Read the two excerpts from an essay and select a transitional word that will establish a smooth link between them.

A theme of Shelley’s Frankenstein is man’s indifference and injustice to outsiders, as represented by the monster, which doesn’t belong to the human society. The book paints a bleak portrait of man’s relationship with outsiders.

The monster’s estrangement from society, his unrealized desire for a companion to share his life with, and his ongoing struggle for revenge, are all shared by his creator! As the story moves, Victor becomes more and more like his creator. Both of them live in complete isolation from the society.


Answer 1


i think its B sorry if i am wrong


Answer 2


I think it is C. However


This is the only option that makes sense to me.

Related Questions

a) Define phrase
b) List and explain the types of phrase​



A.a small group of words standing together as a conceptual unit, typically forming a component of a clause.









Who is an example of a dynamic character in The Secret Garden?

Dickon Sowerby

Mrs. Lennox

Colin Craven

Martha Sowerby


Answer: Colin Craven


The Secret Garden is largely concerned with two dynamic characters who undergo incredible transformations through the power of love and nurturing. Mary and Colin represent profound change through connection.


Colin Craven


I read the book

Read the sentences below from “Federigo’s Falcon.” Describe how each sentence’s diction affects your feelings about the story and your understanding of it. Then rewrite the sentences using different words, but keep the meaning the same. You can choose to rewrite the sentences more formally or informally. You can even use slang. Break up the original sentence into two or more sentences if you like.
When he found himself the husband of such a great lady, whom he had loved so much and who was so wealthy besides, he managed his financial affairs with more prudence than in the past and lived with her happily the rest of his days.
When the lady heard and saw this, she first reproached him for having killed such a falcon to serve as a meal to a woman; but then to herself she commended the greatness of his spirit, which no poverty was able or would be able to diminish; then, having lost all hope of getting the falcon and, perhaps because of this, of improving the health of her son as well, she thanked Federigo both for the honor paid to her and for his good will, and she left in grief, and returned to her son.


Answer:The first sentence describes how Federigo lived happily after his marriage. However, I do not feel that Federigo is truly in love with his wife. The references to his “wealthy” wife and his better managed “financial affairs” give me the impression that Federigo lacks passion.

Rewritten sentence: He was married to the woman he loved, and she was also very rich. His situation motivated him to manage his money more wisely, and he had a happy life with her.

The second sentence tells the reader that Monna Giovanna “commended,” or praised, Federigo for the “greatness of his spirit” despite having “lost all hope of getting the falcon” and “improving the health of her son.” She also “reproached” (gently scolded) Federigo for killing the Falcon. These words show that Monna is a gentle and sensitive person, and yet she has a strong spirit. Many people in her situation would have lost control and shouted or wept in this situation. However, Monna praises and thanks Federigo for his “good will” and accepts her son’s fate.

Rewritten sentence: When she realized Federigo had killed the falcon, she gently scolded him. But secretly she thought that he had acted in an honorable manner, despite being poor. She thanked Federigo for his generosity to her. She was sad as she returned to her sick son because with the falcon dead, she had no hope of saving his life.

So I have to do a 5-10 minute podcast for a movie I like and I’m thinking either Coraline or a studio Ghibli movie I need a summary of the movie and what I liked about it and what I enjoyed please help



Coraline discovers a secret door while exploring her new home. Behind the door lies an alternate world that is alike to hers but "better". She likes the idea of the new world until Other Mother tries to keep her to say there forever. Caroline must use her resources and make it back to her real family and life.  


Why did I like the story?

Simply explain something or someone in the story you really liked.




break down the questions for better understanding

Write your own sentences using correct pronouns and antecedents. Use the topics provided.
1. (At School)
2. (At a Restaurant)



when i am at school i have five classes one is larts the second is gmas and the third is math and the fourth is science and the last is gym or health.

if i were at a restaurant i would go to texas road house because that is my and my familys favorete family food place to go to.


