Read the excerpt below.

“In [creating] a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: You must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place, [make it ] control itself.” – The Federalist No. 51

Which of these principles is best reflected in the excerpt?


majority rule
majority rule

representative democracy
representative democracy

popular sovereignty
popular sovereignty

limited government


Answer 1

Based on the concept of governance and the content of the excerpt the principle that is best reflected in this is Limited Government

What is Limited Government?

Limited Government is a term that is used to describe the type of government whereby there is a legalized force designed to be restricted through delegated and enumerated authorities.

Usually, countries with limited governments have fewer laws about what individuals and businesses can and cannot do.

In this case, the statement in the question is trying to explain that there should be checks and balances in the government and there should be a separation of powers within the national government.

Hence, in this case, it is concluded that the idea of checks and balances and separation of power is what defines a limited government which the Federalist 51 is trying to promote.

Learn more about the Limited Government here:


Related Questions

What kind of people
supported Hidalgo?




How do National Parks fit in with Muir's ideas about preservation?



Muir's advocacy helped create several national parks, including Sequoia (1890), Mount Rainier (1899) and Grand Canyon (1908). He wrote “only Uncle Sam” could save our country's land for future generations to enjoy, an idea that led to the creation of the National Park Service in 1916.

The Lend-Lease Act allowed the United States to



Lend countries with supplies like food, oil, and building supplies during World War II. Some countries that were supported by this act was the United Kingdom, and the Soviet Union.

This is a United States of America policy.

Answer: send billions of dollar's worth of supplies to Allied countries.


Under the Articles of Confederation, the Congress could create new laws, but
it was up to the states to carry them out. This meant that:
O A. states could change laws whenever they wanted to.
B. every state had to agree on a law before it was passed.
O C. the government was not always able to keep its agreements.
OD. the government did not have the ability to pay its debts.
Please help !!





All of the 13 states had to agree for a law to go into effect

Answer:states could change laws whenever they wanted to.

Explanation: just took it

i cant see the awnser cas of adds




my honest reaction:

People adapted during the_________ by changing their diet, building sturdier shelters, and using animal skins to make warm clothing.


Answer: The answer is " Ice Age


Which act rewrote a charter to put a British general in charge?

a. The Stamp Act
b. The Massachusetts Act
c. The Quartering Act
d. The Sugar Act


the massachusetts act

help please this is past-due


Answer: C

Explanation: During the Renaissance period, the usage if Realistic details became really popular in portrait painting.

The renaissance period was started to emerge by the end of 14th century, with very well known artists suc as Leondardo DaVinci and Michaelangelo as the dominant figures in artistic community.


Question : imagine a scholar of Judaism has asked you to explain which event from ancient times you think is most significant. Which would you pick? Why? Write a sentence or two to explain.



The destruction of the Second Temple, which influenced modern Jewish religious practices, is the most important historical event from this time period.

Instead of having to worship and practice their religion in a single area, people were able to do so wherever due to the construction of synagogues and the education of rabbis as religious authorities.

Hope this helps! :)

Question 4 (1 point)
From the article U.S. History
The origins of the U.S. Army in the American Revolution, which of the following
answer choices BEST describes the reaction of Congress to Washington and Knox's

O Congress responded by increasing the size of the regular army in order to defend
frontier states and passing the Militia Act to give those state militias more power
to train and defend themselves.

O Congress responded by disbanding most of the regular army and passing the
Militia Act because it feared that their recommendations would give more power
to the federal government than the states.

O Congress responded by expanding the regular army in order to fight the War of
1812 and using the Militia Act to order states to send their forces to defend the

O Congress responded by eliminating the existing regular army and using the
Militia Act to force states to increase training of independent troops for defense.


Question 4 (1 point)

From the article U.S. History

The origins of the U.S. Army in the American Revolution, which of the following

answer choices BEST describes the reaction of Congress to Washington and Knox's


O Congress responded by increasing the size of the regular army in order to defend

frontier states and passing the Militia Act to give those state militias more power

to train and defend themselves.

O Congress responded by disbanding most of the regular army and passing the

Militia Act because it feared that their recommendations would give more power

to the federal government than the states.

O Congress responded by expanding the regular army in order to fight the War of

1812 and using the Militia Act to order states to send their forces to defend the


O Congress responded by eliminating the existing regular army and using the

Militia Act to force states to increase training of independent troops for defense.


