Read the following excerpt and answer the question that follows.

I creep up to a window to have a look outside Only thing I can make out is something buring in the distance, organge flames roiling like a thing alive. Doesn’t seem right that a house half-submerged in water can burn, but burn it does, and nobody to stop it.

“No fire department,” Mr. Tru points out. “No police.”

“How come?” I ask. “Where is everybody?”

He shrugs. “They ‘vacuated with the rest, or don’t care to enter this particular neighborhood, or ain’t got here yet, or maybe all three. Whatever the reason, we on our own and that’s the troot. Nobody look out for us but us.”

All of the following explain a theme this interaction between Zane and Mr. Tru develops except?

The feelings of friendship and survival.
The helplessness caused by racism and poverty.
The heroism of rescue workers.
The power of fear in ones life.


Answer 1
The heroism rescue workers
Answer 2

The following explains the theme of this interaction between Zane and Mr Tru developer excerpt is the heroism of rescue workers. The correct option is c.

What is an excerpt?

An excerpt is a passage that has been cited verbatim from a book, novel, poetry, short story, essay, speech, or other literary work and is used to illustrate a point to the reader. The word excerpt first became in use in the 15th century and comes from a Latin word that means plucked out. The words quotation, quote, fragment, and extract are all synonyms for excerpt.

There are various reasons why authors use excerpts. Three categories can be made out of these. An extract can be used by a writer to support their feelings or ideas about a subject. Second, a writer can utilize an extract to draw the reader's attention to and help them recall what they want them to grasp.

Finally, a writer may use an excerpt if they want to critique it or provide their own comments on it.

Learn more about excerpt, here:


Related Questions

How does Jess compare to the stillness in the pine forest
(Bridge to Terabithia)


Answer:almost like being underwater.


How does Mark Kurlansky introduce his idea of fish depletion in the first few pages of World Without Fish?




PLEASE HELP ASAP!! Please only answer if you have read Sneaker Nation.
Carro writes, “Companies began zeroing in on the most talented athletes and enlisting them to market new designs.” Based on context clues, what does the phrase “zeroing in” mean? *

A. to take something away gradually
B. to give money for
C. to dismiss from employment
D. to direct all of one’s attention to someone or something





Zeroing in typically means targeting someone or something

The answer is D: to direct all of ones attention to someone or something

In which of the following ways is oratory similar to an argumentative essay? pick more than 1

statement of position

use of supporting evidence

use of informal language

disproving counter-claims


use supporting evidence , disprove counter claims

Read the following passage. “No! Science has toiled too long forging weapons for fools to use. It is time she held her hand. Let him find it out for himself again-in a thousand years’ time.” What can be inferred from Cavor’s statement above? He will not be able to keep the secret. He is determined to find the sphere. He wants to escape from the cave. He will not return to earth.



Not really sure but I think the answer is He will not be able to keep the secret.


My answer came from this paragraph I read...

"If I take my secret back to earth, what will happen? I do not see how I can keep my secret for a year, for even a part of a year. Sooner or later it must come out, even if other men rediscover it. And then … Governments and powers will struggle to get hither, they will fight against one another, and against these moon people; it will only spread warfare and multiply the occasions of war. In a little while, in a very little while, if I tell my secret, this planet to its deepest galleries will be strewn with human dead."

I hope this helps if it's right can i get 4-5 stars n maybe brainliest

Please help I will mark brainliest. use DISSECT and INTERSECTION in a sentence.
Please don't copy on GOO>GLE



I had to dissect the complexity of an intersection to my little sister.

I dissected a frog in my lab today for an experimentation.

I saw a car crash at an intersection near McDonald's on the news today.

here is it is the book is called malala



1. A

2. C

3. D

4. C

5. C

15. C

16. B


I'm not sure if this is right

There you go even tho someone answered it

What THEME is most clearly suggested by Natalie Babbitt through the Tucks’ experiences? Tuck Everlasting

A It is better to work together than to try to achieve something on your own.
B Living forever is a treasure that would be a completely positive experience.
C Becoming immortal would disrupt the natural stages of the cycle of life.
D Good friends are just as important as your natural family.


