Read the passage from The Pillow Book.

"The Shigei Sha, who had moved back a little, was now facing in my direction. She had on several plum-red under-robes of different shades, an unlined costume of deep red damask, a long, flowing robe of darkish red, and an over-robe of richly embroidered light green silk which made her look very young. She held her fan steadily in front of her face. Altogether she was magnificent. . . .

I glanced again at the Shigei Sha, who was looking extraordinarily pretty. But, when I turned back to Her Majesty and saw her tranquil expression, her charming features which had recently taken on a more adult cast, and her complexion which went so beautifully with her scarlet clothes, I realized that no one in the world could equal her.”

Which evidence best supports the conclusion that the author admired the empress?

A. “She had on several plum-red under-robes of different shades, an unlined costume of deep red . . .”
B. “. . . and an over-robe of richly embroidered light green silk which made her look very young.”
C. “I glanced again at the Shigei Sha, who was looking extraordinarily pretty.”
D. “I realized that no one in the world could equal her.”


Answer 1

Answer: D

Explanation: I just took test

Answer 2

Answer:      D

Explanation: i took the test

Related Questions

Why did the Virginia General Assembly not allow free or enslaved Black
people to travel outside of the county in which they lived?

A. White people feared unknown Black people in their towns and

B. Black people were known to bring diseases and sickness
wherever they went.

C. White people wanted to keep Black people in their towns and
communities to work.

D. Politicians wanted to keep enslaved people within their voting


Answer:White people feared unknown Black people in their towns and communities.


What did the separate Car Act do?



it required all passenger railways to have separate train car accomodations for black and white americans that were equal in facilities

what did benjamin franklin's father did for a living



His father was a candle and soap maker


How did American settlers in Texas and the Mexican government disagree
over the issue of slavery?

OA. The Mexican government banned slavery immediately, but settlers wanted to outlaw slavery more slowly.

B. The Mexican government wanted to expand slavery, but settlers
wanted slavery to be banned in Mexico.

C. The Mexican government banned slavery, but settlers wanted to continue to use the labor of enslaved people.

D. The Mexican government limited the number of enslaved people in Mexico, but settlers wanted to ban slavery altogether.


Answer: C. The Mexican government banned slavery, but settlers wanted to continue to use the labor of enslaved people.

Explanation: The issue of slavery became a source of contention between the Anglo-American settlers and Spanish governors. The governors feared the growth in the Anglo-American population in Texas, and for various reasons, by the early 19th century, they and their superiors in Mexico City disapproved of expanding slavery.



C. The Mexican government banned slavery, but settlers wanted to continue to use the labor of enslaved workers.

In 1829 the Guerrero decree conditionally abolished slavery throughout Mexican territories. It was a decision that increased tensions with slaveholders among the Anglo-Americans. After the Texas Revolution ended in 1836, the Constitution of the Republic of Texas made slavery legal. Sam Houston made illegal importation from Mexico a crime in 1836. The General Provisions of the Constitution forbade any owner of enslaved people from freeing them without the consent of Congress and forbade Congress from making any law that restricted the slave trade or emancipated slaves.


Compose a paragraph that discusses how early renaissance artist learned to create more realistic art than others, what stages Leonardo da venci went through and learning to paint the human form, and what goal da Vinci shared with other high renaissance artists like Raphael and Michelangelo


They were all inspired to portray the perfect human figure. They thought that knowing the human anatomy would aid them in doing this.

Who was  Leonardo da Vinci?

Leonardo da Vinci studied all things scientific and was a painter, engineer, architect, and inventor. His inherent brilliance cut across so many fields that he personified the idea of a "Renaissance man." He is still most known for two of his paintings, "The Last Supper" and "Mona Lisa." He was mostly self-taught and wrote down his discoveries, statements, and beliefs on everything from human anatomy to aeronautics in dozens of hidden notebooks.

The first is da Vinci's "The Last Supper," which was created between 1495 and 1498 when he was living in Milan. "The Last Supper" is a tempera and oil mural on plaster that was made for the refectory of the city's Santa Maria Delle Grazie Monastery. The sole remaining fresco by the artist, it is sometimes referred to as "The Cenacle," and it is roughly 15 by 29 feet in size.

To learn more about Leonardo da Vinci follow the link.


