roger is excited to begin his first part-time job. he expects to earn vacation, have his own health insurance, and contribute to his pension. true false


Answer 1

Beginning his first part-time job, Roger can't wait. It is accurate to say that he anticipates receiving paid time off, having his own health insurance, and paying into his pension.

When it comes to retirement plans and paid vacations, what do they mean?All non-wage remuneration supplied by an employer is included in the employee benefits package. In addition to paid time off and retirement plans like 401(k)s, these perks may include employer-sponsored health care.Other than a lack of regulations, unions, and market competition, there is no genuine "cause" for it. That "no one offers benefits for part-time employees" is false. Some firms do provide part-time workers with some perks, albeit usually at a lesser level.    

To learn more about Health insurance refer to:


Related Questions

a monopoly creates a deadweight loss because the monopoly group of answer choices does not maximize profit. produces less than the efficient quantity. sets a price that is too low. produces more than the efficient quantity. makes a normal profit.


The monopoly produces less than the efficient quantity, sets a price that is too low, produces more than the efficient quantity, and does not maximize profit, a monopoly results in a deadweight loss.

A monopoly is a type of market structure in which one company dominates an industry. Because of this, it is highly unlikely that such a company will accept the price as given. Instead, it will make use of its power to select a price and output that will allow it to make the most money. However, if it wants the market to clear, it must also take into account consumer demand behavior.A deadweight loss is a market inefficiency caused by a mismatch between goods consumption and demand. Due to the inefficiency, products are either overvalued or undervalued.

A monopoly creates a deadweight loss because the monopoly

sets a price that is too low

makes a normal profit.

does not maximize profit.

produces less than the efficient quantity.

To know more about monopoly visit


is netherlands experiencing a contractionary gap, an expansionary gap, or is the country producing at full employment gdp


By the middle of the 17th century, the Dutch economy had the best quality of living in Europe (and perhaps the entire world), thanks in part to trade, an early industrial revolution (driven by wind, water, and peat), land reclamation from the sea, and an agricultural revolution.

A cash dividend is a sum of money distributed on a regular basis to The Industrial Revolution was the shift to new industrial techniques that took place in Great Britain, continental Europe, and the United States between roughly 1760 and 1820–1840. This transition encompassed the switch from manual to mechanical production methods, the invention of new ways for producing chemicals and iron, the expansion of steam and water power, the creation of machine tools, and the growth of the mechanized factory system. Production significantly rose, which led to an exceptional rise in population and population growth rate. In terms of employment, output value, and capital invested, the textile sector dominated the Industrial Revolution. The adoption of contemporary production techniques was also pioneered by the textile sector.

Learn more about industrial revolution here


this equipment is expected to have a useful life of 6 years. at the end of the sixth year the working capital would be released for use elsewhere. the present value of all future opertaing cash inflows is closest to


The present value for all the future operating cash inflows must be closest to $452,300. Option (b)

The net amount of cash and cash equivalents coming into and going out of a business is referred to as cash flow. Money spent and money received reflect inflows and outflows, respectively.

Add your net income and non-cash expenses, then deduct your change in working capital and capital expenditures to arrive at free cash flow. Free Cash Flow is calculated as Net Income plus Non-Cash Expenses less the change in working capital minus capital expenditure.

Cash Flows

Year 0 =-$250,000 -$100,000 =-$350,000

Year 1-3 = $ 80,000

Year 4 = $ 80,000 -$40,000 =$40,000

Year 5 = $ 80,000

Year 6 = $ 80,000 + $ 90,000 +$100,000 =270,000

present value for operating cash inflows =$ 80,000/1.1 +$ 80,000/1.1^2 +$ 80,000/1.1^3 + $40,000/1.1^4 +$ 80,000/1.1^5 +270,000/1.1^6 =$428,350.36

Learn more about cash inflows visit this link :


Correct Question:

(Ignore income taxes in this problem.) The Becker Company is interested in buying a piece of equipment that it needs. The following data have been assembled concerning this equipment:

Cost of required equipmwnt.......$250,000

Working capital required........... $100,000

Annual operating cash flow........ $ 80,000

Cash repair at end of 4 years .... $40,000

Salvage value at end of 6 years... $90,000

This equipment is expected to have a useful life of 6 years. At the end of the sixth year the working capital would be released for use elsewhere. The company's discount rate is 10%.

