(q011) when he first meets the people at his new job, jared tries hard to impress them with his experience and achievement. the fact that he attempts to build and maintain others' positive impressions of him demonstrates that he is motivated by


Answer 1

Primary emotions include: anger, fear, sadness, disgust, surprise, anticipation, trust and joy.

Emotions are mental states delivered on by neurophysiological changes, variously associated with mind, feelings, behavioral responses, and a degree of pride or displeasure. there is presently no scientific consensus on a definition.[6] feelings are regularly intertwined with temper, temperament, personality, disposition, or creativity. studies on emotion has accelerated over the past  many years with many fields contributing including psychology, medication, records, sociology of emotions, and laptop technological know-how.

Learn more about emotions here



Related Questions

How long can a U.S. citizen stay out of the country 2022?


Normally, a U.S. citizen can stay out of the country for a year except for some special conditions provided to certain sections of the population.

The Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officer at the port of entry, such as the airport, may inquire as to whether you have abandoned (i.e., given up) your status as a lawful permanent resident if you remain outside of the United States for an extended period of time, however, a person can apply for re-entry by filling a form and presenting required documents. If you are a military service member, Government employee, or meet any other criteria i.e., work for a US multinational or proactively preserve residence.

A permanent resident is legally permitted to leave the country for up to one year in a row without seriously jeopardizing their status if they apply for a re-entry permit beforehand.

To learn more about US citizenship, follow the below link:



Why would the idea of poor farmers rebelling be scary to many of the people at the constitutional convention?


The idea of poor farmers rebelling be scary to many of the people at the constitutional convention as a mob from them might turn violent.

Constitutional Convention

A convention that drafted the United States Constitution took place in 1787, according to American history. The convention met in Philadelphia's Pennsylvania State House from May 25 to September 17, 1787, ostensibly to amend the Articles of Confederation, but was actually spurred by severe economic problems that gave rise to radical political movements like Shays' Rebellion and a demand for a stronger central government. The Annapolis Convention of 1786 extended an invitation for states to send representatives, and all but Rhode Island did so.

Only 55 of the 74 delegates elected by state legislatures participated in the sessions, and 39 of these delegates signed the Constitution. Numerous influential people from the time were among the delegates. They included Governor Morris, James Madison, Benjamin Franklin, James Wilson, John Rutledge, Charles Pinckney, Oliver Ellsworth, and George Washington, who was chosen to serve as president.

Learn more about constitutional convention here: https://brainly.com/question/14018105


Of these influences, which appears to be the initial source of gender segregation?
A) establishment of gender constancy
B) peer pressure
C) differences in behavioral styles and interests
D) parent and teacher efforts


The formation of gender constancy is the factor that appears to be the primary cause of gender segregation. The best choice is A.

Why do gender roles exist?

It fits with how society has constructed what men and women should do, look like, and be interested in. The upshot is the development of preconceptions and even the occurrence of gender segregation in society.

Gender roles are conveyed in society through socialization and can harm both men and women in a number of ways, including:

Preconceptiongender inequalitySocial inequality

It is essential to fight gender segregation by raising knowledge of equality in society and its importance in order to ensure that everyone, regardless of attributes, has the same possibilities for development and quality of life.

Learn more about Gender roles: https://brainly.com/question/29818285


which of the following is an effective coping strategy? group of answer choices stop experiencing any emotions at all. stop trying to remedy aversive circumstances. act as if the stress doesn't exist. turn a threat into a challenge.


An effective coping mechanism is to turn a threat into a challenge. The right answer is (4). Active coping, constructive reframing, instrumental assistance, faith, and acceptance top the list of successful coping techniques. Here are the details for each.

Solving difficulties, obtaining information or social support, requesting assistance, and/or modifying one's environment are all examples of active coping. The model includes a total of eight coping mechanisms that are arranged in a circumplex: hedonic disengagement, efficient issue solving, concern with the problem, negative emotional coping, helplessness, and positive emotional coping.

Weiten has categorized coping techniques into four categories: problem-focused (adaptive behavioral), emotion-focused, appraisal-focused (adaptive cognitive), and occupation-focused. Avoidance coping was included in the list of emotion-focused coping by Billings and Moos. There are numerous ways to conceptualize coping mechanisms, but there are five main categories: problem-focused coping, emotion-focused coping, social support coping, religious coping, and meaning-making coping.

