Revenge is to charity as depression is to


Answer 1


I would say happiness.

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it is a regular scene​



Yes it is regular scene.

What is the main idea of "A dead woman's secret"
PLZ answer as soon as possible :)


In the short story “ A Dead Woman's Secret by Guy de Maupassant, the basic theme is devoted to family and private relationships. The main characters in the story are Marguerite (the daughter), the judge (the son), the priest, and the deceased mother. Marguerite is a nun and she is very religious.


“ A Dead Woman's Secret by Guy de Maupassant, the basic theme is devoted to family and private relationships. The main characters in the story are Marguerite (the daughter), the judge (the son), the priest, and the deceased mother. Marguerite is a nun and she is very religious.

Note : This is for your extra knowledge

Thank you good luck

Summary: "A Dead Woman's Secrets" by Guy de Maupassant was a short story about a mother who just passed away and her family members finding out “secrets” about their deceased mother. She had died from a painless death in her bed looking like she had got herself ready before dying.

Tone used to ridicule or make fun of human vice or weakness, often with the intent of correcting, or changing, the subject of the attack. What word does this go with?





Satire is a literary genre that involves the use of sarcasm, ridicule, and humor to point out the follies and weaknesses of the person. In other words, it is used to talk about the negative aspects of a person with the intention of making fun of it.

It is a literary technique that ridicules or makes fun of a person's character, vices or weaknesses. But most of all, it is done with the hope of pointing out the 'wrongs' of the person in the belief that it will help correct or change the person's qualities.

Thus, the correct answer is satire.

What does the suffix -ist mean in the word pianist?
a person who builds something
a person who fixes something
a person who performs something
a person who teaches something






A person who performs something

Please do not write anything just for the points
write a paragraph or more explaining the central idea and everything about the poem "I Dwell in Possibility"
I dwell in Possibility –
A fairer House than Prose –
More numerous of Windows –
Superior – for Doors –

Of Chambers as the Cedars –
Impregnable of eye –
And for an everlasting Roof
The Gambrels of the Sky –

Of Visitors – the fairest –
For Occupation – This –
The spreading wide my narrow Hands
To gather Paradise –


Major Themes in “I Dwell in Possibility”: Power of poetry, nature, and joy are the major themes of this poem. Throughout the poem, the poet tries to develop the idea that poetry possesses an ultimate power and that it is superior to other genres of literature. Its small verses, coupled with few expressions, carry infinite intent. To her, it is limitless and infinite, something that has many ways of interpreting and analyzing. She projects it as a powerful entity that allows its readers to feel things beyond rational thoughts. It allows us to experience feelings, rejoice pleasures and escape from the world around us. Hence, poetry, with its limitless possibilities, turn impossible things into possible ones.

review each text structure



I'm sorry, I need more information to answer the question.

Flow of static electricity charge through a gas liquid or solid?
One word answer ​



one word


“Books are often touted by librarians as vehicles to carry you far away.” What does this statement mean?


This statement means that books are a tool that have the ability to take carry you to another world as a car takes you to somewhere physical, a book lets your mind wander to places in your imagination.

How does the evidence relate to the claim in the expert



The evidence shows how much we use digital information today. To improve your understanding of an informational text.


Can someone help with these three please ?


Where is the prose? i need the passage in order to help

Explain the difference between a living and a dead language.


Answer:a living language is when it is still being spoken by people and a dead language is a language which is no longer in everyday spoken use.


hope this helps :)

Around the world, people speak living languages, although dead languages like Latin are largely no longer used.

What is a living and dead language?

A language that no longer has speakers is considered to be extinct, especially if its ancestors are no longer alive.

A dead language, on the other hand, is one that, despite continuing to be spoken today, is no longer the mother tongue of any society, such as Latin.

In linguistics, a dead language is (often) described as one that is nonetheless spoken by certain people even when no native speakers remain.

Therefore, probably the most well-known extinct language is Latin. Although it is no longer used as a daily language, it is nevertheless researched for scholarly purposes.

Learn more about dead language, here:


Someone please help me thx



I think it's Maya Lin was a student ,but her design won a national competition for Vietnam veterans memorial

Write the correct answer (checking my answers)



Inspirational: this is not inspirational, as it isn't inspiring the audience to do something.

Formal: this is not formal, as seen by the cartoonish characters. You would not find this in a business meeting.

Tense: this is not tense, as it is very kid-friendly and welcoming, full of bright colors.

Educational: this is educational, as it is educating people on washing their hands and staying clean.


Which one of these sentences uses grammatical punctuation? Jax hadn't as far as I'm aware already seen the movie before we went to see it together.


