Read the excerpt from act 3, scene 1, of Julius Caesar.

ANTONY. Therefore I took your hands, but was indeed
Swayed from the point by looking down on Caesar.
Friends am I with you all, and love you all,
Upon this hope: that you shall give me reasons
Why and wherein Caesar was dangerous.

What is the central idea of this excerpt?

Antony is pleased to shake hands with the conspirators.
Antony agrees with the conspirators that Caesar was dangerous.
Antony regrets not being included in the conspiracy and wishes he had played a part in Caesar’s murder.
Antony wants them to explain why they believed Caesar was dangerous.
ANSWER is the last one


Answer 1


What is the central idea of this excerpt?

1)Antony is pleased to shake hands with the conspirators.

2)Antony agrees with the conspirators that Caesar was dangerous.

3)Antony regrets not being included in the conspiracy and wishes he had played a part in Caesar’s murder.

--->>>CORRECT--->>> 4)Antony wants them to explain why they believed Caesar was dangerous


Edge 2021

Answer 2

D. Antony wants them to explain why they believed Caesar was dangerous.


The excerpt takes place after Antony has confronted the conspirators right after they had murdered Caesar and has been told that Caesar was too dangerous to be left alive. Antony says "you shall give me reasons why and wherein Caesar was dangerous." Antony is asking for the reason the conspirators thought Caesar was dangerous.

Here's a photo of Edge just incase.

Read The Excerpt From Act 3, Scene 1, Of Julius Caesar.ANTONY. Therefore I Took Your Hands, But Was IndeedSwayed

Related Questions

Read the paragraph.
Over the years, housing areas along the cliffs have lost land due to erosion caused by strong windstorms. Now some houses are
dangerously close to the edge of the cliffs. The city is working with scientists to try to solve this problem.
eclipse when the Moon's light is blocked as Earth comes between the Sun and the Moon
erosion the wearing away of the ground by wind or water
eruption the sudden release of hot ashes, rocks, and lava from a volcano
evaporate when liquid, such as water, turns into a gas
Where can erosion take place?
O 1. in the air
O 2. at the beach
O 3. up in the sky
O 4. Inside the body


yes, your answer is the first option, in the air. because the paragraph said that the erosion was caused by strong windstorms.

Need the answer thank you



ill need the text to help answer this for u


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"A wife most desires sovereignty over her husband


The old woman assures him that she knows the solution to the riddle but makes him promise to do whatever she asks in return for the knowledge. ... When the two appear at court, the young knight provides the answer to the riddle: Women want power over their husbands. The queen acknowledges that this is the correct answer.


Which type of note taking is shown in the example above?


The answer to the question is d

How is a vape pen bad for the environment? WILL GIVE BRAINLY FOR THE ANSWER WITH MORE information!!!!



Vape waste is especially bad for the environment because it is three forms of waste in one: plastic waste, hazardous waste, and electronic waste (e-waste). All of these are hazardous for the environment. Vapes create plastic waste. The device body and pod components are made of plastic.

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refutation is the answer

'sons of mine'. Who is speaking here?


The father is the one who is talking




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Show the upper part so we can see the choices

is a narrative essay about Orwell's time as a police officer for the British Raj in colonial Burma. The essay delves into an inner conflict that Orwell experiences in his role of representing the British Empire and upholding the law. At the opening of the essay Orwell explains that he is opposed to the British colonial project in Burma. In explicit terms he says that he's on the side of the Burmese people,who he feels are oppressed by colonial rule. As a police officer he sees the brutalities of the imperial project up close and first hand. He resents the British presence in the country.



"Shooting an Elephant"


George Orwell wrote his "Shooting an Elephant and Other Essays" in a narrative form. The essay was about the unjust shooting of an elephant, that too, not a wild one but a tame elephant.

The essay may also be metaphorically taken as the two identities of British imperialism. While the elephant represents the colonies, the victims of its imperialist actions, the executioner of the elephant represents the British authority, power, the imperial country/ kingdom. The narrative essay is Orwell's way of presenting the conflict between the two sides of imperialism, the conflict that he also faced as a police officer under the British but empathize with the colonies.

Thus, the correct answer is "Shooting an Elephant".

Imagine you are writing an essay on whether or not schools should hire a private catering company to provide fresh and healthy lunches for all students at a slightly higher cost than what the school currently pays. Decide your position, then use one of the techniques for a hook to introduce your topic . Your answer should be 1 to 3 sentences. 30 points



First I'd like to grab them in with a relatable statement and a question, like "Let's face it, school lunch is disgusting. It's okay-ish at the most. Should we really be keeping it that way?". Then I would give all my reasons on why we shouldn't.

