Reduced the size of the state government· Equalized state aid for public schools in rich and poor areas· Established community centers for mentally handicapped children· Governor for only one term


Answer 1

The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Unfortunately, your question is incomplete. Indeed, there is no question here. Just a series of statements.

What is your question? What do you want to know?

Doing some research we found that the part of the question that is lacking is: "All of these are describing what Georgia governor?"

So, we can comment on the following.

Reduced the size of the state government· Equalized state aid for public schools in rich and poor areas· Established community centers for mentally handicapped children· Governor for only one term. All of these are describing what Georgia governor?

Answer: Jimmy Carter.

Jimmy Carter is very well-known as the 39th President of the United States. But only a few people remember that he was also the 76th governor of the State of Georgia from January 12, 1971, to January 14, 1975.

One of the first things he did when he became the governor of Georgia was to firmly declare that there would be no more racist segregation in Georgia. He was s supporter of getting poor people and African American people to have an education and better jobs.

Related Questions

Describe the lives of free blacks in the west



Like settlers, explorers of the American West also brought enslaved people to the frontier.The 10 states where 60 percent of African Americans resided were: New York, California, Texas, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, North Carolina, Maryland, Michigan and Louisiana. Five of these had more than 2 million Blacks each: New York, California, Texas, Florida and Georgia.Of the 10 largest places in the United States with 100,000 or more population, Detroit, Michigan, had the largest percentage of Blacks (84%), followed by Jackson, Mississippi (80%).And though African-American cowboys don't play a part in the popular narrative, historians estimate that one in four cowboys were black. The cowboy lifestyle came into its own in Texas, which had been cattle country since it was colonized by Spain in the 1500s. Slaves also had eaten Maize, rice, peanuts, yams and dried beans were found as important staples of slaves on some plantations in West Africa before and after European contact. Keeping the traditional “stew” cooking could have been a form of subtle resistance to the owner's control.


The vast majority of those who were enslaved and transported in the transatlantic slave trade were people from Central and West Africa, who had been sold by other West Africans, or by half-European "merchant princes" to Western European slave traders. Americans of European extraction and slaves contributed greatly to the population growth in the Republic and State of Texas. Settlements grew and developed more land under cultivation in cotton and other commodities. The cotton industry flourished in East Texas, where enslaved labor became most widely used.Ships departed Europe for African markets with manufactured goods, which were traded for purchased or kidnapped Africans, who were transported across the Atlantic as slaves; the enslaved Africans were then sold or traded for raw materials, which would be transported back to Europe to complete the voyage.

What is another name for Hungary?

A Turkey
B Hapsburg
C Teutonic
D Magyar

What made Germany bitter after World War I?

A. Division of Germany
B. depression
C. trade disputes
D. Treaty of Versailles


Answer:And indeed, now the official name of Hungary, on the official language Magyar, is Magyarország, the mirror translation of Macaristan.


Answer: for the fisrt one is is D. Magyar and I think the other one is also D.Treaty of Versailles





1) Renaissance is a time period where people started taking an interest in art,architecture,politics,science and literature form Ancient Greece (something like that)

2) The Church began losing power because the new ideals of Humanism(i dont know if its correct)

How did you feel while viewing the documentary, how do you feel now, what are your personal thoughts about the Emmett Till Story and lastly, what caught your attention the most in this documentary besides the terrible ending of Emmett’s life?


Answer: While viewing this documentary I went through such emotions. I felt furious, crushed, hateful, damaged, and wounded. This documentary was very challenging and difficult to watch. Although, I have heard about this story from my family before, by hearing it once more. I was crushed all over again. Personally, I felt like the violence act that took place was unfair and there should have been more justice. It is cruel to treat a human being like this. Where is the remorse?  What caught my attention the most in the documentary was how it was built on racial discrimination.

Explanation: Please mark me brainiest :)

Need help ASAP answer only if you know!!!



Counties, towns, and cities are units of local governments.


Units of Local Government is the correct answer, let's close this question. I don't want anyone giving a random and wrong answer haha


What most likely happens when water vapor cools?

