Read this passage from Beowulf, in which Wiglaf, one of Beowulf's men, speaks to his companions as Beowulf battles the dragon. Wiglaf then joins Beowulf and addresses him.
“I remember the time when, tasting the mead-cup,
We promised in the hall the lord of us all
Who gave us these ring-treasures, that this battle-equipment,
Swords and helmets, we’d certainly quite him,
Should need of such aid ever befall him:
How we have forfeited our liegelord’s confidence!
In the war-band he chose us for this journey spontaneously,
Stirred us to glory and gave me these jewels,
Since he held and esteemed us trust-worthy spearmen,
Hardy helm-bearers, though this hero-achievement
Our lord intended alone to accomplish,
Ward of his people, for most of achievements,
Doings audacious, he did among earth-folk.
Our lord is in sore need of us.
The day is now come when the ruler of earthmen
Needeth the vigor of valiant heroes:
Let us wend us towards him, the war-prince to succor,
While the heat yet rageth, horrible fire-fight.”
Through the bale-smoke he stalked then,
Went under helmet to the help of his chieftain,
Briefly discoursing: “Beowulf dear,
Perform thou all fully, as thou formerly saidst,
In thy youthful years, that while yet thou livedst
Thou wouldst let thine honor not ever be lessened.
Thy life thou shalt save, mighty in actions,
Atheling undaunted, with all of thy vigor;
The monster advances on them.
I’ll give thee assistance.”

Complete the following sentences based on your reading of the passage.

In his speech to his companions, Wiglaf
. Throughout this passage, Wiglaf is presented as


Answer 1

Following the extract from Beowulf, the completed statements are as follows:

Note that In his speech to his companions, he urges them to remember their duty.Throughout this passage, Wiglaf is presented as a symbol of loyalty.

What is the summary of Beowulf?

It was most likely written between 700 and 750 and is about occurrences in the early sixth century. It narrates the narrative of the Scandinavian hero Beowulf, who rises to prominence as a young man by defeating the monster Grendel and Grendel's mother; later, as an aged monarch, he kills a dragon but dies shortly after, revered and regretted.

The poem Beowulf, particularly via the figures of Beowulf and Wiglaf, exemplifies three fundamental ideals of the time: courage, honor, and loyalty. Beowulf, the poem's hero, acts with remarkable bravery in whatever he accomplishes.

Learn more about Beowulf:

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when it was founded, the national organization of women was concerned primarily with the rights of women in marriage and in the home. true


Answer:you dum


what percentage of women in the united states work and have a child under 6 years of age?




In 2022, 65.6% of female Americans work and have a child under 6 years of age.

14. briefly describe the case of clever hans and its eventual outcome. describe a research study in which animals were shown to display numerosity.


Hans, a horse from Germany. The horse could tap back in response to any calculation. For instance, if someone asked it what the result of 5 plus 5 is, it would tap the ground ten times as a response.

Its owner, a mathematician who employed a similar method of instruction with his students, employed this strategy. However, other scientists questioned the horse's intelligence. They proposed that the horse reacted to the questioner's expression rather than the actual query. In both situations, people initially failed to perceive further explanations for the behavior that was being seen. Comparing this horse to others is necessary to determine whether it is intelligent.It is vital to compare this horse to other horses in order to determine whether it is intelligent. For this reason, a control group is required in order to compare the results. Additionally, it's possible that the horse exhibits conductive behavior upon making eye contact, such as a wink. The control group is also helpful in this situation to compare outcomes. Since horses enjoy interacting with people, a second possibility is that the animal feels secure and responds more readily to eye contact.

To learn more on Clever Hans:


the fundamental attribution error is a default attribution that all people make.


The fundamental attribution error describes a person's propensity to attribute another person's behavior to their personality while attributing their own behavior to outside, uncontrollable situational conditions.

Fundamental attribution error, also known as correspondence bias or attribution effect, is the propensity for people to overemphasize dispositional and personality-based explanations while underemphasizing situational and contextual reasons for an individual's observed behavior.

Additionally, there are other different kinds of attribution biases, including the hostile attribution bias, actor-observer bias, fundamental attribution error, and ultimate attribution bias. Each of these biases reflects a certain propensity that individuals have while debating the origin of various actions.

If it is not recognized and dealt with, it can undermine team trust and cohesion. It is defined by presuming that your own acts and behaviors are the result of outside forces, and that other people's actions are the result of character faults or behavioral disorders.

To know more about 'fundamental attribution error' related questions



what type of schedule would be watching the night sky for shooting stars likely to be reinforced on?




