reactive oxygen intermediates and reactive nitrogen intermediates produced by phagocytic cells are effective in killing invading microorganisms.a. trueb. false


Answer 1

It is true that reactive oxygen intermediates and reactive nitrogen intermediates produced by phagocytic cells are effective in killing invading microorganisms.

Phagocytic cells are a type of immune cell which will surround and kill microorganisms, ingest foreign material, and take away dead cells. It can even boost immune responses. Monocytes, macrophages, and neutrophils ar phagocytes. A vegetative cell may be a form of white vegetative cell.

A microorganism, or microbe, is an organism of microscopic size, which can exist in its noncellular kind or as a colony of cells. The doable existence of unseen microorganism life was suspected from precedent days, like in Jainist scriptures from sixth century BC India.

To learn more about microorganisms here


Related Questions

Dna fragments can be separated out by size using gel electrophoesis. what property of dna allows this process to occur?


The size of the dna allows this process to occur DNA fragments can be separated out by size using gel electrophoesis.

Gel electrophoresis is an experimental method for separating mixtures of DNA, RNA, or proteins by molecular size. In gel electrophoresis, molecules to be separated are forced into a gel containing small pores by an electric field. DNA molecules have the same amount of charge per mass.

For this reason, DNA fragments are separated only by size in gel electrophoresis. DNA is negatively charged. So when an electric current is applied to the gel, the DNA migrates to the positively charged electrode. Fragments are ordered by size because short DNA strands migrate through the gel faster than long strands.

Read more about the DNA;


sequences that are conserved, that is, similar in many different organisms, are unlikely to be functionally important. t or f


False . sequences that are conserved, that is, similar in many different organisms, are unlikely to be functionally important

In biology, an organism is any natural, living organism that functions as an individual entity. Organisms are composed of cells. Organisms are categorized by way of taxonomy into corporations which include multicellular animals, plants, and fungi; or unicellular microorganisms including protists, bacteria, and archaea.

Residing matters are divided into five kingdoms: animal, plant, fungi, protest, and monera.

An organism is defined as an entity with existence. Each living thing and non-living thing are basically made of molecules. But, a living issue can be identified from an inanimate item by way of its distinctive traits. as an example, an organism is made up of 1 or greater cells.

Learn more about Organism here:-


Cellular respiration continues in the of the cell with the and electron transport chain.


Cellular respiration continue in the cell at mitochondria. During cellular respiration, it process begins in the cytoplasm and completed in a mitochondria.

Where does cellular respiration occur?Cellular respiration takes place in mitochondria, which are often called the cell's powerhouses because they make most of a cell's ATP.During cellular respiration, glucose is broken down in the presence of oxygen to produce carbon dioxide and water. Energy released during the reaction is captured by the energy-carrying molecule ATP.In cellular respiration, the electron transport chain function is to shuttles electrons down a series of redox reactions that release energy used to make ATP.

Learn more about cellular respiration here:


Which internal structures of animals are specifically adapted to use contraction to cause movement?A. Blood cellsB. BonesC. GlandsD. Muscles


Muscles is the internal structures of animals are specifically adapted to use contraction to cause movement.

Animals contain contractile tissues called muscles that are used to create motion. Movement, which is the intricate synchronization of muscle and nerve fibres, is how an organism interacts with its surroundings.An organism needs to move in order to locate food, however it can also feed itself if it remains sedentary.Actin and myosin protein filaments make up the muscle cells, which glide past one another to cause contraction and alter the cell's length and form.Muscle contraction, which occurs in every organ of our body, including the blood vessels, heart, digestive organs, etc., is the cause of every movement. Muscles in these organs move substances across the body to perform their tasks.

To know more about muscle check the below link:


The ducts that deliver bile and pancreatic juice from the liver and pancreas, respectively, unite to form the ________.


The ducts that deliver bile and pancreatic juice from the liver and pancreas, respectively, unite to form the hepatopancreatic ampulla.

The hepatopancreatic ampulla is also known as the ampulla of Vater. It is a duct that forms where the pancreatic duct and common bile duct unite. The hepatopancreatic ampulla is found in the inner wall of the duodenum. This duct is made up of hepatopancreatic sphincter. The hepatopancreatic sphincter is helpful in regulating the flow of bile and pancreatic juice through the ampulla and major duodenum papilla.

