productivity is defined by the formula of outputs divided by ______ for a specified period of time.


Answer 1

Productivity is defined by the formula of outputs divided by Inputs for a specified period of time.

A common definition of productivity is the ratio of input volume to output volume. In other words, it assesses how effectively an economy uses labor and capital as production inputs to generate a certain level of output.

Organizations can detect performance gaps by starting with performance benchmarking. You can compare prior results to current standards and continuously update the standard for better performance by tracking metrics and KPIs inside your company.

To know more about Productivity visit :


Related Questions

Which of these is the process of estimating expected future cash flows of a project using only the relevant parts of the balance sheet and income statements?​Pro forma analysis ​Substitutionary analysis ​Incremental cash flows ​Cash flow analysis


The type of budgeting method that includes a process of estimating the expected future cash flows of a project using only the relevant parts of the income statements and balance sheet is pro forma analysis. Hence, the correct option is (A).

What Is Pro Forma Analysis?

Pro forma means "as a matter of form" or "for the sake of form". Pro forma analysis is one of the budgeting methods of calculating financial results using assumptions or projections that have been used by a company. This analysis is using relevant parts of the income statements to estimate expected future cash flows. Even though the results of the pro forma analysis are not GAAP compliant, the results of this pro forma analysis can be published to attract potential investors. Internally, the results of this pro forma analysis can also be taken into consideration when making a decision.

Learn more about pro forma analysis at


what defines the how, what, when, and who regarding the flow of project information to stakeholders and is key for managing expectations? group of answer choices project assumptions. executive sponsor. project deliverable. communication plan.


Communication plan defines the how, what, when, and who regarding the flow of project information to stakeholders and is key for managing expectations

A communication plan is a policy-driven strategy for delivering specific information to company stakeholders.

To ensure that all stakeholders are aware of the most recent updates on projects, goals, and objectives, communication plans are frequently utilized in business settings. They are also essential components of business continuity (BC) planning and event response.

Organizations require communication strategy for a number of reasons:

They support keeping everyone in sync.They can avert future catastrophes or lessen their effects.They can aid in increasing productivity and streamlining processes.

Plans for communication are important because they improve the efficiency and effectiveness of enterprises.

The following are formally defined in a communication plan:

Who should get particular information.when that information should be supplied.through what channels should the information be delivered should all be specified.

To know more about communication plan:


mike's appliances bought a refrigerator for $480. the initial price on the refrigerator was $950, but it was ultimately sold for $825. what were initial and maintained markups, respectively?


The initial markup and maintained markups of mike's appliances are option c) 49.5 per cent and 41.8 per cent.

Initial markup (IMU) gauges how much potential profit is included into inventory's retail price. It is the price differential between what a product costs the vendor and what consumers pay at the retail price. It is frequently mentioned in percentage terms. Maintained markup, The markup on items that are sold to consumers, or the difference between the cost of goods and their real retail price at the time of sale, is known as Maintained markup. It is based on actual sales, not anticipated sales, as well as real events like markdowns at the checkout counter.


mike's appliances bought a refrigerator for $480. the initial price on the refrigerator was $950, but it was ultimately sold for $825. what were initial and maintained markups, respectively?

a. 36.3 percent; 57.0 percent

b. 46.3 percent; 58.2 percent

c. 49.5 percent; 41.8 percent

d. 50.5 percent; 58.2 percent

e. 63.7 percent; 43.0 percent

To learn more about Maintained Markup click here


the delay between the time a policy is enacted and the time the policy has its effect on the economy is called


The temporal lag between the onset of an economic issue, such as inflation or a recession, and the impact of a policy designed to address it is known as a policy lag.

The social science of economics focuses on the creation, exchange, and consumption of goods and services. Economics is the study of how economies function and the activities and interactions of economic agents. The study of microeconomics examines what are thought to be the fundamental components of the economy, such as individual agents, markets, and the relationships that result from those interactions. Examples of individual agents include homes, businesses, buyers, and sellers. Macroeconomics examines the economy as a system in which production, consumption, saving, and investment coexist, as well as factors influencing it such as the employment of labor, capital, and land resources, currency inflation, economic growth, and public policies that have an effect on these components.