An agent must keep confidential any information acquired through an agency during the term of the relationship, but can disclose it after the agency ends.


An agent must keep confidential any information acquired through an agency during the term of the relationship, but can disclose it after the agency ends. This is a true statement.

The subjective experience of planning, carrying out, and managing one's own free will acts in the world is known as the sense of agency (SA), sometimes known as the sensation of control. It is the pre-reflective consciousness or the implicit understanding that I am doing the moving or thinking in my body.

the capacity to distinguish between right and wrong and take appropriate action. For instance, it may be reasonable to expect an employee to notify the authorities if they are aware that their employer is impermissibly discharging a poison into a river that serves as a community's source of drinking water.

To know more about agency:


what is consilience for edward o. wilson? group of answer choices the breaking apart of all academic disciplines the concentration on one discipline with great intensity the separation of science and the humanities none of the above


According to Edward O. Wilson, consilience is the intense focus on one field of study. The right answer is (2).

Regulation, order, control, and authority are all terms used to describe disciplined behavior. Another possible meaning is punishment. Discipline is used to develop routines, habitual responses, and habits like blind obedience. Either oneself or another person can suffer from it. The simplest metaphor, and the one I've implicitly relied on for the most of my life, is that self-control is a type of resource. If you exercise more self-control, it will wear out and you'll become exhausted. Going on a meditation retreat is similar to becoming a monk for 10 days, except that there is just more meditating to be done.

Speaking, using phones, using computers, reading, writing, exercising, and having sex are all prohibited. Instead, you rise at four in the morning, practice meditation for ten hours a day, taking only brief breaks to stretch, and consume two meals per day. This appears to be the case intuitively. With rare exceptions, most people can't sustain something that needs steady willpower for an extended period of time. We eventually give up, and when we do, it appears that some sort of fuel was expended in the process.

Learn more about consilience visit:


Correct Question:

What is consilience for Edward O. Wilson?

1. The breaking apart of all academic disciplines

2. The concentration on one discipline with great intensity

3. The separation of science and the humanities

4. None of the above

selena has been working hard all semester to earn an a in her communications class. she is feeling optimistic that she will earn an a. what blended primary emotions is selena experiencing? group of answer choices trust and fear fear and surprise anger and anticipation anticipation and joy


Selena has put forth a lot of effort this semester to get an A in her communications class. She is confident that whether she gets an A or not. Selena is primarily feeling anticipation and delight at the moment.

Senders are able to create messages that reflect their internal status and objectives while taking audience demands and perceptions into account when emotions are portrayed effectively. Receiving a message that is clearer and simpler to understand benefits both the listener and the speaker. In many ways, emotions impact communication.

Pleasure from knowing that one will soon be rewarded for engaging in goal-directed activity; pleasure that is connected to reward motivation and to actions aiming desirable outcomes. Numerous studies indicate that having something to anticipate makes you happier and less stressed. "Seeing positive things ahead of us improves our mood in the present,".

Learn more about communications visit:


Correct Question:

Selena has been working hard all semester to earn an a in her communications class. she is feeling optimistic that she will earn an a. what blended primary emotions is selena experiencing?

Which of the following considerations is relevant to appraisal of the clinical significance of the findings of an experimental study?


The extent of the treatment group's results' differences is relevant to appraisal of the clinical significance of the findings of an experimental study.

The ability of a treatment or research experiment to assist a client or patient sufficiently that they are returned to normal functioning from a dysfunctional state is known as clinical significance. In our case, the cognitive-behavioral therapy was clinically meaningful because it helped Emily transition from a depressed state to a state of normal functioning.

Clinically relevant findings are those that advance medical treatment and enhance a person's physical function, mental health, and capacity for social interaction. The phrase "improving quality of life" in relation to medical care covers both subjective and objective concepts.

To know more about Clinical significance visit:


how do factor and cluster analyses help determine the number of traits that should go into a developing personality theory?


Researchers can follow or examine clusters of data, but in overall, while determining how many "clusters" there are, they need to be subjective

Without imposing a predetermined framework on the results, exploratory factor analysis looks at the potential underlying factor structure of a group of linked variables. Similar objects are grouped together in the analysis to find dimensions. A method for separating a multivariate dataset into "natural" clusters or groupings is exploratory cluster analysis. The method entails locating groups of people or things that are similar to one another yet distinct from people or things in other groups. As with factor analysis, there is no separation between independent and dependent variables in cluster analysis. By dividing them up into a smaller number of components, factor analysis helps to reduce the number of variables. By organising the observations into a smaller number of clusters, cluster analysis minimises the amount of observations.

