Provide examples of other organisms if possible that belong to the same kingdom?

the organism is a dog


Answer 1


All Animals are part of this kingdom













Polar bear

















Flying squirrel









Arctic fox








Related Questions

What is on the X and Y-axis of an HR diagram?
Select all that are true
Absolute Magnitude Decreases as you move up on the Y-axis
Temperature Decreases as you move to the right on the X-axis
Absolute Magnitude Increases as you move up on the Y-axis
Temperature Increases as you move to the


As you walk along the X-axis to the right, the temperature drops. As you advance up the Y-axis, Absolute Magnitude grows. As a result, choices B and C are the right ones.

Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram, or H-R, is a graph of the temperature and brightness of stars. Given that color and temperature are related, it displays color. The data for thousands of stars were plotted by these two astronomers, and they identified certain patterns.

One of the most crucial tools for studying star evolution is the HR diagram, often known as the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram (HR diagram). It was separately created by Ejnar Hertzsprung and Henry Norris Russell in the early 1900s and shows either the color of stars (or spectral type) against their absolute magnitude or the temperature of stars against their brightness (the theoretical HR diagram) (the observational HR diagram, also known as an Absolute Magnitude diagram).

As a result, we may state that the Absolute Magnitude increases as you walk up the Y-axis and the Temperature decreases as you move to the right on the X-axis.



failure of the implant that occurs after the initial integration is often caused by which condition(s)? 1. bacterial infection extending from the peri-implant tissues into the bone 2. generation of excessive heat when the implant hole is drilled into the bone 3. overloading of the implant during function group of answer choices 1, 2, 3 1, 2 1, 3 2


The implant that occurs after the initial integration is often caused by conditions 1 and 3.

Immediate implant placement is when an implant is placed at the same time as the natural tooth is extracted. Dental implant surgical guides and stents are used to position dental implants to ensure that the implant is placed in the most ideal location for angulation and depth into the bone.

They are usually made out of clear acrylic and fit over your existing teeth and or pink gum tissue. The jawbone is the most critical part of the body when it comes to sustaining and supporting the dental implant. Once the dental implant has fused to your bone after two months, then we can start with the second stage of surgery which involves uncovering the dental implant and connecting the abutment to the fixture.

Learn more about The initial integration here:-


In roosters, the allele for rose comb (R) and the allele for pea comb (P) producea condition called walnut comb whenever they occur together (R_P_). It does notmatter what the 2nd allele is. Individuals that have the homozygous recessivecondition for both sets of alleles (rrpp) are single-combed.a. Give the phenotypes of both the F1 and the F2 of a cross between a purebreeding rose comb rooster (RRpp) and a hen with alleles for pure-breedingpea comb (rrPP).



F1 generation phenotype- all will have a WALNUT COMB.

Explanation: The resulting offspring from the cross between these genotypes RRpp X rrPP, are:

RrPp, RrPp, RrPp, RrPp


F2 Phenotype:

9/16- walnut comb

3/16- rose comb

3/16- pea comb

1/16- single comb


From the result of the genotype of the F1 generation, RrPp XRrPp, these are the result.

What does Constituent of a cell membrane mean?


Constituent of a cell membrane means lipids (phospholipids and cholesterol), proteins, and carbohydrate groups.

Lipids (phospholipids and cholesterol), proteins, and carbohydrate groups connected to some of the lipids and proteins make up the majority of the cell membrane. Phospholipids are lipids made up of glycerol, two fatty acid tails, and a phosphate-linked head group.

The prevailing structural representation of the cell membrane is the fluid mosaic concept. It explains how various parts of the cell membrane are free to move within the membrane.

Phospholipids are the membrane's primary building block. There are, however, additional ones that include a total of four components: phospholipids, proteins, carbohydrates, and cholesterol.

To learn more about Cell membranes visit:


Match the letters with the main components involved in protein synthesis


The correct match of the letter with the main components of protein synthesis in the given diagram are: (A)- Translation; (B)- m-RNA; (C)- t-RNA; (D)- Ribosome; (E)- Anticodon and (F)- Codons.

Translation is the name of the process of formation of protein from the m-RNA strand. The process occurs in the cytoplasm of the cell where ribosomes are present. The m-RNA sequence is read by the anticodons on t-RNA and the correct amino acid is inserted into the polypeptide chain accordingly.

Ribosome is a nucleoprotein. It is the most important machinery for the synthesis of proteins. There are 2 subunits of protein a small and a large one. These subunits join together at the time of translation. There are two types of ribosomes: a 70S type ribosome and a 80S type ribosome.