Your question is a bit confusing since i don't know which sentences are which, but it might be this:

Answer: 1.

1. Jax hadn't far as I'm aware already seen the movie before we went to see it together.

Need help?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?


Answer: C



C: Club and Group


A club is a GROUP of people in a certain society. Brainliest please!

how mindfulness training can be beneficial for children and teens.



Mindfulness training can be beneficial for children by teaching what words to use and not to use. For example, if your mom or dad is always cussing, that's how you will act because that's what you were exposed to it. If your parent fixes that, that might change the way you act and make you not cuss.


Brainliest please? XXxThanksxXX

Read carefully and slowly - actually understand the words: it's a brain exercise!! Only respond if you plan to post and play no party poopers!!

If I had 4 eggs
My rabbit lays 4 eggs
A thief gives me 3 eggs
My farm rooster lays 5 eggs
How many eggs do I have​



Ok first off, Rabbit's don't lay eggs, second off why is a thief giving you eggs, third off Roosters dont lay eggs so you only have 4





rabbits dont lay eggs (i have over 100 rabbits so i should know) thives dont give they take and roosters dont lay (we have one) so you have 4 eggs. (brainlyest plz)

How does repetition affect the tone of the poem?
- It creates a soothing rhythmic sensation.
- it emphasizes the narrators youthfulness.
- it creates a sense of confusion and disorder.
- it explains the convention of modern society


- it explains the convention of modern society

Which of the following is the best way to choose a good synonym




use the dictionary and the thesaurus

Carefully read the poem on the opposite page.

Question is in the file as brainly filters are detecting something



The same idea's expressed in the poems is, that they are Discuss this question in a paragraph of not less than five sentences. from each poem in your discussion identifying which poem it is from.


which scenario is an example of intrinsic motivation? yannik always studies until midnight because he wants to get a good grade?



the first one?



Yannik or A


What is a good idea for a six paragraph story fictional. I have to do it for my english class.



A animal of any choice that goes on a adventure with a bunch of friends and loses many loved ones along the way.


What does Macbeth do to Duncan's two chamberlains, who could, perhaps reveal the crime? *

Pays them to be silent
Banishes them
Ignores them
Kills them



While Macbeth’s motive is unclear, it is suggested that Macbeth kills King Duncan’s two chamberlains in an act of fear and horror.



what is the correct meaning of the word meddle?
Henry tries to meddle in other people’s conversations.

remain silent
listen carefully



interfere in or busy oneself unduly with something that is not one's concern. D

It means to interfere into someone else’s business. Henry is nosy lol. But the answer is interfere.

Read this excerpt from The People Could Fly.

They say the people could fly. Say that long ago in Africa, some of the people knew magic. And they would walk up on the air like climbin up on a gate. And they flew like blackbirds over the fields. Black, shiny wings flappin against the blue up there.

Which element of a folktale appears in this excerpt?
It shows how people deal with everyday life.
It teaches a lesson about human behavior.
It includes people who have special abilities.
It contains futuristic ideas about humans.


Answer:  Whats the question exactly?



c-it includes people who have special abilities

Zeus didn't want to decide which goddess should get the golden apple so he sent the three goddesses to the shepherd named Paris. Which goddess did Paris decide to give the golden apple to?





Paris accepted Aphrodite's gift and awarded the apple to her, receiving Helen as well as the enmity of the Greeks and especially of Hera.




art can be anything, litrtature is a somthing like a poem and what not

this might not help at all.

Answer: The difference between art and literature is that art can be visual and literature is also visual, but in your head sometimes. Literature is like a movie in your head and art is like a story in your head.

Explanation: I kinda went off this any good?

Abby's manager yelled at her for leaving work early. Abby got permission from her boss a week
ago to leave early for

Identify the type of conflict



man vs man is a type of conflict. It could be seen as irony as what happened

what type of novel plays on the reader's fear of attack from a foreign invader


The type of novel that plays on the reader's fear of attack from a foreign invader is called invasion novel, and it was popular before the First World War.

What is invasion novel?

As its name suggests, invasion novel is a type of literary work in which the story revolves around the invasion of one country by another. Such countries may be real or fictional. This type of novel was most popular from 1871 until the First World War.

With the information above in mind, we can say that the type of novel that plays on the reader's fear of attack from a foreign invader is called invasion novel.

Learn more about invasion novels here:


Which comparison of average people and those who have achieved great success is true?
Great achievement is mostly the product of superior talent.
We can all benefit from focusing on specific skills to fulfill our dreams.
Because average people don’t have a coach’s guidance, they have more limited success.
We are limited in our success by how ambitious our dreams are.





i took the test and got 100


The answer is B


I took the test and got it right. Have a good day

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