Learn more about economic from


a company received $100,000 in federal contracts. the company paid its employees at rates at least equal to the prevailing wages in the area. the calculation of prevailing rates by the company was based on 30 percent of the local labor force. in this case, which law did the company comply with? multiple choice the lloyd-la follette act of 1912 the smith-connally act of 1943 the julie jargon act of 1940 and the eric morath act of 1945 the davis-bacon act of 1931 and the walsh-healy public contracts act of 1936 the humphrey-hawkins full employment act


As the company paid its employees at rates at least equal to the prevailing wages in the area and the calculation of prevailing rates by the company was based on 30 percent of the local labor force. In this case, the law that the company comply with are:

Davis Bacon Act of 1931Walsh-Healy public contracts of 1936

Summary of Davis Bacon Act of 1931

The federal legislation establishes the requirement for paying the local prevailing wages on public works projects for laborers and mechanics. The provision applies to the contractors and subcontractors performing on federally funded or assisted contracts in excess of $2,000 for the construction, alteration, or repair of public buildings or public works.

Summary of Walsh-Healy public contracts of 1936:

The Walsh-Healey Public Contracts Act, as federal law establishes the minimum wage, maximum hours and safety and health standards for work on contracts in excess of $15,000 for the manufacturing or furnishing of materials, supplies, articles or equipment.

Read more about Davis Bacon Act


which group takes title to manufacturers' goods and assume the trading risks? question 15 options: 1) merchant middlemen 2) brokers 3) buying offices 4) export agent 5) agent middlemen


Merchant middlemen are less under your control than agent middlemen because they genuinely take title to the products of producers and bear the trade risks.

The likelihood of losing some or all of your initial investment when trading or investing is known as risk. The potential reward, or potential profit, is on the other side. Generally speaking, we argue that the potential value or return on investment increases with risk. Risk of Market Volatility - As it is, even long-term investors run the risk of losing money due to unstable markets and stock price volatility. If you want to close your deals in one day, sudden price fluctuations are quite dangerous. Even if you select the right stocks, price alterations may nonetheless happen without warning.

Learn more about  trade from


shue music company is considering the sale of a new sound board used in recording studios. the new board would sell for $24,500, and the company expects to sell 1,620 per year. the company currently sells 1,970 units of its existing model per year. if the new model is introduced, sales of the existing model will fall to 1,640 units per year. the old board retails for $22,900. variable costs are 57 percent of sales, depreciation on the equipment to produce the new board will be $1,155,000 per year, and fixed costs are $3,200,000 per year. if the tax rate is 22 percent, what is the annual ocf for the project?


A measure of the amount of money made by a company's regular business operations is called operating cash flow (OCF).

What does OCF stand for?

The amount of money created by a company's regular operating activities during a given time period is known as operating cash flow (OCF).

The fund manager's fees for managing the portfolio are included in the OCF, along with other expenses including marketing, administration, and regulation.

What makes a solid OCF?

Investors, creditors, and analysts prefer a larger ratio - greater than 1.0 - as it indicates that a business can cover its present short-term liabilities and yet have earnings remaining. Operating cash flow that is high or on the rise is a sign of a healthy financial situation for a company.

To know more about annual ocf visit:-


What does it mean if a good is inelastic in economics?


An economic concept known as "inelasticity" describes an item or service's unchanging quantity while its price varies. When prices rise, consumers' purchasing behaviour is said to be inelastic, meaning it stays relatively constant.

When an item or service's quantity remains constant when its price increases, it is said to be "inelastic." When a good or service's price increases or decreases, consumers' purchasing patterns essentially stay the same. The same is true when the price of the good or service decreases. The demand for an item or service that is totally inelastic would not fluctuate regardless of price; however, no such good or service exists. In contrast to elastic, which experiences major variations in demand when the price changes, inelastic is the opposite. Medication is believed to be an essential good, but luxury goods like cruises and designer watches are thought to be elastic.

learn more about  inelastic here:


an approach to evaluating managers that uses both financial and non-financial performance measures is a(n)


A balanced scoreboard is a way to evaluate managers that uses both financial and non-financial performance measures.

A balanced scoreboard is a way to evaluate managers that uses both financial and non-financial performance measures.

A strategic management performance metric known as a balanced scorecard (BSC) is used to identify and enhance various internal business functions and the external outcomes they produce. Balanced scorecards are commonly used by businesses in the United States, the United Kingdom, Japan, and Europe to measure and provide feedback to organizations. Managers and executives must gather and interpret data in order to provide quantitative results. This information can be used by employees of the company to make better decisions about their organizations' future.

