Possesses help me get this right

Possesses Help Me Get This Right


Answer 1

Answer: Providing for the common defense.

It encouraged the colonists to fight back against Britain.

Related Questions

From the look on her face, Brenna is
carrying an albatross around her neck.

The Bible
Or a poem



It's a poem ;) have a nice day

Which of the following is NOT true about British imperialism in India during the
1700s and 1800s?



I could litteraly say anything and it wouldn't be true.


Please give me some options to pick from or something.

What is a Muslim house of prayer called?





A masjid is a place Muslims go to worship their god *Allah* And pray if there are occasions or just go there to pray their daily 5 prayers with their community. :))))) Hope I helped!


Muslims can pray anywhere, but often gather in a mosque to pray together. A mosque usually has a minaret tower, from which a muezzin (caller) chants a call to prayer five times a day

can someone please help me with anyone of my questions its due in 4 hours.



What’s the question


How can the Foundation achieve its goals? Suggest three actions







Hope this helps

What happened at Hiroshima? Nagasaki?



they gpt bombed during world war 2

Answer:The  U.S dropped a nuclear bomb  in retailiation of japan bombing hawaii

Which of the following are true about climate change?

Check all of the boxes that apply.

-Consequences could include melting ice caps and rising ocean levels.

-Greenhouse gases may be one reason Earth is warming.

-Not everyone agrees that human activity is the cause.



It's all of them


I got it right :D

The statements  true about climate change are

Consequences could include melting ice caps and rising ocean levels.Greenhouse gases may be one reason Earth is warming.

What is Climate?

The climate is referred to as a weather pattern that takes place within a specified period of time and does not change daily as does weather which changes on an hourly basis.

The increase in greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide in the Earth's atmosphere is the main factor causing climate change. The Earth's surface temperature increases as a result of these gases' ability to maintain solar heat.

Coastal flooding and erosion may result from rising sea levels brought on by the melting of glaciers and polar ice caps. storms, droughts, and wildfires are examples of severe natural catastrophes.

Learn more about Climate change, here:



Does the Indian Removal Act of 1830 uphold the Declaration of independence? why or why not?​



No, It doesn't uphold the Declaration of independence.


The Indian Removal Act was signed into law on May 28, 1830, by United States President Andrew Jackson. The law authorized the president to negotiate with southern Native American tribes for their removal to federal territory west of the Mississippi River in exchange for white settlement of their ancestral lands.

Congress passes the Indian Removal Act, sanctioning the forcible relocation of Creek, Chickasaw, Cherokee, Choctaw, and Seminole tribes to land allotments west of the Mississippi river. Ninety-four removal treaties follow the bill's enactment. From 1835 to 1838, Cherokee and Creek are forcibly removed from the Southeast onto reservations. Nearly one quarter die along what became known as the “Trail of Tears.”

In Washington, D.C., the delegates of the people of Texas officially and unanimously declare their independence. Jackson recognizes the independence of Texas but declines to address annexation in light of threats by Mexico and its concerns about security.

No, It doesn't uphold the Declaration of independence. Explanation: The Indian Removal Act was signed into law on May 28, 1830, by United States President Andrew Jackson.

Which of the following is not something that many freedpeople did as news of emancipation spread? a. legalized informal marriages at courthouses b. searched for family members from whom they had been separated c. gathered at military posts and towns, seeking jobs and protection d. vented their rage and hatred toward those who had enslaved them


A is correct . :) have a good day

In your own words, describe the similarities and differences between the Federalist Party and the Democratic-Republicans. How were they similar? How were they different? How do these differences predict the future conflict between the North and South?



One difference is that the Federalist Party wanted to create stronger ties with the British while the Democratic-Republicans wanted to create stronger ties with the French. The Democratic-Republicans wanted to provide more economic support for the working class (South) and the Federalists wanted to provide more economic support for industry and manufacturing (North).

A similarity is that they both wanted some type of Republic, while they also believed they were doing the best for their nation. I predict that the future conflict between the North and South will have to do with with wanting to expand their land.


What effect did the plantation system and slavery have on early settlements?



The plantation system developed in the American South as the British colonists arrived in Virginia and divided the land into large areas suitable for farming. Because the economy of the South depended on the cultivation of crops, the need for agricultural labor led to the establishment of slavery.