To know more about the hepatopancreatic ampulla, visit:


why might coral reefs a good place to search for organisms that could be used to develop new drugs? select all that apply.


Yes, Might coral reefs  is a good place to search for organisms that could be used to develop new drugs.Life on corals reefs is diverse and concentrated.

They are relatively easy to get to compared to the deep ocean.

Coral reefs are some of the most diverse ecosystems in the world. Coral polyps, the animals primarily responsible for building reefs, can take many forms: large reef building colonies, graceful flowing fans, and even small, solitary organisms. Thousands of species of corals have been discovered; some live in warm, shallow, tropical seas and others in the cold, dark depths of the ocean.Coral reefs protect wildlife. Coral needs sunlight to grow. Large reefs are thousands of years old. Coral reefs make the sea bed more stable.They also clean the water.Reefs are important nesting grounds. Coral reefs can treat cancer.Reefs can help to manage global warming.

To know more about coral reefs


the alimentary canal is innervated by the and divisions of the autonomic nervous system.


Parasympathetic division and Sympathetic division of autonomic nervous system innervate the alimentary tract of the digestive system.

The autonomic nervous system is a peripheral nervous system component that controls involuntary physiologic processes such as heart rate, blood pressure, respiration, digestion, and sexual arousal. It is divided into three anatomical divisions: sympathetic, parasympathetic, and enteric.

All "automatic" body functions, such as breathing, heart rate, blood pressure, sweating, mouth-watering (salivating), and food movement through the intestines, are controlled by the autonomic nervous system (peristalsis). The hypothalamus is the primary brain site for autonomic nervous system central control, and the paraventricular nucleus is the primary hypothalamic site for this control. The dorsal longitudinal fasciculus is the main autonomic control pathway from the hypothalamus.

To learn more about autonomic nervous system, here


At which stage of the general adaptation syndrome does the body attempts to repair any damage and return to a condition of stability and equilibrium?


The body enters the second stage, resistance, after this initial shock.The body makes an effort to fix any harm and achieve stability and equilibrium.

What is General Adaptation Syndrome Stage 2?

Stage 2: resistanceThe body starts to heal itself following the initial surprise of a stressful incident and has a fight-or-flight response.Your blood pressure and heart rate start to return to normal as a result of the decreased cortisol release.

What transpires during General Adaptation Syndrome Phase 1?

The initial phase of global adaption syndrome is this.Your body is now signaling your brain that it is in trouble.Glucocorticoids and adrenaline, sometimes referred to as your "fight or flight" hormones, are released by the body as a result of the brain's message to it.

To know more about general adaptation syndrome visit:


gliadin and glutenin make up what protein complex in wheat flours? collagen albumin gluten actin and myosin


In wheat flour, the gluten protein complex is made up of glutenin and gliadin.

The protein complex known as “gluten” found in wheat flour, which can be molded into the dough and possesses the rheological qualities needed to produce leavened bread, makes wheat unique among edible grains. Gliadin and glutenin, two different types of proteins that combine to form the substance known as gluten, are what provide dough stability and give bread its light and airy texture. Gliadin and glutenin both include amino acids that aid in the formation of hydrogen bonds between the two proteins.

Plant water-soluble protein known as albumin contains phytase and oxidative enzymes in its component. Wheat flour does not create proteins. Thus, (A) is untrue.

To learn more about gluten, refer:-


What is the term for a wooded area with heavy rainfall and persistent condensation?


A woodland region with constant condensation and heavy rains is referred to as a "cloud forest."

The vegetation of tropical highland regions known as cloud forests, often referred to as montane rainforests, is characterised by heavy rainfall and persistent condensation because of the cooling influence of moisture-rich air currents that are diverted higher by the mountains.

For most of the year, cloud forests, which are typically located between 1,000 and 2,500 metres above sea level, have a layer of clouds at the canopy level. Because of their sensitivity to local climatic conditions, height, and separation from the sea, cloud forest ecosystems are rare around the world.

To learn more about cloud forest, refer


diffusion requires: group of answer choices a semipermeable membrane. a concentration gradient. ions. none of the above.


Net diffusion requires a concentration gradient while osmosis requires a semipermeable membrane

Consider the reaction H2(g) + I2(g) Double headed arrow. HI(g) with an equilibrium constant of 46.3 and a reaction quotient of 525. Which direction will the system shift to?