To know more about Balanced scorecards , visit:-


let’s focus on the second quarter since the change in velocity is so dramatic. during that quarter, the cpi fell by 0.9%, real gdp fell by 9.0%, the money supply rose by 23%, and velocity changed by %. give your answer to one decimal.


There are various indications that the United States may be headed toward a recession as a result of the second period's economy contracting with GDP falling by 0.9%.

According to figures from the U.S. Labor Department issued on December 13, the country's annual inflation rate fell from 7.7% to 7.1% for the 12 months ending in November 2022.

Collectors. Baseball cards, fine art, and wine have historically benefited from inflationary periods when the dollar's value declines. Because they are more likely to maintain their value during times of market instability, investors may gravitate to hard assets during times of high inflation.

To know more about the inflation rate, refer to this link:


if an economy's income is completely equally distributed, then the value of its gini coefficient is . if an economy's income is completely unequally distributed, then the value of its gini coefficient is . 0 ; 1 1 ; 0 0 ; infinity infinity ; 0 suppose the gini coefficient in canada is 0.25 , and the gini coefficient in the united states is 0.37 . which country's income distribution is more evenly distributed? the united states canada more information is needed to answer this question. canada and the united states have the same income distribution.


if an economy's income is completely equally distributed, then the value of its gini coefficient is Zero. if an economy's income is completely unequally distributed, then the value of its gini coefficient is One.

The country that has an income distribution that is more evenly distributed is B. Canada.

What is the GINI Coefficient ?

A population's income distribution is measured by the Gini index. Greater inequality is indicated by a higher Gini index, with high earners earning considerably bigger percentages of the total income of the population.

The Gini index may overestimate income disparity and might hide crucial information about income distribution due to data and other restrictions.

The higher GINI coefficient means that there is less equitable income distribution in a country because a country that has its income complete distributed equally would have a coefficient of zero.

Canada has a lower gini coefficient than the United States and so income is more equally distributed there.

Find out more on the GINI coefficient at


A profit maximizing monopoly never produces an output in the range of its curve. A. inelastic; demand B. inelastic; supply C. unit elastic, marginal revenue D. elastic, supply


a business-oriented Monopoly never generates an output within its inelastic demand curve. Choice A

What does Monopoly actually mean?

A market structure that is characterized by a single seller who offers a distinct product on the market. As the only vendor of the goods with no viable alternatives, the seller in a monopoly market has no rivals.

Is Monopoly a capitalism-based game?

The original purpose of the game Monopoly was to critique capitalism.

Players move across the board in the most popular version of Monopoly, purchasing and exchanging properties, collecting rent, and ultimately attempting to bankrupt their rivals.

To know more about monopoly visit:


suppose the exchange rate is 90 yen per u.s. dollar and the united states wants to keep the exchange rate at a target rate of 90 yen per u.s. dollar. if the demand for u.s. dollars ​, the fed​ ______.


Suppose the exchange rate is 90 yen per US dollar and the United States wants to keep the exchange rate at a target rate of 90 yen per US dollar. If the demand for US dollars increases, the Fed sells dollars to lower the exchange rate.

In finance, an exchange rate refers to the rate at which one currency will be exchanged for another currency. While most exchange rates are floating and will increase or decrease based on the supply and demand in the market, some exchange rates are pegged or fixed to the value of a specific country's currency. Among Fed duties is that they monitor and adjust their own foreign reserves to maintain the strength of their currency, often referred to as the currency peg. It controls the currency by controlling the supply of money by increasing or decreasing the monetary base. In the provided scenario, the Fed can maintain the target exchange rate by selling dollars to lower the exchange rate.

Note: The question is incomplete. The complete question probably is Suppose the exchange rate is 90 yen per U.S. dollar and the United States wants to keep the exchange rate at a target rate of 90 yen per U.S. dollar. If the demand for U.S. dollars increases, the Fed ______. A. buys dollars to raise the exchange rate. B. sells dollars to raise the exchange rate. C. sells dollars to lower the exchange rate. D. buys dollars to lower the exchange rate.

Learn more about Exchange rate:


When government spending results in higher interest rates due to rising debt, what happens to consumption and investment according to a monetarist economist?


If an increase in spending by the government and/or a decline in tax receipts results in a deficit that is covered by an increase in borrowing, the borrowing may raise interest rates, which would subsequently discourage private investment.

How do government spending and interest rates relate to one another?

