Frederick Douglass is an important figure in the abolitionist
movement. "Self-Made Men" is one of the author's most
famous speeches. What are the arguments of this speech?
How does this speech examine the idea of what it means to
be a self-made person? Support your response with evidence
from the text.


Answer 1

According to Frederick Douglass, self-made men are men who, despite unusual difficulties and without the usual assistance of favorable circumstances, have attained knowledge, usefulness, power, and position, and have managed to learn from themselves the main purposes to which life can be put in this world, and have built up worthy in the exercise of these uses.

Who is Frederick Douglass and why did he give the self-made men speech?

Frederick Douglass was a social reformer, abolitionist, orator, writer, and statesman from the United States. He became a national leader of the abolitionist movement in Massachusetts and New York after escaping from slavery in Maryland, becoming recognized for his oratory and sharp antislavery writings.

Douglass attempted to persuade those there to support what was then considered the radical position of abolition in his Independence Day oration. He also aimed to modify people's perceptions of African Americans' skills and intellect.

Douglass is a self-made man who paved his own road to becoming a "rich man." Like Franklin, a candlemaker's son who went on to become a world-famous physicist, "an important patriot and diplomat, and, not least, a wealthy man of commerce," Douglass reversed his fate from slave to wealthy man.

Learn more about Frederick Douglass:

Related Questions

In a minuet and trio, how is the closing minuet different from the opening minuet?.


These two minuets differ in that they each have a distinctive rhythm that affects the dancers' moods at various points throughout the dance.

What is a minuet?

A minuet is a name for an old, traditional dance to baroque music that originated in Poitou (a province of France) and gained popularity between 1679 and 1750.

Jean-Baptiste Lully brought this dance to the French court in 1673, and ever since then, it has been a staple of ballets and operas.

What distinguishes the starting minuet from the final minuet?

The entrance minuet inspires the audience with a sense of vigour and enthusiasm to encourage them to join in the dance, whereas the closing minuet progressively reduces its intensity as the dancer gradually returns to resting state.

Learn more about minuet in:


These two minuets differ in that they each have a distinctive rhythm that affects the dancers' moods at various points throughout the dance.

What is a minuet?

A minuet is a name for an old, traditional dance to baroque music that originated in Poitou (a province of France) and gained popularity between 1679 and 1750.

Jean-Baptiste Lully brought this dance to the French court in 1673, and ever since then, it has been a staple of ballets and operas.

What distinguishes the starting minuet from the final minuet?

The entrance minuet inspires the audience with a sense of vigour and enthusiasm to encourage them to join in the dance, whereas the closing minuet progressively reduces its intensity as the dancer gradually returns to resting state.

Learn more about minuet here:


Read this excerpt from "Look Homeward, Angel."

And whatever he touched in that rich fortress of his soul sprang into golden life: as the years passed, the fruit trees—the peach, the plum, the cherry, the apple—grew great and bent beneath their clusters. His grape vines thickened into brawny ropes of brown and coiled down the high wire fences of his lot, and hung in a dense fabric, upon his trellises, roping his domain twice around. They climbed the porch end of the house and framed the upper windows in thick bowers. And the flowers grew in rioting glory in his yard—the velvet-leaved nasturtium, slashed with a hundred tawny dyes, the rose, the snowball, the redcupped tulip, and the lily.

The author uses sensory details in this excerpt to create images of
excess and riches, to suggest interest in materialism.
bountiful blooms and harvests, to suggest agricultural success.
colorful visions and sceneries, to suggest artistic aptitude.
climbing vines and fruit, to suggest time standing still.


'Look Homeward, Angel' is both a condemnation and a loving attempt to preserve small-town provincialism. It is, above all, a novel about authenticity and an artist's creation.

What is the plot of Thomas Wolfe's Look Homeward, Angel?

Look Homeward, Angel is the incredible coming-of-age story of Eugene Gant, a brilliant and restless young man whose adolescent years in rural North Carolina are shaped by his desire for a more intellectual life.

In this excerpt, the author uses sensory details to create images of excess and riches, implying Gant's interest in materialism. The use of shades and barriers represents Gant's need for privacy. Gant's artistic ability is suggested by the colorful scenery.

Therefore, abundant harvests, imply Gant's agricultural success.

