16) A student pushes four students on skateboards. She pushes as hard as she can each time. She measures how far each student
goes before stopping. Which is most likely to happen?
A) The biggest student will go the furthest.
B) The smallest student will go the furthest.
c) Each student will go further than the last.
D) All four student will go about the same distance.


Answer 1




It would be diffrent if on a downward slope but assuming your going straight it would be the smallest student.

Answer 2

The smallest student will go furthest if all the students push with the same amount of force. Therefore, option (B) is correct.

What is Newton's second law of motion?

According to Newton’s second law of motion, the force equals the mass of the body times the acceleration of that body when the body has constant mass.

This law states that the acceleration of a body depends on two variables. The first one is the mass of the body and the force acting on the body. The acceleration of a body is directly proportional to the net force acting on the body and inversely proportional to the mass.

Newton’s second law can be expressed in the equation as shown below:

[tex]F= ma[/tex]



Acceleration or gaining speed of a body happens when a force acts on it.

When all four students are pushed by the same amount of force then the acceleration of the smallest student will be greatest as the mass of the smallest student will be least.

Therefore, the smallest student will go furthest in comparison to all other students.

Learn more about Newton's second law of motion, here:



Related Questions

The voltage in a battery is 9 volts. The resistance is 3 ohms. What is the current? USE CORRECT UNITS!


Answer: Lol “USE CORRECT UNITS!” I GOT YOU BABES: 9/3=3 current is 3 amperes.


Two Brothers are playing soccer on the beach. One brother kicks the ball really hard and the ball lands in the water, about 50 meters from the beach. They wonder if the ball will float back to the beach.



Due to wind and waves of water.


They wonder that the ball will float back to the beach because of the wind and the waves of the water. The wind blows towards the beach which moves the water in the form of waves towards the beach so if the ball lands in the water, it will floats on the surface of water and move towards the beach with the help of wind and waves of the sea. The ball floats on the water due to its lighter weight and lower density as compared to water.

should nuclear energy be part of sustainable energy future? explain your answer



Nuclear power is presently a sustainable energy source, but could become completely renewable if the source of uranium changed from mined ore to seawater. Since U extracted is continuously replenished through geologic processes, nuclear would become as endless as solar.

please help me asap thankss




When a polythene rod is rubbed with a duster, the friction causes electrons to gain energy. Electrons gain enough energy to leave the atom and 'rub off' onto the polythene rod. The polythene rod has gained electrons, giving it a negative charge.


Hope it helps

how do scientist check repeatability of results​



If research results can be replicated, it means they are more likely to be correct.

Answer: There are many things that have to be checked in order to know


For repeatability to be established, the following conditions must be in place: the same location; the same measurement procedure; the same observer; the same measuring instrument, used under the same conditions; and repetition over a short period of time.

Hope this helps!

Pls Mark me brainliest

If we remove all the air particles from an empty room which will cease to exist--light or sound? Explain your answer.



sound is the answer, I'm not sure why I'd think it was because it creates a vacuum




Sound travels as waves of energy, but, unlike light, the waves transmit energy by changing the motion of particles.

The ratio of carbon-14 to nitrogen-14 in an artifact is 1:7. Given that the half-
life of carbon-14 is 5730 years, how old is the artifact?
A. 5730 years
B. 22,920 years
C. 11,460 years
D. 17,190 years



17,190 years old



What is needed in order to create a magnetic field


All magnetic fields are created by moving charged particles. Even the magnet on your fridge is magnetic because it contains electrons that are constantly moving around inside.

Electric currents, changes in electric fields, or charged particles with inherent angular momentum produce the magnetic field.

How do magnetic fields work?

A magnetic field, a vector field that describes the magnetic field on moving electric charges, electric currents, and magnetic materials. A moving charge in a magnetic field is subject to a force that is perpendicular to the magnetic field and has its own velocity.

The force that draws objects like iron is known as the magnetic force. The attraction or repellence between two magnetic materials is known as magnetic force. Iron is one of the ferromagnetic materials.

Given the facts, the magnetic field is typically present whenever charged particles with intrinsic angular momentum or spin are in the field or space, as well as whenever there are changes in the electric fields or currents.

Now, two of Maxwell's equations explain the magnetic fields produced by electric currents and shifting electric fields.