Learn more about coping visit: brainly.com/question/11223818


Correct Question:

Which of the following is an effective coping strategy?

group of answer choices

1. stop experiencing any emotions at all.

2. stop trying to remedy aversive circumstances.

3. act as if the stress doesn't exist.

4. turn a threat into a challenge.

lorraine is 70 years old and complains that she cannot read or drive as well as she once could because her vision and especially her peripheral vision has decreased. after an eye exam, the doctor tells her that the fluid in her eyes cannot be drained properly causing too much pressure in the fluid in her eyes. what condition does lorraine have?


The fluid in her eyes cannot be drained properly causing too much pressure in the fluid in her eyes, condition Lorraine has glaucoma.

Glaucoma is a collection of eye diseases that may cause imaginative and prescient loss and blindness by way of destroying a nerve in the return of your eye referred to as the optic nerve. The signs can start so slowly that you could no longer be aware of them.

Glaucoma is a persistent, progressive eye disorder because of harm to the optic nerve, which leads to visual view loss. One of the principal danger elements is eye stress.

Glaucoma is an extreme, lifelong eye ailment that can lead to an imaginative and prescient loss that is no longer controlled.

Learn more about Glaucoma here:-https://brainly.com/question/28583080


if fertilization occurs which hormone triggers the thickening of the endometrium?


Estrogen triggers the thickening of the endometrium.

Estrogens are a class of hormones that are essential for women's healthy sexual and reproductive development. They are sex hormones as well. The majority of estrogen hormones are produced by a woman's ovaries, however minor amounts are also produced in modest amounts by the adrenal glands and fat cells.

Estrogen influences the reproductive system, the urinary tract, the heart and blood vessels, the bones, the breasts, the skin, the hair, the mucous membranes, the pelvic muscles and the brain in addition to controlling the monthly cycle. When oestrogen levels rise, secondary sexual features like pubic and armpit hair also begin to sprout.

To know more about hormones see:



How did rebelliousness show itself on other farms?


When the  rebelliousness spread on the other farms the animals started singing "beasts in England" and they started behaving rebelliously.

This is an excerpt from the story the Animal Farm. The story tells us about the time when the news of the rebellion were spread across all the farms with the help of the pigeons sent by Napoleon and Snowball. When the news of the rebellion reached to the animals in the other farms, they also became thunderous and started acquiring rebellious traits within their behavior. The animals found the news of rebellion in the Animal farm as a heroic tale and they started admiring and singing songs about the rebels and their rebellions. The songs which they sang were known as "Beasts in England"

Learn more about Animal Farm at:



the flint, michigan water crisis mostly affected low-income residents and people of color. this crisis, therefore, was . a. biologically driven b. socially patterned c. a cultural phenomenon d. unavoidable


(A) biologically driven. the basic motivations that direct and influence human action. They deal with the most fundamental physiological requirements of man, including sex, hunger, thirst, and self-preservation.

As a result, when a person is deprived of food, drink, or oxygen or when these resources run out, an internal motivation condition is created. view drive The emerging profile has a critical role in promoting positive esthetic outcomes and preserving peri-implant stability and health. This crucial factor, which can greatly affect the integration, stability, and preservation of bone and soft tissues, should be assessed not just in terms of morphology but also as a clinical variable closely related to material properties and clinical approaches. In this way, a thorough planning strategy can be developed for this important factor. The preservation and defense of bone against contamination and infection depend heavily on soft tissue integration and adherence to prosthetic components.

learn more about biologically driven here:



which seismic wave type causes the most destruction of property during an earthquake?


Seismic waves can be labeled into two simple kinds frame waves which tour via the Earth and floor waves, which travel along the Earth's floor.

Of the 2 types of surface waves, the L-waves are the maximum adverse. they can literally pass the floor below a building quicker than the building itself can reply, efficiently sharing the bottom off of the rest of the construction.

The primary set of waves to be detected with the aid of seismographs is P waves, or primary waves, as they’re the fastest. They’re compressional or longitudinal waves that push and pull the ground inside the course the wave is traveling. They typically cause very little damage.

Learn more about waves here



What are the 5 components of fitness and what is the importance of each?