What is the narrator's overall opinion of the Prioress in Canterbury Tales ?



The Prioress is one of the main characters of The Canterbury Tales. Her real name is Madame Eglantine, and she is fourth in the list of people discussed by the Host and has one of the longer descriptions. She is also the first religious figure discussed in the book, which shows a certain preference for the Prioress.

1. You received some draft copy for an author website that contains the following rather long sentence: Alexander McCall Smith was born in what is now Zimbabwe and was educated there and in Scotland before becoming a law professor in Scotland and later returning to Africa to help set up a new law school at the University of Botswana. Which of these four alternatives does the best job of revising the material to improve its readability without losing any of the original information or introducing any new information



A. A native of what is now Zimbabwe. Alexander McCall Smith was educated in what is now Zimbabwe as well as Scotland. He became a law professor in Scotland and later returned to Africa to help set up a law school at the University of Botswana.

B. Alexander McCall Smith was educated in Zimbabwe and Scotland, where he became a law professor. He later returned to Africa to help set up a law school at the University of Botswana.

C. Returning to Africa to help set up a law school at the University of Botswana must've felt like a homecoming of sorts for Zimbabwe native Alexander McCall Smith, who was educated in both Zimbabwe and Scotland.

D. Alexander McCall smith was born in what in now Zimbabwe and was educated there and in Scotland. He became a law professor in Scotland and later returned to Africa to help set up a law school at the University of Botswana.


The alternative that does the best job of revising the material to improve its readability without losing any of the original information or introducing any new information is:

B. Alexander McCall Smith was educated in Zimbabwe and Scotland, where he became a law professor. He later returned to Africa to help set up a law school at the University of Botswana.


Improving readability means making a written content clear and easy for the target audience to understand.  The main strategies for improving readability include the usage of short and easy words, using short sentences where possible, and doing away with some unnecessary adjectives, adverbs, and jargons.

Why would a beginner swimmer look forward to moving on to the 50m pool?​



When they get better on swimming and will be promoted keep getting good and keep get promoted


 It is better for children to grow up in the countryside than in a big city. Do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to develop your essay.​


I disagree because I think children are better off growing up in the city. The city offers more opportunities to these children allowing them to explore different careers and experiences, but in the countryside there aren't much available free classes you can take or help you can get. Another reason would be interaction and teamwork. In the city, schools are packed with children so they would have better communication skills with their peers but in the countryside you might only have less than 1000 students in the building whereas city with 5000+ students in 1 building.

Who has been called the "Father of the Constitution"?



James Madison


I did this in 8th grade

hey can someone give me an idea how I should do a rough draft on a computer


Well, first off you record your thoughts and ideas on a piece of paper. Just a short small description of what you should put in & add onto in your draft. Write like a list of things you want to put in before you write your full paragraph/essay/etc.

Determine the meaning of the italicized word in the following sentence based on the context clues provided
Mrs. Maple's dog obediently waited for his treat for fetching the
newspaper, despite his eagerness for it
(1 point)


C- enthusiastically

The meaning that the italicized words communicate effectively would be:

C). Enthusiastically

What are the context clues?

"Context clues" are characterized as the words that surround an unknown or unfamiliar word in a sentence.

These clues help the readers in determining the meaning of that word and make comprehension easier.

In the given sentence, the alien word "eagerness" conveys the meaning "enthusiastically" as the dog waited for his meal quite eagerly.

Learn more about "Words" here:

What is the best definition of a flu pandemic?
O A. A flu virus that comes from birds
O B. A worldwide flu epidemic
O C. A yearly economic downturn due to illness
O D. A shot to prevent flu infections


Answer: O C. A yearly economic downturn due to illness

=== == ==. ===

i think the answer is [B]

essay about do you disagree or agree that parents should be able to modify their unborn children, 500 to 700 words





Neither Farahany nor Silver argued in favor of allowing parents to modify their children to ensure other traits that are less medically necessary, but nevertheless desirable, such as higher intelligence or blue eyes. "What I think parents care about most is promoting the health of their children," Silver said. Leading to eugenics?

No, humans should not be allowed to genetically modify babies. There are so many down sides and problems with the process. There are many safety concerns, it isn’t very efficient and it would cause a negative impact on society. First, genetically modifying babies is a huge safety risk.

What do you think of when you hear the word ‘Genetically Modified’? Soybeans? Corn? No. This time, human beings. The human genome editing technology has progressed at a surprising pace in these three decades from the Human Genome Project to CRISPR. There was an announcement last week that the two scientists have just won the Nobel Prize of Chemistry for their contribution to the genome editing technology, named ‘CRISPR Cas9’.*1 That makes possible to cut off the target sequence of genomes and insert a different sequence. Cas9 is an enzymatic protein that works like scissors.*2 The human genomes have been decoded and mapped. It is possible for this technology to be applied to the human genomes. ‘Designer baby’ is more realistic than ever. ‘What would you like our baby to look like, darling? My blue eyes or your brown ones?’ Will a conversation like this be common soon?

