Question #7

Jerry is creating a comer shelf for his house. Examine his sketch below.

8.5 in.

8.5 in.

Enter the area of the corner shelf, in square inches. Round your answer to the

nearest tenth.


Answer 1


The area is 56.7 square inches

Step-by-step explanation:


See attachment for corner shelf


The area

The corner shelf is a quadrant with radius;

[tex]r = 8.5in[/tex]

The area of a quadrant is:

[tex]Area = \frac{\pi r^2}{4}[/tex]

So, the area of the corner shelf is:

[tex]Area = \frac{\pi * 8.5^2}{4}[/tex]

[tex]Area = \frac{\pi * 72.25}{4}[/tex]

[tex]Area = \pi * 18.0625[/tex]

Take [tex]\pi[/tex] as 3.14

[tex]Area = 3.14 * 18.0625[/tex]

[tex]Area = 56.7[/tex] -- approximated

Question #7Jerry Is Creating A Comer Shelf For His House. Examine His Sketch Below.8.5 In.8.5 In.Enter

Related Questions

Is the expression 3x+2 a binomial?


Yes, this is a polynomial, but a special form of a polynomial with just one term which is called a monomial .

6. What percent of 24 is 12?
Answer plsss


I think it would be half or. 50



Step-by-step explanation:

To find our answer will will first put it into an equation as  [tex]\frac{100}{x}[/tex] × [tex]\frac{24}{12}[/tex].  Because we are cross multiplying we will multiply 100 by 12 and we get 1,200.  Now because we are solving for x we will divide 1,200 by 24, which is 50%.  Therefore, 50% is our answer.

Find the volume of the right cylinder in terms of pie.



[tex] \Large{\boxed{\sf V = 192\pi \: m^3}} [/tex]

[tex] \\ [/tex]


The volume of a right cylinder can be calculated using the following formula:

[tex] \Large{\sf V = \pi \times r^2 \times h }[/tex]


V is the volume of the cylinder.r is the radius of the cylinder.h is its height.

[tex] \\ [/tex]

[tex] \Large{\boxed{\sf Given \text{:} } \begin{cases} \sf r &=\sf 4 \: m \\ \sf h &=\sf 12 \: m \\ \end{cases} } [/tex]

[tex] \\ [/tex]

Substitute these values into our formula:

[tex] \sf V = \pi \times (4m)^2 \times 12m = \pi \times 16m^2 \times 12m \\ \\ \\ \implies \boxed{\boxed{\sf V = 192\pi \: m^3 }} [/tex]

[tex] \\ \\ [/tex]

▪️Learn more about the volume of a cylinder here:


In this article, Attitudes About Marijuana and Political Views (Psychological Reports, 1973), researchers reported on the use of cannabis by liberals and conservatives during the 1970s.
To test the claim (at 1% significance) that the proportion of voters who smoked cannabis frequently was lower among conservatives, the hypotheses were:
Ha:p1−p2<0(p1 In the hypothesis test about cannabis use by conservatives and liberals, the test statistic was z = -4.27, with a corresponding p-value of about 0.00001.
Which conclusion is most appropriate in the context of this situation?


Options :

Which conclusion is most appropriate in the context of this situation?

The data do not support the claim that a lower proportion of conservatives smoke cannabis when compared to liberals.

The data support the claim that the proportion of conservatives who smoke cannabis is no different that the proportion for liberals.

The data support the claim that a lower proportion of conservatives smoke cannabis when compared to liberals.


The data support the claim that a lower proportion of conservatives smoke cannabis when compared to liberals.

Step-by-step explanation:

Given the hypothesis :



The test statistic = - 4.27

Pvalue = 0.00001

For making statistical decisions ;

Pvalue and α are very useful,

Decison boundary :

When Pvalue ≤ α ; We reject the Null (H0) otherwise, we fail to reject the Null.

However, based on the outcome of the statistical analysis,

The Pvalue < α ; Hence, we reject the Null and conclude that there is significant evidence support the claim that a lower proportion of conservatives smoke cannabis when compared to liberals.

1. What is the surface area of the composite figure? Show ALL your work.
2. What is the volume of the composite figure? Show ALL your work.



1. 144.4 m²

2. 120 m³

Step-by-step explanation:

The figure is composed of a triangular prism and a rectangular prism

1. Surface area of the composite figure = (surface area of the triangular prism - area of the face joining the rectangular prism) + (surface area of the rectangular prism - the face joining the triangular prism)

✔️Surface area of the triangular prism = bh + (s1 + s2 + s3)*L

b = 5 m

h = 2 m

s1 = 3.2 m

s2 = 3.2 m

s3 = 5 m

L = 6 m

Plug in the values

Surface area of triangular prism = 5*2 + (3.2 + 3.2 + 5)*6

= 10 + (11.4)*6

= 78.4 m²

✔️Area of rectangular prism = 2(LW + LH + WH)