Metaphor Meanings Worksheet (Part 1)
[Animated image]
A metaphor is a figure of speech that compares two things.
Often times it uses the word “is or was”
Directions: For each metaphor given below, write what you think it means.
Example A: Thoughts are a storm, unexpected.
Answer: someone may have many unexpected thoughts at anytime
1. He is a beast-
2. The noise is music to his ears-
3. He swam in the sea of diamonds-
4. His belt was a snake curling around his waist-
5. Love is a growing garland-
6. Your friendship is the picture to my frame-



1. He is a beast- Here, the man is compared to a beast though he is not literally one. So, by saying "he is a beast", the speaker seems to suggest he is ruthless, or strong, or anything that makes him similar to a beast.

2. The noise is music to his ears- This means that he is enjoying the music.

3. He swam in the sea of diamonds- He is not literally swimming in a sea of diamonds. But it means that he is happy, glad, excited.

4. His belt was a snake curling around his waist- This means that the belt is circular and elastic, like a snake.

5. Love is a growing garland- Means love requires time to grow.

6. Your friendship is the picture to my frame- This means your friendship is important to me like a picture is important for a frame or a picture completes a frame.


Metaphors are figurative languages that are used to represent, signify, or symbolize something. It is a rhetorical presentation of one thing by saying another thing.

1. He is a beast- Here, the man is compared to a beast though he is not literally one. So, by saying "he is a beast", the speaker seems to suggest he is ruthless, or strong, or anything that makes him similar to a beast.

2. The noise is music to his ears- This means that he is enjoying the music.

3. He swam in the sea of diamonds- He is not literally swimming in a sea of diamonds. But it means that he is extremely happy, glad, excited.

4. His belt was a snake curling around his waist- This means that the belt is circular and elastic, like a snake.

5. Love is a growing garland- Means love requires time to grow.

6. Your friendship is the picture to my frame- This means your friendship is important to me like a picture is important for a frame or a picture completes a frame.

He couldn't bear the situation, so he... .......into tears.​





Why does the author use quotations to conclude the article?
F) To show contrast between different positions on the dangers of deepfake videos.
G) To imply that deepfake videos are a concern mostly among news outlets and politicians.
H) To explain expert opinions on appropriate uses of deepfake video technology.
J) To suggest that recent developments in video manipulation carry new dangers.
Someone help me please!!​



To show contrast between different positions on the dangers of deepfake videos.


What's the difference between the story rapunzel and the movie tangled


Answer: In both stories, Mother Gothel takes Rapunzel from her mother and father. In the Tangled movie however, Rapunzel kidnapped in the night from her parents who are a king and queen of a vast kingdom, while in the Grimm version she is given to Gothel as a way of repayment for her father's actions.

This Is The Difference Hope It Helps U.

The difference between Tangled and Rapunzel the short story is that, Rapunzel is the princess and her prince is actually a thief, which ends up falling in love with her. ... The characters in Tangled prove the fact that every fairy tale follows the same guide lines; Rapunzel, Flynn, and even mother Gothel are beautiful.
Please Mark as Brainliest

Which phrase from the excerpt suggests that Holmes is arrogant?

A) in your position of unofficial adviser and helper to everybody who is absolutely puzzled
B) I know without reading it that it is all perfectly familiar to me
C) I was engaged in clearing up some small points in connection with it
D) acknowledge that I have scored over you in your example





It shows that he ia belittling him due to his position, therefore making him seem arrogant.

. How does the narrator’s point of view influence how the story or event is described? *

a. The story is not influenced by who tells the story.
b. The story is only influenced by who tells the story if it's told in third person omniscient point of view.
c. The story can be influenced by the narrator's experiences and emotions.
d. The story is always influenced by all character's emotion



a. The story is not influenced by who tells the story.

b. The story is only influenced by who tells the story if it's told in third person omniscient point of view.

c. The story can be influenced by the narrator's experiences and emotions.

d. The story is always influenced by all character's emotion


a. The story is not influenced by who tells the story.

Please help, will give you 100 points!

Percy twisted and turned into fantastic shapes and
glided effortlessly through the glistening water.

