Question 18 of 30
Which of the following provides the best summary of the process of natural
A. Individuals always change in response to their environment.
B. Genes are passed from parent to offspring.
C. Individuals that are well adapted to their environment survive.
D. Mutations always increase an individual's fitness.


Answer 1


I'm pretty sure the answer is c, since if they don't adapt they will die off.

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Which is a main idea in the Ninth Amendment?


Answer: The Ninth Amendment became a part of the Bill of Rights that was brought to the Constitution on December 15, 1791. It says that all of the rights now no longer indexed withinside the Constitution belong to humans, now no longer the government. In different words, the rights of humans aren't restrained to simply the rights indexed withinside the Constitution.


existing of the writing consistution should be treated


The table lists traits and whether they arerecessive or not for two parents. Based on thedata table, if the parents reproduce and create anoffspring, the offspring will-A. definitely have red hair and most likelyhave brown eyes.B. most likely have brown hair and definitelynot have blue eyes.C. most likely have brown hair and definitelynot have blue eyes.D. most likely have red hair and maybe haveblue eyes.


If the parents reproduce and create an offspring, the offspring will definitely have red hair and most likely have brown eyes.

This is because both parents have red hair so they must be homozygous for that character, and as the mother has brown eyes, which is dominant, it is more probable that the phenotype will be expressed by their offspring.

What was the chemical cycle on the prairie like?​


Answer the animal dies


Answer: The animals die I hope this is helpful please mark me brainlist if correct then no if wrong


The animals die and the chemical goes into the soil for the plants and when the animals eat the plants the chemicals are passed back to the plants.Prairie plants are especially adept at storing carbon, locking up large amounts in their roots. In fact, prairies store more carbon below ground than a forest stores above! Deep, complex prairie root systems sequester (store) carbon and – with the help of microorganisms – move it to the soil where it stabilizes.

Students are investigating the inner and outer core, which of the following students creates an accurate comparison?

A.) Student 2: The inner core is solid while the outer core is liquid because the pressure is so great at the inner core that it causes atoms to push together.

B.) Student 4: The outer core is not as hot as the inner core because it is more dense.

C.) Student 1: The inner core is not as hot as the outer core because it is more dense.

D.) Student 3: The outer core is solid while the inner core is liquid because the pressure is so great at the inner core that it causes atoms to push together.​


Answer: Student 4

Explanation: The outer core is not crust, so count out 3. The inner core is not solid, so count out 2. And, the inner core is VERY hot. So, count out 1.

Which of the following statements could be applied to "internal respiration"?


External respiration refers to inhalation and exhalation; while internal respiration is the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the cells and blood cells.

This means C, exchange of dissolved gases between blood in tissue capillaries and the body tissues, is the right answer.

need help with this problem 1. why do you think fossils are important to the study of evolution?2. Do you think the word transitional is a scientifically appropiate description for fossils?3. Knowing how fossils form, do you think it's likely that humans will ever piece together a complete fossil record for every species that ever existed on earth? why or why not?


1) Fossils are the preserved remains of traces of organisms from the past so they are very important evidence for evolution. They show extinct organisms that were very different from any now living, it also shows successions of organisms through time. Fossils tell us when organisms lived, they provide evidence for the progression and evolution of life on the earth over millions of years.

Read the article to learn more about the human chromosomes. Use chromosomes 11 and 17 to answer the following questions. Chromosome Map Chromosome 17 is made of over million base pairs. Approximately how many genes are found on chromosome 17? List the genetic disorders found on chromosome 17. What do you know about any of those disorders?


The disorders that has been commonly known are Down syndrome, Turner syndrome and Klinfelter syndrome.

What is Down syndrome, Turner syndrome and Klinefelter syndrome ?

Down syndrome, Turner syndrome and Klinefelter syndrome are the genetic disorders which has been found in the chromosomes. Down syndrome has a common genetic disorder that occurs when the  person has three copies of 21st chromosome. It is also called  trisomy 21. Due to this disorder, delays occur in physical and mental developmental and disabilities of human body parts.

In Edward's syndrome, there is an extra copy of the chromosome 18. In Down's syndrome, there is an extra copy of chromosome 21 and in the Klinefelter's syndrome, there is an extra copy of X chromosome.

Therefore, The disorders that has been commonly known are Down syndrome, Turner syndrome and Klinfelter syndrome.