Fitness is defined as a state of physical well-being in which an individual can carry out daily activities without difficulty.

1. Muscular Power

Your "ability" to lift and carry large objects is indicated by this. Your body would be weak and unable to meet the demands placed on it if you did not have muscular strength. Strength can be increased by training with heavy weights and working in the 4 - 6 or 12 - 15 rep ranges. Fewer repetitions are recommended the greater the weight is.

2. Endurance Muscular

Endurance refers to your muscles' ability to contract for extended periods of time. The muscles are engaged for numerous minutes as opposed to briefly lifting or transporting anything. Strength can be increased by lifting light weights for 20 to 25 repetitions.

3. Endurance Cardiovascular

Cardiovascular endurance refers to your body's ability to keep up with activities such as running, jogging, swimming, cycling, and anything else that requires your cardiovascular system (lungs, heart, and blood vessels) to work for extended periods of time. The heart and lungs work together to provide your body with the oxygen required by your muscles, ensuring that they have enough oxygen to do their work.

4. Flexibility

Flexibility is an important, but often overlooked, aspect of physical fitness. Muscles and joints stiffen and movement is restricted when they lack flexibility. By practicing flexibility, you may ensure that your body can move through its whole range of motion pain- and stiffness-free.

5. Body Fat Composition

The amount of fat in your body is referred to as body fat composition. A 100-pound person with a 25% body fat composition, for example, will have a lean body mass of 75 pounds.

To learn more about Fitness, please refer:



rita gardener is progressing nicely through her lesson presentation. she is especially drawn to students in the front row who are nearest to her, as they are particularly engaged in asking and responding to questions. what does rita's participatory student group represent?


Rita is especially drawn to students in the front row who are nearest to her, as they are particularly engaged in asking and responding to questions. This participatory student group represents the action zone of this particular classroom.

The action zone is the area of the classroom in which the teacher most successfully engages students in learning. It is defined in terms of proximity to the teacher. Students who sit in the action zone often participate more, have more positive attitudes and achieve more than students who sit on the periphery of the classroom. Classroom layout and seating positions of students affect interactional dynamics in lessons.

Learn more about the action zone here:



joshua, a member of your dorm council, has been a very disruptive group member— speaking out of turn, dominating discussions, making inappropriate remarks, and quarreling with other council members. what steps should be taken to deal effectively with joshua?


After the council meeting, confront Joshua about his disruptive behaviour.

Our group-related attitudes are mostly reliant on our communication abilities. Competence in communication is helpful in these situations. The size of the group is a primary determinant of small group dynamics, and norms and roles make up the majority of the structure. Norms are expectations regarding how a group's members should act. Members of a group are expected to act in certain ways according to their roles.  Communication skills must be competent for effective leadership. When interacting with group members, leaders should avoid showing signs of competitive or defensive communication and be responsive to the shifting needs and circumstances inside the group.

Know more about the communication at: https://brainly.com/question/22558440


mary and paul made a great deal of money recently by winning the lottery. they come from families of little education or money. they moved to a beautiful new home in a neighborhood well known for the wealth and high social status of its residents. the neighbors have been unfriendly to them, ignore their attempts to make friends, and talk badly to each other about the new family in the neighborhood. this is an example of _____ aggression.


Ignore their attempts to make friends, and talk badly to each other about the new family in the neighborhood. this is an example of relational aggression.

What is relational aggression?

Relational aggression refers to damage done to relationships as a result of covert bullying or dishonest behavior. Examples include socially excluding a young person from their classmates (social exclusion), threatening to stop talking to a friend (the "silent treatment"), and emailing rumors and gossip.

Relational aggressiveness typically takes the following forms:

Relationally Reactive Violence in response to an insult, retort, or other provocative act. proactive relationship aggression. Aggression in a romantic relationship. interpersonal antagonism aimed at peers.

To know more about relational aggression, refer:



How did Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson differ?



Roosevelt believed that big business houses brought efficiency and increased productivity though he was against the abuse of power by large businesses. Wilson, on the other hand, believed in fair competition and did not like monopoly by big businesses.


what cia action under reagan violated international law and provoked the u.s. congress to pass the boland amendment?