1. What is/are the verb(s) in this sentence?
2. What is/are the subject(s) of this sentence?
3. What is/are the noun(s) in this sentence?
4. What is/are the adjective(s) in this sentence?
5. What is/are the prepositional phrase(s) in this sentence?
6. What is/are the object(s) of the preposition(s) in this sentence?
7. What part of speech is “effortlessly” in this sentence?
8. What part of speech is “and” in this sentence?
9. How many clauses are in this sentence?
10. What type of sentence construction is this?

This is a _______ sentence.



1. twisted, turned, glided

2. I'm sorry, i don't know that one

3. Percy, water

4. fantastic, glistening

7. effortlessly is speeking of the way he moved through the water


Sorry, I just gave you what I could

Read the passage from Eleanor Roosevelt’s speech on the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

This Universal Declaration of Human Rights may well become the international Magna Carta of all men everywhere. We hope its proclamation by the General Assembly will be an event comparable to the proclamation of the Declaration of the Rights of Man by the French people in 1789, the adoption of the Bill of Rights by the people of the United States, and the adoption of comparable declarations at different times in other countries.

At a time when there are so many issues on which we find it difficult to reach a common basis of agreement, it is a significant fact that 58 states have found such a large measure of agreement in the complex field of human rights. This must be taken as testimony of our common aspiration first voiced in the Charter of the United Nations to lift men everywhere to a higher standard of life and to a greater enjoyment of freedom. Man’s desire for peace lies behind this Declaration.

Which statement best summarizes Roosevelt's reasons for supporting the UDHR?

Every government on Earth agrees on the issue of human rights, and soon people will agree with the governments.
A large number of governments have supported the idea of fascism, and may see the signing of the UDHR as a sign of war.
A large number of governments support the UDHR, and people everywhere may see it as a set of principles to strive for.
Governments must provide equal access to public services; otherwise, people will hold them accountable if nations go to war.



if it was timed im deeply sorry no one answered your question, i realized that on braily no one really pays attention to ela mostly math and most of the time the answers people give in science are wrong :)



A large number of governments support the UDHR, and people everywhere may see it as a set of principles to strive for.


EDGE 2021




got separated in an explosion

A Question 4 (2 points) Retake question Reread the poem "The White Horse." What is the tone? Select all answers that are correct. A. Calm B. Quiet C. Rushed D. Cheerful​



A. Calm

B. Quiet


D. H. Lawrence's poem "The White Horse" is a short poem of one stanza with just three lines. But despite the limited number of lines, the poem was able to give a deeply meaningful expression of the relationship between the horse and the youth.

The youth walks up to the white horse, to put its halter on

and the horse looks at him in silence.

They are so silent, they are in another world.

Within these three lines, the horse and the youth both seem to come to an agreement over what is happening. The horse did not refuse the halter and with that, they both looked at each other "in silence". This silence seemed to be the quiet agreement over what's happening, which is not specified.

And the tone of the poem is a calm and quiet approach.

Thus, the correct answers are options A and B.

Answer:  the correct answers are options A and B.

1. Bullying,neglect,abuse 2.verbal,physical,sexual



number one is bullying number 2 is verbal


the definition of bullying is in there

when you make fun of somebody, that’s an example of bullying

when was the Eiffel tower made



January 28, 1887


Presented at the world fair

Doodle's "lies" reveal that he is ...

mentally impaired

prepared to die







lies depict deception

60 POINTS WILL MARK BRAINLIEST: help me write a restaurant description (ntry to use synecdoche, if you can't ill add it in later) I have started it (you can edit it as much as you want) and I need 5 sentences, thanks in advance


Especially the deserts we have ! Put restaurant is the best in town. we have delicious meals and that’s are really healthy aswell! Come down to our restaurant and try some of our special deals!

i need ideas on writing a story that involves a character new to the area.. please help :0



They could have a special secret that boone not even their parents know about. They could also know someone from the past that just so happens to be in the new area they are going.

Just some ideas. Hope the story goes well. Also hope this helped!!


well you could do a mystery romance thingy.

Good girl moves to a small town. She doesn't know anyone. She goes to church and people think she's a goody goody.

She's a freshman or sophomore.