O Congress responded by eliminating the existing regular army and using the

Militia Act to force states to increase training of independent troops for defense.

how did west african oral tradition be different from written tradtion

(please help and fast)


The way that west Africans oral tradition be different from written tradition is that those passed orally tend to be a little bit different from those documented and there were some oral traditions that were not documented.

Which oral and written traditions did West Africans establish?

Proverbs, narratives, songs of praise, poems, historical chronicles and genealogy, and folktales were all composed by West Africans.

Hence, The majority of the perspectives that are sought for by oral history cannot be found in written sources. Information gathered in this way is also referred to as oral history, as is a written work (published or unpublished) based on that information that is frequently kept in archives and sizable libraries.

Learn more about west Africans oral tradition from

What were two reasons for immigrants supporting political machines?


precisely because the majority of migrants were from non-democratic systems.

What is political machines?

The most migrants ever and still now choose to leave their home nation because of unfavorable circumstances. The interests of those in the ruling structures are prioritized in these countries, which are mostly dominated by corruption.

Due to widespread violations of fundamental human rights in the Middle East, a large number of individuals from that region attempt to go to Western Europe and, to a lesser extent, the United States. Migrants flee because it is impossible for them to find work and because their basic human rights, which are protected in democratic regimes, are being violated.

Thus, precisely because the majority of migrants.

For more information about political machines, click here:


Answer: provided jobs and social services

Explanation: plato/edmentum

The purpose of the Marshall Plan after World War II was to


Answer: rebuild national economies to stabilize governments



The purpose of the Marshall Plan was for war to be over


One of the most important causes of the Cold War between the USSR and the United States after World War II was


The difference in ideologies between the Soviet Union and America
Communist v Capitalist

Answer: different economic systems

During reconstruction, most African American families in the south:_____.
1. moved to southern cities, where they worked as skilled laborers
2. benefited from Sherman's plan to give or sell land to freed people
3. remained in rural areas, where they worked at jobs such as lumbering or farming
4. migrated to work on the construction of railroads across the nation


Option 3. During reconstruction, most African American families in the south: remained in rural areas, where they worked at jobs such as lumbering or farming

What was reconstruction?

In the years immediately following the Civil War, from 1865 through 1877, numerous US administrations worked to rebuild society, especially in the former Confederate states, by creating and defending the legal rights of the newly liberated black people. This period is referred to as reconstruction.

The Reconstruction Era spanned the years 1865–1877, following the end of the Civil War. Its main goals were to guarantee former slaves' rights, reestablish full political involvement for the southern states in the Union, and establish new connections between African Americans and whites.

Read more on reconstruction here:


14 Read the excerpt and answer the question that follows.
China is so large, looms so high just beyond the frontiers,
that if South Viet-Nam went, it would not only give them
an improved geographic position for a guerrilla assault on
Malaya, but would also give the impression that the wave of
the future in southeast Asia was China and the Communists.
-President John F. Kennedy, televised interview,
September 9, 1963
Which idea reflected in these remarks formed the basis for U.S.
involvement in Vietnam?
F Nuclear deterrence
G Flexible response
H Domino theory
J Iron Curtain


Nuclear deterrence is the  idea reflected in these remarks formed the basis for U.S. involvement in Vietnam other than Flexible response and Domino theory is the idea reflected by televised interview of President John F. Kennedy. September 9, 1963

What is Nuclear deterrence?

Nuclear deterrence aims to uphold tranquility, avoid coercion, and thwart attack. Potential attackers are aware that assaulting the UK or one of our NATO partners may cost much more than it would ever be worth.

What is Domino theory?

The domino hypothesis is a geopolitical theory that holds that changes in democracy in one country have a tendency to cascade into nearby nations.

to know more about Nuclear deterrence visit


What was Xuanzang known for?
blending Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam into a single religion
persecuting Muslims to drive Islam out of India
establishing Bhakti cults to increase Hinduism's popularity
translating texts from India to establish Buddhism in China




Xuanzang was known for his extensive but careful translations of Indian Buddhist texts to Chinese, which have enabled subsequent recoveries of lost Indian Buddhist texts from the translated Chinese copies. He is credited with writing or compiling the Cheng Weishi Lun as a commentary on these texts.

