Researchers wish to examine the effectiveness of a new weight-loss pill. A total of 200 obese adults are randomly assigned to one of four conditions: weight-loss pill alone, weight-loss pill with a low-fat diet, placebo pill alone, or placebo pill with a low-fat diet. The weight loss after six months of treatment is recorded in pounds for each subject. To analyze this data, you would use __________.
a. a z-test
b. a t-test
c. an ANOVA F test
d. a Chi-square test


Answer 1


Step-by-step explanation:

Answer 2

To analyze this data, you would use An ANOVA F test.

What is a normal distribution?

An example of a continuous probability distribution is the normal distribution, in which the majority of data points cluster in the middle of the range, while the remaining ones taper off symmetrically toward either extreme. The distribution's mean is another name for the center

The study involves comparing the weight loss of four groups of participants (weight-loss pill alone, weight-loss pill with a low-fat diet, placebo pill alone, or placebo pill with a low-fat diet) after six months of treatment. ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) is a statistical method used to analyze the differences among means of two or more groups.

In this case, ANOVA can be used to determine if there are significant differences in weight loss among the four treatment conditions.

A t-test or z-test would be appropriate if there were only two groups being compared.

A chi-square test is used to analyze categorical data, which is not applicable in this scenario where the data is continuous.

Therefore, an ANOVA F test would be used.

Learn more about normal distribution here:


Related Questions

The lowest part of the Caspian Sea has an elevation of 28 meters below sea level. Enter the integer that represents the elevation of the lowest part of the Caspian Sea, in meters



-28 meters

Step-by-step explanation:

Sea level is represented as 0 meters typically, so for something that is 28 meters below sea level, you would represent that as -28 meters.

At the city Museum child admission is $6.40 in adult admission is $9.70 on Sunday 149 tickets were sold for a total sales of $1145 how many adult tickets were sold that day




Step-by-step explanation:

c=child, a=adult

6.4c+9.7a=1145 equation 1

c+a=149 equation 2

a=149-c modified equation 2 to isolate a

6.4c+9.7(149-c)=1145 substitute value of a from equation 1 into equation 2




solve for a




Check answer:





In circle F with mZEFG = 30 and EF =
30 and EF = 11 units, find the length of arc EG.
Round to the nearest hundredth.



5.76 units

Step-by-step explanation:

Length of arc EG = central angle/360 × 2πr


central angle = 30°

radius (r) = 11 units

Plug in the values into the formula

Length of arc EG = 30/360 × 2 × π × 11

Length or arc EG ≈ 5.76 units (to nearest hundredth)

In the first region are located 6 Rattatta Pokemon hidden in the grass at any given time and 8 Pidgey Pokemon. What would be the probability of running a Rattatta Pokemon?​


6+8= 14
6/14 is the probability

Mara spins this spinner and rolls one six-sided die. What is the probability of spinning a 3 and rolling a 3 on the die?
(Photo above) Pls help​



D. The probability is 7%.

How many mL (milleters) are in 12.9 liters?

1. 129 mL
2. 1,290 mL
3. 12,900 mL
4. 129,000 mL

please help ASAP!


Given statement solution is :-12.9 liters are in milleters is  12,900 mL.

The metric system uses millilitres as the unit of volume, denoted by the letters ml or mL. One cubic centimetre, or one thousandth of a litre, is equivalent to one millilitre. That's a little sum in the imperial system.

A measure of volume in the metric system. One thousand milliliters equal one liter. Additionally known as cc, mL, and cubic centimetre.

To convert liters to milliliters, you need to multiply the number of liters by 1,000, since there are 1,000 milliliters in a liter.

So, multiplying 12.9 by 1,000 will give you the answer to how many millilitres are in 12.9 litres:

12.9 litres x litres per 1,000 = 12,900 mL

Therefore, option 3: 12,900 mL, is the milleters right response.

For such more questions on milleters


Two trucks started toward each other at the same time from towns 500 lm scart One truck traveled at a rate of 65 km per hour wrile the other traveled at 50 km per hour. After how many hours did they meet?
If represents the number of hours, which of the following equations could be used to solve the problem?

65x -60x=500



65x + 60x = 500

add 65x and 60x

this will equal 125x

divide 500 by 125

this will give you x = 4

which gives you the answer that the trucks will meet in 4 hours

please mark as brainliest

hope this helps : )

Step-by-step explanation:

In a school machine shop, 60% of all machine breakdowns occur on lathes and 15% occur on drill presses. Let E denote the event that the next machine breakdown is on a lathe, and let F denote the event that a drill press is the next machine to break down. With and P(E) = 60 and P(F) =.15, calculate:
A. P(EC).
B. P(EUE).
C. P(EC ∩ FC).



