Purple hibiscus

explain papa's wealth and how he is rich who he gives money to since he is rich


Answer 1

The family still loved Papa even though he was violent towards them because he had engrossed fear in them and manipulated them into believing that his acts of beating are out of love.

What is purple hibiscus?

'Purple Hibiscus' is a novel written by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. The novel is about a Catholic Nigerian Family, centered around the main character Kambili Achike, a fifteen-year-old girl.

The novel is filled with violence incurred by Papa, a devoutly Catholic, upon his family. Whenever any person did not stand up to Papa's expectation or failed to obey him, he would beat them, whip them, or even burn them with hot water. Yet, the family believed that he loved him and they loved him back.

Therefore, The family still loved Papa even though he was violent towards them because he had engrossed fear in them and manipulated them into believing that his acts of beating are out of love.

Learn more about novel on:



Related Questions

Question for Plato .......................................


The option that can be used to show trust in the group of options is that : Hats and mittens were flying in the air. Men were shaking hands, it did not matter with whom, and bubbling over in a general incoherent babel."

What does trust mean here?

After stopping Hal from beating Buck to death, veteran gold prospector Thornton takes control of Buck. Man and dog go on to develop a strong and lasting love. Thornton saves Buck, and Buck later saves Thornton from drowning in a river, demonstrating the reciprocal nature of their bond.

Buck falls in love for the first time with Thornton, become deeply attached to the guy who saved his life and who turns out to be the perfect boss. Buck responds with devotion and follows Thornton's instructions as they are his own offspring.

The statement: Hats and mittens were flying in the air is an option that can be used to demonstrate confidence in the group of possibilities. Men were trembling.

Read more on trust here:https://brainly.com/question/24794409


Select the correct answer.

Which excerpt best develops the theme about trust in the passage?

O A. "Another miner bet sixteen hundred dollars that he couldn't, and Thornton, though fearing it would be too much for Buck, was ashamed to refuse..." (paragraph 1)

B. "Buck seized Thornton's hand in his teeth. Thornton shook him back and forth. As though moved by a common feeling, the onlookers drew back to a respectful distance:..." (paragraph 20)

O c. "Now, Mush!' Thornton's command cracked out like a pistol shot. Buck threw himself forward, tightening the traces with a jarring lunge." (paragraphs 15-16)

D. "Hats and mittens were flying in the air. Men were shaking hands, it did not matter with whom, and bubbling over in a general incoherent babel." (paragraph 17)

Which rhetorical appeal is used as the basis for the argument in the following selection?
"He has to be prepared to die himself suffering all the pain." (para. 2)




I'd say pathos because pathos has something to do with sadness/pity.

Look at the hook and thesis statement. Select the best bridging statement to use to connect them.

Hook: By 1865, the North and South were fighting viciously over the issue of Black American slavery. The Southern states left the U.S. Congress at the start of the war which made it easier for Republicans to push their agenda.
Thesis Statement: Despite fierce opposition with the Northern Democrats and even some in his own party, Abraham Lincoln successfully pushed the Thirteenth Amendment through Congress.

A; General Robert E. Lee surrendered in April of 1865 at Appomattox Courthouse

B; Seeing the eventual end of the war, President Abraham Lincoln took advantage of the absence of the Southern Democrats to promote his anti-slavery beliefs.

C; The fighting between the North and South started to wind down and General Ulysses S. Grant was winning.

D; The country came together to do something about Black American slavery.


Note that given the hook and thesis statement above, the best bridging statement that coherently connects them are: " Seeing the eventual end of the war, President Abraham Lincoln took advantage of the absence of the Southern Democrats to promote his anti-slavery beliefs." (Option B)

What is a bridging statement?

A bridge statement is a type of subject sentence. It not only indicates what the current paragraph is about, but it also explains how it flows from what the previous paragraph said. The key to building effective bridges is to briefly refer back to what you just said.

Connectives allow us to be more specific about the links that exist between claims within a sentence or between sentences. Specific phrases and words have various purposes in linking ideas and arguments.

Linking sentences are essential for the structure of your essay since they ensure that your paragraphs are cohesive and connect one topic to another to make a completely developed argument. As a result, connecting sentences aid in keeping your essay clear and cohesive by emphasizing the connection between paragraphs.