The present value of all future operating cash inflows is closest to _____.

although print ads are static, they can be effective when executed well. the creative design aspects of a newspaper or magazine advertising campaign include decisions about the:


When properly carried out, they can be useful. Making decisions on the colours, images, wording, and layout for a magazine or a newspaper advertising campaign is considered creative design.

What exactly do you understand by marketing?

Real estate investment to display a good, terrible, or abstract notion is a commercial tactic called as advertising. What are commonly referred to as commercials are the actual advertising messages. The purpose of advertising is to connect with those who are least likely to become interested in buying a company's products or services.

What is the main goal of advertising?

The main purpose of advertising is really to increase the number of people who buy your products. You can accomplish this by using advertising to persuade customers that your product is exceptional, useful, or appealing.

To know more about advertising visit:


how would the federal reserve stimulate the united states economy and reduce unemployment?


The Federal Reserve boosts the economy, By redeeming bonds for cash from the general public and acquiring bonds on the open market, the Fed boosts the amount of money in circulation in the economy.

What is the economy?

The economy of any country is determined by the ratio of production and consumption that takes place within a year and evaluates the flow of funds in the market by analyzing the purchasing parity of an individual.

To lower unemployment rates and boost prices, the Fed uses a variety of monetary policy tools which include International market capital inflows, reserve management, cheap borrowing, and forward information to control market expectations.

Learn more about the Economy, here:


the measurement of the impact of change in purchase spend on a firm profit before taxes, assuming gross sales and other expenses remain unchanged, is referred to as:


The measurement of the impact of change in purchase spend on a firm profit before taxes, assuming gross sales and other expenses remain unchanged, is referred to as Profit-Leverage Effect.

Profit leverage translates the impact of savings in purchasing costs into the revenue equivalent required to have the same profit impact. A dollar saved on a purchase almost always has a larger impact on profits than an increase in dollar sales. Leverage describes the effect of debt on return on equity. Additional debt can increase the return on equity for owners. This applies as long as the total project profit is greater than the cost of the additional debt.

To learn more about Profit leverage, click here.


What does the federal gov spend the most on?


The U.S. government has spent $406.37 billion in fiscal year 2023 to ensure the well-being of the people of the United States.

The federal government burns through cash on different products, projects, and administrations to help the American public and pay revenue caused from acquiring. In monetary year (FY) 2022, the public authority burned through $6.27 trillion, which was more than it gathered (income), bringing about a shortage.

Federal Government most expenditure is on -

Government DebtSocial SecurityMedicareOther Health CareNational DefenseVeterans BenefitsSafety Net ProgramsEducationInfrastructureSalaries and Wages

Know more about Federal Govt Monetary Policy -


A cost that is relevant to one decision may be irrelevant to a different decision. this statement is?


True. Depending on the decision being made, a cost may be important or irrelevant.

Sunk costs are expenses that have already been paid for and cannot be retrieved. The money was used. A sunk cost is one sort of irrelevant cost in accounting. A management solely takes into account relevant costs and disregards all other costs while considering a new project or investment.

Relevant costs are those that will be incurred regardless of whether a decision is taken when a management is considering a specific course of action, whereas irrelevant costs are those that will not be incurred. Sunk costs are not considerations for decision-making.

An expense could be important for one choice while being unimportant for another.

Learn more about sunk costs and decision making in business here:


two rival firms vigorously compete by spending millions of dollars on product improvements and advertising to promote those improvements. this is an example of firms engaging in: a price leadership. b cournot competition. c bertrand competition. d non-price competition. e tacit collusion.


This is an example of firms engaging in Nonprice competition.

The correct option is d.

What do you mean by Nonprice competition?

Non-price competition is a marketing strategy in which "a company attempts to differentiate its products or services from competing products based on attributes such as design and finish."

