Plzzzzz helppppp hurry plzzzzzzzz

Plzzzzz Helppppp Hurry Plzzzzzzzz


Answer 1
The second one is A.

Related Questions

Which is not a unit of Personal Computer?


Generally a system unit of personal computer do not contain modem

All _______ that store more than one piece of data ​


Answer:All data structure that store more than one piece of data ​



Write a program using for loop to find the cube of numbers from 50-100




for(int i = 50;  i <= 100          i++;)


   int cubedNum = Math.pow(i, 4);




The For loop is set so that it will go the amount of times until the variable i reaches 100, then it will stop increasing i.

Then, we raise i to the 4th power in the loop, and then print it out.

#teamtrees #PAW (Plant And Water)

Calculate the value of z. Given v=4, w=5, x=8, y=2z= (v+ w) * x / y;print (“value of z is “, z)



value of z is  36.0



[tex]v = 4\\\\w = 5\\\\x = 8\\\\y = 2\\\\z = (v+2)*x/y[/tex]


Print the value of z

To answer this, I will make use of Python and also provide a manual solution:

The program (in python) is as thus:

v = 4

w = 5

x = 8

y = 2

z = (v + w) * x/y

print (“value of z is “, z)

Manually, we have:

z = (v + w) * x/y

z = (4 + 5) * 8/2

Solve the bracket

z = 9 * 8/2

z = 9 *4

z= 36

Either ways, the value of z is 36

Explain the process of a for loop and how it is used in code



FOR Count= 1 TO 50





Next keeps incrementing count by 1

Hope it helps

During which phase of the writing process is it best to have other
people review your document
O Pre-writing
O Drafting
O Publishing



the answer should be Revising

button is present in the Records group on the Home tab.​



Access Ribbon



Access ribbon.

Pls mark it as brainlist.

The most effective leaders treat everyone alike. True True False



you have to have evidence they do that and on the question theirs no evidence so the answer would be false (as long as theirs no evidence)





Write a program using For loop to find the cube of the numbers from 50 to 100


Answer and Explanation:

For JAVA programming.

for(int i = 50;  i <= 100          i++;)


   int cubedNum = Math.pow(i, 4);



Tema: LA CIENCIA Y SUS APORTES AL MEJORAMIENTOO TÉCNICO SEGUNDO GRADO SECUNDARIA 1.¿Cuál es el inicio de los procesos técnicos y científicos? 2. En la actualidad ¿ De que están hechas la mayoría de las construcciones? 3.¿Que material usaron en la construcción de sus pirámides de los teotihuacanos? 4.Este material de construcción es artesanal, no contamina, es térmico y está hecho con tierra y paja.



1. El inicio de los procesos técnicos y científicos es la realización de observaciones objetivas y basadas en hechos previos o recurrentes y verificables como verdaderas o falsas por otros observadores.

2. La mayoría de los edificios de hoy en día están hechos de hormigón que consiste en cemento adherido en una proporción fija con agregados, que se pueden moldear en la forma deseada cuando se convierten en una lechada. El agua del proceso de poro se evapora fácilmente y el hormigón se seca después de varios días para formar una estructura sólida de la forma deseada.

3. El material utilizado en la construcción de las pirámides de Teotihuacanos incluye una roca volcánica, conocida como tezontle tallada

4. Un material de construcción artesanal que no contamina, es térmico y está hecho con tierra y paja es el adobe

Un adobe consiste en una mezcla de paja, arena y arcilla, así como otros materiales fibrosos que se secan al sol después de moldear la mezcla en ladrillos.

Un adobe tiene una alta capacidad calorífica y, por lo tanto, una habitación con paredes de adobe se mantiene fresca en climas cálidos, mientras que en climas fríos, la pared de adobe libera calor lentamente para mantener la habitación caliente


Which font is most suitable for an academic article on a website? Which is most suitable for casual information?
font is most suitable for an academic article on a website. The
font is most suitable for casual


There are thousands of fonts, there is no clear answer of what is best for ___ website or ___ page. It's all what you think looks good and sometimes depends on the colors on the site.


