Read the passage from act 2, scene 3 of The Tragedy of Macbeth.

Macduff. Confusion now hath made his masterpiece!

Most sacrilegious murder hath broke ope

The Lord’s anointed temple, and stole thence

The life o’ the building!

Why is the metonymy in the underlined text appropriate for this speech?

A. It conveys the king’s importance to the country of Scotland.
B. It suggests that no one is worthy enough to succeed Duncan.
C. It describes the fragility of the king’s corpse.
D. It shows Macduff’s belief that he should be king.


Answer 1

The metonymy in the underlined text is appropriate for this speech as D. It shows Macduff’s belief that he should be king.

What is metonymy?

Macbeth synopsis: The Scottish general Macbeth is informed by three witches that he will become King of Scotland. Macbeth, encouraged by his wife, murders the king, ascends to the throne, and then proceeds to kill more people out of paranoia. There are more casualties as a civil war breaks out to remove Macbeth.

Metonymy is a figure of speech in which a thing or concept is referred to by the name of another thing or concept that is closely related to that thing or concept. A figure of speech in which a related term replaces the word itself.

Substitution is frequently based on a material, causal, or conceptual relationship between things. The British monarchy, for example, is frequently referred to as the Crown.

Based on the information illustrated, the correct option is D.

Learn more about Macbeth on:


Related Questions

Match the vocabulary words to their dictionary definitions.
A. ridiculing
B. spread in all directions
C. wretch; villain
D. exclude from public favor
E. greatly disturbed
F. without laughter
1. Requisite
2. Diffused
3. Mirthless
5. Ominous
6. Derisive
7. Callow
8. Perturbed
9. Vile
10. Miscreant
11. Emanate
12. Ostracize
G. issuing forth
H. threatening
I. youthful; immature
J. loathsome; disgusting
K. produced; fathered
L. necessary requirement




1.) Requisite- L. Necessary requirement

2.) Diffused-  B. Spread in all directions

3.) Mirthless- F. Without laughter

4.) Begot- K. produced; fathered

5.) Ominous- H. Threatening

6.) Derisive- A. Ridiculing

7.) Callow- I. Youthful; Immature

8.) Perturbed- E. Greatly disturbed

9.) Vile- J. Loathsome; disgusting

10.) Miscreant- C. Wretch; villain

11.) Emanate- G. Issuing forth

12.) Ostracize- D. Exclude from public favor

( I matched them with what I think it is based on the definition of the words, if wrong then I'm sorry)

Who/what is the archetype in each 5 acts of Julius Caesar? Please provide the scene. What is the dramatic irony in each 5 acts of Julius Caesar? Please provide the scene.


Brutus embodies the tragic hero archetype in The Tragedy of Julius Caesar.

The tragic hero Brutus is killed in Act V, Scene 5 of The Tragedy of Julius Caesar. After asking each of his devoted troops and slaves to put an end to his life, Strato finally consents to do it on Brutus' behalf. In addition to promising to treat Brutus's body with care, Octavius & Antony ask Brutus's troops to join their forces.

Brutus in The Awfulness of Julius Caesar matches the paradigm of the disastrous narrative. This type is typically depicted as a person of noble birth whose character flaw, when combined with external factors, leads to his ruin and often his death. The criteria for this definition are met by Brutus. The Guiltless Their mother abandoned them when they were little. The homeless children who had been abandoned by their mother lacked a companion. The legend/champion was brave, reliable, and competent.

To know more about archetype in each 5 acts of Julius Caesar, click on the link below:


please urgent due now 3 QUESTIONS ONLY MARK BRAIN MAYBE 45 points answer question and read passage iready easy


Answer: First picture, smoothies appeal to people who enjoy a certain kind of taste. Second picture, first box, colorful, second box, environmental, third box, delicious, fourth box, financial. Third picture, incorrect, correct, correct, incorrect. As for the fourth picture, I'm not sure if I should answer that bc you said three questions. If I do need to answer that reply to this answer. Thank you!




The revision that would vary sentence structure best is "combine sentences 4 and 5 to make a complex sentence," option C, as seen below.

