Rh positive blood is dominant to Rh negative blood. A child with AB negative blood and a child with O negative blood are produced from parents that are A positive and B positive respectively. Show the genotypes of the parents involved in this cross and the resulting punnet


Answer 1

The genotypes of the parents involved in this cross are A positive (IAIA) and B positive (IBi). The resulting punnet square would look like this:

A Positive (IAIA) B Positive (IBi)

A Positive (IAIA) AA, AO

B Positive (IBi) AO, BB

The resulting possible genotypes of the children produced from this cross would be AB negative (IAi) and O negative (ii).

Related Questions


The Supreme Court checks the executive and legislative branches, especially in the expansion of federal power since the ratification of the U.S. Constitution. Consider the statement:

Since Supreme Court judges are not elected and hold lifetime appointments, the judiciary is the most powerful branch.

Do you agree or disagree? Do you think the Court holds too much power? Why or why not? In one paragraph, express an argument about the power of the Supreme Court. Use examples of judicial rulings and/or checks on the judicial branch to argue your point.



I disagree that the judiciary is the most powerful branch of government in the United States. While it is true that Supreme Court judges are not elected and hold lifetime appointments, the Court's power is limited by the fact that it can only interpret and apply the law, rather than making or enforcing laws itself. Additionally, the Court's decisions can be overruled by a constitutional amendment or by a future decision of the Court. For example, the Court's decision in the landmark case of Marbury v. Madison, which established the principle of judicial review, has been cited in countless subsequent cases, but it can still be overturned by a future decision of the Court or by a constitutional amendment. Overall, while the Court plays a crucial role in checking the powers of the executive and legislative branches, it does not hold too much power in the U.S. political system.


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The national debt and a shift of potential jobs from the private to public sectors are two ways that defence spending has an economic cost. Because the civilian sector has gained access to new technology and human resources.

What defence spending related to military strength?

a.Political philosophies often concentrate on how power should be distributed and used. While some political parties have strong principles they adhere to, others may get ideas from a variety of similar concepts without officially adopting any of them.

b. Democrats have long argued that the military budget is excessively large due to needless expenditure on the construction of weapons and equipment. That the Pentagon claims it doesn't need, but that nevertheless support local economies in states and districts with powerful congressmen.

Therefore, c. Once a legislation is passed, Congress has the power and duty to oversee how it is carried out, and its committees take the initiative in this work.

Learn more about military strength here:



What causes racism?

3 paragraphs



Cause #1: Greed and self-interest

Many experts believe racist beliefs were developed to justify self-interest and greed. For almost 400 years, European investors enslaved people through the Transatlantic slave trade to support the massive tobacco, sugar, and cotton industries in the Americas. Slavery was cheaper than indentured servitude, so slavery was a business decision, not a reflection of hatred or bigotry.

Chesapeake, which grew tobacco, provides a good example. For a while, land owners used indentured servants, most of whom were young men who signed a 4-7 year contract. Servants were exploited during their contract, but after their time was over, they were free. The first Africans, some of whom worked as indentured servants, likely arrived in 1619. However, by the 1660s, the number of indentured servants from Europe dwindled, so tobacco plantation owners began to rely on slavery to raise profits. What could justify the ownership of other humans? Defenders of slavery had a list of racist reasons, saying that slavery was part of God’s plan, it “civilized” Black people, and that some races were so inferior they were meant to be slaves. As Preston Tisdale wrote in an opinion piece for CTPost, “the demonization and dehumanization of African Americans needed to be powerful enough to obfuscate the horrors of slavery.” Racism has certainly proved powerful.