C. I took this test before. Don't sweat it! As long as you read, and maybe have the book with you to help! I hope you do great!

PLZZZZZZZZ read this and help
What is a Spacesuit? RI6.1 and 6.6
What Is a Spacesuit?
David Hitt

A spacesuit is much more than a set of clothes astronauts wear on spacewalks. A fully equipped spacesuit is really a one-person spacecraft. The formal name for the spacesuit used on the space shuttle and International Space Station is the Extravehicular Mobility Unit, or EMU. "Extravehicular" means outside of the vehicle or spacecraft. "Mobility" means that the astronaut can move around in the suit. The spacesuit protects the astronaut from the dangers of being outside in space.

Why Do Astronauts Need Spacesuits?

Spacesuits help astronauts in several ways. Spacewalking astronauts face a wide variety of temperatures. In Earth's orbit, conditions can be as cold as minus 250 degrees Fahrenheit. In the sunlight, they can be as hot as 250 degrees. A spacesuit protects astronauts from those extreme temperatures.

Spacesuits also supply astronauts with oxygen to breathe while they are in the vacuum of space. They contain water to drink during spacewalks. They protect astronauts from being injured from impacts of small bits of space dust. Space dust may not sound very dangerous, but when even a tiny object is moving many times faster than a bullet, it can cause injury. Spacesuits also protect astronauts from radiation in space. The suits even have visors to protect astronauts' eyes from the bright sunlight.

What Are the Parts of a Spacesuit?

The spacesuit consists of several pieces. The Hard Upper Torso covers the astronaut's chest. The arm assembly covers the arms and connects to the gloves. The helmet and Extravehicular Visor Assembly are designed to protect the astronaut's head while still allowing him or her to see as much as possible. The Lower Torso Assembly covers the astronaut's legs and feet. The flexible parts of the suit are made from several layers of material. The layers perform different functions, from keeping oxygen within the spacesuit to protecting from space dust impacts.

Underneath the spacesuit, astronauts wear a Liquid Cooling and Ventilation Garment. Tubes are woven into this tight-fitting piece of clothing that covers the entire body except for the head, hands and feet. Water flows through these tubes to keep the astronaut cool during the spacewalk.

On the back of the spacesuit is a backpack called the Primary Life Support Subsystem. This backpack contains the oxygen that astronauts breathe during a spacewalk. It also removes carbon dioxide that astronauts exhale. The backpack also provides electricity for the suit. A fan moves the oxygen through the spacesuit and life support systems, and a water tank holds the cooling water that flows through the Liquid Cooling and Ventilation Garment.

Also attached to the back of the suit is a device called the Simplified Aid for Extravehicular Activity Rescue, or SAFER. SAFER has several small thruster jets. If an astronaut became separated from the space station, he or she could use SAFER to fly back.

What Other Spacesuits Have Astronauts Worn?

NASA's first spacesuits were developed for the Mercury program. Mercury was the first time NASA astronauts flew into space. These simple suits were based on pressure suits worn by U.S. Navy pilots. Astronauts did not go on spacewalks then. The Mercury suits were worn only inside the spacecraft.

NASA's first spacewalks took place during the Gemini program. The suits used for Gemini were more advanced than the Mercury suits. But the Gemini suits were simpler than today's spacesuits. These suits did not contain their own life support. Instead, they connected to life support systems on the Gemini spacecraft with a cord called the umbilical.

Spacesuits designed for the Apollo program had to do things the first suits did not. These spacesuits had to protect astronauts walking on the moon. Unlike the other suits, the Apollo suits had boots made to walk on a rocky surface. The Apollo suits also contained a life support system, similar to the Portable Life Support Subsystem on the current suit. Having a life support system on the spacesuit allowed the astronauts to explore away from the lunar lander. Spacesuits similar to the Apollo suits were used on the Skylab space station. Like the Gemini suits, the Skylab suits connected to life support systems on the spacecraft via an umbilical.