Macroeconomic models indicate that government spending raises nominal interest rates during normal periods (when the economy is not at the zero lower bound), thus discouraging investment and reducing future economic output. Simple reasoning dictates that excessive demand for resources is caused by government spending.

How does equilibrium change when government spending is reduced?

A reduction in government spending would have a direct impact on aggregate demand in an economy, and the aggregate demand would decline by the full amount of the reduction in government spending. Furthermore, the reduction in equilibrium output would be higher than the decrease in government spending.

To Know more about private investment.


most benefits that are tax deductible for the firm in its home country are tax deductible outside of the country. group startstrue or falsetrue, unselectedfalse, unselectedgroup ends


Most benefits that are tax deductible for the firm in its home country are tax deductible outside of the country. the statement is false.

What is tax deductible?A tax deduction is a cost that a person or corporation can deduct from their adjusted gross income. This lowers their income and lowers their overall tax burden. Tax deductions, which lower taxable income, are frequently the consequence of costs, particularly those expended to generate more revenue. Along with exemptions and tax credits, tax deductions are a type of tax benefit. I have to pay.

There are typically four categories of nonbusiness taxes that are deductible:

international, municipal, and state income taxes.local general sales taxes and state sales taxes.Real estate taxes at the state and local levelsPersonal property taxes both locally and state-wide

To learn more about tax deductible refer to:


the process of anticipating future events and conditions and determining the best way to achieve organizational objectives is known as


Planning is the process of predicting upcoming circumstances and events and choosing the most effective path to accomplish organizational objectives.

A strategic plan outlines the goals and fundamental actions that must be taken to realize the future vision of your firm. Goals and objectives, desired results, metrics for tracking your progress, timetables, and budgets should all be part of a solid strategy.

Although creating a plan is the end aim of the strategic planning process, the exercise's worth often rests in the process itself. Strategic planning gives stakeholders in an organization the chance to learn more about the organization, discuss important issues affecting the company now or in the future, and express their perspectives on its strengths and flaws. The procedure should be set up to produce decisions that are reached by consensus.

To know more about organizational objectives click here,


some technical analysts use fibonacci numbers to predict: market turnarounds. primary trend breakthroughs. resistance and support levels. secondary market trend lines. relative performance values.


Some technical analysts use fibonacci numbers to predict resistance and support levels. The correct answer is C.

The numbers in the Fibonacci sequence are: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, etc. This series has an unlimited number of terms, each of which is simply the sum of the two terms before it. The fact that each number in this series is around 1.618 times bigger than the one before it is one of its notable features.

Technical traders frequently use Fibonacci retracements. They are based on the crucial numbers that Leonardo Pisano, also known as Fibonacci, identified in the 13th century. The ratios between the numbers in the Fibonacci sequence, rather than the sequence of numbers themselves, are what matter.

Similar to how they function in nature, Fibonacci ratios appear to have an impact on the stock market. Technical traders try to utilize them to identify turning points where the price momentum of an asset is likely to change.

Know more about Fibonacci click:


elmer sporting goods is getting ready to produce a new line of golf clubs by investing $1.85 million. the investment will result in additional cash flows of $525,000, $812,500, and 1,200,000 over the next three years. what is the payback period for this project? (round your answer to two decimal places.)


Elmer sporting goods project will payback period itself off in 2.43 years.

Elmer Sporting Goods has committed $1.85 million toward the production of a new line of golf clubs. Over the following three years, the investment will generate additional cash flows of $525,000, $812,500, and 1,200,000.

The payback period is the length of time needed for the investment to yield a profit. The investment cost left over for the first year is $1,850,000 less $525,000, which equals $1,325,000. The remaining investment cost for the second year is $512,500 ($1,325,000 - $812,500). The payback in the third year is 0.427, 2.43 years is the entire payback period.

To learn more about payback refer here:


mrp software calculations consider . question 34 options: a) sales (demand) forecasts b) boms c) raw materials and finished goods inventories d) all of the above


all of the aforementioned, as the logic of MRP calculation includes the information provided by each party regarding the sales estimate, the material needed, and the BOMs.

Calculations of Net and Gross Requirements — both of these calculations are made for a specific time frame. The first step in calculating your gross requirement is to add up all the ingredients or parts required to make a specific number of completed products. By deducting the stock that is in-hand at the beginning of the period, you may calculate the net for that same period.