What were two reasons that Europeans ventured into Africa?
to find natural resources
to build the African economy
to unite warring tribes
to improve communication with Asia
to seek out new markets for European goods


The two major reasons that Europeans ventured into Africa is to find natural resources and seek out new markets for European goods.

Which was a major effect of European rule in Africa?

Africans were greatly impacted by colonialism. Europeans who adopted economic policies.

Instead of assisting the colonies, we destroyed them. Economically, politically, and culturally, Africa suffered. Africa’s Culture and ancient ways of life were obliterated. The old African culture was of no interest to the Europeans, who had none.

There is no care about Africans. Colonization had a number of unfavorable impacts that became clear after many African countries achieved independence.

First of all, for their own private or commercial purposes, colonial administrations seized most of Africa's territory, including commercial farms or mining.

Once European countries started establishing agricultural and mining operations in Africa, they need labor.

therefore they began using Africans as inexpensive labor.

to learn more about European venture click:


Summarize the long lasting conflict between Israel and Palestine 


The 1967 War is particularly significant since it gave Israel authority over the West Bank and Gaza Strip, two areas with sizable Palestinian populations, which led to continuous conflicts in the region.

How long did the Israel-Palestine conflict last?

The region that the Israel claimed to be their original homeland and desired to establish as a Jewish state was also regarded as historically belonging to the Palestinians by the Arabs, resulting in conflicts. There have been conflicts in the region since Israel was founded in 1947, with several significant battles taking place during the past eighty years.

The 74th anniversary of Israel's declaration of independence from the British Empire will occur on May 14, 2022. Conflicting claims to the land were the cause of the disagreement. Jews in Israel are split along ideological lines, and many of them support keeping things as they are. As of 2022, the majority of Palestinians reject both the two-state and one-state solutions; many feel that the two-state solution is no longer feasible.

To learn more about Palestinians, visit:


select all that apply

How could a person's status or influence help them to avoid military service?

1.) They could persuade doctors or psychologists to write letters saying they could not serve.
2.) They could hire someone to serve in their place.
3.) They could legally pay a fee for conscientious objector status.
4.) They could persuade draft boards to be sympathetic to them.



-They could persuade draft boards to be sympathetic to them.

- They could persuade doctors or psychologists to write letters saying they could not serve.

The landform located at number 5 on the map above is a(n) __________.



we need a map pls


Compare and Contrast the Roman Empire and Han Dynasty
Compare and Contrast their:
Government structures,
Their roles of government in their economies and societies and culture,
and their effectiveness of their methods of rule.


The Roman Empire and the Han Dynasty can be compared in terms of barbarian invasions and conflicts. The contrasts can be related to culture and philosophies.

What are the similarities and differences between the Roman Empire and the Han Dynasty?

The similarities between both can be related to the great territorial conquests of both, in addition to civil conflicts, and invasions by other peoples, such as barbarians.

Regarding the differences between them, we can primarily mention philosophy and culture, since the Romans were more militarily aggressive than the Chinese empire, which, being based on Confucian philosophy, had diplomacy in interaction with other peoples as its primary aspects.

Therefore, the Han and Roman Empire came to an end through civil strife, excessive corruption and economic weakness. It is also important to note that diseases were transmitted between civilizations, which led to the decline of both.

Find out more about Roman Empire on:


Which name best completes the graphic organizer describing a noted

• Argued that Black people were capable of being educated

• Inspired political thinkers

• Forced to be an indentured servants


Answer:sarah grimke

Explanation:sarah grimke

Maria W. Stewart made the claim that Black people may receive an education, serve as indentured servants, and even inspire political thought.

Who was Maria W. Stewart?

One of the first American women of any race to speak in public was Maria W. Stewart, an abolitionist, and champion for women's rights. Additionally, she was the first Black woman in America to compose and publish a political manifesto. Her uncompromising exhortations for Black people to fight against slavery, tyranny, and exploitation were heard.

Maria W. Stewart gave one of the earliest public lectures ever given by an American woman in September 1832 at Boston's Franklin Hall. She urged black women to achieve equality via education in her speech to the members of the African American Female Intelligence Society.

Learn more about Maria W. Stewart, from:


how does colonialism, industrialism and the atlantic slave trade all relate to each other?


it was in cotton production that the industrial revolution began, particularly in and around Manchester. The cotton used was mostly imported from slave plantations. Slavery provided the raw material for industrial change and growth.