What Spacesuits Are Worn Today?

In addition to the EMU, NASA astronauts wear other suits today. The Advanced Crew Escape Suit is the orange suit that astronauts wear during launch and landing of the space shuttle. This suit cannot be worn during spacewalks. Sometimes, NASA astronauts will wear the Russian Orlan spacesuit. This suit is the Russian version of the EMU and is used for spacewalks. Another Russian suit is the Sokol. Like the Advanced Crew Escape Suit, the Sokol is designed only to be used inside a spacecraft. It is used on the Russian Soyuz spacecraft.



this is a comprehension passage you have to read and answer the question but this is my answer hope it helps!!!


A space suit or spacesuit is a garment worn to keep a human alive in the harsh environment of outer space, vacuum and temperature extremes. Space suits are often worn inside spacecraft as a safety precaution in case of loss of cabin pressure, and are necessary for extravehicular activity, work done outside spacecraft.

A space suit is a piece of clothing designed to keep a person alive in the severe conditions of space, including the vacuum and high temperatures. As a safety measure in case of cabin pressure loss, space suits are frequently worn inside spacecraft.

What is a Spacesuit?

For this type of job, space suits have been worn in Earth orbit, on the Moon, and when returning to Earth from the Moon. Modern space suits add sophisticated electronics and environmental controls to the basic pressure suit to increase comfort, reduce the amount of effort needed to flex the limbs and combat the basic pressure suit's inclination to stiffen when exposed to a vacuum.

It is common practice to use a self-contained oxygen supply and environmental control system to grant total mobility, independent of the spaceship. For its wearer to be able to operate securely and comfortably within or outside of a spaceship, a space suit must carry out a number of tasks.

Learn more about Spacesuit here:


A play’s cast includes--
a list of characters and the actors who play them
a list of setting details for each scene
a list of the scenes or events in a play


Answer: list of characters and the actors who play them



A list of characters and actors who play them.


I took the quiz and it was right. btw the other person who answered it was right not wrong.

Explain why authors use dialect when they write.



To Express themselves to the audience from their point of view

The use of dialect may be a potent technique for authors to help their characters come to life. A writer may utilize dialect in addition to accent to highlight a character's distinctive speech pattern.

What is dialect?

The terms "dialect" can be used to describe one of two clearly separate categories of linguistic phenomena. One usage alludes to a dialect of a language that is unique to a certain group of its speakers.

According to this concept, a language's dialects or varieties are closely linked and, despite their variations, are typically mutually understandable, especially if they are located close to one another on the dialect continuum.

The phrase is most frequently used to describe regional speech patterns, but other characteristics, such social status or ethnicity, may also be used to identify a dialect.

A dialect that is connected to a specific social class is known as a sociolect, while a dialect that is connected to a specific ethnic group is known as an ethnolect.

Learn more about dialect, here


I'm just going to say this, I never meant to hurt you.
I know you asked me to stay
and yet again, I turned away.
But every little string,
every little fray,
I'll remember the good and bad, big and small things,
from now, and every other day.
Some say the world will end in fire
Some say in ice
From what Ive tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire
But if I had to perish twice
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice



“We're no strangers to love

You know the rules and so do I

A full commitment's what I'm thinking of You wouldn't get this from any other guy I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling Gotta make you understand

Never gonna give you up

Never gonna let you down

Never gonna run around and desert you

Never gonna make you cry

Never gonna say goodbye

Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you

We've known each other for so long

Your heart's been aching but you're too shy to say it Inside we both know what's been going on

We know the game and we're gonna play it

And if you ask me how I'm feeling

Don't tell me you're too blind to see

Never gonna give you up

Never gonna let you down

Never gonna run around and desert you

Never gonna make you cry

Never gonna say goodbye

Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you

Never gonna give you up

Never gonna let you down

Never gonna run around and desert you Never gonna make you cry

Never gonna say goodbye

Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you Never gonna give, never gonna give (Give you up)