Learn more about Thesis Statements:


B; Seeing the eventual end of the war, President Abraham Lincoln took advantage of the absence of the Southern Democrats to promote his anti-slavery beliefs.


Some flowers were given to Claire. change vice verse


Answer: claire gave someone flowers


what is the definition of the term rhythmic relations ?


Answer:an assembling of shots and/or sequences according to a rhythmic pattern of some kind, usually dictated by music.


Write about a time when you saw someone else being abused and how it made you feel. Did you intervene? Should bystanders assist? Today, people are more likely to record the incident than jump in to help. Why?


A time that is very common when someone else is being abused is when the members of low-grade people do not get the respect they deserved for. This is because middle and high-class people think that they do not have any social status.

What is abuse?

Abuse may be defined as the improper usage or treatment of a thing, often to unfairly or improperly gain benefit. Abuse may exist in our society in many forms, such as physical or verbal maltreatment, injury, assault, etc.

The intervention in this situation is not solved by one individual. As it requires mutual support from each citizen of the country to fight against it and eliminate this mentality from our surroundings. By this motive only, the universe will become monolithic.

To learn more about Abuse, refer to the link:



Choose the equation that represents the line that passes through the point (−1, 6) and has a slope of −3.

y = −3x + 3

y = −3x − 6

y = 3x − 3

y = 3x − 1


The equation that represents the line that passes through the point (−1, 6) and has a slope of −3 is y = −3x + 3. The correct option is A.

What is a slope?

The slope is defined as the ratio of the vertical change between two points, known as the rise, to the horizontal change between those same two points, known as the run.

The equation of a line passing through two points (a,b) and having a slope of m is given by

(y - b) = m(x - a)

Likewise, the equation of a line passing through a point (-1,6) and having a slope of -3 is given by

(y - 6) = -3(x - (-1))

y - 6 = -3(x + 1)

y  = -3x - 3 + 6

y =  −3x + 3

Thus, the correct option is A.

For more details regarding slope, visit:



How is the phrase below an example of figurative language?
"One way [to counter injustice] is to smash the head of the man and to get your
head smashed in the process"
People will be seriously hurt or killed.
It only talks about men.
It gives the audience ideas for action.
It is used to create a memorable visual image.





Write the correct active or passive forms of the verbs in brackets and list them in the
spaces provided below. Take care of the tense you use. Numbers 2, 8 and 12 are
done for you as an example.
My sister and I -------- (1. grow up) and went to school in Jamaica. We were educated (2.
educate) according to the British system. In 1997 we -------- (3. give) the opportunity to come to
the United States. We decided to finish high school before leaving our own country. We --------
(4.concern) that the education in this country might not be as good as the one we had there, and
we wanted to improve our English too.
My colleagues A, B, and I, ------------ (5. design) an experiment to test the impact on worker
perceptions of well-being when domesticated cats ------------- (6. allow) to freely roam various
work environments in which the subjects were normally employed. Three test environments -----
------ (7. select) for our experiments: a law office, a laboratory in which experiments ----------- (8.
perform) using laboratory rats, and an automobile assembly line. One-way mirrored glass panelswere installed (9.install) to allow video cameras to record the activity and researchers to observe
the same and take notes. We secretly inserted observers directly into the work environment.
These observers posed as outside contractors and ------------ (10. uniform) as maintenance and
cleaning staff, coffee and water service vendors, and similar supporting personnel. The observers
------------ (11. draw) from the students who had been matriculated (12. matriculate) into the
experimental psychology courses from which this study ------------- (13. develop) as an example
of such studies generally.


The active voice is employed when the emphasis is on the performer of the action, while the passive voice is used when the receiver of the action is important.

My sister and I grew up and went to school in Jamaica. We were educated according to the British system. In 1997 we were given the opportunity to come to the United States. We decided to finish high school before leaving our own country. We were concerned that the education in this country might not be as good as the one we had there, and we wanted to improve our English too.

My colleagues A, B, and I, designed an experiment to test the impact on worker perceptions of well-being when domesticated cats are allowed to freely roam various work environments in which the subjects were normally employed. Three test environments were selected for our experiments: a law office, a laboratory in which experiments were performed using laboratory rats, and an automobile assembly line. One-way mirrored glass panels were installed to allow video cameras to record the activity and researchers to observe the same and take notes. We secretly inserted observers directly into the work environment.