Non-price competition is commonly found in oligopoly market structures. The difference between two products in an oligopoly without price competition is based on the manufacturer's design or manufacturing technology.

Between two or more producers who sell goods or services at the same price but compete to increase their respective market share through non-price measures such as marketing programs or higher quality Therefore, it often occurs in imperfectly competitive markets .

It is a form of competition that requires companies to focus on product differentiation rather than on pricing strategies among competitors. Such differentiating measures that allow a company to stand out from its competitors and its products may include providing superior service quality, extensive distribution, customer orientation, or other forms of sustainable competition other than price. Includes above benefits.

To learn more about Nonprice competition here:


How do I divide a total to get sales tax amount?


the formula for the sales tax: Sales tax percent divided by 100 is the sales tax rate. List price x sales tax rate equals sales tax. Consider, for illustration, a vending machine where every item is subject to a 7% sales tax.

The most recent month's receipts from the vending machines totaled $481.50. Therefore, $481.50 comprises both the money obtained from goods sales and the sales tax that was levied on those sales. Using algebra, we can determine how much of the $481.50 represents the actual sales amount and how much represents the sales tax on those items: Assume that S represents actual product sales (before sales tax) and that 0.07S represents the sales tax on actual product sales. We can write this as S + 0.07S = 1.07S = $481.50 since the genuine sales plus the sales tax equal $481.50. By dividing $481.50 by 1.07, we may find S. The actual product sales came to $450 as a result. On the actual purchases, there is a 7% sales tax of $31.50.

learn more about  sales tax here:


if management considers a material loss contingency to be probable but an amount cannot be reasonably estimated, the proper accounting treatment is


If control considers a cloth loss contingency to be probably however an quantity can't be fairly estimated, the right accounting remedy is: notice disclosure only.

The required details for Note disclosure in given paragraph

Note disclosures constitute a essential factor of the records that monetary announcement customers rely upon to make choices associated with a government’s monetary health, in addition to to evaluate whether or not governments were fiscally and operationally accountable. The GASB closing carried out a complete overview of notice disclosures in 1997. That research, which caused the improvement of No. Statement 38, Certain Financial Statement Note Disclosures, targeted on disclosure necessities powerful via 1994. The GASB has advanced full-size steerage on many varieties of monetary reporting subjects considering the fact that that time. Existing steerage for notes to the monetary statements identifies 17 awesome disclosures (such as the precis of widespread accounting policies, which itself contains thirteen or 141 required disclosures) which might be crucial to truthful presentation (Codification Section 2300, paragraph .106) and sixty one extra disclosures that have to be supplied if applicable (paragraph .107).

Those seventy eight notice disclosures are covered inside numerous NCGA and GASB pronouncements via GASB Statement No. 72, Fair Value Measurement and Application.

To know about Note disclosures click here


A firm is operating in the United States with only two other competitors in the industry.a. It is likely this industry would be characterized as:b. Firms in this industry will likely earn:c. If foreign firms begin supplying the product, increasing the number of competitors, it is likely that:


The right response is a. an oligopoly, b. this industry will probably make a profit, and c. Economic profits are expected to decrease if international businesses start supplying the goods, increasing the number of competitors.

What does market oligopoly mean?

In oligopoly markets, a limited number of suppliers control the market. They are present in every nation and a wide variety of industries. While some oligopoly markets are much more competitive than others, others can at least appear to be so. An oligopoly can prevent new competitors from entering the market, stifle innovation, and raise prices, all of which are detrimental to consumers. Instead than collecting prices from the market, companies in an oligopoly determine pricing, whether collectively—in a cartel—or under the direction of one enterprise.

To know more about oligopoly, visit:


one of the key purposes of variance analysis is to break down the master budget variance into component parts that isolate the effect of changes from the operational plan for number of units sold, amount of inputs used and the amount paid for inputs.. one of the key purposes of variance analysis is to break down the master budget variance into component parts that isolate the effect of changes from the operational plan for number of units sold, amount of inputs used and the amount paid for inputs.. true false


True, One of the main objectives of variance analysis is to divide the master budget variance into subparts that isolate the impact of variations from the operational plan.