Learn more about Look Homeward, Angel from the link.




Book is Hiroshima by John Hersey
Response Paragraph 1
Three to five sentences long
Explain how the resolution of the plot indicates the author's purpose.
Show what human rights issues took place in the conflict and how the author used the resolution to generate a reaction in the reader.
Use proper spelling and grammar.
Response Paragraph 2
Three to five sentences long
Explain how the diction and characterization indicate the author’s purpose for writing about a human rights issue.
Provide specific examples from the novel.
Use proper spelling and grammar.


Bombing of Hiroshima was both unexpected and expected. Since the start of America's involvement in World War Two, Hiroshimans have known they are exceedingly fortunate to have avoided being bombed.

What were the responses to Hiroshima ?

Response paragraph 1:

When readers opened the August 31, 1946 issue of The New Yorker to see John Hersey's lengthy story on the atomic bomb that had been detonated almost exactly a year earlier, they had no idea what they were in for. Hersey's abrupt opening line about the explosion mirrors how the bomb itself decimated tens of thousands of innocent Hiroshimans who had assumed they would have a day that was rather typical. Hersey would concentrate on six important people in his analysis of the attack, switching between their many "storylines" In 1946, his method was ground-breaking; thousands of times since then it has been imitated.In the first sentence of Hiroshima, John Hersey portrays the horror of the explosion.

Response paragraph 2:

Tanimoto feels a little uneasy as he goes about his work. In general, the bombing of Hiroshima was both unexpected and expected. Since the start of America's involvement in World War Two, Hiroshimans have known they are exceedingly fortunate to have avoided being bombed; nonetheless, no one could have imagined the destructiveness of the atomic bomb that was ultimately unleashed on Hiroshima. John Hersey's novel Hiroshima centers on six major people who were residing in Hiroshima on August 6, 1945, but were sufficiently removed from the city center to avoid being hit by the bomb. These characters had to make difficult choices in the immediate aftermath of the Hiroshima bombing, when the city was in flames, food was in short supply, and many must have believed that the world was ending.

To Know more about Hiroshima bombing click:


For this assignment, you'll select one of the nine fallacies below. Then, you'll either locate or create an example
of the fallacy and complete the graphic organizer.
ad hominem
ad populum (bandwagon)
circular reasoning
false analogy
• hasty generalization
non sequitur
Locate an example of your selected logical fallacy
and paste it here OR create an example of your
Type the name of your
logical fallacy here
In 1-2 sentences, explain why your example
contains your selected logical fallacy
In your own words, define the logical fallacy you
red herring
slippery slope
In 2-3 sentences explain how you would correct the
example so it no longer contains a logical fallacy
280 words English (United States) Text Predictions: On
Accessibility: Investigate


You can fill in the chart with the slippery slope fallacy, explaining what it is, providing an example, and correcting it as shown and explained below: Example: If we allow children to play video games every day, they'll enjoy it so much that they'll stop studying. Soon, schools will be empty.

What is slippery slope?

This fallacy consists of going from little or no evidence to a sequence of events that lead to tragic or catastrophic consequences.

How the example contains slippery slope?

The example goes from the evidence that children will enjoy playing video games better than studying to the catastrophic consequence of schools being empty. In other words, the speaker claims that video games will make people drop out of school.

How to correct the example?

The speaker could say that children should not be allowed to be play too much video game during the week, that they should have some time dedicated to studies and homework.

What is an example of this fallacy?

A famous example of slippery slope is the one used by people who are against same sex relationships. They often say that, if we allow same sex relationships, people will soon have relationships with animals.

As we can see, this conclusion is illogical and unrelated to the evidence.The answer above correctly provides you with the information necessary to fill in the chart in the attached picture.

Learn more about slippery slope here:


Answer: i

Explanation: E

Read the following sentences. In each one, underline the complete predicate.
4. The purple curtain ripped at the seams.
5. Our president always buys some of our competitor’s products.
6. Dotted print backgrounds are difficult to read.


"The predicates in the following given sentences are written below"-

"ripped at the seams""always buys some of our competitor's products.""are difficult to read."