(Ooh) Never gonna give, never gonna give

(Give you up)

We've known each other for so long

Your heart's been aching but you're too shy to say it Inside we both know what's been going on

We know the game and we're gonna play it I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling

Gotta make you understand

Never gonna give you up

Never gonna let you down

Never gonna run around and desert you Never gonna make you cry

Never gonna say goodbye

Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you Never gonna give you up

Never gonna let you down

Never gonna run around and desert you

Never gonna make you cry

Never gonna say goodbye

Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you Never gonna give you up

Never gonna let you down

Never gonna run around and desert you Never gonna make you cry” - Rick Astley

This should help you answer you question! :)


In writing a blog about his favorite smoothie shop, Daniel claims that their smoothies are healthy, enjoyable after-school snacks.

Fruit-and-yogurt smoothies not only contain the recommended daily serving of fresh fruit but also are good sources of protein. Delicious smoothie flavors come from combining many different types of fresh fruit. Because they are blended with ice, smoothies are an excellent way to cool down on a hot day. Best of all, all-natural fruit smoothies taste better than sugary processed foods.

Is Daniel’s evidence sufficient to support his claim? Why or why not?

The evidence is sufficient because it gives a nutritional breakdown of fruit smoothies.
The evidence is sufficient because it gives details about nutrition, flavor, and other benefits.
The evidence is not sufficient because it does not mention the types of fruit that are used in the smoothies.
The evidence is not sufficient because it focuses on fruit smoothies but does not give information about other snacks.





Itś not A. While it DOES break it down, it does more than that. It´s not C. The types of fruit are not important and don´t contribute to the blog. It´s not D. His blog is about smoothies, not other snacks. Feel free to write down what i said as your answer

The answer would be B


The Lead is at the middle of the introduction, It introduce the thesis statement.







hope this helps




thesis is the lead

describe a made up game show called "Assimilate that Man." What would happen in this show?


this game is a game where you have to try to understand a man and the things he likes, his culture, and information about him just by you asking him simple questions he can only say yes and no to.

In this project, you are going to practice your poetry skills. You have learned a lot about poetic ideas, poetic language, and poem forms. Now it's time to practice what you have learned and create some free verse, or non-rhyming, poetry of your own.

Write your own free verse poem. Keep the poem for a poetry booklet.




rain falling

down the rooftops

trickling down

the earth welcomes it

and seeps into its new home

untill it is brought up again

i need help again pweassssss!!!


Answer: A.


i think the answer is “c” because “a” mentions two different ideas (something j would expect to see in a argumentative essay), whereas “c” is the statement that is most direct about one idea.

What are some examples of benign food?


Answer:  answer down below is correct


Some examples of benign food are Alfalfa sprouts, tofu, coffee, blueberries, and quinoa.

Benign foods are considered safe to eat. Some of the benign foods are Turmeric, Green Tea, Cruciferous vegetables, Walnuts, Berries, Tomatoes, Fatty fish, and Folate-rich food.

Benign foods have a good amount of nutrients, and protein and have low amounts of saturated fats. They have good sources of calcium too such as dairy products. Foods such as almonds, and walnuts offer a wide range of health benefits which provide vitamins, minerals, etc.  

Hence it can be said that benign are healthy foods and examples of such are Alfalfa sprouts, tofu, coffee, blueberries, and quinoa.

Learn more about benign, here:


Help me please please help me






was = past tense


If this helped please like and rate :D have a wonderful day!

In the book Walk Two Moons Why did Gram and Gramps get pulled over in Philadelphia?
pleas help so i can mark you Brainliest



According to what I know:


They were pulled over because Gramps was driving irreponsibly

Read the following passage from The First Men in the Moon. The chain was twisted round my fist. There came another of these beastly surprises of which the moon world is full. My mailed hand seemed to go clean through him. He smashed like—like some softish sort of sweet with liquid in it! Which of the following synonyms could replace mailed as it is used in the passage above? armored delivered dispatched paid



You can use armored


Hope this is right


This is indeed a tricky question, though even so, the answer is armored. His armored hand seemed to go clean through him. He smashed like—like some softish sort of sweet with liquid in it!