The equilibrium will shift to the left to favor the reactants.
The equilibrium will shift to the right to favor the products.
The equilibrium will not shift in any direction.
The equilibrium will shift to the forward reaction.


The system will shift to backward direction.

What is equilibrium?

Equilibrium is a State which is the  opposing force of the  influence by the  balanced.

The reaction quotient (Q) describes the state of affairs system with respect towards the  equilibrium constantly (K), and tells you if a chemical reaction will be the  proceed, and if so, in any  direction

Relation between K and Q

Case 1: If Q = Kc then that reaction is at equilibrium      

Case 2: If Q is greater than Kc then that reaction takes to the place in the backward direction          

Case 3: If Q is less than Kc then that reaction takes place in the forward direction

Here Q is greater than K means the equilibrium will shift to the backward direction.

To know more about equilibrium click-





edge 2023

If you made a change in the dna of a promoter sequence that inactivates the promoter, what would happen at the rna level?



nothing, the RNA would be made as usual

Many bat species are nocturnal, meaning they are active at dusk or throughout the night rather than during the day. There are more food sources available at night, and there are fewer predators.

Which type of adaptation does this statement describe?


The adaptation this statement describes is behavioral adaptation

Being nocturnal is behavioral adaptation. A behavioral adaptation is action animal performs that makes it better suited for its environment.

One of ways animals are categorized is based on what time of day they are active.

Diurnal animals are out during the daytime when sun is out.

Crepuscular animals are most active at dawn and dusk, and nocturnal animals are active at night after sun has set.

What is Behavioral adaptation?

It is something animal does usually in response to some type of external stimulus in order to survive.

Hibernating during winter is example of a behavioral adaptation.

learn more about behavioural adaptation at


What is the simplest formula of a solid containing a, b, and c atoms in a cubic lattice in which the a atoms occupy the corners, the b atoms the body-center position, and the c atoms the faces of the unit cell?.


The simplest formula for a solid containing a, b, and c atoms in a cubic lattice with a atoms occupying the corners, b atoms occupying central positions, and c atoms occupying the faces of the unit cell is abc₃  the correct answer is C.

simplest formula  or we can callit unit cell can be calculate as follows:

a atom

It has 8 vertices, each containing an a atom.

number of a atoms = 8 × ⅛

atomic number = 1

b atom

It has a b atom in the center.

c atom

It has six faces, each containing a C atom.

number of a atoms = 6 × ½

number of carbon atoms = 3

So the simplest expression is abc₃.

your question is incomplete but most probably your full question was

What is the simplest formula of a solid containing a, b, and c atoms in a cubic lattice in which the a atoms occupy the corners, the b atoms the body-center position, and the c atoms the faces of the unit cell?

a. a₄bc₃

b. abc₆

c. abc₃

d. abc

e. a₈bc₆

learn more about unit cell at


glycogen synthase catalyzes glycogen synthesis. determine whether each of the following are associated with an increase or decrease in glycogen synthase activity.
a. Increased glycogen synthase activity:
b. Decreased glycogen synthase activity:
1) activation of phosphoprotein phosphatase PP1
2) Phosphorylation (inactivation) of phosphoprotein phosphatase 1 (PP1) by PKA
3) Subunit dissociation of cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA)
4) Phosphorylation of glycogen synthase
5) Insulin
6) Phosphorylation of glycogen synthase kinase (GSK, or GSK3)


Some point in increasing or decreasing glycogen synthase activity.

Increased glycogen synthase activity:

Phosphorylation of glycogen synthase kinase (GSK, or GSK3).activation of phosphoprotein phosphatase PP1.Insulin

Decreased glycogen synthase activity:

Phosphorylation of glycogen synthase.Phosphorylation (inactivation) of phosphoprotein phosphatase 1 (PP1) by PKA.Subunit dissociation of cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA).

Insulin and glucagon are counter-regulatory hormones and thus have opposing effects on the level of glycogen synthase phosphorylation. When glucagon binds to receptors on hepatocytes there is a resultant increase in cAMP and a concomitant increase in PKA activity.

PKA results in phosphorylate glycogen synthase at least four different sites. In addition, PKA activity results in increased phosphorylase kinase activity on the glycogen synthase phosphorylate at one of the same sites as PKA. Insulin in PKA increases the activity of cAMP phosphodiesterase which hydrolyzes AMP thereby reducing the level of active PKA.