Born: 6 April 602, Luoyang, Henan, China

Died: 5 February 664 (aged 61), Tongchuan, Shaanxi, China

Religion: BuddhismSchool: East Asian Yogācāra

brainliest HOPE IT HELPS

Xuanzang is known for translating texts from India to establish Buddhism in China. Thus the correct option is the Last one.

What is Buddhism?

 Buddhism is a philosophy or religion practiced in India that encourages the teachings ascribed to the Buddha. In Buddhism, enlightenment and nirvana are the ultimate goals.

It is thought that in order to reach nirvana, one must completely purge themselves of all greed, hatred, and ignorance. It holds the view that the spirit, or consciousness, lives on and may regenerate after death.

According to his ability for enlightenment, Xuanzang is transformed by his journey as a missionary to the west. He was created to act as a spiritual archetype for one of the Buddha's phases of enlightenment.

Therefore, the last option is appropriate.

Learn more about  Xuanzang, here:


Name four areas these trade routes went to that are outside the boundaries of this map.


Four areas these trade routes went to that are outside the boundaries of this map are Spain, China, India and East Africa.

Trade routes are the paths on map that merchants travel to exchange goods and commodities. These routes have been used for centuries and are vital to the global economy. They often pass through multiple countries and regions, and can be quite long and complicated.

There are many different types of trade routes, and they can be categorized by the goods being traded, the mode of transportation, or the region boundaries.

To know more about Trade routes, click here.


whih empire Indus River systemis associated with the


Harappan civilization is the empire associated with the Indus river.

Indus river was far-famed to the traditional Indians in Indo-Aryan as Sindhu and also the Persians as Hindu that was regarded by each of them as "the border river". The Harappan civilization was situated within the Indus River . Its 2 giant cities, Harappa and Mohenjo-daro, were situated in current Pakistan's geographical area and Sindh provinces, severally.

The Indus River Valley Civilization, conjointly referred to as Harappan civilization, developed the primary correct system of standardized weights and measures, some as correct on one.6 mm. Harappans created sculpture, seals, pottery, and jewellery from materials, like terracotta, metal, and stone.

To learn more about Harappan civilization  here


President Lincoln's goal for Reconstruction was always to keep the Union together. When he was assassinated in 1865 and President Johnson took over, much of his plan was in direct opposition to Lincoln's wishes, including what proposal?

A.cancelling all Confederate war debts B. reinstituting slavery C. giving white Southemers back any lands previously given to freedmen D. stripping Southemers of their right to vote​


President Andrew Johnson's plan in opposition to President Abraham Lincoln's goal for Reconstruction was reinstituting slavery. Option B is the correct answer.

What are President Lincoln's Reconstruction goals?

The goals of President Abraham Lincoln for Reconstruction, as discussed in his second inaugural address, were to:

unify the country, integrate African-Americans into American society as free citizens, and pardon the Southern Democrats, in order to avoid future conflicts.

However, after his assassination in 1865, President Andrew Johnson took over the office.

The new president issued his own Reconstruction Plan. Some of which were in opposition to Lincoln's goals.

For instance, the new president opposed the growing radical republicans' sentiment to grant the vote to African Americans.

He also vetoed a bill to extend the life of the Freedmen's Bureau in the South in 1866 because for him it was against the Constitution.

Therefore, President Johnson in his plan reinstituted slavery in opposition to President Lincoln's goal for Reconstruction.

Learn more about President Lincoln's Reconstruction goals at


I need help this is due tomorrow
Thank you how ever comment first on my other equation and this equation let get rich with math.



First of all, you accidentally put this on the History section! Be careful next time.

1. Rectangle

2. (3,4), (5,4), (5,7), (3,7)

3. (3,3), (5,3), (3,6), (5,6)


See attached worksheet.


The format (3,5) indicates a point at x=3 and y=5  [(x,y)]

in what way did the four-minute men support ww1?


Its propaganda campaign was successful, in part due to the support of local authorities. The 4-Minute Men enlisted well-known businesspeople, religious leaders, and politicians to appear at public events and solicit donations. The fact that people had congregated and were idly waiting in between film reels made theaters popular locations.

True or false

Slavery did not exist in the americas until the British began using slaves in virgina


Answer: False

Explanation: In 1619, slavery made its first appearance in America.

-Privateer The White Lion brought 20 African Americans to Jamestown

-African slaves were stolen from a Portuguese slave ship named Sao Jao Bautista.