To know more about translation, here


I need help with this practice *In your own words*Give a general description of the plant species: Dandelion


A. Scientific name: Taraxacum officinale

B. Identification: Single, unbranched yellow flower, leaves that grow from the bottom of the stem only(basal leaves); lobed leaves and produce a milky sap; hollow stems

C. Mostly resides on Earth: native to Eurasia but widespread throughout much of temperate North America.

E. Role in the food chain/web: Producers

F. Biomes where it lives in: grassy biome.

G. Trophic level: level 1

Dandelion has the scientific name Taraxacum officinale (the most common species). They have a single, unbranched yellow flower, lobed leaves, and produce a milky sap that grows from the bottom of the stem only (basal leaves) and hollow stems. This plant is in the trophic level 1 where it plays as the primary producer. It mostly resides native to Eurasia but is widespread throughout much of temperate North America. It grows abundantly in the grassland biome.

A colony of mold cells lives in an environment with no oxygen.

Which process is most likely for the mold cells to use to produce ATP?


aerobic cellular respiration
aerobic cellular respiration



protein synthesis


Answer: fermentation


took the test

The image to the right illustrates a portion of a white blood cell. what process is occurring?


The process of phagocytosis is seen in the image above and the image to the right illustrates a portion of white blood cells.

Cells use this method to take in and transport particles into the cytoplasm.

Neutrophils, macrophages, and monocytes are the three types of cells that engage in phagocytosis.

In contrast to endocytosis, which involves liquids, phagocytosis internalizes solid particles like germs. Phagocytosis involves the following steps:

a. It is triggered by the presence of foreign particles nearby. The phagocyte develops surface glycoprotein receptors that improve its capacity to attach to the surface of the foreign particle as soon as it identifies it.

b. The phagocyte's membrane enlarges after attaching to the surface of the foreign particle and develops a layer to enclose it.

c. After being enveloped, it produces a vacuole known as a food vacuole. After that, the phagosome is inserted into the cell for digestion.

d. When lysosomes enter the cell through the cell membrane, the process of digesting the particles takes place. The food vacuoles are disassembled into their constituent parts. Waste materials are discarded while the necessary nutrients are absorbed.

To know more about white blood cells visit:

How might a mole rat's ability to undergo cellular respiration without oxygen be applied to human medicine?


Mole rats' capacity to undergo cellular respiration without oxygen might be put into human medicine by producing energy without using oxygen.

Can humans do cellular respiration without oxygen?

Most of our cells can also respire anaerobically (without oxygen), but the reaction is much less efficient. Every molecule of glucose will yield 30 molecules of ATP under aerobic respiration, but just two with anaerobic respiration.

Organisms can also carry out respiration without oxygen in a process called anaerobic respiration. In human cells, anaerobic respiration come through a process known as fermentation. If a cell does not have adequate oxygen to undergo cellular respiration then fermentation permit glycolysis to continue to run.

So we can conclude that  Humans need oxygen molecules for a procedure called cellular respiration, which takes place in our cells' mitochondria.

Learn more about cellular here:


What do geysers indicate about the temperature of Earth's interior? (science)


Answer: There is magma near by, hot temperatures.

Explain what would happen at the age of puberty to a girl’s body if it were unable to produce estrogen or progesterone and a boy’s body if it were unable to produce testosterone.


During puberty, hormones play essencial roles in the body and processes of growing up. If during that age a girl`s body is unable to produce estrogen or progesterone, it means that a few events won`t happen. One of them is the menstrual cycle. Both estrogen and progesteron work together for the maturation of oocytes, and in the lack of estrogen and progesteron, the girl wouldn`t be fertile, and besides that, the changes that the endometrium has to go through during the period wouldn`t occur. Also, changes in the body such as breast growth and hip enlargement will also be hampered, because they are associated to those hormones as well. In the case of a boy`s body being unable to produce testosterone, the sperm production would be affected, and the boy would be infertile. Other processes like hair and genital growth, muscle gain and voice deepening would be negatively affected.

What is molecular genetic manipulation

Please explain



Molecular genetics is the manipulation of an organism's genome. There have been many uses of MG outside the farm gate for generating customised bacterial cultures. When MG is used in dairy animals, it results in transgenic animals with new traits that can't be achieved through standard breeding techniques. Inside the farm gate, MG plays a role in animal breeding. Causative mutations or linked genetic markers that cause phenotypic differences are being identified using MG. This approach aims to disseminate superior genetics to commercial farmers effectively and efficiently.

Select the part of the image where the most recent common ancestor would be for Reptiles and Rodents.


