most closely associated with an external locus of control.

External locus of control is the idea or expectation that one's actions won't result in highly regarded reinforcement that is present in their environment; rather, reinforcement occurs as a result of uncontrollable circumstances like luck, chance, or randomness. A continuum of locus of control is anchored at one end by external locus of control and at the other by internal locus of control.

The construct was born out of research done by E. Jerry Phares and Julian Rotter at Ohio State University in the 1950s, and it was heavily influenced by Alfred Adler's earlier work on striving for greatness. It was believed that externality was connected to feelings of inferiority.

Know more about external locus of control here


paco's test scores and study skills in math have vastly improved over the last nine weeks. he seems to take more interest in his learning. what role did his parents play in enhancing motivation?


Parents should take an interest in his math assignments and teacher correspondence, so they can provide appropriate support and challenge.

Learning is the system of acquiring new understanding, information, behaviors, abilities, values, attitudes, and choices. The ability to study is possessed by human beings, animals, and a few machines; there's also proof for some sort of study in sure plants.

Non-stop getting to know is important because it helps humans to sense happier and greater fulfillment in their lives and careers, and to preserve more potent cognitive functioning when they grow old.

The getting-to-know manner begins if you have a brand new experience, whether this is reading a new phrase, being attentive to a person explaining an idea, or attempting a brand new approach to fixing a hassle.

Learn more about Learning


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One important similarity between the american revolution and the french revolution is that they both: ________ what monetary policy would intend to hold down inflation? select an answer and submit. for keyboard navigation, use the up/down arrow keys to select an answer. a reduce interest rates to increase investment spending b decrease the money supply to shift the aggregate demand curve leftward c decrease the money supply to shift the aggregate supply curve leftward d reduce the interest paid on banks' reserves. the nurse is reinforcing discharge instructions to the parents of a 2-year-old child who had an orchiopexy procedure done to treat cryptorchidism. the nurse would determine the parents understood the discharge instructions if they state which play activity is best for the child after this procedure? 6x/4=12 what does x=? what role does a trade-in allowance on old equipment play in a decision to retain or replace equipment? question 9 options: it is relevant since it reduces the cost of the new equipment it is relevant since it increases the cost of the new equipment it is not relevant to the decision since it does not impact the cost of the new equipment it is not relevant since it reduces the cost of the old equipment William Whipple, American HeroWe are used to thinking of the American Founding Fathers as heroes. They took on the British Empire, the greatest military force at the time, and defied a king. As representatives of their home communities, they took great risks to draft a document explaining the reasons to seek independence. Speaking out against the king was considered treason and would have resulted in financial ruin and even death for anyone caught.For one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, though, the act of signing was more than just the act of rebellion we know all the signers for. For William Whipple, the signing was a commitment to liberty that few signers lived up to.According to the book Lives of the Signers to the Declaration of Independence, William Whipple was born in Kittery, Maine, in 1730. William attended public school and took a job on a merchant ship shortly after finishing. His sea voyages were very successful, and when he retired from the sea he had made a small fortune.With that fortune, William became a successful businessman in Portsmouth before the Revolution. In part because of his success in business, he was elected to represent his community at the state congress. In 1775, he was selected as a delegate to the Continental Congress in Philadelphia. He participated in the congress, ultimately signing his name, with many others, to the document that launched the rebellion.War came shortly after the signing, and William was appointed to serve in the militia assigned to protect New Hampshire. At the time he began his military service, William owned a slave like most of his peers. The slave, named Prince, would have been expected to join William and serve with him in battle. As they were preparing to leave, Prince told William, "I have no freedom to fight for, sir." Seeing the truth in this, William is reported to have freed Prince immediately.Today, we look back on history through a great fog of time, and with lenses clouded by our own modern values. Our Founding Fathers displayed admirable courage in crafting and signing such a brilliant claim to human liberty. The idea that all people were created equal and endowed with certain rights was revolutionary in every way. The idea that government's job was to protect this equality and these rights was also revolutionary. We can admire the signers' commitment to these principals, and also know that the issue of slavery divided the nation from the signing until long after the end of the Civil War. We would perhaps have had a different history if more of the signers, like Whipple, had seen the cruel irony in declaring the oppression of Britain unjust and at the same time oppressing an entire race of people.What is the main idea of the bolded paragraph? (5 points) aThe Founding Fathers are known for the great risks they took to secure freedom. bThe Founding Fathers committed treason and could have been killed for signing. cThe Founding Fathers failed to live up to the promise of the Declaration of Independence. dThe Founding Fathers had many reasons to seek independence and defy the king.(help!!!!) Under what circumstance might propaganda unintentionally hurt rather than help a cause? if a round analog clock featuring numbers 1-12 is hung on the wall upside down, the minute hand will point to the right of the viewer when the clock reads two forty-five. The key is that a marketer researches and thinks through all the elements in the marketing plan, _____ the market plan for each individual product. acnh how to duplicate flowers do you have to open animal crossing every day in order for them to duplicate