It changes into gas.
It changes into liquid.
Its temperature increases.
Its temperature remains constant.





it changes into a liquid

What is Hamilton's view of Jefferson?



While Hamilton distrusted popular will and believed that the federal government should wield considerable power in order steer a successful course, Jefferson placed his trust in the people as governors. Perhaps because of their differences of opinion, Washington made these men his closest advisors.


Which of the following statements is true?

Most governments oppose tariffs on imported goods.

Most governments approve tariff rate quotas on exported goods.

Most governments approve of tariffs on imported goods.

Most governments oppose tariff rate quotas on imported goods.



the first one is true is the correct answer

Which best describes historical fiction


fictional writing that includes real events that happened in the past with a twist of fiction added into it.


Historical fiction is a literary genre where the story takes place in the past.

It can be a mix of actual events and ones from the author's imagination. Characters can be pure fiction or based on real people.


The Three MuskateersWolf HallThe Nightingale


(Mark me brainliest, if you're satisfied with my answer :))

[tex]\large\sf\green{thank \: you}[/tex]

How did life change in Florida throughout the 1800s?



During the first half of the 1800s, U.S. troops waged war with the region's Native American population. During the Civil War, Florida was the third state to secede from the Union. Beginning in the late 19th century, residents of Northern states flocked to Florida to escape harsh winters.


Use the excerpt from “The Goose and the Golden Egg” to answer the question.

There was once a Countryman who possessed the most wonderful Goose you can imagine, for every day when he visited the nest, the Goose had laid a beautiful, glittering, golden egg.

Which word or phrase from the excerpt is a transition?

(1 point)

“every day”

“had laid”

“you can imagine”

“There was once”
I need help plz :)



there was once


its explaining a time from before where there "once was "   and then a situation hope that helps ^^

Answer: Every day

Explanation: because it connotes time order, daily.

Describe the course of the early years of World War II in Europe.



The early years of WW2 did not look good for the Allied powers. Hitler and his army conquered many countries with their incredible blitzkrieg tactics.

Do you think the United States should take control of the rest of North America? explain why or why not.



I think the united states should take control of North America because one we would have more land and spread out the population and two because we could possibly have more army soldiers incase of a war


Answer: No

Explanation: No, it would give us too much power and essentially cause a war

HELP HELP HELP HELP If your reflective essay is unclear about the timeline for what happened to you, what should you do to fix the problem?

Add phrases and clauses that show the order of events.

Leave out most of the transitional tags.

Retell the story using your own words.



Add phrases and clauses that show the order of events.



Antebellum is Latin for "before the war." The antebellum era of South
Carolina was right before which war?*



The Civil war I believe is the answer  


what does ratify look like



It's like voting.


The overall literacy rate in India is 55 percent.





no false


it is 77.7 International Literacy Day 2020: The literacy rate of India is 77.7% while Kerala has emerged as the most literate state in the country, followed by Delhi while Andhra Pradesh has recorded the lowest literacy rate

The Soviet Union took control of several countries in eastern Europe and installed communist leaders loyal to Stalin. American and other European democracies began calling this area the ________________________.

Group of answer choices


Iron Curtain

West Berlin


The Iron Curtain


Answer:The Iron Curtain


Sam Houston put measures in place that helped reduce Native American raids by the end his first presidency.
True or false


Answer: True

Explanation: Hope this helps :)

true true true true

How is The Dominican Republic independence significant to history?


Dominican Republic declares independence as a sovereign state. ... Though Haiti had been only the second European colony in the Americas to achieve independence, and its revolution constituted one of the largest and most important slave revolts in all of history, Dominica suffered under Haitian rule.

1. Describe the causes of the Progressive Era.​



The main objectives of the Progressive movement were addressing problems caused by industrialization, urbanization, immigration, and political corruption. Social reformers were primarily middle-class citizens who targeted political machines and their bosses.


Hope this helped you :D

Many Germans accepted Hitler's anti-Semitism and his claims that Germans were a
"master race" because they felt humiliated by the Treaty of Versailles and wanted a
convenient scapegoat for Germany's problems.