The most recent common ancestor is the most recent individual from which both species are descended. The points in which the branches meet shows us points in which there were important ancestor, and the characteristic that is written is the one that appears for the first time there. So, the point in which the branches for Reptiles and Rodents meet can be found where we can read the "Amniotic egg" characteristic, and that's where the most recent common ancestor would be for Reptiles and Rodents.​

Hello, I need help with this. Please. I would very much appreciate it thank you


If you can upload part B i can help you with this

What is the purpose of transcription?


The purpose of transcription is to create an mRNA copy of a gene, allowing the genetic material to leave the nucleus and go to the site where it can be assembled into a protein.

By severing the hydrogen bonds between the base pairs, an area of the DNA double helix is uncoiled by the enzyme DNA helicase.As exposed base pairs on the template DNA strands, complementary nucleotides from the nucleoplasm align up to them.Along the strand, the RNA polymerase enzyme forms phosphodiester linkages between neighbouring nucleotides.This procedure continues until the pre-mRNA is entirely produced and RNA polymerase reaches a stop codon.The mRNA strand then exits the nucleus after non-coding introns have been spliced out by the spliceosome's enzymes.

Need help solving my homeworkHow do cells determine what size to grow to before dividing?


Cells size can be determine at division through the timing of cell growth and the increase in cell growth. When there is an increase in cell growth, it will eventually lead to an increase in cell size. Cells should grow before dividing. The cell increase in size during interphase. If it does not grow, the cells does not have the ability to synthesize proteins for mitosis. Mitosis will not happen. If the cell did not grow, the cell ceases to progress and could die.

Which term matches this definition?
the study of living organisms
A. biology
B. geology
C. chemistry
D. astronomy





biology studies living and no organism

It’s a Biology

is a branch of science that deals with living organisms and their vital processes. Biology encompasses diverse fields, including botany, conservation, ecology, evolution, genetics, marine biology, medicine, microbiology, molecular biology, physiology, and zoology.

describe one mitigation strategy that humans can emply to rduce the native impact of human population growth on forests


Describe a mitigation method that people can use in addition to establishing or expanding forest preserves to lessen the impact of their population.

How may the carrying capacity of a species be impacted by a change in the availability of a particular resource?

The carrying capacity changes as biotic and abiotic factors change. Natural disasters have the power to destroy resources in an ecosystem. If resources are depleted, a large population cannot be supported by the ecology. As a result, the carrying capacity is decreased.

What are the three methods for population control?

Although there are other approaches as well, the following techniques may be used for population control: abstinence, medical abortion, and contraception.

To know more about Mitigation Strategy visit:-


A missense mutation _____ the dna sequence and _____ the resulting amino acid sequence.



changes, modifies


we'll use ATG

go through transcription

we have UAC now

now we have a missense mutation

we'll do GAC

see how we changed the U to a G?

This change also changed the amino acid

before, for UAC we had Tyrosine

Now, for GAC we have Asp acid

IF we had no change in the amino acid, it would be a silent mutation, but since we did it is a missense mutation.

hope that helped :)

The image shows an energy pyramid.
Only a portion of the energy in each trophic level is available to the next level.
Rabbits are part of the second trophic level. Which statement is true about
the energy stored in the tissues of rabbits?
A. Some of it will flow to the trophic level that includes plants.
B. Some of it will flow to the trophic level that includes foxes.
C. All of it will flow to the trophic level that includes plants.
O D. All of it will flow to the trophic level that includes mountain lions.


According to the 10% rule of energy transfer, some of the energy will flow from rabbits at second trophic level to the trophic level that includes foxes.

The  10% rule of energy transfer states that when energy has to be passed from a lower trophic level to a higher trophic level i.e., from producers to consumers or from primary consumers to secondary consumers, only 10 % of the total energy is transferred. The rest is utilized by the organism itself or lost during respiration and other processes.

Trophic level is the hierarchical position of an organism in the food chain or ecological pyramids. In a food chain, the lower most trophic level can only be of producers or detritivores.

To know more about trophic level, here


Please help ill give brainliest to the correct answer!! :)

Which of these is a true statement?

Inhaling oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide is called cellular respiration.

All of the energy produced during respiration is stored.

Energy is produced at the end of photosynthesis reactions.

Energy can be used for cellular processes or stored for energy use at a later time.



Energy is produced at the end of photosynthesis



Photosynthesis always releases oxygen after the whole process so it can produce glucose or carbohydrate molecules, and those contain the energy that is able to be used for survival by living beings.

Approximately elements occur naturally on earth.


Answer: 92


Which of the following is NOT a tenet of the Cell Theory?

a. Cells are the fundamental units of life.
b. All organisms are composed of one or more cells.
c. Cells arise from preexisting cells.
d. Cells live forever.
e. Cells contain hereditary information that passes from one generation to the next



D. Cells live forever.


The three components of the cell theory include:

1) Cells are the fundamental unit of life.