Magnetic fields are produced whenever a charge moves. When more charge is transferred about, a magnetic field grows stronger.

Hence, when there is an electric field, there is also a magnetic field.

Go here for additional information about magnetic fields.



A baseball player hits a 140 g baseball with a force of 2800 N. What is the
acceleration of the ball as it leaves the bat?
A. 0.050 m/s2
B. 20 m/s2
C. 390 m/s2
D. 20,000 m/s2


B because 2800 divide by 40 is 20

Match each concept to the scientist who supported it.

Thomas Young

Light is a wave that has similar properties

as radio waves

Christiaan Huygens

Light is a wave made of electric and

magnetic fields.

James Clerk Maxwell

Light is a wave because this property can

explain interference.

Heinrich Hertz

Light is a wave because it bends when it

hits barriers and openings.

Isaac Newton

Light is made of particles because it travels

only in straight paths.



1. Heinrich Hertz.

2. James Clerk Maxwell.

3. Thomas Young.

4. Christiaan Huygens.

5. Isaac Newton.


Light wave can be defined as an electromagnetic wave that do not require a medium of propagation for it to travel through a vacuum of space where no particles exist.

However, the various definitions of light according to early scientists include the following;

1. Heinrich Hertz: Light is a wave that has similar properties as radio waves. Heinrich Rudolf Hertz was a German physicist born on the 22nd of February, 1857 in Hamburg, Germany. The unit of frequency ("Hertz") of an electromagnetic wave was named after him.

2. James Clerk Maxwell: Light is a wave made of electric and magnetic fields. James Clerk Maxwell was a Scottish physicist born on the 13th of June, 1831 in Edinburgh, United Kingdom. He was famously known for his work in the formulation of the classical theory of electromagnetic radiation.

3. Thomas Young: Light is a wave because this property can explain interference.

4. Christiaan Huygens: Light is a wave because it bends when it hits barriers and openings.

5. Isaac Newton: Light is made of particles because it travels only in straight paths.


See image


Light wave can be defined as an electromagnetic wave that do not require a medium of propagation for it to travel through a vacuum of space where no particles exist.

However, the various definitions of light according to early scientists include the following;

1. Heinrich Hertz: Light is a wave that has similar properties as radio waves. Heinrich Rudolf Hertz was a German physicist born on the 22nd of February, 1857 in Hamburg, Germany. The unit of frequency ("Hertz") of an electromagnetic wave was named after him.

2. James Clerk Maxwell: Light is a wave made of electric and magnetic fields. James Clerk Maxwell was a Scottish physicist born on the 13th of June, 1831 in Edinburgh, United Kingdom. He was famously known for his work in the formulation of the classical theory of electromagnetic radiation.

3. Thomas Young: Light is a wave because this property can explain interference.

4. Christiaan Huygens: Light is a wave because it bends when it hits barriers and openings.

5. Isaac Newton: Light is made of particles because it travels only in straight paths.

Why do scientists need an accurate atomic model? (2 points) The atom is the most important structure in the universe. The atom is the most important structure in the universe. It allows scientists to predict things about objects that are too small to see. It allows scientists to predict things about objects that are too small to see. Models allow scientists to avoid having to do real experiments. Models allow scientists to avoid having to do real experiments. The atom cannot be divided into smaller particles.


1. Answer:

It allows scientists to predict things about objects that are too small to see.


Atomic models are crucial to the scientific study of atoms. Through models, we represent atoms that we actually cannot see. Observation based study and testing is done through that model which helps us find flaws in one model so that a better model is made. In this way, it is helpful to study about atoms through atomic models.

2. Answer:

The correct step in a scientific experiment involving acids and bases is:

Using an indicator to measure the hydrogen ion concentration of a solution.


Two acids can never neutralize each other. The pH of a neutral solution is 7. Whereas pH of an acid is always less than 7.

Indicators are used to measure the pH of solutions. They give different colors in solutions with different solutions. So, in an experiment to check if the solution is acidic or basic, we need to measure its hydrogen ion concentration for which an indicator is used.

