Put these major moments from civil rights history in order from earliest to most recent.- the voting rights act is passed-14th amendment is ratified-Plessy v. Ferguson is decided by the Supreme Court-Brown v. Board of Education is decided by the supreme court


Answer 1

In the United States, the civil rights movement was a political movement and campaign that ran from 1954 to 1968 with the goal of ending institutionalized racial segregation, discrimination, and racial disenfranchisement nationwide.

The contemporary civil rights movement got its start on December 1, 1955, when Rosa Parks, an African-American woman, was detained in Montgomery, Alabama, for refusing to sit at the back of the bus. The civil rights movement, which primarily occurred in the 1950s and 1960s, was an effort to secure justice and equality for African Americans. People like Malcolm X, the Little Rock Nine, Martin Luther King Jr., and many others led it.

Civil rights are individual freedoms that the United States guarantees and defends. the Constitution, as well as federal statutes passed by Congress.

Learn more about the civil right movement here: https://brainly.com/question/131269


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When did Woodrow Wilson declare war on Germany?



On April 2, 1917, President Woodrow Wilson asked a special joint session of the United States Congress for a declaration of war against the German Empire. Congress responded with the declaration on April 6.

On which of the following points did Socrates,Plato, and Aristotle agree?

A.the importance of social equality

B.the need for democratic reforms

C.the use of reason to solve problems

D.the virtue of scientific observation


Answer: B
They believed that democracy was a dangerous/ poor form of government

b.the need for democratic reforms

The group that formally abolished the monarchy was the
. After the monarchy was abolished, the
was created. It was led by
, who later took the title Lord Protector. This leader was a
, meaning that he supported removing Catholic rituals from the Church of England.


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What is the Commonwealth of England?

The Commonwealth was the governmental system in place from 1649 to 1660, when England, Wales, and later Ireland and Scotland, were ruled as a republic following the conclusion of the Second English Civil War and Charles I's trial and execution. The Commonwealth was the governmental system in place from 1649 and 1660 when England and Wales, later joined by Ireland and Scotland, were at their height.

After the monarchy was abolished, Commonwealth of England was created. It was led by Oliver Cromwell, who later took title Lord Protector. This leader was a Puritan, meaning that he supported removing the Catholic rituals from the Church of England.

To learn more about Commonwealth, visit:



The correct question is

The group that formally abolished the monarchy was the ____. After the monarchy was abolished, the ______ was created. It was led by ______, who later took the title Lord Protector. This leader was a ______, meaning that he supported removing Catholic rituals from the Church of England.

Title: the nan song was the first dynasty to allocate a standing army at a port of trade for protection. What would be the reason for doing this?.


The Nan song was the principal tradition to dispense a standing armed force at a port in exchange for security. The justification behind doing this was to safeguard all worried about the exchange business consequently guaranteeing its continuation.

This significant tradition controlled antiquated China from 960 to 1279. The primary thing that the line achieved was the reunification of the domain, isolated since the Tang Tradition was crushed. The Nan Tune chose to shield their ports and domains from attacks. The exchange was vital for the tradition and didn't have any desire to gamble with this action that addressed great pay for the Domain.

Hence the correct answer is (C) to protect all concerned with the trade industry thus ensuring its continuation.

Learn more about nan song:



This question is not complete ,  here I am attaching the complete question:

Title: the nan song was the first dynasty to allocate a standing army at a port of trade for protection. What would be the reason for doing this?.

to protect foreign traders from a citizenry who did not like any foreign influence on their country

to protect all concerned with the trade industry thus insuring its continuation

to protect the citizenry from foreign traders who were known to be brutal and barbarous

which leader used the 1917 revolution against the tsar to create a communist state in russia? responses vladimir lenin vladimir lenin benito mussolini benito mussolini adolf hitler adolf hitler joseph stalin


Leftist revolutionaries under the leadership of Bolshevik Party leader Vladimir Lenin launched a nearly bloodless coup d'état against the Duma's provisional government on November 6 and 7, 1917

One of the most explosive political events of the 20th century was the Russian Revolution of 1917. The brutal revolution put an end to centuries of Russian Imperial power as well as the Romanov dynasty. The Bolsheviks, under the leadership of Marxist revolutionary Vladimir Lenin, overthrew the czarist tradition during the Russian Revolution. Later, the Bolsheviks would evolve into the Soviet Union's Communist Party.Two revolutions that swept over Russia in 1917 put an end to centuries of imperial rule and started the political and social reforms that eventually resulted in the creation of the Soviet Union.

learn more about Russian Revolution.here:



On November 6 and 7, 1917, leftist revolutionaries led by Vladimir Lenin, the head of the Bolshevik Party, overthrew the Duma's provisional government with almost no bloodshed.