These observers posed as outside contractors and were uniformed as maintenance and cleaning staff, coffee and water service vendors, and similar supporting personnel. The observers were drawn from the students who had been matriculated into the experimental psychology courses from which this study was developed as an example of such studies generally.

When to use active or passive voice

We use the active voice when we want to emphasize the person, animal or thing responsible for performing the action expressed in the sentence. The structure of the active voice is the following:

Subject + verb + object

On the other hand, the passive voice is employed when we want to emphasize the person, animal or thing that is receiver of the action, that is affected by it. The structure is the following:

Subject + to be + verb + agent

Take a look at the examples below to better compare the two voices:

Active voice: The mother grounded her son after what he did.Passive voice: The son was grounded by his mother after what he did.

In the first example, the emphasis is on the mother as the one grounding her son. In the second one, the emphasis is on the son as he is affected by the action of the mother.

Learn more about passive voice here:



Write a police report/complaint filed after the stranger leaves.



Put the date that you're sending out the complaint letter below the police department's address. Explain the nature of your complaint in the first paragraph. Talk briefly about the issue you have with the department, staff member or officer. Detail your complaint in subsequent paragraphs.


Hazel is going to start running and is not sure how to begin. She knows that she
needs to take it easy in the beginning but is not sure why that is important. It seems
like she should just run as far and as fast as she can. What is the BEST explanation
to give Hazel for starting an exercise program slowly? (1 point)
O Running is a very difficult form of exercise to master.
O It will be less embarrassing if she is bad at it if she starts slow.
O She needs to condition her body to the new demands of exercise.
O Only professional athletes should exercise with intense activity.


Answer: She needs to condition her body to the new demands of exercise.


What set of quotes BEST shows Gandhi’s main claim in this speech?
A. “Smash the head of a man...and get your own head smashed. All strong people adopt this course.”

B. “Pride makes a victorious nation bad-tempered. It falls into luxurious ways of living.”

C. “Everywhere wars are fought and millions of people are killed.”

D.“One who resorts to this (satyagraha) does not have to break another’s head…he has to be prepared to die himself suffering all the pain.”


Gandhi's main point in this talk, particularly pertains to luxurious lifestyles, is best shown by the remark, "Passion makes a prospering nation disagreeable. " of the BEST.

What is the lifestyle of a person?

According to Wikipedia, a lifestyle refers to one's way of life. This encompasses social interaction, consumerism, amusement, and clothing trends. Typically, a person's lifestyle also reflects their opinions, values, and worldview.

A lifestyle piece is what?

Each and every newspaper or publication with an imperative to obtain section will include an abundance of stories on food, reviews, travel locations, fashion, and life advice. Entertainment articles should be satisfying to read and even to write because they serve as a tacit diversion from either the publication's more difficult subject matter.

To know more about lifestyles visit:



Compare and contrast the way the Greasers and the Socs treat the girls. Which group treats them better? Provide evidence and explain it to support your answer.


Comparatively, they both insult the girls. In contrast, Socs are intoxicated whereas Greasers treat them better and are friendlier. Greasers also don't become wasted with the females. Compared to the socs, I believe the greasers treat the gals better.

What is the evidence?

Evidence is what supports beliefs or what makes it logical to adopt a particular doxastic attitude, according to epistemology. For instance, the perception of a tree may serve as evidence to support the notion that there is such a thing as a tree. Evidence is typically viewed in this position as a personal mental state. The nature of these mental states, for instance, whether they must be propositional, and if deceptive mental states may still be accepted as evidence are important issues in this discipline.

Evidence is regarded similarly in phenomenology. But in this case, it is restricted to intuitive knowledge, which offers instant access to the truth and is, thus, undeniable. Its purpose is to serve as the final defense of fundamental philosophical ideas, transforming philosophy into a precise science.

The question of whether evidence may satisfy these conditions, however, is hotly contested. The public aspect of evidence is frequently emphasized more in other professions, such as the sciences and law (for example, scientists tend to focus on how the data used during statistical inference are generated).

To learn more about evidence follow the link.



Look at the last two paragraph on the page 11. Underline the descriptive details that the author has included that has a positive connotation or Feeling related to the family’s comfort and Grete’s good health.


