Refer to the Newsela article "The Relationship between Hunger and War."

In the article, what is the author’s viewpoint concerning children and famine?

Children are very susceptible in times of famine because they are less likely to receive food assistance than adults.

Children need fewer calories than adults, so they are more likely to survive periods of famine.

Children are most at risk in times of famine because prolonged, repeated hunger can affect their development.

Children can recover more quickly from famine than adults


Answer 1


Children are most at risk in times of famine because prolonged, repeated hunger can affect their development.


I took the test.

Answer 2

The author's viewpoint in the article  "The Relationship between Hunger and War" is "Children are most at risk in times of famine because prolonged, repeated hunger can affect their development."

What is an author's viewpoint?

The author's viewpoint refers to the way in which the author looks at a topic or the idea that is described by him. Determining an author's viewpoint is an analytical process involving understanding and evaluating the intention of the author behind the writings.

In the article "The Relationship between Hunger and War" the author described the situation in Syria that is suffering from hunger and war. The author claims that the children suffer the most due to the war conditions.

The war led to famine, scarcity of food could lead to hinder the development of the children.

Therefore the correct option is C.

Learn more about the author's viewpoint here:

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B . through Hovenden's opinions of others


Option B is the correct answer.

From the given passage, we discover that Peter Hovenden, who was known as a retired watchmaker and former master of Warland, is known by readers through his opinion of others.

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"who" will appropriate word


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2. An estuary serves as a nursery ground for thousands of species of​



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Ur Welcome

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1. Peter walk to school with his brother every day.
2. Dorothy and Viv lives at the white house with green shutters.
3.Dorothy, Viv, and their sisters travels for most of the year
4. Peter runs home ahead of his brother every day.


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C. The answer is Graph C


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I got it right in Edge...

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We get the most excited when we read an application that seems real. It’s so rare to hear stories of defeat and triumph that when we do, we cheer.

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The ability to bounce back is a fundamental life skill students have to learn on their own.

We get the most excited when we read an application that seems real. It’s so rare to hear stories of defeat and triumph that when we do, we cheer.

Students are usually in shock when I chuckle and tell them I never expect perfection. In fact, I prefer they not project it in their college applications.


did the checkpoint


I just take this and got it correct;


The ability to bounce back is a fundamental life skill students have to learn on their own.

We get the most excited when we read an application that seems real. It’s so rare to hear stories of defeat and triumph that when we do, we cheer.

Students are usually in shock when I chuckle and tell them I never expect perfection. In fact, I prefer they not project it in their college applications.

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no man could head me! And ain't I a woman?
Which best describes the syntax?



is there anymore information to this or is this it


The best one that describes the syntax is : Truth uses simple syntax to grab the audience's attention and make a strong point about her own resilience.

What is syntax?

Syntax is the study of how words and morphemes combine to form larger units such as phrases and sentences.

Central concerns of syntax include word order, grammatical relations, hierarchical sentence structure l agreement, the nature of crosslinguistic variation, and the relationship between form and meaning. There are numerous approaches to syntax that differ in their central assumptions and goals. The field of syntax contains a number of various topics that a syntactic theory is often designed to handle.

The relation between the topics is treated differently in different theories, and some of them may not be considered to be distinct but instead to be derived from one another, that is word order can be seen as the result of movement rules derived from grammatical relations.

Learn more about syntax, here:


Which sentences contain correctly punctuated nonrestrictive modifiers?

A) My brother, is my favorite of all my brothers.
B) My oldest sister, Maria is a pilot.
C) My two best friends, Tori and Monica, met me at the movies.
D) Bulldogs, which I love, are the cutest.


Answer: My oldest sister, maria, is a pilot. My two best friends, Tory and Monica, met me at the movies. Bulldogs, which I love, are the cutest!




Year 2 math get 30 points if you answer it



9 - 10s 12- 2 16 - 120


When reading a novel when should you revise a prediction



Predicting requires the reader to do two things: 1) use clues the author provides in the text, and 2) use what he/she knows from personal experience or knowledge (schema). When readers combine these two things, they can make relevant, logical predictions.

u should revise a prediction when a new event occurs that would affect the prediction had originally made

Which excerpt from The People Could Fly reflects the historical fact that some enslaved people were able to
Another and another fell from the heat. Toby was there. He cried out to the fallen. ...
O But Toby just laughed. Say he threw back his head and said, "Hee, hee! Don't you know who I am?
Then she felt the magic, the African mystery. Say she rose just as free as a bird. As light as a feather.
Sarah couldn't stand up straight any longer. She was too weak. The sun burned her face.


Then she felt the magic, the African mystery. Say she rose just as free as a bird. As light as a feather


C) Then she felt the magic, the African mystery. Say she rose just as free as a bird. As light as a feather.


give the person above credits

3. Would you describe people who shared the same beliefs with a given church as heretics?


Yes I woke describe them as that

A personality trait is the way you
O act
O think
O feel
O all of the above



All of the above


A personality trait is how you act and think but its probably all of them

the answer is D. all of the above. Personality traits reflect people's characteristic patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Personality traits imply consistency and stability—someone who scores high on a specific trait like Extraversion is expected to be sociable in different situations and over time.

2 Question 3(Multiple Choice Worth 5 points) Read this passage: Quirky is a company that helps people invent new products. Quirky gives inventors a design team that helps them bring their thoughts to life. The staff of Quirky (75 people and growing) listens to proposals for new projects and votes on which products the company will make. One famous example of a Quirky product was invented by a salesman who lived in Baltimore. He noticed that people who lived in apartment buildings kept large air conditioners hanging out of their windows. Those air conditioners would run all day. He invented a slim air conditioner that can be turned on and off using a phone app. His air conditioners use less energy than old-fashioned air conditioners. Without the team at Quirky, he never would have been able to make his idea a reality.