         The technology has an enormous possibility in several fields, particularly in medicine. The technology could be hopeful for people who have a serious disease such as HIV or hemophilia and are afraid of passing it on their children. Two years ago, Chinese scientists produced twin babies applying the technology, ‘CRISPR’, in order to prevent the babies from being infected with HIV because their father had the disease.*3 One of the scientists claimed that their achievement in giving the resistance to HIV to the babies could lead to taking fear of infectious disease away from human beings.

         But there is one question popping up: Is practicing the technology directly to the human embryos ethically acceptable, even with such a good intention? Some people may think that the human embryos are already human lives and using the technology directly to them is equivalent to God’s deed, so that should not be done by human. President Bush banned the human embryonic stem cell researches in 2001 for a similar reason. Moreover, the technology makes errors and those errors could cause serious consequences to the babies. Who would take responsibility if that happens and how? The science community needs careful discussion about using the technology. And people also have to know more about it.

         I think that making use of the genetic editing technology to the human genomes should be limited to developing treatments to cure and prevent of serious illnesses like cancer. We all need a thorough discussion: The scientists need a discussion to make ethical and judicial rules stricter than ever for researching with it and applying it to medicine. People also have to learn more and have their own opinions about the technology. I believe that parents should not genetically modify their unborn child only because they want their baby to have any particular appearance or ability. You should not use the term, ‘designer baby’, so lightly. That’s the issue of the human life.

Reread lines 93-105. According to Miller, what effect does social disorder have on the people of Salem?
The people on Salem that the social disorder come from deep and darkling forces



we cant answer bc no story


Mill operator's motivation to remember this passage for the initial story was  to contrast the Salem Witch Trials and the political climate of his time.

What ws purpose of Miller?

The Forest that is close to Salem is dreaded by the occupants of Salem. It was seen as tacky and was kept away from by a great many people. For their purposes, the dull backwoods spells risk, something evil, and wicked.

They needed to try not to get under its power or probably they would lose their lives.This presentation in the play flags an anticipating of what will occur as the occasions are reviewed.

Nonetheless, Miller's motivation all through the play is to contrast those verifiable occasions with what was occurring at the time he composed it.

Arthur Miller looked to reprimand Senator McCarthy's arraignment of assumed socialists US residents by contrasting it and the Salem Trials, wherein guiltless individuals were blamed for black magic and later hanged.

For more information about Miller, refer the following link:

Which does NOT correctly use a prepositional phrase?
The exhausted runner collapsed into bed, back at home, after the

The exhausted runner collapsed into bed after the marathon, back at

C.). The exhausted back at home runner collapsed into bed after the marathon.

The exhausted runner, back at home, collapsed into bed after the


i believe your answer is the third option, C.

Which sentence from the passage is the BEST main idea of this passage? A) Most plastic does not break down very easily. B) It's really hard to convince people to recycle plastic. C) People need to recycle plastic to help protect our precious earth! D) A lot of dyes and other chemicals are sometimes mixed in with plastic.​





It just sounds like the most reasonable answers here.


yes the c one is absoletily correct

1. My mother cooks every day, but my father cooks now. ……………………………………………………
2. I like fish, but my brother don’t like fish very much ……………………………………………………
Write the words in the correct order to make a question.
3. (at / they / sport / playing / the / are / What / moment) ……………………………………………………?
4. (know / you / that / Did / to drive / is / Bayaraa / learning) ..……………………………………………?
5. interesting: basketball/ soccer. I think…………………………………..than…………. .

1. My mother always bakes bread at home, but today she buys it.
2. My mother likes chicken, but my father don’t like chicken very much.
3. (they / these / music / listening / are / to / What / days) . …………………………………………….?
4. (hear / you / that / Did / to swim / is / Tsetsgee / learning) …………………………………………?
Write your opinion with the comparative form of each adjective.
1. cold: December / January I think………………………………than……………. .
2. exciting: a concert / a movie I think……………………………….than……………. .

1. ………………........……………………….were you born?
2. …………………………… you share your room with?
3. …………………………………..grade do you study in?
4. ……………much time do you spend on your homework?​





Its to messy for you to solve

Which literary period was influenced by World War II? HINT: It's not D.