How to vary sentence structure

In the passage we are analyzing here, sentences 3 to 7 all contain simple clauses. That means that, in order to vary sentence structure, we must combine some of those clauses to form a complex or a compound sentence.

We can eliminate option A, since sentence 2 is already long enough and does not need to be combined with sentence 1. We can also eliminate option B since breaking sentence 2 down would make the structures even less varied. Option D is also impossible, since we cannot break sentence 6 down.

Therefore, to vary sentence structure, we must combine sentences, which is what is proposed in option C. In this option, they suggest that we combine sentences 4 and 5. That is why this is our correct answer.

Learn more about sentence structure here:


In Chapter 3 in Hunger Games, unexpectedly, a guest stops by to see Katniss; this could represent "humanity in times of hardship/turmoil”; how else do we see this theme develop in the rest of Part 1?


We see this theme develop in the rest of Part 1 of the literary work when an author includes friendship, family, freedom and oppression, and materialism. Friendship and family in the same context.

What is the central theme of hunger games?

The central theme of Hunger games relies on the process of survival. It represents the ability and desires to survive would rightfully come first and foremost. They are stories of survival, physically and mentally. Due to the poverty and starvation issues within Panem, survival is no sure thing.

As a post-apocalyptic dystopian novel, 'The Hunger Games captures several intriguing themes including oppression and societal inequality.  One of the main themes in The Hunger Games is power and inequality.

The totalitarian government of Panem is who holds all the power over the districts. This was also expressed with the sense of "humanity in times of hardship/turmoil."

To learn more about the Hunger games, refer to the link:


Read the excerpt below and answer the question.

It is easy to see the concrete details that trap the suburban housewife, the continual demands on her time. But the chains that bind her in her trap are chains in her own mind and spirit. They are chains made up of mistaken ideas and misinterpreted facts, of incomplete truths and unreal choices. They are not easily seen and not easily shaken off.

Based on the underlined portion of this excerpt from Friedan's "The Problem That Has No Name," what inference can the reader logically draw?

a.)The author believes that women are capable of finding a solution to the problem.
b.)The author believes that women must join together to change government policy.
c.)The author believes that husbands should let their wives visit mental health professionals.
d.)The author believes that husbands are trapping their wives in the suburban lifestyle.


The author believes that husbands are trapping their wives in the suburban lifestyle is the inference can the reader logically draw. Hence, option D is correct.

What was the problem that has no name in The Feminine Mystique?

The widespread dissatisfaction of women in the 1950s and the early 1960s is described in the prologue to The Feminine Mystique as what Friedan called "the problem that has no name."

The eldest of Friedan's three siblings, Bettye Naomi Goldman, was born on February 4, 1921, in Peoria, Illinois, to journalist Miriam Horowitz and jeweller Harry Goldstein. Friedan, who was born and reared in a Jewish family, had asthma attacks and anti-Semitism in her neighbourhood.

Thus, option D is correct.

For more information about The Feminine Mystique, click here:


Which of the following statements BEST expresses the speaker's central idea?

A. War is only negative for the losers.

B. Fighting oppressors is the only way to bring peace.

C. Non-resistance leads to change through removing power from oppressors.

D. Passive resistance leads to change, but violence results in suffering for all.


The statement that best describes the central idea of Mandela and Gandhi is given as follows:

D. Passive resistance leads to change, but violence results in suffering for all.

Who were Mandela and Gandhi?

Nelson Mandela was a leader in South Africa's fight against apartheid, while Mahatma Gandhi was a leading in India's fight against colonialism.

Both defended non-violent forms of protest against their respective oppressive regimes, which was also called passive resistance, looking to avoid violent escalations that would result in a great number of deaths.

Hence option C best describes the central idea of their thoughts.

Missing Information

The speakers in this problem are Nelson Mandela and Mahatma Gandhi.

More can be learned about Mandela and Gandhi at


Using your knowledge of "Dr. Heidegger's Experiment" by Nathaniel Hawthorne from the lesson, which text from the short story supports the universal theme that "To truly care for someone or something means to accept it for what it truly is"?