The Boland Amendment is a group of laws that the U.S. Congress approved to stop President Ronald Reagan's administration from meddling aggressively in Nicaragua's internal affairs.

To close the gaps left by Boland one, Congress passed the second Boland Amendment on December 8, 1985. It was designed to start when Boland One expired and last until December 30, 1986. The Ronald Reagan administration's strategy of requesting funding from other nations and private contributors was outlawed by the new amendment, which forbade any federal agency from providing military and paramilitary support for the Contras.

learn more about Ronald Reagan here:



Why did American newspapers write about the Spanish actions in Cuba?


The American newspapers wrote about the Spanish actions in Cuba in order to sell their newspapers.

Joseph Pulitzer of the New York World and William Randolph Hearst of the New York Journal, among other prominent newspaper owners, saw the public's interest in the war as a chance to increase newspaper sales. In an effort to increase their readership, the media ran dramatic stories and eye-catching images of events in Cuba. A reporting method known as "yellow journalism" favoured sensationalism above accuracy. During the 19th century, it was one of several elements that aggravated the United States and Spain to go to war in Cuba and the Philippines, which resulted in the United States gaining control of foreign territory.

Learn more about Spanish-American War in 1898 here:



when the senate judiciary committee passes a proposed crime bill by a vote of 11 to 10, which is most likely to follow?


Then the full Senate will consider the bill.

The House of Representatives is the lower body of the United States Congress, and the United States Senate is its upper chamber. The United States' national bicameral legislature is made up of them all. Article One of the United States Constitution specifies the makeup and authority of the Senate. The Senate is made up of senators, who each fully represent a single state. There are 100 senators in total, with two senators from each of the 50 states serving staggered six-year terms.

Despite not being a senator, the vice president of the United States serves as presiding officer and president of the Senate by virtue of that position. The vice president only gets a vote if the Senate is in session.

Learn more about Senate here: https://brainly.com/question/26823952


9. what document states that people with disabilities and others with access and functional needs must be actively involved in all aspects of response and recovery planning?


Executive Order 13407 states that people with disabilities and others with access and functional needs must be actively involved in all aspects of response and recovery planning.

The CAP standard offers a chance to better serve those with access and functional needs, as well as others, when it comes to receiving emergency alert information. Rich multi-media assets and links can be sent with CAP alerts in alert messages. By utilising CAP, industry partners can create materials and/or gadgets that enable access and functional needs for individuals with disabilities and others to receive emergency warnings. To create a more robust and inclusive alarm and warning system, the Integrated Public Alert and Warning System office never stops working.

Learn more about People with Disabilities here:



Pernell company reported lifo reserves of $150,000 and $100,000 in year 2 and year 1, respectively. The company utilized the fifo assumption for internal purposes. Based on this information, we can conclude that at the end of year 2, pernell's ending inventory would have been.


Based on the information above, we can conclude that at the end of year 2, Pernell's ending inventory would have been $50,000 less during year 1.

What Is First In, First Out (FIFO)?

First In, First Out, commonly known аs FIFO, is аn аsset-mаnаgement аnd vаluаtion method in which аssets produced or аcquired first аre sold, used, or disposed of first.

Inventory is аssigned costs аs items аre prepаred for sаle. This mаy occur through the purchаse of the inventory or production costs, the purchаse of mаteriаls, аnd the utilizаtion of lаbor. These аssigned costs аre bаsed on the order in which the product wаs used, аnd for FIFO, it is bаsed on whаt аrrived first.

If Pernell's compаny reported LIFO reserves of $150,000 and $100,000 in year 2 and year 1. Under the FIFO method, the cost of goods sold is $150,000 in year 2 becаuse the first goods purchаsed аre the first goods sold. Of the $150,000 in year 1 remаining items in inventory, the vаlue is $50,000. This is becаuse inventory is аssigned the most recent cost under the FIFO method.

For more information about the FIFO method refer to the link:



What is called turnout?


Voter turnout is the percentage of eligible voters who participated in a certain election commonly referred to as those who cast ballots.