How did John Kennedy’s inaugural address strike a different tone?

It talked about reverence for the adults who lived through the Great Depression.

It urged Americans to move beyond the consumer culture of the 1950s.

It focused on communism in the Caribbean.

It explicitly focused on the topics of segregation and race.

It downplayed the Soviet Union as a threat.


John Kennedy’s inaugural address struck a different tone because It downplayed the Soviet Union as a threat.

What was the Soviet Union?

The Soviet Union which was officially referred to as the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic was a country that existed in the twentieth century up until its dissolution into different smaller countries in 1991.

In history, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR) was the first country to practice communism. During the period of its existence (1922-1991) is was one of the most powerful countries in the world.

The USSR and the United states were engraved in the cold war and

Who was John Kennedy?

John F Kennedy, who was nicknamed  as jack was an American politician who served as the 35th president of the United States from 1961 until he was killed during the third year of his administration.

The USSR and the United states were engraved in the cold war and that was why his inaugural address struck a different tone because it downplayed the Soviet Union as a threat.

Learn more about John Kennedy at


What was one result of these economic developments during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries


One result of the economic developments during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries was commercial capitalism.

What is economic development?

Economic development is an effort geared towards improving the economic well-being and quality of life of a country or a community by creating and/or retaining jobs, supporting the tax base and growing incomes.

It may be referred to as an increase in a country's wealth and standard of living. Examples of economic development include Improved productivity, higher literacy rates, higher income, etc.

Commercial capitalism was one of the results of the economic expansion of the period as merchants started to become entrepreneurs in order to meet market demands by employing wage laborers and by exploiting existing craft guilds.

Learn more about capitalism at


Who was involved whith John Marshall vs Maryland



In the landmark Supreme Court case McCulloch v. Maryland, Chief Justice John Marshall handed down one of his most important decisions regarding the expansion of Federal power.

Although the civil rights movement largely grew and solidified in the 1950s, it began to develop as early as the. A. 1920s. B. 1900s. C. 1880s. D. 1940s.


According to question, the civil rights movement largely grew and solidified in the 1950s, it began to develop as early as the 1900  .

Option B is correct .

The NAACP is the country's first civil rights group; it was established in 1909. The association spearheaded the black civil rights movement during the 1920s and 1930s in the fight against wrongs like the denial of voting rights, racial violence, employment discrimination, and segregated public spaces.

African Americans fought for school desegregation, equal access to employment opportunities, an end to housing discrimination, and the removal of voter suppression during the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s.

To know more about civil rights movement visit :


Question 10
10. What did FDR have in common with Winston Churchill?

A. They were both presidents of their respective countries

B. They both strongly opposed the Nazis

C. They both opposed Josef Stalin's rule in the USSR

D. They fought together in the Navy during World War I


Following a meeting of the two heads of government in Newfoundland, U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill issued the Atlantic Charter as a joint declaration on August 14, 1941. The U.S. and British war objectives were laid out in great detail in the Atlantic Charter.

How were FDR and Churchill related to one another?

In the early 1940s, when Churchill was still first lord of the admiralty, FDR began the lengthy correspondence that would eventually lead to their close working friendship. The purpose of the initial interaction was to inspire a neutral America to become more active in its fight against the axis.

What did FDR and Churchill differ on?

FDR wanted the Allies to launch a massive invasion of northern France as a follow-up to their growing dominance over the battlefields of North Africa. Churchill was in favor of launching an all-out assault on the "soft underbelly" of the Third Reich through Italy or the Balkans.

To learn more about British war here


How does the Fourth Amendment protect the privacy of Americans?



The Constitution, through the Fourth Amendment, protects people from unreasonable searches and seizures by the government.


The Fourth Amendment, however, is not a guarantee against all searches and seizures, but only those that are deemed unreasonable under the law.

hoped this helped:) brainliest for the brains............

Analyze the following map. From your understanding, this map shows _____. Select all that apply.
Africa as it was in 2010
a snapshot of the changing landscape of African nations
the impending conflict in Sudan
Botswana is larger than South Africa
the threat Libya was to Egypt before 2010


The map represents Africa as it was in 2010. The correct response to the question is option (1).

Define a map.