Cause #2: Scientific racism

While many say ignorance sparks racism, some of history’s most intelligent minds were behind racist ideas. Around the end of the 18th century, science replaced religion and superstition as the intellectual authority. In the way scientists started categorizing animals and plants, they also started categorizing humans. In 1776, German scientist Johann Fredrich Blumenbach classified humans into five groups, putting “Caucasian,” or “the white race” at the top. In the mid-1800s, Samuel George Morton posited that brain size was linked to intelligence. He concluded that white people had larger skulls and were therefore intellectually superior. While scientific texts were not widely available in this era, Morton’s ideas managed to spread in accessible publications, like cheap periodicals.

Scientific racism only grew stronger as the years went by. The Nazis relied heavily on classifications, eugenics, and other racist junk science when justifying their genocide. While no longer held in high regard, scientific racism continues to this day thanks to groups like the Pioneer Fund, which supports publications writing about race-based differences in intelligence.

Cause #3: Discriminatory policies

Policies that discriminate by race reinforce racist beliefs. It sends a message to society that certain people, simply because of their race, don’t deserve the same treatment or opportunities as everyone else. Governments use a variety of justifications, such as natural security or public health, that many won’t ever question. It rarely matters if those justifications are at all based in reality.

Housing laws are a prime example of this. In the United States, regulations kept Black people from owning houses in certain neighborhoods for decades, relegating them to lower-quality housing and preventing them from accumulating wealth. This process of providing housing to white, middle-class, and lower-middle-class families while excluding Black Americans and other Americans of color is known as “red-lining.” The Federal Housing Administration believed if Black Americans bought homes in or near suburbs, the property values would drop. The FHA had no facts to back up this belief. Red-lining had consequences that resonate to this day, including but not limited to a gap in generational wealth and racist beliefs about Black people.

If Congress adheres to a libertarian economic policy, which of the following measures would it most likely employ during an economic recession?



A constitutional amendment that prohibits the federal government from creating government subsidies and bailouts to businesses.

Measures to be employed during economic recession is A constitutional amendment that prohibits the federal government from creating government subsidies and bailouts to businesses.

What is economic recession?

A recession is a business cycle contraction that occurs when there is a broad fall in economic activity. Recessions often arise when consumer spending falls dramatically.

Economic recessions can be triggered by a variety of factors, including a loss of consumer confidence, rising interest rates, a stock market crash, and the bursting of asset bubbles.

If Congress follows a libertarian economic strategy, a constitutional amendment prohibiting the federal government from providing government subsidies and bailouts for firms will almost certainly be used during an economic downturn.

Learn more about economic recession here:



How do you calculate this? Could anyone help


The probability of a z-score greater than -0.04 is given as follows:

P(z ≥ -0.04) = 0.516.

How to obtain probabilities using the normal distribution?

The z-score of a measure X of a variable that has mean symbolized by [tex]\mu[/tex] and standard deviation symbolized by [tex]\sigma[/tex] is obtained by the rule presented as follows:

[tex]Z = \frac{X - \mu}{\sigma}[/tex]

The z-score represents how many standard deviations the measure X is above or below the mean of the distribution, depending if the obtained z-score is positive or negative.Using the z-score table, the p-value associated with the calculated z-score is found, and it represents the percentile of the measure X in the distribution.

From the second bullet point, the probability in this problem is given by one subtracted by the p-value of z = -0.04.

The p-value of z = -0.04 is of 0.484, hence:

P(z ≥ -0.04) = 1 - 0.484 = 0.516.

More can be learned about the normal distribution at https://brainly.com/question/25800303


Describe the impact of its absence as a result of people not paying taxes.



Sentenced to 6 years in prisonGovernment activities are hampered and the state does not want to increase debtNot paying taxes is the same as refusing facilities built from taxesThe amount of subsidy is reduced


Taxes are mandatory money paid by the people to the state without direct contravention and will be used for the benefit of the government and the general public.

Suppose you wake up one morning and suddenly know everything there is to know about math and science. If you could use that knowledge to solve a problem in your community, what problem would you solve? Describe the problem. How would you use math and science to solve the problem?

Correct Answer gets 100 points!!!!!!!!!!



i would use the knowledge to solve others problems

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