The specifics in the passage that have a favorable connotation are:

promising prospectextremely favorablebeautiful

A positive connotation is what?

The favorable feeling that a word arouses that goes beyond its dictionary definition is known as its positive connotation. They could also have positive cultural or metaphorical connotations.

positive connotation. words that cause a happy emotional response. Two examples of using adjectives to describe someone who is driven and inquisitive are "go-getter" or "youthful."

In linguistics, a connotation with unfavorable or negative undertones is referred to as having a "negative connotation." An expression that conjures up negative emotions carries emotional baggage.

The story tells us about the family and the feelings that they had. It also went on to tell us the events that went on from the time the journey was undertaken to when they arrived.

Read more on positive connotation here:https://brainly.com/question/20083356


What example does Alan Weisman give at the beginning of the chapter to
contrast the power of humans with the power of nature?
O A. The events of September 11, 2001
O B. The depletion of the ocean's fish
C. The construction of the Great Pyramids of Giza
OD. The Korean War



A. The events of September 11, 2001


The example that Alan Weisman gives at the beginning of the chapter to contrast the power of humans with the power of nature is the collapse of the World Trade Center that occurred on September 11 2001.

The example that Alan Weisman gives at the beginning of the chapter to contrast the power of humans with the power of nature is the collapse of the World Trade Center that occurred on September 11 2001. Thus, option A is correct.

Who is Alan Weisman?

Alan Weisman is an award-winning American journalist. His works span seven continents and about sixty countries. Because the destruction of the World Trade Center was so great, hence the comparison of the power of humans in relation to the power of nature.

The World Without Us by Alan Weisman, a best-selling book internationally, a finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award, and the recipient of the Wenjin Book Prize from the National Library of China, is one of his many works.

Learn more about Alan Weisman at:



Put the words in alphabetical order.
usual useful us arrival





Arrival,useful,and usual

What is the function of the missing word in the following sentence?

To ________ is this letter being sent?

predicate noun
direct object
object of the preposition



The answer should be Subject.

Based on your knowledge of word parts, determine which of the following defines multitalented.
Having controlled talents
Having limited talents
Having many talents
Having one talent


Answer: having many talents


Answer: c: having many talents

Explanation: a Synonym for multitalented is multitask

Urgent,dau coronita,exercitiu 4 Read the dialogues and mark the statements C(correct) or / (incorrect).

Brian is a person you can't depend
Carol used to feel uncomfortable with people.
Margaret is a relative of the bride.
Sandy surprised her uncle.
Sandy's grandparents are very


The statements from the text are classified as follows:

Brian is a person you can't depend on -> Incorrect.Carol used to feel uncomfortable with people -> Correct.Margaret is a relative of the bride -> Correct.Sandy surprised her uncle -> Incorrect.Sandy's grandparents are very energetic -> Correct.

How to classify Brian's and Carol's statements?

Brian and Carol are taking like experiences, and how much each of them struggled with these things:

Brian -> immaturity.Carol -> social situations.

Both were surprised at each other struggles, meaning that to Carol Brian is known as a person that can be counted on.

How to classify Margaret's and Sandy's statements?

Margaret is a relative of the bride, as she is the sister of the bride's father.

About Sandy, we have that:

She was surprised by her uncle, not surprised him.Her grandparents were energetic, as the sentence stated that they were the life of the party.

More can be learned about text interpretation at https://brainly.com/question/3998982


Compare and contrast the characters Scythe Faraday and Citra. In what ways are they similar? In what ways are they different? Please provide direct textual evidence in MLA format.


Citra enjoys winning and is competitive.She is a very devoted individual who despises corruption, strives for justice constantly, and is positive by nature.

What sort of personality does Citra have in Scythe? Citra enjoys winning and is competitive.She is a very devoted individual who despises corruption, strives for justice constantly, and is positive by nature.She gains greater empathy, compassion, and kindness for people during her apprenticeship, and this is reflected in her gleaning strategy. Faraday is fair, reasonable, and sympathetic.Within the scythedom, he was a well-respected scythe who upheld traditional values by elevating himself on moral and ethical grounds.Scythe Faraday picked Rowan and Citra to apprentice because he witnessed firsthand their bravery, strength, and loving souls. Scythe Faraday treated gleaning as a sacred service and devoted most of his time to studying and gleaning individuals.