It is saying how his hand packed up a punch and was mailed, though it just went right through it

Match these items. Match the items in the left column to the items in the right column.

1. normal for Christians Christian faith
2. the result of growth in Christ temptation
3. that our minds be renewed and we become more like Christ the devil
4. a system of relationships, ideas, and values opposed to the Kingdom of God maturity
5. overcomes the world the Bible
6. resides in the mind and intellect the flesh
7. hates God and his people service
8. main way that Satan causes problems the world
9. most important key to growth in Christ fellowship
10. God does not want us to neglect this key to growth in Christ prayer
11. "washing the feet" of others growth
12. especially important to study God's desire

So this one may be really hard.



Okay.. so I'm actually asking the same question rn but I will try..... :D


1. Normal for Christians- growth

2. maturity- the result of growth in Christ

3. God's desire- that our minds be renewed and we become more like Christ

4. the world- a system of relationships, ideas, and values opposed to the Kingdom of God

5. Christian faith- overcomes the world

6. the flesh- resides in the mind and intellect

7. the devil- hates God and his people

8. temptation- main way that Satan causes problems

9. prayer- most important key to growth in Christ

10. Fellowship- God does not want us to neglect this key to growth in Christ

11. service- "washing the feet" of others

12. The Bible- especially important to study

Hope this Helps! sorry it took so long!

Match these items:

1. Normal for Christians Christian faith- Holy scriptures

2. the result of growth in Christ temptation-  Maturity

3. God's desire- that our minds be renewed and we become more like Christ

4. The society - a system of relationships, ideas, and values opposed to the Kingdom of God

5. Christian belief- overcomes the world

6. The flesh- resides in the mind and intellect

7. The evil- hates God and his people

8. The desires of people - main way that Satan causes problems

9.The meditation and prayer- most important key to growth in Christ

10. Fellowship- God does not want us to neglect this key to growth in Christ

11. Humanity - "washing the feet" of others

12. The Bible- especially important to  study God's desire

What is Bible?

The Bible is  the sacred scriptures of Judaism and Christianity. The Christian Bible consists of the Old Testament and the New Testament, with the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox versions of the Old Testament being slightly larger because of their acceptance of certain books and parts of books considered apocryphal by Protestants.

The Hebrew Bible includes only books known to Christians as the Old Testament.

Learn  more about Bible here:


I will give the person with the CORRECT ANSWER brainliest


The answer is B. Meteorologists name hurricanes to avoid confusion.

Answer: I think it's C


What does the suffix -ism mean?

a. characteristic of

b. become


A is the answer to your English question
The answer would be A

basically i have an assignment that i have to make up a superhero/villan and all ab them basically:
What are you fighting for? G00d or evil?
What are your superpowers and how did you get them?


villain: they are fighting after a glorified “hero” killed their little sister in a casualty while fighting some other villain. Years of disgust and hatred for so called “hero’s” rotted their heart. there Super power is mind control / telekinesis and they were given it during the blast that killed their sister (hope this helps!! please Mark branliest :))

Hi guys! I need 1 good paragraph about justice :) (4 sentences)
seriously my essay is 5 paragraphs long and i'm running out of ideas for the body



justice is providing rights for all,either they are poor or rich,healthy or wealthy and so on.justice is part of our makes us happy if right decision is taken in right time.we need to fight for the justice for other.we must take help to get justice too.