The answer should be yes.

After World War I, Germany was destroyed by the Treaty of Versailles. When Hitler comes and says he has a scapegoat, it is easy for the German people to agree. At the same time, they were very angry about the treaty.

Question 6 of 20 To determine how to divide the time you have to finish a project, what should you do? A. Don't worry about the time; just hurry up and finish B. Just jump in and start completing tasks C. Ask for help immediately D. Divide the number of days you have by the number of tasks you have to do
plz help​





You won’t have much work and after a few days you will stars to feel proud and do more work

Which of the following statements is true about Indian independence?
A) Violent acts in New Delhi ended the Raj or British rule in India.
B) When British rule ended, India was divided into two nations.
C) British rule ended in India in 1930.
D)Lord Louis Mountbatten advised the Indian people to disregard the orders from Britain.





Examine imperialism in Africa. What were the major goals of the Europeans? Why was Africa treated differently than other colonies? How did the
carving up of Africa lead to tension among the Euranean nations?


The correct answers to these open questions are the following.

Imperialism in Africa.

What were the major goals of the Europeans?

The major goals of European superpowers were to colonize the African territories to exploit the many raw materials and natural resources to make big profits.

Why was Africa treated differently than other colonies?

European people believed that Africans were primitive people, ignorant people that needed to be educated and evangelized. They had no real value for Europeans. The real interest was in their raw materials and territories.

How did the carving up of Africa lead to tension among the European nations?

These European countries were greedy and wanted more and more from the African territories and that created conflicts between them. That is why they called for a meeting: the Berlin Conference. The purpose of the country was to regulate the colonization of African nations.

After the Berlin Conference of 1844-1845, European superpowers agreed on regulating the split of the African Continent. These European superpowers such as France, Germany, Great Britain, Spain, and Portugal split the African territory, displaced people, and created new borders in order to colonize the territories.

What Europeans really wanted was to exploit the many raw materials and natural resources that were abundant in Africa, in order to make big profits.

In one or two sentences, summarize what you learned about the WWII Atomic Bombings?



The United States detonated two atomic bombs over the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945, killing 210,000 people—children, women, and men. ... Detonation of these first nuclear bombs signaled arrival of a frightening new Atomic Age.


What was the main motivation for US imperialism during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries?
A territorial competition
B. treaty requirements
C economic expansion
D. military aggression














Economic expansions because that’s what we’ve always wanted. We basically wanted all the US’s soils to ourselves in the sake of money.

The Niagara Movement led to the foundation of
A the Universal Negro Improvement Association.
the National Woman's Party.
C the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
D the modern Democratic Party.


Answer: the answer is d naacp



B National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.



According to the excerpt above, President Taft believed that the United
States cannot practice isolationism because
the nation's wealth and power must be directed at global
the Monroe Doctrine legally requires the United States to act
on a global level.
C he is trying to act opposite of his predecessor, Theodore
D George Washington had a argued against isolationism


Answer: c


Think of a film/movie that you have watched that included music. If you have access to this movie, watch it again. While watching the film, imagine what this film would be without music. What does the music add to the film? How does it add to the creation of the story line?



Not long ago I saw the movie Aladdin that came out a while back. The parts that have music: rhythm and beat are extremely catchy and make you want to sing and dance, without the music it'd be a boring scene. The whole movie basically has music so without the music it'd be a boring and not entertaining film and no one would watch it. The music adds groove, beat and rhythm. The songs and music that are in the movie talk about what happens and express more and make the scenes more fun and enjoyable to watch.


This is what I put. You can also choose Jaws, The greatest showman, ect.


I chose to describe the animated film The Snowman.

Watching this film without music would be difficult because the emotions wouldn’t be as clear and detailed. It is easy to hear the boy’s curiosity when building and visiting with the snowman. When the snowman comes to life, there is excitement in the music. As the boy and snowman fly off into the sky, the music is warm. After a fun evening, the snowman and the boy wish each other good night, and the boy goes to bed. The next day, the boy wakes up expecting to see the snowman again, and his excitement is reflected in the music. Unfortunately for the boy, his friend has melted away. The music sets this tone as he stands over his hat and scarf.