Learn more about Turner syndrome on:


The Endocrine and Exocrine systems are similar because:A. They both transport products through the bloodstream.B. They both produce and secrete products.C. They both use ducts.D. They both use hormones.


Both endocrine and exocrine systems are sililar because they function is to produce and secrete substances that are important for different processes of the body, being the alternative with the best answer the letter B (they both produce and secrete products).

What process can only be carried out byplants when in the presence of light?A. homeostasisB. light-dependent reactionsC. cellular respirationD. dark reactions


The process that can only be carried out byplants in the presence of light-dependent reactions. These reactions convert light energy to chemical energy and is present in the process of photosynthesis. The energy from the sun together with water is being broken down to give rise to ATP and NADPH which are used in light-independent reaction or dark reactions.

Cellular respiration does not use light since it is not dependent on light. Dark reactions are light-independent processes. Homeostasis is the maintenance of the internal environmentr of an organism in order to survive.

Answer - B light-dependent reactions

Answer: B. light-dependent reactions

B. Name three different adaptations for movement that are present in the terrestrial biome, and the organisms that use those adaptations. (3 points)


Animlas move in many ways; some use legs to walk, run and jump, others use wings to fly, their fins to swim or their body to crawl. To answer your question, if you talk only about terrestial biome you can name for exmple:

1) Cows: locomotion through legs, they are quadrupeds.

2) Humans: walk on both lower limbs (bipedal).

3) Snakes: they crawl dragging their body.

Explain the steps in the formation of sedimentary rock.



Sedimentation starts when rocks get weathered by rains and winds. The eroded sediments will be washed o scarried in the water. Over time, more sediments will pile up in the water and compresses the lower layers. Strata of layers will happen as time passes by. The salt and dissolved ions in the water act as glue to make it into a rock mass. The rock mass formed is now what we call a sedimentary rock. n

what does refractory period mean?


The refractory period is the time in which the cell membrane remains depolarized, that is, it does not react to a second stimulus. It takes place after an excitation of the cell.

At which concentration of NAHCO3 is the rate of Photosynthesis at its optimum?


As we can see, throughout the experiment, most of the variables, such as sunlight, size or temperature remained constant with NaHCO3 concentration being the only variable that changed.

NaHCO3 provides CO2 in the aquatic environment and therefore stimulates photosynthesis by increasing the average oxygen obtained in the 5 tests.

However, photosynthesis is no longer stimulated after reaching a concentration of 80 g/L NaHCO3.

Therefore, we can expect that at higher concentrations (120, 140, etc.) there is no significant change and therefore, the optimum NaHCO3 concentration would be 80 g/L NaHCO3.

Hi I need help with this question please and thank you


According to the graph, the two factors that characterize biomes are precipitations and temperature.

Energy flows in _____________ direction, and matter _______________ through the environment.

chemical, seven, ATP, one, six, carbon dioxide, radiant, bacteria, cycles


Matter cycle through the environment as energy flows in a single direction.

What is bacteria?

Bacteria are common, mostly free-living organisms having an unusual single biological cell. They account for a large chunk of the prokaryotic microbiological kingdom. Bacteria, which are typically a few micrometers long and were some of the first living organisms to appear on Earth, are found in the majority of its habitats. Bacteria are little, single-celled organisms that draw nutrition from their surroundings. In some circumstances, your child or another living thing is that environment. Some bacteria are beneficial to human bodies because they maintain the digestive system functioning properly and prevent the entry of dangerous germs.

What are the Characteristics of Bacteria?

The DNA in bacteria, which are prokaryotes without a nuclear envelope, is found suspended inside the cytoplasm. Bacteria are categorized according to their morphology and how they respond to the Gram stain in a laboratory setting. Gram-positive or Gram-negative bacteria can both exist. Gram-negative bacteria have a thin peptidoglycan coating and outer lipid layer, which prevents them from reacting to the Gram stain. Because they lack the outer lipid layer and have a stronger peptidoglycan layer, gram-positive bacteria do stain.

To know more about Bacteria visit:


Which of the following statement about nucleic acids is incorrect?O DNA and RNA both have adenine, guanine and cytosineO DNA has thymine, RNA has uracilO DNA is a double strand, RNA is a single strandO DNA has ribose sugar, RNA has deoxyribose sugar


The incorrect statement about nucleic acids is that DNA has ribose sugar, RNA has deoxyribose sugar

An ecosystem experiences a severe wildfire that wipes out all plant and animal life.Which sentence is true?A. Only abiotic factors were destroyed by the wildfire, but even if the biotic factors remain the same, the ecosystem can never return to stability.B. Plants and animals were destroyed by the wildfire, and even if the abiotic factors remain the same, the ecosystem can never return to stability.c. Only abiotic factors were destroyed by the wildfire, so if the biotic factors remain the same, the ecosystem can return to stability.D. Plants and animals were destroyed by the wildfire, but if abiotic factors remain the same, the ecosystem can return to stability.