A And so it was. Even while the party were looking at it, the flower continued to shrivel up, till it became as dry and fragile as when the doctor had first thrown it into the vase.
B "I love it as well thus as in its dewy freshness," observed he, pressing the withered rose to his withered lips.
C Inflamed to madness by the coquetry of the girl-widow, who neither granted nor quite withheld her favors, the three rivals began to interchange threatening glances.
D With a shuddering impulse, that showed her a woman still, the widow clasped her skinny hands before her face, and wished that the coffin lid were over it, since it could be no longer beautiful.





Answer:  "I love it as well thus as in its dewy freshness," observed he, pressing the withered rose to his withered lips.


Read this
story from The Way to Rainy Mountain.
Once there was a man who owned a fine hunting horse. It
black and fast and afraid of nothing. When it was
turned upon an enemy it charged in straight line and
struck at full speed; the man need have
no hand upon the
rein. But, you know, that man knew fear. Once during a
charge he turned that animal from its course. That was a
bad thing. The hunting horse
died of shame (70).
What aspect of this story most clearly defines it as a myth? a
• A. The story features an animal as a character.

B. The story is deeply personal.
• C. The story emphasizes the weakness of humans.
D The story focuses on the theme of death and failure.



The aspect of this story that most clearly defines it as a myth is that it features an animal as a character. In many myths and legends, animals are often depicted as having special powers or abilities, and they are often used to represent certain virtues or values. In this story, the hunting horse is portrayed as being fearless and powerful, but it ultimately dies because it is shamed by its human owner. This use of an animal as a character is a common feature of myths and legends.


The aspect of this story that most clearly defines it as a myth is that it features an animal as a character. In many myths and legends, animals are often depicted as having special powers or abilities, and they are often used to represent certain virtues or values.

What is myth?

A myth is a customary story, particularly one concerning the early history of a group or making sense of a characteristic or social peculiarity, and commonly including otherworldly creatures or occasions.

One thing utilized generally in myths is the exemplification of creatures giving creatures human attributes, as we can find in the given portion, the Horse was daring and was fit for feeling disgrace it passed on from disgrace. So the right response is choice B.

In this story, the hunting horse is portrayed as being fearless and powerful, but it ultimately dies because it is shamed by its human owner. This use of an animal as a character is a common feature of myths and legends.

For more information about Myth, refer the following link:


C. (1)I’ve been noticing a lot of cat-related items for sale recently: cat calendars, cat wallpaper, cat coffee mugs. (2)These I cannot comprehend—cats are meant to be companions, not interior decorations. (3)Worse are the cat psychology books, those with titles like You Can Toilet Train Your Cat! and Command Your Cat to Sit, Stay, Lie Down! (4)First, I don’t believe any of this is possible. (5)I know when I suggest to my cat that he do anything other than lie in the sun, eat, and accept the adoration of humans, he gives me a cold stare that invites me to have my head examined. (6)Second, I’ve always felt that much of a cat’s charm lies in his refusal to cooperate with anyone’s silly ideas about “training” him. (7)If you want an animal to sit, stay, and lie down on command, get a German shepherd.

C6. The overall tone of the paragraph can be described as
a. sarcastic and anxious.

b. caring and forgiving.

c. playful and humorous.

d. regretful and surprised.


The overall tone of the paragraph can be described as playful and humorous. Hence, option C is correct.

What is playful and humorous tone?

Having fun and not being too serious. He had a happy expression on his face. a jovial tone of voice. Serious: Because of the writing's serious tone, the reader experiences some level of suspense. The ideas put forward are weighty, which narrows their emphasis.

The adjectives facetious, jocose, jocular, and smart are frequently used to describe humour. All of these words mean "causing or meant to induce laughter," but "humorous" is broader and can refer to anything that generally causes funny laughter. It implies frivolity or quirkiness, which contrasts with the phrase "witty."

Thus, option C is correct.