L = 6 m

W = 5 m

H = 3 m

Plug in the values

Area of rectangular prism = 2(6*5 + 6*3 + 5*3)

= 126 m²

✔️Area of the face joining both figures = L*W

L = 6 m

W = 5 m

Area = 6*5 = 30 m²

✅Surface area of the composite figure = (78.4 - 30) + (126 - 30)

= 48.4 + 96

= 144.4 m²

2. Volume of composite figure = volume of triangular prism + volume of rectangular prism

= ½*a*c*h + L*W*H

a = 2 m

c = 5 m

h = 6 m

L = 6 m

W = 5 m

H = 3 m

Plug in the values

Volume = ½*2*5*6 + 6*5*3

Volume = 30 + 90 = 120 m³

Determine if the following probability is experimental or theoretical.
Abbey threw 10 foul shots and made 6 of them. What is the probability Abbey will make her next shot?


Theoretical because she hit more than half she just needs to hit a couple more to get that perfect score

Can anyone help me out here !


Okay, so we’ll use sin in this case. You could use cos too, I just like sin. Sooo

sin(?) = 39/89
? = sin^-1(39/89) <— make sure you calculator is in degrees mode, not radians when doing this calculation!
? = 25.989° ≈ 26°

Which statement describes the behavior of the function f(x)= 3x/4-x​




Step-by-step explanation:

i sarched it up

Answer is:)
( A ) just did it on edge.

What is 7,300,000 written in scientific notation?



7300000 in scientific notation can be written as 7.3 x 10^6

Which of the following is a quantity that could be represented by the number 2 x 10-3?




Step-by-step explanation:

kslsmslsjjsjsjsjs shah s s s s s s. s s s s s. s s s s s

find the effective rate corresponding
to the nominal rate. 4% compounded monthly




Step-by-step explanation:

To obtain the effective rate :

We use :

(1 + r/m)^m - 1

r = rate = 4% = 0.04

m = number of compounding times per year = 12

Effeective rate :

(1 + 0.04/12)^12 - 1

1.0407415 - 1

Effective rate = 0.0407415

0.0407415 * 100%

= 4.07%

f(x) = 2x3 - 3x2 + 5
g(x) = 3x3 + 2x2 - 4x - 9
Find (f - g)(x).
O – x3 – 5x2 + 4x + 14
O – x3 – x2 - 4x - 4
O 5x3 – x2 - 4x - 4
O x3 + 5x2 - 4x – 14



(f - g)(x)  = -x³ -5x² + 4x + 14

Step-by-step explanation:

        f(x) = 2x³ - 3x² + 5

       g(x) = 3x³ + 2x² - 4x - 9       subtract

(f - g)(x)  = (2-3)x³ + (-3-2)x² + (0 - -4)x + (5 - -9)

(f - g)(x)  = (-1)x³ + (-5)x² + (0 + 4)x + (5+ 9)

(f - g)(x)  = (-1)x³ + (-5)x² + (4)x + (14)

(f - g)(x)  = -x³ -5x² + 4x + 14

Anita opened a savings account and deposited $600.00 as principal. The account earns 6% interest, compounded continuously. What is the balance after 1 year?
Use the formula A=Pert, where A is the balance (final amount), P is the principal (starting amount), e is the base of natural logarithms (≈2.71828), r is the interest rate expressed as a decimal, and t is the time in years.
Round your answer to the nearest cent. ( help please)




Step-by-step explanation:


P = 600

r = 6% or 0.06

t = 1



help asap pls! (Apply PEMDAS if needed)




Step-by-step explanation:

You just plug x into the expression and then you simplify:


We know that x=6





What’s the correct answer??? I will mark as brainlest


The answer should be A

reason: the - (- makes positive. you add the x and 5x to get 6x, then subtract the -3x to get 3x :))

hope this helps




x= -14

Step-by-step explanation:

answer: x= -14


Find the missing length indicated
Please help, no links



x = 48

Step-by-step explanation:

36/x = x/64

x² = 36 x 64 = 2304

x = √2304 = 48

Plzzz help as soon as possible


the y-axis is up and down and the x is side to side. the middle point where the dark lines intersect is (0,0) the -negative points are to the left and below the line and the positive points are to the right and above the line

There is a sequence of four Engineering classes that a student must pass to finish her major. Each class depends primarily on material learned in the previous class. Consider a student who will maintain good standing in these classes. An experienced advisor predicts that, if the student earns an A in one of these classes, she has probability .6 of an A in the next class in the sequence, .3 of a B, and .1 of a C. If the student earns a B in one of these classes, she has probability .25 of an A in the next class in the sequence, .55 of a B, and .20 of a C. If the student earns a C in one of these classes, she has probability .05 of an A in the next class in the sequence, .40 of a B, and .55 of a C. a) Write out the Markov transition matrix for how this student is expected to do in the next class in sequence after taking one of the classes. b) Find the probability that if a student earns a