Hope I helped! Brainiest plz! Hope you make an 100% and have a wonderful day! -Amelia♥




i took the test

Describe how an oscilloscope should be used to measure the frequency of the sound wave from the sonometer



            T = reading (cm) time base (s / cm)

            f = 1 / T


An oscilloscope is a piece of equipment that allows you to visualize and measure a wave that reaches you, in the case of having a sonometer this transforms the sound wave into an electrical signal to be introduced through one of the voltage channels of the equipment, on the screen we will see the oscillating alternating signal, if it is fixed we can make the reading, if it is moving the time base and the trigger must be adjusted to stop it.

In the oscilloscope we can read the period of the signal, this is the time it takes for the signal to repeat itself with this value, we can calculate the frequency with the formula, for the reading of the period the distance is measured on the labeled screen and multiplied by the time base


            T = reading (cm) time base (s / cm)

            f = 1 / T

A car has a mass of 2,000 kg and is traveling at 28m/s. What is the car’s kinetic energy?
984,000 J
784,000 J
484,000 J



784,000 J


For this question we can simply use the equation for the Kinetic Energy which is : [tex]\frac{1}{2} mv^2[/tex], where m = the mass and v = the velocity.

So let's put the values given into the equation.

[tex]K.E = \frac{1}{2} *2000*(28)^2 = 784000 J[/tex]

The car's kinetic energy is 784,000 Joules

What is the connection between latitude and temperature?

What is the connection between longitude and temperature?



1.Latitude forms an inverse relationship with temperature, where regions at lower latitudes have higher temperatures compared to areas at higher latitudes. The lower the latitude, the warmer the region becomes. Conversely, the higher the latitude, the colder the area becomes.

2.Latitude and longitude make up the grid system that helps humans identify absolute, or exact, locations on the Earth's surface. There is a relationship between latitude and temperature around the world, as temperatures are typically warmer approaching the Equator and cooler approaching the Poles.

A student practicing for a track meet ran 250 m in 30 sec



v= 8.3 m/ s^-1



v= S/t

v= 250 m/ 30 s

v= 8.3 m/ s^-1

como te llamas?



Answer: como mi llamo yo?

Explanation: in rlf Maria



For a series circuit:
а. the value of resistance may be different for each resistor in the circuit.
b. the total resistance is the sum of the resistance in the circuit.
c. the total resistance increases as resistors are added to the circuit.
d. All of the above





because the same current flows through the lamps and the total voltage across all the lamps is the sum of all the separate voltages across them.

1 point
The Sun is a massive star at the center of our Solar System. The planets
closest to the Sun are terrestrial planets, and those farther away are gas
giants. Which force maintains this arrangement of the Solar System? *





It is gravity because the sun's gravity pulls all the planets towards itself and keeps the planets in the sun's orbit

A wave with a frequency of 1.1 Hz travels through deep water at a speed of 5.7 m/s. When the wave enters shallow water, its speed slows to 3.2 m/s. What is the wavelength of the wave in the shallow water?



The wavelength of the wave in shallow water is 2.91 m.



frequency of the wave, f = 1.1 Hz

speed of the wave in deep water, v₁ = 5.7 m/s

speed of the wave in shallow water, v₂ = 3.2 m/s

The wavelength of the wave in the deep water is calculated as;

λ₁ = v₁/f

λ₁ = 5.7 / 1.1

λ₁ = 5.18 m

The wavelength of the wave in the shallow water is calculated as;

λ₂ = v₂/f

λ₂ = 3.2 / 1.1

λ₂ = 2.91 m

Therefore, the wavelength of the wave in shallow water is 2.91 m.

A student on an amusement park ride moves in circular path with a radius of 3.5 m once every 4.5 s. What is the tangential velocity of the student?



the tangential velocity of the student is 4.89 m/s.



the radius of the circular path, r = 3.5 m

duration of the motion, t = 4.5 s

let the student's tangential velocity = v

The tangential velocity of the student is calculated as follows;

[tex]v = \frac{2\pi r}{t} \\\\v = \frac{2 \pi \times 3.5}{4.5} \\\\v = 4.89 \ m/s[/tex]

Therefore, the tangential velocity of the student is 4.89 m/s.

Un tanque de 50 litros tiene un gas a CNPT. ¿Cuánto valdrá la presión si la temperatura aumenta 40 °C, y el volumen permanece constante?



La presion a 40 °C es 1.05 atm.


Usando la ecuación ideal de los gases.


Debemos recordar, que CNPT significa condiciones normales de presión y temperatura.

