porfa ayuda:

Dibuja un triángulo isósceles y se divide

su base en 4 partes iguales. Identifica los

triángulos congruentes pintándolos del

mismo color.​


Answer 1


Ignore los puntos.

Ignore the points.

Porfa Ayuda:Dibuja Un Tringulo Issceles Y Se Divide Su Base En 4 Partes Iguales. Identifica Los Tringulos

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How will the graph of the function f(x)=3^x translate the function is changed to f(x)=3(x-2)


Answer:shift two units to the right

Step-by-step explanation:

Elena is 56 inches tall what is her height in meters?


Answer: 1.4 meters

divide the length value by 39.37

56/39.37= 1.4

Determine the slope of the line whose equation is 2x-3y=5


The slope would be 2/3 I hope this helps you out!

answer the qui of the day you have 7 quetion to answer and i give you 20 ponits



all of them are correct

Hiya! :)


They are all correct

Hope this helped!!!

Plsssss help will mark brainliest




Step-by-step explanation: 12 divided by 1/2 is 24


24 pls GIVE ME BRAINLIEST not trynna be demanding but iv never had one before

Step-by-step explanation:

A usability test was conducted to evaluate the design of a store website. The times to complete a certain task were recorded for a sample of 48 users. The sample mean time was 70 seconds with a 95% margin of error of 10 seconds. In other words, researchers estimated with 95% confidence that the mean time to complete the task was between 60 and 80 seconds for all website users. Only one of the following statements is true. Select the correct statement.
1. the probability that the mean time μ will fall between 60 and 80 is 0.95.
2. If many samples are collected from the same population, about 95% of the samples will produce confidence intervals that contain the population mean μ.
3. If a second sample from the same population is selected and a 95% confidence interval is constructed, the new confidence interval will be the same as the 95% C.I. defined in the first study.
4. If the study is repeated, and a new 95% confidence interval is computed, there is 95% chance that the new interval contains the sample mean value >= 40 seconds.



2. If many samples are collected from the same population, about 95% of the samples will produce confidence intervals that contain the population mean μ.

Step-by-step explanation:

x% confidence interval:

A confidence interval is built from a sample, has bounds a and b, and has a confidence level of x%. It means that we are x% confident that the population mean is between a and b.

So the correct option is given by:

Option 2, as we will be 95% sure that the population mean will be in the interval, which can be interpreted that from many samples, about 95% will contain the population mean.

Construct a circle through points X, Y and Z.


pretty sure you just draw a circle
just draw a circle running through those points i think

In which rainforest three layer would you most expect to spot a harpy eagle



canopy layer

Step-by-step explanation:

(ab)(6a^5b)(-ab) simplified please




Step-by-step explanation:

HELP SOON! Please!!!!
How does an outlier affect the mean of a population? The median? The range?
How can we adjust for the effects of outliers?


the person who answered already is correct

Please help me with the last mat problem this very hard for me to undestand please anyone



Maybe it looks like this?

Step-by-step explanation:

How many terms does the expression m/5+ 4 x 6 have?


m/5 + 4 x 6

(m/5) 1
(4) 2
(6) 3

The expression has 3 terms

The number of terms in the expression m/5+ 4 x 6  are three.

What is Expression?

An expression is combination of variables, numbers and operators.

The given expression is m/5+ 4 x 6

m by five plus four multiplied with six

In the given expression plus divide and multiplication are the operators

m is the variable

m/5 is the first term

four is the second term

six is the third term

There are three terms in the expression.

Hence, the number of terms in the expression are three.

To learn more on Expressions click:



Select all the expressions that are equivalent to 10x + 4 - (6x - 1)



4x + 5

Step-by-step explanation:

10x + 4 - 6x + 1

= 4x + 5

Explain how to use the Pythagorean Theorem to find the missing length of a right triangle.​



Step-by-step explanation:

Pythagorean theorem,

Hypotenuse² = base² + altitude²

Substitute the known values and you can find the missing length

What percent of $80 is $20


Answer: $20$20​ is $25\%$25%​ of $80$80​.

Step-by-step explanation:


The weight of a puppy is 1.6 kg and the weight of a kitten is 750 g. What is the difference in their weights (measured in g)?


You would multiply 1.6kg by 1000 to get the amount of grams since 1000 grams equals one kilogram.

So 1.6x1000=1600

Then you would take 1600 and subtract 750 from it to get the difference which is 850g! Hope this helped :^)


850g difference

Step-by-step explanation:

1 kilograms is equal to 1000 grams and every 0.1 kilogram is 100, so 1.6 kilograms into grams is 1600 grams. 1600-750=850

What is 8% of 200 estimated?




Step-by-step explanation:

Answer: 16

Step-by-step explanation:

Write an equation to represent the hanger.
Explain how to reason to find the value of x.



a big pastry stuffed with cheese

Step-by-step explanation:


2x = 1

Step-by-step explanation:

The average daily balance of a credit card for the month of November was $700, and the unpaid balance at the end of the month was $1,400. If the monthly interest rate is 1.3% of the average daily balance, what is the total balance on the next billing date December 1? Round your answer to the nearest cent.



This answer is on quizlet

Step-by-step explanation:


Step-by-step explanation:

First, calculate the interest using the APR in decimal form (divided by 12) and the average daily balance.

Interest =0.27612×$2,400=$55.20

Then add the interest to the unpaid balance.