[tex]P = \left[\begin{array}{ccc}0.6&0.3&0.1\\0.25&0.55&0.20\\0.05&0.4&0.55\end{array}\right][/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

using the given data in the question

a) The Markov transition matrix

[tex]P = \left[\begin{array}{ccc}0.6&0.3&0.1\\0.25&0.55&0.20\\0.05&0.4&0.55\end{array}\right][/tex]

Note : Column 1 = A,  column 2 = B,  Column 3 = C

Row 1 = A,   Row 2 = B and ROW 3 = C

b) Question is incomplete

Solve the equation


X= 6.2-2.2
X= 4 (four)

Pwease help this is very important I will give you brain thing if its correct ♡



1. x-8

2. I dont know sorry

Step-by-step explanation:


1. 8 - x

The answer is 8 - x because the plant is 8 inches tall total this week, and to get how many it grew you would subtract it's height last week from 8.

2. The other expression, x - 8, could show how much a plant wilted, if it did. If the height went down, subtracting 8 from x could show how much the plant wilted.

Step-by-step explanation:

:-) hope this helps!

What is the first step in constructing an angle



Step 1: Draw the arm PQ.

Step 2: Place the point of the compass at P and draw an arc that passes through Q.

Step 3: Place the point of the compass at Q and draw an arc that passes through P. Let this arc cut the arc drawn in Step 2 at R.

Step-by-step explanation:

Step 1: Draw AB of any length. Step 2: Place the centre of the protractor at A and the zero edge along AB. Step 3: Start with zero near B. Mark point C at 40°.

Identify the null and alternative hypothesis in the following scenario.

To determine if battery 1 lasts longer than battery 2, the mean lasting times, of the two competing batteries are compared. Twenty batteries of each type are randomly sampled and tested. Both populations have normal distributions with unknown standard deviations.

a. H0:μ1≥μ2; Ha:μ1<μ2
b. H0:μ1≤−μ2; Ha:μ1>−μ2
c. H0:μ1≥−μ2; Ha:μ1<−μ2
d. H0:μ1=μ2; Ha:μ1≠μ2
e. H0:μ1≤μ2; Ha:μ1>μ2



H0 : u1 = u2 ;  H1 : u1 ≠ u2 , or specifically u1 > u2  

Step-by-step explanation:

Null Hypothesis is the neutral hypothesis , stating no difference from assumed value,  (or in this case no difference between both batteries' mean life)

Alternate Hypothesis is the special case hypothesis, stating difference from assumed value , (or in this case states difference between both batteries' mean life)

Let mean life of battery 1 & battery be b = u1 & u2 , respectively.

Null Hypothesis  [ H0 ] : u1 = u2

Alternate Hypothesis  [ H1 ] : u1 ≠ u2 , or specifically u1 > u2 { To determine if battery 1 lasts longer than battery 2 }

I the radius of a circle is x cm ,what is the length of circufernece?​




Step-by-step explanation:







B (7,-3)
A (4,-9)
What is the y-coordinate of point C?
OA – 4
OB. –S
C. -6



c, -6

I hope this helps you

Find the area of the polygon below in square units.



20 square units

Step-by-step explanation:

this polygon is a trapezoid

the formula to find the area is 1/2(b1+b2)h

If you were to rotate the image counterclockwise you would see that b1 = 6 untis and b 2 is 4 units and the height would be 4 units

when you plug that into the calculator you get

1/2(6+4)4 = 20 square units

Which symbol correctly compares the two angle measures?
I radians
B. <
C. >


I think the answer is b


C. >

Step-by-step explanation:

Before shipment, an inspector found that 7 of the boxes were defective and could not be shipped. At least 200 boxes were approved for shipment. Write and solve an inequality to find the amount of time Machine A spent packing the boxes that were approved for shipment.



step-by-step explanation:
7/200 of them were defective
7/200 = 0.035
193/200 of them were approved
193/200 = 0.965
y being the number of boxes approved
x being to amount of time
y = 0.965x - 0.035

Completează casetele cu numărătorii potrivit pentru ca relațiile sa fie adevărate




Step-by-step explanation:

In a circle, the length of an arc intercepted by a central angle is 12mm, and the radius of the circle is 8 mm. What is the measure, in radians, of the circle



Step-by-step explanation:

S = 12mm

r  = 8mm

What is the measure, in radians, of the circle or central angle?

The measure of a circle in radians is 2 radians.  I think you want the central angle thata.

theta = S/r  radians

theta = 12/8  radians

theta = 1.5 radians  for the central angle

The measure in radians of the circle is 1.5π   radians

What is central angle?

The angle between two radii of a circle is known as the central angle of the circle.

given: S = 12 mm

r  = 8 mm

circumference of a circle= radians

Since, 16π=2π radians.

1π= 2π /16


12π =2π /16 *12

       = 3/2*π

       = 1.5π

[tex]\theta[/tex] = 1.5π   radians

Learn more about this central angle here:


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