What does variance analysis mean?

In budgeting or management accounting, variance analysis is the study of differences between actual behavior and predicted or planned behavior. Basically, this is about how the discrepancy between real and planned behavior shows how business performance is being influenced.

What three purposes does variance analysis serve?

Businesses can use this comparison to study historical data, keep tabs on costs, and more effectively prepare for future expenses. Material variance, labor variance, and fixed overhead variance are the three primary categories of variance analysis.

To know more about variance analysis, visit:


what tactic was number one in helping north american firms be most successful in their content strategy was:


A content strategy is a plan for using content to accomplish your company objectives. Your target audience will be drawn to your content at every point of the sales process, and you can continue to engage them even after they've made a purchase. Say that one of your business's objectives is to raise brand recognition.

In order to support important business activities, content strategy is the high-level planning, execution, governance, and ongoing management of the content lifecycle. In essence, it's your brand's strategy to use content to increase traffic, leads, engagement, sales, and other business results. Three essential components—brand focus, user experience, and content distribution—are required for a successful content strategy, according to industry experts. A sound content strategy takes a KPI into account and then strives to achieve it. It is a road map that outlines the precise steps that must be performed to accomplish that goal. Of all, even with the best strategy and execution, content initiatives occasionally fail to achieve their KPIs.

Learn more about content strategy here


The Environmental Protection Agency is attempting to rule on whether pollution from greenhouse gas emissions endangers public safety. One of the many greenhouse gas polluters is cows and their cow farts (this is really true). Economists have devised a theory to help address this issue. Identify the statement that economic theory believes to be true from the list below.


A statement that economic theory believes to be true is to maximize social welfare, all pollution should be removed.

The distribution, production, and consumption of goods and services are the main topics covered in economics studies. The study of these activities' execution, coordination, and impact on societal and individual well-being are all included. People who study economics are better able to comprehend their environment. It makes it possible for people to comprehend other people, organizations, markets, and governments, enabling them to better adapt to the challenges and possibilities that arise as circumstances change.

In fact, keeping track of gains and costs is one of the key functions of economic theory. Without a theoretical model of economic links, it would be exceedingly challenging to apply the fundamental economic concept of opportunity cost.

The given question is incomplete, the complete question is:

The Environmental Protection Agency is attempting to rule on whether pollution from greenhouse gas emissions endangers public safety One of the many greenhouse gas polluters is cows and their cow farts (this is really true). Economists have devised a theory to help address this issue. Identify the statement that economic theory believes to be true from the list below.

a. To maximize social welfare, all pollution should be removed.

b. If the cost of paying a pollution charge (fart tax) is less than the cost of reducing pollution, the farmer (and his or her cows) will have an incentive to reduce pollution.

c. The benefit of pollution cleanup to society is always less than the cost of pollution O cleanup, especially if all costs are borne by the producer (which means the farmer, but technically, the cows are doing the producing)

d. Environmental standards (aka command-and-control regulation) regarding cow farts creates strong incentives for the farmer to reduce as much as possible

e. The efficient level of pollution removal occurs where the marginal benefit of pollution O removal equals the marginal cost of pollution removal (some cow farts could be allowed)

To know more about Economy Theory here


which of the following is/are examples of intrinsic motivators? (a) praise (b) job security (c) free time (d) perks (e) none of the above


Praise is an illustration of an internal motivator since it increases the desire for improvement.

Intrinsic motivation is the practice of engaging in an activity for its own intrinsic fulfillment as opposed to pursuing a separate benefit. When a person is intrinsically motivated, the fun or difficulty involved in the action serves as their motivation rather than external demands, pressures, or incentives.

Young infants' persistent attempts to grasp, throw, bite, crush, or shout at strange objects are signs of their inherent motivation. Even as people become older and become less significant, human adults are frequently intrinsically motivated, whether they are playing crosswords, making art, gardening, reading books, or watching movies.