Para el primer estado tenemos:



P(1) es la presion en el estado incial (1 atm)V(1) es el volumen incial (50 L)T(1) es la temperatura incial (25 °C = 298 K)

Para el segundo estado:



P(2) es la presion en el estado final ( x atm)V(2) es el volumen final (50 L)T(2) es la temperatura final (40 °C = 313 K)

Como ambas ecuaciones tienen el mismo valor de volumen podemos igualarlas:


n y R permanecen constantes, se puden cancelar.


Despejamos P(2).



[tex]P_{2}=1.05\: atm[/tex]

Espero te haya sido de ayuda!

Of all the mutations, we can conclude that one mutation would MOST LIKELY contribute to a rapid rate of
extinction. That is



A) blindness


A 2500 kg car traveling to the north is slowed down uniformly from an initial velocity of 20 m/s by a 5620 N braking force acting opposite the car's motion. How far does the car move during 2.5 s? *



the distance traveled by the car is 42.98 m.



mass of the car, m = 2500 kg

initial velocity of the car, u = 20 m/s

the braking force applied to the car, f = 5620 N

time of motion of the car, t = 2.5 s

The decelaration of the car is calculated as follows;

-F = ma

a = -F/m

a = -5620 / 2500

a = -2.248 m/s²

The distance traveled by the car is calculated as follows;

s = ut + ¹/₂at²

s = (20 x 2.5) + 0.5(-2.248)(2.5²)

s = 50 - 7.025

s = 42.98 m

Therefore, the distance traveled by the car is 42.98 m.

True or false: balanced forces are important for a hoverboard to float.



True its got to be true


how else does a hoverboard float lol


It's true


So true..

Who discovered natural magnet for the first time?​


Answer: Magnes

Explanation: Magnes found that the nails and buckle of his sandals and the tip of his staff were attracted to the rock he was standing on. He dug up the Earth to find lodestones. Lodestones contain magnetite, a natural magnetic material Fe3O4.

A car moving with uniform acceleration attains speed of 36km/hr in 2 minutes find the acceleration?? ​


Acceleration = 0.083 m/s²Explanation:


Initial velocity of car is 0.

Final velocity of car is 36 km/h.

Time taken to attain final speed is 2 minutes.

To Find:

What is the acceleration of car ?

Formula to be used:

v = u + at


First change the final velocity from km/h to m/s and also time to seconds.

[ To change km/h to m/s multiply by 5/18 ]

➙ Final velocity = 36(5/18) = 10 m/s.

[ 1 minutes = 60 seconds ]

➙ 2 minutes = 2(60) = 120 seconds.

Now, we have

v = 10 m/s.

u = 0 m/s.

t = 120 s.

⟹ v = u + at⟹ 10 = 0 + a(120)⟹ 10 = 120a⟹ 10/120 = a⟹ 0.083 m/s² = a

Hence, the acceleration of car is 0.083 m/s².


➟ The rate of change of velocity is called acceleration. It is denoted by a.

➟ The velocity at which motion starts is termed as initial velocity. It is denote by u.

➟ The last velocity of an object after a period of time. It is denoted by v.

[tex]\boxed{\large{\bold{\blue{ANSWER~:) }}}}[/tex]

Initial Velocity u = 0

Final Velocity v = 36 km/hr = 10 m/s

Time t = 2 min = 120 sec

Acceleration a = ?

By 1st Equation of motion

we know that,

[tex]\boxed{\large{\sf{v \: = u \: + a \: t}}}[/tex]

according to the question,

[tex]10 = 0 + a \times 120\\\\a \: = \frac{10}{120}\\\\a \: = \frac{1}{12}\\\\a=0.083\: m {s}^{ - 2}[/tex]


Acceleration of the car is 0.083 ms^-2

Protons and neutrons are located in the nucleus of the atom.

Please select the best answer from the choices provided






The nucleus contains all of the mass of the atom. Almost all of the mass of the atoms is made up of protons and neutrons.


both the neutrons and protons are located in the nucleus of an atom.

A block is pulled across a table by a constant force of 9.20 N. If the mass of the block is 2.30kg, how fast will the block be moving after 2.00 seconds? Assume negligible friction.