The 1917 Russian Revolution was one of the 20th century's most combustible political events. The terrible revolution brought an end to the Romanov dynasty and centuries of Russian Imperial authority. During the Russian Revolution, the Bolsheviks led by Marxist revolutionary Vladimir Lenin destroyed the czarist system. Later, the Bolsheviks would develop into the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Ending centuries of imperial rule and launching the political and social reforms that eventually led to the foundation of the Soviet Union were two revolutions that swept through Russia in 1917.

To learn more about Romanov dynasty please visit here:



What qualities gave someone status and power in seventeenth-century Virginia? How had that changed by the 1670s?

I need the answer NOW!


Land and wealth provided most of the status in seventeenth century Virginia. One's ability to successfully produce tobacco every year allowed one to amass enough wealth to buy land and slaves and to afford nicer things, such as private tutors for one's children. Slaves were also part of the social...

law forbidding colonists from moving west of appalachian mountains, angered colonists


Answer:After Britain won the Seven Years' War and gained land in North America, it issued the Royal Proclamation of 1763, which prohibited American colonists from settling west of Appalachia.


how did german soldiers who returned from world war i affect the way german politics was conducted?


World war 1 was fought from 28 July 1914 to 11 November 1918, resulting in estimated loss of twenty million lives, with the outcome of defeat for Germany, creating an upsurge in the German politics and formation of new democratic government, the Weimar Republics. 

Extreme exhaustion of German supplies and troops due to four years of warfare, led the government loosing the military support, and up surging revolution from the warfare soldiers led to downfall, and forced abdication of throne by the Kaiser Wilhelm II the emperor and Chief Commander of the Germany, and fleeing to Holland.

The power than handed to the leader of the left – wing Social Democratic party, Friedrich Ebert, followed by the signing of a treaty, popularly known as The Treaty of Versailles ,on 28 June 1919. 

To know more about the German politics visit the link given below : https://brainly.com/question/16660429


What were the early farming methods?


Cut and burn agriculture—also called as swidden or shifting agriculture—is a traditional method of maintaining domesticated crops that requires the rotation of many plots of land in a planting cycle.

We may also gain a lot from the errors of the past. In the ninth and tenth century, the Vikings constructed farms in Iceland and Greenland using the same methods they had developed in Scandinavia. There is a general consensus that Iceland and, to a lesser extent, Greenland's environmental damage is caused by the direct transplant of ineffective farming techniques.

Numerous grazing animals, including cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, and horses, were introduced by Norse farmers who engaged in landnám (an Old Norse practice that roughly translates to "land grab"). The Norse transferred their animals to summer pastures from May to September, and then to individual farms during the winter, just as they had done in Scandinavia.

learn more about agriculture here



Match the US Leaders/Groups to their roles (7G)

Question 2 options:

Volunteer American pilots supplying Japanese occupied China with war materials

Commander of the U.S Navy Pacific Fleet against Japan

African-American fighter pilot group that escorted bombing missions

Commander of the U.S Army in the Pacific Theater

Used native language to encode military communication against Japan

U.S Army Leader over Europe and D-Day invasion of France

Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces

General Dwight Eisenhower

General Douglas MacArthur

General George Marshall

Admiral Chester Nimitz

Flying Tigers

Tuskegee Airmen

Navajo Code Talkers

Question 3 (1 point)
Put the following information/events in the correct order (First, second, third, fourth) (7A, 7C)

Question 3 options:

Allies invade Europe on D-Day

Germany invades Poland

U.S drops Atomic Bomb on Japan

Japan attacks Pearl Harbor


First Part:

Chief of Amred Forces: General George Marshall

African-American fighter pilot group that escorted bombing missions: Tuskegee Airmen

Used native language to encode military communication against Japan: Navajo Code Talkers