Orders, both incoming and outgoing The amount of merchandise that will sell within that lead time must be taken into account when balancing orders coming in from sales with the orders your company needs put to vendors to meet that demand.

learn more about BOMs here


what are the steps to start living a fire lifestyle (financial independence and retire early)? group of answer choices identify what goals and values you want to achieve in 5-20 years. calculate how much you need to reach financial independence. aggressively try to pay off debt. track and cut back on spending. try to generate multiple streams of income. stay focused with your goal in mind. all of the above.


Eliminate your debt and complete your emergency fund. 15% should go into tax-favored retirement funds.

How can I retire early with financial security?

FIRE advocates strive to retire early and live off tiny withdrawals from their amassed savings by saving up to 70% of their yearly income. FIRE advocates typically take out 3 to 4 percent of their funds each year to pay for their retirement lifestyle.

How much money do I require to be independently wealthy?

After trotting out those disclaimers, the math shows that you reach financial independence when your assets equal your costs divided by 4%. In other terms, Assets = Expenses / 0.04 = Expenses * 25. You are financially self-sufficient and are able to retire whenever you want after your assets are 25 times greater than your costs.

To know more about financial independence visit:


amazonians shone bright during another record-breaking turkey 5. once again,, customers around the world turned to amazon to deliver holiday cheer. what was one of the best-selling items?


Amazon facilities are very busy toward the end of the year. This is referred to as the peak season on Amazon.

around widespread occasions like Thanksgiving and yuletide, top season occurs.For pals operating at Amazon centers as well as those in warehouse-associated positions like Amazon Flex and DSP drivers, height can be extraordinarily worrying.Colleagues need to count on operating 50 to 60 hour weeks with 12-hour workdays during peak season.This occurs while employees are required to paintings overtime in the course of consecutive weeks of mandatory overtime pay (MET) (normally an extra hour every paintings day with a further 10 to 12-hour day every week).

Learn more about peak season here


if you spent one hour each day researching and applying for scholarships, do you believe you could pay cash for college? why?


Spending an hour each day researching and applying for scholarships does not mean that you will pay cash for college as you might be eligible for a scholarship.

How to qualify for a scholarship ?

You should be aware of the fact that not just everyone who asks, demands, or begs for a scholarship will receive one. They are not provided only because you are unfortunate and underprivileged.

They are not granted just because you are a member of a minority group or come from a developing nation. In actuality, scholarships must be earned rather than being given away. You obtain it by showcasing your abilities and showing your credentials.

The ability to stand out on both your college and scholarship applications depends on your extracurricular activities. But it's more crucial to seek for positions of great responsibility in the groups you're most passionate about than to join every club or team your school has to offer. Quantity isn't the only factor.

This shows that there are several requirements for getting scholarships so even if you spent one hour each day researching and applying for scholarships, you might get it, or you might not get it and still have to pay for college.

Find out more on paying for college at


which is not a characteristic of socialism? group of answer choices collective motives rather than private investment.


Private ownership of productive resources are not a characteristic of socialism.

What are the characteristics of socialism?Socialist principles include open access to products and services, production for use rather than profit, equal distribution of wealth and material resources among all people, and the end of market competition.Socialism is a left-wing economic ideology and movement that embraces a variety of economic systems distinguished by the predominance of social ownership over private ownership of the means of production.greater equality, a planned economy, and public ownership of income-producing assets as opposed to private ownershipIn a socialist society, each member of the community receives an equal portion of the numerous resources that are produced, distributed, and traded. A democratic type of government can offer this kind of ownership.

Learn more about socialism refer to :


a structure that is a combination of a global product, area, or functional arrangement is referred to as a(n) organizational structure.


A structure that is a combination of a global product, area, or functional arrangement is referred to as functional organizational structure.

What is organizational structure?

The division, organization, and coordination of organizational activities are accomplished through organizational structures. Organizations have developed frameworks to control member performance and to coordinate work factor activities. There are four primary structural forms of organizations:


Further Functional Organizational Structure: This structure groups workers who do related or similar jobs. For instance, the finance department groups accountants together, as do the marketing, business, and human resources departments.

Thus the functional structure enables quick decision-making because group members have similar expert knowledge and interests, making it simple for them to communicate and grow as professionals through mutual learning.

Learn more about organizational structure refer:


which of the following costs are variable? cost 10,000 units 30,000 units 1. $100,000 $300,000 2. 40,000 240,000 3. 90,000 90,000 4. 50,000 150,000 group of answer choices 1 and 2 1 and 4 only 1 only 2


Only cost 1  and 4 are the variable cost.