For more information about humorous tone, click here:


What is remaindere ?.....​



a part of something that is left over when other parts have been completed, used, or dealt with.

wht are you doing???hope itz help youthanks



In mathematics, the remainder is the amount "left over" after performing some computation. In arithmetic, the remainder is the integer "left over" after dividing one integer by another to produce an integer quotient.


umm.. i don't know if this is what u mean remainder...



We can use the two possible options in the sequence "no colon," "colon," "no colon," "colon," which will make the passage look like the following:

Nineteenth-century Cuban Maria de las Mercedes de Santa Cruz y Montalvo is known for three things: achieving social success, hosting popular music gatherings in Paris, and becoming Cuba's first female published author. Biographer Garcia Lapuerta said this about her life: "It's a wonderful story of how she overcame obstacles and was very successful at what she did."

When to use colons

The use of colons is considered tricky by many, but if we follow the guidelines below, we will be able to identify where to employ them more easily:

We should not interrupt sentences with colons. They must appear after complete clauses.Colons can be used before we start listing items.Colons can also appear before quotes, especially longer ones.Colons may be employed to introduce dialogue.

With that in mind, we can see that we have correctly placed two colons in the paragraph provided in the prompt.

Learn more about colons here:


Which detail from the article explains why Ben Franklin drew a cartoon of a snake?
(1 point)


The reason why the cartoon of a snake was drawn by Ben Franklin is because it was believed that a snake cut in half could be resuscitated.

Ben Franklin's cartoon

In 1754, Ben Franklin published the cartoon of a snake chopped in several parts, where we can read "Join, or Die." The different parts of the snake represent the American colonies.

There is a popular belief behind the drawing of that cartoon. It was that, if a rattlesnake is cut in half, it can be resuscitated as long as the pieces are joined before the day ends. Therefore, what Franklin means is that the colonies must come together to fight before it is too late.

Learn more about Ben Franklin here:


Question 8 of 10
If an author talks about how much people love dogs and then gives examples
of dog types, what should you include in your summary?
A. All the dog types
O C. What kind of dog people should get
O D. How many dog types there are
B. How much people love dogs



I think A or D


Are these sentences the same:

I find the name very interesting

I am very obsessed with the name the same?


Answer: No


"I find the name very interesting." means you like the name.

"I am very obsessed with the name." means you like the name so so so much, you can't resist it.

They are different, the first one means just liking it and the second means loving it.

Nope because of the way it’s all written down with the ending word Smart in one and a other one at the starting point

What part of the story is it in when Dorothy wakes up in The Wizard of Oz and realizes it was all a dream?
A. the conclusion
B. the climax
C. the character
D. the conflict



The Conclusion


A conclusion is when a story is "Concluding" or in other words ending

Answer:  The conclusion. After Dorothy wakes up she sees her family and the doctor waiting for her to wake up to see how she's doing

Answer the following question in 3-4 complete sentences.

Read the caption below and answer the questions that follow.

On February 16, 1923, the Times of London cabled the New York Times with dramatic news of a discovery, saying,
“This has been, perhaps, the most extraordinary day in the whole history of Egyptian excavation…”

What discovery is being discussed? Why was this discovery so important?


The New York Times reported on a reported to be able and stated that it was possibly the most remarkable day in the entire history of Egyptian investigation."

What exactly do you mean by investigation?

A comprehensive investigation for information, particularly those that are obscure or that have to be straightened out in a complicated situation, is known as an investigation. An investigation's main objective is often to ascertain what transpired or why something occurred. Investigations are frequently formal, official processes.

What does research aim to investigation?

Establishing pertinent data to support or refute claims of bribery and corruption is the goal of an inquiry. It is a legally mandated fact-finding process that is carried out in an objective, impartial way with the goal of establishing the pertinent facts and making suggestions in this regard.

To know more about investigation visit:


What does Andrew Marvell mean by the words coy and coyness in the title and line 2 of "To His Coy Mistress"?
A Rejecting Love
B Ignoring death
C Refusing joy
D Avoiding Intimacy


The way that Andrew Marvell mean by the words coy and coyness in the title and line 2 of "To His Coy Mistress" is option D:  Avoiding Intimacy

What is the word about?