Insulin also exerts a negative effect on GSK-3 activity such as a decrease in the level of glycogen synthase phosphorylation by kinases.

Learn more about increased glycogen synthase at


A pond contains many different types of organisms. The table below lists some of these organisms and their methods of reproduction


The organism that would most likely survive the change in their environment is Pantala flavescens, because these organisms would have a high level of genetic variation due to sexual reproduction. The correct option is A.

What is genetic variation?

Genetic diversity enables an organism to evolve in a way that permits it to adapt to the current or changing environment. Since a Pantala flavescens reproduces sexually, it is the only organism in the group that has the capacity to genetically evolve and adapt to its environment.

All of the remaining creatures reproduce asexually, which results in a lack of internal variation and makes it difficult for them to adapt to changing environmental conditions.

Therefore, the correct option is A, Pantala flavescens, because these organisms would have a high level of genetic variation due to sexual reproduction.

To learn more about reproduction, refer to the link:


The question is incomplete. Your most probably complete question is given below:

The pond slowly becomes more acidic due to the release of chemicals from a nearby factory. Which of the organisms would most likely

survive the change to their environment?


Pantala flavescens, because these organisms would have a high level of genetic variation due to sexual reproduction

B.Hydra oligactis, because these organisms would have a low level of genetic variation due to sexual reproduction

c. Naegleria fowleri, because these organisms would have a high level of genetic variation due to asexual reproduction

D.Spirodela polyrhiza, because these organisms would have a low level of genetic variation due to asexual reproduction

Approximately how long after the big bang did the era of nucleosynthesis end, marking the time when the basic chemical composition of the universe was determined?


The era of nucleosynthesis ended approximately 5 minutes after the Big bang.

At this time, the universe started cooling until the temperature was cool enough for the protons and neutrons to form hydrogen nuclei. This explains why it is called nucleosynthesis.

It is during this period that the basic hydrogen nuclei were formed from the combination of protons and neutrons.

Electrons were formed a few seconds before the formation of the protons and neutrons. This era basically marked the onset of basic chemical interactions of the early components of the universe.

Find out more about the era of nucleosynthesis at:


place the following events in order starting with the vibration of the oval window and ending with the depolarization of hair cells.


1) increased pressure in perilymph of Scala vestibuli 2) pressure wave depresses basilar membrane 3) inner hair cells move closer to tectorial membrane 4) stereocilia bend 5) tip-link proteins open K+ channels 6) K+ ions enter the hair cell that causes depolarization

What are oval windows?

Membrane-covered opening from middle ear to the cochlea of the inner ear is oval widow . Sound waves causes vibration of the tympanic membrane and the ossicles transmit those vibrations to oval window, which leads to movement of fluid in the cochlea and activation of receptors for hearing.

The oval window (OW) is also  known as the fenestra vestibuli or fenestra ovalis. It is bounded superiorly by prominence of the tympanic segment of the facial canal that is situated just above the superior edge of the oval window.

To know more about oval window, refer


Note: The question given on the portal is incomplete. here is the complete question.

Question: Place the following events in order starting with the vibration of the oval window and ending with the depolarization of hair cells.

Rank the options below

- Basilar membrane moves up and down

- Potassium ions enter hair cell causing depolarization

- Inner hair cell are pushed again the tectorial membrane

- Oval window vibrates

- Pressure wave travels through the perilymph of the Scala vestibule

- Stereocilia bend and tip-link proteins open potassium channels

which of the following explains why caffeine crashes occur? (a) metabolism of caffeine leads to reduced levels of adenosine. (b) caffeine accelerates accumulation of adenosine and thus sleep pressure. (c) caffeine rapidly removes accumulated adenosine. (d) accumulated adenosine rushes to their receptors after caffeine gets metabolized. (e) all of the above.


Caffeine crashes occur because accumulated adenosine rushes to their receptors after caffeine gets metabolized.

By boosting brain activity, caffeine stimulates your neurological system, improving focus and cognition while postponing exhaustion. Low to moderate caffeine dosages of 20–200 mg can cause these effects. On average, they appear 60 minutes after consumption and continue for 5 hours.