What can we infer about the salesman from Baltimore?

He used to work as an air conditioning repairman.

He was nervous to present his product at Quirky.

He doesn't like seeing air conditioners in windows.

He believes that working with others is a smart business move.​


He believes that working with others is a smart business move


D. He believes that working with others is a smart business move.​


Took the test and got it right.

Have a nice day!

Which of the following would be a good clincher sentence for a cause-and-
effect paragraph that begins with this topic sentence?
When the Texans selected Mario Williams first in the 2006
NFL draft instead of Reggie Bush, a number of unexpected
events followed.



D. All of these surprises came about as a result of the Texans choosing Williams instead of Bush


Option D is the correct answer.

A clincher is known to be a decisive remark,  fact, argument, or event which actually concludes a matter.

Option D is correct because it is direct and straight to the point. It is the only statement among the others that is stated decisively without mincing words. It revealed that all the surprises they were having was as a result of the Texans that choose Williams instead of Bush.

How does the
excerpt satirize the clergy?
A. by revealing the clergy's lack of theological
B. by revealing the clergy's disregard for the poor
C. by revealing the clergy's vindictive abuse of power
D. by revealing the clergy's lack of loyalty to one



C. By revealing the clergy's vindictive abuse of power.


Geoffrey Chaucer's "The Canterbury Tales" is a collection of tales told by the pilgrims on their way to Canterbury. These tales were told by different personalities ranging from a nun, knight, a cook, a squire, and even a pardoner.

The given excerpt is from the Prologue to The Pardoner's Tale where the author uses satire to criticize preachers and holy men. The pardoner reveals that he "spit out venom, under guise Of piety, and seem sincerely pious." Moreover, by saying "That's how I deal with people who annoy us;" the pardoner seemed to refer to the practice of holy men in criticizing others who criticize them, in the guise of holy teaching.

Thus, the correct answer is option C.


C. by revealing the clergy’s vindictive abuse of power


Got it right on the test

What is one lesson that readers can learn from this text



to understand the text and also to build confidence in yourself

Read and comprehend to learn more on the text

Sonnet 8 from Astrophil and Stella by Phillip Sidney
Which line in this poem indicates that the poetic speaker is hopelessly in love



He burnt un’wares his wings, and cannot fly away.


Cupid flew into the poetic speaker's heart and it was on fire already because he is hopelessly on love, so Cupid burnt his wings on that fire and got stuck there. Having the god of love trapped in your heart will keep you hopelessly in love for sure!


He burnt un’wares his wings, and cannot fly away.


for PLATO users, i got it right

Help please
Read this excerpt from a passage.
"People around the globe began to notice and to speak out against the possible disappearance (or extinction) of the African elephant.
Finally, the world acted. In 1990, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES), a United Nations effort, banned
the ivory trade worldwide. As a result, elephants started to make a comeback. By 1999, their population had returned to approximately
one million."
Which sentence from this excerpt is not objective?A:
"In 1990, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES), a United Nations effort, banned the ivory trade
B:O "By 1999, their population had returned to approximately one million."
C:O "Finally, the world acted."
D:O "As a result, elephants started to make a comeback."


the answer is C.

while i wouldn’t consider sentence C especially subjective, all of the other excerpts are very clearly objective. the use of the word “finally” implies that the author thinks the world had not made efforts or acted until that point. as we don’t know what efforts CITES made before the banning of ivory trade, we cannot determine whether this banning was CITES “finally acting”. this leaves the authors opinion clearly, hence making it subjective and not objective.

The sentence from this excerpt  which is not objective is Finally, the world acted.

What is message behind the excerpt?

It wouldn't consider sentence  particularly emotional, each of different portions are obviously evenhanded. the utilization of "at last" suggests that the creator thinks the world had not put forth attempts or acted until that point.

As it  don't have the foggiest idea what endeavors CITES made before the forbidding of ivory exchange, we can't decide if this restricting was CITES "at last acting". this leaves the creators assessment plainly, subsequently making it emotional and not evenhanded.

The entry we are examining here presents a circumstances and logical results structure. It shows how one thing happened due to another. Here, the reason is the interest for ivory in the nineteenth hundred years.

The impact of such a reason was the radical decrease in elephant populaces in Africa. As indicated by the text, in light of the fact that the interest for ivory expanded, more elephants were killed to supply that interest. Accordingly, elephant populaces were diminished.

For more information about  CITES, refer the following link:

Which sentence in the paragraph conveys the main idea of the letter?

I would like to apologize for the lost package. I understand your frustration. You are absolutely right to complain about it. We value and hope to keep your business. I assure you that this is an unusual incident. Please allow me to issue you a $500 prepaid gift card to compensate for the lost order.

I would like to apologize for the lost package.
Please allow me to issue you a $500 prepaid gift card to compensate for the lost order.
I assure you that this is an unusual incident.
You are absolutely right to complain about it.


It’s A looks like the right answer for me
Its a because the main idea always start from the first sentence

What Poetic Device is being used?

A. Repetition
B. Alliteration ( repetition of first consonant sound in string of words)
C. Extended Metaphor ( something is something else - an extended comparison of two unlike things)


Answer: Option C


What change,if any,needs to be made sentence 8?​






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