Cost 1 is $100,000 and $300,000

Cost 4 is $50,000 and 150,000


The information in this query is combined.

together. As a result, they are arranged before

addressing the question as follows:

Of the following expenses, which one is variable?

The following is the explanation of the response:


Variable costs are costs that vary per unit.

remains constant regardless of exercise intensity.

Variable cost can be computed as follows:

Total cost / Number equals variable cost per unit.

..........of unit (1)

The variable costs for this inquiry can be

based on the following guidelines:

Rule 1. Variable costs are those whose per-unit costs are never the same.

Rule 2. when the cost per unit varies.

These costs are fixed costs.

Rule 3. They are fixed costs if the overall expense is constant.

Then, these guidelines are implemented utilising

For cost 1:

Cost per unit of 10,000 units = $100,000/

10,000 units = $10

30,000 units at a cost of $300 each

30,000 units = $10

Cost 1 is a variable cost in accordance with Rule 1.

For cost 2:

Ten thousand units cost $40,000. Ten thousand units cost $4.

30,000 units at $240,000 per in cost

30,000 units = $8

Rule 2 states that Cost 2 is not a variable.


For cost 3:

Given that the two costs total $90,000 each,

As a result, Cost 3 is a fixed cost under Rule.


For cost 4:

10,000 units at a cost per unit of $50,000.

10,000 units = $5

30,000 units at a cost of $150 each

30,000 units = $5

Expense 3 is a variable cost in accordance with Rule 1.

According to the calculation only cost 1 and 4 are variable cost.

To know more about Variable cost visit:


if the economy is currently in short-run equilibrium at point a, what type of monetary policy would be most effective to bring the economy back to long-run equilibrium?


Expansionary monetary policy would be the most effective to bring economy back to the long-run equilibrium.

What is the monetary policy?

A nation's monetary authority implements a strategy known as monetary policy in order to maintain price stability and public trust in the value and stability of the nation's currency. The goal of this strategy is to regulate either the money supply or the interest rate applied to extremely short-term borrowing. As tools for a government to manage economic cycle events like recessions, fiscal policy, in contrast, concentrates on taxation, government spending, and borrowing. With the aid of monetary economics, the optimum monetary policy may be developed. Monetary policy and fiscal policy are typically developed independently in modern nations. It is said that monetary policy is either expansionary or contractionary.

To learn more about monetary policy, visit:


what are the three methods commonly used to distribute door-to-door purchases to customers?


Door-to-door purchases are commonly delivered through the post office, through couriers, or at the time of purchase from the seller.

Door-to-door purchases, sometimes referred to as D2D, is a direct selling technique that is commonly used in campaigning, advertising, and marketing. Prospective consumers are visited in their homes by D2D sales personnel who try to convince them to buy products or services.

Door-to-door purchases make direct contact with potential consumers who have not reacted to other forms of consumer outreach, inform them of the special offers, and influence their purchase decisions. This helps firms stand out in a crowded market. Salespeople may connect with clients personally through door-to-door marketing, ask questions, assess responses, pick up nonverbal cues, and adjust their approaches to suit the prospect's needs.

Learn more about Marketing here:


Anything that an agent obtains by virtue of an agency relationship is theirs to keep.a. Trueb. False


Anything that an agent obtains by virtue of an agency relationship is theirs to keep is a False statement.

Unless expressly permitted by the principal, an agent is not permitted to keep any of the benefits of an agency relationship.

Item Acquisition Through an Agency Relationship: Can an Agent Keep It?

The parameters of the agreement between the principal and the agent will determine whether or not an agent is permitted to retain items acquired through an agency relationship. In general, unless expressly permitted by their principal, an agent is not permitted to retain any proceeds from an agency agreement. The terms of the Agreement must permit such allowance for an Agent to retain property.

This is because the agent only acts as the principle's extension when they receive the objects, and the principal always retains ownership of all things acquired through an agency relationship. As a result, unless the principle has given their consent, the agent cannot claim ownership of anything acquired through an agency relationship.

Learn more about Agency Relationship at


a profit-maximizing monopoly never produces an output in the _____ range of its _____ curve.


A​ profit-maximizing monopoly never produces an output in the​ inelastic range of its​ demand curve.

The quantity of goods produced at which marginal revenue equals marginal cost, or when MR = MC, is the decision that will maximize profits for the monopoly.