-Slaves were seen as cheaper, easier labor sources.

-Indentured servants were used less after the slaves were brought to America.




Pay $5 million debts to Spanish settlers

What moderate reforms did European socialists support? Check all that apply.

assistance for the poor
working class revolution
better working conditions
lack of protections for unions
minimum wage laws
lack of regulation for prices


The moderate reforms that European socialists support are:

assistance for the poorbetter working conditionsminimum wage laws

Socialism refers to various economic and social systems that emphasize worker autonomy and collective ownership of the means of production and the political ideologies and organizations that support such systems.

A European social-democratic political organization is called the Party of European Socialists (PES).

The PES comprises national-level political parties from every EU member state, Norway, and the UK. This includes significant parties like the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party, the British Labour Party, the Italian Democratic Party, the Social Democratic Party of Germany, and the French Socialist Party. As associate or observer parties, the PES also accepts parties from several other European nations and the Mediterranean region. Most member, associate, and observer parties belong to the Socialist International or the larger Progressive Alliance.

Learn more about European socialists here:


1. Which of the following statements is true regarding the use of books for the study of history?

Books normally contain only small bits of information.

Books can be either primary or secondary sources.​



option 2


'cause why not

the outbreak of world war i in 1914 was triggered by





The assassination of Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand (June 28, 1914) was the main catalyst for the start of the Great War (World War I).

Question 4 of 5
Based on the reading, why do you think the author mentioned that the cattle
were diseased?
A: To show that the cattle were properly prepared for slaughter
о B. To show that the food was safe
O C. To show that the food was unsafe
O D. To show that the food was delicious


The author highlighted the diseased cow to demonstrate the safety of the food

What is a disease?

An aberrant condition known as a disease is one that adversely affects an organism's structure or function on the whole or in part, and which is not immediately brought on by an external harm. Medical problems known as diseases frequently have recognizable indications and symptoms. Pathogens or internal dysfunctions may be the internal cause of a disease or other conditions. Internal immune system abnormalities, such as various types of immunodeficiency, hypersensitivity, allergies, and autoimmune illnesses, for instance, can result in a wide range of diseases.

In humans, the term "illness" is frequently used more generally to describe any condition that results in suffering, bodily or mental impairment, emotional discomfort, social difficulties, or death for the individual who is afflicted, as well as problems for those who come into touch with the person.

To know more about diseased visit:


Question 3 (1 point)
Read the following claim.
Most American colonists no longer wanted to be part of the British empire.
How would King George III MOST likely have responded to this claim?

O Many Americans were still loyal to Britain but were being misled by their leaders.

O All American colonists would be subject to legal punishment by the British crown

O American leaders could be easily replaced with loyal British subjects from other
parts of the empire.

O Parliament's unwillingness to act made the rebellion in the American colonies


Question 3 (1 point)

Read the following claim.

Most American colonists no longer wanted to be part of the British empire.

How would King George III MOST likely have responded to this claim?

Many Americans were still loyal to Britain but were being misled by their leaders.

O All American colonists would be subject to legal punishment by the British crown

O American leaders could be easily replaced with loyal British subjects from other parts of the empire.

O Parliament's unwillingness to act made the rebellion in the American colonies worse.


By the 1770s, many colonists were angry because they did not have self-government. This meant that they could not govern themselves and make their own laws. They had to pay high taxes to the king. They felt that they were paying taxes to a government where they had no representation.

O All American colonists would be subject to legal punishment by the British crown

Which of the following statements accurately describes the Maya civilization at its height?
O The Maya society was egalitarian (had social equality)
O The Maya city-states were not unified despite sharing a common culture
O The Maya cities were isolated and did not interact
O The Maya people were all unified under one strong government


From the following statements, the one which accurately describes the Maya civilization at its height is that, the Maya people were all unified under one strong government.

The Mesoamerican Maya civilization which is of the homonymous people is known by its ancient glyphs and temples. Also, its Maya script is the most sophisticated and at the same time highly developed writing system in the pre-Columbian America.

The ancient Maya government was formed on the basis which the rulers were thought to have been god-like. So this would to some might suggest one unified state. However, Maya city remained its own sovereign entity with its own unique struggles for political power.

Hence, option D is correct.

To learn more about the Maya civilization here:


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