Justice, in its broadest sense, is the principle that people receive that which they deserve, with the interpretation of what then constitutes "deserving" being impacted upon by numerous fields, with many differing viewpoints and perspectives, including the concepts of moral correctness based on ethics, rationality, An example of justice is someone being set free from prison after dna evidence shows they are innocent. As well as the 4 types of justice: commutative, distributive, legal, and social.




yes i have been doing that for lives


I would say no


No one actually lives a normal life because what is the actual definition of normal? No one has one and it is really just what society deems as normal. Everyone tells a lie at some point, mainly when they are children because they realize they might be able to get away with what they did or want to do.

hope that helps :)

Please don't do it for the points I will give brainliest. :((



I would say B would be your option. It best matches up with the original.





There isn't really an explanation. The paragraph uses formal tone, grammatically correct and revises the paragraph in a great way.

Original: “In today’s economy, a college education is a necessity. Yet the cost has more than doubled, making it extremely difficult for students to afford. Many are faced with years of paying off student loans, which stops them from meeting their life goals, like home or car ownership. Those purchases help the economy and create jobs.”

Which is the paraphrased version of the above text?

President Obama, in his speech on college affordability, discussed what he has done to make college more affordable because he claims that it is important to get a good education. Since college can be expensive, he claims that additional money has been made available for student aid, and student loan repayment has been made more lenient.
Given the competitive job market, President Obama points out that it is important to get a good education. However, he admits that the high cost of education can make this a challenge for many students. The knowledge that they will be paying off student loans for years to come causes many potential students concern. They are afraid that student loan debt may prevent them from being able to afford other items like cars or homes. If enough students are in debt that these types of purchases decrease, suggests Obama, the businesses that provide these products will need fewer workers and the job market will become even more difficult.



It's B


It's closest to the text above. Words taken out, and some changed.




Hi, May I please get Brainliest.  Have a nice day!


Ong bet let me get that brainliest
Other Questions
Please help please please plewse change 6 out of 100 to a percentage so what exactly is a,b,c There are two children in the Patel family.They are twins of the same age.What is the range of their ages? Solve 9x^2 + 3x = 20 Susan has 50% more books than Michael. Michael has 40 books. If Michael buys 8 more books, will Susan have more or less books than Michael? Use any method to solve the problem Which scenario matches the relationship shown in the table?Sakura walked 6 miles yesterday.Sakura walks 6 miles every day.Sakura walked less than 6 miles.Sakura walked 1 day in 6 miles. Pls help extra points and mark ASAP EASY!!!! IS THIS WRONG??? ILL MARK BRAINLIEST!!!! Please help me with this question Why did Dante most likely choose to write his views on Christianity in anindirect manner when he wrote the Divine Comedy? A. He was not sure of his exact views on many Christian values, sohe left room for personal interpretation.B. He knew his audience would be larger if he wrote an entertainingstory that waug't too serious. C. He wanted to represent Christianity in a positive light but felt thestate of the Church was too negative. D. He wanted other writers to imitate his style of avoiding directcharacter conflict. Which of these are NOT true about the first step of protein synthesis? *A. It occurs in the cytoplasm of a eukaryotic cell B. It is called transcriptionC. It involves making an mRNA copy of the DNAD. RNA polymerase is the enzyme that makes the mRNA copy HELP!!!!!!!!!!! I have 2 more questions to ask jackson signed the force bill to ensure Bones have this joint in your wrists?A. SlidingingB. HindgeC. EllipsoidD. Ball-n-socket PLEASE HELP ASAP , MARKING BRAINLIEST XOXOLogan collected pledges for the charity walk-a-thon. He is receiving total contributions of $65 plus $20 for every mile he walks. How many miles will Logan need to walk in order to receive $325?Tiffany is saving money to buy a new iphone that costs $340. She has already saved $120 and plans to save $20 each week. How many weeks will it take her to save up for the iphone? What is natural increase? what is the sum of 2/5 and 2/5 in simplest form In a command economy, who is primarilyresponsible for making economic decisionsabout consumption, savings, and production? HELP. NEED NOW. WILL MARK BRAINLIEST. Use the method of completing the square to transform the quadratic equation into the equation form (x+p)^2. -6x^2+-6x+12=0