"The subject of a statement is what or who it is referring to. The noun "dog" is the subject in the sentence "The dog is napping in the shelter." The portion of a "phrase or clause" known as the predicate describes the subject's state or identity. There are two components in every full sentence: a "subject and a predicate". The "sentence's subject determines what or who it is about, whereas the predicate provides information about it or action being done"."

To learn more about Subject,





What specific act of government does Thoreau speak against in the first paragraph?


Based on the complete text by Thoreau, it can be seen that the specific act of government that Thoreau speaks against in the first paragraph is the Mexican-American War.

Who is Henry David Thoreau?

This refers to the American philosopher, poet, and environmentalist whose works in Walden and Civil Disobedience laid the groundwork for his thoughts about an unjust government and the mastery of man's immediate natural surroundings.

Hence, it can be seen that from the complete text in his book Civil Disobedience, he mentions the unjust government and how it involved itself in yet another war that it should have had no part of, specifically the Mexican-American War which led to great losses on both sides.

Read more about Thoreau here:


Martin Luther King Jr. often spoke of a day in the future when he hoped that his children would be judged not by their skin color but
instead by their character. Write a narrative essay about a moment in your life when you were judged by something other than the
content of your character. Use narrative techniques to develop experiences, events, and characters.
<< Read Less


Martin Luther King's speech's major goal was to highlight for the American people the extent of racial inequity in the country.

The takeaway is that racial discrimination should not be tolerated. One of the finest speeches ever delivered, according to many. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965, both of which were influenced by King's speech, helped put an end to racial segregation in the United States.

An example of a narrative essay on a time when I was assessed differently from other people was when I was the only person of color on a bus. Whatever the case, someone is assessed and assigned a label every single day. whether or not a person is mentally ill, underweight, or overweight.

Refer here to learn more about narrative essay:


Based on Passage 1, which of the following choices suggests that the universe is expanding?
Choose 1 answer:


The observed redshifted light from distant galaxies, which according to the assessment suggests that the galaxies are in recession, can be used to explain the evidence that the universe is expanding.

Hubble's law, which states that the rate of recession of galaxies from the Earth is related to their distance from the planet, provided an explanation for the discovery.

In big bang cosmology, the Hubble law postulates that galaxies move away from the Earth at a rate that is proportional to their distance. Therefore, a galaxy would move away from us more quickly if it were farther away from Earth.

However, according to the majority of astronomers, Hubble's Law does apply throughout a wide range of cosmological distances. It should be emphasised that Einstein's theory predicts deviations from a strictly linear Hubble law on very vast dimensions.

To know more on 'Hubble's Law' related questions




What is the ending of "The Midnight Children" by Dan Gemeinhart?


Answer: I think this answer you looking for mark me brainlist if right then no if wrong I hope this helpful


The end of Midnight's Children is the scene of Saleem's death. He's crushed underfoot by a huge crowd and turned into dust. But he tells us that this is not the end. There will be more midnight's children, generations and generations of them, and they will all live the same way that he did.

*There are 2 questions*


otherwise and eventually


Answers are otherwise and eventually:)

What reveals the point of view in a story? Exposition, Rising action, or falling action?





Which of the following inferences is best supported by the interaction between
Reverend Parris and Abigail?


Goody Proctor has stopped coming to church because she thinks Abigail is a witch. The correct option is A.

What is The Crucible about?

Arthur Miller, an American playwright, wrote The Crucible in 1953. It tells the account of the Salem witch trials, which occurred in the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1692–1693 but were dramatised and somewhat romanticised.

A fictional play called The Crucible by Arthur Miller is based on the 1692 Salem witch trials that took place in Salem, Massachusetts.

The book relates the tale of a village that becomes caught up in a witch hunt. As more and more people are being accused of witchcraft, the residents of Salem are forced to live in a perpetual state of fear.

Because Goody Proctor believes Abigail is a witch, she no longer attends church.

Thus, the correct option is A.

For more details regarding The Crucible, visit:


Your question seems incomplete, the missing options are:


Goody Proctor has stopped coming to church because she thinks Abigail is a witch.


The people of Salem believed that many of their slaves may be witches.


Abigail will do anything in order to save her uncle’s ministry.


Past rumors about Abigail have made Parris suspicious of her.


What is Oedipus' tragic flaw, and when does he best demonstrate it?

