regarding the american flag, what was determined in 1818?

a) the number of stars would stay at 13
b) the number of stars would increase to 50
c) the number of stripes would stay at 13


Answer 1


One of two flags that flew from the locomotive of the Lincoln funeral train on the route between Albany and Utica, New York.

Until the Executive Order of June 24, 1912, neither the order of the stars nor the proportions of the flag was prescribed. Consequently, flags dating before this period sometimes show unusual arrangements of the stars and odd proportions, these features being left to the discretion of the flag maker. In general, however, straight rows of stars and proportions similar to those later adopted officially were used. The principal acts affecting the flag of the United States are the following:


Flag Resolution of June 14, 1777 - stated: "Resolved: that the flag of the United States be made of thirteen stripes, alternate red and white; that the union be thirteen stars, white in a blue field, representing a new Constellation."

Act of January 13, 1794 - provided for 15 stripes and 15 stars after May 1795.

Act of April 4, 1818 - provided for 13 stripes and one star for each state, to be added to the flag on the 4th of July following the admission of each new state.

Executive Order of President Taft dated June 24, 1912 - established proportions of the flag and provided for arrangement of the stars in six horizontal rows of eight each, a single point of each star to be upward.

Executive Order of President Eisenhower dated January 3, 1959 - provided for the arrangement of the stars in seven rows of seven stars each, staggered horizontally and vertically.

Executive Order of President Eisenhower dated August 21, 1959 - provided for the arrangement of the stars in nine rows of stars staggered horizontally and eleven rows of stars staggered vertically.

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Europeans had advanced weapons


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O A. increasing the role of the federal government in American society.


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please help i’ll give you brainilist and thanks


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Blacks were brought in as slaves to work on plantations.

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People immigrate for many reasons, some of which include economic or political reasons, family reunification, natural disasters, or the desire to change one's surroundings. Immigration can represent an expansion of the supply of labor in the host country.


1. Political Reasons

2.Family reunification

3.Natural disasters

4:The desire to change one's surroundings

5. Food/ water shortage

(Choose from the ones you think are best)


So in summary here it is:

People immigrate for many reasons, some of which include economic or political reasons, family reunification, food/ water shortage, natural disasters, or the desire to change one's surroundings. Immigration can represent an expansion of the supply of labor in the host country.

Supporters of free trade believe that:



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yes it was


hope it helps :)

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States? *
A. Journalists exposed the poor conditions of meat packing industries and living
O B. They donated money to build settlement houses
C. They printed posters and articles about the need for Women's suffrage
D. They formed political parties to advocate reform goals in Congress



The influence of mass media has an effect on many aspects of human life, which can include voting a certain way, individual views and beliefs, or skewing a person's knowledge of a specific topic due to being provided false information.

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The U.S. Congress consists of two houses, the House of Representatives and the Senate. Each state elects two senators, while seats in the House of Representatives are apportioned by state according to population, with each state receiving a minimum of one representative.

What was the role of the church?



The basic function of the church is to be involved in every facet of the life of the believer. Holding true to this mission, Christ looked at the needs of the people, provided it, and then begun to preach out the good deeds. The church today must live up to its true billing — meeting the needs of the people.

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Alliances provide mutual support in the event of an attack; protecting security of entire regions; providing framework of military security through organizations such as NATO.


hope this helps:)

Vasco da Gama fulfilled this man's dream when he reached India in 1497.
Prince Henry



prince henry

Vasco da Gama gained everlasting fame as the first European explorer to reach India. He lived in an exciting time of exploration and fulfilled the promise begun by several of his predecessors. He also realized the dream of the famed Prince Henry the Navigator

What message did the bombing of Japan give to the Soviet Union?
A. The bombing of Japan was never intended to send a message to the Soviet Union or anyone else besides the Japanese.
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C. The atomic bomb that was dropped on Japan was a way of showing the Soviets that the U.S. had greater technology.
D. The bombing of Japan was seen as a warning shot to the Soviet Union to stay within its borders and not try to advance communism.



The message that the bombings sent to the world was that whoever possessed those special weapons would prove to be politically superior,

or c

C. The atomic bomb that was dropped on Japan was a way of showing the Soviets that the U.S. had greater technology.

The dominant religion in Southwest Asia is _____​








I've got like 20ish friends there and they've taught me that religion numerous times and why it's so dominant over any other religion

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B. Nativism
C. Evolution
D. Relativity



He taught human evolution and was charged for it.