It's typical to feel less awake or concentrated after the energizing effects subside. However, a caffeine crash or dependence may be indicated by excessive fatigue, a lack of focus, irritability, or a headache.

Lack of sleep, ingesting coffee too soon before night, or consuming too much can all cause a caffeine crash. Depending on specific conditions, the symptoms might be moderate to severe and linger for hours to a week.

To learn more about caffeine visit;


Why is burning hydrocarbons useful?


The byproducts of burning hydrocarbons include water and carbon dioxide. Numerous hydrocarbons are used as fuel because they burn with a lot of heat energy emitted.

Gas grills frequently use gaseous hydrocarbon propane (C3H8) as their fuel source. Through the burning of the fuel, fossil fuels may be converted into energy. Even though fossil fuels include impurities, the main method of burning them is hydrocarbon combustion.

Less negative effects on the environment and financial rewards are the two key benefits of hydrocarbon refrigerants. In the end, hydrocarbon delivers more effective cooling than substitute HFC refrigerants, and Minus40 is pushing the industry into a new era of sufficiency.

To learn more about hydrocarbons


How does sexual reproduction result in offspring that are genetically different from both parents?.


Answer: independent assortment and crossing over during meiosis, and random union of gametes during fertilization


induction of pluripotent stem cells from mouse embryonic and adult fibroblast cultures by defined factors


Transfer of nuclear contents into oocytes or fusion with embryonic stem (ES) cells can reprogramme differentiated cells to an embryonic-like state.

Induced pluripotent stem cells be a valuable tool in science and medicine?

A. Induced pluripotent stem cells can become any cell type in the body, but are from adults, avoiding the controversies associated with

embryonic stem cells

B. Induced pluripotent stem cells are the only type of stem cell that's truly pluripotent.

C. Induced pluripotent stem cells may become any cell type in the body, but are fraught with ethical questions over their use.

D. Induced pluripotent stem cells are derived from adult cells and therefore may have DNA abnormalities, allowing scientists to understand the effects of sun exposure or toxins on DNA.

To learn more about pluripotent stem cells refer to:


Ascending pathways conduct sensory information upward toward the brain, typically through a relay chain of 3 successive neurons. The neurons in these sensory pathways are called the first-order, second-order and third-order neurons, respectively. A. First-order neurons usually ascend directly to the thalamus.
B. First-order neurons originate in the CNS.
C. First-order neurons descend with motor commands.
D. First-order neuron cell bodies reside in a ganglion.


The neurons in these sensory pathways are called the first-order, second-order, and third-order neurons, respectively. First-order neuron cell bodies reside in a ganglion.

Numerous nerve fibers in the central nervous system (CNS) band together to build pathways between its various components. The CNS's communication highways are represented by these neural pathways. They can be found only in the brain and connect various parts of it, or they can connect the brain and the spinal cord. The ascending and descending tracts are the names of the neural networks that connect the brain and spinal cord. Afferent neurons make up first-order neurons. The spinal/dorsal root ganglion receives sensory information from the receptors via the peripheral nerve. First-order neuron bodies in the ganglia send their axons to the spinal cord's posterior grey horn. Here, it connects with third-order neurons, which are located in the subcortical regions of the brain, including the thalamus, and second-order neurons that rise via the spinal cord. The neuronal impulse is picked up by these third-order neurons, who then send it to the cerebral cortex.

Want to know more about sensory pathways  visit the link given below;


what is a major determinant of the resting membrane potential necessary for transmission of nerve impulses? select one: a. the ratio between intracellular na and extracellular k b. the ratio between intracellular k and extracellular potassium c. the ratio between intracellular k and extracellular na d. the ratio between intracellular na and extracellular sodium


A major determinant of the resting membrane potential necessary for the transmission of nerve impulses is b. The ratio between Intracellular and extracellular K+.

This ratio is important for nerve impulse transmission and conduction, maintaining normal cardiac rhythms, and skeletal and smooth muscle contraction.

According to the Nernst relationship, the membrane potential required to maintain electrochemical equilibrium (EK) would be less negative if the outside K+ concentration were increased from 4 to 40 mM. This is because there would be less of a chemical gradient driving K+ out of the cell.