Ecology: Ecological succession, ecosystem

The stability of an ecosystem refers to the ability of an ecosystem to return to equilibrium after a perturbation such as a wildfire, for example, the ecosystem was a forest before the wildfire, and then it can return to being a forest after the fire.

If a severe wildfire wipes out all plant and animal life, then the biotic elements of that ecosystem are destroyed, and a secondary succession begins to take place. This not necessarily means that the same species would colonize.

We are between two options that correctly identify the plants and animals as biotic factors:

B. Plants and animals were destroyed by the wildfire, and even if the abiotic factors remain the same, the ecosystem can never return to stability.

D. Plants and animals were destroyed by the wildfire, but if abiotic factors remain the same, the ecosystem can return to stability.

The first colonizers in a secondary succesion are plants such as grass and herbaceous plants, and the kind of plants that can grow in a place depends on the soil characteristics, sunlight, and water supply, i. e. abiotic factors. So, if the abiotic factors remain the same, the ecosystem should be able to return to stability.

This means the right answer would be D. Plants and animals were destroyed by the wildfire, but if abiotic factors remain the same, the ecosystem can return to stability.

Imagine that you have an opportunity to interview your congressperson about his or her plan for addressing climate change. What questions would you ask? Plato


United states is the second country with the most CO2 emissions, which is a greenhouse gas. Most of the CO2 comes from the energy sector,

37. Which of Mendel’s laws states that two alleles for each trait separate duringmeiosis?A. law of independent assortmentB. law of segregationC. law of hybrids


The correct option is B. Law of segregation.

What is an important organism that plays different roles in the nitrogen cycle?


Blue-green algae is an  important organisms that play different roles in the nitrogen cycle.

What are the roles of Blue-green algae in Nitrogen cycle?

Blue-green algae converts nitrogen into organic nitrogen compounds as well as Nitrobacters and other Nitrogen-fixing microbes. They are essential to healthy water bodies as they are responsible for producing oxygen and are a source of food to certain aquatic animals.

Nitrates and ammonia produced in the nitrogen cycle are as a result of nitrogen fixation made by algae and plants that animals eats and incoporate into their body compounds. They are able to convert dinitrogen however unavailable into bioavailable ammonia.

Learn more on blue-green algae here:


Snapdragon flowers come in three different colors red, blue and purple. Is this an example of an incomplete dominant or codominant trait?Select one:a.bothb.incomplete dominantc.codominantd.neither


This is an example of incomplete dominant trait, in which any of the alleles complete expresses over the other, giving a resulting phenotype for the heterozygous genotype that is intermediate between the homozygous genotype.

The correct option is b. incomplete dominant.

List at least 3 natural causes of deforestationList at least 3 human causes of deforestation.


Human activities

Human activities are one of the main causes of deforestation. Among them we can find the expansion of urban areas, in which natural areas are deforested to build houses or factories for example; we can also list the expansion of agricultural areas, in this case, several hectares of forests are cut down to be replaced with the cultivation of plants for human consumption and finally another huge problem is the illegal logging of trees, which even occurs in protected natural areas.

Natural causes

Among the natural causes, we can find forest fires, which although sometimes are caused by humans, can also occur in times of extreme heat such as the canicular period; we can also list the presence of pests, which infect and kill the trees reducing their population and finally, another natural cause related to the weather could be that a period of drought occurs.

You will be manipulating the simulation to determine which color of light produces the greatest rate of photosynthesis in the plant.What is the independent variable in this lab (the variable that you are changing)?Question 6 options:colors of light plant growthmoisture


An independent variable is that which one can change at will, considering the different purposes of a particular research or experiment. In this case, then, the independent variable would be the colors of the light, and the dependent variables would be those related to plant growth, and moisture, since are factors that are regulated by the intensity or the color of the light (we have to know that different colors of light will have different wavelengths, in hence, different temperatures).

a student examined on object object under microscope the eyepiece is 5x while the is 10x how many times was the object magnified


Answer: The objective and ocular lenses are responsible for magnifying the image of the specimen being viewed. So for 10X objective and 10X ocular, Total magnification = 10 X 10 = 100X (this means that the image being viewed will appear to be 100 times its actual size).