You may choose from the following flaws:

excessive pride
stubbornness to defy gods
Respond in a fully-developed paragraph, 4 to 6 sentences.


Answer: excessive pride,

Explanation:in other words It is hubris or pride. Upon reaching adulthood and hearing the prophecy that he will murder his father and take his mother as his own wife for his own. Laius takes the prophecy seriously, vowing never to father a child with Jocasta, his wife.One night, his impulsive nature overcomes him, and he indulges in too much w1ne. While dr0nk,he lays with Jocasta, and she becomes pregnant with Oedipus. Horrified and afraid

write a brief story about the falling person


Answer:It is the story of the falling rain

to turn into a leaf and fall again

it is the secret of a summer shower

to steal the light and hide it in a flower

and every flower a tiny tributary

that from the ground flows green and momentary

is one of water's wishes and this tale

hangs in a seed-head smaller than my thumbnail

if only I a passerby could pass

as clear as water through a plume of grass

to find the sunlight hidden at the tip

turning to seed a kind of lifting rain drip

then I might know like water how to balance

the weight of hope against the light of patience

water which is so raw so earthy-strong

and lurks in cast-iron tanks and leaks along

drawn under gravity towards my tongue

to cool and fill the pipe-work of this song

which is the story of the falling rain

that rises to the light and falls again


pls mark as brainlist

I need a good debate on ukraines membership into NATO
A state tourney is on the line


To prevent additional Russian aggression, NATO should fortify its ties with Ukraine. Release of Planet Debate evidence is associated.Broader collaboration NATO and Ukraine have cooperated more closely since 2014 as a result of Russia's illegitimate invasion of Crimea.

Why isn't Ukraine a member of NATO?Following the 2010 presidential election, in which Viktor Yanukovych, who wished to keep the country non-aligned, was elected President, Ukraine halted plans for NATO membership. In February 2014, Yanukovych left Ukraine amid the instability brought on by the Euromaidan demonstrations.In its internationally recognized borders, including its territorial waters, the United States reaffirms its unflinching support for Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity. A pillar of security, democracy, and human rights in Ukraine and the larger area is the U.S.-Ukraine partnership.Broader collaboration NATO and Ukraine have cooperated more closely since 2014 as a result of Russia's illegitimate invasion of Crimea. N been increased in places that matter. Since Russia began an all-out invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, NATO and its allies have given Ukraine unheard-of levels of support.

To learn more about NATO refer to:





1) Breaking gender roles --- 2) removes one at a time



1) Breaking gender roles --- 2) removes one at a time


have a nice day

this is the first appearance of banquo's son, fleance. why might the sight of him be significant to macbeth at this moment?


Fleance's scene supports Macbeth's earlier conclusion that killing the king is only the beginning. It is especially important to see Macbeth flinch just as Macbeth is about to kill the king.

This is the first appearance of Banquo's son Fleance. Why is his gaze important to Macbeth at this point? This is important because since Fleance is supposed to be king, Macbeth sees him as a threat and feels he has to do something about Fleance as well. This puts Fleance at risk. Fleance was Banquo's son. Macbeth sees him as a threat because of the Weird Sisters' prophecy that Banquo's descendants will rule Scotland. While Fleance is alive, Macbeth can never be sure of his safety as king. The sight of Fleance supports Macbeth's earlier conclusion that killing the King will just be the beginning. It is particularly significant that Macbeth sees Fleance just as Macbeth is going to kill the safety king

To learn more about Macbeth please click on below link


How does Dr. Heidegger change in the story?


The Fountain of Youth's water has been obtained by Dr. Heidegger. He makes a dead rose bloom again. To test the water's effectiveness and track any changes, he wants his buddies to drink it. He cautions them not to make the same mistakes they did as children.

The plot of the storyThe plot of "Dr. Heidegger's Experiment" centers on four old pals who either become young and vibrant again or at least believe they have.It is unclear whether the type of transformation—physical as opposed to mental—occurs in the narrative as the author plays with the idea in the text. Hawthorne also questions whether we can take something away from a transition, especially one that is as fleeting as the one that occurs in this tale. Pessimistically, the story seems to imply that we are unable to.Dr. Heidegger invites four elderly persons (friends) who have not led very fulfilling lives—Colonel Killigrew, Widow Wycherly, Mr. Gascoigne, and Mr. Medbourne—to meet him. When they were younger, all three of the men dated the woman and fought for her.They are being asked to take part in a study by Dr. Heidegger.The study of Dr. Heidegger is supernaturally unsettling.