This is the exact answer for plato / edmentum

Other Questions
How many pounds are in 9 gallons? if a skunk has 20 chromosomes in each sperm cell how many chromosomes are in it's haploid cells What are some ways we can stop global warming in the arctic?Help! Steven is a college athlete. He is 21 years old and is studying to become a physical education teacher. He reads many research articles on ways to enhance athletic performance. Steven would like to look at his carbohydrate consumption to see if making changes will allow him to have a more competitive edge. Steven has decided to write down his daily food intake using a journal to address the different types of carbohydrates he is consuming. He also wants to make sure that he is getting enough carbohydrates in his diet. Steven has been consuming a very low-carbohydrate, high-protein diet for months but has been noticing some issues with concentration and feels that he is fatiguing sooner than he should when competing. 1. As he reads about carbohydrates, Steven is surprised to learn what? A. Red blood cells need both carbohydrates and fats to function. B. Fiber is absorbed into our blood stream. C. The brain and nerve tissues prefer carbohydrates as fuel. D. Even refined carbohydrates provide a rich nutrient source of energy. E. Gram for gram, carbohydrates are higher in calories than dietary fats. 2. Steven is thinking about increasing his intake of carbohydrates each day. He found through his research that inadequate levels of carbohydrates in the diet:_____. A. promote increased insulin production and insulin resistance.B. will result in weaker and smaller muscle fibers.C. require red blood cells to burn fats for energy.D. can lead to ketosis, a potentially life-threatening condition.E. trigger automatic glycogen production in muscle cells.3. Steven shares the information about inadequate carbohydrate intake with his fellow teammates, as well as the DRI recommended amounts. What is the minimum amount of digestible carbohydrate, as determined by the DRI committee, to adequately feed the brain and reduce ketosis? A. 130 g/day for an average-sized person.B. 180 mg/day for an average-sized person.C. 130 mg/day for an average-sized person.D. 180 g/day for an average-sized person.E. 150 mg/day for an average-sized person.4. Steven's preference is that most of his carbohydrate intake comes from sources low on the glycemic index scale. What types of foods should Steven consider to include in his diet that will not spike blood glucose levels? A. potatoes, apples, couscous.B. soy milk, corn, rice crackers.C. breads, rice, watermelon.D. breakfast cereals, pasta, pineapple.E. carrots, legumes, peaches.5. Steven has obviously read up on how the body uses glucose through his coursework. He understands that when glucose levels are high, the pancreas releases ; when glucose levels are low, the pancreas releases:____.a. ketone bodies; insulin.b. epinephrine; glycogen.c. ketone bodies; glucagon.d. Insulin; glucagon.e. insulin; epinephrine.6. Steven suggests that he and his teammates commit to consuming good sources of carbohydrates. Why are whole grains, unprocessed vegetables, and fresh fruits considered the best sources of carbohydrates? A. They inhibit glycogen storage in the liver, muscles, and bones, thereby maximizing glycemic load. B. They tend to be higher in calories and offer more energy as compared to processed carbohydrates. C. They have less fiber and are, therefore, more easily processed by the body than refined foods. D. They have a higher glycemic index and, therefore, help regulate blood sugar more efficiently. E. They are rich in fibers and phytochemicals and generally low in saturated and trans fats. 7. Steven decides to go shopping at a farmer's market and stops at a booth with several loaves of freshly made whole-grain bread. Which health effects have been shown to be correlated with eating whole grains on a regular basis? A. reduced risks of obesity, liver disease, type 1 diabetes, and osteoarthritis.B. reduced risks of obesity, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and colon cancer.C. reduced risks of obesity, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and osteoarthritis.D. increased muscle mass and body tissue health, and reduced risk of prostate and stomach cancer.E. increased muscle mass and body tissue health, and reduced risk of type 1 and type 2 diabetes.8. As Steven plans his menu for the next week, he considers the optimal percentages of each food group. According to government recommendations, what percentage of calories should be obtained from carbohydrates? a. between 15% and 25%.b. between 45% and 65%.c. between 10% and 15%.d. between 35% and 55%.e. between 25% and 35%. Please Help me i need the right answer fast! What was imperialism?what was imperialism Find the volume: 7cm 