This can be the proportion of voters who are registered, eligible, or of voting age. Political scientists Adam Bonica and Michael McFaul of Stanford University claim that there is general agreement that "democracies perform better when more people vote. Voting participation rates vary by social class. Significant differences between voters and nonvoters become less pronounced when turnout near 90%, although in elections with lower turnout, these inequalities can still be rather stark. Voter turnout has profound long-term effects on democracies' capacities to function, more so than variations in particular election results. For instance, regulatory capture frequently hinders popular democratic measures like simplifying elections in low-turnout democracies.

learn more about turnout here:



after a near-fatal car accident, juana developed such an intense fear of driving on the freeway that she takes lengthy alternative routes to work each day. which psychological therapy might best help juana overcome her phobia?


Phobias can often be treated with behavior therapies. A behavior therapist might help Rico learn to replace his anxious response to driving on the freeway with a relaxation response because they would see Rico's fear of the freeway as a learned response.

CBT, or cognitive behavioral therapy, can help you develop practical strategies for overcoming your phobia. In order to lessen your anxiety about your fear, one part of the CBT treatment process that is frequently used to treat simple phobias involves gradually exposing you to it.

Openness treatment and mental conduct treatment are the best medicines. The goal of exposure therapy is to change how you react to the thing or situation you are afraid of.

To learn more about behavior therapies here



Maria is a thirteen-year-old congenitally deaf child who was born to hearing parents living in a remote, rural area. since birth her parents have provided love, nourishment, educationally enriching toys, and developed their own hand signals to communicate with her about basic necessities. however, maria did not begin to learn sign language until she was twelve and the family moved to a city and encountered members of a deaf community. maria has found it very difficult to learn sign language, no matter what her instructors try. which of the follow concepts best explains maria’s difficulty learning sign language?


The concept of sensitive period best explains Maria’s difficulty learning sign language.

Studies with Deaf and blind people show that linguistic and sensory experiences at key junctures have significant influence on the neurological underpinnings of language. Similar fronto-temporal mechanisms are activated during language processing in native sign language and spoken language users. Contrarily, delays in access to sign language have an influence on competence and the brain underpinnings of language. Similar to this, early-onset blindness changes the neurological basis of language, but not late-onset blindness. People who are born blind use more "visual" areas to process language, have less left-lateralization of language, and perform better on particular language tests. The neurological underpinnings of language are shaped by sensitive period plasticity both inside and outside fronto-temporal language systems.

To know more about sensitive period:



u.s. americans who identify not only with being u.s. citizens but also as being members of ethnic groups are often called _____.


People who identify as U.S. citizens and members of various ethnic groups simultaneously are referred to as "hyphenated Americans."

How should Americans be hyphenated?

In the United States, the insertion of a hyphen (in some writing styles) between the name of the an ethnicity as well as the word "American" throughout compound words, such as "Irish-American," is referred to as being "hyphenated American."

Is it accurate to refer to Americans?

"America", "American(s)", and "Americas" all refer to both North and South America, not just the United States. If the context is clear, they can be used in any manner, including allusions to merely the United States.

To know more about hyphenated Americans Visit:



parent-child relationships shift during adolescence as teens become more independent. if parents strongly resist any change in roles and tighten control over teens, attempting to manipulate their child's thoughts and actions, what is this an example of?


The given situation is an example of Psychological control.

The ability or belief that one has over one's circumstances, situations of others, surroundings, or other circumstances is known as control in psychology.

Emotions, thoughts, behaviours, impulses, memories, attention, and experiences may all be controlled, whether it's over oneself or others. As adolescents get older and more independent, parent-child relationships change.

The act of influencing a child's psychological environment is known as psychological control, and it is a parenting technique characterised by invasive and manipulative activities directed towards young children's and adolescents' ideas and feelings.

Trying to control their teen's thoughts and conduct, parents who are adamantly opposed to any change in roles and tighten control over them. Psychological control is seen here.

Learn more about Psychological control from here:



Dr. Kenji wants to determine whether his new phonics program helps children's reading comprehension. He gives a fifth grade class the program and also studies a second grade class that does not go through the program. He finds that the fifth graders read with better comprehension. Identify the confounding variable in this research design.


The confounding variable in this research design is the grade the students are in.

The framework of the research methodologies and procedures a researcher selects to carry out a study is known as the research design. The layout enables researchers to focus on developing research techniques appropriate for the topic and set up their investigations for success. The research kind (experimental, survey, correlational, semi-experimental, review) and its subtype are explained while developing a research topic (experimental design, research problem, descriptive case-study). Effective research typically reduces data bias and fosters greater confidence in the veracity of the information gathered. In experimental research, the goal is typically to construct a design with the smallest possible margin of error.