To learn more about Dr. Heidegger's experiment, refer to


In oedipus the king, part i, jocasta tells oedipus what she knows about laius’s murder. Which incident in her story does oedipus recognize as an action he carried out in his own past?.


In King Oedipus the King, Part 1, a mythical being tells King Oedipus what she is aware of concerning Lauis' murder. that Incident in her story will King Oedipus recognize as an action he administrated in his own past.

The murder of a bunch of men at a junction of 3 roads. Jocasta tells him that a mythical being was killed at a multilateral crossroads simply before King Oedipus arrived in Thebes. Stunned, Oedipus tells his married person that he is also a dead mythical being.

Jocasta realizes the truth—that Oedipus Rex| a mythical being, is her son, as her husband—and tells Oedipus to prevent the interrogations. He does not listen; an associate in nursing witness, the herder UN agency saved him once he was an Associate in Nursing child, confirming that he was a mythical being and Jocasta's kid which King Oedipus killed mythical being.

To learn more about Oedipus, visit here


why isn't william allowed to use his father’s international radio? what happens when he hooks the radio up to the windmill for the first time?


We can actually see here that William isn't allowed to use his father’s international radio because he was forbidden to make use of it.

When William hooks the radio up to the windmill for the first time, the music plays for a second and then begins to smoke.

What is The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind?

"The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind" is actually known as a story that was written by William Kamkwamba. The story talks about a 13-year-old boy who was sent from school because his family couldn't afford his schooling. The boy sneaked into the library of the school to learn how to make a windmill. He learnt it and was able to use it to deliver his village from the famine that was coming.

We see that when the boy hooks the radio up to the windmill for the first time, the music plays for a second but the device starts to smoke later. This is because the windmill generated more volts for the tiny radio.

Learn more about "The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind" on


Summarize pages 189-192 in your own words for the most important parts of the section glass castle


The Glass castle is a notable memoir of resilience and redemption, and a revelatory inspect a family at once deeply dysfunctional and uniquely colorful.

The students and instructors at Welch feel that Jeannette thinks she is higher than them. eventually, Jeannette is jumped by using a group of women led by a bully named Dinitia Hewitt. Jeannette aids an African American boy to escape a canine attack sooner or later. She facilitates him domestic and notices Dinitia looking at her from throughout the road.

The maximum memorable scene for me changed when Jeannette requested her father to stop ingesting as a birthday present. I discovered this part both inspiring and shocking due to the fact Rex genuinely followed through together with his promise. I did not simply anticipate him to be attentive to Jeannette or to follow along with his promise.

Learn more about The Glass castle here:-


Find the plural or possessive error. Select it and type it correctly.
Peacock's tails are made up of long feathers. These feathers have colorful
eye-like spots in red, blue, and gold.


The plural and Possessive error is it will be tail instead of tail.

The possessive form of a single noun is frequently formed by adding an apostrophe and an s, regardless of whether the word ends in s or not. When a plural noun ends in an s, adding merely an apostrophe creates the possessive; when it ends in a letter other than an s, adding both an apostrophe and a s creates the possessive.When writing the plural form of a noun, take care not to use an apostrophe. Always keep in mind that apostrophes are solely used to denote ownership. This statement is incorrect: Throughout the following days, hot air balloons floated around the sky.

Thus this is the meaning of  plural and Possessive error.

Refer here to learn more about  plural and Possessive error:


Answer: Peacocks’ tails are made up of long feathers. These feathers have colorful eye-like spots in red, blue, and gold


Is an issue a thing, a person, a concept? What determines what an issue is?


An issue is a concept and the thing that determines what an issue is is the people involve as well as what is been talked about.

What makes a situation problematic?

An issue is a significant topic that is the focus of debate or discussion.

Note that If anything is the problem, it means that you view that particular aspect of the situation or conversation as being the most crucial.