Commander of the U.S Army in the Pacific Theater: General Douglas MacArthur

Volunteer American pilots supplying Japanese occupied China with war materials:The Flying Tigers

U.S Army Leader over Europe and D-Day invasion of France: General Dwight Eisehower

Commander of the U.S Navy Pacific Fleet against Japan: Admiral Chester Nimitz

Second Part:

1. Germany invades Poland - 1939

2. Japan Attacks Pearl Harbor-1941

3. Allies invade Europe on D-Day-1944

4. US Drops Atomic Bomb on Japan-1945

which u.s. president said patriotism bought and paid for is not patriotism, after he vetoed a bill to grant bonuses to world war i veterans?



Calvin Coolidge


Calvin Coolidge said, “patriotism which is bought and paid for is not patriotism."

Which mistakes and actions caused the Dust Bowl?


Answer: it was due to low crop prices and hush machinery costs


low crop prices was one of the mistakes

I need help!!!

1. What is the Executive Branch's checks on the Legislative Branch?

2. What is the Executive Branch's checks on the Judicial Branch?

3. What is the Legislative Branch's checks on the Executive Branch?

4. What is the Legislative Branch's checks on the Judicial Branch?

5. What is the Judicial Branch's checks on the Legislative Branch?

6. What is the Judicial Branch's checks on the Executive Branch?

Solving these would be greatly appreciated as I can't seem to find an answer. Thanks in advance!


Answer: 1. What is the Executive Branch's checks on the Legislative Branch? = The president can veto legislation created by Congress and nominates heads of federal agencies.

2. What is the Executive Branch's checks on the Judicial Branch? = The Executive branch has the ability to appoint Federal judges and issue pardons.

3. What is the Legislative Branch's checks on the Executive Branch? = Congress confirms or rejects the president's nominees and can remove the president from office in exceptional circumstances.

4. What is the Legislative Branch's checks on the Judicial Branch? = Congress confirms or rejects the president's nominees and can remove the president from office in exceptional circumstances.

5. What is the Judicial Branch's checks on the Legislative Branch? = The Judicial branch can declare acts of the President unconstitutional, which removes them from the law.

6. What is the Judicial Branch's checks on the Executive Branch? = The Judicial branch can declare acts of the President unconstitutional, which removes them from the law.


in what ways did political participation expand in the first three decades of the nineteenth century?


Political participation expand in the first three decades of the nineteenth century as states extended voting rights to all adult white men.

The revolutionary ideals of equality and demo-cracy had captured the imagi-nation of the American people, who embraced the notion that political participation should be for every-one, not just property-owning elites.

During the first half of the nine-teenth century, barriers prevent-ing white men from partici-pating in politics fell across the United States.

None of the new states enter-ing the Union required white men to own pro-perty in order to vote, and by the Civil War all but one of the origi-nal thirteen states had elimin-ated property require-ments. Voters, not state legis-latures, began to choose presi-dential electors.

To know more about political participation click below:



How is music a powerful form of propaganda or protest? Select three protest songs and write your interpretation of the lyrics.


Answer: B


When was the constitution written?
A. 1776
B. 1777
C. 1787
D. 1788


Answer:C. 1787

Explanation: The constitution was written in 1787, ratified in 1788, and in operation since 1789 the United States competition is the worlds longest surviving written charter of the government.


(C) 1787

The constitution was written in the year of 1787

Fun fact: James Madison is known as the Father of the Constitution because of his pivotal role in the document's drafting as well as its ratification. Madison also drafted the first 10 amendments - the Bill of Rights.

What is the first African country to gain independence?


Answer: Ghana is the the first African country to gain independence.

What did Roosevelt and Wilson have in common?


The advancement of the US economy on many continents was a recurring topic in the foreign relations strategies of Presidents Roosevelt, Wilson, and Taft.

In essence, the presidents were defending US corporate interests. For instance, they backed the legislation that imposes high tariffs on imported goods. With a number of significant regulatory measures, both Wilson and Roosevelt incited the wrath of big industry. The National Park Service claims that Roosevelt's well-known "trust-busting" strategy split up important railroad, oil, and steel companies.