To learn more about Scythe Faraday and Citra  refer



Travis is researching information about the Holocaust. His friend Raymond's grandmother was alive during World War II. She remembers reading about what was happening in Germany as well as watching stories on the news. He also checked out from the library. The book is a teenage Jewish girl's personal story of hiding from the Germans during the Holocaust.

What is one way for Travis to decide which source is most credible?
Raymond's grandmother is the most reliable source because she remembers reading about the Holocaust.
The book is the most reliable source because it came from the library and tells the story of hiding in attics.
The book is the most credible source because it tells the story of someone who lived during the Holocaust.
Raymond's grandmother is the most credible source because she was alive during the Holocaust.
help please


Answer: C: The book is the most credible source because it tells the story of someone who lived during the Holocaust.

Explanation: If you always relied on someone who heard it from someone or somewhere else, it is possible that the story was altered a little or a lot. But if you get the information from someone who knew exactly what it was like, because they lived in the country where it was occurring, then the book is the more reliable source.

Why is the plan to evacuate the town carried out by Hungarian police rather than the German army?

It would cause less panic among the townspeople.

Only two Gestapo officers were there, which would not be enough.

The town leaders had requested the police rather than the army.

The army did not know about the evacuations.


The town leaders had requested the police rather than the army is the plan to evacuate the town carried out by Hungarian police rather than the German army. Hence, option C is correct.

What is the concept of the excerpt?

The trail of tears was the Cherokees' exodus from Georgia in 1838. Before the US military, this tribe was the last to resist. The Cherokees offered no resistance. Because many Indians fled to the highlands, the evacuation did not go as planned.

Many Indians died as a result of businessmen's failure to provide them with fresh food and water while they were on the road and in the camps. The Indians termed the boats "death ships" and chose to walk because they did not operate effectively and many of them sank.

Thus, option C is correct.

For more information about concept of the excerpt, click here:



Can you tell the difference between the author and the speaker in this poem? What is the author's purpose in writing the poem? In a response of
at least 250 words, explain the difference between the purpose and the point of view that Chloe shares with the reader. Cite specific evidence
from the poem to support your response.


In "Learning to Read," Harper uses the elderly ex-slave Aunt Chloe to illustrate the importance of literacy to black people both during and after slavery.

Who is Chloe in Learning to Read?

Six poems, including "Learning to Read," are read by Mrs. Chloe Fleet, sometimes known as "Aunt Chloe," a wily and morally upright former slave in her sixties. On the surface, "Learning to Read" describes the efforts made by African Americans in the nineteenth century to learn to read and write while they were still subject to slavery, as well as their experiences with formal education after Reconstruction. However, Harper makes it apparent that while Aunt Chloe and the other enslaved characters in the poem are still learning to read words, they are also specialists in an other kind of reading—one that is tuned in to the physical aspects of texts and the cultural meanings those elements convey. Aunt Chloe offers reading lessons in addition as describing them in "Learning to Read."

Reading like Aunt Chloe involves interacting with what media scholars and bibliographers refer to as "format," or how texts appear, feel, and are intended to function as physical objects. In addition to affecting the size and structure of printed works, formats can have cultural importance and have an impact on how readers understand the contents they come across.

To learn more about importance of literacy visit:



You should say
Where would you like to go?



I would like to go to Florida because I would like to go to Disney and Universal and I heard they have amazing water parks.


Which of the following comparisons is true?​




??? i don't know

The Canterbury Tales (lines 560-855) summary pls!!!! can be short :)


The Canterbury tales were the tales about a group of pilgrims that traveled to Canterbury Cathedral for a storytelling contest.

What is the summary of The Canterbury Tales?

The narrator describes spring as a time that people feel the need to go on pilgrimages. During this time, people go with other travelers to Cantebury.

The narrator described each member of the group, starting with the Knight. He describes the Knight as the noblest of the entire group, and the Knight is accompanied by his son who acts as his Squire and his Yeoman. Other people were further described as well.

Therefore, The Canterbury tales were the tales about a group of pilgrims that traveled to Canterbury Cathedral for a storytelling contest.