Who were the Beothuk and why do they no longer exist?
NEED ASAP please.



Less than 350 years later, the Beothuk were extinct. They were a hunter-gatherer nation who lived and hunted in extended family groups. For most of the year they lived inland but in the summer and early fall, they would move to camps at the mouths of rivers to fish.


hope this helps

Which of the following groups gained the most politically from the events
described in the excerpt from the U.S. Department of State?
A. The New Right
B. Christian evangelicals
C. Civil rights reformers
D. Environmentalists



The New Right

Explanation: a p e x

Anybody know these answers ???



False, True, False, True


The first one is false because the union has 105000 soldiers and lost 23000, not 60% of that which is 63000.

The second one is true because Stone Wall Jackson was shot by his own men while he was on his horse two months before the battle happened.

The third one wouldn't make sense at all. The battle happened because Lee wanted to get some leverage in the north by forcing Northern politicians to stop prosecuting the war.

The fourth one is true. The confederates lost almost 40% of their men on that side and had to stop the advance because the battle wasn't going towards their favour.

True,false, true
Hope this helps

6. La serpiente en el desierto le dijo al principito que era capaz de:
a. mandarlo de vuelta a su planeta
O b. viajar rapidamente como una centella
c. Comerse un elefante completo
O d. Hacerlo feliz para siempre​


Answer:a. envíalo de regreso a su planetaExplanation:su bienvenida y por favor marque el más inteligente

If you were an SNCC recruiter in 1963, which group would you reach out to?

Select the best answer from the choices provided.
Vietnam War protestors


The answer to that is B.

what was the southern point of view regarding the power of states under the constitution?


They thought the north was weak and was gonna slow then down, many people in the south had different opinions the north never believed in. Such as slavery and Increased military.

The election of 1920 saw

a. Franklin D. Roosevelt serve as vice president on the Republican ticket.

b. Warren G. Harding narrowly defeat Al Smith.

c. the Democratic Party distance itself from the politics of Woodrow Wilson.

d. voters turn away from idealism and toward "normalcy."

e. Republicans maintain their two decades of control of the White House.



It’s D, voters turn away from idealism and toward “normalcy”


yes it's D. voters turn away from idealism and toward “normalcy”.

Antarctica contains several active volcanoes






In his sermon on the mount Jesus declero that love for god charity all people were more important than following Jewish law (true or false)





becouse it lai on that




the First Crusade resulted in the


it resulted the Crusader victory


the first crusade resulted in the 15 August 1096 – 15 July 1099

How are local governments established?



Local governments are established by state governments. States use their own constitutions to legalize and define their local governments. ... They do that by passing ordinances, or regulations that follow state laws. Local governments also help the state by making sure election procedures follow state guidelines.

Local governments are established by state governments. States use their own constitutions to legalize and define their local governments. They do that by passing ordinances, or regulations that follow state laws. Local governments also help the state by making sure election procedures follow state guidelines. Local government is the public administration of towns, cities, counties and districts. Local government includes both county and municipal government structures. Municipalities have municipal ordinances, which are laws, rules or regulations made and enforced by a city government. Cities derive their power from either the California Government Code (statute) or from adopting a city charter. General law cities, charter cities and consolidated city and county are the three forms of California cities. It all depends on where you live and what type of government you have. Hope this helps!

why does africa as a whole not industralized to the same degree that europe and america have



they are doing their own thing they do not believe in what we do

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The Thirteen Colonies, also known as the Thirteen British Colonies or the Thirteen American Colonies, were a group of British colonies on the Atlantic coast of North America founded in the 17th and 18th centuries which declared independence in 1776 and formed the United States of America.


Which of the following Is an effect of NAFTA as seen on the chart A) The creation of the united states dominated trade system. B) an increase in free trade between Canada and United States and Mexico. C) The lack of products coming from Mexico to the United States and Canada. D) The limiting of trade between the countries of Canada the United States and Mexico


Answer: B) an increase in free trade between Canada and United States and Mexico.


Since the signing of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in 1993, trade has substantially increased between the United States, Canada and Mexico.

This much is proven by the graph where we see that each of the three countries have seen a yearly increase in the amount of goods supplied to the others which points to large trading activities between all three countries.

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