Times New Roman and Arial



Question 1 of 10
When you edit your slide by making sure that that first paragraph is right
justified, what are you correcting?
A. Hyperlinks that no longer work
B.Inappropriate content
C.Grammatical mistakes
D.Text alignment
B. Inappropriate content
C. Grammatical mistakes
D. Text alignment


Text alignment is the answer

When you edit your slide by making sure that that first paragraph is right justified, here, one is correcting Text alignment. The correct option is D.

What is Text alignment?

Text alignment is a paragraph formatting attribute that determines how text appears throughout a paragraph.

For example, in a left-aligned paragraph (the most common alignment), text is aligned with the left margin. Text in a justified paragraph is aligned with both margins.

Alignment or range is the setting of text flow or image placement relative to a page, column, table cell, or tab in typesetting and page layout.

The type alignment option is also known as text alignment, text justification, or type justification.

Text alignment is corrected when you edit your slide by ensuring that the first paragraph is right justified.

Thus, the correct option is D.

For more details regarding text alignment, visit:


If a coach sent a weekly update to her team every week, it would be to her benefit to create a _____ to expedite the process.

confidential group
contact group
custom contact
networked group



contact group



contact group


Mention the usage of crop concept in ms-word​



Every image editing software has a crop tool that allows you to trim or eliminate the edges of an image. Cropping tools in Ms.word allow you to hide portions of picture that you do not want to be displayed in the final result.


Every image editing software has a crop tool that allows you to trim or eliminate the edges of an image. Cropping tools in Word allow you to hide portions of pictures that you do not want to be displayed in the final result.




Which validation check can be used on the following data. "XX000" 

1. Range

2. Limit

3. Format

4. Length ​



Format and Length


If there is a range or limit on the data, you would need to know more about the format.

Heather just received a customer payment and selected Undeposited Funds as the Deposited to account. Where can she see if she got it right?


Answer: Sales Center > All Sales, then select Open Invoices on the money bar


The options include:

• Sales Center > Invoices tab, then select Not Deposited on the money bar

• Sales Center > All Sales, then select Unbilled Activity on the money bar

• Sales Center > All Sales, then select Open Invoices on the money bar

• Sales Center > Invoices tab, then select Deposited on the money bar.

First and foremost, we should note that Heather will need to view the sales page. The sales page will provide her with the transaction that occured and the invoices.

To know where she can view the transaction that she processed, she need to go to the sales center. Then click on all sales. Once this is done, the money bar will be seen which will provide her with the status of the sales transactions and the paid invoices.


Which statement best describes licensed characters?
They are based on real-life characters from past periods in history.
They are given human qualities, and star in games for young children.
They are based on preexisting media.
They are based on legend and folklore.
They are characters specifically created for a game.


I think it’s A

Hope that helped :)


my friend thinks its c

hes too smart to be wrong 100% :DDDD


2. ¿Cuáles de los siguientes Software son lenguajes de Programación?
A) Word, Excel y Powerpoint
B) C# Java y Visual Basic
C) Pseint, Raptor Flowchart
D) Windows, Linux, Mac OS​


B) C# Java y Visual Basic

Match the following:
Column A
objects that you can actually touch such as disks, disk drives, keyboards, printers, etc.
the connector that allows you to connect universal serial bus enabled devices to your computer
digital still image camera that uses single-lens reflex mechanisms
software that lets you change the size of an image, adjust the brightness, contrast, color, sharpness, etc. of the image
a data storage device that includes flash memory

Column B

b.image processing/editing

c.flash drive

d.Digital Single Lens Reflex (DSLR)

e.USB port



1. hardware

2. USB


4. Image processing

5.Flash Drive


I checked with my dad who works in IT so they're correct :)

Which of the following are recent trends? Check all of the boxes that apply.
fewer applications
more access points
fewer mobile devices
new applications



More access points

New applications



2 and 4


Did it on edge

which tool is used to select adjacent areas of the same colour in an image.​



Magic wand tool

Hope it helps

Please mark me as the brainliest

Thank you


Which variable captures the fact that a person is spontaneous or flexible?


it is c) perceptiveness


C - perceptiveness



someone please tell me if you watch drag race (rupauls drag race) I need someone to talk to about it ​


I’m gonna watch it soon


Which statement best describes licensed characters?
They are based on real-life characters from past periods in history.
They are given human qualities, and star in games for young children.
They are based on preexisting media.
They are based on legend and folklore.
They are characters specifically created for a game.