Then term "concept" actually mean a mental conception: a notion; an abstract or general idea extrapolated from specific examples. These are small hiccups in routine operations that might or might not have serious repercussions. These kinds of problems might not appear to be having an immediate impact on your organization, but if they are ignored for a long enough period of time, they can (and most likely will) do so.

Therefore, one can say that an issue is a concept because it is a product of the mind.

Learn more about concept from

how does one interpret a written story


For story interpretation, a reader must first look beyond the images the writer shows in his or her work. Reading between the lines is a must, especially if the story is written in a complex language.

You can start with the title. Then, as you read, you can note the characters, the setting, themes, symbols, motifs, and the narrative technique employed. Once you determine the conflict in the story surrounding which the plot is built, you will get an idea of what message the author intends to express. At the end of the story, you will gain clarity regarding the relevance of the story's title. Gaining an insight into the author's source of inspiration can also make the process of interpretation easier.

To read more about story interpretation, refer to:


2 Give two examples of how Susan B. Anthony paved the way for women to
gain the right to vote.
Support your answer with evidence from the text.


Anthony gave speeches demanding that women be given the right to vote.

A convention of women was convened in Seneca Falls, New York, in 1848. The Suffrage movement was launched during the country's inaugural Women's Rights Convention. Anthony did not go to the convention, but her mother and sister went. Anthony first met Elizabeth Cady Stanton in 1851. The two women grew close and fought for women's rights together for more than 50 years. Anthony delivered speeches as they traveled the nation urging the vote for women. She occasionally ran the risk of being detained for airing her opinions in public.

Anthony was a skilled tactician. She was a strong and effective leader due to her self-control, vigour, and organisational skills. Co-founding the American Equal Rights Association with Anthony was Stanton. The Association's publication, The Revolution, which promoted women's rights and equality, hired them as editors in 1868. Anthony started giving lectures to collect money for the newspaper's publication and to aid the suffrage fight. She rose to fame over the entire county. She was admired by many, yet her ideals were despised by others.

Learn more about Paragraph based questions here


Anthony gave speeches demanding that women be given the right to vote.

A convention of women was convened in Seneca Falls, New York, in 1848. The Suffrage movement was launched during the country's inaugural Women's Rights Convention. Anthony did not go to the convention, but her mother and sister went. Anthony first met Elizabeth Cady Stanton in 1851. The two women grew close and fought for women's rights together for more than 50 years. Anthony delivered speeches as they traveled the nation urging the vote for women. She occasionally ran the risk of being detained for airing her opinions in public.

Anthony was a skilled tactician. She was a strong and effective leader due to her self-control, vigour, and organisational skills. Co-founding the American Equal Rights Association with Anthony was Stanton. The Association's publication, The Revolution, which promoted women's rights and equality, hired them as editors in 1868. Anthony started giving lectures to collect money for the newspaper's publication and to aid the suffrage fight. She rose to fame over the entire county. She was admired by many, yet her ideals were despised by others.

Learn more about Paragraph based questions here


What effect do the lines of dialogue have on the overall meaning of the text?

O The dialogue allows the reader to see that after years of happiness, Georgiana and Aylmer are now having
difficulties getting along in their marriage.
O The dialogue helps to create tension as it reveals Georgiana's absolute surprise that Aylmer is repulsed by her
birthmark and her confusion as to why he would have entered a marriage with her in the first place.
O The dialogue creates irony because Aylmer wishes he had never married Georgiana, but she remains blissfully
O The dialogue foreshadows for the reader that Georgiana will likely leave her husband rather than risk
disappointing him further.


"The dialogue allows the reader to see that after years of happiness, Georgiana and Aylmer are now having difficulties getting along in their marriage."

The Birthmark is filled with the kind of foreshadowing that today's readers could find overbearing. The beautiful, quickly blooming flower Aylmer creates withers and turns black the moment Georgiana touches it. When Georgiana's reflection in a metal plate reveals the outline of a hand, Aylmer submerges the plate in acid to destroy it.Aylmer has a fantasy about removing Georgiana's birthmark and finding that its roots extend all the way to her heart, which he then decides to remove. We repeatedly see that Aylmer's experiments frequently fail and have negative, unanticipated effects. Therefore, the astute reader is not surprised by Georgiana's passing.In fact, the story's ending may disappoint some modern readers because it so closely follows what has been hinted at and has so little to surprise.