On the other hand, President Wilson vehemently opposed Taft and Roosevelt's expansionist goals and worked nonstop to reverse course. Wilson's foreign strategy was known as "moral diplomacy," and it was centered on defending people from oppressive leaders and withdrawing American interests from other countries.

To learn more on Roosevelt and  Wilson:



The national security council was established after the september 11th terrorist attacks.
a. true
b. false



A: true


Did Furman v. Georgia reinstate the death penalty?


In reality, Furman v. Georgia involved three distinct death penalty appeals: Jackson v. Georgia, Branch v. Texas, and Furman v. Georgia. In the first, William Henry Furman, a 26-year-old man, received a death sentence for murder.

The legal execution of a criminal by a state or other governing body is the "death penalty," usually referred to as "capital punishment." Since the American colonies' founding, the death sentence has been an element of their judicial systems. Legal executions have been documented as back to 1630. Despite the death penalty's long history, it has never been enforced uniformly in all states. For instance, Michigan ended the death sentence in 1845. Wisconsin did not have the death penalty included in its legal system when it joined the union. In reality, Furman v. Georgia involved three distinct death penalty appeals: Jackson v. Georgia, Branch v. Texas, and Furman v. Georgia. In the first, William Henry Furman, age 26, received a death sentence for the murder of a person while attempting to break into a house. Furman provided

learn more about Furman v. Georgia here:



What is the purpose of the bridge in an essay?


A specific type of topic sentence is a bridge sentence. It also demonstrates how what follows from what was said in the previous paragraph, in addition to indicating what the next paragraph is about. The secret to building effective bridges is to quickly refer back to what you just said.

The thesis and the hook are connected by the bridge. It gives important historical context. Thesis - Another word for topic sentence is thesis. As a result, the thesis tells the reader what the essay's core topic is. The secret to building strong bridges is to force oneself to explain how the following paragraph will proceed by briefly restating what you just said. As a result, the transitions "Next," "Additionally," and "My next point is" are not clear.

A bridge is a building designed to cross a physical barrier (such a body of water, valley, road, or rail) without obstructing the path below.

Read more about  purpose of the bridge at



Some historians have argued that united states foreign policy has more often been motivated by economic interests than by the desire to spread democratic and humanitarian ideals around the world. To what extent is this argument convincing with regard to united states foreign policy between 1890 and 1919?.


The extent to which the Unites States convinced the foreign policy between 1890 and 1919 is -Open-Door Policy, Spanish-American War, Annexation of Hawaii, Panama Canal, WWI

Why were Theodore Roosevelt's actions in Latin America controversial?


Foreign policy in Latin America was no exception to Theodore Roosevelt's reputation as a very active and forward-thinking president.

Although his initiatives in Latin America benefited the rapidly expanding United States, they also had a mixed effect on the region. In the early 1900s, President Roosevelt modified previous American policies, such as the Monroe Doctrine of 1823, to have the support of the Navy. The Platt Amendment of 1901 was one such amendment that allowed for American expansionism under President Roosevelt. Cuba immediately established itself as the cornerstone of the United States' new Latin American strategy as a result of this amendment. 

To know more about Theodore Roosevelt, refer: https://brainly.com/question/29359038


how did the fugitive slave act, as a part of the compromise of 1850, benefit u.s. territories?


Although both sides benefited, it seemed that the north benefited the most. Although California frequently sided with the south on numerous issues in the 1850s, the Senate today favors the free states.

The Fugitive Slave Law was the key win for the south. Ultimately, the north declined to carry it out. A new, more stringent Fugitive Slave Law was approved by Congress, requiring officials in all states and territories to help bring back enslaved people who had escaped to freedom or face a sizable punishment.

Due to the need that all residents assist in the capture of African Americans attempting to flee slavery, the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 was advantageous to the Southern states. People may incur fines.

To know more about fugitive slave act: https://brainly.com/question/20707722


What is a New Yorker accent called?


The audio system in New York English is frequently associated with a New York accent. One of the dialects that Americans can identify with the most is the New York metropolitan accent, largely because of the stereotypical portrayals of it in radio, cinema, and television.

Language experts refer to the accent of New York English as non-rhotic because speakers frequently omit Rs that are preceded by another consonant, changing forget into forgot and girl into goil. The high-gliding vowels in patois cause words like "talk" and "caught" to become "tawk" and "catch," respectively.