I think the answer is B

They are given human qualities, and star in games for young children.

What are Human qualities?

Telling the truth, being direct with others, and being open-minded are all examples of being honest. Tell the truth, but never the unpleasant truth, as a very wise man once advised.

If someone has personal integrity, they will always endeavor to act morally even if no one will ever know what they did. They possess a strong sense of morality. Doing the right thing despite the repercussions requires courage.

Everyone can benefit from having integrity, but leaders especially need it.

Therefore, They are given human qualities, and star in games for young children.

To learn more about Human qualities, refer to the link:


Jackie is planning a surprise birthday party for her best friend and is researching a location to have the party. Jackie found a great location, but they are requesting that she send her personal information over the internet. What should Jackie do?

A) Ignore the request and not enter any personal information.
B)Provide only her name and date of birth.
C) Provide only her name and address.
D) Provide the requested information.






She is going to get scam


A) Ignore the request and not enter any personal information


I just took the exam and I got this question right

Describe how checksum detects errors​



For error detection by checksums, data is divided into fixed sized frames or segments. Sender's End − The sender adds the segments using 1's complement arithmetic to get the sum. It then complements the sum to get the checksum and sends it along with the data frames.

What validation type would you use to check that numbers fell within a certain range? a) range check b)presence check c)check digit d)consistency check



a) range check


Validation can be defined as an automatic computer check that is designed to ensure any data entered is sensible, consistent, feasible and reasonable.

Basically, there are five (5) main validation methods and these includes;

I. Presence check: checks that the user enters (inputs) data into the field. It ensures a field isn't accidentally left blank.

II. Length check: checks that the data entered isn't too short or too long. It ensures that the data meets the minimum characters.

III. Type check: checks that the data entered is in the right format. For example, string, integer, float, etc.

IV. Check digit: checks that the digit entered is acceptable and consistent with the rest of the digits.

V. Range check: checks that the data entered is between the accepted lower (minimum) and upper (maximum) level.

Hence, range check is a validation type you would use to check that numbers fell within a certain range.

For example, 0 < x > 1000 is a range check.

Which software documentation guideline did the IEEE establish?
Avoid spelling errors.
A glossary should be present to define technical terms and acronyms.
The font has to be in black.
Documents should not have page numbers.





I am big brain

The following statements describe the use of graphics in presentations.

Graphics should be large enough to be seen by the audience.
Graphics should be used on every slide.
Graphics should be used when they are relevant to the content.
Many graphics will make a boring presentation interesting.

Select all that apply



I. Graphics should be large enough to be seen by the audience.

II. Graphics should be used when they are relevant to the content.


Presentation can be defined as an act of talking or speaking formally to an audience in order to explain an idea, piece of work, project, and product with the aid of multimedia resources, slides or samples.

PowerPoint application refers to a software application or program designed and developed by Microsoft, to avail users the ability to graphically create various slides containing textual and multimedia informations that can be used during a presentation.

Some of the features available on Microsoft PowerPoint are narrations, transition effects, custom slideshows, animation effects, formatting options etc.

Hence, the following statements describe the use of graphics in presentations;

I. Graphics should be large enough to be seen by the audience.

II. Graphics should be used when they are relevant to the content.


I. Graphics should be large enough to be seen by the audience.

II. Graphics should be used when they are relevant to the content.


what if the result of conectivity testing is 100%Loss?Explain.​



If you have a 100% packet loss, it means that all packets get lost between certain hops on your connection. Which, in turn, renders you unable to reach the destination server

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