Due to the presence of more potassium (K+) ions than sodium (Na+) ions, the cell membrane of a neuron is said to be polarized with a net negative charge within at resting potential (absence of stimulus).

know more about membrane potential here:


(complete question)

A major determinant of the resting membrane potential necessary for the transmission of nerve impulses is the ratio between:


Intracellular and extracellular Na+


Intracellular and extracellular K+


Intracellular Na+ and extracellular K+


Intracellular K+ and extracellular Na+

The second messenger cyclic AMP (cAMP) is synthesized from ATP by the activity of the enzyme adenylyl cyclase. Cyclic AMP, in turn, activates protein kinase A (PKA, also called cAMP-dependent protein kinase), which is responsible for most of the effects of cAMP within the cell.
Determine the correct steps in the acitivation of PKA, and then place them in the correct order, starting ater the adenylyl cyclase reaction. Not all steps are accurate, and therefore not all steps will be used.


Cyclic AMP (cAMP) concentration rises during the proper stage of PKA activation. CAMP then binds to two regulatory subunits, changing the enzyme's structure.

The autologous sequence departs from the catalytic subunits' active site, leaving the catalytic sites open to conduct the numerous PKA processes.

Two identical subunits (C) and two identical regulatory subunits make up Protein Kinase A's inactive form (R). The catalytic sites of the catalytic subunits are occupied by two auto-inhibitory sequences of the regulatory subunits. after the adenylyl cyclase process.

The catalytic subunits of PKA are activated by two molecules of cAMP, which bind to the regulatory subunits and cause conformational changes that cause the complex to separate. This causes the substrates to be phosphorylated in various subcellular compartments.

To learn more about PKA


If a diploid organism has 24 chromosomes in its somatic cells, how many chromosomes will it have at the end of meiosis II?



12 chromosomes


If a cell has 24 chromosomes before cell division then daughter cell resulting from mitotic division will have 24 chromosomes while daughter cell resulting from the meiotic division will contain 12 chromosomes each.

Which of the statements is a correct description of the role of enzymes in catalyzing biochemical reactions?
a. Enzymes provide the necessary activation energy to reach the transition state.
b. Enzymes decrease the ΔG of reactions, making them proceed rapidly.
c. Enzymes increase the ΔG of reactions, making them proceed rapidly.
d. Enzymes stabilize the transition state and decrease its free energy.


Enzymes stabilize the transition state and decrease its free energy is correct statement.

Enzymes form bonds with one or more reactants and reduce the reaction's activation energy need. The function of enzymes is to lower the amount of activation energy required for a reaction to occur. It is well known that enzymes are the ones that accelerate a biological reaction.Temperature increases speed up the activities of enzymes. Since nearly all enzymes are capable of functioning in cells, moderate temperatures are the ideal environment for them.  Denaturation of enzymes causes a sharp decline in activity at higher temperatures. Compared to enzymes in crude extracts, purified enzymes denature more quickly in diluted solutions. Enzymes can also become denaturized when they are incubated for extended periods of time. When determining the beginning velocities of such enzyme processes, it is more suitable to use a shorter incubation time.

To know more about energy check the below link:


somatic hypermutation occurs only in the ________ regions of rearranged heavy and light chains.


Somatic hypermutation occurs only in the heterologous antigen. regions of rearranged heavy and light chains.

Somatic hypermutation is a cellular mechanism by which the immune system adapts to new foreign elements faced by it, as seen in class-switching elements when changing classes.

Somatic hypermutation is a process by which point mutations in both the heavy and light chain V regions of antibodies accumulate at a rate approximately 106-fold higher than the background mutation rate observed in other genes.

Affinity maturation is the process by which antibodies increase affinity, avidity, and antipathogen activity, and is the result of somatic hypermutation of immunoglobulin genes in B cells, coupled with antigen-binding selection.

Learn more about somatic hypermutation here:-


An analogy is a similarity due to convergent evolution, resulting in similar adaptations. True or False.


True, an analogy is a similarity due to convergent evolution, resulting in similar adaptations.

Convergent evolution is the process through which organisms from distinct evolutionary lineages adapt in comparable ways as a result of being subjected to similar environmental forces and undergoing natural selection.

There are three different interpretations of the edition that pertain to biology. To begin, the dynamic evolutionary process of natural choice is by far the most important factor in adapting organisms to their environments, which in turn enhances their evolutionary success. Second, it is a nation that the population has not yet reached in that way. Thus the statement is true.

You can also learn about convergent evolution from the following question:


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