To know more about  research design:



What does Claudius suspect at the end of the scene?


Hamlet is informed by Claudius that he would be traveling to England with Rosencrantz and Guildenstern after he sent some of his attendants to get it. After Hamlet departs, Claudius discloses his actual strategy: the English court will execute Hamlet as soon as he reaches England.

Claudius also questions Hamlet's insanity. Claudius, a master of trickery, believes that Hamlet is dangerous since he is not who he seems to be. He formulates his strategy for banishing the Prince to England. Claudius is initially slashed by Hamlet's rapier before being made to drink from the poisoned cup. For Hamlet, Claudius' "deaths" all have distinct meanings.

Claudius is informed by Polonius new king's top advisor, that Hamlet's insanity is caused by unrequited love for Ophelia, Polonius' daughter. Unconvinced, Claudius conspires with Polonius to spy on Hamlet.

To learn more about Claudius



A strong security program begins by assessing the backgrounds of the employees in the organization.
a. True
b. False


True. A strong security program begins by assessing the backgrounds of employees to ensure that those hired meet the security policies and protocols in place.

The Importance of Employee Background Checks for a Strong Security Program

When it comes to creating a strong security program in any organization, the first step is assessing the backgrounds of the employees. This is an essential part of any security program as it allows employers to ensure that those they hire meet their security policies and protocols.

By performing background checks, employers can make sure the people they are hiring have the right qualifications, are trustworthy and reliable, and can be trusted with company information. This can help to protect the organization from any potential security risks, such as theft or fraud. Additionally, background checks can help to verify the identity and qualifications of an individual, as well as check for any criminal history or financial issues that could harm the organization.

Learn more about security program at: https://brainly.com/question/29824058


a researcher placed a culture of cyanobacteria under green lights. within a few weeks, the appearance of the cyanobacteria changed from green to red. the researcher claimed the color change in the culture was the result of an adaptation allowing greater photosynthesis.


When grown in red light, certain cyanobacteria appear green, and vice versa. Complementary chromatic adaptation (CCA), a drastic change in hue, results from changes in the main coloured light-harvesting proteins.

The colour of cyanobacteria is explained by the relative quantity of the reddish phycoerythrin and the blue phycocyanin phycobilin pigments.

Some of the energy from light is wasted as heat when it is transformed by metabolic processes into chemical energy. A cyanobacteria culture was exposed to green light by the researcher. The cyanobacteria went from having a green look to having a red appearance after a few weeks.

However, not all cyanobacteria do so in the same manner: For instance, the most prevalent cyanobacterium in the water, Prochlorococcus, preferentially absorbs violet and blue wavelengths, but Synechococcus, its cousin, may either catch blue, green, or both wavelengths depending on the type of pigment it produces.

To learn more about cyanobacteria, refer



paul is always the first one to object to any group proposal. what role is paul most likely playing?


Paul is always the first one to object to any group proposal. Paul is frequently regarded as the most significant figure in Christian history after Jesus.

Paul made the decision to preach to Gentiles based on his own revelatory experience, which led him to believe that this was the purpose God had given him when he was called to serve as a prophet for this new Jesus organization.

Paul calls this gospel truth of "first importance" for this reason. Anyone should realize that they can get forgiveness for their sins and be made right with God since Jesus lived, died, and rose again. The gospel is this.

His letters, or epistles, had a significant impact on Christian theology, particularly on the bond between God the Father and Jesus and on the mystical bond between humans and the divine.

Read more about paul proposal at



Why did the US really get involved in the war with Cuba and eventually the Spanish-American War?


There were numerous reasons for the war, but two were particularly pressing:  United States' support for the ongoing struggle of Cubans and Filipinos against Spanish rule, and the strange blast of the battleship USS Maine in Havana Harbor.

There was widespread sympathy in the United States for Cubans fighting for independence. Photograph of the USS Maine from the US Naval Historical Center, The mysterious sinking of the US battleship Maine in Havana's harbor on February 15, 1898, prompted a declaring of war against Spain just two months later.

Learn more on Spanish-American War -



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