A. Realism
B. Naturalism
C. Modernism
D. Postmodernism


The answer is Modernism :)xo


Read the two excerpts from act 4, scene 3, and act 5, scene 5, of Julius Caesar. CASSIUS. Ha! Portia? BRUTUS. She is dead. CASSIUS. How scaped I killing when I crossed you so? O insupportable and touching loss! Upon what sickness? BRUTUS. Impatient of my absence, And grief that young Octavius with Mark Antony Have made themselves so strong—for with her death That tidings came. With this, she fell distraught, And, her attendants absent, swallowed fire. BRUTUS. Why this, Volumnius. The ghost of Caesar hath appeared to me Two several times by night—at Sardis once, And this last night, here in Philippi fields. I know my hour is come. VOLUMNIUS. Not so, my lord. BRUTUS. Nay, I am sure it is, Volumnius. Thou seest the world, Volumnius, how it goes. Our enemies have beat us to the pit, [Low alarums] It is more worthy to leap in ourselves Than tarry till they push us. Good Volumnius, Thou know’st that we two went to school together. Even for that, our love of old, I prithee, Hold thou my sword hilts, whilst I run on it. . . . So fare you well at once, for Brutus’ tongue Hath almost ended his life’s history. Night hangs upon mine eyes; my bones would rest, That have but laboured to attain this hour. . . . I prithee, Strato, stay thou by thy lord. Thou art a fellow of a good respect. Thy life hath had some smatch of honour in it. Hold then my sword, and turn away thy face While I do run upon it. Wilt thou, Strato? Which statement best compares Brutus’s remarks at the death of his wife, Portia, to his words before his own death? Brutus shows extreme sorrow and regret over both deaths. Brutus is matter of fact when talking about both deaths, but he takes time for reflection when talking about his own impending death. Brutus uses more imagery when speaking about Portia’s death and is direct when speaking of his own. Brutus explains how Portia died, but he completely avoids talking about his own death.​





Brutus is matter of fact when talking about both deaths, but he takes time for reflection when talking about his own impending death.

Brutus reacts more matter-of-factly about his own death than he does about Portia's is the statement from the given excerpt that best describes how uninformed decisions lead to tragic ends. Hence, the correct option is D.

What is the meaning of excerpt?

An excerpt is a small passage of writing that is taken from a larger story or a document. In the given excerpt, Brutus speaks matter-of-factly about his own impending death, but shows great sadness and emotion when he reveals the details of Portia's death.

This contrast emphasizes the tragic consequences of his uninformed decision to join the conspiracy against Caesar, which ultimately led to the deaths of those he loved. This highlights the theme that uninformed decisions can lead to tragic outcomes.Therefore, the correct option is D.

Learn more about excerpt, here:


The question is incomplete, but most probably the complete question is,

Read the passage from act 4, scene 3, of The Tragedy of Julius Caesar.

BRUTUS. She is dead.

CASSIUS. How escaped I'm killing when I crossed you so?

O insupportable and touching loss!

Upon what sickness?

BRUTUS. Impatient of my absence,

And grief that young Octavius with Mark Antony

Have made themselves so strong—for with her death

That tidings came. With this, she fell distraught,

And, her attendants absent, swallowed fire.

CASSIUS. And died so?

BRUTUS. Even so.

CASSIUS. O ye immortal gods!

Which statement best describes how an element of tragedy in this excerpt reveals the theme that uninformed decisions lead to tragic ends?

A. Brutus shows more sadness for Portia's death than he does for his own.

B. Brutus is more philosophical about his own death than he is about Portia's.

C. Brutus uses more imagery when speaking about Portia's death than about his own.

D. Brutus reacts more matter-of-factly about his own death than he does about Portia's.

pls answer quick plssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss


Lol what is this. I see no question, but thank you for the free points! Have a great day :)


Where is the question?.

What idea is introduced in the first
paragraph of this passage?
Many experts think everyone should
learn at least one additional language.
It is vital to speak at least two
languages to keep up with the rest of
the world.
Learning another language might be
O hard, but many experts agree it is
worth the work
Speaking more than one language is
not only impressive, it is also exciting.



my opinion is that I would learn every single language first starting with Spanish.


Learning Another Language might be hard, but many Experts Agree it is Worth the Work.


I got it !Correct! in I-Ready :D

Write a sad poem an elegy about losing a friends



Ok i have lost many freinds :D


Oh please forgive me

My heart is broke

You can fix it

Just dont poke

Didactic themes are best
described as:
A. Themes that teach a moral lesson
B. Themes with many possible
C. Themes with an unclear message


Didacticism is a term that refers to a particular philosophy in art and literature that emphasizes the idea that different forms of art and literature ought to convey information and instructions, along with pleasure and entertainment. ... However, some literary texts are entertaining as well as didactic.

Answer: Themes that teach a moral lesson

Explanation: (Acellus)

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