Learn more about cluster and factor analyses here:


the fact that we recognize objects as having a consistent form regardless of changing viewing angles illustrates:_______


The fact that we recognize objects as having a consistent form regardless of changing viewing angles illustrates: perceptual constancy.

What is perceptual constancy?

Perceptual constancy, also known as object constancy or the constancy phenomenon, is the propensity of both animals and people to see familiar objects as having a constant shape, size, color, or location, independent of variations in illumination, distance, or perspective.Shape, size, and brightness are three different types of perceptual constancy.When an object is perceived as the same despite sensory changes, perceptual constancy is thought to have occurred. Because the items will appear to be different every time we look at them, there will be chaos and a great deal of confusion around us if perceptual constancy does not exist.

To know more about Perceptual constancy, here


Disorders characterized by disturbances in emotion are known as ______ disorders.


Psychiatric illness schizophrenia is characterized by severe disruptions in thought, sight, emotion, and behavior.

Natural disturbances: what are they?

Fires, insect outbreaks, epidemic diseases, droughts, storms, cyclones, windstorms, landslides, rockslides, and volcanic eruptions are a few examples of natural disturbances. The two main natural disturbances that influence wilderness regions are fires and insect outbreaks, both in terms of the frequency and area affected.

How is the environment impacted by disturbance?

Stable ecosystems are upset by disturbances, and the habitat of many species is cleared. Because of this, species move into the recently cleared area as a result of disturbances (secondary succession). After clearing an area, species richness gradually increases and interspecies competition occurs.

To know more about disturbances visit:


what is the name of the flap of cartilage that closes to prevent food and liquid from entering the air passages during swallowing?


The epiglottis is a flap of cartilage in the throat that is situated in front of the larynx and behind the tongue.

What is the name of the tissue flap that blocks the air passageways when you swallow by keeping food and drink out?

The epiglottis (eh-phi-GLAH-tus), a little tissue flap, guards the larynx. To stop food and liquid from entering the lungs when we swallow, the epiglottis protects the larynx. The airway's continuation below the larynx is known as the trachea (windpipe) (LAIR-inks).

What is the name of the tissue flap that covers the nasolacrimal duct, larynx, vocal cords, and epiglottis to keep food and liquid from entering the airways during swallowing?

When we swallow, a soft tissue flap known as the epiglottis—pronounce it: ep-ich-GLAH-tus—closes over the windpipe to prevent choking. Food passes from the throat down the esophagus, a muscular tube in the chest (pronounced: ich-SAH-fug-gus).

To Know more about cartilage


the following are examples of defenders except: a. clear goals and plans b. assertiveness c. ethical awareness d. isolation


The subsequent are examples of defenders besides isolation.

Social isolation is the dearth of social contact and having few people to interact with regularly. we may stay on our own and now not sense lonely or socially isolated, and we can sense loneliness even as being with different humans.

Isolation approach completely by myself, just like the stranded skiers who have been in overall isolation after an avalanche stranded them at the pinnacle of a mountain.

Elements that save you humans from engaging with others, along with long-time period illness, disabilities, transportation problems, unemployment, or publicity to home or network violence, might also boom social isolation and loneliness. the ones more youthful than fifty are much more likely to document loneliness than those age fifty and older.

Learn more about isolation here


which mode of attack is often used on small fires or incidents where fire fighters are at minimal risk?


Offensive attack is often used on small fires or incidents where fire fighters are at minimal risk.

When hoselines are deployed proactively, whether through a window, door, or from the inside of the building, it is said to be an offensive attack. A housing fire's initial incident commander must choose between an offensive external attack and an offensive interior attack.

Civilians who are escaping the structure or who require rescue must be protected by the first hoseline. They ought to be separated from the flames by this hoseline. The rescue operation may be straightforward if the initial hoseline is successful in putting out the fire. Protecting the trapped passengers and the firefighters who are attempting to rescue them comes first if there is too much fire for one hoseline. The same hoseline should be placed to defend the steps if a fire involves or threatens an open stairway, or a second hoseline can be given this priority.

To know more about fire fighters


_____ of bias occurs when individuals with certain characteristics are less likely to respond to surveys than others.



Your answer is:


Pleeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaase mark brainliest!!

name the person who discovers and uncovers fossils?


mary anning...............


Answer:  A palentoligist.