The links between different elements of an environment, such as places, themes, or items, are highlighted by a map. While some maps are interactive or dynamic, others are static and adhered to paper or another durable medium.

The map in question solely depicts the boundaries of the states and other governmental and territorial entities found in the continent of Africa. It is not a map that depicts any kind of topographic or populated features, such the land, the network of settlements, the routes of roads and trains, etc.

As a result, it does not represent any kind of political struggle among African countries. Additionally, it doesn't depict how these nations' landscapes have changed. Finally, it is clear from a quick glance at the map that Botswana is not bigger than South Africa.

To know more about maps, visit:


with this knowledge, krogstad blackmails her into doing everything she can to stop her husband from firing him.


The specific event that leads Nora to this realization is when she is confronted by her former lover, Krogstad. Krogstad threatens to expose Nora's secret past.

Give a brief introduction about Krogstad.

Although Krogstad is the main adversary of A Doll's House, he is not always a bad guy. Krogstad is not without compassion for Nora despite how awful it is for him to permit her to continue to suffer. Even moneylenders and crooks, or at least a man like me, he claims, "may have a little of what you call feeling, you know." He pays Nora a visit to see how she's doing and talks her out of killing herself. Furthermore, Krogstad has good reasons for acting in this way: he wants to stay working at the bank to protect his kids from the problems associated with a bad reputation. Krogstad wants respect for his family, as opposed to Torvald, who seems to want it for his own self-interest.

To study more about Krogstad.


cratons are regions where precambrian metamorphic rocks are exposed at the surface. they have not been affected by orogenies for at least 1 billion years, and therefore tend to be g


Metamorphic rocks have experienced significant alteration from their original state as igneous, sedimentary, or earlier types of metamorphic rocks.

What names do metamorphic rocks go by?

Studying metamorphic rocks can help us understand the pressures and temperatures that exist at very deep layers of the crust. These rocks have been exposed at the Earth's surface due to erosion and uplift. Gneiss, slate, marble, schist, and quartzite are a few examples of metamorphic rocks.

Why is this rock referred to as metamorphic?

Metamorphic rocks are comprised of sedimentary or igneous rocks that have experienced recrystallization as a result of environmental changes. The word "metamorphism" is derived from the Greek and means "changing of form." physical setting.

To know more about metamorphic rocks visit:


At the beginning of the story, what is Li-Jun’s motive for searching for Wilbur?


Conversing on the phone with their neighbor while hearing his mother remark, "Fifty dollars, was the major factor that was there.

Explain in detail.

Templeton emerges from Wilbur's crate stealthily to investigate the fair. Charlotte requests that he bring back a word for her to pen one final note. Henry Fussy buys a ticket for Fern so they can ride the Ferris wheel together after they first meet.A barn spider named Charlotte and a barnyard pig named Wilbur are the main characters of the book. In order to convince the farmer to spare Wilbur's life when he is in danger of being killed by the farmer, Charlotte places messages in her web complimenting Wilbur (such as "Some Pig" "Humble").

To know more about Finding Wilbur here


22. As a result of the Supreme Court ruling in Miranda v. Arizona (1966), a person accused of a crime is
entitled to
a) a speedy trial
b) reasonable bail
c) a reading of his or her rights at the time of arrest
d) protection against cruel or unusual punishment


A person accused of a crime is entitled to a reading of his or her rights at the time of arrest.

By 1854 what city did Chicago surpass in the grain trade??



As early as 1860 the grain trade of the United States was considered the "leading agency in the opening up of seven eighth of our settled territory.



As early as 1860 the grain trade of the United States was c sidered the "leading agency in the opening up of seven eigh of our settled territory.


Modern-day Sudan was ruled by a long line of powerful rulers in the 1500s–1800s in what was known as?

A the Funj
B the Kingdom of Ethiopia
C Lunda and Luba
D Oromo


Answer: Modern-day Sudan was ruled by a long line of powerful rulers in the 1500s–1800s in what was known as?

A the Funj

Explanation: During the 1500s to 1800s, Sudan was ruled by a dynasty known as the Funj. The Funj Sultanate was established by the Funj people, who originated from the region of modern-day South Sudan.

Under the Funj rulers, the Sultanate of Sennar, located in present-day Sudan, became a powerful and prosperous state. The Funj Sultanate reached its peak in the 16th and 17th centuries and exerted influence over a significant portion of the eastern Sahel region of Africa.