We believe that "To his Coy Mistress" is the apex of a lengthy heritage of ancient and Renaissance attempts to convince the lover to fall in love.

The word "coy" has another meaning in addition to its usual one, and this meaning can help us appreciate the word's beauty.

A good poet will keep looking until they find the perfect term. The word's entire subtlety can be significant. In Marvell's day, "to coy"—the verb form of the noun means "to stroke or caress." Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream contains this usage.

Therefore, we can envision a complex relationship and difficult conversations between our speaker and his mistress if we combine the words "mistress" and "coy." and thus option D is correct.

Learn more about Intimacy from

What does the chain represent in this excerpt from chapter 1 of a Christmas carol by Charles Dickens? “You are fettered,” said scrooge, trembling. “Tell me why?” “I we are the chain I forged in life,” replied the Ghost. “I made it link by link, and yard by yard; I girded it on my own free will, and of my own free will I wore it is its patterns strange to you?”
Scrooge trembled more and more


The word "chain" in the given excerpt from chapter 1 of a Christmas carol by Charles Dickens signifies the association or linkage of two or more individuals at the same concert.

What is the central theme of Christmas Carol?

The central theme of the Christmas carol depends on a miserly man, we are presented with ideas of greed, forgiveness, and tricky concepts of time, as well as themes of generosity and compassion. Three main themes include Christmas and redemption.

As usual, the word chain determines a circumstance of linking or associating two or more persons, objects, or any other thing with respect to some common characteristics. So, in the passage, the ghost replied to Scrooge that I and we are the chains I forged in life.

Therefore, the word "chain" in the given excerpt from chapter 1 of a Christmas carol by Charles Dickens signifies the association or linkage of two or more individuals at the same concert.

To learn more about Christmas Carol, refer to the link:


Which of the following is a phrase?
a. The Amazon Rainforest pleads silently
b. The silent pleas of the Amazon Rainforest go unnoticed
c. The Amazon Rainforest silently pleads
d. The silent, pleading Amazon Rainforest



d. The silent, pleading Amazon Rainforest


The answer is the d since it doesn't contain a verb

Which statement is a main idea of the text? Responses Before Carver, cotton was the only crop African Americans farmed in the South. Before Carver, cotton was the only crop African Americans farmed in the South. Carver makes peanuts popular by inventing new products made of peanuts. Carver makes peanuts popular by inventing new products made of peanuts. Carver uses his knowledge of plants to teach classes at Tuskegee University. Carver uses his knowledge of plants to teach classes at Tuskegee University. As a young boy, Carver discovers that peanut plants help restore nutrients to the soil. As a young boy, Carver discovers that peanut plants help restore nutrients to the soil.


Before Carver, cotton was the only crop African Americans farmed in the South.

Who was George Washington Carver?

Every American schoolchild is familiar with the stereotype of George Washington Carver: a slave by birth, he toiled to educate himself and become a scientist, he taught at Tuskegee Institute, and he rose to fame as the Peanut Man, discovering a variety of uses for the humble bean. The story is obviously not that straightforward. No one can dispute Carver's contributions to finding new uses for Southern agricultural crops and imparting techniques for soil development to underprivileged Southern farmers, despite critiques of him. George Washington Carver carefully guarded his reputation. He did not write substantially about his adolescence, but he did leave behind fragments that briefly describe his challenging upbringing. These texts describe a fragile and frail orphan who hungered for scientific discoveries while thirsting for information. Although Carver's early years were challenging, he appears to have exaggerated his weakness. For instance, Carver said that as a child his "body was very feeble and it was a perpetual conflict between life and death to determine who would get the power" in a historic sketch he wrote in 1897, just as he was starting his teaching career at the Tuskegee Institute.

To know more about carver, visit:


PLEASE HELP: Read the excerpt below from Theodore Roosevelt's book "The Naval War of 1812."