Total Balance =$3,200+$55.20=$3,255.20

Evaluate the expression: 8 ⋅ (1/2)^2



8 × (1/2)²

8 × 0.25

2 Answer!

Hope this helps, thank you :) !!


Step-by-step explanation:

The answer is : 2


I added image with explation! Hope this helps!

Can someone please help me..


Have a good day/night

Sierra has 24.48 ft. of ribbon. She will use all the ribbon to create 5 bows. About how much ribbon will she use on each bow?



the answer is 4.8 brainy plss


If all the bows are of equal size she will use 4.896 ft of ribbon for each bow

Step-by-step explanation:


Hope this helps :)

Can someone answer my question please if you know the answer
Answer choices:
F. 1/2
G. 2/5
H. 1/10
J. 3/5



G. 2/5

add the total amount of bows then find out of that much how many are purple


4/10 (2/5)

Step-by-step explanation:

Add all the bows together and then add ur number to the fraction.

EX: 1 blue bow, 6 purple bows, 6, pink bows what is the possibility to get a blue bow?

Add them all together, and then the denominator would be 13. So, there is one bow which means 1 in a 13 chance you will get the blue bow.

You spin the spinner twice.
What is the probability of landing on an 8 and then landing on a 7?
Write your answer as a fraction or whole number.


two over four is the probability that you will land on seven or eight


P( landing an an 8 then on  a 7 ) = 1/ 16

What is a Probability?

Its is the branch of mathematics concerning numerical description of how likely an event is to occur .

P( landing an an 8 then on  a 7 ) = P ( landing on an 8) * P ( landing on a 7 )

P(Landing on an 8) = 1/4

P(Landing on an 7) = 1/4

P = 1/4 * 1/4

P= 1 / 16

Learn more about Probability:



Using a directrix of y = 2 and a focus of (3, −4), what quadratic function is created?



f(x) = -1/12 (x - 3)^2 - 1

Step-by-step explanation:

write the percent that shows how much of the box is shaded in?

question is it 19%?


Yes the correct answer is 19%



Step-by-step explanation:

it's 19% because the box has 100 squares and 19 of them are shaded in

two angles join to form a straight line the first angle measures 100 degrees what is the measure of the second angle​


Yes good indeed so good

Lules drog triangles when given three side lengths.
Which of these side lengths could be the sc lengths of a triangle?
Choose that are correct



5,5,9 triangle is possible

3,4,5 triangle is also possible

all other length combinations aren't possible to form triangles.

Step-by-step explanation:

0.99 is what percent of 9.90?




Step-by-step explanation:

first let's write out the problem

0.99 is what percent of 9.90     =        0.99=9.90*x

We need to   what c is so we would do the opposite operation of multiplication, division so we get,

0.99/9.90= .1

now we turn .1 into  percent and get out answer

0.1= 10%


Step-by-step explanation:

ahh that's like a math tongue twister  :P

so just remember that when you are given the final amount, as the 0.99 is,  then you want to divide by the total, like this

0.99 / 9.90 =  

we don't really need a calculator for this,  b/c you can see that the answer will come out to a one,  but, where is the decimal, huh

my calculator put the decimal here  0.1

so that's 10% right?  which totally makes sense.. right?    0.99 is 10% of 9.90... just move the decimal one place in the 9.9 to get  .99  see?  so that kinda helps us know where the decimal goes in the answer, if that make sense? The decimal gets moved one place to the  LEFT  of the one, in our answer when we just did the math in our head.

anyway.. leave a comment if you have more questions :)

Which of the series below converge? 1 + 9 + 81 + 729 + … 1 + 0.25 + 0.0625 + 0.015625 + … 625 – 125 + 25 – 5 + … 8 – 16 + 32 – 64 + …



B, C, E

Step-by-step explanation:

Got it right on edge

The series C: 625 – 125 + 25 – 5 + …   converges. Explanation given.

What is common ratio?

The distance between each number in a geometric series is known as the common ratio. The ratio between two consecutive numbers, or a number divided by the number before it in the sequence, is known as the common ratio since it is the same for all numbers or common.

Given series:

A: 9 + 81 + 729 + …

B: 1 + 0.25 + 0.0625 + 0.015625 + …

C: 625 – 125 + 25 – 5 + …

D: 8 – 16 + 32 – 64 + …

To prove convergence:

A: 9 + 81 + 729 + …


9 + (9)² + (9)³+ ....

The first term = 9

The second term = (9)²

So, the ratio = 9

That means, the geometric series with common ratio

IrI = 9 > 1

So, if the common ratio of geometric series is greater than 1 then the series diverges.

B: 1 + 0.25 + 0.0625 + 0.015625 + …


1 + (1/4) + 1/(4)²+ ....

The first term = 1

Second term = 0.25

Third term = 0.0625

The ratio r = 4

IrI = 4 > 1

So, if the common ratio of geometric series is greater than 1 then the series diverges.

C: 625 – 125 + 25 – 5 + …


The first term = 625

Second term = 125

Third term = 25

The ratio r = -125/625 = -1/5

IrI = 1/5 < 1

So, if the common ratio of the series is lesser than 1 then the series converges.

D: 8 – 16 + 32 – 64 + …

The first term = 8

Second term = -16

The ratio = -16/8 = -2

IrI = 2> 1

So, if the common ratio of the series is greater than 1 then the series diverges.

Therefore, the series C converges.

To learn more about the common ratio;



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