To know more about motivators click here,


Productivity is defined by the formula of outputs divided by ______ for a specified period of time.


Productivity is defined by the formula of outputs divided by inputs for a specified period of time.

In advertising, a product is an object, system, or carrier made available for customer use in keeping with patron demand; it's miles anything that can be provided to a market to fulfill the choice or want of a patron.

A product is an item provided for sale. A product may be a provider or an item. it can be bodily or digital or cyber form. each product is made at a cost and each is offered at a fee. The rate that may be charged depends available on the market, the best, the advertising, and the section this is targeted.

There are 4 styles of products and each is classed based totally on client habits, charge, and product characteristics: comfort goods, shopping items, area of expertise merchandise, and unsought items.

Learn more about the product here:-


heart company has two divisions. division a is interested in purchasing 10,000 units from division b. capacity is available for division b to produce these units. the per-unit market price is $30 per unit, with a variable cost of $25. the manager of division a has offered to purchase the units at $22 per unit. in an effort to make this transfer price beneficial for the company as a whole, what range of prices should be used during negotiations between the two divisions? a.$22 to $25 b.over $30 c.$25 to $30 d.$22 to $30


C. $25 to $30, The price range is the range of prices that have been observed on a market over a specific period of time.

How can I determine the price range?

For instance, if payments to one institution ranged from $10 to $20 to $30 to $40 and $50, the median, or middle price, would be $30. Using a 25th and 75th percentile computation, the "Price Range" represents the usual range of payments after eliminating excessively high and low payments on both ends.

Why is the pricing range crucial?

What makes pricing crucial? To remain competitive in marketplaces under rising volume and price pressure, the proper pricing strategy is crucial. It gives you the compensation you are due for the goods and services you provide and ensures the earnings you need to make investments in change and expansion.

To know more about Price Range visit:


What is the practice of keeping a product generic as long as possible before​ customizing?


The practice of keeping a product generic as long as possible before​ customizing is postponement.

Investing in a product or service later than necessary or producing a generic product that can be modified later before being distributed to the customer is known as the postponement. This business strategy is used in manufacturing and supply chain management to maximize potential benefits and minimize risk.

Reduction in inventory is one of the main advantages of postponing manufacture. This is because it allows you to have fewer completed items on hand. Only once a formal purchase has been placed, or after firm demand has been established, will be finished units be configured, tested, packaged, and dispatched.

The given question is incomplete, the complete question is:

What is the practice of keeping a product generic as long as possible before customizing?

A) postponement

B) keiretsu

C) vendor-managed inventory

D) forward integration

E) backward integration

To know more about Postponement here


suppose molly formed a c corporation, maple corporation in 2022 with a calendar tax year and made an s election on march 10, 2022 with the consent of maple corporation's shareholders: molly, wendy, and jesse (all unrelated individuals). when is the s election effective?


The correct answer is January 1, 2021. The explanation is that since the election was made within two and a half months of the beginning of the year,  the election is actively effective at the beginning of the year.

The S election is defined as a request filed with the revenue services to change the business' tax status. When you elect S corporation status with the revenue services you get to declare your business as a separate entity from your personal and private finance system.

Usually, businesses change their status from C services to S services by filing an application in the revenue services.

Learn more about S election here


The use of sales promotion has increased dramatically over the past 30 years, primarily at the expense of _______.
a.public relations
b.personal selling marketing


The use of sales promotion has increased dramatically over the past 30 years, primarily at the expense of advertising.   Thus option (d) is correct.

What is advertising?

Advertising is a marketing technique involving paying for space to promote a product, service or cause.

Advertising is known to be the process of sharing information on  television, print , radio, and others.

The three main types of advertising in public relations are endorsement advertising, informative advertising, persuasive advertising.

Learn more about advertising here:


rahul owns a salmon farm with market power in washington. rahul's optimal output occurs where marginal revenue marginal cost. because of monopoly power, rahul's supply curve . equals; does not exist exceeds; does not exist equals; is upward sloping exceeds; is perfectly inelasti


In the above condition, it can be interpreted that because of monopoly power, the supply curve of Rahul does not exist. Therefore, the option C holds true.