Explanation: I remember always going to museums and looking at fossils uncovered by paleontologists. These paleontologists study and uncover fossils, trying to understand what life was like long ago for all organisms. I hoped this answered your question. :)

in the stress-proof brain, dr. melanie greenberg describes how stress can compromise and harm the human body. she writes:


Greenberg argues that you're more likely to get sick if you're chronically stressed (19).

Chronic strain is related to other situations, each psychological and bodily. these can include: diseases inclusive of hypertension, coronary heart disease, obesity and metabolic syndrome, kind II diabetes, and arthritis.

However continual stress, which is steady and persists over an prolonged time period, may be debilitating and overwhelming. persistent strain can have an effect on both our physical and psychological well-being with the aid of inflicting an expansion of problems which includes anxiety, insomnia, muscle ache, excessive blood stress, and a weakened immune device.

Persistent strain, or a regular pressure experienced over a prolonged time frame, can make contributions to lengthy-time period troubles for heart and blood vessels. The steady and ongoing boom in coronary heart price, and the accelerated degrees of strain hormones and of blood stress, can take a toll at the frame.

Learn more about chronically stressed here :


one of the approaches to the men's movement argues that men should take back their role as head of the household in order to become leaders in their families and communities. this approach is known as the


This approach is known as the Religious Approach.

These include the Enlightenment-inspired anthropological, phenomenological, psychological, and sociological methods.

In sociology, there are three primary methods for characterizing religion: Substantive.Functional. Sociological constructivist.

the conviction of some Christians that wearing a cross as a representation of your faith is appropriate. the notion that a woman should cover her body or head when practicing Islam. the acceptance of intelligent design or creationism.

To know more about Religion here


a breach of contract entitles the nonbreaching party to sue for monetary damages.
a) true
b) false


a breach of contract entitles the nonbreaching party to sue for monetary damages.

the given statement is TRUE.

Monetary Damages: An Introduction.

A claimant may be granted monetary damages as a type of legal remedy to make up for harm or loss that was wrongfully suffered. The most common name for this type of remedy is "damages." The payment of money in exchange for a release from civil liability is the essence of damages.

The progression from the award of prefixed damages to the award of discretionary damages can be seen throughout the history of Western damages law. However, as the discretionary theory of damages gained traction, it became obvious that justice and basic fairness demanded that this discretion not be completely unrestricted. There were introduced some general guidelines that served to restrict discretionary damage awards. These fundamental ideas evolved into the law of damages.

Know more about nonbreaching visit:


the demand that women should receive equal pay relative to men for work that is similarly demanding, involves similar responsibilities, and requires similar levels of education and training is the basis of the concept of:__________


Through Articles 39(d) and 41, the Indian Constitution acknowledged that concepts of "Equal Pay for Equal Work" for men and women as well as "Right to Work."

The definition of responsibility

The term "responsibility" describes the duty to carry out specific tasks in order to get specific results. The following are the primary qualities or aspects of responsibility: Only humans can be given responsibility by an organization; non-living things like machines, equipment, etc. cannot be given accountability.

Why is it vital to be responsible?

Responsibility is crucial because it gives people a feeling of purpose and helps society as a whole develop resilience in the face of hardship. Similar to an addiction, avoiding responsibilities may feel wonderful in the short run, but it results in misery and suffering that is tenfold worse in the long run.

To know more about responsibilities visit:


__________ bias occurs when researchers fail to choose a representative sample of potential respondents.


Selection bias occurs when researchers fail to choose a representative sample of potential respondents.

Sampling bias, also known as sample selection bias, refers to errors that occur when researchers improperly select participants in research studies. Ideally, individuals participating in research studies should be randomly selected while adhering to the criteria of the study.

The sampling error is the deviation of a sample value from the true population value. Sampling error occurs because the sample is not representative of the population or is biased in some way. Self-selection is when a person agrees to participate in research. This can lead to a biased sample, as someone may argue that certain people are more likely to volunteer for research.

Learn more about Selection bias here:-


free association, dream analysis, analysis of resistance, and analysis of transference are aspects of which psychotherapy?


Free association, dream analysis, analysis of resistance, and analysis of transference are aspects of  psychoanalytic therapy

What is psychoanalytic therapy?

Generally, Psychoanalytic therapy is a type of in-depth talk therapy that aims to bring subconsciously or deeply buried thoughts and feelings to the conscious mind.

This is done in order to bring repressed experiences and emotions, most commonly stemming from childhood to the surface so that they can be examined.

Read more about psychoanalytic therapy


What does Claudius now decide to do to Hamlet Act 4?



convinces Laertes to duel Hamlet with a poisoned, sharpened sword. He also plans to offer Hamlet a poisoned drink if Laertes fails to kill him.

provide a full accounting of all the diverse forms of christianity in the first and second centuries. why is there so much diversity and difference?