A. P(EC) = 0.4  

B. P(E∪E) = 0.75

C. P(EC ∩ FC) = 0.25

Step-by-step explanation:

Let us calculate -:

we are given with - P(E) = 60 and P(F) =.15,

Thus , (a) [tex]P(E^C)=1-P(E)[/tex]



(b) P(E∪F) = P(E) + P(F)

   = 0.60 + 0.15

   = 0.75

(c) [tex]P(E^C[/tex]∩[tex]F^C)[/tex] [tex]=1-P(E[/tex]∪ [tex]F)[/tex]


   = [tex]0.25[/tex]

Hence , the answers are -A. P(EC) = 0.4  , B. P(E∪E) = 0.75  , C. P(EC ∩ FC) = 0.25.



The money is a lot so it would be c

Maria had $22.45 to spend on groceries. After buying 3 bags of chips, she had $10.60 left. If each bag of chips costs the same amount, what is the price of one bag of chips




Step-by-step explanation:

Take the amount she has to spend and subtract the amount left ($10.60) and that will leave you with $11.85.  So this is  how much was spent on the 3 bags of chips. To find how much each bag cost, divide $11.85/3 bags = $3.95 per bag.

Given ABC AB=6,AC=9, find BC



BC is 12

Step-by-step explanation:

Which means that you just add by 3 which is the rule

The numbers x, y, z and w have an average equal to 25. The average of
x, y and z is equal to 27. Find w.
A. 23
B. 19
C. 25 D. 29​



look at the picture i sent

o.5 is < or > or = to 0.7



.5 < .7

Step-by-step explanation:

unless its negatives, the bigger the number the more value it has

0.5 > 0.7 i hope this helpsssss

How can limit be used in real life



Engineers use limits in real life.

Step-by-step explanation:

Limits are also used as real-life approximations to calculating derivataves. So to make calculations, engineers will approximate a function using small differences in the function and then try and calculate the derivative of the function by having smaller and smaller spacing in the function sample intervals.

Lauren is making string bracelets with black and silver beads added in for decoration.

Black beads come in packages of 24, and silver beads come in packages of 36.
Each bracelet will have the same number of each color bead.
Lauren has one package of each bead color, and she will use all of the beads.
What is the greatest number of bracelets Lauren can make?


The greatest number of bracelets Lauren can make using the black beads and the silver beads is 12.

What is the greatest number of bracelets that can be made?

In order to determine the greatest number of bracelets that can be made, the highest common factor of both numbers have to be determined.

Highest common factor is the highest factor that is common to two or more numbers

Factors of 24 = 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24Factors of 36 = 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12, 18, 36 Highest common factor = 12

To learn more about highest common factor, please check:


Find the inverse for each relation:
1. {(1,-2), (2, 3),(3, -3),(4, 2)}



the inverse for each relation:

1. {(1,-2), (2, 3),(3, -3),(4, 2)} is


ΔABC and ΔXYZ are similar triangles. The lengths of two sides of each triangle are shown. Find the lengths of the third side of each triangle.





Step-by-step explanation:








Help meeee please or I'm going to fail school
Christopher tosses a coin three times. Each toss could be heads or tails. Which outcome would be included in the compound event "at least two heads"? First toss He Second Third Sample space toss toss outcomes






Answer: The is THH, or A.

Step-by-step explanation: The question directly ask for “at least two heads”, which no other answer contains two heads. Therefore, the answer is A.

The Sine Function

The tide is the regular rising or falling of the ocean's surface. This is due in large part to the gravitational forces of the moon. The following table represents water level of the tide off the coast of Kings Point, N.Y. for a 24 hour period.
February 9th through February 10th of 2009.

Use your graphing calculator to produce a sine regression model for the data in the table. Round a, b, c, and d to the nearest 0.0001. Then use your model to predict the height of the tide 30 hours after the original observation.

a. The height of the tide 30 hours after the original observation is -3.27 feet.
b. The height of the tide 30 hours after the original observation is 16 feet.
c. The height of the tide 30 hours after the original observation is 8 feet.
d. The height of the tide 30 hours after the original observation is -0.63 feet.

Please select the best answer from the choices provided



C. The height of the tide 30 hours after the original observation is 8 feet.

Step-by-step explanation:

I calculated it logically

Please help me! No links

How many math problems were answered correctly by Suzy and Joe?