If the monopoly produces less, MR > MC at given output levels, and the enterprise can increase profits by increasing output.

While a company produces more, MC > MR prevails, allowing it to increase profits even when it produces less overall.

By examining the marginal revenue and marginal expenses of producing an additional unit, a monopolist can estimate the price and quantity that will maximize its profits. The company should produce an additional unit if the marginal revenue is greater than the marginal cost.

To know more about monopoly:


marietta masks inc. supplies surgical masks to hundreds of hospitals across the united states. they ship orders for the masks out on the first of each month and customers are expected to pay the cost of the shipment by the end of the month. the money that marietta masks inc. receives by the end of the month is an example of


The money that Marietta Masks Inc. receives by the end of the month is an example of accounts receivable.

Accounts receivable are money owed to a business by customers for goods or services that have been provided but not yet paid for. In this case, Marietta Masks Inc. has provided the hospitals with the masks and is expecting payment for the shipment by the end of the month.

Accounts receivable is an asset on a business’s balance sheet, and it is important for businesses to manage it carefully, as it can have a significant impact on the company’s cash flow.

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a company has days' sales in accounts receivable of 25 days; days' sales in inventory of 45 days, and days' payable outstanding of 50 days. the cash conversion cycle is Melissa created a scale drawing of a garden in which 2 inches equals 5 feet. The dimensions of the garden on the scale drawing are 15 inches by 10 inches. What are the dimensions of the actual garden in feet? What is the purpose of elicitation? Write an equation for a rational function with the given characteristics.Vertical asymptotes at x = 3 and x = 6, x-intercepts at (4, 0) and (1, 0), horizontal asymptote at y = 3 given a fixed point and a fixed line, a parabola consists of all points that are equidistant to the fixed point and the fixed line. t or f Solve for x.round to the nearest tenth,if necessary Which fraction of the total area does each shaded section represent? simulation: a. is a passive method of training that gives trainees an opportunity to experience some aspects of a job b. involves the trainer explaining key learning points and then performing a task while the trainee observes c. is an active method of training that gives trainees an opportunity to experience some aspects of a job d. involves development, enactment and debriefing On a sunny fall day, Mona and her family go to an orchard to pick apples for their famous apple pies. First, they pick enough Golden Delicious apples to fill a bag. Then, they pick enough Honeycrisp apples to fill another bag. The bag of Honeycrisp apples weighs 18 pounds. In all, Mona's family picks 22 pounds of apples.Which equation can you use to find the weight w of the Golden Delicious apples? The portion of the nervous system that consists of nerves and ganglia is the ______. Maya filled up a 5-gallon bucket to the top. Unfortunately, the bucket has a leak. The function V(x)=640x represents the number of ounces left in the bucket after x ounces have leaked out. In this context, what is the largest possible domain of V(x)? you are the server administrator for the eastsim domain. you have an application server named srv12 that runs a stateless web application using iis. because of recent growth, this server is becoming unable to process all incoming requests in a timely manner. you would like to add a second server to run the application. your solution should meet the following requirements: client requests should be divided evenly between the two servers. if one server goes down, all requests should go to the other server. all application data will be stored on internal parallel scsi drives on each server. you install the application on the second server. you now need to configure a solution to meet the requirements. what should you do What are the 5 elements of setting? there are 80 organisms in a population. in a two allele, dominant-recessive gene pair, there are 20 dominant alleles within the population. what is the gene frequency of the recessive allele? ( 1 pt) Under the conformity rule, companies who use the _____ method for tax reporting, are required by the IRS to also use it in their financial statements.a) LIFOb) FIFOc) Weighted-averaged) Specific identification Water Power Corporation wants to begin operations that include the discharge of waste into navigable waters. Under the Clean Water Act, the company must install certain equipment. a. with all deliberate speed after beginning operations. b. before beginning operations. c. only on a voluntary basis. d. only if a regulatory agency challenges the discharge. suppose a fall in stock prices makes people feel poorer. the decrease in wealth would induce people to:______. Why do you think Dad continued to ask Billy how he liked the town?a. They will be moving there.b. Dad had never been there.c. Dad heard all about it from Grandpa.d. Dad wanted Mom to hear about it. in order to assess the performance of their firms and their supply chains, what do managers need to do to determine the needs of those customers? students in a mathematics class were given an exam and then tested monthly with an equivalent exam. the average scores for the class are given by the human memory model f(t)