Read more about The Canterbury Tales on:



write a cover letter for Senior caregiver



With my extensive previous experience in elderly patient care, complemented by my dedication to providing critical assistance and support to those in need, I believe I could swiftly surpass your expectations for this role. The opportunity to discuss the position in further detail would be most welcome.


what does feels at home means​


Feel at home means alternately cozy and unpleasant. To be at ease and at ease with oneself: By the end of the week, she was starting to feel at home in her new work. .

What is a home?

A house, also known as a habitation, is a building used by one or more people—and occasionally different kinds of companion animals—as a permanent or semi-permanent place to live. It can have both internal and external characteristics and is either completely or partially shielded. In addition to offering covered areas for household tasks like sleeping, cooking, eating, and maintaining personal cleanliness, homes often offer rooms for work and leisure activities like learning, playing, and working remotely. Homes can have several different physical forms, such as a house or an apartment, a houseboat, a trailer, or a yurt. They can even take a digital form, such as virtual space. The concept of "home" can be thought about on a variety of scales, ranging from the micro scale, which highlights the most private areas of the individual home and its immediate surroundings, to the macro scale, which refers to a geographic area like a town, village, city, country, or even the entire planet.

To learn more about a home from the given link



what does feels at home means​

While writing her speech, Jessie is concerned about making a sound argument, in which
substantiates a claim made by the speaker.





Coyote and Snake

Coyote was going in a straight line across the prairie. While he was seeking something, a person said suddenly, "Stop!" Coyote thought, "Who can it be?"

He looked all around but saw no one. Then he walked on a few steps, when someone said, "Walk around me!" Then Coyote saw it was Snake.

"Humph!" said Coyote. "When I walk here, I do not wish to walk around anyone at all. You go to one side. Get out of my way!"

Snake replied, "I am here. I have never thought for a moment of giving place to anyone!"

"Even if you think so," said Coyote, "I will run over you."

"If you do so, you shall die," said Snake.

"Why should I die? There is nothing that can kill me," said Coyote.

"Come! Step over me. Do it in spite of me," said Snake. Then Coyote stepped over him. And Snake bit him. But Coyote did not feel it.

"Where is it? You said that if I stepped over you, I should die. Where have I received my death blow?" said Coyote.

Snake made no reply and Coyote walked on. After some time he came to a creek. As he was about to drink, he saw himself in the water. He seemed very fat.

"Whew!" he said. "I was never so before. I am very fat." Saying this, he felt himself all over; but that was all he did. Then he walked on until he felt sleepy. He said, "I am very sleepy." So he pushed his way into the thick grass and fell asleep. Coyote did not wake up. Snake had told the truth.
Which line from the story best illustrates and develops the universal theme?

A He looked all around but saw no one.
B "When I walk here, I do not wish to walk around anyone at all. You go to one side. Get out of my way!"
C "Come! Step over me. Do it in spite of me," said Snake.
D So he pushed his way into the thick grass and fell asleep.



C: "Come! Step over me. Do it in spite of me," said Snake."


Short answer: I took the quiz and it was right :)

Actual answer: looking at the short story really quickly, we see that the coyote did not lesson to snake, even though the snake said that he would kill him

So using the process of elimination we can deduce the right answer from the story

A: He looked around but saw no one there

that has pretty much nothing to do with anything important, so A is not correct

B: "When I walk here, I do not wish to walk around anyone at all. You go to one side. Get out of my way"

ok well, the get out of my way part is said by the coyote, but it still has little importance to the story itself. it does try and provide a theme, that the coyote never wanted this trouble to begin with, but it is not what we are looking for, so this is not correct

C: "Come! Step over me. Do it in spite of me," said Snake.

even thought the snake said that his bite was deadly, the coyote did it anywaysthis is said to be that coyote thought that the snake was lying, but he was not. dont underestimate your enemiesone of themes of this story could be that "intelligence is a powerful tool" (which is the answer to another one of the Omaha tribe theme questions in 6.01 fyi) and since the coyote did not believe the snake and the snake obviously had more intelligence, this is correct!

D: "So he pushed his way into the thick grass and fell asleep."

do we really need an explanation as to why this is incorrect? i hope not but whateverSo at the end he died, and yes, you could say that poor actions lead to unfortune consequences, but that is not what the theme they are looking for here is. its also not very informative and is a very weak reason

The answer is C!!

hope this helped ~addison~


"Come! Step over me. Do it in spite of me," said Snake.


I took the test

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