There so much diversity and difference as a hierarchy of authorities and permanent institutions, such as structures, were created in the second century.

They considered Jesus to be the messiah (Christ), as predicted in the Jewish scriptures, that they held to be authoritative and sacred, and Yahweh to be the one and only true God, the god of Israel. They adhered strictly to the Torah, accepting Gentile converts in accordance with a modified version of Noachide legislation.

In the second and third centuries, Christianity significantly drifted away from its early foundations. By the end of the second century, there was a clear opposition to then-modern Judaism and Jewish culture, with a developing body of anti-Judaeos literature.

Know more about second century here


What defines African American literature?


African American literature comprised of the writings of the African people residing in the state of America.

African American literature is full of writings that describe the events about the pre and postwar period. This type of literature was first introduced in North America by the African Americans. These writings also included the various dialogues and government policies of the American government. The writers included the events of Independence and also about the conditions of the Blacks in America. The atrocities done to the Blacks by the White American people were also mentioned in the earlier writings. These writings were in the form of Poems that were written on the negro people and the other African tribes.

Learn more about African American literature at:


the study of bystander intervention is the study of situational variables related to helping a stranger, most notably the


The study of bystander intervention is the study of situational variables related to helping a stranger, most notably the decreased likelihood of helping as the number of bystanders increases.

Bystander intervention refers to a social science model that predicts the probability or likelihood of individuals or groups (unrelated to a situation) willing to actively address a situation they consider problematic. A bystander is defined as a person who observes a situation. People observe numerous incidents and interactions daily, but usually do not consider or acknowledge them as needing our response. An active bystander is someone who acknowledges a problematic situation and chooses how to respond. Hence, bystander intervention refers to recognizing a potentially harmful situation or interaction and choosing to respond in a way that could positively influence the outcome. It is the study of situational variables related to helping a stranger, most notably it includes the study of the decreased likelihood of helping as the number of bystanders increases.

Learn more about Bystander intervention:


after doug witnessed two cars involved in a car accident, a police officer asked doug how fast the cars were going when the accident happened. according to research by elizabeth loftus, which of the following questions could the officer ask that would make doug most susceptible to the misinformation effect? responses what can you tell me about what you saw? what can you tell me about what you saw? were there other people around who witnessed the accident? were there other people around who witnessed the accident? what did the cars look like? what did the cars look like? how fast were the cars going when the accident occurred? how fast were the cars going when the accident occurred? how fast were the cars going when they smashed into each other?


The question that the officer can ask that would make doug most susceptible to the misinformation effect is E. How fast were the cars going when they smashed into each other?

What is the misinformation effect?

The misinformation effect occurs when post-event information causes a person's recall of episodic memories to be less accurate. Since the middle of the 1970s, the misinformation effect has been researched. One of the most significant researchers in the field is Elizabeth Loftus.

The term "misinformation effect" is used in the literature on cognitive psychology to refer to both experimental and real-world situations where inaccurate information is incorporated into a description of a historical event.

In this case, th question "How fast were the cars going when they smashed into each other?" can lead to misinformation.

Learn more about accident on:


in what way can psychologists, therapists, and society in general use the concept of resilience to decrease the number of cases of disorders?


Psychologists can change situations that foster loneliness, empower those who feel helpless, encourage dialogue in relationships, and improve the abilities of parents and teachers.

Persons who research the mind and behavior are known as psychologists. When people hear the word "psychologist," they frequently picture talk therapy; however, this profession actually covers a wide range of specialization areas, including things like animal studies and organizational behavior. Applying psychological theories and research, applied psychologists address issues in the real world. Scientists in the field of research psychology carry out investigations and tests on people and animals. Psychologists that specialize in mental health care assist those who are suffering from psychological or mental illness.

Learn more about psychologists here:


essential question: how do the structures, powers, and functions of congress affect the policy-making process?


Our legislative branch is best described as bicameral

Our legislative branch is best described as bicameral. There are two houses of the Congress in the United States. Based on population, we have a House of Representatives and a Senate with two members from each state. The only elected office the Founders gave directly to the people was that of House representative. A select few individuals either appointed or selected other government positions. Even today, the House reflects local interests significantly more than the Senate does. The public's wishes are best met by the House. The Senate usually focuses more on state and national issues. Until the 17th Amendment was passed in 1913, senators were not elected directly. The Senate is referred to as the Upper House because of its more prestigious six-year terms.

To know more about bicameralism visit


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