PART B: Which phrase from paragraph 13 best supports the answer to Part A?
A "Nixon had brought a controversial end to the Vietnam War"
watched NASA put astronauts on the moon"
"presided over a healing period in American history in the early 1970s"
"Despite these many accomplishments"


I a Nixon had brought a controversial end to the Vietnam war

Why is it important for the president to having some power over setting foreign policy


Answer: The president has the power to nominate ambassadors and appointments are made with the advice and consent of the Senate. The State Department formulates and implements the president's foreign policy. ... Country Reports on Human Rights Practices are submitted each year to the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations.

Explanation: there of yah go dude :D UwU im da best!

Question 1 of 10
When would a secondary source be considered unreliable?

A. When it offers a theory about the significance of an event

B. When it omits information that contradicts its conclusions

C. When it is written by an academic professional

D. When it is written by someone who did not experience an event directly



It is d because you cannot be sure as the person who has written has not been there so you don't know if they are telling the truth or exaggerating the event


it is b


trust breh d is wrong

What is the purpose of this excerpt?
O to identify the strength of local, family-run
O to encourage people to buy fresh Louisiana seafood
American seafood, and Louisiana Seafood in particular, is
a premium product with a unique flavor that is a result of
the waters where it lives and grows. Chefs nationwide
swear by domestic seafood-its freshness, quality and
flavor bring value and diners to their restaurants day in
and day out.
And all along the nation's shorelines-Louisiana alone
has 7.721 miles--you'll find an industry built on the
localized, often family-run businesses that supply our
nation with fresh domestic seafood. Since the best
seafood comes from right here, make sure the best
seafood is what you're buying.
Buy Louisiana Seafood.com
O to stress the contribution of the seafood industry on
the economy
O to describe the types of seafood found in the gulf
9 of 13


Answer: b

Explanation: I got it right on the quiz




What was the idea of the 442nd? Were they successful? Why or why not?



"Go For Broke" was the motto of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, an Army unit comprised of Japanese Americans from Hawaii and the mainland United States. The motto was derived from a gambler's slang used in Hawaii to "go for broke," which meant that the player was risking it all in one effort to win big.


For their valor the 442nd Regiment has been recognized as the most decorated unit in American history. They earned more than 18,000 awards, including 9,500 Purple Hearts, 5,200 Bronze Star Medals, 588 Silver Stars, 52 Distinguished Service Crosses, 7 Distinguished Unit Citations, and one Congressional Medal of Honor.

How can you use this Document E to argue that Alexander was great? *



Alexander was “great” because he easily conquered a lot of land and established prominent societies, like Alexandria.

Alexander wasn’t “great” because he was egotistical in naming a city after him and conquering land just for greed.

Alexander was “great” because he was smart enough to cross the river and use Porus’ own elephants against him.

Alexander was not “great” because he tricked a ruler and killed many men in war only because he was greedy and wanted more land.

Alexander was most likely very religious, and it seems that in Ancient Greek anyone seeking refuge in a temple should be shown mercy. Also, if Alexander had killed everyone in the city than there would have been no point in conquering the city except for land.

Which group settled territory mainly along the western coast of South America?

the British
the French
the Portuguese
the Spanish



the Spanish


During the era of exploration and colonialism, the group that settled territory mainly along the western coast of South America were the Spaniards. The expansion in this part of the continent was particularly because of Christopher Columbus' first landing on the Caribbean coasts in the late 15th century.

With the motive to extract resources and spread the faith of Christianity, the Spanish invaders took control over the western part of the continent and continued to rule for about three centuries. Therefore, the correct answer is the Spanish.


D) The spanish


The person above me, give them branliest


13. Why is there more information known about West African societies than other African societies from the early modern period?
O A. It's the only society that had written records.
O B. Because West Africans contacted Europe first
O C. It was the area first explored by Europeans.
O D. Because of its vast material culture



O C. It was the area first explored by Europeans.


There is more information known about West African societies than other African societies from the early modern period because It was the area first explored by Europeans traders. In the 15th century, the arrival of European sea traders at the Guinea coastlands were the first group of Europe who discovered the land and had a great impact on the history of all of western Africa. So we can say that European exploration is the main reason for more information about west African societies.


C. It was the area first explored by Europeans.


I’m not great at history and I really need help



it's somebody



How did ancient beliefs influence the Scientific Revolution?

A.) Ancient religious teachings led to a belief in the heliocentric theory.
B.) The geocentric theory of the ancient Greeks became widely accepted.
C.) The rationalism of the ancient Greeks influenced scientific methods.
D.) The discovery of lands across oceans prevented new advancements.