During the early years of this century England's naval power stood at a height never reached before or since by that of any other nation. On every sea her navies rode, not only triumphant, but with none to dispute their sway. The island folk had long claimed the mastery of the ocean, and they had certainly succeeded in making their claim completely good during the time of bloody warfare that followed the breaking out of the French Revolution. Since the year 1792 each European nation, in turn, had learned to feel bitter dread of the weight of England's hand.

What is Roosevelt's perspective in this excerpt?

He is going to war at the same time as England and is afraid of them.
He is looking back on England's dominant navy in admiration.
He is protesting England's foreign policies during the French Revolution.
He is scolding England for promoting bloody warfare instead of peace.


In the given passage, the Roosevelt's perspective in this excerpt is he is protesting England's foreign policies during the French Revolution. The correct option is (C).

Who was Roosevelt's?

From 1933 until his passing in 1945, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, also known by his initials FDR, was a politician and attorney from the United States. He was the 32nd president of the country.

According to his theory, Roosevelt must take any action necessary to ensure the public's safety "unless prohibited by direct constitutional or legislative ban." He was the first modern president precisely because of his unusual style of government.

On more than 230 million acres of public land, Roosevelt utilized his authority to create 150 national forests, 51 federal bird reserves, four national game preserves, five national parks, and 18 national monuments.

Therefore, in the  given passage, the Roosevelt's perspective in this excerpt is he is protesting England's foreign policies during the French Revolution.

To know more about the Roosevelt's, visit:


Answer: C.  He is protesting England's foreign policies during the French Revolution.


Compare the interview “On the Front Lines with Thurgood Marshall” with the information piece “Equal Justice Under Law.”

How does the information presented in the informational text compare to the information presented in the interview?


The informational text provides facts and details about Thurgood Marshall, while the interview presents insights into Marshall's thoughts and motivations.

The informational text provides facts and details about Thurgood Marshall, while the interview presents insights into Marshall's thoughts and motivations.

The informational text presents opinions about Marshall's life and work, while the interview presents concrete evidence from different sources.

The informational text presents opinions about Marshall's life and work, while the interview presents concrete evidence from different sources.

The informational text contains only facts, while most of the information presented in the interview is made up.

The informational text contains only facts, while most of the information presented in the interview is made up.

The informational text presents a variety of case summaries from Marshall's career, while the interview is based on his personal correspondence.



The informational text presents a broad overview of Thurgood Marshall's life and work, while the interview provides a more personal and in-depth look at his experiences and thoughts. The informational text may provide factual information about Marshall's career and accomplishments, while the interview offers a glimpse into his motivations, beliefs, and feelings. Both the informational text and the interview provide valuable insights into the life and work of Thurgood Marshall, but they offer different perspectives and focus on different aspects of his life and career.

You and nine peers have been selected to apply for an important college scholarship. Only one student will be awarded the scholarship. You have been asked to write a brief essay to the scholarship committee in which you share an important event in your life that significantly changed you, your view about life, your life goals, or your character for the better. Apply narrative techniques, a solid prewriting strategy, and creative sentence patterns to share your story and stand apart from other applicants.



An essay to illustrate an important event in my life that significantly changed my view about life is written below.

How to illustrate the essay?

As a child of immigrant parents, I learned at a young age to take responsibility for my family and myself. Despite the fact that my parents spoke English, they were always working to support my younger brother and me financially. Meanwhile, my grandparents knew very little English, so I served as their translator for medical appointments and any other interactions with English speakers. I continue to translate for them and teach my grandparents conversational English even now. The more involved I became with my family, the clearer my future path became.

Because they were born in Vietnam and had limited education, my parents pushed me to value education. Because of this disadvantage, I learned to take everything seriously and to give everything I had to complete tasks like founding my school's Badminton Club in my sophomore year and Red Cross Club this year. Before establishing these clubs, I developed a vision for them in order to better organize my responsibilities as a leader. The more I got involved, the more I grew as a leader and as a person. As a leader, I acted the same way I did with my younger cousins and sibling.

In conclusion, this has been vital in shaping my life.

Learn more about essay on;


I was thinking it was D or C but I’m confused, please help!





I was so tired from work, when i got home I collapsed into my bed

Answer:A colapsed.