Since suzy answered 9 and Joe answered 12, you add 9+12 to get 21. The answer is 21 math problems.

Find the distance between the origin and the point (10,45,57)



Step-by-step explanation:

3D space  (x, y, z)  = (10, 45, 57)

I will use  x² + y² = (2D Hyp)²  and (2D Hyp)² + z² = (3D Hyp)²

which is just x² + y²  + z² = (3D Hyp)²

10² + 45²  + 57² = (3D Hyp)²

100 + 2025 + 3249    =  5374   =   (3D Hyp)²    the destance from the origin

                                                   =  73.31    the destance from the origin

The graph of a line has a slope of 3 and passes through the point (-4,-5).
What is the equation of the line in point-slope form?



3x - y + 7 = 0

Step-by-step explanation:

The given point is , ( -4 , -5) and the slope is 3. The point slope form is ,

=> y - y₁ = m( x - x₁)

=> y - (-5) = 3 { x - (-4) }

=> y +5 = 3( x + 4 )

=> y + 5 = 3x + 12

=> 3x - y + 12 - 5 = 0

=> 3x - y +7 = 0

Hence the equation of the line is 3x - y + 7 = 0 .

Plz help me well mark brainliest!!...




Step-by-step explanation:


hope it helps :)

answer: B

explanation: to get the perimeter you need to add all the sides.

what is the probability of rolling a number greater than 2 with a standard number cube



4/6 or 2/3

Step-by-step explanation:

6 sides with 4 of the numbers being greater than 2; 4/6. The simplified version is 2/3.

Which of the following is the correct point-slope equation for the line that
passes through the point (-3,-9) and is parallel to the line given by
y = 2.5x - 20?
O A. Y-3 = 2.5(x - 9)
O B. y + 3 = 2.5(x + 9)
O C. y + 9 = 2.5(x+3)
O D. Y- 9 = 2.5(x-3)



these are negative numbers

Step-by-step explanation:

Find the value of the missing angle please help!



4th Option, 45.1

Step-by-step explanation:

Cos(Ф) = [tex]\frac{12}{17}[/tex]

Ф = Cos⁻¹ ([tex]\frac{12}{17}[/tex])

Ф = 45.1

Hope this helps!

How would you characterize the relationship between the hours spent on homework and the test scores



sorry can'thelp

Step-by-step explanation:

Answer and explanation:

I would characterize the relationship as a positive correlation. I would probably give it a 0.7, which means that the correlation is relatively strong. Also, this is an example of correlation, not causation, because there is not scientific proof that doing homework more will cause better grades. Hope this helps!

Hi 10 +10 here is me question help



[tex] \huge\red{\boxed{\mathfrak{Hello}}}[/tex]

[tex]\huge \fbox \pink {A}\huge \fbox \green {n}\huge \fbox \blue {s}\huge \fbox \red {w}\huge \fbox \purple {e}\huge \fbox \orange {r}[/tex]

[tex]10 + 10 \\ = 20[/tex]


Step-by-step explanation:


What is the most specific name for the figure?
A(-a, 0)
B(-2a, a)
C(-a, 2a)
D(0, a)
A. Parallelogram
B. Rectangle
C. Square
D. Rhombus



Its C. Square

Step-by-step explanation:

The most specific name for the figure is Square.

What  is Quadrilateral?

A quadrilateral is a four-sided polygon in geometry with four sides and four vertices. The Latin words quadri, which means "four," and latus, which means "side," are the sources of the word. Similar to other polygons like the pentagon, it is also known as a tetragon, derived from the Greek words "tetra," which means "four," and "gon," which means "corner" or "angle." It is also known as a quadrangle or a 4-angle because the word "gon" means "angle."

Given figure with coordinates

(-a, 0), (-2a, a), (-a, 2a), (0, a)

from coordinates length of side can be calculated excluding negative sign,

side = (y₂ - y₁)/(x₂ - x₁)

AB = (a - 0)/(-2a + a) = -1

BC = (2a - a)/(-a + 2a) = 1

CD = (a - 2a)/(0 + a) = -1

DA = (a - 0)/(0 + a) = 1

excluding negative sign for length all sides are equal

it is a Square: A regular polygon with four sides of equal length and angles of equal length of 90 degrees each is called a square.

Hence the figure is Square.

Learn more about Quadrilateral;


Which of the following is not true? Select one: The data is symmetrical. The median is 1.25. The data is skewed right The spread of the data distribution is from 0 to 2.5


do you have a picture of the data table?
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