The Scientific Revolution of the 16th and 17th centuries was a defining moment in the history of Western Civilization. Modern science and the scientific method were born; the rate of scientific discovery exploded; giants such as Copernicus, Vesalius, Kepler, Galileo, Harvey, Newton, and countless lesser figures unlocked world-changing secrets of the universe.


Could anyone help?......


Peloponnesian war which is An


Peloponnesian War


(431–404 bce), war fought between the two leading city-states in ancient Greece, Athens and Sparta. Each stood at the head of alliances that, between them, included nearly every Greek city-state.

How did the Trireme expand the Greek?


they evolved! this should help

Explanation: The trireme was no run-of-the-mill ship. It was one of the most effective warships of the ancient world and the Greeks perfected this design 2,500 years ago. The design of the trireme was su superior and it made the Greeks the deadliest force on the seas. With a standard length of around 118 feet, standing 21 feet high and just 12 feet wide, it was a sleek, fast war machine. It was a ramming ship, equivalent to the modern-day torpedo as it had a copper ram that would punch holes in enemy ships and sink them. To be effective though, it needed speed and it accomplished this by having 170 rowers, 85 a side. These were split into three levels, one above the other. This is why it's called a trireme which means "triple rowed." The best example to show the effectiveness of the trireme can be found at the Battle of Salamis. The Greek ships were outnumbered by their Persian enemies up to three to one, and they would have surely lost if it wasn't for the power of the awesome trireme.The Greeks won the battle and the war and many people see this as the first victory of democracy over tyranny. It led to a period of Greek cultural growth and the principles of Western society were formed.

conclusion of the book men and mice?




Explanation: The conclusion of mice and men is after the The two main characters have been working at the ranch the one man is special and the ranch owners wife is a tart and trys to flirt with one of the men and this man is special yoy can tell from the start of this book that he is special he is big but has little concept of what he does he loves to keep mice in his pocket and accidently kills them because he does ot relize how strong he is  so when the wife who is a tart comes at him he accidently pushes her to the ground and kills her which sends a frenzy of people then the guy who takes care of his buddy decides its better to kill him and told him he was going to take a peacful nap and that he would join his mice freinds so he shoots him in the end


how did the u.s practice the truman doctrine in korea?


In August of 1945, the Soviet Union occupied Korea, which had been under Japan's control since 1910. The United States quickly moved its own troops into southern Korea. Japanese troops surrendered to the Russians in the north and to the Americans in the south.

Which event after 88 BC had the most important effect on the Roman republic government?



Sulla named herself dictator


Which of the speeches was recited in front of a judicial court?

A. Lincoln's Gettysburg address

B. Kenney's inaugural

C. Anthony's speech on suffrage

D. All of the above



Hello! Your answer is, D) All of the above


Hope I helped! Brainiest plz. Hope you make a 100%! Have a nice day!♥ -Amelia♥

what was the compromise of 1877?​



an informal agreement arranged by US Congressmen that settled the dispute in the 1876 presidential election


The Korean and Vietnam Wars took place half a world away from the U.S. and several decades ago. Many people often get the details of the two wars confused. Complete this chart to help you remember the similarities and differences between the conflicts. Korean War Vietnam War Dates and Locations Countries and/or Groups Involved Reasons for Fighting US Leaders (Government, Military, etc.) Foreign Leaders (include country represented) Major Battles (include reason for importance, outcome, effect on the war) US Public Opinion (How did Americans feel about the conflict



The Korean and Vietnam Wars took place half a world away from the U.S. and several decades ago. Many people

How has the cartoonist portrayed Botha's reforms?​




Study Source B

How has the cartoonist portrayed Botha's reforms?

(b) Why do you think that Botha hos enlarged the word reform?

(c) What does the reaction of the African person indicate regarding how

Botha's reforms were received in the townships?

(2/2) (4)

(2 x 2) (4)

(2 x 2) (4)


Consult Sources A and B. Explain how these sources give a similar message

regarding Botha's attempt to create a black middle class.

(2 x 2) (4)


Use Source C.



Using your own knowledge, explain what community councils (black

local authorities) were.

(1 x 2) (2)

How would the messages (words) on the banners persuade residents

not to vote for community councils? Discuss TWO of these messages (2 x 2) (4)

What do you think is meant by 'A vote for the community Councis is a

vote against the people'?

(2 x 2) (4)

Explain how this poster would be useful for a historian investigating

how township residents viewed black local authorities.

(223) (E)



Using the sources and your own knowledge, write a paragraph of about

10 lines (about 100 lines) explaining why residents of the townships rejected

the 1982 Bantu Local Authorities Act



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