A supply curve can be referred to or considered as the graphical representation of the total supply available in the market for a particular seller, which is determined by the formidable forces of the different factors of production.

In a monopoly, the seller does not have a supply curve, as the entire supply is in his or hands, and furthermore, the marginal cost is also equal to the marginal revenues of the monopolist.

Learn more about a supply curve here:


Two oligopolistic firms forming a cartel will want to set a price so that the cartel produces ______________ the allocatively efficient amount.

A less than

B more than

C the same amount as

D One cannot tell.


Two oligopolistic firms forming a cartel will want to set a price so that the cartel produces more than the allocatively efficient amount.

An oligopoly is a market structure in which a marketplace or industry is ruled with the aid of a small quantity of big sellers or producers. Oligopolies often end result from the choice to maximize income, that could cause collusion between agencies. This reduces opposition, increases expenses for purchasers, and lowers wages for personnel. Many industries were mentioned as oligopolistic, together with civil aviation, electricity carriers, the telecommunications quarter, Rail freight markets, food processing, funeral offerings, sugar refining, beer making,[1] pulp and paper making, and automobile manufacturing.

Learn more about oligopolistic


in 2021, grace incurred $2,000 in employee business expenses. her adjusted gross income was $40,000, and she had no other miscellaneous deductions. what amount is she able to deduct on her 2021 schedule a (form 1040), itemized deductions?


According to the given situation, $ 0 amount  is she able to deduct on her 2021 schedule a (form 1040), itemized deductions.

What do you mean by the gross income?

Your gross income is the total amount of money you make before deducting taxes and other expenses. You can receive your earned income in a variety of ways, including salary, bonuses, tips, hourly pay, rental income, dividends from stocks and bonds, and interest on savings accounts.

This covers earnings from all sources, not only work, and is not restricted to earnings in cash; it also covers earnings from the receipt of goods or services.

The sum of an individual's earnings before taxes or other deductions is their gross income, which is sometimes referred to as their gross pay on a paycheck.

Therefore, according to the given situation, $ 0 amount  is she able to deduct on her 2021 schedule a (form 1040), itemized deductions.

To know more about the gross income, visit:


The amount of goods and services you can buy with a dollar in the global market ________. The fed can create more money when it believes more money is needed to get the economy moving again.


The amount of goods and services you can buy with a dollar in the global market is Purchasing power. The fed can create more money when it believes more money is needed to get the economy moving again.

What occurs when the Fed raises the money supply?

A rise in the money supply has two effects: it lowers interest rates, which encourage investment, and it puts more money in the hands of consumers, which makes them feel wealthier and encourages consumption.

The quantity of products or services that one unit of money can currently purchase is known as its purchasing power.

Therefore, one can say that the amount of goods and services that one monetary unit can purchase is known as its purchasing power. The purchasing power of currency decreases over time as a result of rising costs.

Learn more about Purchasing power from

which company acts on behalf of more than 200 universities, bowls, and conferences to negotiate licensing agreements?


Collegiate Licensing Company acts on behalf of more than 200 universities, bowls, and conferences to negotiate licensing agreements. The  Collegiate Licensing Company is an advertising and intellectual licensing firm.

What is a licensing agreement?

A licensing agreement is a legal contract between two parties, known as the licensor and the licensee .

In a typical licensing agreement, the licensor grants the licensee the right to produce and sell goods, apply a brand name or trademark, or use patented technology owned by the licensor.

Learn more about the Licensing agreement here:


question 7 of 10: you have gotten advice that you should spend no more than 30% of your take-home pay on rent. your take-home pay is $1,400 per month. how much can you afford to pay for rent per month?


You can afford to pay for rent per month is $420.

Rental costs are fixed operating or absorption costs of a business, as opposed to variable costs. Rent is often subject to his one- or two-year contract with extension options between the landlord and tenant.

The pension has three concepts: basic pension, economic pension, and quasi-pension. A renter pays Land rent to a landlord for renting land. Landlords receive this price because the land is in short supply.  Rent earned by the owner is considered income under existing Indian law. Landlords earning such income are therefore obliged to pay tax on their rental income in India.