16 cm 8 cm HELLLPPPPPPPO13Select the correct answer I will tell you a story that is only half true. I first went out ofthe country when I was about 20 years old. Some friends andwent to Hawan on a vacation. During our trip, we spent most ofthe time lying around the beachOne night, we went on a moonlight cruise. The boat wewent on had a glass bottom, so we could see all the beautifulsea life floating underneath us. The moonlight would hit theglass just so, causing shadows to appear and the seacreatures to seem almost mythological I think it's one of themost beautiful things I have ever seen So enraptured withnature were we that we didn't see the boat approaching oursImagine my surprise when our boat tour was boarded bypirates. We were literally scared speechless. Luckily, they didn'tspeak a language we could understand anyway Everyone hadto surrender all of their valuable items I lost my camera with allof my pictures from our trip, the diamond studs I had receivedas a high school graduation present, and my favorite watchBut thank goodness that was all I lost And the story I lived totell was more than worth itThis story is written for entertainment purposes. Which sentence from the passage best supports the author'spurpose for writingThe moonlight would hit the glass just so, causing shadows to appear and the sea creatures to seemalmost mythologicalOB. I lost my camera with all of my pictures from our trip, the diamond studs I had received as a highschool graduation present, and my favorite watch.OC i will tell you a story that is only half true.I first went out of the country when I was about 20 years old.ODResetNext which one of the following forces is a contact force force of gravity or force of friction discuss what you would do to get elected to the RCL Electrical energy exists when charged particles attract or repel each other.PLEASE HELPTrue or false Write an equation of a line that goes thru the points (-2, 6) & (3, -4) Jennifer uses rainwater from a barrel to water her garden. The diagram shows the amount of water she used during a 4-day period. Which of the following is closest to the fraction of a full barrel of water that Jennifer used per day? A. [tex]\frac{1}{4}[/tex]B. [tex]\frac{1}{12}[/tex]C. [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex]D. [tex]\frac{1}{8}[/tex] Answer question 7. Estudiaste mucho?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! please help !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I will give Brainliest for the best answer 16. On a yachting trip in the South Pacific, you discover a previously unknown island. You notice that there is a population of especially fluffy and particularly cute long-eared rabbits living there. These rabbits seem to have no predators at all on the island, and their mating habits seem to be perfectly random. When they are first surveyed, they have an average ear length of about 18 cm. When they are sampled again in five years, what will likely be true of their ear length Order the reflexive verbs in the logical order that you would do them.secarse1ducharse2.despertarse314ponerse la ropalevantarse51ONOUNSTE SE NOS OS SEConjugate the reflexive verb in the present tense according to the subjectNormalmente, me bao y luego,(secarse) Emily, Zeke, Harry, and Brook each conducted surveys on the number of books people have in their homes. Then, each student determined the accuracy of the following statement. All measures of central tendency must appear as a number in the set of data collected.Which students statement is CORRECT? A. Zeke says this is never true because all the measures of central tendency are never numbers in the set of data. B. Emily says this is always true because all the measures of central tendency also have to be numbers in the set of data. C. Harry says this is sometimes true because the mean and median may or may not be in the set of data, but the mode is always in the set of data. D. Brook says this is sometimes true because the mean and mode may or may not be in the set of data, but the median is always in the set of data. Any variation that can help an organism survive in its environment is called a(n):Answer Choices:-survival toolkit-homologous structure-adaptation-mutation-differentiation-vestigial structure Before 1870, the European presence in Africa was characterized primarily by Group of answer choices military conquests of large territories administered as military states intense colonization and settlement of large areas active international interaction through trade and diplomacy coastal enclaves for trade and a few settlements Which of the following is a tip for making sure you are messaging safely?A.Always use your full name.B.Be careful who you allow on your buddy list.C.Fill in your online profile in accurate detail.D.Ignore instances of online harassment.