Thus the correct option is A.

Refer here to learn more about the birthmark:


Which statement best describes Miss Sasaki's position after the bomb?
O Safely hidden in a hillside.
Trapped under a bookshelf and other debris.
O Buried alive in brackish water.
O Protected in the city of Osaka with Dr. Fujii's wife



Trapped under a bookshelf and other debris.

Explanation: It's a fact.

Give at least two reasons why the articles of confederation were inadequate to meet the needs of the time.


There was no authority to enforce laws, which was one of the reasons the articles of confederation were insufficient. no national courts or judicial branch.

A unanimous vote was required to approve amendments. These elements worked together to make it difficult to establish a viable new country. Each colony prioritized its own interests over the national good, and residents were considerably more devoted to their own nations. Shay's Rebellion Amendments served as a reminder that the Continental Congress was unable to enforce a tax since they had borrowed money to fund the Revolutionary War and were unable to return their debts. The Articles of Confederation ultimately failed because their design kept the federal government as ineffective as possible.

To learn more about articles of confederation follow:



Which of the following values are solutions to the inequality



2.2 and 3.6





9/5 = 1.8

[1.8, ∞)

The solutions should be at least 1.8

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The table lists the locations of four underwater camreas relative to sea level which camrea is the farthest from the surface of the water Ms. Whatsits quotes and their page number(only if you know the answer) Given a material of specific heat c in Cal/gramC^o and mass 6 grams. If the material is heated by absorbing 7 calories of heat then which of these expressions yields the change in temperature of the material in Celsius degrees? A)7 divided by (c - 6) B)7 times (c - 6) C)7 divided by (6 times c) Last month the mail carrier delivered mail on the morning route 16 times and on the afternoon route 12 times for a total distance of 141 miles. This month the mail carrier delivered mail on the morning route 10 times and on the afternoon route 15 times, for a total distance traveled of 123.75 miles. What is the distance of the morning route in miles? An astronaut, of mass 95.0 kg, sits on a newton scale as the shuttle takes off. The newton scale reads 5500 N. What is the acceleration of the shuttle? Researchers are studying the relationship between dog ownership and depression. A large group of people were surveyed, and the data is summarized in the table below. What is the odds ratio of not being depressed for those who have a dog? Depressed Not Depressed TotalOwns a Dog 251 412 663Does Not Own a Dog 374 305 605Total 625 717 1,342Round your answer to the hundredths place.Provide your answer below: Joanne drives her car with a mass of 1000 kg at a speed of 16m/s. what is the the magnitude of road friction force needed to bring her car to a halt in 14s . what is the name of this system? consistent and dependent, consistent and independent, or inconsistent? Which statement was most likely made by a member of the executive branch? A. "I review proposed laws and suggest changes." B. "I determine the legality of new state laws." C. "I oversee an agency that makes sure policies are carried out." D. "I review and amend existing policy." Clean Machine is Middletown's premier house cleaning service. The company used 2,920 gallons of soap last year, and 35% less this year. How many gallons of soap did the company use this year? can someone please help me find the valu of X? 1,000,000 100can u help me Please do 2,3,4,5 and show work on how you got the answers. no graphing needed just the points PLEASE HELP ASAP The following table shows lemonade sales at certain temperatures.1A - What kind of function does the scatter plot model?1B - What is the equation that models this function? Round to the nearest tenth.1C - Using your equation, predict the sales for when it was 98 degrees.for the other one its: The value of a car depreciates over time. The table shows the value of a car over a period of time. 2A - What kind of function does the scatter plot model?2B - What is the equation that models this function? Round to the nearest tenth.2C - Using your equation, predict the value of the car at 9 years. How much heat is needed to bring 25.5 g of water from 29.3 C to 43.87 C.Q =m=T= C=solution = ABC reflected across the x-axis and then dilated by a factor of 12 findind percent proportions A rose garden is formed by joining a rectangle and a semicircle, as shown below. The rectangle is 26 ft long and 18 ft wide.Find the area of the garden. Use the value 3.14 for pi, and do not round your answer. Be sure to include the correct unit in your answer. Mg(OH) + 2HNO Mg(NO) + 2HOWhy is this a balanced chemical equation? the two proposed plans for the constitution aggreed on