Explanation: hope its correct stay safe.

Which nervous structure is responsible for vision and is located at the posterior
portion of the cerebrum?
Oparietal lobe
O temporal lobe
Ofrontal lobe
O occipital lobe


The back portion of the brain that controls vision is called the occipital lobe.

What is the occipital lobe?

One of the four main lobes of the cerebral cortex of the mammalian brain is the occipital lobe. The name is a result of where it is located on the back of the head. The majority of the physical region of the visual cortex is located in the occipital lobe, which is the mammalian brain's visual processing hub. Of the four paired lobes in the human brain, the two occipital lobes are the tiniest. The posterior cerebrum includes the occipital lobes, which are situated in the back of the skull. The lobes of the brain are named from the overlying bone and the occipital bone overlies the occipital lobes.

Hence, the answer is the occipital lobe.

To learn more about the nervous system and brain follow the link:


which statement about the evolution of mammals is true? A. Mammals can only walk on land. B. Mammals have homologous structures. C. Mammals come from more than one common ancestor. D. All mammals have vestigial structures



By definition, features that are shared due to a common ancestor are homologous structures.

Now, notice that all mammals share the homologous structure of the vertebrae in common.

Thus, we can conclude that the correct answer is:


B. Mammals have homologous structures.

In the 1950s, when Watson and Crick were working on their model of DNA, which concepts were well accepted by the scientific community?
a. Chromosomes are made up of protein and nucleic acid.
b. Chromosomes are found in the nucleus.
c. Genes are made of DNA.
d. Genes are located on chromosomes.


The concepts that were well accepted by the scientific community In the 1950s, when Watson and Crick were working on their model of DNA were chromosomes are made up of protein and nucleic acid, chromosomes are found in the nucleus, and genes are located on chromosomes (Options a, b and d).

Who are Watson and Crick?

Watson and Crick are two molecular biologists who in 1950 discovered the double helix structure of the DNA molecule, which required the use of previous evidence such as the presence of chromosomes in the nucleus and X-ray diffraction.

Therefore, with this data, we can see that Watson and Crick discover the double helix DNA structure.

Learn more about Watson and Crick here:


In the 1950s, when Watson and Crick were working on their model of DNA, the following concepts were  well accepted by the scientific community:

a.  Chromosomes are made up of protein and nucleic acid

b. Chromosomes are found in the nucleus

d. Genes are located on chromosomes

So, options A, B and d were correct.

What are chromosomes?

A chromosome is described as a long DNA molecule with part or all of the genetic material of an organism.

By the year 1940 it was known by scientists that chromosomes are made up of protein and nucleic acids and chromosome carries the genetic material but at that time it was thought that protein part of the chromosome is the genetic material.

Learn more about chromosomes at:


In spermatogenesis, __i___ ___ii______ cells are madeSelect one:a.i-4, ii-uniqueb.i-1, ii-uniquec.i-1, ii-identicald. i-4, ii-identical



In spermatogenesis, since the cell division process of the germ line called meiosis is involved, 4 cells are generated, all genetically different from each other.

Therefore, the correct answer to this question is option a.

Why cant plants and animals cant use nitrogen as it is in the atmosphere?


The most abundant naturally occurring gas in the atmosphere is the Nitrogen (N2); however, plants and animals are unable to use this directly because of their inability to break down its triple bond. In order for them to utilize this gas, it must be transformed into another form or molecules. There are ways where to convert nitrogen to make it useful for the plants and animals.

The first one is lightning. At the time when lightning strikes, nitrogen gas is transformed into nitrates by which plants can use.

The second one is through the process of nitrogen fixation. In this process, special nitrogen-fixing bacteria helps in converting this gas into useful forms.

Lastly, when there is a decaying organism. Nitrogen is released in the form of ammonium.

Match the correct age in yeas with its major evolutionary event.


In the list of evolutionary events, we can see that their logical sequence is:

0. First prokaryotic cells evolved


1. Photosynthetic prokaryotes evolved, producing O2


2. First eukaryotic cells evolved


3. First multicellular life evolved

This means the options are in chronological order and we only need to order the age from oldest to the most recent one:

0. 3.5 billion years


1. 2.8 billion years


2. 2.1 billion years


3. 650 million years

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