Explanation: Colapsed means fell or stumbled into. if i were to collapse into bed I would be very tired.

Read the excerpt from a commercial.

Our new stain-fighting formula will remove most spots and significantly reduce the appearance of any grubbiness your clothing may have. In our studies, up to 90 percent of all grease marks, food spills, and grass stains were completely removed. If you have a tough stain, you need our reliable whitening, brightening, color-safe detergent. Just follow the directions on the package, and your fabrics will look brand new in no time!
Which rhetorical strategy or appeal is used in this excerpt?


The rhetorical strategy or appeal is used in this excerpt is pathos.

What is pathos?

Invoking feelings that already exist in the audience, pathos appeals to their emotions and ideals. The term "pathos" is most frequently used in rhetoric, along with in literature, film, and other narrative arts.

Pathos, also known as the appeal to emotion, is a literary device used to persuade readers by deliberately arousing certain emotions in them to produce the desired emotional response. Authors choose their words carefully, employ meaningful language, and employ examples and narratives that arouse feelings.

From the excerpt, "in our studies, up to 90 percent of all grease marks, food spills, and grass stains were completely removed. If you have a tough stain, you need our reliable whitening, brightening, color-safe detergent. Just follow the directions on the package, and your fabrics will look brand new in no time!". This illustrates pathos.

Learn more about rhetorical strategies on:


Objective Summary for: School Bus Strikes Hurts Kids with Disabilities the Most


The fact that therapists remained in the classrooms during the strike, although working fewer hours and earning less money, should serve as evidence to students that these professionals were committed to their patients.

What was the summary of the School Bus Strikes Hurts Kids with Disabilities the Most?

Many people were impacted by the four-week New York City school bus drivers' strike in January 2013, particularly pupils who have severe disabilities. Without buses, these kids couldn't get to school.

The school bus strike was particularly detrimental to disabled students since for many of them, customized buses were their sole means of transportation.

The worst-case scenario, in the opinion of many therapists, was abandoning their positions. Students may experience emotional setbacks as well as developmental delays if they leave.

Therefore, the  fact that therapists remained in the classrooms during the strike, although working fewer hours and earning less money, should serve as evidence to students that these professionals were committed to their patients.

To know more about the School Bus Strikes Hurts Kids with Disabilities the Most, visit:


Which of the following is an example of successful corporate branding?
A. A company's tagline gets your attention
B. A company is a leader in fast food
• C. A company's logo colors stand out
• D. A company's logo is memorable

Answer: B. A company is a leader in fast food.


From the list of answer choices, an example of successful corporate branding is B. A company is a leader in fast food.

What is Corporate Branding?

This refers to the term that is used to describe and define the image of a company and how the public identifies with it and its products.

Hence, it can be seen that in order to have successful corporate branding, a company should be able to have established itself as a leader or authority in its field, and thus we can see that option B is the correct answer to the question.

Read more about corporate branding here:


4. In the sentence below, the word disrupt (dis-rupt') means
A. interfere with.
B. attend.
C. understand.
D. skip.
"There were times I felt no teacher cared, as long as I didn't disrupt the
class." (Paragraph 23)


"There were times I felt no teacher cared, as long as I didn't disrupt the class." In this sentence, the word disrupt (dis-rupt') means to skip. Therefore, option D is correct.

What does the word disrupt means ?

Disrupt, meaning to stop or stop functioning normally; interrupt: The telephone service was interrupted for several hours. to separate: to cut off a link.

In fact, the word "disruption" has a bad connotation and is frequently used in a euphemistic manner. However, the word "disruption" has an usually positive meaning when used in business contexts.

Disrupt definition in English. to stop something from happening as usual or as anticipated, especially a system, procedure, or event: This morning's commute into the city was hampered by heavy snow.

Thus, option D is correct.

To learn more about the word disrupt, follow the link;


what are 5 puns in “the lobster quadrille” Alice in wonderland



In the tenth chapter of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, the Mock Turtle and the Gryphon tell Alice that "The Lobster Quadrille" is the name of a dance which they used to perform when they were younger and went to school under the sea.

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