The Funj Sultanate was known for its strong military, administrative organization, and cultural achievements. The rulers of the Funj dynasty adopted Islam and promoted Islamic education and architecture in the region.

Learn more about Sudan and the Funj here:

Answer: The Funj

Explanation: The Funj were located in modern day Sudan, ruled by kings from 16th to 19th century.

They relied on trade and converted to Islam in 1500s. Plagued by internal political conflict, taken by Egypt in the 19th century. 

I took the test, this is 100% correct.

The years before the Civil War were marked by a series of key events that dramatically heightened tenstions between the Northern and Southern United States. One of these key events was John Brown 's Raid on Harpers Ferry. Describe John Brown's Raid on Harpers Ferry. What did John Brown hope to accomplish? Why was it concerning to southerners and those who supported slavery?



John Brown's Raid on Harpers Ferry was a key event leading up to the Civil War. Brown was an abolitionist who believed that slavery was a sin and that it needed to be ended by any means necessary. In 1859, he led a group of men on a raid of the federal armory at Harpers Ferry in Virginia (now West Virginia). Brown and his men took control of the armory and held several hostages, hoping to inspire a slave rebellion.

The raid caused a great deal of concern among southerners and those who supported slavery. Brown and his men were seen as violent radicals who were trying to overthrow the government and incite a slave revolt. Southerners feared that if the raid succeeded, it could inspire other slave revolts, which could lead to the collapse of the slave-based economy in the South. Additionally, many southerners saw the raid as a direct attack on their way of life and a threat to their safety and security.

In the end, Brown's raid was unsuccessful. Federal troops were called in to put down the rebellion, and Brown and his men were captured. Brown was tried and convicted of treason, and he was hanged. The raid did not spark a slave revolt, but it did heighten tensions between the North and South, and it helped to escalate the conflict that would eventually lead to the Civil War.


As leader of the Republican Party, Lincoln was
outspoken in his views on slavery and expressed them
during the debates of 1858. Which of the following
would best fit with his position?
(1 point)
1-Compromise of 1850
2-Dred Scott decision
3-Kansas-Nebraska Act
4-Wilmot Proviso



The answer is 4- Wilmot Proviso

As leader of the Republican Party, Lincoln was outspoken in his views on slavery and expressed them during the debates of 1858. The best fit with his position was Wilmot Provision. The correct option is (4).

What do you mean by a republican party?

The republicans' party was formed in 1854 in United states. Abraham Lincoln was the party's first elected president and he took office in 1861.

Republicans also tend to be against affirmative action, government-funded social programs, and heavy economic regulation. Republicans generally support states' rights as an alternative to federal power.

The Republican Party has historically supported a robust national defense and the zealous pursuit of U.S. national security interests in terms of foreign policy.

Therefore, as leader of the Republican Party, Lincoln was outspoken in his views on slavery and expressed them during the debates of 1858. The best fit with his position was Wilmot Provision.

To know more about the republican party, visit:


Democrats painted Barry Goldwater as what during the 1964 election?



out of touch




Answer: Extremist

Explanation: From the beginning of his campaign, Goldwater fought an uphill battle to unseat an incumbent president under favorable economic circumstances. Goldwater consistently refused to moderate his views, which alienated a significant portion of the more moderate wing of the Republican Party from his campaign. With the assistance of the media, who in large part also had an unfavorable opinion of Goldwater, President Johnson used this fissure in the party to portray him as an extremist.

List three examples of changes resulting from contact with Spanish.​


Some of the examples of changes that resulted from contact with the Spanish include :

Spread of diseases Destructive conflict New means of transportation How did the Americas change from contact with the Spanish ?

As a result of the Spanish arriving in the Americas and having contact with the Natives, diseases from the Spanish such as small pox, spread to the Natives and decimated their population as they had no prior immunity.

The Spanish also brought guns and other weapons, which the Native Americans adopted and engaged in destructive conflicts both with Europeans and with themselves. There was also the development of new means of transportation and horses came to the Americas for the first time.

Find out more on contact with the Spanish at


A society where women and men are treated equally would be an example of which of the following?
A. feminist ideal
B. empathy deficit
C. key question
D. intentional community





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