One of the dialects that Americans can identify with the most is the New York metropolitan accent, largely because of the stereotypical portrayals of it in radio, cinema, and television.

To learn more about the New York accent



what are two examples of small, common independent states unifying into a large nation in the late 19th century?


A regional intergovernmental body in Eastern Europe, Central Asia, Eastern Asia, and Western Asia is known as the Commonwealth of Independent States. Following the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, it was established.

The founding nations signed the Belavezha Accords on December 8, 1991, announcing that the Union would dissolve and that the Independent States would take its place as the Soviet Union started to disintegrate. A few days later, the Alma-Ata Protocol, which proclaimed the dissolution of the Soviet Union, was signed. The Baltic states, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, declined to take part because they view their membership in the Soviet Union as an illegitimate occupation. In 2008, Georgia resigned from the organisation after the Russo-Georgian War. Although it had already stopped participating in the organisation much earlier, Ukraine formally ended its participation in CIS statutory organisations in 2018.

To learn more about Independent States please click on below link



Why did people live in rural areas before the Agricultural Revolution?


They could grow food on small areas of land. Often nomadic, this was the only way of life for humans until about 12,000 years ago, when archaeological studies show evidence of the rise of agriculture.

Human lifestyles began to change as groups formed permanent settlements and tended crops. Some hunter-gatherer peoples still remain today. Before the Industrial revolution began, life was very hard. People worked on farms and had to use their own strength to plow their fields and harvest their crops. The farmers had animals to help, but managing them could also be difficult. There was not electricity. The Neolithic Era began when some groups of humans abandoned the nomadic hunter-gatherer lifestyle entirely to begin farming. It may have taken humans hundreds or even thousands of years to fully transition from a subsistence lifestyle of wild plants to maintaining small gardens and then tending to large crop fields.

To learn more about subsistence please click on below link.



Do fallout shelters still exist?


When government funding for the program ran out in the 1970s, the fallout shelters were mostly stopped.

A man walks past a fallout shelter sign in New York City's center. In addition, current research indicates that it could be safer for individuals to remain put during a nuclear assault than to try to flee.

For more questions like Fallout Shelters  visit the link below



Why are swimming and cycling the best exercise?


Swimming and cycling is the best excercise for our body to improve a healthy life and spend your happy and healthy life .Both swimming and cycling excercise can help you build muscles, improve your fitness and health.

Swimming works out the entire body where cylcing mostly only works out by the legs. Swimming and cycling is the best aerobic excercise for us swimming burns a lots of  calories in an hour than cycling in the swimming we don't have to support our weight during swimming because of this our whole body excercised.

We also know that water conducts heat water so also loss heat quickly. This forces helps our body to produce more heat that burns calories. Cycling can be easily and we can go for cycling multiple hours both can be helpful for us to creating a calorie that is necessary for weight loss. Cycling is more easy and convenient to learn than that of swimming.

Learn more about swimming & cycling click the link here



The timeline below shows events in U.S. history between 1898 and 1904.
Based on the timeline, which conclusion can be made about american policy in these years?
a. The timeline below shows events in U.S. history between 1898 and 1904.
b. Colonial peoples welcomed American leadership to develop their economies.
c. American imperialists triumphed over those opposing the annexation of overseas territories.
d. Congressional leaders overcame the reluctance of U.S. Presidents to acquire overseas possessions.


The inference that can be drawn from the history presented here is that American imperialists defeated those who opposed the acquisition of foreign territories. Choice C.

American imperialism: Who are they?

The influence of the United States on the military, cultures, and economy of other countries is referred to as American imperialism. Pushing into other countries used to be a part of this effect. Expansionism is one of the primary objectives of the majority of empires, including the British Empire. In the 15th century, European nations discovered the New World and fought to conquer it. This was the start of contemporary imperialism.

U.S. imperialism took many varied forms in the early 20th century, including protectorates in Cuba, Panama, and other Latin American countries, colonies in Puerto Rico and the Philippines, open door policies akin to those in China, and colonies in Puerto Rico and the Philippines.

Since imperialism usually involves the use of power—whether military, economic, or in some other subtle way—it has frequently been seen as morally reprehensible.

Learn more about American imperialists: https://brainly.com/question/29818590


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