From Newton's 2nd Law, we have [tex]\Sigma F=ma[/tex]. Using this, we can find the acceleration of the object:


Now that we've found the block's acceleration, we can use the following kinematics equation to find its final velocity after 2 seconds:


*Assumption: The block is initially at rest and has a initial velocity of zero. Otherwise, the question is unsolvable.

What do wind energy, hydro-energy, and fossil fuel energy have in common?



Fossil fuels store energy from the sun as


Explain why air is not used as a
brake fluid ​



A gas is not used in hydraulic machines as the fluid because gas is easily compressible and so if a gas is used, the energy would mostly go into compressing a gas. Therefore a liquid is used in hydraulic machines as the fluid.


I got you bro:)

Other Questions
Rob is planning his housewarming party. He wants to design an invitation and personalize it for each invitee. He needs to create a list of invitees, design the card, and personalize the card. How should he complete the tasks? a. Use mail merge for steps 1 and 2 and a word processor for step 3. b. Use a graphics software for step 1, mail merge for step 2, and a word processor for step 3. c. Use a word processor for steps 1 and 2 and a graphics software for step 3. d. Use a word processor for step 1, graphics software for step 2, and a mail merge for step 3. what is tyndall effect What are the rules in your house concerning cov id 19 safety. Make a list of 10 Rules.i dont have rules about this so please help even if u make up rules idc To make 46 oz of cookiedough, 19 ounces of flourwould be needed. Howmany ounces of sugarwould be needed to make46 oz of cookie dough?(round to the nearesttenth) Please someone help me!!!!:) Act 1 scene 5, Explain what the conversation is between Romeo and Juliet This comes with no question In early world history, the government controlled the news. A.true B.false Can one of you lovely people help me please ? What is a natural resource? Ode to the selfie is mainly told from what point of view Fine as has a Z-score of 2.23 on his SAT. How did he do compared to the rest of his students?a) There is not enough information given.b) he did the same as most other students c) he did worse than most other students d) he did better than most other students. helpppppppppppp plzzzzzzzzzxzx Plz help! Giving brainliest to a complete and correct answer. Absurd answers will be reported. Lando Calrissian just won the lottery and is trying to decide between the options of receiving the annual cash flow payment option of $330,000 per year for 25 years beginning today, or receiving one lump-sum amount today. Lando can earn 4% investing this money. At what lump-sum payment amount would he be indifferent between the two alternatives pls give me a real answer and the correct one if u try to be a bot ill report you PLEASE ANSWER THIS QUESTION ASAP I WILL MARK YOU THE BRAINLIESTThe Judicial Branch wrote this Amendment and the Executive Branch has the power to enforce this amendment in all 50 statesTrueorFalse County governments were created to ensure that Washingtonians received services that the territorial government struggled to provide.had access to more state money than municipalities did.received the representation of a mayor and a city council. had a place to turn if their municipality failed them. HURRY Dr. Khan works for the marketing department of a company that manufactures mechanical toy dogs. Dr. Khan has been asked to assess the effectiveness of a new advertising campaign that is designed to be most persuasive to people with a certain personality profile. She brought four groups of participants to the lab to watch the video advertisements and to measure the likelihood that they would purchase the toy, both before and after watching the ad. The results of Dr. Khans study are presented below.Part AExplain how each of the following concepts applies to Dr. Khans research.SurveyDependent variableBig Five theory of personalityPart BExplain the limitations of Dr. Khans study based on the research method used.Explain what Dr. Khans research hypothesis most likely was.Part CUse the graph to answer the following questions.How did the trait of agreeableness affect how people responded to the new ad campaign?How did the trait of conscientiousness affect how people responded to the new ad campaign? Metlock Mining Company purchased land on February 1, 2020, at a cost of $1,101,100. It estimated that a total of 58,200 tons of mineral was available for mining. After it has removed all the natural resources, the company will be required to restore the property to its previous state because of strict environmental protection laws. It estimates the fair value of this restoration obligation at $112,500. It believes it will be able to sell the property afterwards for $125,000. It incurred developmental costs of $250,000 before it was able to do any mining. In 2020, resources removed totaled 29,100 tons. The company sold 21,340 tons.Compute the following information for 2020.(a) Per unit mineral cost: _______(b) Total material cost of December 31, 2020, inventory:_______(c) Total material cost in cost of goods sold at December 31, 2020:_______