2) All organisms are composed of one or more cells.

3) Cells arise from pre-existing cells

If the question only needs one answer, then the answer is C. If it is multi-select, then the answers are C, and E.

What would be more likely to carry out exocytoi: a white blood cell engulfing foreign material or a cell that excrete hormone? Ue evidence/reaoning to upport your anwer


Hormone excretion involves the movement of molecules outside the cytoplasm. This is known as exocytosis.

What is exocytosis ?Exocytosis is a type of active transport and bulk transport in which molecules are transported out of the cell. Exocytosis, as an active transport mechanism, necessitates the use of energy to transport material.Exocytosis is a type of bulk transport because it involves the release of a large number of molecules. Exocytosis occurs via secretory portals called porosomes at the cell plasma membrane. Porosomes are permanent cup-shaped lipoprotein structures at the plasma membrane of cells, where secretory vesicles dock and fuse to release intracellular contents.Exocytosis involves the transport of membrane-bound secretory vesicles to the cell membrane, where they dock and fuse at porosomes, and their contents are secreted into the extracellular environment. Because the vesicle transiently fuses with the plasma membrane, this secretion is possible.

To learn more about exocytosis refer :


………….,,…….I need help with this I’m not very smart



It is kind of sketchy, but this is how it should look. You can refine the dots. The way you find out to plot is through the previous table. If you look at this graph, you will notice that the Y (vertical line) is temperature, and the X (horizontal line) is time.

You would plot it like the time is X and the temperature is Y.

If you have any more questions, add it to the comments of this answer and I'll respond!

What is the driving force of the North Equatorial Current in the Atlantic Ocean? What causes this driving force?



Global thermohaline circulation.


Driven by the global thermohaline circulation, the North Atlantic Current is part of the wind-driven Gulf Stream, which goes further east and north from the North American coast across the Atlantic and into the Arctic Ocean.

how you can contribute and help to solve the problem on water crisis at present and in the future



share water


Sharing water is an efficient way to increase justice and resilience. This is equally true for relationships between countries who share a river, lake, or groundwater aquifer. By managing it together, they are much better prepared for the increasingly erratic rainfall patterns and the growing number of droughts and floods that must be expected as the global temperature rises.

What is the importance of NADH and FADH2?


Cells of all living organisms require NADH and FADH2 for the energy production. It is required for the process of energy transfer requirement for the various reactions in all living organisms.

What is the other energy currency other than the 2 units mentioned here ?

ATP that stands for adenosine triphosphate is required for the energy production.

The cells of living organisms require these energy currency for the fuel production that is required for the life activities and the metabolic reactions that are taking place inside the body.

Glycolysis and Krebs cycle require the energy for the electron transport for the electron transport chain that is taking place in the mitochondria reactions and here the breakdown of the the substrate in order to produce energy is required in the cycle and this will produce these currencies.

Learn more about NADH at :


what would be the impact if an animal was having trouble with its respiratory system​



well, if they can't adapt to the situation, they'll die. and if none of the other animals in its species could adapt to this situation, they will go extinct


This is a concern it is one of the major problems in calf death today. Global warming, the extreme temperature changes has caused an abundance of respiratory problems in large animals especially. This could be severe and cause stress and bacterial infection, pneumonia, ect.

which of the following statements describe mutations? point mutations can occur in any dna sequence. frameshift mutations can occur in any dna sequence. neutral mutations depend on the degeneracy of the genetic code. deleterious mutations occur only in protein-coding sequences of dna.


The degeneracy of the genetic code is necessary for neutral mutations.

Neutral mutation is defined as change in nucleotide which is neither detrimental nor beneficial. Because there is change in nucleotide but amino acid sequence remain same because of degeneracy of genetic code.

When a nucleotide is changed to another nucleotide which leads to change in codon but the changed codon codes for the same amino acid which was coded earlier. Because many codon may codes for the same amino acid and this phenomenon is called degeneracy of genetic code.

Changes in the nucleic acid sequence of an organism's, virus's, or extrachromosomal DNA's genome are referred to as mutations. RNA or DNA make up viral genomes. Mutations result from mistakes made during DNA replication, viral replication, mitosis, meiosis, or any other type of DNA damage (such as pyrimidine dimers from exposure to ultraviolet radiation), which may then undergo error-prone repair (especially microhomology-mediated end joining), cause an error during other types of repair,, or result in a mistake during replication (translation synthesis). Mobile genetic elements can cause mutations by causing the insertion or deletion of DNA sequences.

Learn more about mutations here:


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