She meets this Junior boy at her church so she thinks he's good.

she falls for him because he's hot.

she gets to know him and he turns out to be a bad boy. bad reputation.

he never tells her stuff even though they have become friends, but people give her weird looks and her new friends try to warn her.

weird things start happening.

kids die at a party the boy went to.

girls go missing, etc.

girl feels like she's being stocked or something.

more weird stuff.

he looks super suspicious.

find out in the end, it was just this "invisible" kid who was always lurking in the background looking innocent but he wasn't innocent.

the bad boy was innocent. and he turns out to just be really broken.

he falls for the new girl.

the end.


i don't know what level you are as a writer or your grade or anything. but this was just an idea based on real life, minus the bad stuff happening.






please urgent please beg



2. study hard

watch TV

3. exercise regularly

eat fast food

4. call the doctor

go to work

Create 3 separate Haiku poems following the three-line, 5/7/5 syllabic pattern. Use mine as an example to create yours.
The Bonzai tree grows
On the side of a Mountain
They come from Japan


Answer: Here's a few. I love my scooter. The wind blowing through my hair. And the whirling wheels. Here's another. One big supernova. They happen when stars explode. They can be harmful. One last haiku for you. Brainly is helpful. Brainly is a lot like books. Every answer.


Marks: 1
"Pepperoni pizza is my favorite
food." is an example of what kind of



(a)  Assertive.


An assertive sentence is a sentence that expresses an opinion, gives a statement, or expresses a feeling or incident or an event. Assertive sentences end with a period (.) and can either be a negative or positive sentence.

The given sentence "Pepperoni pizza is my favorite food" is assertive as it expresses the personal opinion or choice of the speaker.

Thus, the correct answer is option a.

Isn’t this puppy so adorable?!




I’m failing math


I can confirm that puppy is absolutely adourable

can i turn this into twitter ? sometimes you need a quick laugh right ?‍♀️



Also me and these people started this thing where we get as much people to change their pfp to that

May someone complete this chart? For each one

1974: US v Nixon

1987 : Hazelwood v Kuhlmeier

2000: Bush v Gore

Hope someone answers :/
put in what it say at the top


tanga ang hindi maka allam niyan kahin hindi na yan i brany

How does the author of "Solar-Powered Public Buildings? Not So Fast, California!" support the claim that an increase in solar power usage could disrupt power delivery to individuals and organizations?


Hello. You forgot to enter the answer options. The options are:

ineffective, because the author relies only on personal opinions rather than facts to point out problems with solar power . ineffective, because the author supports the opposing viewpoint by introducing the idea that solar power is popular . effective, because the author reveals the significant costs of readying California’s public buildings to run on solar power  effective, because the author shows that less than half of California’s energy supply comes from solar power.


effective, because the author reveals the significant costs of readying California’s public buildings to run on solar power


The author of the text presents evidence on how the use of solar energy is expensive, which often makes it difficult to use this type of energy in buildings, especially public predictions. This could be a problem in California, where the demand for solar energy is high and there are many advocates who advocate the use of this energy without taking into account the expenses to maintain an uninterrupted supply of it.


effective, because the author reveals the significant costs of readying California’s public buildings to run on solar power


Read this excerpt from "Birdfoot's Grampa.”

The rain was falling,
a mist about his white hair
and I kept saying
you can’t save them all,
accept it, get back in
we’ve got places to go.

But, leathery hands full
of wet brown life,
knee deep in the summer
roadside grass,
he just smiled and said
they have places to go to

Which line from the excerpt is an implicit detail?

The rain was falling,
accept it, get back in
of wet brown life,
roadside grass,





did it in edg and got 100

'Birdfoot's Grampa' is a poem by Joseph Bruchac. From the excerpt, the line, 'of wet brown life,' is an implicit detail. Therefore, option c. is correct.

What is an implicit detail?

An implicit detail is understood by an indirect expression and is not directly understood as they are not mentioned in the text. They are indirectly suggested to express their objectives.

The implicit details show the hidden message or the idea behind the lines that the writers want the readers to understand. They are not clearly stated though have a deep meaning.

Therefore, option C. wet brown life shows implicit detail.

Learn more about implicit detail here:


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