Learn more about rent here:-


you are analyzing a risk and have determined that the sle is $1,200 and the aro is 3. what is the ale?


The Annual Loss Expectancy (ALE) is $3,600.

The financial value anticipated from the incidence of a risk on an asset is known as single-loss expectation. It has to do with risk management and risk evaluation. It has to do with risk management and risk evaluation. The mathematical formula for single-loss expectancy is: where the exposure factor is stated as the impact of the risk on the asset, or as a percentage of the asset lost.

The predicted frequency with which a risk or hazard is expected to materialize is referred to as the annualized rate of occurrence, or ARO.

The yearly rate of occurrence multiplied by the single loss expectancy results in the annualized loss expectancy.

To know more about Annual Loss Expectancy (ALE) :


chiptech, inc. paid a $3 dividend last year and is expected to grow the dividend at 10% for the next 2 years. the dividend will then grow at a constant rate of 4%, thereafter. if investors require a return of 12% on this stock, what is chiptech's current price? multiple choice question. $52.15 $43.46 $35.87 $32.19


Chemtech, inc. paid a $3 dividend last year and is expected to grow the dividend at 10% for the next 2 years. the dividend will then grow at a constant rate of 4%, thereafter. if investors require a return of 12% on this stock, what is Chemtech's current price is  $43.46.

A bond's future cash payments are discounted by the going market interest rate to get its present value. The sum of the following factors determines a bond's present value: plus the discounted value of the interest payments due every two years. the principal payment's current value on the bond's maturity date. The current price is the cost at which a securities most recently traded hands on an exchange. For buyers and sellers, the current price acts as a benchmark. Present pricing is a good reflection of current worth, but depending on supply and demand, the actual price of the next sale could be greater or lower.

learn more about   current price here


let’s focus on the second quarter since the change in velocity is so dramatic. during that quarter, the cpi fell by 0.9%, real gdp fell by 9.0%, the money supply rose by 23%, and velocity changed by_____%. give your answer to one decimal.


Due to the fact that the economy shrank in the second period and GDP decreased by 0.9%, the cpi fell by 0.9%, and the money supply rose by 23%.

Money's velocity varies according to the amount of money available and how great a demand there is for it. Both of these measurements and the velocity of money typically have an inverse connection, which means that an increase in the supply or demand of money frequently causes an increase in the velocity of money.

For this application, economists typically use GDP and either M1 or M2 for the money supply. Therefore, the velocity of money equation is written as GDP divided by money supply.

[tex]\text{Velocity of Money} = \frac{ \text{GDP} }{ \text{Money Supply} }[/tex]

To know more about Money's velocity at:


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What is the value of a, if a>5? why did most ordinary poles oppose the lutheran reform movement? they were exempt from most church taxes. they saw the catholic church as a counterweight to the power of the polish monarchy. they believed themselves specially selected by god to preserve the catholic faith. they held strong anti-german sentiments. which of the following most accurately describes el nino a. a weather phenomenon caused by flooding in the americas and droughts in western tropical pacific areasb. a weather phenomoenon that results from changes in air pressure and water temperature over and in the pacific oceanc. a severe hurricane with intense winds and significant wavesd. warm waters in the atlantic ocean that flow westward in heavy wind given that about 25% of the mammalian genome is associated with genes, including introns and regulatory sequence, what would be the approximate average length of dna per gene if the genome contained 20,000 genes? the enzyme acetylcholinesterase, located in the synaptic cleft and on the postsynaptic membrane, breaks ach down into acetate and choline, thereby stopping the stimulation of a postsynaptic cell. t or f an employer can eliminate a workers medical, optical, or dental insurance coverage on the voluntary termination of the workers employment. t or f Which detail in the text best connects to the project goals conveyed in paragraph 2?(10) Caron said that even though most roads have culverts, many are not appropriate for all species due to their location, size,or surrounding habitat. Many underpasses are unusable for wildlife species because of siltation blocking the culvert or wallsassociated with the culverts blocking access.(11) Though NPS is still in the middle of the post-construction study, it's clear that the mitigation is having a large impact on thepermeability of the roadway for local wildlife. Some culverts that had almost no use prior to the retrofitting of ramps are nowseeing wildlife use almost daily. Hexane burns according to the following equation:2C6H14(g) + 19O2(g) ----------> 12CO2(g)+14H2O(g)What volume of CO2 forms when 8.00 L of hexane burn, assuming the two volumes are measured under the same conditions? What volume of oxygen will be needed? You need to deploy Windows to multiple new computers using a system image. Before deploying the image, you need to insert the third-party drivers from the C:\Drivers\Network and C:\Drivers\Custom directories into the system image. Which command should you enter at the command prompt? (Select two. Each answer is a possible solution.) evaluate the extent to which the methods used by rulers to legitimize their authority were similar in the period 1450-1750 ce. Coherent light with wavelength 400 nm passes through two very narrow slits that are separated by 0.200 mm, and the interference pattern is observed on a screen 4.00 m from the slits. a. What is the width (in mm) of the central interference maximum? b. What is the width of the first-order bright fringe? Assume that each Box object has the properties x, y, width, height and have their origin at their center, and that neither the objects nor the bounding boxes rotate. Ross Dress for Less, an American chain of discount clothing stores, sells its goods at prices 25% or more below than traditional stores prices. Ross Dress for Less is an example of globalization is about culture change. discuss popular culture and indigenization, where some idea, behavior, or object from western european or american culture moved to non-western or indigenous societies and culture. provide one example you learned from your textbook or class lecture of how this phenomenon operates in the world A fixed budget, also known as a static budget, has resources allocated on a single estimate of costs. that budget amount ______. In UVW, UWUW is extended through point W to point X, mUVW=(3x+4)mUVW=(3x+4) , mVWX=(8x12)mVWX=(8x12) , and mWUV=(x+20)mWUV=(x+20) . What is the value of x?x? What is the central idea of the following passage (paragraph 13)?DOLLSo where's the romance? American Romanticism and Transcendentalism are not about romance,per se, but they do have something to do with love-the love of truth, the love of beauty, and thelove of nature. Like romantic love, Romanticism is characterized by optimism, idealism, andintuition. Romanticism and Transcendentalism, however, direct all of this love and optimism nottoward another person, but toward the natural world and the divine within ourselves. The idealsof "big R" Romanticism, as well as Transcendentalism, are woven into the fabric of the Americanpsyche. We can see their effects in movies about people who retreat to nature to become closerto themselves or reassess their life's purpose. We see these themes played out in stories aboutrugged individualists.O A. Romanticism is the singular most influential social and philosophical movement in the United States.B. Romanticism has lost significance and relevance in our increasingly technology-based world.O C. The principles and values of Romanticism are still present in modern America and everyday life.D. In recent years, Romantic ideas and beliefs have widely replaced traditional religious practices. Feeling personal satisfaction because you perform well is which type of reward? Member of the Transnational capitalist class:-the accountant for a transnational corporation-the CEO of a transnational corporationIdentify whether or not sociologist Leslie Sklair would categorize the following people as belonging to the transnational capitalist class. PLEASE SHORTEN THE TEXT BELOW TO 120 WORDS OR LESSI was getting ready for school and didn't know that today would change my life. But then, I heard a knock on the door. I opened the door. There were two police outside, one of them holding a gun."Are you Mr. Baker's son?" one of the men asked. "Y-Yes," I stuttered, "How may I help?" The two men exchanged eye contact, and one said, "Jeff Baker is under arrest for murder.""What! That's nonsense!" I yelled."Who are you talking to, Charlie?" My father said as he walked down the stairs."Freeze! Police!" The police said as they pointed their guns at my father."Dad, they're mad!" I said, "They say that you're a murderer!"My father looked at me as his expression froze. Finally, his eyes turned red as tears started to form."I'm sorry, Charlie," He finally said. The police took him in the police car, and I didn't see him again until he appeared on the news.